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Department: Mechatronics Spring 2024

Course Title: Turbo-Machines Instructors: Dr. Wafaa Mostafa

Course Code: ME441
Sheet 8
Problem 1

a) State the difference between Diffuser and Nozzle devices from the point of view of
area, velocity and pressure increase.
b) State the main components of a centrifugal compressor.
c) State the main function of the impeller and the diffuser in a centrifugal compressor.

Problem 2

A single-sided centrifugal compressor has the following data:

Inlet stagnation pressure = 110 kPa Inlet stagnation Temperature = 300 K

Mass flow rate = 8 kg/s Inlet density = 1.217 3
Compressor Isentropic efficiency = 0.85 Power input factor = 1.04
Impeller outlet diameter = 0.52 m Induced tip diameter = 0.36 m
Induced hub diameter = 0.18 m Impeller exit velocity = 449.67 m/s

Assuming that impeller outlet radial velocity equals the inlet axial velocity and that half of the
losses occur in the impeller, assume axial inlet and radial output.

Calculate: 1- Axial velocity at impeller exit

2- The compressor pressure ratio
3- The width of the impeller at outlet

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