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→ the poem is about the experience of crossing Westminster Bridge early in the
morning and seeing the calmness and beauty of the city of london.
→ the poem describes the city in a very positive way, communicating its power and
→ the persona in the poem reflecting on the perfection of the city; a very urban
→ expresses beliefs that there is nothing on earth more beautiful than the city in the
→ expresses that only a dull person would not be able to enjoy such a resplendent sight
→ he is in awe of the calmness of the city in the morning
→ a sonnet praising the beauty of london and comparing it favourably to the wonders of

→ about the poet |

- William Wordsworth was a leading figure in the romantic movement in Britain
- His poetry generally focused on nature and man’s relationship with the natural
environment; nature and rural or urban landscapes
- Many of his poems are focused on the landscapes of the Lake District, paying
particular attention to the power of nature and the ordinary people living and
working on the land
→ romanticism:
- His poetry focuses on the feelings and emotions, often provokes by
interacting w/ nature
- Other aspects of romantic poetry are creativity and a less formal approach
to the compositions of the poems

Earth has not any thing to show more fair:

Dull would he be of soul who could pass by → assonance ‘o’ sound
A sight so touching in its majesty: → these two lines are reflective of people’s
This City now doth, like a garment, wear attitudes to the landscape
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie → consonance ‘s’ sound
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.


- “Earth has not any thing to show more fair:'' this line expresses that the view of
the city is a rival for anything naturally occurring; a hyperbole.
- “Dull would he be of soul who could pass by/ A sight so touching in its majesty:”
this line shows of how the poet is dismissive of anyone who doesn’t see things as
he does
→ he describes anyone who is not moved by the scene presented in the poem
as “Dull...of the soul”
→ the use of the word ‘majesty’ suggests the strength or power of the city, like a
monarch or a lion; in awe of the power being experienced; regal in splendour
- “This City now doth, like a garment wear” he writes of the city wearing clothes, as
if the city consciously clothed itself in nature. This is a personification used to
create the sense that the city acts like a living creature.
- “The beauty of the morning; silent, bare.” imagery used to express the calmness
and stillness of a beautiful and tranquil London morning
- “Open unto the fields, and to the sky;” imagery; the light and warmth of the sun
touches everything.
- “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.” imagery; bright and glittering
suggest a magical view of the city; the smokeless air as the city is not yet awake
(smoke from factories and chimneys, car exhausts etc.) the smokeless air
proposing ideas of this occasion of London’s view is exceptional; that this
‘majesty’ is usually hidden by the smoke
→ the city has a stillness and a calm which the speaker claims cannot be
bettered by nature.
→ celebrates the size and beauty of the city’ in awe of its appearance in the early
morning sunlight; the language used ascertaining the speaker's attitude to the
sight before him

Never did sun more beautifully steep

In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill; → consonance ‘l’ sound
Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!


- “Never did the sun more beautifully steep… Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so
deep!” Negative language used creates the impression that the city is superior to
nature; that London is the pinnacle of nature
- “The river glideth at his own sweet will:” The river is personified, moving calmly
and with full control through the city. It is presented as if it is incapable of being
restricted or controlled by anyone.
- “Dear God!” this exclamation indicates the power of this experience; the reaction
to what he encounters reveals a powerful spiritual effect; acknowledges God’s
- The final lines of the poem offer a strong sense of the potential the speaker sees
in the city. It is as if it is a great beast which is resting, implying that soon it will be
transformed upon waking.
→ “And all that mighty heart is lying still!” When in a state of stillness, it’s a
powerful and beautiful sight, when awakened what will it look like? Something
more resplendent? London is the heart of the country
- There are no people described in the poem other than the speaker, suggesting
that even cities can offer the space to reflect on one’s reaction to the
environment, an important element of Romantic poetry.

→ structure |
- A sonnet; commonly associated with love poetry; reflects wordsworth’s feeling for
his subject matter
- Tendencies to have 14 lines and a regular rhyme scheme
→ this poem does follow this structure, but not strictly; characteristic of romantic
poets to reject the confines of a predetermined structure
- The poet delays revealing the subject of the poem until the fourth line; he creates
anticipation within the reader using this technique; reflective of the speaker’s
realisation of the scene before him.
→ mood |
- The mood is pensive or thoughtful as the persona expresses his thoughts and
reaction to the city view

→ tone |
- The tone is one of awe

→ themes |
- Nature
- Romance
- Places
- Man vs. nature
- amazement

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