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0806 手机年龄限制

Doctor Smith

This week we covered different parenting styles. One idea we discussed was how much
independence and freedom we should give our children, especially young children. One
related issue is whether there should be an age limit on when children can have mobile
phones. In this discussion post, I would like you to discuss whether you agree or disagree
with the idea of setting a minimum age for when children can have a mobile phone. Explain
your opinion.


I totally agree with the idea of not giving children phones before they reach a certain age,
let's say ten years or so. I believe children younger than ten are not yet ready to deal with
the world that comes with mobile phones, as it can put them in harm's way.


Honestly, I am against the idea of restricting mobile phone access for young children. I
believe mobile phones can help children communicate with their parents if they need their
help for an urgent matter when they are away from their parents at school or elsewhere.
Maybe companies can invent a special kind of mobile phone that is somehow kid friendly.

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