Classwork Saving The Tiger

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8 Saving the Tiger

I. Write the meaning for the following words and frame sentence:

1. diligently – carefully, with great effort

Sentence – They worked diligently on the task they had been given.

2. thriving - flourishing; growing well

Sentence – She runs a thriving grocery business.

3. periphery – border

Sentence – Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site.

4. scarce – limited

Sentence – Many natural materials are becoming scarce.

5. efficacy – effectiveness; success

Sentence – Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier


6. habitat – place where a particular type of animal is normally found

Sentence – Development is destroying the animal’s native habitat.

7. rapport – a good understanding

Sentence – She has an excellent rapport with her staff.

II. Write the opposite for the following words:

1. expand x contract

2. destruction x restoration
3. scarce x abundant

4. thriving x failing

5. adaptable x inflexible

6. entirely x partly

III. Answer the following:

1. “India’s forests can easily support 3000 more tigers in the country if
we do the right things.” Who believes this? What are the right things
that they talk about?

Ans: Dr Ulhas Karanth, a leading tiger expert in India, believes this.

According to him, ‘the right things’ require us to understand what tigers
need to survive and to take action to remove the threats that they face.

2. What are foot patrols? Why are they important?

Ans: Foot patrols are conducted by forest guards who patrol forests on
foot, checking for human intruders, snares and traps. Foot patrols can
help find intrusions by leading people to where the intrusions / traps
may be.

3. “This kind of cooperation is vital”. Between whom should this

cooperation take place and in what form? What makes it vital?

Ans: This cooperation should take place between the government and
the common people, especially with the local people living on the edges
of the reserves, in the form of a friendly relationship so as to track and
catch poachers. It is vital because India’s wildlife treasures belong to all

of us.
4. What are some of the effective measures that we can adopt to
protect tiger population in India? How do they benefit us?

Ans: Tigers can thrive in a wide variety of natural habitat and climatic
conditions. So it becomes easy for us to find shelter for them and
protect them. We need to ensure that their habitat is undisturbed and
there is plenty of prey for them and Nature will do the rest. This would
also help other wild animals which share the tiger’s habitat. By saving
the tiger’s habitat, we also benefit because over 300 rivers originate
from forests that are now protected for the sake of the tiger. These
rivers help in growing crops and also provide water for our day-to-day

5.Why are wild animals still endangered despite having good wildlife
laws in India?

Ans: Despite India having excellent wildlife laws that prohibit killing of
almost all wild animals, severe poaching is taking place. This is because
the laws are not enforced diligently, as many states do not consider
protection of wild animals important. Most of the products derived
from wild animals are of a highly profitable nature. So it is very
important that all states take necessary measures, at the right time, to
protect these animals.

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