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AC antecubital (L/R) CVAT costovertebral angle tenderness
a.c. before meals A befo e C o CXR chest x-ray
before meals
ADL activities of daily living basic D
activities we perform every day to live d/c discharge/discontinue
independently DM diabetes mellitus NIDDM non-
aeb as evidenced by used in writing insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (Type 2)
nursing diagnosis & IDDM insulin dependent diabetes
AFIB atrial fibrillation heart rhythm mellitus (Type 1)
AMA against medical advice DNR do not resuscitate
AMS altered mental status DOB date of birth
DVT deep vein thrombosis blood clot
B Dx diagnosis
b.i.d. twice a day Bi means two so I
think twice E
BM bowel movement EC enteric coated
BP blood pressure EEG electroencephalogram evaluate
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia electrical activity in the brain
BPM beats per minutes EKG/ECG electrocardiogram evaluate
electrical activity in the heart
CABG coronary artery bypass graft F
p ono nced cabbage FA forearm
CBC complete blood count Fx fracture like c o ing o a bone
CC chief complain or breaking it
CHF congestive heart failure
CKD chronic kidney disease G
CNS central nervous system GFR glomerular filtration rate
CO cardiac output GI gastrointestinal
c/o complains of GSW gunshot wound
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary GT gastrostomy tube
disorder gtt drops (liquid measurement)
CP chest pain GTT glucose tolerance test (oral)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid GU genitourinary
c/s cesarean section
CTA clear to auscultation
CVA cerebrovascular accident stroke
HA headache N/V/D nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Hb hemoglobin O no/none
HLD hyperlipidemia
HPI history of present illness O
HR heartrate OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
HS bedtime ho of leep OCP oral contraceptive
HTN hypertension OD right eye e look igh FIRST ( D
Hx history comes first)
OS left eye e look lef SECOND ( S
I comes second)
IBD irritable bowel disease OSA obstructive sleep apnea
IBS irritable bowel syndrome OTC over the counter
ICP intracranial pressure OT occupational therapy
I&D incision and drainage OU both eyes then we look both ways
ID intradermal ( U come la )
IM intramuscular
I&O intake and output (urine) P
IUP intrauterine pregnancy p.c. after meals we play our PC video
IV intravenous games after we eat our food
IVP intravenous push PCN penicillin
PCP primary care physician
J PE pulmonary embolism
JVD jugular vein distention PEEP positive-end-expiratory pressure
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
L PMHx past medical history
PMS premenstrual syndrome
LBW low birth weight
LE lower extremity
PNS peripheral nervous system
LLL left lower lobe
PO per os (by mouth)
LLQ left lower quadrant
PRN as needed
LUL left upper lobe
PSHx past surgical history
LV left ventricle
Pt patient
PT physical
MD muscular dystrophy
MDD maximum daily dose
q every
MS multiple sclerosis
q2h every two hours
MVA motor vehicle accident
q3h every three hours
qd once a day
N qh once every hour
NKDA no known drug allergies qhs at bedtime
NPO nothing per os (by mouth) q.i.d 4x/day Q fo ad
NTG nitroglycerine
RA rheumatoid arthritis WBC white blood cell
RA right atrium WNL within normal limits
RBBB right bundle branch block Wt weight
RBC red blood cell
RF risk factor
RLL right lower lobe
RRR regular rate and rhythm
r/t related to used in writing nursing
RUL right upper lobe
RV right ventricle
Rx prescription
RXN reaction

SBO small bowel obstruction
SOB shortness of breath
s/s signs and symptoms
STD sexually transmitted disease
s/t secondary to beca e of
Sx symptoms

Tb tuberculosis
TBI traumatic brain injury
t.i.d 3x/day T fo i
Tx treatment

UC ulcerative colitis
UE upper extremity
UO urine output
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection

VS vital signs
VSS vital signs stable

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