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7 Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance Schedule
The Powerfuge Pilot is a low maintenance system. Following the instructions
and precautions in this manual should ensure long term, trouble-free service.

O-Rings and Gaskets
Lightly lubricate each O-Ring and gasket when reinstalling or re-assembling
the Centrifuge Parts and Piping Connections. Use only USDA-compatible
silicone grease. O-Rings and gaskets should be replaced yearly.

CAUTION: The customer is responsible for checking, maintaining

and replacing all customer-serviceable O-Rings and gaskets on
the Powerfuge® Pilot and any attached or related equipment.

EPDM gaskets and O-Rings are adversely affected by hydro-

carbon (normal) based lubricants. For longest life, use only USDA-
approved silicone-based lubricants, such as Bel-Ray No-Tox.

WARNING: Unplug the machine before performing any

maintenance activities.

Bowl Hub & Bowl Threads

These two mating threaded parts require maintenance when reassembling.
Wash the threads of both parts with detergent, dry wtih a lintless cloth, and
relubricate the Bowl Hub threads and the Bowl threads with fresh, clean
USDA H-1 Food Machinery Lubricant compound before reassembly.

Drive Belt—Checking Wear & Tension

Check the tension of the Drive Belt monthly by inserting a blunt object, such
as the eraser end of a pencil, into the Drive Belt Access Port and up against
the Belt. (See Figure 2-1 in Chapter 2.) Under moderate pressure, the Belt
should be able to “travel” 1/4"–1/2". If travel exceeds 5/8", adjust the Belt
Tension according to the procedure later in this Section.

Check Drive Belt every 6 months for signs of excessive or unusual wear.
Replace the Belt when it is visibly worn. Follow the procedure below when
replacing the Drive Belt.

1. Remove both the front and rear Access Covers on the Pilot Frame.

Figure 6-1. (left)

Removing the Front
Frame Access Cover

2. Mark the exact location of the Motor Base Plate on the Frame.

3. Loosen the 4 bolts securing the Motor Base Plate to the Frame and then
push the Motor and Base Plate toward the front of the Centrifuge.

Figure 6-2. (right)

Loosening Motor Base
Plate Bolts

Motor Base

61-80-0009-01 Rev. F

4. The Drive Belt may now be easily removed from the Pulleys.

5. To install the Drive Belt, loop the Belt around the Motor and Spindle
Pulleys and then push the Motor Base Plate back into position, according
to the marks made earlier. Rotate the Spindle several times and check
that the Drive Belt is fully engaged around both Pulleys.

6. Snug up the 4 bolts securing the Base Plate to the Frame and then
check the Belt tension according to the procedure described earlier in
this Section. Make further adjustments as necessary.

7. Tighten the Base Plate bolts and replace the Access Covers.

Required Bowl Safety Inspection

Baseline inspections are performed on all new Powerfuge bowls prior to
shipment. The latest design practice also requires periodic in-service

The Pilot Bowl is designed to operate at a separating force of up to 20,000

x G (design speed of 15,325 RPM) with a solids load of 1.5 specific gravity
or less. To ensure the continued safety of your system, we require that your
bowl be reinspected every 10,000 cycles of operation. A Powerfuge cycle
is defined as acceleration to operating speed, followed by run time at speed
and deceleration to a full stop.

Please contact the CARR Powerfuge Systems Service Department to

schedule the next inspection before the above mentioned interval has
lapsed. Also, if the solids bulk density of your application increases above
1.5 in the future, call CARR for a revised speed rating.

Vapor Filter (Vacuum Option only)

A disposable .2 micron Filter is attached to the Vacuum Vessel to protect
the operator from aerosols that may be present during the separation
process. This Filter should be replaced according to frequency of use and/
or the nature of the material being separated.

61-80-0009-01 Rev. F

Spindle Replacement
Call CARR Powerfuge Systems for instructions to replace the Spindle.

Transporting the Pilot

Use the original factory box when shipping the Pilot.

CAUTION: When shipping the Pilot, always remove the Bowl or

the Spindle Bearings will be damaged.

61-80-0009-01 Rev. F
Pilot T
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Kendro Laboratory Products, L.P.
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Manual Name: Pilot, 61-80-0009 Rev. F Date:

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