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I. Learning Competency and Objectives

 Solves routine and non-routine problems involving volumes of cylinder, cone and sphere.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. determine the formula in getting the area of a triangle, parallelogram and
2. find the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezoid;
3. appreciate the importance of cooperating in solving the area of a triangle,
parallelogram and trapezoid and properly observe the health protocols in the new
normal classes.
1. determine the formula in getting the area of a triangle, parallelogram and
2. find the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezoid;
3. appreciate the importance of cooperating in solving the area of a triangle,
parallelogram and trapezoid and properly observe the health protocols in the new
normal classes.
 Calculate the volume of cylinders, cone and sphere accurately using the formula;
 Determine the volume of cylinder, cone ans sphere using the steps in solving problem involving the
measurement of volume; and
 Develop appreciation in recognizing the importance of volume calculations in real-world

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measurement
Subject: Mathematics 6
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Visual Aids
Reference: K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
Values Integration: Understanding the importance of precision and accuracy in measurements
Learning Strategy/Approach: Cooperative learning, problem-solving.

III. Learning Procedure (5E’s Model)

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities


Good morning, class. Good morning, teacher!

Let us have an opening prayer first before

we start our lesson. May I ask Anna to lead Anna will lead the prayer.
us the opening prayer?

“O, Jesus. Please be with us as we start our

day at school today. Make this day joyful
and bless our friends, teachers, and parents
who care for us. In Jesus, we pray, amen.”

Now I request everyone to arrange your

chairs and make sure you are in line with (The learners will participate)
the seats in front of you.

Is anyone absent from the class today? No, teacher!

That’s good! Give yourselves a round of (The learners will clap their hands)

Motivation (Drill):
Before we start our lesson, lets have an
activity first. I need 5 representatives, who
wants to volunteer? (The learners raised their hands)

Alright! I request the 5 to come here in front. (The representatives went to the front of the
Thank you! This activity is called “Mental
Computation Drill” in which you multiply
fractions and whole numbers.

I have here 5 charts with problems in it for

you to solve. Am I clear? Yes, teacher!

Good! The first to finish will receive a

reward. Let’s start! (The learners start answering)

Multiplying Fractions and Whole

¼ x 8 x 10
75 x 8
50 x 7
1/5 x 6

(Once the learners are done answering, the

teacher will discuss the answers briefly.)

Alright! Now let’s have a review on our

lesson yesterday.

(The teacher will present the chart for the

review activity)

So, what you will do is you will match the

formula to the name and picture of the solid
figure. Raise your hand if you want to
answer, class. (Those who wants to answer, raise their

Very good! Let us check your answers.

(After checking)

Teacher is very happy that you still

remember our lesson yesterday.

Alright now, let’s have a game! I will group

you into 4 groups. Then, I will give each
group flashcards with a set of steps in
solving problems. What you need to do is to
arrange the steps in correct order. And
paste it on the chart I provided with
numbers, am I clear? Yes, teacher!

Very good! Now, let’s start! (The learners start answering)

What operation is needed to solve the Possible Answers:

problem? 1. What is being asked?
What is the correct number sentence? 2. What are the given facts?
What are the given facts? 3. What is the correct number sentence?
Write the solution with correct label. 4. What operation is needed to solve the
What is being asked? problem?
5. Write the solution with correct label.

(After the game, the teacher will present

another activity)

News Report (Class Group Activity)

May I request someone to read the report

on the TV screen? Me, teacher!

Quezon City – an electric post, 150 cm
long with radius 15 cm, was hit by a truck
yesterday at 4:30 a.m. This caused a two-
hour brownout in the area. The driver, Mr.
Luis Mercado, and his friend, Mr. Mark
Fernando, were rushed to the nearby
hospital. Luckily, they just had mild
contusions and minor bruises. The two
were being questioned as to the cause of
the accident – Ruby Hilario.

What was the news all about? The news is about an accident in Quezon
City where a truck hit an electric post,
causing a two-hour brownout and minor
injuries to the driver and his friend.
Correct! How can we avoid accidents of any
form? Always be attentive and focused while
driving, teacher, and adhere to all traffic laws
and regulations.

Indeed! Now, what kind of solid figure is An electric post, teacher. An electric post,
given in the news? Can you read that part. 150 cm long with radius 15 cm.

Now, let us use the electric post to solve a


I will group you into 5 and answer the

following problem on your notebook.
Find the volume of the electric post, 150 cm
long with radius15 cm,that was hit by a Possible Answer:
A) Analysis of the problem: Answer: Volume of cylinder
What are the given facts?
(Draw or illustrate the electric post using the
given facts)
What are we looking for in the problem?
Identify the figure.
What is the operation to be used?
Write the formula to find the volume of the
given solid figure.
What is the number sentence?
Write the solution with correct label.

(After answering, the teacher will check their

answers and discuss)

Did you get the correct answer? Yes, teacher!

That’s awesome!


(The teacher will present another sample

problem to the class)

Answer this on your notebook.

A spherical tank for natural gas has a radius

of 7 meters. About how many cubic meters
of natural gas can it hold?
 Use π = 22/7
 Round your answer to the nearest

Follow this format in answering:

What is asked?
What are the given facts?
B.Plan. (Learners answer may vary)
Which formula(s) shall we use to solve the
Show your computation.
Go back to your computation. Check if the
given dimensions are properly substituted to
the formula.
Check the flow of your computation.

After answering, I will ask someone to

explain their answer in front of the class.
You can start now.

Are you done, class? Yes, teacher!

Pass your papers to the front now. (The learners pass their papers)
(The teacher will ask someone to explain
their answer in front of the class and then
the teacher will correct and discuss their

Alright, class! So, we solve word problems

involving measurement of volume by
following the steps in solving word problems
involving measurement of volume:
A. Know and understand the problem,
1. What is asked? (The learners listen to the discussion)
2. What are given?
3. What is the word clue and operation to be
B. Plan for the solution.
1. What is the number sentence?
C. Carry out the plan.
1. Solve the number sentence.
2. What is the answer?
D. Look back and check.

If you’ve noticed, we have used this steps in

solving the sample problems I have
presented to you today. It is very important
for us to learn and remember this steps
because it will allow us to better answer the
problem. This steps are the process we
need to follow. Did you get me, class? Yes, teacher!

Very good!


Pair Activity. Worksheets.

Analyze the problem and study the answers

to the questions.
1.)Find the volume of a ball with a diameter
of 112 cm.
a. What is asked?
b. What are given?
c. What operation is to be used?
d. What is the number sentence?
e. What is the solution?
f. What is the answer? (Learners answer may vary)

2.)A cylinder has a radius of 8 cm. and a

height of 20 cm. What is its volume?
1. The problem asked for is ___
2. The given are ____
3. The number sentence is ___
4. The answer is ____

3.)A cone has a radius of 10 m and a height

of 18 meters. Find its volume.
a. What is asked?
b. What are given?
c. What operation is to be used?
d. What is the number sentence?
e. What is the solution?
f. What is the answer?


Group Activity: On a one whole sheet of

paper, solve the following problems and
answer the ff. questions.

1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What operation will be used?
4. What is the number sentence? (Learners answers may vary)
5. What is the solution?
6. What is the answer?

1.Peter has a cylinder shaped can. If the

can measures 30 cm.
high and has a radius of 10 cm. how much
water can it hold?
2.An ice cream cone has a diameter of 32
mm. and a height of 45 mm. What is its
3.Find the volume of a volleyball that has a
radius of 4 ½ decimeters. Use 22/7 for π.

IV. Evaluation
(Worksheets) Solve the ff. problems:
1. A cone hat has a radius of 1.2 dm and a height of 3.4 dm. What is its volume?
2. Harold is molding a cylindrical candle with a diameter of 12 cm and a height of 18 cm. About how
much wax does Harold need to mold the candle?
3. A volleyball has a radius of 5.2 decimeters. What is its volume? Use 22/7 for π.
4. A cone-shaped paper cup has a radius of 4.2 cm and a height of 9 cm. How many cm3 of water can it
5. A water tank has an interior height of 10 metres and a diameter of 6 m. What is the volume in cubic
metres. How many litres of water can it hold half-full?

V. Assignment/Reflection/Enrichment

On your activity notebook, analyze then solve the following problems:

1. A conical tent has a base of 45.7dm in diameter and a height of 24.8dm. What is the volume
of the air that it holds?
2. A milk can has a height of 12 cm and a radius of 3.5 cm. What is its volume? Find the volume
of a pipe with a height of 1.5 m and a diameter of 0.18 m.

Prepared by:

Morales, Mitchiel A,

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