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This study aims to investigate stress levels and coping strategies among Special Needs
Education (SNED) elementary teachers. The process involves preparing a formal request
letter, coordinating with the HR department, and collecting data. A survey questionnaire is
developed to measure stress levels and coping strategies, which is administered to teachers
in person. Qualitative data is collected through semi-structured interviews with SNED
teachers, using open-ended questions to explore personal experiences and effective coping
mechanisms. Data analysis is performed using statistical techniques such as descriptive
statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to identify patterns and relationships.
Thematic analysis or content analysis is used to identify recurring themes and patterns
related to stress and coping strategies. The integration of quantitative and qualitative
findings is done by comparing and contrasting the findings to gain a comprehensive
understanding. The findings are then compiled into a comprehensive research report,
providing recommendations for educational institutions and policymakers. The findings are
then presented to relevant stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers,
policymakers, and educational researchers. The findings are published in academic journals
or presented at conferences to contribute to the field of special education and teacher well-
being. This systematic procedure allows for the systematic gathering of both quantitative and
qualitative data to explore stress levels and coping strategies among SNED elementary



Confidentiality is a critical aspect of research involving SNED elementary teachers. To

ensure this, researchers should obtain informed consent, protect participants' identities using
codes or pseudonyms, securely store data, limit access to authorized researchers, avoid
sharing identifiable information, establish confidentiality agreements, handle sensitive
information with care, seek approval from institutional review boards, establish data retention
and disposal policies, provide participant support, and continuously monitor data collection
and handling procedures. By prioritizing confidentiality and implementing these ethical
considerations, researchers can uphold the rights and privacy of SNED elementary teachers
involved in the study.

Informed Consent and Ethical Approval

Research involving SNED elementary teachers requires careful consideration of ethical

standards. Informed consent involves providing detailed information about the study's
purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits, ensuring participants understand their voluntary
participation, and using clear language. Written consent is obtained from participants or their
legal guardians, and confidentiality is respected. Ethical approval involves seeking approval
from relevant institutions, submitting a detailed research protocol, adhering to ethical
principles, addressing potential risks, and considering cultural sensitivity. Continuous ethical
oversight is essential to ensure the well-being of SNED teachers and improve educational

To ensure anonymity and confidentiality for SNED elementary teachers, researchers must
obtain informed consent, store collected data securely, use coding to anonymize responses,
aggregate data to prevent identification, handle sensitive information with care, obtain
approval from an institutional review board or ethics committee before conducting the
research, and provide participant support if they express distress or discomfort. These
ethical considerations ensure the confidentiality and privacy of participants, protect their
rights, and uphold ethical standards. Participants should be able to withdraw at any time
without consequences, and data should be anonymized using coding or pseudonyms. Data
should be reported using general terms rather than specific demographic characteristics or
personal details. Participants should also receive support services if they express distress or
discomfort during the research process. By prioritizing anonymity and confidentiality,
researchers can uphold ethical standards and protect the rights and well-being of SNED
elementary teachers.

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