Multiple Choices (Be-Do-Does-Can-Ing-Thereis-Are-Clothes-Possessive Adj and Pronoun)

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Elija la respuesta correcta entre las disponibles.

I a car.

Hello, Tim. It nice to meet you.

I live New York.

The students classes today.

The boy a bicycle.

Thomas football.

The dog and the cat with Mary.

Mary a cat and a dog.

They in Boston.

You hockey.

Exercise 2

Complete los recuadros con las conjugaciones del verbo TO BE.

My name James.

Mary the secretary.

John and Lucy at school.

I a student.

The boys in the garden.

He a lawyer.

Susie a housewife.

She a student.

They my friends.

You a student.

Exercise 2

Elija la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Do you play tennis?

Yes, I do.

Yes, I am.

Does she play tennis?

Yes, she do.

Yes, she does.

Is he a lawyer?

No, he isn't.
No, he don't.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I do.

Yes, I am.

Does he go to school?

No, he does not.

No, he don't.

Is Marvin a doctor?

Yes, he does.

Yes, he is.

Are you a student?

Yes, you are.

Yes, I am.

Does she speak English?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she do.

Do you work?

Yes, I am.

No, I don't.

Does she play golf?

No, she is not.

Yes, she does.

Exercise 4

Complete los recuadros con There is o There are.

This is my flat.

two bedrooms and a living-room.

also a kitchen.

a bathroom.

In the living-room six chairs and a sofa.

also a big table.

a clock on the wall.

a lamp.

And a shelf full of books.

Exercise 2

Elija la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Do you live in London?

Yes, I do.

Yes, I am.

Does she usually go to the cinema?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she do.

Where do you live?

I live in Manchester.

Yes, I do.

Does he always get up at seven?

Yes, he do.

Yes, he does.

Does Peter go to school everyday?

No, he does not.

No, he don't.

How often do you play football?

I play football everyday.

Yes, I do.

Do you often take the train?

Yes, I am.

Yes, I do.

Does your mother live in Houston?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she do.

Do you usually go to the theatre?

Yes, he goes.

No, I don't.

Does Anna study English?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she is.

Exercise 1

Complete los recuadros con las respuestas correctas. Entre paréntesis se indica el verbo que se debe

What is she doing?

She (read) a book.

What is she doing?

She (have) a drink.

What are they doing?

They (dance)
What is he doing?

He (write) a letter.

What is he doing?

He (work)

What are they doing?

They (watch) the eclipse.

Exercise 2

Complete los recuadros con los meses del año que correspondan.

On 1st we celebrate New Year.

St Valentine's Day is on 14th

In England the Summer starts on 21st

The fourth month of the year is

We celebrate Christmas on 25th

In the USA they celebrate Independence Day on 4th

In England the Spring starts on 21st

In South America the Spring starts on 21st

Exercise 3

Elija la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Is Brian reading a book?

Yes, he does.

Yes, he is.

What is Brian reading?

He's reading a magazine.

Yes, he does.

Is Susan writing a poem?

No, she is not.

Yes, she does.

Is this your book?

Yes, it's my book.

Yes, it's your book.

Is your brother playing hockey?

Yes, he is.

Yes, she is.

Does your nephew go to school?

Yes, he does.

Yes, she does.

What is your father doing?

He's working.

Yes, he is.

Is your aunt studying English?

No, he isn't.

No, she isn't.

What are you doing?

I'm studying English.

You're studying English.

Is your sister using your computer?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she is.

Exercise 2

Reescriba las siguientes oraciones en su forma negativa. Respete las mayúsculas, minúsculas y signos
de puntuación. Use las formas cortas de los verbos siempre que sea posible.

I can drive.
Lisa is very intelligent.

You can go.

I'm having dinner.

Thomas is wearing a hat.

That tie matches your trousers.

This sweater suits you.

They can stay and watch TV.

It is very cold here.

Exercise 3

Elija la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Can you drive?

Yes, I do.

Yes, I can.

Can I try this shirt on?

Yes, you can.

Yes, you are.

Can this computer do my homework?

No, you can't.

No, it can't.

Can I help you?

Yes, please.

Yes, I can.

Can you help me?

Yes, you are.

Yes, I can.

Can I go to the toilette?

No, you can't.

Yes, I can.

Can Sheila stay at home?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she can.

Can I go to the cinema?

No, you can't.

No, you don't.

Exercise 3

Elija la opción más adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Is there any milk?

Yes, there is.

Yes, there are.

How many people are there in the cinema?

There are two hundred people.

There is two hundred people.

How much bread is there?

No, there is not.

There is a kilo.

How much sugar do you need?

Yes, I do.

One kilo.

Are you going to study French?

Yes, you are.

Yes, I am.

Are you going to play this game?

Yes, we are going to play this game.

Yes, she is going to play this game.

How much money do you have?

I have one dollar.

Yes, there is.

Is Jennifer going to have breakfast?

No, she isn't.

No, she doesn't.

What are you going to do?

I'm sleeping.
I'm going to sleep.

Is your brother sleeping?

Yes, he is going to sleep.

Yes, he is.

Exercise 2

Elija la respuesta correcta entre las disponibles.

I don't go to school Sunday.

Christmas is December 25th.

August I'm going to travel to New York.

Paul and Karen went to Paris 1994.

He likes reading the newspaper Sundays.

Jane has gym classes Mondays.

The train leaves 10:15.

The train leaves fifteen minutes.

I started to work here September 1997.

Where were you 1997?

Possessive Adjectives: my - your - his - her - its - our - your - their

Possessive Pronouns: mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours - theirs

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit friends tomorrow.

2. He usually goes to England for holidays.

3. Sheila is buying a present for mother.

4. We are living in new home.

5. This is their car. It's .

6. This is my computer. It's .

7. You received a letter from brothers.

8. The dog has own place here.

9. This is his telephone. It's .

10. Monica and Sheila will meet parents.

Possessive Adjectives: my - your - his - her - its - our - your - their

Possessive Pronouns: mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours - theirs

1. My friend John has a new dog, old dog died last week.

2. Mary hates when somebody touches car.

3. The students must bring certificates tomorrow.

4. Harry Potter has learned how to use wand.

5. Be careful, your cat is annoying neighbours.

6. Don't use Martin's cup! It's !

7. Sharon has three sisters. youngest sister lives in Spain.

8. The house where they live is not . They are renting it.

9. Can I use your chair? My chair is smaller than .

10. Susan will visit friends when she goes to England.


En esta parte podrá aplicar lo aprendido, practicar y comprobar que recuerda el vocabulario relativo a la
vestimenta. Si comete errores, se recomienda repasar el tema y volver a realizar el ejercicio.

Complete los recuadros con los nombres de las prendas de vestir.

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