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Shahane Shein Sario BEED

Traditional & Alternative Assessment

Traditional assessments, alternative assessment techniques are becoming more and

more common in educational contexts. Alternative evaluations give students a variety of

options to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities, in contrast to traditional

assessments that usually rely on examinations and standardized tests. Projects,

portfolios, performances, presentations, and real-world simulations are a few examples

of these techniques. Teachers may more accurately test students' critical thinking,

creativity, problem-solving skills, and practical application of information by using

alternative assessments instead of only standard examinations.

The flexibility of alternative examinations to accommodate different learning styles and

strengths is one of their main advantages. Alternative assessments provide students the

chance to demonstrate their learning using a variety of media, while traditional exams

could benefit kids who are very good at memorizing and test-taking. Alternative

assessment approaches, for example, might help a student who does poorly on written

examinations but well on practical projects or oral presentations successfully

demonstrate their knowledge and abilities. By encouraging involvement and

engagement from a wider spectrum of students, this inclusive approach to evaluation

promotes equity in the learning environment.

Furthermore, alternate forms of assessment frequently encourage more in-depth

learning and information retention. Rather than merely memorizing information or

equations for an exam, students participate in tasks that demand them to utilize what

they have learned in real-world situations. As they work through real-world issues,

produce multimedia presentations, or work on research projects, students are actively

making connections between new material and what they already know. Unlike the rote

memorization sometimes associated with traditional evaluations, this active engagement

in the learning process promotes deeper comprehension and helps pupils retain

material over time.

Alternative Assessment Traditional Assessment

● Portfolios ● Quizzes
● Presentations ● One time based exam
● Reports ● Multiple choice test
● Performance Task ● Essays
● Problem-based assignments ● Body of knowledge is determined
● Project-based firs
● Critical Analysis ● Design the curriculum

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