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Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1 Ám chỉ imply - suggest - infer - deduce - refer - denote - 1-20
2 Ẩm ướt humid - wet - damp - soaked - moist - watery 1-20
3 Ảnh hưởng, tác động effect - influence - impact 1-20
4 Bằng cấp, chứng chỉ degree - diploma - license - certificate 1-20
5 Bằng chứng evidence - proof - testimony - testament 1-20
documentation - warrant
6 Bao gồm, gồm có include - contain - consist of - comprise 1-20
7 Bảo tồn, giữ preserve - conserve - maintain - store - reserve 1-20
8 Bắt buộc force - compel - oblige - constrain - impel - drive - 1-20
9 Bắt chước copy - imitate - mimic - forge - counterfeit - emulate 1-20
- replicate
10 Bên trong inner - inside - interior 1-20
11 Bệnh tật illness - ailment - disease 1-20
12 Bí mật, bí ẩn secret - mystery - obscurity 1-20
13 Bị thương, bị đau injure - wound - hurt - pain - ache - sprain - scar 1-20
14 Biển shore - coast - coastline - sea/ocean - beach - seaside 1-20
15 Biến mất disappear - vanish - evaporate - recede - fade - 1-20
16 Biến tượng, biểu ngữ emblem - logo - banner - motto - slogan - tag line 1-20
17 Biết ơn thankful - grateful - appreciative 1-20
18 Bình thường usual - ordinary - normal - customary 1-20
19 Bỏ qua, phớt lờ omit - overlook - ignore - neglect 1-20
20 Bối rối puzzled - baffled - confused - bewildered 1-20
embarrassed - dazed
21 Bóng shade - shadow 21-40
22 Bực tức annoyed - irritated - frustrated - fretful - indignant - 21-40
querulous - peevish - irritable - bad-tempered
23 Cá nhân personal - individual - private - single - separate 21-40
24 Cách thức way - method - approach - technique - means 21-40
25 Cải cách, cải tạo reform - improve - refine - rehabilitate - ameliorate - 21-40
revamp - reclaim
26 Cân bằng balance - equalize - level - match 21-40
27 Can thiệp, xen vào intervene - interfere - interrupt - intercede 21-40
28 Cảnh scenery - landscape - scene - sight 21-40
29 Cảnh giác watchful - alert - vigilant - cautious - wary - 21-40
30 Cặp couple - pair 21-40
31 Cấy, ghép transplant - implant - insert 21-40
32 Chăm sóc trẻ childcare - childrearing 21-40
33 Chào greet - bow - salute - welcome 21-40
34 Chất substance - material - fabric - stuff - matter - 21-40


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

35 Chết người fatal - mortal - deadly - lethal - terminal 21-40

36 Chỉ dẫn, hướng dẫn guidance - advice - direction - instruction - 21-40
37 Chỉ ra, cho thấy Show - demonstrate - indicate - prove 21-40
38 Chia tách divide - split - separate - fork 21-40
39 Chọn, Lựa chọn choose - select - pick - opt - decide – cherry - pick - 21-40
elect - appoint
40 Chữa cure - heal - treat 21-40
41 Chuyến đi tour - trip - journey - travel - outing - expedition - 41-60
excursion - picnic - voyage - cruise
42 Cơ bản elemental - fundamental - basic 41-60
43 Công việc work - job - career - profession - occupation - 41-60
44 Công bằng impartial - neutral - unbiased - objective - 41-60
disinterested - fair-minded
45 Cư dân inhabitant - dweller - resident - settler - local - 41-60
46 Cung cấp supply - provide - offer 41-60
47 Cười laugh - smile - giggle - chuckle - grin - smirk 41-60
48 Cuối cùng eventual - ultimate - last - final 41-60
49 Cướp, trộm rob - steal - burgle 41-60
50 Đặc biệt special - exceptional - especial - outstanding - 41-60
extraordinary - deluxe - notable
51 Đơn, độc nhất Unique - solo - only - individual - single 41-60
52 Đăng ký book - enroll - register 41-60
53 Đất earth - soil - land - ground 41-60
54 Đầu tiên, ban đầu first - initial - original - opening - introductory 41-60
55 Dấu vết trace - hint - mark - evidence 41-60
56 Đạt được accomplish - achieve - attain - fulfill - realize - 41-60
acquire - obtain - reach - gain
57 Đi go - come 41-60
58 Di cư migrate - emigrate 41-60
59 Điên mad - insane - crazy - demented 41-60
60 Diễn ra, xảy ra happen - occur - take place - come up - arise - strike 41-60
- turn out
61 Điều chỉnh, thay đổi modify - adjust - adapt - tailor - correct 61-80
62 Đoán, dự đoán (n) guess - prediction - diagnosis - forecast - estimation 61-80
63 Doanh thu, lợi nhuận earnings - revenue - profit - proceeds 61-80
64 Đối thủ opponent - adversary - rival – competitor - enemy - 61-80
65 Động cơ motor - engine 61-80
66 Đúng, chính xác correct - precise - true - exact - accurate 61-80
67 Đuổi, thả expel - eject - evict - dismiss - discharge - release 61-80
68 Đánh giá, kiểm tra judge - assess - evaluate - examine - review - 61-80
69 Đặc điểm feature - trait - characteristic 61-80
70 Em bé baby - infant - child - kid - toddler 61-80


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

71 Gần near - nearby - adjacent - close - neighboring - 61-80

72 Gầy, mảnh mai slim - slender - slight - thin - lean - skinny - frail - 61-80
73 Giả vờ pretend - pose - simulate - imitate 61-80
74 Giá, giá trị price - cost - value - worth 61-80
75 Giai đoạn span - period - phase - stint - duration - stage - 61-80
76 Giải trí leisure - recreation - entertainment - amusement - 61-80
relaxation - diversion
77 Giảm xuống decrease - decline - reduce - diminish - lower - 61-80
lessen - drop - deplete
78 Giết người homicide - killing - murder - assassination - 61-80
manslaughter - slaughter - massacre - execution
79 Giới hạn limit - confine - restrict - restrain - control 61-80
80 Giống nhau same - like - alike - identical 61-80
81 Gợi nhớ, nhớ evoke - reminisce - recall - remind - remember 81-100
82 Già, cũ old - elderly - aged - ancient - antique 81-100
83 Giàu có rich - wealthy - well-off - affluent - prosperous - 81-100
comfortable - flourishing
84 Giữa between - among - amid - middle 81-100
85 Ghen tỵ envious - jealous - enviable 81-100
86 Gợi ý suggestion - hint - indication - implication 81-100
87 Hộ tống, đi cùng accompany - escort - walk - convoy - convey - 81-100
88 Hoãn lại, làm chậm lại retard - delay - defer - slow - postpone - put off - 81-100
89 Hoc learn - study 81-100
90 Hỗn độn, lộn xộn chaos - turbulence - upheaval - disruption 81-100
91 Hợp suit - match - fit - go with 81-100
92 Huấn luyện, đào tạo train - coach - teach - educate 81-100
93 Hậu quả, kết quả result - consequence - outcome - repercussion 81-100
94 Hài lòng satisfied - pleased - fulfilled - content 81-100
95 Khả năng ability - capacity - possibility - probability - 81-100
likelihood - prospect
96 Khác biệt distinctive - distinct - distinguishable - distinguished 81-100
97 Khách customer - client - guest - passenger 81-100
98 Khích lệ encourage - inspire - motivate - stimulate - galvanize 81-100
99 Khiêm tốn modest - humble - unassuming - lowly 81-100
100 Khô cằn dry - barren - infertile - deserted - arid 81-100
101 Khiếp sợ dread - apprehension - terror - horror 101-120
102 Khó, khó khăn hard - tough - difficult - challenging - demanding - 101-120
problematic - troublesome
103 Khoảng trống seat - room - place - space 101-120
104 Khóc cry - weep - sob - wail - whimper 101-120
105 Không no - not - none - nope 101-120
106 Khủng hoảng, suy thoái downturn - recession - depression - crisis - 101-120


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

stagnation - calamity
107 Kì lạ, lạ lùng strange - odd - weird - bizarre - eerie - mysterious - 101-120
enigmatic - surreal
108 Kiểm soát control - rule - reign - dominate - govern - manage - 101-120
109 Kiểu, loại type - kind - form - genre - variety - category - sort 101-120
110 Lão luyện, có tay nghề skilled - skillful - expert 101-120
111 Lây nhiễm, truyền infectious - catching - contagious 101-120
112 Lễ kỉ niệm, nghi lễ celebration - ceremony - anniversary 101-120
113 Lý do reason - pretext - cause - excuse - explanation 101-120
114 Lịch sự politely - gracefully - decently 101-120
115 Liếc nhìn Glare - Glance - Gaze - Stare - Glimpse 101-120
116 Liên tiếp successive - consecutive - straight - sequential - 101-120
succeeding - continuous
117 Lo lắng worried - nervous - anxious - concerned - bothered - 101-120
stressed (out)
118 Loại bỏ remove - get rid of - eradicate - eliminate - delete - 101-120
119 Lỗi mistake - error - fault - defect - flaw - slip 101-120
120 Lừa gạt fool - trick - deceive - cheat - mislead - dupe 101-120
121 Luật sư, cố vấn Solicitor - Attorney - Advisor - Counsellor - Lawyer 121-140
122 Luật, quy tắc rule - law - norm - regulation - etiquette - principle 121-140
123 Lương, thu nhập income - salary - wage - pay - pension - dole - 121-140
124 Mệt tired - weary - exhausted - spent - fatigued - drained 121-140
- worn out - drowsy
125 Mỗi each - every 121-140
126 Một cách rõ ràng evidently - obviously - apparently - unequivocally - 121-140
unambiguously - indisputably
127 Mùi scent - perfume - fragrance - smell - aroma - odor - 121-140
stink - reek
128 Mục tiêu aim - goal - purpose - objective - target 121-140
129 Nghi ngờ, đáng ngờ doubtful - suspicious - skeptical - dubious 121-140
130 Ngạc nhiên shocked - astonished - amazed - surprised - startled - 121-140
stunned - taken aback - astounded
131 Ngăn cản, cản trở prevent - deter - impede - hinder - bar - block - 121-140
132 Nghe hear - listen 121-140
133 Người lính combatant - soldier - fighter - warrior - trooper 121-140
134 Người quản lý, người controller - manager - supervisor - regulator 121-140
giám sát
135 Người xem Spectator - Viewer - Audience - Onlooker 121-140
136 Nhà ở, chỗ ở accommodation - house - home - shelter - lodging 121-140
137 Nhận ra, công nhận Recognize - Realize - Identify - Acknowledge - 121-140
138 Nhanh quick - fast - rapid - swift 121-140


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

139 Nhìn look - watch - observe - gaze - stare - eye - monitor 121-140
140 Nhỏ small - little - undersized - minute - minor - trivial - 121-140
141 Nồng nhiệt ardent - passionate - avid - enthusiastic - intense - 141-160
142 Nói speak - talk - say - tell 141-160
143 Nguy hiểm, mạo hiểm hazardous - dangerous - life-threatening - high-risk - 141-160
treacherous - threatening
144 Niềm tin, sự tin tưởng trust - belief - faith - confidence 141-160
145 ô nhiễm pollution - contamination - adulteration - carbon 141-160
146 Ốm, yếu (sức khỏe) ill - sick - unwell - weak - faint - unhealthy - feeble - 141-160
frail - bedridden
147 Phá, làm hỏng destroy - devastate - demolish - damage - spoil - ruin 141-160
- deface - disfigure
148 Phân biệt distinguish - discriminate - differentiate - separate - 141-160
149 Phản đối reject - oppose - disagree - object 141-160
150 Phần thưởng prize - award - reward - present - gift 141-160
151 Phí fee - rate - fine - charge - fare - toll 141-160
152 Phổ biến common - popular - universal - general 141-160
153 Phong cách stylishly - stylistically 141-160
154 Phớt lờ Ignore - disregard - tune out - neglect - overlook 141-160
155 Phục hồi, khôi phục renew - resume - revive - revitalize - restore - 141-160
156 Phương pháp chữa trị treatment - remedy - therapy 141-160
157 Quần áo clothes - clothing - cloth - costume 141-160
158 Quên forget - leave 141-160
159 Rác waste - sewage - effluent - rubbish - garbage - trash 141-160
- litter - leavings
160 Rút ra extract - withdraw - remove 141-160
161 Sai trái false - wrong - untrue - mistaken 161-180
162 Săn hunt - poach - quest 161-180
163 Sản sinh, tạo ra make - create - manufacture - produce - fabricate - 161-180
164 Sát nhập, hợp nhất unite - merge - combine - incorporate - integrate 161-180
165 Sinh con childbirth - childbearing 161-180
166 Sớm soon - early 161-180
167 Sự lựa chọn choice - selection - option - alternative - election 161-180
168 Sự nghi ngờ suspicion - mistrust - doubt - skepticism - disbelief - 161-180
reservation - uncertainty
169 Sự tạm dừng break - interval - lull - pause 161-180
170 Sửa chữa fix - repair - mend -amend 161-180
171 Sương mù smog - fog - mist - haze 161-180
172 Tâm trạng, tính khí mood - temper - emotion - state - disposition 161-180
173 Tăng increase - rise - raise - boost - escalate - amplify - 161-180


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

174 Tha thứ forgive - excuse - pardon - acquit - condone 161-180

175 Tham gia participate - take part in - involve - join - attend 161-180
176 Thành phần Ingredient - Element - Component- Portion - 161-180
177 Thay đổi change - alter - modify - adapt - adjust - reform - 161-180
178 Thay thế replace - substitute - supplant - exchange - succeed 161-180
179 Thiết bị, dụng cụ equipment - device - instrument - tool - gear - 161-180
180 Thiếu deficiency - shortage - lack - scarcity - dearth - 161-180
inadequacy - absence
181 Thông báo inform - declare - announce - state - notify 181-200
182 Thúc đẩy, tăng cường promote - boost - strengthen - reinforce 181-200
183 Thuê rent - let - lease - hire - charter 181-200
184 Tỉ lệ ratio - proportion - rate - percentage - scale 181-200
185 Tiết lộ, để lộ disclose - reveal - divulge - uncover - unfold - spill 181-200
186 Tiêu đề, chủ đề title - topic - subject - theme 181-200
187 Tìm kiếm find - look for - search - seek 181-200
188 Tính cách character - personality 181-200
189 Tổ chức hold - celebrate - organize 181-200
190 To lớn big - huge - great - giant - enormous - large - 181-200
massive - vast
191 Trách cứ, chỉ trích censure - reprimand - scold - reproach - rebuke - 181-200
berate - chide - criticize
192 Trách nhiệm responsibility - accountability - liability - duty - 181-200
193 Trải qua undergo - suffer - experience - go through - endure - 181-200
194 Tranh cãi argument - quarrel - row - dispute - conflict - feud - 181-200
disagreement - squabble
195 Trở ngại, rào cản obstacle - hindrance - barrier - impediment - hurdle - 181-200
196 Trộn lại, kết hợp lại mix -blend - mingle - associate - combine 181-200
197 Trông giống nhau resemble - take after - look like 181-200
198 Trừng phạt, hình phạt punishment - penalty 181-200
199 Trượt ngã glide - slide - slip - skid 181-200
200 Truyền, chuyển transfer - transmit - transit - transform - convert 181-200
201 Tủ wardrobe - cupboard 201-220
202 Tự do liberty - freedom 201-220
203 Tụ tập, tập hợp gather - collect - assemble - convene - reunite - mass 201-220
204 Tuổi thọ lifespan - life expectancy - lifetime - longevity - 201-220
205 Tương tự similar - analogous - akin - comparable - equivalent 201-220
206 Tiến trình, quá trình process - procedure - operation - proceeding 201-220
207 Thực tế empirical - practical - workable 201-220
208 Thương cảm sympathy - empathy 201-220
209 Trống void - vacant - empty - hollow - unoccupied 201-220


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

210 ủy ban commission - committee 201-220

211 Ướt, làm ướt drip - water - moisten - wet - dampen - splash 201-220
212 Vấn đề matter - problem - issue - affair - setback - obstacle - 201-220
213 Vị flavor - taste - savor - tang 201-220
214 Vượt quá surpass - transcend - exceed - outrun - outdo - 201-220
215 Xa far - remote - isolated - distant - far- flung - faraway 201-220
216 Xác nhận certify - verify - confirm 201-220
217 Xâm lấn encroach - trespass - invade - intrude 201-220
218 Xấu hổ, ngượng shy - timid - reserved - ashamed - bashful - inhibited 201-220
- embarrassed
219 Xóa bỏ, loại bỏ Delete - Erase - Eradicate - Abolish - Eliminate 201-220
220 Ý thức, nhận thức perception - awareness - understanding - insight - 201-220
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4
Review 5
Review 6

imply ám chỉ rằng điều gì đó là đúng sự thật Are you implying/suggesting that I'm
/ɪm'plaɪ/ hoặc bạn cảm thấy/nghĩ thấy điều gì mà fat?
(v) không cần phải nói thẳng ra
~ suggest /sə'dʒest/ (v)
làm cho điều gì có thể là điều đúng với sự The fact that she was here implies a
thực hoặc có tồn tại: hàm ý, ngụ ý degree of interest.
~ suggest
infer hình thành một quan điểm/đoán rằng điều I inferred from her expression that she
/m'fe:(r)/ gì đó là đúng sự thực dựa trên những wanted to leave.
(v) thông tin mà bạn có sẵn: suy ra, luận ra ~
deduce /dɪ'dju:s/ (v)
refer refer to somebody/something - This paragraph refers to the events of
/rɪ'fɜ:(r)/ (phrasal verb) last year.
(v) miêu tả hoặc có liên quan đến ai/thứ gì - These figures refer only to full-time
denote là một dấu hiệu của điều gì/việc gì: biểu A very high temperature
/dɪ'nəʊt/ hiện, biểu thị, chứng tỏ often denotes a serious illness.
(v) ~ indicate /'indɪkeɪt/ (v)
*imply và infer có nghĩa trái ngược nhau. Hai từ này có thể miêu tả cùng một sự việc nhưng từ những góc
nhìn khác nhau: imply - từ góc nhìn của người nói/viết; infer - từ góc nhìn của người nghe/đọc.
E.g. The article implied that the pilot was responsible for the accident.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

I inferred from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Are you referring to/suggesting (that) I look fat in these trousers?
2. I disliked the inferred/implied criticism in his voice.
3. Red eyes infer/denote strain and fatigue.
4. The star refers to/denotes items which are intended for the advanced learner.
5. All the evidence suggests/refers to (that) he stole the money.
6. Campaigners said the data deduces/implies the existence of ‘a pressing social need'.
7. I inferred/implied from what she said that you have not been well.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The term 'Art' usually _______ to humanities and social sciences.
A. denotes B. implies C. refers D. suggests
9. His angry tone _______ extreme displeasure.
A. referred B. denoted C. inferred D. deduced
10. He _______ that she was not interested in a relationship from what she said in her letter.
A. implied B. denoted C. indicated D. inferred
11. I'm not _______ anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
A. implying B. indicating C. deducing D. referring
12. Readers are left to _______ the killer's motives.
A. imply B. infer C. denote D. refer
13. The town’s name may _______ to a nearby underground spring.
A. refer B. infer C. suggest D. imply
14. Exports in June rose 1.5%, _______ that the economy was stronger than many investors thought.
A. referring B. deducing C. implying D. inferring
15. There was a message waiting, _______ that someone had been here ahead of her.
A. deducing B. inferring C. referring D. denoting
16. Did you think the word 'underclass' _______ to those left out of most privileges afforded by society?
A. infers B. deduces C. indicates D. refers
17. The high level of radiation in the rocks _______ that they are volcanic in origin.
A. deduces B. implies C. infers D. refers
18. Much of the meaning must be _______ from the context.
A. inferred B. indicated C. implied D. referred
19. Removing one's footwear before entering a home or a temple before worship _______ a sign of
respect, humility, and submissiveness.
A. infers B. refers C. denotes D. deduces
humid (không khí hoặc khí hậu) ấm và hơi They were not prepared for
/'hju:mɪd/ (adj) ướt: ẩm, ẩm ướt the humid heat of the tropical forest.
wet được bao phủ hoặc có chứa chất lỏng, Her hair was still dripping wet.
/wet/ (adj) đặc biệt là nước: ướt, đẫm nước
damp hơi ướt, thường với cách mà không dễ damp clothes
/dæmp/ (adj) chịu: ướt, ẩm thấp, ẩm ướt
soaked [thường không đứng trước danh - He woke up soaked with sweat.
/səʊkt/ (adj) từ] soaked (with something) rất - rain-soaked clothing
ướt: ướt đẫm
~ drenched /drentʃt/(adj) *-soaked ghép
với danh từ để miêu tả thứ gì bị làm ướt
hoàn toàn bởi thứ được đề cập đến
moist hơi ướt, thường với cách mà dễ chịu a rich moist cake
/mɔɪst/ (adj) hoặc có ích: ấm, ấm ướt


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

watery có chứa hoặc đầy nước; (đồ ăn, đồ uống) - watery eyes (= full of tears)
/'wɔ:təri/ (adj) có chứa quá nhiều nước vậy nên nhạt vị - watery soup
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. They were soaked/moist to the skin (= completely wet).
2. The warm soaked/moist air is perfect for growing fruit trees.
3. The pollen caused her eyes to become humid/watery.
4. I’ve washed your shirt but it's still humid/wet.
5. New York is very hot and humid/soaked in the summer.
6. The room was damp/watery and smelly, so we opened all the windows and gave it a good airing.
7. The soup was damp/watery and had no flavour.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. I’m going to have to take these clothes off - I'm _______ to the skin!
A. humid B. soaked C. watery D. damp
9. Keep the soil in the pot _______, but not too wet.
A. humid B. soaked C. moist D. watery
10. His eyes were red and _______.
A. watery B. humid C. damp D. soaked
11. It was raining heavily then - we got soaking _______ just going from the car to the house.
A. humid B. wet C. moist D. watery
12. They were both _______ to the bone and shivering from cold.
A. damp B. moist C. humid D. soaked
13. The room smelled _______.
A. damp B. watery C. soaked D. drenched
14. The vegetables were _______ and tasteless.
A. soaked B. damp C. watery D. humid
15. The air was so _______ that our beach towels hanging on the line never really got dry.
A. wet B. humid C. watery D. soaked
16. She walked another twenty blocks home down the hill and across the neighbourhood in the rain,
_______ through her sneakers, her hoodie, her hair.
A. soaked B. watery C. moist D. damp
17. Be careful not to slip on the _______ floor.
A. wet B. humid C. dry D. parched
18. The broth was fine - a bit _______, but acceptably flavourful.
A. moist B. soaked C. humid D. watery
19. She soaked a washcloth with cold water for his forehead; she could almost feel his cheek under her
hand, _______ and hot.
A. humid B. watery C. moist D. drenched
20. The room was hot and _______, and in no time we were drenched in sweat.
A. wet B. watery C. soaked D. humid
- The radiation leak has had a disastrous
effect on/upon the
effect sự ảnh hưởng dẫn đến kết quả cụ thể,
/ɪ'fekt/ nhấn mạnh hơn vào kết quả của sự
- The medicine started to take effect after
(n) ảnh hưởng đó
a few minutes.
- Her tears had no/little effect on him.
ảnh hưởng, một người nào đó hay - Helen 's a bad/good influence on him.
một việc nào đó gây tác động đến - Christopher hoped to exert his
suy nghĩ, hành động, cư xử của một influence to make them change their
người khác hoặc sự vận hành, phát minds.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

triển của một việc khác

- The anti-smoking campaign
impact had had/made quite an impact on young
ảnh hưởng, tác động của một ai đó,
/'ɪm.pækt/ people.
một vật nào đó lên ai khác, vật khác
(n) - the environmental impact of tourism
- a positive/a negative/an adverse impact
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Peer group members can exert a strong effect/influence on each other's activities.
2. The results indicate that any disruption in supplies of REM would have a negative impact/effect on the
3. I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect/influence.
4. She's an excellent athlete who is already making a real impact/effect in world competition.
5. He couldn't hope to exert any real effect/influence in the new department.
6. Scientists are studying the chemical's impact/effect upon the environment.
7. The NAFTA agreement has had little effect/influence on the lives of most Americans.
bằng cấp do các trường đại học cấp
khi sinh viên hoàn thành chương trình - She has a degree in physics from
học và sắp ra trường Edinburgh.
(một khóa học cấp bằng thường kéo - She has a master's degree in history
dài từ 3 đến 4 năm, thường được trao from Yale.
bởi những trường đại học uy tín)
chứng chỉ, văn bằng do các trường đại
học, cao đẳng và trường kỹ thuật cấp - I’m taking a two-
(một khóa học cấp bằng chỉ kéo dài từ year diploma course.
1 đến 2 năm, có thể được trao bởi bất - Everyone was given a diploma at the
kỳ cơ sở giáo dục nào, kể cả các cơ sở end of the course.
giáo dục tư nhân)
giấy phép, một tài liệu chính thức cho - Applicants must hold a valid
phép bạn sở hữu, làm hoặc sử dụng driving licence.
/ 'laɪ.səns/
thứ gì đó, thường là sau khi bạn đã trả - He was caught driving a car without
tiền hoặc đã hoàn thành bài kiểm tra a licence.
- giấy chứng nhận (một tài liệu chính
thức nói rằng thông tin trên đó là
đúng) -a
certificate /sə'tɪf.ɪ.kət/ - một tài liệu chính thức chứng minh birth/marriage/death/health certificate.
(n) rằng bạn đã hoàn thành một khóa học - She has a certificate in Drama
hoặc vượt qua một kỳ thi; một bằng Education
cấp đạt được sau một khóa học hoặc
một kỳ thi
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The bank will insist you produce a driving licence/diploma or passport as a form of ID.
2. John tries to earn a bachelor's diploma/degree from a top-ranked university at an affordable price.
3. Your birth certiflcate/license is an important personal document because it's proof of identity for many
4. Anyone with a high school diploma/certificate can enrol in the course.
5. He found a copy of his parents' marriage certificate/licence.
6. Jimmy is a graduate of Cambridge University and he earned a master's degree/diploma in Economics.
7. The owner of land could grant a licence/certificate to cut and remove timber.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.

8. She takes a four-year _______ course to be in pursuit of her dreams of becoming a doctor.
A. diploma B. licence C. certificate D. degree
9. The college offers the Higher National _______, which takes two years to complete, in computer
A. Licence B. Diploma C. Degree D. Certificate
10. A _______ of completion will be issued to all who complete the course.
A. degree B. diploma C. certificate D. licence
11. The company has won the _______ to run trains from the south coast to London.
A. licence B. certificate C. diploma D. degree
12. Everyone entering the country needs to show a health _______.
A. licence B. diploma C. degree D. certificate
[U] thông tin được sử dụng ở tòa để He was asked to give evidence
chứng minh điều gì đó: chứng cớ, (= to say what he knew, describe
bồng chứng what he had seen, etc.) at the
[U] thông tin/dấu hiệu/vật thể khiến - The room bore evidence of a
/'evɪdəns/ (n)
bạn tin rằng điều gì đó là đúng sự struggle.
thật: chứng cứ - Archaeologists found evidence
of a rich and varied culture at
the settlement.
[U] thông tin, giấy tờ,... chứng - Can you provide any proof
minh/thể hiện điều gì đó là đúng sự of identity?
thật: chứng cớ, bằng chứng - There is no proof that the knife
~ evidence belonged to her.
*be living proof of something/that - He is living proof that age is no
/pru:f/ (n)
... barrier to new challenges.
thể hiện bằng các hành động hoặc
các phẩm chất để chứng minh một
điều gì là đúng sự thật
[C, U] chứng nhận (bằng lời hoặc Her claim was supported by
bằng hình thức viết) để nói rằng điều the testimony of several
mà bạn biết là đúng sự thật (thường witnesses.
được dùng ở toà): lời chứng, bản
chứng nhận
[U, singular] (trang His thick, swollen fingers
/'testɪməni/ (n)
trọng) testimony (to bore testimony to a lifetime of
something) một thứ/điều gì thể hiện toil.
rằng một điều gì đó khác tồn tại hoặc
đúng sự thật: sự chứng nhận
~ testament /'testəmənt/ (n)
[U] những giấy tờ chính thức hoặc Passengers without the
documentation hợp pháp được yêu cầu để chứng correct documentation
/,dɒkjumen'teɪʃn/ minh điều gì đó: những tài liệu làm (= official papers saying who
(n) bằng chứng they are) will not be allowed to
warrant [C] warrant (for something) giấy warrants for equity shares
/'wɒrənt/ (n) tờ chính thức và hợp pháp chứng


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

nhận rằng bạn có quyền làm điều gì

đó, ví dụ như nhận tiền/dịch vụ/hàng
hoá hoặc mua cổ phần của một công
ty ...: giấy chứng nhận
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We will issue you with a travel warrant/proof
2. The witness was called to give oral testimony/warrant about the incident outside the theatre.
3. Available warrant/evidence points to pilot error as the cause of the crash.
4. Many lenders are now requiring borrowers to provide documentation/testament of their income.
5. You will need to have proof/testimony of citizenship in order to get a passport.
6. That so many people came is a warrant/testament to her powers of persuasion.
7. The police officer took a statement which was later used in testament/evidence.
8. These results are a testimony/documentation to the coach’s skill and hard work.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The popularity of diet fads is a _______ to the fact that people want a quick fix for their health and
weight problems.
A. documentation B. warrant C. testimony D. coupon
10. There is increasing _______ that people whose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop
some types of cancer.
A. testament B. evidence C. documentation D. warrant
11. She’s living _______ that success is possible for a woman in this field.
A. evidence B. documentation C. proof D. testimony
12. They couldn’t enter the country because they didn't have all the necessary _______
A. testament B. testimony C. documentation D. coupon
13. According to the court, the _______ of Peter’s friends that he was asleep in his room did not
correspond to each other in terms of time, place, and other details.
A. testimonies B. testaments C. documentation D. warrants
14. Keep your receipts as _______ of your purchases.
A. warrant B. proof C. testament D. coupon
15. The _______ proves clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.
A. evidence B. documentation C. warrant D. testament
16. He claims that he was home when the murder was committed, but he has no _______
A. proof B. testimony C. documentation D. testament
17. Our advance in the face of relentless competition is a(n) _______ to the commitment of our
marketing division.
A. warrant B. evidence C. documentation D. testimony
18. A group of concerned teachers met at the Central Province Travel Agency over delays in processing
travel _______.
A. warrants B. testaments C. coupons D. testimonies
19. The detail of her wildlife paintings is a(n) _______ to her powers of observation.
A. evidence B. documentation C. testament D. warrant
20. You would need to bring in something with your Vietnamese address on it as _______ of residence.
A. testimony B. testament C. warrant D. proof
bao gồm, đứng sau include chúng ta - The tour included a visit to the
include không cần liệt kê đầy đủ các thành Science Museum.
/in'klu:d/ phần của cái toàn thể - The guide includes general
(v) information for instructors as well as
answers to specific questions.
contain chứa đựng cái gì đó bên trong - Whisky contains a large percentage of


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/kən'teɪn/ alcohol
(v) - The documents contain sensitive
gồm có, được cấu tạo nên từ, sau đó - The team consists of four European
consist of
liệt kê các thành phần tạo nên nó and two Americans.
/kən'sɪst əv/
(không chia bị động) - My role seemed to consist of standing
and smiling at people.
(= be comprised of) bao gồm, được - Water is composed of hydrogen and
cấu thành từ, được sử dụng với nghĩa oxygen.
giống như "consist of’ nhưng trong - The collection comprises 327
văn cảnh trang trọng paintings.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Symptoms of the illness include/contain a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
2. My breakfast often includes/consists of dry bread and a cup of tea.
3. The class is comprised/consisted mainly of Italian and French students.
4. Additional benefits comprise/include a company car and free health insurance.
5. Raw vegetables contain/include more potassium than cooked ones.
6. The ploughman's is a simple meal containing/consisting of cheese, bread and pickles.
7. These cells contain/comprise genes and proteins that interact with one another.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. His supporters are _______ mainly of evangelical Christians.
A. included B. contained C. comprised D. consisted
9. This year’s team, coached by Jeff Jackson, _______ entirely of college players.
A. consisted B. comprised C. included D. contained
10. Electronic products _______ hazardous materials that cannot be deposited in landfills.
A. comprise B. contain C. consist D. include
11. I couldn't list all the people you invited but it might _______ students from a local school, as well as
their parents.
A. comprise B. consist C. contain D. include
12. He handed over a brown envelope _______ a hundred dollar bills.
A. consisting B. comprising C. containing D. including
giữ cho một cái gì (thường là có giá Campaigners are fighting
trị) hoặc điều gì ở nguyên trạng thái to preserve this house because it was
ban đầu/trong tình trạng tốt nhất bằng where Sherlock Holmes lived.
cách không thay đổi hoặc thậm chí
/prɪ'zɜ:v/ (v)
không sử dụng đến nó bởi vì một khi
nó bị hỏng/mất đi thì không có thứ
khác để thay thế
giữ gìn/bảo vệ/sử dụng cái gì để ngăn New laws have been enacted
cho nó không bị hư hại/thay đổi/lãng to conserve wildlife in this area.
conserve phí vì nếu khi nó bị sử dụng hết thì sẽ
/kən'sɜ:v/ (v) khó có thứ khác để thay thế
sử dụng cái gì càng ít càng tốt để có We are cutting down on our heating
thể dùng được lâu to conserve electricity.
bảo trì - giữ cho cái gì Money raised from tickets and tours
maintain (nhà/đường/máy móc ...) ở tình trạng will go
/meɪn'teɪn/ (v) tốt bằng cách kiểm tra hoặc sửa chữa towards maintaining Scarborough
thường xuyên Castle.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

duy trì điều gì đó để nó tiếp tục giữ In between meals, she maintains her
nguyên được vị thế/trình độ/trạng sugar levels by eating a piece of cake
thái... or fruit.
giữ cái gì đó ở đâu đó để sau này He stored all his possessions in his
dùng parents’ house while he was
/stɔ:(r)/ (v)
travelling abroad.
giữ chỗ/bàn/phòng... để nó không bị These seats are reserved for pregnant
người khác sử dụng hoặc sử dụng cho women and disabled people.
/rɪ'zɜ:v/ (v)
mục đích khác
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The government needs to focus on types of housing which conserve/reserve resources, particularly
2. The United Kingdom wants to maintain/store its position as a world power.
3. I’ve come to pay for and collect my tickets - I stored/reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of
4. If you get there early, please reserve/maintain a seat for me.
5. This is a beautiful old house. We must preserve/store the character of the house.
6. That warehouse is being used to maintain/store food and clothes for the refugees from Afghanistan.
7. The accident occurred due to a malfunction of the safety equipment. One report found out that the
equipment had been very poorly maintained/stored.
8. After getting married, she was determined to preserve/conserve her independence and way of life. She
didn't quit her job and continued going to her favorite pub to enjoy a drink at weekends.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. "Had you forgotten about our wedding anniversary?" - "Of course not! I’ve _______ a table at Septime
restaurant for this evening."
A. saved B. reserved C. maintained D. stored
10. Renewable energy resources can help _______ fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.
A. preserve B. conserve C. reserve D. maintain
11. The waiter told us that those seats were _______ for special guests.
A. preserved B. conserved C. maintained D. reserved
12. This is a very ancient town. We must keep its old part intact. We therefore want to _______ the old
buildings of the town while improving the residential areas.
A. preserve B. conserve C. reserve D. store
13. To _______ a species in the wild, we should protect its natural habitat.
A. conserve B. reserve C. store D. shield
14. The company is responsible for _______ public telephone boxes. They have to be checked regularly.
A. maintaining B. conserving C. preserving D. storing
15. All of my old books, magazines, and newspapers are _______ in boxes in my parents' old house.
A. maintained B. conserved C. stored D. preserved
[thường ở dạng bị động] khiến ai đó làm việc The President was forced
gì mà họ không muốn (việc khó khăn/không dễ into resigning.
force chịu/bất thường), đặc biệt là bằng cách đe doạ
/fɔ:s/ (v) hoặc không cho phép bất kì sự lựa chọn nào
khác: ép buộc, bắt buộc, cưỡng ép
~ compel /kəm'pel/ (v)
[trang trọng) [ngoại động từ, thường dùng ở The law does not oblige sellers
oblige /ə'blaɪʤ/
dạng bị động] to accept the highest offer.
oblige somebody to do something


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

bắt buộc/ép buộc ai đó làm việc gì vì theo

luật/quy định, theo tình huống, hoặc bởi vì đó
là bổn phận/nghĩa vụ/trách nhiệm ...: bắt buộc,
cưỡng bách
(trang trọng) [thường ở dạng bị động] - They found
be/feel constrained to do something themselves constrained to
bắt buộc ai đó làm việc gì hoặc cư xử theo một accept the proposal.
cách cụ thể nào đó (vì bị giới hạn về hành động - Financial factors should
hoặc sự lựa chọn): bắt ép, ép buộc, thúc ép, bắt not constrain doctors from
buộc prescribing the best treatment
be/feel constrained from doing something for patients.
constrain somebody from doing something
ngăn không cho ai/bị ngăn không cho làm việc
mà họ muốn làm
impel somebody to do something impel There are various reasons
somebody (to something) that impel me to that
khi một cảm xúc/cảm giác/ý tưởng impels bạn conclusion.
/ɪm'pel/ (v)
để bạn làm việc gì thì khi đó bạn cảm thấy như
thể bạn bắt buộc phải làm việc đó
[ngoại động từ] - The urge to
drive somebody + adv/prep drive yourself + survive drove them on.
adv/prep be driven by something drive - Hunger drove her to steal.
drive somebody to do something drive somebody - Those kids are driving me to
/draɪv/ (v) to something despair.
bắt buộc ai đó hành động theo một cách cụ thể
nào hoặc làm việc gì tiêu cực; ép cái gì/ai đi
đến tình trạng nào (thường là không dễ chịu)
[ngoại động từ] No one pushed you to take the
push somebody into something push job, did they?
somebody into doing something
push somebody to do something
/pʊʃ/ (v)
thuyết phục hoặc khuyến khích ai đó làm việc
gì mà có thể họ không muốn làm: thúc ép, thúc
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Her parents drove/pushed her into accepting the job.
2. He was obliged/driven by the desire to understand how things work.
3. The company said it was constrained/milked to raise prices.
4. She was impelled/constrained by the urgent need to see him again.
5. They forced/impelled us to work long hours without pay.
6. In the UK, you are not driven/obliged to carry any form of identification.
Choose the option A, B, c, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The work is _______ by the need for information sharing.
A. pushed B. driven C. forced D. obliged
8. When I saw them eating, I felt _______ to eat, too.
A. impelled B. constrained C. obliged D. driven
9. The pilot was _______ to land when one of the plane’s engines caught fire.
A. pushed B. driven C. forced D. impelled
10. He made it clear that he would resist any attempt to _______ him into early retirement.
A. push B. oblige C. drive D. force
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

11. Parents are _______ by law to send their children to school.

A. pushed B. constrained C. obliged D. driven
12. The destruction of the rainforest may _______ certain species to extinction.
A. force B. push C. obliged D. drive
13. The gunman _______ a woman to drive him across the city, stopping to shoot at bystanders.
A. drove B. forced C. impelled D. obliged
14. She claimed she had been _______ into posing for the photographs.
A. obliged B. impelled C. pushed D. driven
15. She felt _______ from continuing by the threat of losing her job.
A. forced B. impelled C. obliged D. constrained
16. Recent events have _______ the stock market to lows not seen in ten years.
A. driven B. pushed C. impelled D. forced
17. I didn’t actually want any more dessert, but Julia _______ it on me.
A. pushed B. forced C. driven D. impelled
18. For months, the countries have introduced tough new measures after tough new measures - at times,
within hours of one another - to _______ citizens to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or face the
A. blackmail B. threaten C. milk D. impel
[ngoại động từ] She copies everything her sister does.
copy somebody/something
cư xử hoặc làm việc gì giống như cách
mà ai đó khác làm: bắt chước, phỏng
~ imitate
[ngoại động từ] làm ra cái gì y hệt như - He taught himself
/'kɒpi/ (v)
bản gốc: sao chép; chép lại/ghi lại thứ by copying paintings in the
gì; sao chép lại thứ gì để lúc khác dùng Louvre.
- The students copied the sentences
from the whiteboard.
- You can copy the data to your new
laptop in the usual way.
imitate somebody/something - She can imitate the calls of many
bắt chước/làm theo ai đó/thứ gì different birds.
imitate - vegetarian products
/'ɪmɪteɪt/ which imitate meat
(v) bắt chước cách ai đó nói hoặc hành xử As I returned to the table, he stood up
để khiến người khác cười and imitated me, pretending to
~ mimic smooth a skirt and fix his hair.
bắt chước cách ai đó nói/di chuyển/hành He could mimic all the teachers'
xử/..., đặc biệt là để làm cho người khác accents.
mimic cười
/'mɪmɪk/ ~ imitate
(v) trông/vận hành giống như một thứ khác The computer model is able
~ imitate to mimic very closely the actions of a
[ngoại động từ] forge something to forge a passport/banknote
làm giả cái gì để lừa người khác
/fɔ:dʒ/ (v)
~ counterfeit /'kaʊntəfɪt/ (v)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

emulate (trang trọng) cố gắng làm việc gì tốt như He hoped to emulate the success of
/'emjuleɪt/ người nào khác làm bởi vì bạn ngưỡng his sister.
(v) mộ họ
[ngoại động từ] (trang trọng) - Researchers tried many times
(nghiên cứu khoa học/thí nghiệm/...) to replicate the original experiment.
thực hiện lại hoặc làm lại chính xác như - This can be confusing for a host
cách làm trước đó; tạo ra bản sao y hệt trying to replicate the look on a
như bản gốc/lặp lại điều gì đó budget.
(v) [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] The drug prevents the virus
replicate (itself) from replicating itself
(vi rút hoặc phân tử) tạo ra các bản sao
chính xác như bản gốc: tái tạo, nhân bản

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. He is forging/emulating the skating skills of his older sister.
2. Children might learn swearing from copying/counterfeiting their parents and siblings.
3. New digital techniques can spot paintings that have been emulated/forged.
4. I need to replicate/copy these phone numbers into my address book.
5. He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could mimic/replicate the experiment.
6. He mimicked/replicated her southern accent to make fun of her.
7. Cells can reproduce but only molecules can replicate/copy.
8. No computer can imitate/emulate the complex functions of the human brain.
9. The robot was programmed to forge/mimic a series of human movements.
10. When I tried to imitate/counterfeit their walk, Brian said I looked like an ostrich.
11. It might be impractical to mimic/replicate Eastern culture in the west.
12. He’s getting good at forging/emulating his mother's signature.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
13. By your actions in support of employees who seek recognition for their bargaining rights, you set a
standard that all should _______.
A. forge B. copy C. mimic D. emulate
14. He and his partners own two other restaurants with the same name farther up Madison Avenue, but
they have never _______ the high-end appeal of the original.
A. imitated B. replicated C. emulated D. mimicked
15. The product has been widely _______ by other manufacturers.
A. mimicked B. emulated C. copied D. replicated
16. Computer viruses _______ themselves and are passed from user to user.
A. replicate B. mimic C. imitate D. emulate
17. Mary screamed in horror and the other girls _______ her every word.
A. forged B. replicated C. counterfeited D. mimicked
18. Can you get the letter _______ right away please? I need 50 of them.
A. imitated B. copied C. emulated D. replicated
19. She had _______ the signature of her father on documents for obtaining the loan and when her
husband learnt the truth, he started an argument with her.
A. forged B. imitated C. replicated D. mimicked
20. He’s very good at _______ his father's voice.
A. replicating B. counterfeiting C. imitating D. forging
21. She hopes to _______ her sister’s sporting achievements.
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. copy B. emulate C. forge D. imitate

22. Synthetic fabrics can now _______ everything from silk to rubber.
A. imitate B. replicate C. copy D. forge
23. This allows experiments to be _______ independently by anyone skeptical of the original results.
A. emulated B. imitated C. mimicked D. replicated
24. I like when people have original styles that aren’t _______ from anyone else.
A. mimicked B. replicated C. copied D. forged
25. His advice to those who would _______ his success is first to get education.
A. emulate B. mimic C. copy D. forge
bên trong; về phía hoặc gần trung tâm của inner London
inner /'ɪnə(r)/ một nơi nào đó
(adj) [chỉ đứng >< outer/'autə(r)/ (adj)
trước danh từ] (về cảm xúc hoặc suy nghŋ cá nhân và bí the inner workings of the mind
mật; không thể hiện ra cho mọi người biết
hình thành phần bên trong của một thứ gì an inside pocket
inside /'ɪnsaɪd/ đó; không phải phần bên ngoài
(adj) [chỉ đứng
trước danh từ] được biết hoặc được thực hiện bởi một ai inside information
đó trong một nhóm hoặc một tổ chức
liên quan đến phần bên trong của một thứ interior walls
gì đó
interior >< exterior /ɪk'stɪəriə(r)/ (adj)
/in'tɪəriə(r)/ (adj) liên quan đến phần trung tâm của một the interior jungle regions
[chỉ đứng quốc gia hoặc một lục địa (nơi mà cách xa
trước danh từ] bờ biển): nội địa
chỉ liên quan đến những vấn đề nội bộ của the interior minister
một quốc gia: nội bộ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. How much do you share your inner/interior feelings or secrets with your best friend?
2. They were accused of selling shares while in possession of inside/interior information.
3. Crossing these landscapes are the meandering valleys of the rivers Avon, Stour, and Frome that link
the south coast with the interior/inside the heartland of southern England.
4. Sarah seemed to have a profound sense of inner/inside peace.
5. Post-election violence was expected, and the inner/interior minister was sacked during the campaign
for suggesting that civil war might ensue unless the poll were delayed.
một thời gian bị bệnh [U]; trạng thái - He’s just returned to work
illness bị bệnh về mặt thể chất hoặc tinh after illness.
/'ɪlnəs/ (n) thần [U]; một loại bệnh [C] - patients with severe mental illness
- childhood illnesses
ailment một loại bệnh không quá nghiêm childhood ailments
/'eɪlmənt/ trọng
[U, C] một loại bệnh ảnh hưởng đến heart disease
disease con người, động vật hoặc thực vật,
/dɪ'zi:z/ (n) thường có nguyên nhân gây ra là do
nhiễm trùng
* disease or illness?


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Disease được dùng để nói về những vấn đề nghiêm trọng hơn về sức khỏe, đặc biệt là những vấn đề ảnh
hưởng đến các bộ phận của cơ thể. Illness được dùng để nói về cả các vấn đề nghiêm trọng hơn và cả
những vấn đề nhỏ về sức khoẻ, và illness còn nói về các vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe tinh
thần. Disease không được dùng để nói về một thời gian bị bệnh trong khi illness được dùng với nghĩa
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Smoking increases the risk of heart illness/disease.
2. You can treat minor ailments/diseases yourself.
3. Many people suffer from some form of mental illness/disease during their lifetime.
4. The medicine is supposed to cure all kinds of minor diseases/ailments, ranging from colds to back
5. She has contracted a lung disease/ailment.
6. She missed a lot of school through illness/disease last year.
7. You are allowed time off work only in cases of serious ailment/illness or bereavement.
8. Gene therapy was first pursued in an attempt to cure genetic ailments/diseases.
secret bí mật, một thông tin chỉ được biết - She will not reveal his secret.
/'si:krət/ bời một người hoặc một vài người và - Your secret is safe with me (= I will
(n) không được nói cho người khác biết not tell anyone).
bí ẩn, một điều, cái gì đó lạ, không - How the disease started is one of
biết đến vì chưa được giải thích hoặc medicine's great mysteries.
làm sáng tỏ - It remains a mystery as to where he
was buried.
trạng thái mà ai đó / điều gì đó - The actress was only 17 when she was
không được biết đến hoặc đã bị lãng plucked from obscurity and made a star.
quên - He spent most of his life working
in obscurity.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The secret/mystery deepened when the police's only suspect was found murdered.
2. That evening she had revealed many of her innermost secrets/mysteries.
3. He was a famous poet, but he died in secret/obscurity.
4. He was accused of selling business secrets/obscurities to competitors.
5. How these insects actually communicate presents something of a secret/mystery.
6. He rose from relative obscurity/mystery to worldwide recognition.
7. A close couple should have no mysteries/secrets from each other.
injure làm bị thương chính bản thân hoặc ai đó, đặc biệt He injured his knee
/'ɪndʒə(r)/ trong một vụ tai nạn playing badminton.
[thường dùng ở dạng bị động; thường được dùng để About 50 people were
nói về những người bị thương trong chiến tranh seriously wounded in the
hoặc những vụ tấn công mà ảnh hưởng đến rất attack.
/wu:nd/ (v)
nhiều người] làm bị thương một bộ phận nào đó của
cơ thể, đặc biệt là do vũ khí
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] gây ra sự đau đớn về Stop it!
thể xác cho ai đó hoặc chính bản thân; làm ai đó You're hurting me.
hurt hoặc chính bản thân bị thương
/hɜ:t/ (v)
[nội động từ] cảm thấy đau Ouch! That hurt!
gây ra nỗi đau về tinh thần cho ai đó Christine criticized my


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

writing quite severely

and that hurt.
[không dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn, sắc thái trang It pains me to see
trọng] làm cho ai đó cảm thấy buồn/không vui/lo animals being
/peɪn/ (v)
lắng/giận dữ mistreated.
làm bị thương một khớp xương trong cơ thể (đặc Jack sprained his knee
sprain biệt là cổ tay, mắt cá chân, hoặc đầu gối) bằng cách while he was playing
/spreɪn/ (v) vặn nó một cách bất ngờ, gây ra đau đớn và sưng basketball.
scar [thường dùng ở dạng bị động] một vết thương để lại His face was
/skɑ:(r)/ (v) sẹo sau khi nó đã lành badly scarred.
ache [nội động từ] cảm thấy một cơn đau dai dẳng nhưng I’m aching all over.
/eɪk/ (v) không nghiêm trọng
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. When he tried to stand up, he realized he had sprained/scarred one of his ankles.
2. Maybe Patrick has only sprained/injured his head and we just need to wait a week for him to come to
his senses.
3. It pained/injured him that she would not acknowledge him.
4. When I asked Sunny how she hurt/ached her arm, she suddenly looked humiliated.
5. Her eyes wounded/ached from lack of sleep.
6. Nick is likely to be sprained/scarred for life after injuries to his face, arms, and legs.
7. The driver was seriously wounded/ached in the shooting.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. With a gentle voice, he asked me to tell him where it _______ after seeing me fall off a ladder.
A. injured B. ached C. wounded D. hurt
9. These days when Patricia looks at her daughter, she doesn't see as much of herself reflected back as
before, and it _______.
A. aches B. hurts C. scars D. injures
10. When soldiers surrounded the house, he let off eight bursts of gunfire, seriously _______ one of the
A. aching B. hurting C. paining D. wounding
11. Three people were killed and five _______ in the crash.
A. injured B. ached C. scarred D. sprained
12. It has been the most fabulous party of his career: at the height of it Timmy fell from a chandelier and
_______ his ankle.
A. ached B. wounded C. sprained D. scarred
13. My leg _______ so much by the time I had reached the house that it was hard for me to crawl under
the fence and move aside the heavy rock.
A. hurt B. ached C. injured D. wounded
14. The terrorists fired on demonstrators, killing thirteen and _______ fourteen others.
A. aching B. hurting C. spraining D. wounding
15. Although the explosion created extensive damage, nobody was _______ in the blast.
A. scarred B. ached C. injured D. sprained
14. BIỂN
[C, U] bờ biển, bờ hồ, bờ sông lớn (đặc - Let’s go to the shore.
biệt là nơi mà người ta đến để đi nghỉ hoặc - He is swimming towards
shore nghỉ ngơi) the shore.
/ʃɔ:(r)/ (n)
shores [số nhiều] một đất nước, đặc biệt là We will fight to death to
một đất nước có đường bờ biển defend our shores.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[C, U] đất ở bên cạnh hoặc gần biển/biên We spent a week by the coast
giới giữa đất liền và biển/phần gần biển (= by the sea).
/kəʊst/ (n)
của một đất nước nào đó: bờ biển
đất dọc theo bờ biển, đặc biệt là khi bạn - a rugged coastline
nghĩ đến hình dạng hoặc vẻ bề ngoài của - a beautiful coastline
/'kəʊstlam/ (n)

sea /si:/ (n) [U] biển - We went swimming in the
(British English) sea.
ocean /'əʊʃn/ - a hotel room with sea view
(n) (American
một khu vực có cát hoặc sỏi gần biển/hồ - a sandy beach
beach nơi mà mọi người thường nằm phơi - tourists sunbathing on the
/bi:tʃ/ (n) nắng/chơi đùa/đi dạo khi họ đi nghỉ: bãi beach
biển - He walked along the beach.
seaside một vùng bên cạnh biển, đặc biệt là nơi mà a trip to the seaside
/'si:saɪd/ (n) mọi người đến để đi nghỉ: bờ biển
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I love swimming in the sea/seaside.
2. The hotel has wonderful views of the rugged coast/coastline.
3. We stayed in a small village on the west shore/coast of Scotland.
4. Children were building sandcastles on the beach/ocean.
5. It is feared that a similar epidemic will soon reach the seaside/shores of Europe.
[nội động từ] trở nên không thể The plane disappeared behind a cloud.
nhìn thấy
[nội động từ] ngừng tồn tại The smile disappeared to be replaced
by a doleful frown.
disappear /,dɪsə'pɪə(r)/ [nội động từ] bị mất hoặc không The plane mysteriously
thể tìm thấy disappeared over the Indian Ocean.
(v) ~ vanish /'vænɪʃ/
(v) Thành ngữ - Keep looking - they can't just
- disappear/vanish off the face of have vanished/disappeared off the
the earth: biến mất hoàn toàn face of the earth.
- disappear/vanish into thin - She can't just
air: bất ngờ biến mất một cách bí have vanished/disappeared into thin
ẩn air.
[nội động từ] (một cảm giác/vấn The issue of global warming is not just
evaporate đề/kế hoạch/hoạt động...) biến mất, going to evaporate.
/ɪ'væpəreɪt/ đặc biệt là bằng cách dần dần trở
(v) nên ít đi/yếu đi và cuối cùng là biến
mất hoàn toàn
[nội động từ] trở nên dần dần yếu The prospect of bankruptcy has
recede hơn hoặc nhỏ hơn (đặc biệt là một now receded (= it is less likely].
/rɪ'si:d/ (v) vấn đề, cảm giác, khả năng việc gì
xảy ra, kỉ niệm hoặc phẩm chất)
fade/fade [nội động từ] trở nên không nhìn - The smile faded from her face.
away /feɪd/(v) thấy rõ ràng rồi dần dần biến mất - The laughter faded away.
dissolve [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] biến - When the ambulance had gone, the
/dɪ'zɒlv/ (v) mất; làm cho cái gì biến mất crowd dissolved.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

- Her enthusiasm dissolved his

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading/vanishing away.
2. Just as he started to think that he was never going to get well, the illness began to recede/emerge.
3. The mirror made the ceiling seem to fade/disappear.
4. Halfway through the movie, reality appears/evaporates, and we enter a world of pure fantasy.
5. Our countryside is disappearing/fading at an alarming rate.
6. The lights in the windows faded and the house emerged/dissolved into darkness again.
7. Where are my keys? They seem to have receded/disappeared again.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Over the years her beauty had ______ a little.
A. faded B. vanished C. emerged D. disappeared
9. I can never find a pen in this house. They ______ as soon as I buy them.
A. emerge B. fade C. disappear D. recede
10. Both sides' own interpretations of vague elements easily ______ the agreement between them.
A. receded B. evaporated C. faded D. dissolved
11. The whole tribe seems to have ______ off the face of the earth.
A. vanished B. evaporated C. dissolved D. faded
12. Even though the President cut his losses and made it clear that even he no longer supported the
mission, public resolve ______.
A. appeared B. emerged C. evaporated D. dispersed
13. I can't find my wallet anywhere - it has completely ______!
A. disappeared B. faded C. receded D. emerged
14. Dealers grew concerned over the sliding dollar and ______ prospects for economic recovery.
A. receding B. appearing C. emerging D. dissolving
15. Lenny still could not ______ the nagging lump of tension in his chest.
A. evaporate B. dissolve C. disappear D. fade
16. All other issues ______ into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.
A. evaporate B. vanish C. fade D. dissolve
17. Why have 2.5 million manufacturing jobs ______ in the last twenty years?
A. receded B. emerged C. faded D. disappeared
emblem (of something) - America’s national emblem, the bald
một thiết kế hoặc một bức tranh tượng eagle
trưng cho một đất nước hoặc một tổ - the club emblem
chức: biểu tượng
một thiết kế hoặc biểu tượng được một the logo of the World Cup
công ty hoặc tổ chức dùng như là dấu
hiệu đặc trưng hoặc để quảng cáo các
sản phẩm: biểu trưng
một mảnh vải dài với một thông điệp ở A huge banner over the street said,
trên đó, được treo ở nơi công cộng/giữa 'Welcome home’.
hai cái cột hoặc sào, để ủng hộ cho điều
gì: băng rôn, biểu ngữ
một câu/mệnh đề ngắn thể hiện những The school’s motto is: 'Duty, Honour,
mục đích hay niềm tin, lý tưởng của một Country'.
con người, nhóm, tổ chức, ... và được
dùng để chi phối/điều khiển cách hành


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

xử của họ: phương châm

(also tag line) - an advertising slogan
slogan một từ/cụm từ dễ nhớ được dùng làm - a campaign slogan
/'sləʊgən/ khẩu hiệu bởi một đảng chính trị hoặc
(n) trong quảng cáo để thu hút sự chú ý của
mọi người: khấu hiệu
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The figure of Britannia - a woman in long robes carrying a shield with a Union Jack pattern - is of the
national emblems/slogans of Great Britain.
2. ‘When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.’ That’s her logo/motto.
3. The demonstrators were shouting, cheering, and waving banners/emblems bearing various slogans.
4. The players wore shirts with the sponsor’s logo/banner.
5. They’ve introduced the new advertising motto/slogan for their products - 'That’s What I Like’.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The brand became famous for its lightweight cotton polo shirts bearing the _______ of a crocodile - a
nickname given to Lacoste during his playing days.
A. motto B. logo C. slogan D. banner
7. His campaign _______ was 'Peace, stability, and prosperity’.
A. banner B. emblem C. logo D. slogan
8. A(n) _______ was hung over the street, advertising the local theatre production.
A. motto B. banner C. emblem D. slogan
9. England’s official _______ is a red rose.
A. emblem B. slogan C. motto D. banner
10. Duke's school has a social impact approach to hospitality education that is encapsulated in its
_______: 'Be Bold’.
A. emblem B. logo C. banner D. motto
11. Within days, virtually everyone was familiar with the newest advertising _______ by Adidas -
'Impossible is nothing’.
A. logo B. banner C. slogan D. emblem
12. I found the envelope with Prism’s _______ in the corner - three circles positioned like they're part of
a bigger triangle.
A. slogan B. logo C. motto D. banner
13. Don’t forget our _______: 'Life is a game, and books are the tokens.'
A. logo B. banner C. motto D. emblem
14. A typical campaign consists of politicians repeatedly shouting their names, party affiliation, and other
_______ through loudspeakers.
A. slogans B. emblems C. banners D. logos
15. Scotland has the thistle as its official _______, but a tartan pattern is used on many products made in
A. motto B. emblem C. banner D. slogan
grateful to somebody grateful for Thank you for doing this. I really
something grateful to somebody for am so grateful.
grateful to do something grateful
/'greɪtfl/ (adj)
cảm thấy hoặc thể hiện sự biết ơn/cảm
ơn/trân trọng bởi vì ai đó đã làm một
điều tốt đẹp cho bạn hoặc đã làm việc gì
như bạn yêu cầu


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

dùng để đưa ra một lời yêu cầu một I would be grateful if you could
cách lịch sự send the completed form back as
soon as possible.
thankful (to do something) thankful I was thankful to see they had all
for something thankful (that) ... arrived safely.
thankful cảm thấy vui, hài lòng và nhẹ nhõm vì
/'θæŋkfl/ điều gì đó đã xảy ra (nếu không có điều
(adj) đó thì tình huống đã trở nên xấu đi)
hoặc một tình huống nguy hiểm hoặc
khó chịu đã không xảy ra
appreciative (of something) The company was very appreciative
cảm thấy hoặc thể hiện rằng bạn biết ơn of my efforts.
/ə'pri:ʃətɪv/ (adj)
về điều gì
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Thank you so much for helping us move house. We are so grateful/thankful.
2. I was grateful/thankful that my friends had escaped with minor injuries.
3. I’m very grateful/appreciative of all the support you’ve given me.
4. I would be most grateful/thankful if you would keep this matter confidential.
5. Noah wasn’t badly hurt - that’s something to be grateful/thankful for.
6. I get up everyday thankful/grateful that I have a job, kids, a beloved husband, and a nice house.
7. He wrote a warm, appreciative/thankful letter, thanking her for everything she had done for him.
8. The college sent us a thankful/grateful acknowledgement of our donation.
9. I was thankful/grateful that the meeting didn’t last long, because I had to get home.
10. Our new boss is a real joy to work for. She's so grateful/appreciative of anything you do for her.
11. We are immensely thankful/grateful to those frontline workers who keep us fed and manage the
essential infrastructure of society.
thường xuyên diễn ra, những gì - He came home later than usual.
mọi người làm trong hầu hết các - This weather is not usual for this time
tình huống of year.
/'ju:ʒəl/ (adj)
- It is usual to start a speech by thanking
everybody for coming.
bình thường, không khác biệt hay - ordinary people like you and me
ordinary đặc biệt theo bất kì cách nào - She was a perfectly ordinary little girl.
/'ɔ:r.dən.er.i/ (adj) - no ordinary... (=a special or unusual
example of something)
thông thường, diễn ra giống như - It's normal to feel tired after such a
bạn mong đợi chứ không bất long trip.
thường - Under/In normal circumstances, I
normal would say ‘yes’.
/'nɔ:r.məl/ (adj) - The temperature
was above/below normal for the time of
- back/return to normal
theo lệ thường, thói quen của ai - She worked with
customary đó, theo phong tục, thông lệ, her customary thoroughness.
/'kʌs.tə.mer.i/ (adj) truyền thống - It has been customary for the chair to
be re-elected for a second year.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. Her paintings depict the lives of usual/ordinary people in the last century.
2. There was more rainfall than usual/ordinary this summer in the mountain areas.
3. Things are back to normal/customary now that we've paid off all our debts.
4. Michael worked with his normal/customary thoroughness and care.
5. Under normal/ordinary circumstances, candidates are interviewed by the head of the department.
6. They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable - you know,
the ordinary/usual thing.
7. From the outside it looked like a perfectly usual/ordinary shed.
8. At Christmas it has been ordinary/customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The journey to work took longer than _______.
A. normal B. ordinary C. usual D. customary
10. It could take two weeks for your health to return to _______.
A. ordinary B. normal C. customary D. usual
11. In my village, it is _______ for a girl to take her mother's name.
A. customary B. usual C. ordinary D. normal
12. Her last concert appearance in Britain was no _______ performance.
A. usual B. customary C. normal D. ordinary
13. The unemployment rate was above _______ levels.
A. normal B. usual C. ordinary D. customary
neglect [ngoại động từ] bỏ bê, không dành đủ sự - She denies neglecting her baby.
/nɪ'glekt/ quan tâm hoặc chăm sóc cho những người - to neglect your appearance/the
(v) hoặc những việc thuộc trách nhiệm của bạn house
[ngoại động từ] lờ đi, phớt lờ, cố tình - He ignored all the 'No Smoking'
không lắng nghe hoặc không chú ý đến signs and lit up a cigarette.
- We cannot afford to ignore
their advice.
- to ignore a warning/a
problem/an issue
- [ngoại động từ] bỏ qua, không chú ý tới, - He seems to have overlooked
không nhận thấy hoặc xem xét đến ai, cái gì one important fact.
(không cố tình) - I was prepared to overlook her
- [ngoại động từ] phớt lờ đi cái gì đó dù bạn mistakes this time.
biết nó sai trái, xấu xa, giả vờ như không
chú ý đến
[ngoại động từ] bỏ qua, không bao gồm ai, - If you are a student, you can
cái gì hoặc không làm điều gì đó (vì bạn cố omit questions 16-18.
tình hoặc có thể bạn quên) - People were surprised that
Smith was omitted from the team.
- She omitted to mention that they
were staying the night.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She can be really irritating but I try to ignore/neglect her.
2. He rather ignored/neglected his children in favour of his career.
3. We could not afford to overlook/omit such a serious offence.
4. Some important details were deliberately overlooked/omitted from the report.
5. They feel angry that their complaints were neglected/ignored.
6. In my hurry to finish the exam I had overlooked/ignored part of one of the questions.
7. She's been omitting/neglecting her studies this semester.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

8. She omitted/overlooked to inform the authorities of their visit.

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The government is _______ its duty to protect the vulnerable.
A. ignoring B. neglecting C. omitting D. overlooking
10. He's so friendly people are prepared to _______ his faults.
A. omit B. ignore C. neglect D. overlook
11. The government has _______ the advice it was given.
A. neglected B. omitted C. ignored D. overlooked
12. She was _______ from the list of contributors to the report.
A. omitted B. ignored C. overlooked D. neglected
13. We can't ________ the fact that there is a huge problem here.
A. overlook B. neglect C. ignore D. omit
không thể hiểu điều gì hoặc lý do cho He looked puzzled so I repeated the
điều gì, đặc biệt là khi mà điều đó khác question.
với những gì bạn mong đợi: không hiểu
/'pʌzld/ (adj)
~ baffled /'bæfld/ (adj)
không thể suy nghĩ một cách rõ - She seemed confused by the
confused ràng/không thể hiểu điều gì đang xảy question.
/kən'fju:zd/ ra/không thể hiểu điều mà người khác - I was confused about my feelings
(adj) đang nói/không thể biết chính xác cần for him.
phải làm điều gì: bối rối, lúng túng
không thể suy nghĩ một cách rõ - He sat up in
ràng/không thể hiểu điều gì đang xảy bed, bewildered, unsure of where
ra/không thế hiểu điều mà người khác he was.
đang nói/không thể biết chính xác cần - She was so bewildered by his
phải làm điều gì và không chắc về điều accusations that she sat down and
gì khi một điều bất thường hoặc không cried.
mong đợi xảy đến: bối rối, lúng túng, - Bewildered train passengers
bewildered /bɪ'wɪldəd/ hoang mang, ngơ ngác watched as the man was arrested.
(adj) *bewildered làm sâu sắc hơn sự bối rối
và nó có thêm ý nghĩa của sự không
thoải mái về cảm xúc. Ngoài ra nó còn
có ý nghĩa là sự mất phương hướng mà
nó tạo ra kéo dài hơn so
với confused và có ý nghĩa là làm cho
ai đó mất đi khả năng lựa chọn hoặc
phản ứng phù hợp với tình huống.
(một con người hoặc hành vi của She looked a bit embarrassed by
embarrassed /ɪm'bærəst/ họ) ngượng ngùng, không thoải mái all the praise.
(adj) hoặc xấu hổ trong các tình huống giao
tiếp: lúng túng, bối rối; ngượng
hết sức bối rối/lúng túng và không thể Jimmy was still dazed by the blow
suy nghĩ rõ ràng, thường là bởi vì ngạc to his head.
dazed nhiên/bàng hoàng/bị đánh vào đầu/mệt
/deɪzd/ (adj) mỏi/bị thương

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. Michael was acutely puzzled/embarrassed at having to ask for money.

2. Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed/embarrassed and frightened.
3. I’m a little dazed/puzzled - why did you call her yourself when I specifically told you I would do it?
4. Grandpa gets pretty dazed/confused sometimes and doesn't even know what day it is.
5. He was bewildered/embarrassed to find three policemen at the front door.
6. That video, which circulated widely, showed him punching the flight attendant, who then
appeared puzzled/dazed and bloodied while other passengers tried to intervene.
7. There were very severe financial problems during that period, and she became dazed/embarrassed that
she could not afford to pay for school dinners and trips.
8. I'm a bit confused/bewildered about the arrangements for tonight - what time are we meeting?
9. Scientists were embarrassed/puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore.
10. Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and bewildered/embarrassed.
11. The doctor was puzzled/dazed by the man's symptoms and ordered several further tests.

21. BÓNG
một vùng tối và mát dưới một cái gì đó They were sitting under the shade of an
(ví dụ: một cái cây hoặc một toà nhà) vì umbrella.
/ʃeɪd/ (n)
ánh sáng mặt trời không thể chiếu tới
được: bóng râm
[C] hình dạng của một con người/cái gì The children were having fun, chasing
đó trên một bề mặt (ví dụ: mặt đất) khi each other’s shadows.
shadow họ đứng/ở giữa ánh sáng và bề mặt: cái
/'ʃædəʊ/ bóng
(n) [U] (cũng có thể là shadows) một vùng She turned back, but she couldn’t see
bóng tối mà ở đó khó có thế nhìn ra him in the shadows.
hoặc phân biệt được mọi thứ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The temperature was 40°C then. Two cows were sleeping under the shade/shadow of some trees
because it provided some protection from the sun.
2. The ship’s sail cast a shadow/shade on the water. It lengthened as the sun went down.
3. This plant can grow almost anywhere - from lawns to forested areas, in direct sun or in shade/shadow.
4. It had grown dark, and the shade/shadows could be hiding anything.
5. It was a sweltering summer day. They were sitting under the shade/shadow of the huge trees near the
lake, drinking iced tea.
6. She walked toward the square, moving so quietly that she was only a shade/shadow that emerged from
deeper shadows, disappeared, emerged again.
7. The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows/shade against the wall.
[thường không đứng trước danh I was a bit annoyed about the whole
từ] khá là giận dữ ~ thing.
/ə'nɔɪd/ (adj)
irritated /'ɪrɪteɪtɪd/ (adj)
cảm thấy giận dữ và mất kiên nhẫn It’s very easy to get frustrated in this
bởi vì bạn không thể làm hoặc đạt job.
/frʌ'streɪtɪd/ (adj)
được điều bạn muốn
[miêu tả người) không vui, lo lắng, Babies often become fretful when
không thoải mái, khó chịu, không thể they are tired or hungry.
/'fretfl/ (adj)
thư giãn
indignant cảm thấy hoặc thể hiện sự giận dữ và They were indignant that they


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/m'dɪgnənt/ (adj) ngạc nhiên bởi vì bạn nghĩ rằng bạn hadn’t been invited.
đã bị đối xử một cách không công
bằng: căm phẫn, phẫn nộ
thường xuyên phàn nàn; thể hiện rằng A querulous male voice said, "Look,
bạn đang bực bội: hay càu nhàu, hay are you going to order, or what?"
/'kwerələs/ (adj)
than phiền, dễ cáu kỉnh
dễ giận dữ, thường bởi những thứ He was a sickly, peevish child.
không quan trọng
/'pɪ:vɪʃ/ (adj)
~ irritable /'ɪrɪtəbl/ (adj)
thường giận dữ; đang trong tâm trạng - Her husband was a bad-
giận dữ tempered man.
/,bæd 'tempəd/ (adj)
- He sat in bad-tempered silence.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous/indignant in his old age. He complained about
everything around him.
2. She was very fretful/indignant at the way she had been treated.
3. Don’t assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she’s fretful/bad- tempered.
4. He is thereby reduced to the status of a child, though a spoiled child with the physical capabilities of a
man: petulant, demanding, querulous/indignant, self- centred, and violent if he doesn't get his own way.
5. She gets very frustrated/bad-tempered when she's tired and stressed out.
6. He was annoyed/indignant to find himself going red.
7. A week before the examination, he became restless and peevish/indignant.
8. Airport workers were left to deal with the thousands of peevish/frustrated passengers by the long
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. When he got over the shock of Ann’s hostility, he became _______ at being treated so dismissively.
A. bad-tempered B. indignant C. peevish D. querulous
10. Long periods of rain were the teachers' despair, as the children couldn’t go out and the teachers had to
supervise indoor play, and everybody became frustrated and _______.
A. indignant B. relaxed C. fretful D. tolerant
11. He complained in a _______ voice about having been woken up early. He’s not a morning person.
A. querulous B. relaxing C. peevish D. fretful
12. She became very _______ when it was suggested she had lied.
A. tolerant B. fretful C. relaxed D. indignant
13. James got a _______ night’s sleep after the dreadful news.
A. fretful B. querulous C. bad-tempered D. annoyed
14. The kids were _______ after being too long in the car.
A. relaxed B. peevish C. indignant D. tolerant
của ai đó chứ không thuộc về hay The novel was written
liên quan đến bất kì người nào khác from personal experience.
personal (thường đứng trước danh từ)
/'pɜ:sənl/ (adj) thuộc về cuộc sống cá nhân của một I try not to let work interfere with
ai đó chứ không phải về công việc my personal life.
= private
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] được coi là They interviewed
individual một cá thể/một cá nhân riêng biệt each individual member of the
/,ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl/ (adj) trong một nhóm vật/người community.
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] liên quan Children get


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

đến một con người; được thiết kế chỉ more individual attention in small
cho một người classes.
[thường đứng trước danh từ] thuộc The sign said, "Private property.
về hoặc chỉ dành cho một ai đó/một Keep out.”
nhóm người nào đó chứ không dành
cho công chúng/tập thể
nhằm mục đích hoặc chỉ bao gồm We agreed to keep our
một cá nhân/một nhóm người cụ thể arrangement private.
/'praɪvət/ (adj)
chứ không dành cho tập thể hoặc cho
các cá nhân khác biết
[thường đứng trước danh từ] không He is on a private trip to England
liên quan đến công việc hoặc địa vị now.
= personal
single [chỉ đứng trước danh từ] nhằm mục a single bed
/'sɪŋgl/(adj) đích được sử dụng bởi một người
separate độc lập, tồn tại riêng rẽ Jack and Sophia have begun to sleep
/'seprət/ (adj) in separate rooms.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. A sign in English and French announced that the restaurant was closed for a private/single party.
2. All patients are located in personal/separate rooms to prevent infection.
3. The receptionist asked for my personal/individual details, such as full name, date and place of birth,
education background, etc.
4. The new charter establishes the personal/individual rights and duties of citizens.
5. You can switch between the private/single player and the multiplayer games.
6. Please keep single/personal phone calls to a minimum when you're at work.
7. Earlier the prime minister had spent six days in England on a single/private visit.
8. The doctor carefully evaluates the single/individual needs of her patients.
9. You shouldn't listen to other people's private/separate conversations.
10. Householders are given four separate/single receptacles for their rubbish.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. We have different activities and approaches, and we try and make _______ care plans for each
A. single B. separate C. personal D. individual
12. On the three floors above the Hamlet restaurant, there were three _______ hotels, each occupying a
single floor.
A. individual B. personal C. separate D. single
13. He was popular as much for his _______ qualities as for his management skills.
A. personal B. single C. separate D. private
14. The villa has its own _______ beach.
A. single B. private C. personal D. individual
15. This is a _______ -sex school. It's for girls only.
A. single B. separate C. individual D. personal
16. Raw meat must be kept _______ from cooked meat.
A. individual B. personal C. separate D. single
17. Apparently, in interviews the celebrity always refuses to talk about her _______ life.
A. separate B. individual C. single D. private
18. He learned this lesson the hard way - from his own _______ experience.
A. single B. separate C. individual D. personal
19. Divide the vegetables and beef among four _______ dishes.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. individual B. single C. private D. personal

20. The waiter asked if we were all together, so I explained that we were two _______ parties.
A. single B. separate C. personal D. individual
21. A(n) _______ room at the Astir Hotel costs £56 a night and £98 for a double.
A. individual B. single C. personal D. private
22. My _______ view is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom.
A. single B. private C. personal D. separate
23. The two leaders held _______ talks in June to try to resolve the dispute.
A. private B. personal C. separate D. single
24. Use _______ chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables, and salads.
A. individual B. personal C. private D. separate
25. You never allow _______ problems to affect your performance.
A. personal B. single C. separate D. individual
26. It was the first time many had seen works from the artist's _______ collection.
A. single B. individual C. separate D. private
27. Each _______ employee was given a bonus.
A. private B. single C. individual D. separate
way /weɪ/ (n) [C] cách/phương pháp/phương kế/biện - I love him and I think he feels the
pháp/phong cách/kiểu để làm việc gì đó same way.
*way mang nghĩa chung chung và suồng - There are many ways of solving the
sã hơn method bởi vì nó có thể có nghĩa problem.
là một kỹ thuật đơn lẻ hoặc cả một tổ
hợp các kỹ thuật
[C] cách/kiểu mà ai đó hành xử hoặc - He was showing off, as is the
nghĩ; cách/kiểu mà việc gì xảy ra way with adolescent boys.
ways [số nhiều] cách hành xử/sống đặc - After ten years I'm used to the strange
trưng tiêu biểu của một nhóm người cụ British ways.
method [C] một cách cụ thể để làm việc gì - The pill is the most efficient method
/'meθəd/ đó: phương pháp, cách thức of birth control.
(n) * method mang ý nghĩa gồm một nhóm - a reliable method of measuring blood
các kỹ thuật (được thực hiện theo từng pressure
bước) và nó nhấn mạnh vào mục đích
đạt được sự hiệu quả và độ chính xác
approach /ə'prəʊtʃ/ [C] cách để giải quyết việc gì hoặc tiếp - The school has decided to adopt a
(n) cận/tiếp xúc/hành xử với ai đó (được different approach to
suy nghĩ và lên kế hoạch cẩn thận); cách discipline.
để thực hiện hoặc suy nghĩ về một việc - He is always very logical in
gì ví dụ như là một vấn đề hoặc một his approach.
nhiệm vụ nào đó: phương pháp, each
tiếp cận
technique [C] cách cụ thể để làm việc gì, đặc biệt Doctors are developing a
/tek'nɪ:k/ là cách mà bạn phải học các kỹ năng đặc painless technique to give shots.
(n) biệt thì mới thực hiện được: kỹ thuật
means [C] một hành động/một vật/một hệ - We needed to get to London, but we
/mi:nz/ (n) thống được sử dụng để đạt được một kết had no means of transport.
quả nào đó; một cách để đạt được hoặc - Fishing is their only means
làm việc gì: phương tiện, biện pháp, of livelihood.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cách thức
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We have developed a new technique/manner for detecting errors in the manufacturing process.
2. You can pay for your purchase in one of two techniques/ways: by cash or by credit card.
3. Education and training are the most efficient means/techniques of improving the nation’s economy.
4. The company is taking a proactive approach/way to easing the energy crisis.
5. Travelling by train is still one of the safest techniques/methods of transport.
6. Don’t worry, if she seems quiet - it’s just her way/technique.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. She’s a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the _______ of a truly great performer.
A. approach B. technique C. means D. method
8. I could tell he liked her from the _______ he looked at her.
A. way B. approach C. method D. technique
9. Examinations are not the only _______ of assessing a student's ability.
A. technique B. manner C. means D. approach
10. That's not the right _______ to hold a pair of scissors. Let me show you.
A. approach B. means C. medium D. way
11. I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new _______ to Shakespeare.
A. approach B. method C. way D. means
12. Debit cards are becoming the payment _______ of choice for many consumers.
A. means B. method C. technique D. approach
13. For many people, the motorbike is still their main _______ of transport.
A. manner B. method C. way D. means
14. You’ll have to close everything down and restart your computer. It’s the only _______
A. technique B. method C. way D. means
[ngoại động từ] cải thiện một hệ There are proposals to reform the
reform thống/một tổ chức/luật pháp/... bằng cách welfare system.
/rɪ'fɔ:m/ (v) tạo ra những thay đổi (thường là mạnh
mẽ và quyết liệt) cho nó; cải cách
improve trở nên tốt hơn trước; làm cho ai/cái gì tốt Working conditions have greatly
/ɪm'pru:v/ (v) hơn trước: cải thiện, cải tạo, cải tiến improved.
refine something cải thiện điều gì (một ý She has refined her playing
tưởng/phương pháp/hệ thống/kế hoạch technique over the years.
...) bằng cách dần dần tạo ra những thay
/rɪ'faɪn/ (v)
đổi nhỏ cho nó: cải tiến; trau chuốt; làm
cho tinh tế hơn ...
rehabilitate something Billions of pounds are being spent
làm cho một toà nhà hoặc một khu vực on rehabilitating inner-city areas.
trở lại trạng thái tốt như nó trước đây
(khôi phục lại)
ameliorate something The side-effects of the treatment
làm cho một điều gì đó đã từng xấu hoặc can be ameliorated to some
không đủ tốt trở nên tốt hơn hoặc ít có extent.
(v) (formal)
hại hơn: làm tốt hơn, cải thiện
revamp something The company is attempting
tạo ra những thay đổi về hình thái/dạng to revamp its image.
của một điều gì/thứ gì để cải thiện vẻ bề
(v) (informal)
ngoài của nó và làm cho nó có vẻ hiện


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

đại và hiệu quả hơn

reclaim something (from something) This land will be reclaimed for a
reclaim làm cho đất quá ướt hoặc quá khô trở nên new airport.
/rɪ'kleɪm/ (v) phù hợp để có thể xây dựng trên đó hoặc
để cho nông nghiệp: cải tạo đất
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Engineers spent many months rehabilitating/refining the software.
2. The law requires mining companies to reclaim/reform and replant the land.
3. They reclaimed/reformed the voting system and introduced a secret ballot.
4. Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate/rehabilitate the effects of the drought.
5. Many older companies are reclaiming/revamping their image.
6. Her health has rehabilitated/improved dramatically since she started on this new diet.
7. As the number of children attending school increases, the charity is responding by building
or rehabilitating/reclaiming additional schools.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The automaker is _______ a number of its cars in an effort to make them more appealing to younger
A. reclaiming B. rehabilitating C. revamping D. reforming
9. That builder _______ older housing which he then sells for a profit.
A. rehabilitates B. reforms C. ameliorates D. reclaims
10. Environmental groups have been _______ contaminated sites.
A. reforming B. reclaimed C. rehabilitated D. improved
11. They would constantly _______ their designs until they were almost perfect.
A. rehabilitate B. reform C. reclaim D. refine
12. My quality of life has _______ tremendously since I moved to the countryside.
A. improved B. revamped C. reformed D. refined
13. Many grasslands are now being acknowledged as having a multifunctional role in producing food and
_______ croplands, in environmental management and cultural heritage.
A. reforming B. refining C. rehabilitating D. revamping
14. The organization is trying to _______ desert land for farming.
A. refine B. revamp C. reform D. reclaim
15. A number of Sir Michael's movie classics have been _______ for modern audiences.
A. revamped B. rehabilitated C. ameliorated D. reformed
16. The humour _______ the violence in the statement.
A. rehabilitates B. refines C. ameliorates D. reclaims
17. In addition, both agencies have joined forces to _______ a nearby pond as a future breeding site for
the rare frog.
A. refine B. rehabilitate C. revamp D. reform
18. The president is preparing for a showdown with his advisers over his plans to _______ the economy.
A. reclaim B. ameliorate C. reform D. rehabilitate
19. Warehouses on River Street overlooking St Peter’s Way will be _______ to create modern offices.
A. refined B. reformed C. reclaimed D. revamped
20. They drained the lakes and swamps and _______ the land for agriculture.
A. reclaimed B. refined C. revamped D. reformed
21. Its aim was to help such countries to acquire technology and sustainability by _______ their
institutions and improving their competitiveness.
A. reclaiming B. rehabilitating C. refining D. reforming
22. You can significantly _______ your chances of getting a job by compiling a good CV.
A. revamp B. reform C. improve D. rehabilitate
23. The site for the airport will be _______ from the swamp.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. refined B. reclaimed C. rehabilitated D. improved

24. The experts believe that family ties play a major role in _______ the potential social distress caused
by unemployment.
A. ameliorating B. reforming C. reclaiming D. rehabilitating
25. Our methods have been gradually _______ over the years.
A. reclaimed B. rehabilitated C. refined D. revamped
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] giữ cho How long can you balance on one
cơ thể của bạn hoặc thứ gì đó ở một leg?
vị trí cân bằng và không bị đổ: giữ
balance thăng bằng
/'bæləns/ (v) [ngoại động từ] giữ sự cân bằng về I struggle to balance work and family
tầm quan trọng, thời gian, tiền bạc commitments.
với hai thứ/phần của một điều gì đó
thường là khác nhau: giữ cân bằng
[ngoại động từ] làm cho mọi thứ ở They are putting pressure on the
equalize một nơi hoặc một nhóm được cân government to equalize state pension
/'i:kwəlaɪz/ bằng về kích cỡ, số lượng, giá ages between men and women.
(v) trị,...: làm cân bằng, làm ngang bằng,
làm bằng nhau
level làm cho cái gì đó bằng phẳng: san Workers levelled the wet concrete
/'levl/ (v) bằng, san phẳng with a piece of wood.
[ngoại động từ] ngang bằng với The two candidates are
ai/điều gì về giá trị/kích cỡ/chất evenly matched.
match lượng/sự thành công/...
/mætʃ/ (v)
[ngoại động từ] làm cho điều gì an attempt to match financial
giống như hoặc tốt hơn điều gì khác resources to needs
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We need to equalize/balance the workload among the teaching staff.
2. Contractors started equalizing/levelling the ground for the new power station.
3. The television was precariously balanced/equalized on top of a pile of books.
4. It was promoted as a way to relieve homeowners of high property taxes and balance/equalize funding
for schools in rich and poor communities.
5. The work is expected to take about a year during which time the surface will
be levelled/balanced, drained and reseeded and flood lighting installed.
6. His strength is levelled/matched by his intelligence.
7. Women are often the primary caregivers at home and face the additional challenge
of balancing/equalizing their working and family lives.
8. The new company was unable to match/level his current salary.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. Few cities in Europe can _______ the cultural richness of Berlin.
A. balance B. match C. level D. equalize
10. Two fields have been bought, _______ and surfaced to be used as car parks for the duration of the
A. levelled B. balanced C. equalized D. matched
11. _______ awkwardly on one leg, he lowered himself into his wheelchair.
A. Matching B. Levelling C. Equalizing D. Balancing
12. Miners demanded a standard rate throughout the country to _______ wages.
A. match B. equalize C. balance D. level


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. The severity of the punishment should _______ the seriousness of the crime.
A. match B. level C. equalize D. balance
14. It is heartbreaking to see all of the trees in Princes Road felled and the ground being _______.
A. equalized B. levelled C. balanced D. matched
15. The underlying cause of this disadvantage is the lack of support for women struggling to _______
their working and family lives.
A. balance B. equalize C. match D. level
16. The have reduced all their stock by 10% to _______ competitors’ prices.
A. level B. balance C. equalize D. match
17. As a parent trying to _______ home and career, I find it very difficult to find time for a social life.
A. match B. level C. balance D. equalize
18. In a recent case in New York, a judge ruled that New York City schools were underfunded, and he
ordered the state to _______ funding.
A. level B. balance C. match D. equalize
19. The company can't _______ the performance of its American rivals.
A. balance B. level C. match D. equalize
20. _______ my mug of coffee in one hand, I managed to open the door.
A. Balancing B. Matching C. Equalizing D. Levelling
[nội động từ] can thiệp vào một tình - The police had to intervene when
huống khó khăn để làm cải thiện, protesters blocked traffic.
giúp đỡ, ngăn cản nó trở nên tệ hơn - The situation calmed down when
police intervened.
[nội động từ] xen vào, can thiệp vào - I wish my mother would
interfere một tình huống mà bạn thật sự không stop interfering and let me make my
/,intər'fɪr/ nên liên quan, làm cho tình huống đó own decisions.
(v) trở nên tệ hơn, và thường làm người - If you try and interfere in my life, I'll
khác cảm thấy bực mình leave.
[nội động từ] + [ngoại động từ] xen - Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone
vào, làm gián đoạn khi ai đó đang to see you.
nói gì hoặc làm gì - They were interrupted by a knock at
the door.
[nội động từ] can thiệp giùm, can - They asked my father to intercede with
intercede ngăn, nói chuyện với ai đó để thuyết the king on their behalf.
/,intər'si:d/ phục họ đối xử tốt với người khác - Both times his
(v) hoặc giúp giải quyết một cuộc tranh employer interceded and got him freed.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She was resentful of anybody's attempts to intervene/interfere in her work.
2. The minister intervened/interfered personally to stop the museum from being closed.
3. She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting/interceding her.
4. Local groups asked the politician to interrupt/intercede with the government on their behalf.
5. The government warned its neighbors not to interfere/interrupt in its internal affairs.
6. Late in the night, he and several other men interrupted/interceded in a fight between two women.
7. There is increasing demand for the United Nations to intervene/intercede in trouble spots throughout
the world.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us _______ you.
A. interfere B. interrupt C. intervene D. intercede
9. When the boss accused her of lying, several other employees _______ on her behalf.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. interceded B. intervened C. interrupted D. interfered

10. Their only hope now is that the outside world will _______ but it is an increasingly forlorn hope.
A. intercede B. interfere C. intervene D. interrupt
11. _______ in other people's relationships is always a mistake.
A. Interrupting B. Interceding C. Intervening D. Interfering
12. He's very impatient and always _______ me mid-sentence.
A. intervenes B. interrupts C. interferes D. intercedes
28. CẢNH
[không đếm được] phong cảnh, cảnh - The river passes through a rich variety
scenery vật thiên nhiên, tự nhiên chẳng hạn of scenery.
/'si:nəri/ như núi, thung lũng, sông, đảo và - We stopped on the mountain pass to
(n) rừng,..., khi bạn nghĩ nó đẹp, hấp admire the scenery.
[không đếm được, thường ở dạng số - As we journeyed south,
landscape ít] phong cảnh, khung cảnh, mọi thứ the landscape became drier and rockier.
/'lændskeɪp/ bạn có thể thấy khi nhìn trên một - The impact of farming on the
(n) vùng đất rộng lớn, đặc biệt là ở vùng natural landscape has increased greatly.
[đếm được] cảnh vật, quang cảnh, - He photographed a wide range of
scene nơi mà bạn thấy, hoặc nơi xuất hiện street scenes.
/si:n/ trong một bức hình, bức tranh. - The scene from the mountaintop was
(n) Ngoài ra còn dùng với nghĩa hiện breathtaking.
trường (nơi diễn ra vụ việc nào đó)
- [không đếm được] cảnh tượng, cái - The house was hidden
gì đó nằm trong tầm nhìn của ai from sight behind some trees.
- [dạng số nhiều] cảnh đẹp, điểm - We spent a week in Rome looking at all
sight /saɪt/
tham quan, những địa điểm thú vị, the sights.
đặc biệt là ở một thị trấn hoặc thành
phố, thường được khách du lịch ghé
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The scenery/landscape is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers.
2. The majestic Montana scenery/landscape will leave you breathless.
3. Picture the scene/sight - the crowds of people and animals, the noise, the dirt.
4. We enjoyed seeing the scenes/sights of San Francisco.
5. We sat in horror watching the scenes/sights of violence unfold before us.
6. Here and there the rusted hulk of an abandoned car dots the landscape/scenery.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The painting depicts an idyllic pastoral _______ of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.
A. sight B. scene C. landscape D. scenery
8. We moved to Northamptonshire and a new _______ of hedges and fields.
A. landscape B. scenery C. sight D. scene
9. For a complete change of _______, take a ferry out to one of the islands.
A. scene B. sight C. landscape D. scenery
10. No _______ in Moscow are more historic than the Kremlin.
A. sceneries B. landscapes C. sights D. scenes
11. The police arrived to find a _______ of horrifying destruction.
A. scene B. scenery C. landscape D. scenery


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

tập trung chú ý đến những gì đang xảy ra để The entrances are guarded
watchful đề phòng trường hợp nguy hiểm/tai nạn/... by watchful security staff.
/'wɒʧfl/ (adj) và sẵn sàng để giải quyết các vấn đề: đề
phòng, cảnh giác
tập trung hoàn toàn sự chú ý vào những thứ - Try to stay alert while driving
xung quanh và có thể nhanh chóng nhìn ra, at night.
alert hiểu hoặc hành động trong một tình huống - We must be alert to the
/ə'lɜ:t/ (adj) cụ thể; nhìn ra/nhận thấy/nhận thức được possibility of danger.
điều gì (đặc biệt là các mối nguy hiểm hoặc
vấn đề tiềm tàng): tập trung, cảnh giác
luôn luôn cẩn thận để nhìn ra được bất kỳ The thief was spotted
dấu hiệu nào của sự nguy hiểm hoặc vấn đề by vigilant neighbours.
/'vɪdʒɪlənt/ (adj)
tiềm tàng: thận trọng, cảnh giác
~ alert, watchful
cẩn thận trong những việc bạn làm hoặc nói, She is cautious about making
cautious đặc biệt là để tránh nguy hiểm hoặc mắc lỗi; predictions for the success of the
/'kɔ:ʃəs/ (adj) không mạo hiểm: thận trọng program.
>< rash /ræ∫/(adj)
không hoàn toàn tin tưởng hoặc chắc chắn - We must teach children to
về điều gì hoặc ai đó; cẩn thận khi tiếp xúc be wary of strangers.
hoặc quan hệ với ai hoặc giải quyết việc gɪ - The police will need to keep
vì bạn nghĩ rằng có thể có vấn đề hoặc sự a wary eye on this area of town
nguy hiểm: thận trọng, cảnh giác, đề phòng (= watch it carefully in case
~ cautious there is trouble).
(khen ngợi) giỏi hoặc có thể nhanh chóng để Most men aren’t
observant ý thấy những việc xung quanh: hay quan very observant about things like
/əb'zɜ:vənt/ (adj) sát, tinh mắt hair or clothes.
~ sharp-eyed /ʃɑ:p 'aid/(adj)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The scientists are vigilant/cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.
2. I'm a little wary/observant of/about giving people my address when I don't know them very well.
3. The children played under the watchful/observant eye of their teacher.
4. A particularly cautious/observant child, he noticed even the slightest changes in the classroom.
5. A small animal must always remain alert/wary for predators.
6. Please always remain vigilant/rash and report anything suspicious.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. He said the group would continue its _______ approach to expanding in Japan until it better
understood the market.
A. alert B. cautious C. observant D. watchful
8. The strange look on his eyes made me _______ of accepting his offer.
A. observant B. watchful C. wary D. alert
9. Bill was in the kitchen, keeping a(n) _______ eye on the children as he prepared lunch.
A. wary B. cautious C. observant D. watchful
10. She was insightful and _______, constantly surprising her parents by what she noticed.
A. observant B. watchful C. vigilant D. cautious
11. There was a noise outside and he was suddenly _______.
A. cautious B. alert C. wary D. observant
12. He was very _______ about committing himself to anything.
A. cautious B. vigilant C. alert D. watchful


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. He has become extremely _______ of relationships as a result of his childhood experiences.
A. watchful B. alert C. vigilant D. wary
14. "That's a new dress, isn't it?" - "Yes, you're _______!"
A. watchful B. alert C. observant D. wary
15. Under the _______ eye of their mother, the two boys played on the beach.
A. wary B. watchful C. cautious D. observant
16. I’ve always been _______ about giving people my phone number.
A. vigilant B. cautious C. watchful D. alert
17. She longed to ask questions but was _______ of revealing her complete lack of local knowledge.
A. wary B. observant C. alert D. watchful
18. _______ walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.
A. cautious B. wary C. rash D. observant
19. There had been a rash of petty thefts in the hotel, and we were all warned to be _______.
A. wary B. vigilant C. observant D. cautious
20. The fans left the ground quietly, under the _______ gaze of security cameras.
A. observant B. cautious C. watchful D. wary
21. Parents should be _______ to sudden changes in children's behaviour.
A. alert B. wary C. cautious D. watchful
22. Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra _______
A. rash B. wary C. vigilant D. cautious
23. He did not bother answering me, his eyes were almost closed, but the impression he gave was that he
was concentrating intensely and quite _______ to what was happening around us.
A. wary B. alert C. observant D. cautious
24. Travellers in foreign countries are reminded to be _______ at all times.
A. vigilant B. rash C. observant D. sharp-eyed
30. CẶP
- hai người đang làm gì đó cùng nhau - Get the students to do the exercise
(ví dụ làm việc theo cặp) để cùng as pair work (= two students work
pair /per/ nhau đạt được điều gì đó together).
(n) - chỉ hai vật hợp thành một bộ, không - I bought a pair of shoes yesterday.
thể thiếu một trong hai hoặc một đồ
vật có hai bộ phận
- thường dùng chỉ một cặp vợ chồng - We met a couple from Chicago, who
hoặc một đôi nam nữ đang trong mối were travelling with their three children.
couple quan hệ yêu đương - A couple of police officers were
/'kʌp.əl/ - hai hoặc nhiều thứ cùng loại hoặc standing at the door.
(n) những người cùng giới tính, cùng
ngành nghề..., (có liên quan đến
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Lawyers for the couple/pair have announced that they are starting divorce proceedings.
2. Shoplifters often work in couples/pairs, with one creating a diversion to distract the shop assistants
while the other steals the goods.
3. Margot and Tom seem like a very happy couple/pair - have they been married long?
4. Get couples/pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
5. The hotel was full of honeymoon couples/pairs.
6. My glasses are getting old and I probably need a new couple/pair.
7. When she got home, she saw a couple/pair of men get out.
transplant [ngoại động từ] cấy - Patients often reject transplanted organs.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/træns'plænt/ ghép một bộ phận - transplant

(v) từ cơ thể người này something (from somebody/something) (into somebody/something)
sang người khác
[ngoại động - an electrode implanted into the brain
từ] ghép một thứ gì - an operation to implant an artificial heart
đó (thường là thứ gì
đó nhân tạo) vào
một bộ phận của cơ
thể, thường là trong
một cuộc phẫu
thuật y tế
[ngoại động - Insert the key in/into the lock.
từ] chèn cái gì vào - She picked up a knife and inserted it between the top of the
bên trong cái gì, drawer and the desk.
hoặc chèn cái gì
vào giữa hai cái gì
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Organs are transplanted/implanted from donors into patients who need them.
2. Only one person has survived an operation to transplant/implant an artificial heart.
3. Insert/Implant your ATM card in the slot to begin your transaction.
4. He had transplanted/implanted a laboratory-grown windpipe into a man stricken by throat cancer.
5. Surgeons have successfully transplanted/implanted a liver into a four-year- old boy.
6. Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before transplanting/inserting the thermometer.
childcare việc chăm sóc trẻ con khi bố mẹ People earning low wages will find it
/'tʃaɪldkeə(r)/ chúng đi làm hoặc vắng mặt difficult to pay for childcare.
(n) [U]
child- việc chăm sóc con cái cho đến khi It's often difficult for a woman to
rearing /'ʧaɪld,rɪə.rɪŋ/ chúng đủ lớn để tự chăm sóc mình have a job after years of child-
(n) [U] rearing.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Her husband is actively involved in child-rearing/childcare. He always makes time for his kids and is
a good role model.
2. Jessica had won a place to become a student teacher but couldn’t afford childcare/child-rearing for
her four-year-old son.
3. Many of them are being lost owing to the closure of children’s centres which provide support, child-
rearing/childcare, and activities for young families.
4. Behavioural factors were assessed in observed parent - child interactions and maternal reports
of childcare/child-rearing styles.
5. Apart from the lack of jobs, the main obstacle for lone parents who want a paid job is the lack of child-
6. He gave us a very clear explanation of how our styles of child- rearing/childcare come to be reflected
in the peaceful or warlike qualities of our societies.
7. In terms of cash flow during the childcare/child-rearing years, many families and most single parents
are really poor.
8. Arranging childcare/child-rearing over the school holidays can be quite a conundrum for working
33. CHÀO


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

chào đón ai đó bằng những lời nói - She greeted us with a warm smile.
(ví dụ như ‘hello’) hoặc hành động - Loud cheers greeted the athletes.
cụ thể (ví dụ như bắt tay): chào,
chào hỏi, đón chào; phản ứng với
greet việc gì/ai theo một cách cụ thể nào
/gri:t/ (v) đó
[thường ở dạng bị động] (hình When she opened the door, she was greeted
ảnh/âm thanh/ mùi) là thứ đầu tiên by a scene of utter confusion.
mà bạn thấy/nghe thấy/ngửi thấy ở
một nơi cụ thể nào đó
cúi đầu hoặc khom lưng để thể hiện The pianist stood up and bowed to the
sự kính trọng/tôn trọng/cảm ơn hoặc audience.
để nói xin chào hoặc tạm biệt
salute [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] (xem JGI/Blend Images/GettyImages
/sə'lu:t/ hình ảnh minh hoạ)
đến gặp và nói với ai đó một cách The prime minister of
thân thiện khi người đó đến chỗ bạn Canada welcomed the president warmly.
welcome đang có mặt: chào đón
/'welkəm/ ~ greet
(v) hài lòng với việc ai đó đến hoặc gia We are always pleased to welcome new
nhập vào một tổ chức/tham gia vào members.
một hoạt động/...
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The whole family turned out to salute/welcome him back.
2. The head teacher bowed/greeted all the pupils by name.
3. He bowed/welcomed low to the assembled crowd.
4. The changes were welcomed/greeted with suspicion.
5. The sergeant stood to attention and saluted/welcomed.
6. As we walked into the house, we were bowed/greeted by a wonderful smell of baking.
7. The school is preparing to greet/welcome the new intake of students.
8. The soldiers clapped/saluted the General.
9. The president stood at the door, welcoming/saluting newcomers with a large smile and a pat on the
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. The new immigrants have been _______ into the community.
A. greeted B. saluted C. welcomed D. bowed
11. The man climbed off his horse, and _______ to Dominic in respect.
A. bowed B. saluted C. greeted D. welcomed
12. His statement was _______ with cries of astonishment and indignation.
A. saluted B. welcomed C. bowed D. greeted
13. We are delighted to _______ you to our company.
A. greet B. welcome C. salute D. bow
14. They both made their way down to the dining room and were _______ by the sound of raucous
A. greeted B. saluted C. bowed D. welcomed
15. Formal greetings are made by _______ the head and upper body.
A. welcoming B. greeting C. bowing D. saluting
34. CHẤT


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

substance [C] một loại chất lỏng/bột/khí/ rắn mà The leaves were covered with a
/'sʌbstəns/ có những đặc điểm cụ thể nào đó: chất strange sticky substance.
[C, U] một loại chất mà được dùng để - building materials (= bricks, sand,
làm ra/tạo ra/sản xuất những thứ gì glass, stone, etc.)
material đó: nguyên liệu, vật liệu - Uranium is a radioactive material.
/mə'tɪəriəl/ [U, C] vải được dùng để may quần - satin, velvet, silk, and other dress
(n) áo/rèm cửa/... material
~ fabric/'fæbrɪk/ (n) - "What material is this dress made
of?" "Cotton."
[U] (informal) được dùng để nói về một - What’s this black stuff?
chất/nguyên liệu/vật liệu/nhóm đồ vật/... - There’s sticky stuff all over the
stuff khi bạn không biết tên của chúng, khi chair.
/stʌf/ (n) tên của chúng không quan trọng hoặc
khi mà ai cũng hiểu bạn đang nói tới thứ

[U] (vật lý) vật chất (bao gồm chất rắn, Einstein described what we call
khí, lỏng) để làm ra mọi thứ trên trái đất; gravity as curves in space and time,
matter không phải tinh thần hoặc linh hồn created by matter and energy.
/'mætə(r)/ [U] (formal) một chất thuộc về một loại - elimination of waste matter from the
(n) cụ thể nào đó body
- Add plenty of organic matter to
improve the soil.
[C] (sinh học) một chất mà một thứ gì - a good growing medium for
đó tồn tại/sống/sinh trưởng trong đó tomatoes
hoặc di chuyển qua: môi trường - Compost is an excellent growing
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Some scientists believe that there is about ten times as much substance/matter in the universe as
astronomers have observed.
2. Most vegetable matter/fabric is compostable.
3. Plutonium 238 is one of the most toxic fabric/substances known to man.
4. The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium/stuff.
5. The fire spread so quickly because there was a lot of flammable material/condition inside the building.
6. The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic fabric/stuff
7. She was wearing a long black dress made of some silky substance/material.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Physics is the science which deals with properties and interactions of _______ and energy.
A. matter B. medium C. material D. fabric
9. The chairs are made of recycled _______.
A. medium B. substance C. condition D. material
10. How do you think you’re going to fit all that _______ into the car?
A. medium B. matter C. stuff D. substance
11. Blood is the _______ in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.
A. medium B. material C. fabric D. matter
12. Students of a nearby school found poisonous organic _______ in water samples they studied.
A. fabric B. matter C. medium D. condition
13. He drinks gallons of tea - he loves the _______.
A. substance B. material C. medium D. stuff


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. The company supplies building _______ such as bricks, stone, and cement.
A. substances B. materials C. matters D. mediums
15. These cells are grown in a nutrient-rich _______.
A. fabric B. matter C. medium D. material
16. The purple dress of velvet _______ fitted her perfectly.
A. material B. medium C. matter D. substance
17. Soils with more clay and organic _______ tend to hold water and dissolved chemicals longer.
A. matter B. fabric C. medium D. material
18. Some frogs produce toxic _______ in their skin.
A. mediums B. substances C. materials D. fabrics
19. Blood is a great _______ for the bacteria that causes gonorrhoea.
A. matter B. material C. fabric D. medium
(bệnh tật, tai nạn,...) chết người hoặc - If she gets ill again, it could prove fatal
gây chết người (= be fatal).
- a fatal illness
fatal rất nghiêm trọng và có ảnh hưởng rất There was a fatal flaw in the plan.
/'feɪtl/ (adj) xấu (gây ra tai hoạ hoặc thất bại), đặc
biệt là khiến ai thất bại hoặc phải
ngừng việc họ đang làm: tai hoạ, gây
tai hoạ
(sinh vật sống, đặc biệt là con người) Every living creature is mortal.
không thể sống mãi; phải chết
>< immortal
gây ra cái chết hoặc có thể sẽ gây ra - a mortal wound
mortal cái chết; rất nghiêm trọng - mortal danger/enemy/threat
/'mɔ:tl/ (adj) (= very serious and dangerous danger,
enemy, threat...)
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] [trang They were locked in mortal combat (= a
trọng) kéo dài cho đến khi ai đó chết fight that will only end with the death of
~ deadly one of them).
có thể sẽ gây ra cái chết trong tương - a deadly disease
deadly /'dedli/ lai/có khả năng gây ra cái chết cho ai - a deadly weapon
(adj) đó/đã gây ra cái chết cho ai đó - The authorities are looking into last
week's deadly gas explosions.
gây ra hoặc có khả năng gây ra cái a lethal dose of heroin
lethal ~ deadly, fatal
(suồng sã, thường mang tính hài hước) You and that car - it’s
gây ra hoặc có khả năng gây ra rất a lethal combination!
nhiều tác hại xấu hoặc thiệt hại
(bệnh tật, một loại bệnh) không thể terminal lung cancer
terminal chữa được và sẽ dần dần dẫn đến cái
/'tɜ:mɪnl/ (adj) chết

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal/terminal fumes.
2. Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical,
contain terminal/deadly poisons.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

3. Humans are mortal/deadly, and we all eventually die.

4. Higher taxes and higher inflation were a terminal/lethal combination.
5. This disease is immortal/terminal, and the death is slow and agonising.
6. As the ship began to sink, they realized they were in mortal/terminal danger (= they might die).
7. The police are investigating a fatal/terminal car crash that occurred last night.
8. New computing technology dealt a terminal/mortal blow to the printing companies.
9. Tax increases have proved deadly/fatal to the nation's business community.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. At the time, broadcasting was regarded as the _______ enemy of live music making.
A. killing B. immortal C. murderous D. mortal
11. I have friends on the bejewelling committee. The man is smart, but too quick to anger. It’s a _______
flaw that cannot be tolerated.
A. fatal B. deadly C. lethal D. terminal
12. High-powered cars are _______ weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.
A. terminal B. immortal C. lethal D. fatal
13. A good number of people suffering from _______ illnesses like cancer or HIV infection or
neurological problems also have been known to commit suicides.
A. murderous B. terminal C. immortal D. killing
14. He made the _______ mistake of believing what they told him.
A. fatal B. deadly C. terminal D. immortal
15. A man is deliberately designed to be _______. He grows, he ages, and he dies.
A. fatal B. deadly C. lethal D. mortal
sự giúp đỡ hoặc lời khuyên (đặc - Under her teacher’s
biệt là từ ai đó nhiều tuổi hơn guidance, she has developed into
hoặc có nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn) an accomplished pianist.
về cách để làm việc gì hoặc cách - guidance for teachers on how to
để giải quyết các vấn đề liên quan use video in the
/'gaɪdns/ (n)
đến công việc, giáo dục, hoặc các classroom
mối quan hệ cá nhân của bạn: sự - The helpline was set up for
hướng dẫn, sự dìu dắt; lời khuyên young people in need
of guidance and support.
[U] một ý kiến, quan điểm, hoặc - I need some advice on which
gợi ý mà ai đó đưa ra cho bạn về smartphone to buy.
việc bạn nên làm gì hoặc hành xử - She went back to work against
/əd'vaɪs/ (n)
như thế nào trong một hình huống the advice of her doctor (= her
cụ thể: lời khuyên, lời chỉ bảo doctor advised her not to).
[C] (plural) những hướng dẫn về - It’s ever so easy to cook. You just
cách để làm việc gì/đi đến đâu follow the directions on the
- A farmer gave us directions
direction to the town.
[U] sự quản lý/hướng dẫn/chỉ đạo - All such research is under
/də'rekʃn/ (n)
ai đó/việc gì government direction.
- All work was produced by the
students under the direction
of John Williams.
instruction (plural) thông tin chi tiết về cách Step-by-step instructions on how
/ɪn'strʌkʃh/ (n) để làm việc gì hoặc sử dụng cái to use the photocopier are


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

gì: hướng dẫn provided.

~ direction
[U] (formal) hành động dạy một - driver under instruction
kỹ năng hoặc một môn học cụ thể (= being taught how to drive)
cho ai đó - basic instruction on using the
- She had no formal instruction
in music.
[C, U] hành động chỉ/dạy/hướng - Sandra and Nigel provided
dẫn/giải thích cách thứ gì đó hoạt a demonstration of salsa dance
demonstration /,demən'streɪʃn/
động hoặc được làm hoặc cách để steps.
làm việc gì: minh họa - We’re going to a
cookery demonstration tonight.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. With all pesticides, follow the directions/advice for use carefully.
2. The project was under the advice/direction of a well-known academic.
3. We had to stop to ask for directions/demonstrations to the beach.
4. You should always read the guidance/instructions on medicines thoroughly.
5. The language of instruction/advice throughout the course is English.
6. Activities all take place under the advice/guidance of an experienced tutor.
7. They give good direction/advice to parents about managing difficult behaviour.
8. Let me give you a (n) demonstration/advice of how the camera works.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. She had been given pretty clear _______, so she found the hotel easily.
A. demonstrations B. guidance C. advice D. directions
10. Always read the _______ carefully before switching on the machine.
A. instructions B. counsels D. guidance D. advice
11. Several nurses working under the _______ of this doctor have made complaints.
A. advice B. demonstration C. direction D. instruction
12. The school district needs another _______ counsellor to work with students
A. demonstration B. guidance C. advice D. instruction
13. The permission was given against the _______ of the planning officers.
A. advice B. instruction C. demonstration D. direction
14. Read the entire label before use and carefully follow the labelled _______ for use.
A. advice B. guidance C. counsels D. directions
15. The primary focus of our teacher’s reading _______ was phonics and reading fluency.
A. direction B. advice C. instruction D. guidance
chỉ cho, để cho ai đó thấy cái gì, - Let me show you this new book I've
điều gì, làm rõ điều gì đó (thường just bought.
thông qua số liệu, nghiên cứu, báo - These photographs show the effects of
cáo...,) the chemical on the trees.
- chứng minh điều gì đó là đúng - New research
bằng việc đưa ra bằng chứng, convincingly demonstrates that age-
chứng cớ related memory loss is not inevitable.
- chứng minh cho ai đó rằng bạn có - These paintings demonstrate his
khả năng, phẩm chất nào đó extraordinary ability as a portrait
indicate - chỉ ra, cho thấy rằng điều gì đó - The article claims that an increase in


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'indɪkeɪt/ đúng và tồn tại crime indicates a decline in moral

(v) - chỉ ra dấu hiệu của một điều gì đó standards.
có thể xảy ra - Boiling hot weather at noon
- làm cho một người chú ý đến often indicates heavy rain in the
người khác hoặc thứ khác bằng evening.
cách chỉ tay. - He indicates where we should put the
book on.
- chứng tỏ, cho thấy một kết quả cụ - The new treatment has proved to be a
thể nào đó sau một khoảng thời disaster.
prove gian, hóa ra là - They proved him innocent
/pru:v/ - chứng minh điều gì đó là đúng
(v) (thường là chứng minh ai đó có tội,
vô tội, chứng minh ai, điều gì đó là
đúng hoặc sai)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The Australian team soon showed/demonstrated their superiority over the opposition.
2. Don't let anyone in unless they show/indicate you their card.
3. They suspected that she'd killed him but they could never actually show/prove that it was her.
4. Please demonstrate/indicate which free gift you would like to receive.
5. The president must demonstrate/show to the country that he is really in control of his government.
6. She was determined to prove/indicate everyone wrong.
7. ‘What are they doing here?' he asked, demonstrating/indicating her bags in the hallway.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. You need to _______ to the examiners that you have more than a literal understanding of the text.
A. indicate B. show C. demonstrate D. prove
9. For ten years he has been fighting to _______ his innocence.
A. demonstrate B. prove C. indicate D. show
10. Studies _______ a link between cancer and processed meats.
A. demonstrate B. indicate C. show D. prove
11. A red sky at night often _______ fine weather the next day.
A. indicates B. demonstrates C. proves D. shows
12. The promotion _______ to be a turning point in his career.
A. demonstrated B. indicated C. showed D. proved
[nội động từ] chia ra thành từng phần - The cells began to divide rapidly.
nhỏ hơn - I divided the class into four groups.
[ngoại động từ] làm cho cái gì chia ra
thành các phần nhỏ hơn
~ split up /split ʌp/ (phrasal verb)
phân cái gì ra thành nhiều phần và The money was divided equally among
chia cho mỗi người his sons.
divide ~ share /ʃeə(r)/ (v)
/dɪ'vaɪd/ (v)
[ngoại động từ] chia và sử dụng thời He divides his energies between politics
gian/năng lượng/... cho các hoạt động and business.
khác nhau
~ split
[nội động từ] (đường hoặc sông) tách The river divides into several channels.
ra thành hai hoặc nhiều hơn hai phần
và đi theo các hướng khác nhau


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

~ fork /fɔ:k/ (v)

[ngoại động từ] (trang trọng) divide Can it ever be right to divide a mother
A from B from her child?
chia cách hai người/vật
[ngoại động từ] ranh giới hoặc The English Channel divides England
chướng ngại (có thật hoặc do tưởng from France.
tượng ra) chia cách/phân cách hai con
người hoặc hai thứ
~ separate
[nội động từ] tách ra/bửa ra thành hai - Split the coconut in half.
hoặc nhiều phần [ngoại động từ] tách - Each chapter is split into two parts.
cái gì ra thành hai hoặc nhiều phần
[ngoại động từ] chia cái gì ra thành - She split the money she won with her
hai hoặc nhiều phần và chia sẻ chúng brother.
giữa những người khác nhau hoặc - We share a house and split all the
split dùng các phần đó cho các hoạt động bills.
/split/ (v) khác nhau - His time is split between the London
and Paris offices.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] chia rẽ The party is deeply split/divided on/over
hoặc làm chia rẽ một nhóm người this issue.
thành các nhóm nhỏ hơn vì họ có
những quan điểm khác nhau
~ divide
[nội động từ] chia ra thành các - Stir the sauce constantly so that it
phần/nhóm khác nhau: tách rời ra does not separate.
[ngoại động từ] chia các thứ ra thành - Separate the eggs [= separate the yolk
các phần/nhóm khác nhau: làm tách from the white).
rời ra
[nội động từ] tách ra - South America and Africa separated
[ngoại động từ] tách ai/thứ gì 200 million years ago.
- Police tried to separate the two men
who were fighting.
[ngoại động từ] ở giữa hai người/khu A thousand kilometres separates the two
vực/đất nước/... nên họ/chúng không cities.
thể chạm vào nhau hoặc kết nối với
~ divide
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The party was deeply split/forked over its future direction.
2. There is a narrow alley that splits/divides our house from the one next door.
3. You can get a special device for separating/dividing egg whites from yolks.
4. She separates/divides her time between her apartment in London and her house in Somerset.
5. Four of us live here and we separate/split all the bills four ways.
6. Fighting broke out between two hockey players, and it took nearly five minutes
to separate/divide them.
7. Properties and land are separated/divided among the family when the homeowner dies without a will.
8. The patients who suffer from infectious diseases are split/separated from the other patients.
9. He agreed to sell the car and split/separate the proceeds with his brother.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

10. Here the river separates/divides into about four separate streams.
11. A high wall separates/forks our back yard from the playing field.
12. She forked/split the cake and gave me half.
* choose, select, pick, opt, và decide đều có nghĩa là quyết định xem bạn muốn điều/thứ/ai trong số
những điều/thứ/người đang có sẵn.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] quyết định - You choose - I can’t decide.
xem bạn muốn thứ gì/điều gì/ai từ - He chose a shirt from the many in
những thứ/điều/người đang hiện có; nếu his wardrobe.
bạn chọn làm điều gì thì có nghĩa là bạn - We chose to go there by train.
muốn làm điều đó hoặc bạn cảm thấy
/tʃu:z/ (v)
điều đó là đúng đắn
*Trong choose,
select và pick thì choose là từ được sử
dụng rộng rãi nhất.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] [thường ở - He was selected to play for France
dạng bị động] chọn ai/thứ gì/điều gì là at the age of only 18.
select tốt nhất/phù hợp nhất/... (thường là một - a randomly selected sample of 23
/sɪ'lekt/ (v) cách cẩn thận, trừ khi bạn nói rõ là chọn schools
một cách ngẫu nhiên) từ một nhóm
[ngoại động từ] [mang sắc thái suồng She picked the best cake for herself.
sã, thân mật] chọn ai đó/thứ gì đó từ
pick một nhóm người/vật
/pɪk/ (v) *thường là chọn một cách ít cẩn
thận (đặc biệt được dùng khi sự lựa
chọn không quá quan trọng)
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] chọn thực Depending on your circumstances
hiện hoặc không thực hiện một hành you may wish to opt for one method
/ɒpt/ (v)
động cụ thể nào đó or the other.
[ngoại động từ, nội động từ] suy nghĩ I had a cold and
một cách cẩn thận về những khả năng couldn't decide whether to go to
/dɪ'saɪd/ (v)
khác nhau để chọn một trong số chúng work or not.
chỉ chọn (những) người/thứ tốt nhất/có In 1877, Japanese nobles formed the
lợi nhất/... và bỏ lại những người/thứ Iwakura mission and travelled the
/'tʃeri pɪk/
còn lại world cherry-picking ideas on how to
industrialize the country.
chọn ai đó để làm một công việc gì cụ The people of the Philippines have
elect thể bằng cách bỏ phiếu cho họ (bầu cử) voted to elect a new president.
/ɪ'lekt/ (v) elect to do something (mang sắc thái After six months, he elected to take
trang trọng) chọn làm điều gì đó early retirement.
appoint chọn ai đó cho một công việc hoặc một He’s just been appointed as director
/ə'pɔmt/ (v) vị trí trách nhiệm nào đó of the publishing division.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Students from classes 4 to 10 cast their votes to opt for/elect their student leaders.
2. Many scientists cherry-pick/elect favourable results; others change direction when interesting results
3. The firm's directors cherry-picked/chose Emma to be the new production manager.
4. He was decided/appointed to this promotional role because of his high profile in the community.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

5. The program automatically selects/elects and stores the most frequently used data.
6. Appoint/Pick a number from one to twenty.
7. We might be hiring more people, but nothing has been decided/chosen yet.
8. After a lot of thought, I opted/chose against buying a new motorbike.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. If the private sector is allowed to _______ the juiciest parts of the mail delivery industry, will that
mean that rural areas, for example, will receive a poorer service?
A. opt for B. cherry-pick C. elect D. pick
10. "If we’re going to _______ a foreperson, it should be a secret vote," said Mrs. Jones.
A. elect B. appoint C. select D. choose
11. I _______ for the longer, quieter route - anything to avoid more stares.
A. selected B. chose C. decided D. opted
12. He instigated a demand-led program, encouraging staff to come up with innovative ideas and then
_______ those that would add value to the economy.
A. electing B. picking C. cherry-picking D. appointing
13. Instead of laser vision correction, he _______ to have a lens placed behind the pupils of his eyes.
A. picked B. opted C. appointed D. selected
14. A new board of directors was _______ to oversee the financially troubled project.
A. appointed B. chosen C. opted D. decided
15. Sales figures will ultimately _______ the future of these types of games.
A. select B. pick C. decide D. choose
16. Buoyed by the example of success, thousands of new migrants massing in the city's second ward took
to the polls and _______ two black aldermen to represent them.
A. opted for B. decided C. picked D. elected
17. It was _______ that the school should purchase new software.
A. decided B. chosen C. selected D. picked
18. Have I _______ a bad time to talk to you?
A. elected B. appointed C. picked D. opted
40. CHỮA
[ngoại động từ] làm cho ai, con gì - The doctor managed to cure her of her
cure khỏe mạnh lại sau bệnh tật, ốm đau, illness.
(v) /kjʊr/ chữa khỏi bệnh - He was now completely cured of his
[ngoại động từ] điều trị, cung cấp sự - He is being treated for a rare skin
chăm sóc y tế đến người bệnh, chữa trị disease.
căn bệnh, vết thương..., của người - Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial
[v] /tri:t/
bệnh, nhưng chưa biết đã khỏi bệnh, infections.
đã bình phục hay chưa
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] lành, - The wound took a long time to heal.
heal chữa lành, làm cho ai đó, cái gì đó - Vitamin K is needed by the body
/hi:l/ khỏe mạnh trở lại, đặc biệt dùng cho for healing cuts and bruises.
(v) trường hợp bị đứt, cắt hoặc chấn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Patients are cured/treated with a combination of medication and exercise.
2. It might be several months before she’s fully cured/treated.
3. I've broken my leg, but the doctor says that it's a clean break, so it should cure/heal easily.
4. The medicine won't cure/heal her - it merely stops the pain.
5. Laboratory tests suggest that the new drug may be used to treat/heal cancer.
6. The plaster cast helps to treat/heal the broken bone.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

7. She was cured/treated of her migraine headaches when she changed her diet.

một cuộc hành trình, chuyến đi - a walking/sightseeing/bus tour
được thực hiện cho niềm vui trong - tour of/round/around something
đó có một số địa điểm khác nhau - We're going on a tour of Bavaria.
được thăm viếng thăm
một hành động đi từ nơi này đến - a business/school/shopping trip
nơi khác và thường quay lại, có - a fishing/camping trip
khoảng thời gian ngắn, thường có - The trip from York to
mục đích là: đi chơi, đi du lịch, đi Newcastle takes about an hour by train.
công tác, hay có mục đích cụ thể - We went on a trip to the mountains.
khác - They took a trip down the river.
cuộc hành trình, đi từ nơi này đến - He makes the journey to Moscow
nơi khác, đặc biệt là khi họ ở một three times a year.
khoảng cách xa, đặc biệt là đi bằng - train/car/bus ...journey
phương tiện xe cộ - I love going on long journeys.
việc đi lại nói chung (đi lại giữa hai - The job involves a considerable
travel nơi, đi du lịch) amount of foreign travel.
/'trævl/ - The pass allows unlimited travel on
(n) all public transport in the city.
- air/rail/space travel
một chuyến đi ngắn nhằm mục đích - We went on an outing to London.
giải trí hoặc giáo dục, thường là với - Every year she organized an
một nhóm người và kéo dài không outing to the countryside.
quá một ngày
sự thám hiểm, chuyến viễn chinh, - Captain Scott's expedition to the
expedition hành trình có tổ chức với một mục South Pole
/,ek.spə'dɪʃ.ən/ đích cụ thể, đặc biệt là để tìm hiểu - to plan/lead/go on/mount/undertake
(n) về một địa điểm chưa được nhiều an expedition
người biết đến
excursion cuộc tham quan du ngoạn, thường They've gone on an excursion to York.
/ɪk'skɜr.ʒən/ ngắn và có tổ chức cho một nhóm
(n) người
picnic cuộc đi chơi và ăn ngoài trời; bữa - It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic.
/'pɪk.nɪk/ ăn ngoài trời (thân mật, không - We had a picnic beside the river.
(n) mang tính trang trọng)
một chuyến đi dài, đặc biệt là trên - The ship sank on its maiden voyage.
biển hay trong không gian (the first voyage of a ship)
- an around-the-world voyage
- a voyage in space
một cuộc hành trình trên một con - I'd love to go on a round-the- world
cruise tàu lớn để cho vui, thỏa mãn, trong cruise.
/kru:z/ đó bạn đi thăm một số nơi khác - a luxury cruise ship
(n) nhau, đặc biệt là trong một kỳ nghỉ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The bus tour/journey from London to Athens took 60 hours.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. She's away on a business trip/travel and won't be back until next week.
3. The organization offers a self-guided walking tour/journey for the neighborhood.
4. His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign tours/travel.
5. Rosie's going on a school outing/voyage to the Wildlife Park.
6. We signed up for a shore expedition/excursion to New Orleans.
7. We are hoping to mount the first manned expedition/excursion to Mars by 2020.
8. The Titanic sank on its maiden cruise/voyage in 1912.
9. A lot of people take their family to have a voyage/picnic on the river bank.
10. I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise/picnic.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. The newly-married couple went on a _______ to Sapa for their honeymoon.
A. journey B. voyage C. travel D.trip
12. The train _______ took us through a valley past rolling hills.
A. voyage B. cruise C. journey D. travel
13. The coaches are used for sightseeing _______, and the sights are well worth seeing.
A. journeys B. tours C. picnics D. trips
14. The ship was badly damaged during the _______ from Plymouth.
A. voyage B. excursion C. outing D. tour
15. If the weather's nice we could have a _______ in the park.
A. journey B. trip C. picnic D. cruise
16. Scott died while he was on a(n) _______ to the Antarctic in 1912.
A. excursion B. expedition C. voyage D. outing
17. We went on an all-day _______ to the island.
A. picnic B. voyage C. tour D. excursion
18. They offer a 10 percent discount on rail _______ for students.
A. cruise B. travel C. expedition D. picnic
19. They suggested that the presence of a second large _______ ship in the area would provide a useful
A. voyage B. expedition C. excursion D. cruise
20. Every year the professor takes her students on a(n) _______ to the archives of the Library of
A. outing B. expedition C. voyage D. travel
42. CƠ BẢN
elemental [thường đứng trước danh từ] [trang Love and fear are two of the
/,elɪ'mentl/ trọng) đơn giản, cơ bản, và quan most elemental human emotions.
(adj) trọng: căn bản, cơ bản
rất quan trọng; ảnh hưởng những phần the fundamental principles of
trọng tâm nhất và quan trọng nhất của scientific method
thứ gì: cơ bản
fundamental ~ basic
/,fʌndə'mentl/ (adj) trung tâm; rất cần thiết và quan trọng; Hard work is fundamental
hình thành nền tảng cần thiết của thứ to success.
gì: cơ sở, chủ yếu
~ essential /ɪ'sen∫l/ (adj)
hình thành phân thiết yếu nhất và - basic life skills
những thứ khác phát triển từ đó: cơ - Drums are basic to African music.
basic bản, cơ sở
/'beɪsɪk/ (adj) ~ fundamental
thuộc loại đơn giản nhất hoặc ở mức My knowledge of French is


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

độ đơn giản nhất: cơ bản pretty basic.

[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] cần thiết và - basic needs like food, shelter, and
quan trọng đối với tất cả mọi security
người: cơ bản - basic human rights
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The school is based on the fundamental/introductory principle that all children should reach their full
2. The hospital lacked even the most basic/elemental medical equipment.
3. Improved funding is basic/fundamental to the success of the project.
4. She lacks even the most introductory/basic skills necessary for the job.
5. I love the building as it is, and don’t want to do anything to change its essential/introductory character.
6. People were standing in lines to buy fundamental/basic goods such as bread, cheese, and milk.
một hoạt động, chẳng hạn như một công - Carrying heavy loads around all
việc, mà một người sử dụng nỗ lực (thể day is hard work.
chất hoặc tinh thần) để thực hiện, - It’s very difficult to find work at the
thường là vì tiền (danh từ không đếm moment.
được, nếu nó đếm được thì nó có nghĩa - She's been off work (= not going to
là tác phẩm) work) with a bad back since July.
công việc mà chúng ta làm và nhận - a temporary/permanent job
được tiền thường xuyên (thường chỉ - When she left college, she got a
một nghề nghiệp, một công việc cụ thể job as an editor in a publishing
hay một vị trí nào đó. Ví dụ: cook - đầu company.
bếp, teacher - giáo viên. Nếu như job - Both my parents have full-
ám chỉ một nghề nghiệp, công việc nhất time jobs.
định, cụ thể thì work nhắc đến công việc - Many women are in part-time jobs.
chung chung.) (danh từ đếm được)
sự nghiệp (công việc hoặc một loạt công - He had a very distinguished career
việc bạn làm trong suốt cuộc đời làm in the Foreign Office.
việc của mình, đặc biệt nếu bạn tiếp tục - She plans to pursue a career in
hoàn thành công việc tốt hơn và kiếm medicine.
được nhiều tiền hơn) (danh từ đếm
nghề nghiệp, một loại công việc cần đào - He left the teaching profession in
tạo hoặc kỹ năng đặc biệt, đặc biệt là 1965 to start his own business.
profession /prə'feʃ.ən/
công việc cần trình độ học vấn cao -
(danh từ đếm được) the medical/legal/teaching profession
- to enter/go into/join a profession
nghề nghiệp, thường ám chỉ đến nghề - He listed his occupation on the form
nghiệp gắn liền với cuộc đời một người. as "teacher."
Từ này được sử dụng đặc biệt trên các - current/previous occupation
/,ɑ:.kjə'peɪ.ʃən/ (n)
biểu mẫu và văn bản chính thức (danh
từ đếm được)
việc làm (khá trang trọng), đặc biệt là - Only half the people here are in
khi làm để kiếm tiền (danh từ đếm paid employment.
employment được); tình trạng được tuyển dụng hoặc - After leaving Pearson, it took
/ɪm'plɔɪ.mənt/ (n) tình hình mọi người có việc làm (danh Friedman months to find new
từ không đếm được). employment.
- The steelworks provided


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

employment for thousands of people.

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Only 20 percent of the students intend to pursue jobs/careers as engineers in the industry.
2. Her father discouraged her from going into the legal profession/work.
3. David is trying to get a work/job in a bank that is nearest to his house.
4. She lists her main occupation/employment as 'property developer'.
5. Taking care of a baby is hard work/profession.
6. Some economists think that full career/employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. Now many temporary _______ are also of a longer duration and you work with a contract of two to six
A. works B. jobs C. careers D. professions
8. We've finished decorating upstairs but the downstairs still needs some ______.
A. profession B. job C. work D. occupation
9. The new factory will provide _______ for about a hundred local people.
A. employment B. occupation C. work D. profession
10. The report notes that 40 percent of lawyers entering the _______ are women.
A. work B. job C. occupation D. profession
11. He returned to his previous _______ as a teacher.
A. employment B. career C. occupation D. work
impartial /ɪm'pɑ:∫l/ không ủng hộ một người/nhóm này an impartial observer
(adj) hơn người/nhóm khác: công bằng, vô
tư, không thiên vị
~ neutral /'nju:trəl/ (adj)
~ unbiased /ʌn'baɪəst/ (adj)
objective không bị ảnh hưởng bởi cảm xúc hoặc an objective assessment of the
/əb'dʒektɪv/ (adj) quan điểm cá nhân; chỉ cân nhắc thực situation
tế/sự kiện: khách quan
~ unbiased
>< subjective /səb'dʒektɪv/ (adj)
disinterested không bị ảnh hưởng bởi cảm xúc cá a disinterested spectator
/dɪs'ɪntrestɪd/ (adj) nhân hoặc bởi cơ hội nhận được điều
gì (tiền bạc, quyền lực,...) cho bản
thân: vô tư, không vụ lợi, không cấu
~ impartial
~ objective
~ unbiased
fair-minded (miêu tả người) nhìn nhận và đánh giá He was fair-minded and
/,feə 'maɪndɪd/ (adj) sự việc một cách công bằng và cởi scrupulously honest.
mở: công bằng, vô tư, không thiên vị,
không thành kiến
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Sarah always tries to be fair and reasonable and always listens to other people’s opinions - she is one
of the most biased/fair-minded people I know.
2. When his parents split up, he didn’t take his father's or his mother's side; he tried to
remain neutral/subjective.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

3. You should find a financial consultant who can offer completely independent
and subjective/disinterested advice.
4. Historians try to be impartial/uninterested, but they cannot free themselves entirely from their own
5. I can't really be subjective/objective when I'm judging my daughter’s work.
6. His account of the situation was very biased/objective, and you should check your facts before making
a judgement.
7. In all fairness, it would seem that an objective, disinterested/biased party should review the current
planning and its impact on such history.
8. We need to have an independent and biased/objective assessment of the candidate's abilities.
9. Personal taste in clothing is very subjective/objective.
10. Viewpoints about the history of this country must be from a fair and inequitable/impartial angle.
45. CƯ DÂN
inhabitant một con người hoặc một con vật sống - the oldest inhabitant of the village
/ɪn'hæbɪtənt/ ở một nơi cụ thể nào đó: người ở, - It eats mice, lizards, and other
(n) người cư trú, cư dân small inhabitants of the forest floor.
(đặc biệt dùng trong danh từ city dwellers (= people who live in a
ghép) một con người hoặc một con city)
vật sống ở một nơi cụ thể được đề cập
một người sống lâu dài ở một nơi cụ a resident of the United Kingdom
thể hoặc người có nhà ở đó
(formal) một người đang ở qua đêm The hotel bar was only open
tại một khách sạn (một hoặc hơn một to residents (= to people staying at the
đêm) hotel).
The hotel restaurant is open to non-
residents (= to people not staying at
the hotel).
một người từ một nước/vùng khác đến - French settlers founded New
một nước/vùng mới (nơi mà không có Orleans.
nhiều người sống ở đó trước đây) để - When the first settlers moved into
/'setlə(r)/ (n)
sống ở đó và sử dụng đất đai ở đó the area, they faced immense
(thường dùng ở dạng số nhiều) một The café is popular with
local người sống ở một vùng nhỏ cụ thể mà both locals and visitors.
/'ləʊkl/ (n) bạn đang nói tới: người dân địa
công dân của một nước cụ thể nào đó She's applying to become a
British citizen.
citizen một người sống ở một thành phố/thị - the citizens of Budapest
/'sɪtɪzn/ (n) trấn cụ thể: dân thành thị - the decent, law-abiding citizens
(= people who obey and respect the
law) of this city
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Japan has more than 1.1 million registered foreign residents/locals.
2. At the time, there were over 2.000 British locals/citizens living in Iraq.
3. The village was founded by settlers/inhabitants from the Volga region.
4. This pool is for the use of hotel residents/citizens only.
5. Tensions have been growing between students and locals/settlers in the area.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

6. The citizens/settlers of Moscow woke up this morning to find they had a new government.
7. The island’s occupants/inhabitants have made it clear that they do not want to destroy a way of life
that has existed for centuries.
8. Apartment settlers/dwellers are still primarily couples and singles.
9. Eddie’s grandfather was one of the town’s first occupants/settlers.
10. If you get lost, just ask one of the settlers/locals for directions.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. Priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent _______ of Canada.
A. dwellers B. locals C. residents D. settlers
12. Some anthropologists believe that the very earliest cave _______ used everything from thorns, bones,
sticks, and stone to fashion crude hairpins
A. settlers B. citizens C. locals D. dwellers
13. It was so exciting to see that our birdhouse has some new _______.
A. inhabitants B. residents C. citizens D. locals
14. The number of graves found in Upper Hailing suggests that these were of _______
A. citizens B. settlers C. occupants D. dwellers
15. The hotel restaurant is open to _______ and their guests.
A. residents B. inhabitants C. citizens D. settlers
16. She entered the United Kingdom in 2022 as a permanent resident because of her marriage to a British
A. dweller B. citizen C. local D. settler
17. Slum _______ in India regularly deals with problems such as lack of clean water, no sewage or waste
disposal facilities, and unsanitary living conditions.
A. citizens B. locals C. dwellers D. settlers
18. The site contains the remains of ancient _______ who came to the area from Asia.
A. residents B. settlers C. inhabitants D. citizens
[ngoại động từ] cung cấp ai - provide something for somebody
những gì họ cần, làm cho nó có - provide somebody with something
sẵn để họ sử dụng, dùng đến - He provided us with a lot of useful
- She did not provide any evidence to
substantiate the claims.
- We are here to provide a service for the
[ngoại động từ] cung cấp thứ gì - supply something to somebody/something
đó được mong muốn hoặc cần - supply
supply thiết, thường với số lượng lớn và somebody/something with something
/sə'plaɪ/ trong một khoảng thời gian dài - The company supplied sports equipment to
(v) schools.
- Electrical power is supplied by
underground cables.
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động - He offered some useful advice.
từ] sẵn lòng làm gì, cung cấp thứ - offer something for something
gì hoặc trao cơ hội, điều gì đó cho - offer something to somebody
ai nếu họ muốn (nhấn mạnh đến - offer somebody something
yếu tố "sẵn lòng làm hay cung
cấp", khi dùng offer, người
nói/người viết thể hiện không có
sự ép buộc, bắt buộc nào.)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. We have concerns about whether the government will be able to offer/provide viable social services
for poorer families
2. I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer/supply anyway.
3. This one power station keeps half the country provided/supplied with electricity.
4. I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered/provided me.
5. The exhibition supplies/provides an opportunity for local artists to show their work.
47. CƯỜI
laugh at something laugh about something They laughed at her jokes.
burst out laughing
cười thành tiếng (thể hiện bạn nghĩ điều gì rất
buồn cười hoặc bạn đang vui/hạnh phúc)
smile at somebody/something smile with/in "I'm delighted to meet you," he
something mỉm cười để thể hiện sự thân thiện said, smiling at the girl.
hoặc bởi vì bạn vui hoặc thấy điều gì buồn
grin grin at somebody He just stood there, grinning like
/grɪn/ grin something an idiot.
(v) cười lớn (nhe răng ra cười, cười toe toét)
giggle (at/about somebody/something) The girls were giggling at the back
giggle cười (nhanh chóng và cố gắng giữ im lặng) of the classroom.
/'gɪgl/ một cách ngớ ngẩn bởi vì bạn đang bối rối
(v) hoặc bồn chồn hoặc bạn nghĩ điều gì rất buồn
cười: cười khúc khích
chuckle chuckle (at/about something) cười lặng lẽ, She chuckled at the memory.
/'tʃʌkl/ cười một mình
cười một cách ngớ ngẩn hoặc không dễ chịu để I don’t like the way he winks
thể hiện rằng bạn hài lòng với chính bản and smirks at me whenever he sees
thân/biết điều gì mà những người khác không me.
biết/nghĩ mình hơn người khác/hài lòng vì
người khác không may mắn/...: cười nhếch
mép, cười tự mãn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I walked over to the two young girls who were giggling/smirking about how some cute guys had
talked to them.
2. She’s sitting there, chuckling/smirking as if she were the only one who knows the answer. That’s
3. Her joke was so funny that he leaned back in his chair and laughed/chuckled till the tears ran down his
4. The class photograph showed a strange bunch of grinning/chuckling children.
5. He laughed/smiled the smile of a man who knew victory was within reach.
6. Being alone in her room, she chuckled/smirked softly to herself as she remembered his astonished
look when they first met.
7. He sat there in the airport lounge, roaring/smirking at travellers who were struggling with heavy
luggage. He was such an unpleasant bloke!
eventual [chỉ đứng trước danh từ] xảy The Dukes were the eventual winners of the
/ɪ'ventʃuəl/ (adj) ra vào cuối một giai đoạn hoặc competition.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cuối một quá trình (đặc biệt sau

rất nhiều nỗ lực, khó khăn)
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] xảy - our
ra ở cuối một quá trình dài (liên ultimate goal/aim/objective/target [mục tiêu
quan đến những gì quan trọng) đích cuối cùng)
/'ʌl.tə.mət/ (adj)
- The ultimate decision lies with the parents.
(quyết định cuối cùng nằm ở cha mẹ)
- sau cùng (sau tất cả mọi - He was last in line for tickets.
last người, mọi thứ khác về thứ tự) - Do you mind if I have the last chocolate?
/læst/ (adj) - (thuộc) phần còn lại cuối
- [chỉ đứng trước danh từ] là - Jamie is in his final year at Stirling
hoặc đang ở phần cuối của một University.
chuỗi sự kiện, hành động, giai - The project is in its final stages.
đoạn, quá trình - I'm not coming, and that's final! [= I will
- sau cùng, cuối cùng, dứt not change my mind)
khoát (vì nó cố định, không thể
thay đổi được nữa, không bàn
cãi đến nữa)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Your last/ultimate goal is to play the game as well as you can.
2. I'm down to my last/eventual dollar - could I borrow some money for lunch?
3. Laura is studying really hard because she’s in her ultimate/final year at university.
4. The eventual/final design was a great improvement on the one we originally considered.
5. I'll give you $500 for it, and that's my last/final offer!
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The race turned out to be a great duel between Meade and the ______ winner, Chris Stoney.
A. final B. last C. ultimate D. eventual
7. My manager will make the ______ decision about who to employ.
A. last B. final C. ultimate D. eventual
8. The ______ round of voting takes place on Sunday.
A. last B. final C. eventual D. ultimate
9. Despite recent wins, the team is still in ______ place.
A. last B. ultimate C. final D. eventual
10. The ______ target of policy in Canada is the achievement and maintenance of price stability.
A. final B. eventual C. ultimate D. last
[ngoại động từ] cướp đoạt, lấy trộm - The gang robbed three banks over a
rob (tài sản, nhất là tiền mặt) của người period of six months, but were finally
/rɑ:b/ nào, nơi nào một cách bất hợp pháp caught.
(v) (tập trung vào địa điểm hoặc người - The gang had robbed and killed the
mà bị mất) drugstore owner.
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] lấy - Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10
steal đi thứ gì đó mà không có sự cho phép 000.
/sti:l/ của chủ sở hữu và giữ nó (tập trung - I'll report you to the police if I catch
(v) vào thứ bị lấy đi) you stealing again.

burgle [ngoại động từ] vào một tòa nhà bất - On their return they discovered that
/'bɜ:rgl/ hợp pháp, thường là sử dụng vũ lực, their house had been burgled.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) và ăn cắp những thứ ở đó, nhấn mạnh - He went out burgling nearly every
hành động "đột nhập” khi chủ nhà đi night to support his drugs habit.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She was caught robbing/stealing food from the supermarket.
2. The terrorists financed themselves by robbing/stealing banks.
3. When they got back from their holiday they found that their home had been stolen/burgled.
4. The thieves entered the museum through the roof and robbed/stole three paintings worth more than
two million euros.
5. The place was in such a mess that I thought we'd been burgled/stolen.
6. A young woman was attacked and robbed/stolen as she walked home from work last night.
7. Our car was stolen/robbed from outside our house last week.
[thường chỉ đứng trước danh Are you doing anything special for
từ] không thông thường hoặc không Christmas?
bình thường; khác xa so với những
gì bình thường
~ exceptional /ɪk'sepʃənl/ (adj)
special quan trọng hơn những thứ She's a very special friend.
/'speʃl/ (adj) khác/người khác; xứng đáng hoặc
nhận được nhiều sự chú ý hơn bình
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] tốt hơn As an only child, she
hoặc nhiều hơn bình thường got special attention.
~ especial /ɪ'speʃl/ (adj)
cực kỳ tốt; xuất sắc: nổi bật, đáng an outstanding achievement
chú ý
/aʊt'stændɪŋ/ (adj)
~ exceptional
không như bình thường hoặc thông - an extraordinary achievement
thường; tuyệt vời hoặc tốt đẹp hơn - an extraordinary talent
bình thường: lạ thường, khác
thường, phi thường
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] (về một The ruling Socialist Party held
/ɪk'strɔ:dnri/ (adj)
cuộc họp/thảo luận/...) được sắp an extraordinary congress in July,
xếp/tổ chức (bên cạnh các thời điểm two months before the annual
thường xuyên) cho một mục đích đặc congress.
biệt: đặc biệt, bất thường
[thường chỉ đứng trước danh - a deluxe hotel
deluxe từ] (hàng hoá/dịch vụ/...) có chất
/dɪ'lʌks/ (adj) lượng cao hơn hoặc đắt hơn thông
notable đáng được lưu ý tới/nhắc tới hoặc A notable feature of the church is its
/'nəʊtəbl/ (adj) nhận được sự chú ý; quan trọng unusual bell tower.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The task requires deluxe/extraordinary patience and endurance.
2. The notable/deluxe model comes complete with an in-car CD player and earphone.
3. This type of wood needs special/outstanding treatment.
4. His eyes are his most deluxe/notable feature.
5. At the age of five, he showed exceptional/deluxe talent as a musician.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

6. They organized an especial/extraordinary meeting of shareholders to discuss the burning issue.

7. Deluxe/Special thanks are due to the many volunteers who helped organize fund-raising events.
8. The lecture will be of deluxe/especial interest to history students.
9. He wants someone special/especial, with whom he will spend the rest of his life.
10. A lot of my teachers were good, but Mrs. Smith was outstanding/deluxe.
11. This deadline will be extended only in especial/exceptional circumstances.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
12. It is ______ that only 15% of senior managers are women.
A. especial B. notable C. deluxe D. outstanding
13. When he stays out of town, he frequently checks into ______ hotels that charge thousands of dollars a
A. deluxe B. especial C. extraordinary D. notable
14. In ______ circumstances candidates without these qualifications may be considered.
A. especial B. deluxe C. outstanding D. special
15. The drawing room is particularly ______ for its splendid oak panelling.
A. extraordinary B. deluxe C. notable D. especial
16. I give ______ thanks to Jane Brown for her extraordinary help and to Tony White for years of helpful
A. notable B. outstanding C. especial D. deluxe
17. Forrest Gump is a movie that holds a(n) ______ place in my heart.
A. deluxe B. special C. outstanding D. especial
18. Their resort hotels, like most of their city centre establishments, were aimed at customers seeking
first-class or even ______ accommodation.
A. notable B. especial C. outstanding D. deluxe
19. She was a woman of ______ courage and remarkable ability and no one can doubt that Tony Benn
was lucky to have found and married her.
A. extraordinary B. deluxe C. ordinary D. usual
20. The first-class or ______ resort hotel market was not the most profitable or the best long-term
investment for the company.
A. deluxe B. notable C. especial D. extraordinary
21. He was ______ for his outstanding leadership in helping the university to overcome cuts in
government funding.
A. especial B. ordinary C. deluxe D. notable
22. He had taken ______ care preparing for this evening and in his heart, he knew that he would be
escorting this beautiful girl home.
A. usual B. deluxe C. ordinary D. especial
23. Police advised residents to take ______ precautions because of the increase in burglaries.
A. ordinary B. usual C. deluxe D. special
24. Twenty thousand copies are expected to be published, among which there will be a limited ______
edition with silk end-sheets bound in gold blocked leather.
A. especial B. ordinary C. deluxe D. outstanding
25. Her ______ performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world.
A. outstanding B. ordinary C. normal D. especial
26. My old laptop was retired because of a really weird problem - it would only start in ______
A. ordinary B. deluxe C. exceptional D. outstanding
độc nhất vô nhị, độc đáo, không Each person's genetic code
có cái khác tương tự is unique except in the case of
/ju:'ni:k/ (adj)
identical twins.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(chỉ đứng trước danh từ) tự mình, - The game is famous for a
thực hiện, trình diễn một mình mà stunning solo goal from John Barnes.
không có sự tham gia giúp đỡ của - She is releasing a solo album.
người khác
only (chỉ đứng trước danh từ) chỉ, duy - I was the only person on the train.
/'əʊnli/ nhất, không có ai, cái nào, cách - Is this really the only way to do it?
(adj) nào khác cả
cá nhân, riêng lẻ, tồn tại và được - We interviewed
xem xét tách biệt với những thứ each individual member of the
individual khác hoặc những người khác trong community.
/,in.də'vɪdʒ.u.əl/ (adj)một nhóm - Farmers each have their
own individual concerns about the
độc thân, chưa kết hôn hoặc chưa He's been single for so long now
single /'sɪŋgl/ (adj) có mối quan hệ tình cảm với ai
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The only/unique way he can express himself is through violence.
2. I'd recognize your handwriting anywhere - it's only/unique.
3. Individual/Single members of the cast contributed greatly to the show’s success.
4. The apartments are ideal for solo/single people living alone.
5. Their former lead singer is now a solo/single artist.
6. She thinks that young people today are too concerned with unique/individual happiness and
7. She's the only/single one who can do it.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Fingerprints are ______ to every individual.
A. only B. single C. solo D. unique
9. Please state whether you are ______, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.
A. only B. single C. unique D. individual
10. Choose a savings account to match your ______ needs.
A. individual B. unique C. only D. single
11. He used to play with a group but now he's pursuing a(n) ______ career.
A. unique B. single C. solo D. individual
12. Johnson was born in Aberdeen in 1942, the ______ son in a family of six children.
A. single B. only C. unique D. individual
book đặt vé trước, thu xếp để có một chỗ - She booked a flight to Chicago.
/bʊk/ ngồi, phòng, v.v. vào một thời điểm - I'll book a table for 8 o'clock.
(v) cụ thể trong tương lai
đăng ký, thu xếp cho chính bạn hoặc - Is it too late to enroll at the college?
cho người khác tham gia chính thức - They want to enroll their children in
một khóa học, trường học, đại học, their local school.
cao đẳng, chương trình, nhóm v.v.
đăng ký, ghi tên của bạn và các - More than 5 000 people registered to
register /'redʒ.ə.stə/ thông tin khác vào danh sách chính take part in the contest.
(v) thức để được dự thi, bầu cử, hoặc - Have you registered for the English
được cấp phép làm gì đó v.v. exam yet?
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. He booked/enrolled in a glass-making degree course at London's Royal College of Art.

2. David booked/enrolled a seat on the evening flight to Los Angeles.
3. Increasingly, the unmarried father of a child in Europe enrolls/registers his paternity at the baby's
4. We have enrolled/registered eighty children in this day-care program.
5. Her husband wants her to register/book the car in his name.
6. We were advised to enroll/book early if we wanted to get a room.
7. He registered/enrolled at Penn State University.
53. ĐẤT
(thường là the earth) đất, bề mặt trên đó - After a week at sea, it was good
earth mà chúng ta sinh sống (được dùng khi bạn to feel the earth beneath our feet
/ɜ:rθ/ muốn nhấn mạnh đá, đất, cát, v.v. cấu tạo again.
(n) nên nó) - fifty feet above the earth
- under/below/beneath the earth
đất trồng trọt (cây cối phát triển), đất canh - sandy/fertile soil
tác - rich/poor/dry/wet soil
- The flowers do well in sandy soil.
- soil erosion
- đất liền (được sử dụng khi bạn muốn - It was good to be back on land.
land tương phản nó với biển) - We travelled by land (đường bộ),
/lænd/ - đất đai, phần diện tích đất, đặc biệt là though flying would have been
(n) được sử dụng cho một mục đích cụ thể như cheaper.
xây dựng
bề mặt rắn chắc của trái đất mà mọi người - I found her lying on the ground.
đi trên đó (khi bạn không ở trong một tòa - He fell to the ground, crying out
nhà hoặc xe cộ) in pain.
- above/below ground
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. You could feel the earth/land shake as the truck came closer.
2. The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the soil/ground.
3. Corn is grown a lot in this area - the soil/earth seems to suit it very well.
4. It is cheaper to drill for oil on soil/land than at sea.
5. People were sitting on the earth/ground in small groups.
6. He had enjoyed the voyage but was happy to feel the earth/soil beneath his feet once more.
7. Cutting down forest trees can lead to serious earth/soil erosion.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. We want to buy a plot of ______ to build a house.
A. earth B. land C. soil D. ground
9. We laid a blanket on the ______ for our picnic.
A. ground B. earth C. land D. soil
10. The ______ shook and the walls of neighboring houses fell around them.
A. land B. soil C. earth D. ground
11. These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry ______.
A. ground B. earth C. land D. soil
12. The refugees were at sea for 40 days before reaching ______.
A. soil B. ground C. land D. earth
first xảy ra hoặc đến trước tất cả - I fell in love with him the first time I saw
/fɜ:st/ (determiner, những người/thứ khác (trong him.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

ordinal number) một chuỗi) về thứ tự/thời - Today is the first of August.
gian/lượng/chất lượng/sự quan
trọng: đầu tiên; thứ nhất
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] xảy ra - in the initial stages (= at the beginning)
initial tại thời điểm ban đầu; đầu tiên of the campaign
/ɪ'nɪ∫l/ (adj) ~ first - My initial reaction was to decline the
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] tồn tại - Is this the original fireplace?
kể từ thời điểm ban đầu của một - The gardens have recently been restored
thời kỳ/quá trình/hoạt động nào to their original glory.
đó; là mẫu/dạng/hình thái đầu - the original meaning of the word
tiên của một thứ gì đó: thuộc
gốc, thuộc nguồn gốc, thuộc căn
original /ə'rɪdʒənl/ nguyên, đầu tiên, ban đầu
mới và thú vị theo cái cách mà - an original idea
nó khác biệt với bất kì thứ gì đã - the product of a highly original mind
tồn tại trước đó; có thể cung cấp - The film is great - it's challenging and
những ý tưởng mới và thú highly original.
vị: độc đáo, nguyên bản; sáng
đầu tiên, mở đầu, khai mạc; bắt - the opening match of the season
đầu - the opening chapter of the book
/'əʊpənɪŋ/ (adj)
>< closing /'kləʊzɪŋ/ (adj) - the chairman’s opening remarks
thuộc phần giới thiệu introductory
(được viết hoặc nói) cho thứ gì chapters/paragraphs/remarks
sau đó: để giới thiệu
~ opening
với mục đích là phần giới introductory courses/lectures
thiệu/nhập môn/bước đầu làm
quen cho một môn học hoặc một
hoạt động cho những người mà
/,ɪntrə'dʌktəri/ (adj)
chưa từng học hoặc thực hiện
trước đó
(giá cả/lời chào hàng) chỉ được - a special introductory price of just £10
đề nghị/thực hiện trong một - This introductory offer is for three days
khoảng thời gian ngắn khi một only.
sản phẩm mới được tung ra bán
để thu hút khách hàng
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I’d like to make a few original/introductory remarks before we start the program.
2. First/Opening impressions can be misleading.
3. During my sophomore year of college, I took an introductory/opening acting course as an elective.
4. The kitchen still has many original/introductory features (= parts that were there when the house was
first built).
5. Visitors are advised to watch out for new hotels that run initial/introductory offers.
6. It’s not a bad movie but there's nothing very initial/original about it.
7. The aim of this initial/original meeting and the following one is to clarify the issues.
8. United scores in the opening/original minutes of the game.
9. The project is only in the original/initial phase, but it’s looking quite promising.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.

10. I'd like to make some ______ remarks before beginning the lecture.
A. introductory B. original C. initial D. first
11. After some ______ hesitation, teachers seem to have accepted the new system.
A. original B. initial C. introductory D. opening
12. His writing was completely ______ - nothing like it had ever been done before.
A. initial B. introductory C. original D. opening
13. If he wants to see me, he should make the ______ move.
A. original B. opening C. introductory D. first
14. Anyone who hasn't been on the program before can attend a(n) ______ course starting at 3 p.m. on
A. initial B. introductory C. first D. original
15. They returned to take part in the season’s ______ game.
A. original B. early C. elementary D. opening
16. His ______ plan was to stay two to three years, but he loved the job so much that he has never left.
A. original B. introductory C. opening D. closing
17. His ______ feeling when he heard about the wedding was surprise.
A. introductory B. initial C. original D. opening
18. It's available now, at a(n) ______ offer of £40 per person for bed and breakfast.
A. opening B. first C. introductory D. original
19. There is a meeting on the ______ Friday of every month.
A. first B. introductory C. original D. opening
20. The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of ______ investigations.
A. opening B. original C. introductory D. initial
21. The book has been translated into English from the ______ Spanish.
A. introductory B. original C. opening D. first
22. I’m always nervous for the ______ few minutes of an exam.
A. opening B. introductory C. first D. original
23. The competition commenced on the eve of India’s ______ match against Holland.
A. opening B. closing C. original D. early
[C, U] dấu/đồ vật/dấu hiệu/... chứng tỏ The ship has vanished without a trace.
rằng ai đó/thứ gì đã từng tồn tại/đã từng
trace ở đó/đã xảy ra: dấu vết, dấu, vết, vết
/treɪs/ (n) tích, dấu hiệu
trace of something một lượng rất nhỏ The water was found to contain traces
cái gì đó; một chút, một ít of cocaine.
hint (of something) - a dish with a strong hint of garlic
hint một lượng rất nhỏ cái gì đó; một chút, - There was a hint of amusement in his
/hɪnt/ (n) một ít voice.
~ trace
mark một dấu hiệu chứng tỏ rằng một phẩm On the day of the funeral, businesses
/mɑ:k/ (n) chất hoặc cảm giác nào đó tồn tại remained closed as a mark of respect.
[U] sự việc, dấu hiệu hoặc vật mà khiến At present we have no evidence of life
bạn tin rằng điều gì đó là đúng sự thật on other planets.
hoặc điều gì có tồn tại: bằng chứng,
chứng cứ, dấu hiệu
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I detected a(n) hint/evidence of doubt in his voice.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. Years of living in England has eliminated all the mark/trace of her American accent.
3. Researchers have found clear scientific mark/evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin
4. Such coolness under pressure is the mark/hint of a champion.
5. He attempted to cover up all the traces/hints of his crime.
6. She felt the first evidence/hint of panic as the train pulled into the station.
7. Such thoughtful behaviour is the trace/mark of a true gentleman.
8. There is no scientific evidence/trace to suggest that underwater births are dangerous.
9. The post-mortem revealed marks/traces of poison in his stomach.
10. I’d like to give this bottle of wine as a trace/mark of appreciation for all the work you’ve done for us.
* achieve, fulfil, realize, accomplish, và attain đều là những từ có nghĩa là thành công trong việc hoàn
thành một việc gì hoặc đạt được một mục tiêu, đặc biệt là sau rất nhiều sự nỗ lực hoặc khó khăn.
thành công trong việc thực hiện We have accomplished/achieved all we
accomplish /ə'kʌmplɪʃ/
hoặc hoàn thành việc gì ~ achieve aimed to do.
[ngoại động từ] thành công trong All you've achieved is to upset my
việc thực hiện điều gì hoặc khiến parents!
cho việc gì xảy ra ~ accomplish (v)
[ngoại động từ] thành công trong Martha finally achieved her ambition to
việc hoàn thành được một mục tiêu, study in the UK.
/ə'tʃi:v/ (v)
đạt đến một địa vị hoặc trình độ
nhất định (đặc biệt là bằng cách nỗ
lực trong một khoảng thời gian dài)
~ attain (v)
[ngoại động từ] (mang sắc thái After years of struggle, the
trang trọng) thành công trong việc nation attained independence.
đạt được điều gì (thường là sau rất
/ə'teɪn/ (v)
nhiều sự nỗ lực)
~ achieve (v)
thực hiện được điều gì như đã At the age of 50, Emma
mong đợi/hy vọng/hứa/mơ về finally fulfilled her ambition to run a
fulfil marathon.
/fʊl'fɪl/ (v) (mang sắc thái trang trọng) thực Much of the electrical equipment failed
hiện được hoặc có thứ gì theo như to fulfil safety requirements.
được yêu cầu hoặc cần thiết
đạt được điều gì quan trọng mà bạn - Jane finally realized her ambition of
rất muốn winning an Olympic gold medal.
- Camile is a young singer who has not
/'rɪəlaɪz/ (v)
yet realized her full potential (= be as
successful as she is able to be).
nếu bạn acquire một thứ gì như kỹ - He spent years acquiring his skills as a
năng/kiến thức/thói quen/danh surgeon.
tiếng/tai tiếng thì có nghĩa là bạn - I have recently acquired a taste for
acquire học/phát triển/đạt được thứ đó trong olives.
/ə'kwaɪə(r)/ cuộc sống thường ngày hoặc qua - Jack has acquired a reputation for
(v) kinh nghiệm/khả năng/nỗ lực/hành dishonesty.
vi của bạn
giành được/thu được thứ gì bằng I recently acquired some wood from a


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cách mua hoặc được cho/tặng holly tree.

có được thứ/điều gì mà bạn muốn In the second experiment they obtained a
(đặc biệt là nhờ sự nỗ lực/kỹ very clear result.
/əb'teɪn/ (v)
năng/công việc của chính bạn)
[ngoại động từ] đạt được sự đồng It took the conference four days
thuận/kết luận/quyết định/... về một to reach an agreement on the draft
điều gì sau khi thảo luận hoặc suy treaty.
reach nghĩ
/ri:tʃ/ (v) [ngoại động từ] tăng đến một mức - The temperature is expected
độ/trình độ/tốc độ/... cụ thể; đi đến to reach 30 °C today.
một giai đoạn/thời điểm cụ thể sau - His parents have not
một khoảng thời gian yet reached retirement age.
[ngoại động từ] có được/thắng thứ His ideas gradually gained acceptance.
gì (đặc biệt là thứ mà bạn cần hoặc
muốn có)
[ngoại động từ, nội động từ] giành The firm is hoping to gain an advantage
được lợi thế hoặc lợi ích từ một over its competitors.
/geɪn/ (v)
điều gì hoặc từ việc thực hiện điều

[ngoại động từ] dần dần có Peter’s gained weight recently.
thêm điều gì
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Although the two police officers investigated the case separately, they reached/acquired the same
2. He has fulfilled/acquired a reputation as this country's premier solo pianist.
3. As you gain/accomplish experience, you will grow in confidence.
4. I have attained/reached the stage in my career where I need a change.
5. She is striving to obtain/fulfil her ambition to be a fashion designer.
6. Consumers have certainly gained/obtained from the increased competition in the telecommunications
7. The students accomplished/achieved the task in less than ten minutes.
8. Failure to obtain/fulfil the terms of the agreements may result in legal action.
9. She achieved/gained her objective of qualifying for the US Olympic team.
10. The perfect body has always been difficult to realize/obtain.
11. She refused to let the injury keep her from acquire/attaining her goal of being in the Olympics.
12. After two years working in London, Bea has acquired/realized a great knowledge of English.
13. Lots of money, a luxury house, a fast car - Danny had realized/reached all his ambitions by the age of
14. How did the gallery come to fulfil/acquire so many Picassos?
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
15. Doctors cannot ______ an accurate diagnosis if they do not have all the relevant information.
A. accomplish B. reach C. acquire D. obtain
16. Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the ______ knowledge to trainee teachers.
A. realized B. reached C. acquired D. fulfilled
17. After Jane ______ some experience teaching abroad, she came home and got a job.
A. reached B. fulfilled C. realized D. gained
18. By destroying trees and killing animals, man may be able to ______ his short-term desires, but he is
causing many irreversible problems in the long run.
A. realize B. fulfil C. attain D. acquire


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

19. Her popularity ______ its peak in the late 2000s.

A. obtained B. realized C. fulfilled D. reached
20. We have tested our products in heavy field conditions to ______ the high requirements of the Finish
Defence Forces.
A. fulfil B. gain C. accomplish D. attain
21. It was her performances in London that ______ her an international reputation as a soprano.
A. accomplished B. gained C. achieved D. realized
22. I’ve ______ the point where I’m not going to put up with his criticisms of me anymore.
A. reached B. acquired C. obtained D. fulfilled
23. They ______ a Tucson resort in 1991 and a Hyatt hotel in Houston in 1992.
A. realized B. reached C. acquired D. accomplished
24. He should have gotten an award for ______ such impossible tasks in such a short period of time.
A. realizing B. attaining C. accomplishing D. obtaining
25. The internet is a vast resource, but to ______ its full potential it is necessary to direct consumers to
high quality information and to teach them how to assess the quality of information.
A. accomplish B. achieve C. attain D. realize
57. ĐI
go để chỉ một chuyển động từ nơi người - I went to Paris last summer. Have you
/gəʊ/ nói, người nghe đến một nơi khác ever been there?
(v) - Does this train go to Newcastle?
come một chuyển động đến nơi mà người - Can you come to my party?
/kʌm/ nói hoặc người nghe ở đó - Your father will come for (= to collect)
(v) you at four o'clock.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Don't go/come too near me - you might catch my cold.
2. We’re planning to go/come to Spain this winter.
3. I hope you can go/come to Australia to visit us.
4. The fastest way to get to the library is to go/come through the park.
5. She’s got someone going/coming this morning to fix the computer.
6. I have to go/come to Rome on business and I’ll really miss you.
7. I’m a curious girl. Come/Go and tell me all about it.
8. A: "Where did Sue go/come?" B: "I have no idea about that”
58. DI CƯ
[nội động từ] di cư, rời khỏi đất - The family left Czechoslovakia in 1968
nước của bạn để đến và sống vĩnh and emigrated to America.
viễn ở một quốc gia khác - My grandparents emigrated from
Vietnam to the US in the 1980s.
[nội động từ] di cư đến một nơi nào - Mexican farm workers migrate into the
đó, một đất nước nào đó thường là US each year to find work at harvest
để tìm kiếm công việc và thường time.
sống ở đó tạm thời, ngoài ra còn - These animals migrate annually in
dùng để chỉ các loại động vật di cư search of food.
theo mùa
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Many citizens with higher education were trained abroad and they
often emigrate/migrate permanently.
2. Mexican farmworkers emigrate/migrate to the US each year to find work at harvest time.
3. In September, these birds emigrate/migrate 2,000 miles south to a warmer climate.
4. My family emigrated/migrated from Europe in the early 1800s to settle in America.
5. People emigrate/migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work.
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

6. Most birds have to fly long distances to emigrate/migrate.

59. ĐIÊN
mad điên, mất trí, tâm trí không hoạt động I thought I'd go mad if I stayed any
/mæd/ bình thường, và có thể làm những longer.
(adj) điều ngớ ngẩn, ngu xuẩn
- điên rồ, đặc biệt là theo cách có thể - It’s an insane situation that I can’t see
gây ra các vấn đề nghiêm trọng, tổn any way out of.
insane /ɪn'seɪn/ hại hoặc thương tích - He was certified insane in 1998.
(adj) - điên, bị bệnh tâm thần nặng và
không phải chịu trách nhiệm pháp lý
về hành động của mình
điên rồ, không thực tế, không sáng - I’d never do anything like that. That’s
suốt just crazy.
- 'Love makes you do crazy things,' she
điên cuồng, loạn trí, không thể suy She was nearly demented with worry
demented nghĩ hoặc hành động thông suốt bởi when her son didn't come home.
/dɪ'men.tɪd/ (adj) vì bạn đang cực kỳ lo lắng, tức giận
hoặc phấn khích trước điều gì đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Don't be silly - you're not mad/insane, you're just over-stressed and need a break.
2. He is criminally mad/insane, unable to stop himself from attacking women.
3. I've been nearly demented/crazy with worry about you.
4. They were offering him demented/crazy amounts of money.
5. The murderer was found to be criminally crazy/insane.
6. David's mad/demented with excitement when he won the lottery.
7. Maybe Lou's idea wasn’t so mad/crazy after all.
[nội động từ] xảy ra (đặc biệt khi mà I don’t remember learning to swim,
không được lên kế hoạch) it just happened.
~ occur /ə'kɜ:(r)/ (v) (mang sắc thái
happen trang trọng) [nội động từ]
/'hæpən/ (v) ~ come about /kʌm ə'baʊt/ (phrasal
verb) [nội động từ]
[nội động từ] xảy ra (là kết quả của What happens if nobody comes to
một điều gì đó) the party?
[nội động từ] xảy ra (đặc biệt là sau - The film festival takes place in
take place
khi đã được sắp xếp hoặc lên kế October.
/teɪk pleɪs/
hoạch trước hoặc nói về những việc - We may never discover what took
(phrasal verb)
đã xảy ra) place that night.
[nội động từ] xảy ra (thường nói về - I'm afraid something urgent
come up những vấn đề/các câu hỏi/cơ hội/... has come up.
/kʌm ʌp/ và thường là không lường trước/tính - We'll let you know if any
(phrasal verb) trước) vacancies come up.
~ arise
[nội động từ] xảy ra một cách bất A new crisis has arisen.
arise ngờ (đặc biệt dùng khi nói đến các
/ə'raɪz/ (v) vấn đề/tranh cãi/tình huống khó
khăn); bắt đầu tồn tại


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

arise (out of/from something) Violence typically arises out of

[nội động từ] xảy ra (là kết quả của anger.
một tình huống cụ thể)
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] (sự kiện Earthquakes can strike without
xấu: thảm họa/bệnh tật/...) xảy ra warning.
một cách bất ngờ và không được
/straɪk/ (v)
lường trước và để lại hậu quả xấu
hoặc hư hại cho ai/điều gì
(dùng với trạng từ hoặc tính từ hoặc Despite our worries,
turn out trong câu hỏi với từ để hỏi how) xảy everything turned out well.
/tɜ:n aʊt/ ra theo một cách cụ thể nào đó; phát
(phrasal verb) triển hoặc kết thúc theo một cách cụ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Ambiguity arises/strikes when students’ spoken English is very limited.
2. Travellers complained about lack of information when travel delays occurred/struck.
3. Disaster turned out/struck again when their best player was injured.
4. I've got to go - something has just turned out/come up at home and I’m needed there.
5. The opportunity to get into computing came about/struck quite by accident.
6. Let’s see what happens/turns out next year.
7. The next meeting will come up/take place on Thursday.
8. She pressed the button, but nothing struck/happened.
9. If the day turns out/occurs wet, we may have to change our plans.
10. Are there any matters turning out/arising from the minutes of the last meeting?
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. A powerful earthquake ______ the island early this morning.
A. happened B. came up C. struck D. came about
12. It was a difficult time, but eventually things ______ all right.
A. happened B. turned out C. occurred D. took place
13. If any of these symptoms ______ while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor
A. occur B. handle C. arrive D. cure
14. Some learning difficulties ______ from the way children are taught at school.
A. occur B. strike C. arise D. take place
15. Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but,
without warning, disaster ______.
A. turned out B. touched C. came alive D. struck
16. Sometimes fun activities just ______ spontaneously; at other times they take careful planning.
A. arise B. strike C. happen D. take place
17. Call this number if any unforeseen emergency should ______.
A. handle B. arise C. cope D. arrive
18. Both of them were afflicted with a rare genetic disease, which ______ in their twenties.
A. struck B. cured C. arrived D. touched
19. These animals don’t like water, but they will swim if the necessity ______.
A. strikes B. arrives in C. turns out D. arises
20. You never know how your children will ______ when they grow up.
A. come about B. come up C. turn out D. take place
21. A vacancy has ______ in the accounts department.
A. taken place B. struck C. come up D. turned out
22. Emotional or mental problems can ______ from a physical cause.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. take place B. arise C. turn out D. occur

23. Our wedding will ______ at St. Andrew’s church.
A. occur B. happen C. arise D. take place
24. The decrease in the number of salmon has ______ through commercial overfishing.
A. come about B. struck C. turned out D. arrived


[ngoại động từ] thay đổi, sửa đổi The law has been significantly modified
modify (một kế hoạch, quan điểm, luật pháp, since that ruling.
/'mɑ:.də.faɪ/ chính sách, hành vi...,) nhẹ, không
(v) đáng kể để nó được cải thiện và thỏa
đáng hơn
- [ngoại động từ] thay đổi cái gì đó Adjust your language to the age of your
adjust để phù hợp với các điều kiện mới, để audience.
/ə'dʒʌst/ đạt hiệu quả hơn, tốt hơn, điều chỉnh
(v) - sắp xếp lại đồ áo để ngăn nắp, gọn
- [nội động từ] thích nghi với môi - Many software companies have
trường (vật sống) adapted popular programs to the new
adapt - [nội động từ] + [ngoại động operating system.
/ə'dæpt/ từ] thay đổi, làm cái gì đó thay đổi - Species have adapted to climate
(v) đế phù hợp với các điều kiện (biến changes throughout history.
đổi), chức năng sử dụng khác nhau ~
tailor [ngoại động từ] chỉnh sửa, thay đổi Special programs of study are
/'teɪlər/ để phù hợp với một mục đích, đối tailored to/for the needs of specific
(v) tượng cụ thể nào đó groups.
correct [ngoại động từ] sửa đổi, thay đổi để Read through your work and correct
/kə'rekt/ chính xác hơn, sửa lỗi sai, lỗi lầm, any mistakes that you find.
(v) khuyết điểm...,
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to adapt/modify their behaviour.
2. The ways in which organisms have adapted/tailored to survive in this extreme environment are not
well understood.
3. At this stage you should be able to correct/adjust at least some of your own mistakes.
4. As a teacher you have to modify/adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.
5. We tailor/correct any of our products to your company's specific needs.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. She ______ her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked into the room.
A. corrected B. tailored C. adapted D. adjusted
7. We found it cheaper to ______ existing equipment rather than buy new.
A. tailor B. modify C. correct D. adjust
8. Their eyesight can be ______ in just a few minutes by the use of a laser.
A. adjusted B. adapted C. corrected D. tailored
9. ______ the angle of your monitor so you can easily read it.
A. Adjust B. Tailor C. Modify D. Correct
10. To remain competitive the company has to be able to ______ to the changing marketplace.
A. tailor B. adapt C. correct D. adjust


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

sự cố gắng để đưa ra một câu trả lời If you don’t know the answer, have
hoặc ý kiến khi mà bạn không chắc a guess.
chắn là bạn đúng hay không: sự đoán
lời dự đoán về việc mà bạn nghĩ sẽ xảy Having lived in the UK for more
ra trong tương lai; hành động dự đoán than one year, I’ve learned not to
về tương lai make any predictions about the
/prɪ'dɪkʃn/ (n)
*prediction mang nghĩa rộng hơn weather here.
hành động phát hiện ra hoặc xác định The engineer examined the
được nguyên nhân chính xác của một washing machine for some time
căn bệnh hoặc một vấn đề: sự chẩn before giving me his diagnosis.
dự đoán về việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương It is too early to make
forecast lai (dựa trên các thông tin hiện có) về firm forecasts about the UK
/'fɔ:kɑ:st/ (n) sự phát triển của một điều gì đó: sự dự economy after the pandemic.
đoán trước, sự dự báo trước
estimation [C] một lời phán đoán về giá cả, kích Estimations of our total world
/,estɪ'meɪʃn/ cỡ, giá trị, mức độ, ... của một thứ sales are around 50 million.
(n) gì/điều gì đó: sự ước lượng
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. It is difficult to make long-term forecasts/guesses for a fast-growing industry.
2. At a rough guess/diagnosis, I'd say we're about twenty miles from home.
3. Six hundred workers there lost their jobs today, amid gloomy diagnoses/predictions that there could be
worse to come.
4. The figures of 9% and 5% were diagnoses/estimations by federal officers, who lacked hard statistical
data upon which to base their percentages.
5. He took one look at the wilted plant and gave me an immediate diagnosis/estimation: "It needs more
water," he said.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. "What goes through your mind when you wake up in the morning and hear the weather ______ is
eighty and sunny?"
A. estimation B. forecast C. guess D. diagnosis
7. Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative ______ of the disease.
A. estimation B. diagnosis C. forecast D. guess
8. In this study, we made no specific ______ about likely outcomes.
A. diagnoses B. estimations C. predictions D. guesses
9. In fact, the first group were absolutely correct in their ______ of the man’s height.
A. forecast B. prediction C. diagnosis D. estimation
10. Who do you think I saw yesterday? I'll give you three ______.
A. guesses B. predictions C. forecasts D. diagnoses
11. We should be fine unless it rains. This truck doesn't do well in the rain. But I didn’t see rain in the
A. diagnosis B. estimation C. guess D. forecast
12. To aid the ______ of moving costs, we will assume that each room is of average size.
A. estimation B. guess C. diagnosis D. prediction
- số tiền bạn kiếm được cho công - Average earnings for skilled workers
earnings /'ɜ:.nɪŋz/
việc bạn làm, thu nhập (danh từ số are rising.
nhiều) - Sun Microsystems


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

- lợi nhuận của một công ty trong reported earnings that were slightly
một thời kỳ cụ thể (danh từ số nhiều) better than the market had been
số tiền mà chính phủ nhận được - Taxes provide most of the
thường là từ thuế hoặc tổ chức nhận government's revenue.
được từ hoạt động kinh doanh của - Arco has reacted to the loss
mình (nhận một cách đều đặn, ổn in revenue by pruning back its
định) (đếm được hoặc không đếm expansion plans.
tiền kiếm được trong thương mại She makes a big profit from selling
profit hoặc kinh doanh sau khi thanh toán waste material to textile companies.
/'prɑ:.fɪt/ các chi phí sản xuất và bán hàng hóa
(n) và dịch vụ (đếm được hoặc không
đếm được)
tiền mà một người hoặc tổ chức kiếm - She sold her car and bought a piano
proceeds được từ việc bán, đấu giá cái gì, with the proceeds.
/'proʊ.si:dz/ giành được thứ gì đó hoặc từ việc tổ - The proceeds of the concert will go to
(n) chức một sự kiện hoặc hoạt động charity.
(danh từ số nhiều)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The company reported that proceeds/earnings were down last quarter.
2. The central government collects the tax revenue/profit on behalf of local authorities.
3. They bought a new minibus with the proceeds/earnings from the auction.
4. The company said it had made a revenue/profit of about £1.4bn on the deal.
5. People with a university education tend to have higher profits/earnings than those with basic
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The ______ of today's festival will go to several local charities.
A. earnings B. revenues C. proceeds D. profits
7. Tourism is the island's main and stable source of ______.
A. revenue B. earnings C. profit D. proceeds
8. The rise in the value of the dollar has depressed the company's ______ this year.
A. profits B. revenues C. proceeds D. earnings
9. There isn’t much ______ in running a restaurant these days because we have to pay for a lot of things.
A. revenue B. earnings C. profit D. proceeds
10. They need to restructure the tax system to collect more ______.
A. earnings B. revenue C. proceeds D. profit
một người mà bạn đang cố đánh He is admired even by his
opponent bại trong một cuộc thi/sự kiện thể political opponents/adversaries.
/ə'pəʊnənt/ thao/trò chơi/đánh nhau/tranh
(n) luận/...
~ adversary /'ædvəsəri/ (n)
một người/nhóm người/tổ - He finished 39 seconds ahead of
chức/công ty/... cạnh tranh lẫn his main rival.
nhau trong thể thao/kinh doanh/... - This latest design has no rivals/is
/'raɪvl/ (n)
competitor /kəm'petɪtə(r)/ (n) without rival (= it is easily the best
design available).
enemy một người phản đối hoặc chống lại - It is rare to find a prominent politician


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'enəmi/ (n) ai/điều gì with few political enemies.

- The lion is the zebra's chief enemy.
một quốc gia hoặc một nhóm đang an attack by enemy aircraft
có chiến tranh với một quốc
gia/nhóm khác
một người/đội đang có cơ hội - a strong contender for the gold medal
dành chiến thắng trong một cuộc - He is a top contender for Senate
thi hoặc đạt được một vị trí lãnh majority leader.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. This latest defeat means that she’s no longer a rival/contender for the world title.
2. During the primary elections, McCain was Bush's leading contender/opponent.
3. The troops had camouflaged themselves so effectively that the enemy/rival didn’t notice them
4. Sophia left her job and went to work for a rival/contender company.
5. James Moriarty was Sherlock Holmes's mortal contender/enemy.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. There are several contestants, but only two real ______ for the gold medal.
A. enemies B. opponents C. contenders D. adversaries
7. She hit the ball so hard that her ______ had no chance to establish any rhythm in her game.
A. enemy B. contender C. contestant D. opponent
8. The police believe the fight was due to a dispute between ______ teenage gangs.
A. adversary B. enemy C. rival D. contender
9. Who was her main ______ for the presidential nomination?
A. opponent B. enemy C. contender D. combatant
10. She was considered a leading ______ for the party leadership.
A. enemy B. contender C. opponent D. adversary
11. The company is well equipped to compete with its international ______.
A. enemies B. contestants C. contenders D. rivals
12. In major battles, there was as much chance of a submarine being attacked by its own side as opposed
to the ______.
A. contender B. enemy C. contestant D. opponent
13. In both contests, Webb stopped his ______ in the first round with an awesome display of punching.
A. enemies B. combatants C. contenders D. opponents
14. Birds are the natural ______ of many insect pests.
A. enemies B. opponents C. adversaries D. contestants
15. Investors long hoped the company might do the heavy restructuring needed to revive profits and
compete with new ______.
A. contestants B. contenders C. rivals D. enemies
một thiết bị biến đổi điện năng hoặc - An electric motor is used to pump the
nhiên liệu làm cho máy móc hoặc xe water.
/'moʊ.tə/ (n)
cộ hoạt động hoặc chuyển động - Batteries power the motor.
máy có các bộ phận chuyển động nhờ - The engine runs on diesel.
engine sử dụng năng lượng từ nhiên liệu lỏng - My car had to have a new engine.
/'en.ʤɪn/ hoặc hơi nước, ví dụ như trong
(n) phương tiện giao thông đường bộ
hoặc máy bay
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. The plane's motor/engine failed and the pilot was forced to bail out.
2. The pump is powered by a small electric motor/engine.
3. My car motor/engine overheated because the water had leaked out of the radiator.
4. One of the wheels is fitted with an electric motor/engine.
5. While the Spaniard first patented the steam-operated machine for use in mining, an Englishman is
usually credited with inventing the first steam motor/engine.
6. An electric current drives motors/engines located under the floor.
7. Does your car have a diesel or a petrol motor/engine?
được coi là đúng với thực tế, sự - Only one of the answers is correct.
thật hoặc không có sai sót nào - Check that all the details are correct.
/kə'rekt/ (adj)
rõ ràng và chính xác (chi tiết, - Can you give a more precise definition of the
precise hướng dẫn, đo lường, định word?
/prɪ'saɪs/ (adj) nghĩa...,) - I can be reasonably precise about the time of
the incident.
true đúng sự thật, liên quan đến thực - Are the following statements true or false?
/tru:/ tế, sự kiện hơn là những thứ - Is it true (that) she's leaving?
(adj) được nghĩ ra hoặc phỏng đoán
được làm, hoàn thành, mô tả - The model is exact in every detail.
một cách rất kĩ lưỡng, với tất cả - It is an exact copy of the original document.
/ɪg'zækt/ (adj)
các chi tiết đều chuẩn xác
accurate đúng đến từng chi tiết, chính - We'll need accurate costings before we can
/'æk.jə.ət/ xác và không có bất kỳ sai sót agree to fund the scheme.
(adj) nào - His predictions proved accurate.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We will need a more correct/precise description of the accommodation.
2. It is certainly true/accurate that money can't buy you happiness.
3. This is an exact/correct replica of the original ship.
4. The first person to give the correct/precise answer wins the contest.
5. We hope to become more correct/accurate in predicting earthquakes.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. John didn't invent the story and everything he told you is ______.
A. precise B. accurate C. true D. correct
7. Please give ______ details about your previous experience.
A. correct B. precise C. exact D. true
8. The sentence is grammatically ______.but not very idiomatic.
A. precise B. exact C. true D. correct
9. We need to establish the ______ sequence of events leading up to the accident.
A. exact B. precise C. true D. correct
10. The aim at all times is to have a(n) ______ estimate of the final cost.
A. true B. precise C. accurate D. correct
chính thức đuổi ai đó ra khỏi trường Sophia was expelled from school at 15.
expel hoặc một tổ chức
trục xuất ai đó ra khỏi một đất nước The regime decided to expel UK, US,
and Canadian diplomats.
eject [ngoại động từ, sắc thái trang trọng] Several fans were ejected from the bar
/ɪ'dʒekt/ buộc ai đó phải rời khỏi một nơi hoặc for causing trouble.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) một vị trí

buộc ai đó rời khỏi một ngôi nhà hoặc A number of tenants have
đất đai, đặc biệt là khi bạn có quyền been evicted for not paying the rent.
/ɪ'vɪkt/ (v)
làm như vậy
dismiss sa thải ai đó He has been dismissed from his job for
/dɪs'mɪs/ incompetence.
cho phép ai đó được chính thức rời He was discharged from the army
discharge khỏi hoặc khiến ai đó rời khỏi lực following his injury.
/dɪs'tʃɑ:dʒ/ lượng vũ trang hoặc công an
(v) [ngoại động cho phép ai đó xuất viện bởi vì họ đã Josh has a broken nose but may
từ, thường ở đủ khoẻ để rời khỏi bệnh viện be discharged today.
dạng bị động] cho phép ai đó được ra khỏi tù hoặc Jack was conditionally discharged after
rời khỏi toà án admitting the theft.
cho phép ai đó ra khỏi một nơi mà họ He was released from prison after
bị giam giữ hoặc bị mắc kẹt: thả, giải serving two years of a five- year
/rɪ'li:s/ (v)
phóng, phóng thích... sentence.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. After he was arrested, his lawyer got him released/ejected the same day. He never spent a single night
in jail.
2. There should be a power to release/dismiss employees who fail to return to work after reasonable
notice has been given.
3. Police had to expel/evict demonstrations from the building.
4. And the worst of it was, he had just done serious magic, which meant that he was almost
certainly expelled/released from Hogwarts.
5. Gareth was ejected/dismissed from the restaurant for drunken and disorderly behaviour.
6. More than half of all prisoners expelled/discharged are reconvicted within two years.
7. Most world leaders might be embarrassed to have a spy ring exposed and dismissed/expelled from
another country.
8. Before the patient is discharged/ejected, a physical therapist fits the patient with crutches and gives
instructions regarding their correct use.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. Shortly after the report was published, a third faculty member was summarily ______ on grounds of
three days of unapproved absence.
A. evicted B. dismissed C. ejected D. released
10. Firefighters took two hours to ______ the driver from the wreckage.
A. expel B. discharge C. release D. evict
11. They were unable to pay the rent, so they were ______ from their home.
A. released B. discharged C. dismissed D. evicted
12. He found a job doing data entry but was fired when his boss found out he was ______ from
A. expelled B. released C. discharged D. evicted
13. Patients were ______ from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people.
A. discharged B. expelled C. dismissed D. ejected
14. The two couples were ______ from the taxi shortly after they got in because they became abusive.
A. expelled B. ejected C. released D. discharged
15. After he won the presidency in 1990, the opposition joined with the Army overthrow him and ______
him from the country.
A. release B. dismiss C. evict D. expel


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

16. His memory was impaired, and he was ______ from the Royal Air Force.
A. released B. evicted C. discharged D. dismissed
hình thành một quan điểm về ai You shouldn't judge her too harshly.
đó/điều gì đó dựa trên thông tin mà
bạn có: xét, xét đoán, đánh giá
đưa ra một nhận định về bản We are trying to assess/evaluate how
assess chất/phẩm chất/chất lượng của ai well the system works.
/ə'ses/ (v) đó/cái gì đó: đánh giá
~ evaluate /ɪ'væljueɪt/ (v)
xem xét ai đó/cái gì đó một cách kỹ Investigators examined the room
lưỡng để xem có vấn đề gì không hoặc minutely for clues.
để tìm ra nguyên nhân của một vấn
đề: khám xét, xem xét, thẩm tra
đưa ra nhận xét/quan điểm về một Please rate and review your purchase
cuốn sách/vở kịch/bộ phim/sản phẩm on our website.
review kiểm tra hoặc xem xét lại cái gì đó After reviewing the evidence, the judge
/rɪ'vju:/ (v) một cách cẩn thận (đặc biệt là để dismissed the case.
quyết định xem có cần thiết phải thay
đổi điều gì không)
~ reassess /,ri:ə'ses/ (v)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Before buying an antique, examine/judge it closely to avoid buying a fake.
2. Safety procedures are being urgently reviewed/judged after a chemical leak at the factory.
3. Interviews allow you to review/assess the suitability of candidates.
4. It’s not for me to judge/examine whether he made the right decision or not.
5. Researchers evaluated/examined teaching performance by comparing students' exam results.
6. After judging/reassessing the situation, she decided to do nothing.
7. As well as being an author, Jane examines/reviews books for the Sunday papers.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. I only go to see movies that are ______ favourably.
A. assessed B. evaluated C. examined D. reviewed
9. The video shows women how to ______ their breasts for cancer.
A. evaluate B. examine C. review D. judge
10. You should never ______ a person solely on their looks.
A. judge B. review C. examine D. evaluate
11. The doctor ______ her body carefully but could find nothing wrong.
A. examined B. judge C. reviewed D. assessed
12. The tests are used to ______ individual students' ability and knowledge.
A. review B. reassess C. assess D. lack
13. Candidates are ______ on their ability to think independently.
A. reviewed B. examined C. reassessed D. evaluated
đặc điểm quan trọng, hấp dẫn, - An interesting feature of the city is the
thú vị của một nơi, một thứ gì old market.
đó - Which features do you look for when
choosing a car?
trait một đặc điểm, phẩm chất cụ - His sense of humour is one of his


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/treɪt/ thể trong tính cách của bạn, cái better traits.
(n) mà tạo ra một hành vi cụ thể - Arrogance is a very unattractive
personality/character trait.
đặc điểm nổi bật, đặc trưng mà - Patience is not a characteristic we
ai, cái gì đó sở hữu phân biệt associate with Bryan.
/,ker.ək.tə'rɪ s.tɪk/
họ, chúng với những loại khác - Being tall is a typical characteristic of
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We do not know which behavioural features/traits are inherited and which acquired.
2. Teamwork is a key feature/trait of the training programme.
3. Mobility is the defining trait/characteristic of modern life.
4. The town's main features/characteristics are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
5. She shares several character features/traits with her father.
6. His melodies have distinguishing features/characteristics which make them instantly identifiable.
7. Our latest model of phone has several new traits/features.
70. EM BÉ
baby một đứa trẻ còn rất nhỏ chưa biết nói - Sandra had a baby (=gave birth to it)
/'beɪ.bi/ hoặc chưa biết đi, từ 0 đến 18 tháng on 29 May.
(n) tuổi - a six-week-old baby
một đứa trẻ nhỏ, đặc biệt là một đứa - Marian 's two-year-old toddler was
toddler trẻ đang học hoặc mới tập đi, khoảng clawing at her skirt.
/'tɑ:d.lə/ từ 1 đến 3 tuổi - Think of the toddler learning to walk
(n) and how often he falls down only to pick
himself up and try again.
child một đứa trẻ từ khi chúng được sinh ra - Jan is married with three
/ʧaɪld/ cho đến khi chúng khoảng 14 tuổi young children.
(n) (vẫn chưa trưởng thành) - an eight-year-old child
trẻ em, người chưa trưởng thành, có - I remember reading with my
nghĩa tương tự với "child" nhưng grandmother as a young kid of 6.
được sử dụng nhiều hơn trong văn nói - He took the kids to the park while I
không trang trọng was working.
một đứa trẻ ở trường trong độ tuổi từ - The majority of infant teachers are
bốn đến bảy (ở Anh và xứ Wales), em women.
bé còn rất nhỏ (Bắc Mĩ) (khoảng 3-12 - I've known her since we were in
tháng) the infants.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She was left at home with a toddler/baby and a four-month-old toddler/baby to care for.
2. All children/infants under the age of 11 were given free admission.
3. Mary used to be a teacher at a(n) baby/infant school where students are from four to seven years old.
4. He's only a kid/baby. You can't expect him to understand what's going on.
5. You have to walk as slowly and carefully as a(n) infant/toddler.
6. Their first baby/toddler arrived exactly nine months after the wedding.
7. Child/Infant soldiers were used by all sides during the 14-year civil war.
71. GẦN
gần về khoảng cách - His house is very near.
- Wales may be a near
near neighbour but its history is quite
/nɪə(r)/ (adj) distinct.
một thời gian ngắn nữa trong tương The conflict is unlikely to be


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

lai: gần/cận resolved in the near future (= very

[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] Only the nearest relatives were
near relative/relation mối quan hệ present at the funeral.
trong gia đình gần (như bố hoặc
mẹ): gần, (người) thân
[thường đứng trước danh từ] gần về - We walked to a nearby park.
vị trí; không xa - At a nearby table a man was
/,nɪə'baɪ/ (adj)
complaining in a loud voice.
liền, gần kề, sát ngay cạnh - We stayed in adjacent rooms.
- Our farmland was adjacent to the
/ə'dʒeɪsnt/ (adj)
[không thường đứng trước danh - Our new house is close to the
từ] gần về không gian và thời gian school.
~ near - We all have to work in close
proximity (= near each other).
- The children are close to each
close other in age.
/kɪəʊs/ (adj)
biết rất rõ về ai đó và rất quý họ: gần - Jo is a very close friend.
gũi, thân thiết; gần trong mối quan hệ - She is very close to her father.
gia đình: họ hàng gần - close relatives, such as your
>< distant /'distənt/ (adj) mother and father, and brothers and
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] sống/nằm ở - a neighbouring house
vị trí gần hoặc bên cạnh một ai đó/nơi - neighbouring towns
neighbouring nào đó - a neighbouring farmer
/'neɪbərɪŋ/ (adj) - The fair attracted hundreds of
people from the neighbouring towns
and villages.
gần một nơi cụ thể nào đó; dễ dàng đi - The office is just five minutes from
đến (nếu bạn dùng convenient để miêu the station, so it’s very convenient.
tả một nơi nào đó, điều đó có nghĩa là - Our new house is very convenient
bạn hài lòng vì nơi đó gần chỗ bạn for/to (= near to) the kids’s chool.
convenient hoặc có thể là vì bạn có thể đi đến một - Martin drove along until he found
/kən'vi:niənt/ (adj) nơi khác từ chỗ đó một cách nhanh a convenient parking place.
chóng và dễ dàng)
convenient for something (British
English) convenient to
something (American English)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He sat in a(n) close/adjacent room and waited.
2. Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring/convenient countries next week.
3. We can meet at the pub or in the restaurant, whichever is more adjacent/nearer for you.
4. The tables were too close/neighbouring together.
5. Working memory refers to the brain's ability to remember things in the short or close/near term.
6. The groom and his close/nearby family took their places.
7. Only adjacent/near relatives were invited to the wedding.
8. The town is well placed for easy access to London and adjacent/convenient for Heathrow Airport.
9. There were complaints from convenient/nearby residents.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.

10. The schools were ______ but there were separate doors.
A. neighbouring B. adjacent C. nearby D. close
11. If you need to buy bread and milk, the ______ shop is about a mile away.
A. most adjacent B. most neighbouring C. closest D. most distant
12. The hotel is very ______ for the station - it’s only a two-minute walk.
A. nearby B. adjacent C. neighbouring D. convenient
13. He and his sister were ______ and her death affected him so strongly that friends initially feared for
his own mental health.
A. close B. near C. convenient D. adjacent
14. Frustrated, she kicked a ______ trashcan until its contents spilled to the linoleum floor.
A. convenient B. distant C. nearby D. close
15. Now children who have lost a parent or a(n) ______ family member are being offered the chance to
meet up with others who understand their suffering.
A. nearby B. close C. neighbouring D. adjacent
16. We are pleased to offer to the market this terraced house, ______ for access to all local amenities and
transport links.
A. convenient B. neighbouring C. adjacent D. nearby
17. Gardens and trees could be seen along the railway and highway, in contrast to the vast desert in the
______ distance.
A. nearby B. adjacent C. near D. neighbouring
18. A few people, almost invariably working in ______ proximity to birds, have been infected and
become seriously ill.
A. nearby B. close C. neighbouring D. adjacent
19. At a meeting of this committee recently, some proposals were made and are expected to be carried
out in the ______ future.
A. nearby B. adjacent C. close D. near
20. Their birthdays are very ______ together.
A. close B. neighbouring C. adjacent D. near
21. So what if the ______ and dear relatives are not able to attend the wedding ceremony?
A. nearby B. near C. neighbouring D. adjacent
[mang tính khen ngợi] (miêu tả một con - dieters who get slim using these
người hoặc cơ thể của họ) mảnh dẻ, mảnh methods
slim khảnh, thon nhưng mà hấp dẫn - long, slender fingers
/slɪm/ (adj) ~ slender /'slendə(r)/ (adj) gầy và yếu một
cách hấp dẫn hoặc duyên dáng (thường
dùng trong văn học)
slight nhỏ, thấp, gầy, yếu, mảnh khảnh She looked very slight, almost
/slaɪt/ (adj) fragile.
[thỉnh thoảng mang nghĩa tiêu cực hoặc The old horse was painfully thin.
thin xúc phạm] (miêu tả người/một bộ phận
/θɪn/ (adj) của cơ thể/động vật) không có nhiều mỡ
hoặc cơ bắp: gầy
[mang nghĩa khen ngợi] (miêu tả người, He has a lean, muscular body.
đặc biệt là đàn ông hoặc động vật) không
/li:n/ (adj)
có mỡ thừa; gầy và cân đối, khỏe mạnh
[thường mang nghĩa chê/tiêu cực] rất Some supermodels are far
gầy, đặc biệt là bạn thấy xấu/không hấp too skinny.
/'skɪni/ (adj)
dẫn/gây khó chịu


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

frail gầy và yếu về mặt thể chất (đặc biệt là His frail hands were shaking.
/freɪl/ (adj) người già)
delicate không khoẻ mạnh và dễ bị ốm She was physically delicate and
/'delɪkət/ psychologically unstable.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. You obviously know the value of being fit and thin/slim, so you should be delighted your wife is
aiming for that.
2. He appeared to find his slight/lean build a disadvantage and failed to become a professional basketball
3. You should eat more - you're too skinny/slim.
4. Like most athletes, she was lean/thin and muscular.
5. Jane has been ill for months. She looks pale and lean/thin now.
6. You look great in those jeans. They make you look very skinny/slender.
7. His health has always been lean/delicate.
8. His grandmother is becoming too slim/frail to live alone.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. I am often complimented on my ______, healthy body.
A. slight B. slim C. skinny D. thin
10. He has a ______ constitution and has to be careful with what he eats.
A. slim B. delicate C. slender D. lean
11. Emma looked very ill the last time we met. Did you notice how ______ her wrists were?
A. thin B. lean C. slim D. slender
12. We are bombarded with images of elderly people being ______ and sickly.
A. lean B. slim C. slender D. frail
13. Why had he not noticed before her long ______ legs and strong arms? They were very attractive.
A. slight B. thin C. slim D. skinny
14. At seventy-two my grandfather was ______ and strong and I expected him to live forever.
A. thin B. slight C. skinny D. lean
15. She was beautiful and attractive: tall and ______, effortlessly and unselfconsciously elegant, even in
her muddy farm clothes.
A. skinny B. thin C. slight D. slender
16. In his old age, his health became increasingly ______.
A. lean B. slim C. frail D. skinny
17. By the time Sophia recovered, she had been ______ than ever, having been rationed to only an apple
a day.
A. skinner B. leaner C. slimmer D. slenderer
73. GIẢ VỜ
[nội động từ] cư xử một cách đặc biệt để - The children pretended (that) they
khiến ai đó tin vào một điều không đúng were dinosaurs.
sự thực: giả vờ; tuyên bố rằng điều gì đó - I can't pretend I understand these
pretend là đúng nhưng thực ra lại không phải như technical terms. (= I admit I do not
/prɪ'tend/ vậy understand them.)
[ngoại động từ] giả vờ một điều gì đó She pretended an interest she did not
(cảm giác/cảm xúc/phẩm chất...) feel.
~ simulate
[nội động từ, mang nghĩa chê/xúc Rob doesn't really know a thing about
phạm] ăn mặc hoặc hành xử như thể là the theatre - he's just posing!
/pəuz/ (v)
một ai đó hoặc có những phẩm chất nào


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

đó để khiến người khác chú ý hoặc

ngưỡng mộ
[nội động từ] giả vờ là ai đó để nhằm The gang entered the building posing
mục đích lừa ai (có thể là có ý tốt hoặc ý as workmen.
đồ xấu) *pose as somebody
simulate giả vờ là bạn có một cảm xúc nào đó I tried to simulate surprise at the
/'sɪmjuleɪt/ news.
bắt chước/phỏng theo ai đó/thứ gì đó Art imitates Nature.
bắt chước cách ai đó nói hoặc hành xử để She knew that the girls used
nhằm mục đích gây cười to imitate her and laugh at her behind
her back.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Will tried to simulate/pose emotions so that Ann would not become too suspicious.
2. He isn't really angry - He’s just imitating/pretending to be.
3. Jane likes to appear as if she knows all about the latest films and art exhibitions, but she’s
just simulating/posing.
4. They produce artificial chemicals which exactly imitate/pose particular natural ones.
5. He tried to simulate/imitate my Scots accent and we both laughed.
6. The shop assistant watched in shock as a thief posing/pretending as a customer grabbed money from
the till before running off.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. Some of the younger pop bands try to ______ their musical heroes from the past.
A. pose B. simulate C. imitate D. pretend
8. The good thing about a BlackBerry is you can read a message and ______ that you haven’t seen it.
A. pretend B. imitate C. pose D. simulate
9. It’s not easy to ______ inner confidence while on national television, but it won’t hurt to try.
A. imitate B. pose C. simulate D. falsify
10. Police are appealing for witnesses after two people ______ as social workers tried to get into a house
in Leigh.
A. simulating B. pretending C. imitating D. posing
11. I also became renowned in school for ______ famous singers, using an imaginary microphone,
flinging my hair around and dancing and singing and pursing my lips.
A. imitating B. simulating C. posing D. pretending
12. Some people like to drive kit cars, but most just like to ______ in them.
A. pretend B. pose C. simulate D. imitate
13. Undercover cops set up a stall and ______ as market traders to catch a gang of mobile phone thieves.
A. pretended B. simulated C. imitated D. posed
14. Her father stands, moves over to the curtains, opens them slightly and ______ some interest outside
as a distraction to her question.
A. falsifies B. pretends C. poses D. imitates
15. The spaces are designed to make the visitor feel disoriented, to ______ the feeling of those who were
A. simulate B. pose C. imitate D. pretend
16. I’m starting to think she's just plain dumb and not the conservative intellectual she ______ to be.
A. poses B. imitates C. pretends D. simulates
price - giá bán, số tiền bạn phải trả để mua - House prices have been falling.
/praɪs/ một thứ gì đó - We thought they were asking a


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(n) - cái giá (cái phải làm, cái phải trải very high/low price.
qua để giữ được, có được cái gì) - His success came at a high price.
(nghĩa bóng)
- chi phí để làm ra sản phẩm, dịch vụ - A new computer system has been
hoặc giá phải trả cho sản phẩm dịch installed at a cost of £80 000.
vụ - The total cost to you is £3 000.
- nỗ lực, mất mát hoặc thiệt hại liên - We did not even make enough money
quan để làm hoặc đạt được điều gì đó, to cover the cost of the food.
sự phung phí (thời giờ, sức lực...,) - She saved him from the fire at the cost
(nghĩa bóng) of her own life (= she died).
- at (a) cost to something
- giá trị, số tiền có thể nhận được cho - What is the value of the prize?
value một thứ gì đó - The value of the shares has continued
/'vælju:/ - giá trị về mặt tinh thần, tầm quan to fall.
(n) trọng của cái gì (nghĩa bóng) - They are known to place/put/set a high
value on good presentation.
- giá trị định giá của sản phẩm, dịch - £20, $100, etc. worth of something
worth vụ (thường là sẽ nêu luôn giá cụ thể - The winner will receive fifty pounds'
/wɜ:rθ/ hoặc chung chung của nó) worth of books.
(n) - giá trị tài chính, thực tiễn hoặc phẩm - The activities help children to develop
chất của ai đó/cái gì đó (nghĩa bóng) a sense of their own worth.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. These figures show the total cost/price of the project including staff salaries.
2. The restaurant charges shockingly high prices/values for its food.
3. $4 million value/worth of souvenirs and gift items have been produced for the event.
4. The cost/value of the painting has been put at £1 million.
5. He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost/price to his health.
6. For them, the house's main price/value lay in its quiet country location.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. There are a couple of shops in town which sell nice clothes at affordable ______.
A. worth B. costs C. prices D. values
8. In most families, two salaries are essential to cover the ______ of raising a family.
A. value B. price C. worth D. cost
9. The fire destroyed millions of pounds’ ______ of equipment.
A. worth B. price C. cost D. value
10. Property ______ have fallen since the plans for the airport were published.
A. costs B. worth C. values D. prices
11. He proved his ______ to the team by scoring two goals in the final.
A. value B. worth C. price D. cost
duration một khoảng thời gian mà một điều gì đó The school was used as a hospital for
/dju'reɪʃn/ kéo dài hoặc tồn tại the duration of the war.
(n) [U]
một khoảng thời gian mà bạn làm việc ở He has just finished a stint of
một nơi hoặc thực hiện một hoạt động compulsory military service.
/stɪnt/ (n)
đặc biệt nào đó
phase một giai đoạn trong một quá trình thay We’re entering a new phase in
/feɪz/ (n) đổi hoặc phát triển international relations.
span một khoảng thời gian giữa hai ngày/sự - The batteries had a life span of six


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/spæn/ kiện ... mà lúc đó một việc gì đó tồn tại, hours.

(n) kéo dài, hoặc xảy ra - James has a short attention span.
một khoảng thời gian cụ thể The study will be carried out over a
period six-month period.
/'pɪəriəd/ một khoảng thời gian trong cuộc đời của a dark period in the country’s history
(n) một ai đó hoặc trong lịch sử của một
quốc gia
stretch một khoảng thời gian liên tục/không dứt a stretch of three weeks without
/stretʃ/ sunshine
(n) [C]
stage [C] một giai đoạn hoặc một trạng thái mà This technology is still in its
/steɪdʒ/ điều gì/ai đó trải qua trong khi đang phát early stages.
(n) triển hoặc đang tiến triển
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. There will be a reduced bus service over the Christmas period/span.
2. I worked with Patrick several times over a phase/span of six years.
3. The old lady rarely sleeps for eight hours at a stint/stretch.
4. He was given the task of protecting her for the duration/stint of the trial.
5. Ms. Rose’s career has included a 17-year stint/span working for M&S as a manager.
6. A new version is in the final stints/stages of testing.
7. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase/duration in Emma’s life.
8. Jane doesn't leave the house for long phases/stretches of time when she's stressed and depressed.
9. Most teenagers go through a stint/period of rebelling.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. Over a ______ of just three years, the new government has transformed the country's economic
A. phase B. span C. stint D. stretch
11. She’s reached a crucial ______ in her career.
A. stint B. stretch C. span D. stage
12. She used to read for hours at a ______.
A. period B. phase C. stretch D. duration
13. Public spending was cut during his ______ of office.
A. stint B. stretch C. phase D. period
14. As Maria discovered, all butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, which means they
move through four very different ______: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
A. phases B. periods C. durations D. stints
15. His early career included floor managing ______ with the BBC and Granada, and he worked on the
first series of Till Death Us Do Part in the mid-1960s.
A. phases B. stints C. stretches D. durations
16. Economists and historians regard a reduction in real wages as one of the distinguishing features of the
modern ______.
A. span B. duration C. period D. phase
17. Consumers will buy tickets on bankrupt airlines because their relationship with the carrier lasts only
for the short ______ of the flight.
A. stint B. phase C. duration D. stretch
18. Their youngest child is at the ______ where she can say individual words but not full sentences.
A. span B. stage C. stretch D. stint
19. He left abruptly for Switzerland, where he spent the ______ of the war.
A. duration B. phase C. stint D. period


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

20. The building project marks a new ______ in the town’s development.
A. stint B. span C. stretch D. phase
21. Her most productive period was her five-year ______ as a foreign correspondent in New York.
A. stint B. stage C. phase D. duration
thời gian mà bạn không làm việc Make the most of your leisure time!
hoặc học tập; thời gian rỗi
các hoạt động mà bạn thích làm - leisure activities
leisure trong thời gian rỗi - leisure pursuits
/'leʒə(r)/ (n) [U] - public parks and leisure facilities
- the leisure industry (= the
business of providing leisure
[U] việc mà mọi người làm gì đó - the increasing use of land
để giải trí/tiêu khiển khi họ for recreation
không làm việc: sự giải trí, sự - the need to improve facilities for
tiêu khiển leisure and recreation
/,rekri'eɪʃn/ (n) [C] một hoạt động cụ thể nào đó His recreations
mà ai đó làm khi họ không làm include golf, football, and shooting.
việc: trò tiêu khiển, trò giải trí
~ hobby /'hɒbi/ (n)
~ pastime /'pɑ:staɪm/ (n)
[U, C] phim/âm -
nhạc/kịch/chương trình ti vi/các the entertainment industry/business
hoạt động biểu diễn ... được dùng - This film is good family
entertainment /,entə'teɪnmənt/ để cho con người giải trí; một ví entertainment.
(n) dụ của loại này
[U] hành động cung cấp cái gì Ladies and gentlemen, for
cho ai để làm họ hứng thú hoặc your entertainment, we present
làm họ cười Magic Man.
[C, U] trò chơi/hoạt động/... - traditional
mang lại sự giải trí/tiêu khiển và seaside amusements including
amusement niềm vui: trò giải trí, trò tiêu boats, go- karts and a funfair
/ə'mju:zmənt/ khiển - She disapproved of
(n) popular amusements such as fairs.
[U] việc được giải trí/tiêu khiển What do you do for amusement
bởi điều gì/cái gì: sự giải trí around here?
[U, C] (rather formal) một cách - a chance for relaxation from work
để nghỉ ngơi hoặc tận hưởng; - I listen to music for relaxation.
thời gian để dành cho việc nghỉ
ngơi và tận hưởng
*cả recreation và relaxation đều
dùng cho các hoạt động tiêu
/,rɪ:læk'seɪʃn/ (n)
khiển/giải trí, cả thể chất và tinh
thần. Nhưng relaxation thỉnh
thoảng được sử dụng cho các
hoạt động nhẹ nhàng
hơn recreation.
diversion [C] (rather formal) một hoạt - The city is full of diversions.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/daɪ'vɜ:ʃn/ (n) động được thực hiện để giải trí, - The party will make a
đặc biệt là bởi vì nó khiến bạn pleasant diversion.
chuyển sự tập trung chú ý từ một
thứ khác đến nó
~ distraction /dɪ'strækʃn/ (n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. In the summer, the most popular forms of relaxation/composure are trips to the beach and picnics in
the countryside, where they roast meat and vegetables over open fires.
2. TV provided a welcome leisure/diversion from our routine.
3. There was a range of fairground hobbies/amusements, including rides, stalls, and competitions.
4. Throughout the year, the park transforms with themed food and drink kiosks, festive décor, limited-
edition merchandise, and plenty of live pastime/entertainment.
5. Many people in the UK now enjoy shorter working hours and more diversion/leisure time.
6. Several games were provided for the education and amusement/hobby of the children.
7. Folk dances are for recreation/inactivity and enjoyment and are often at the centre of seasonal
celebrations and social events.
8. The weekend will be a real family outing with lots of entertainment/occupation and amusements for
9. Educated at Oxford and Cambridge, he lists his games/recreations in Who’s Who as photography,
gardening, and horseracing.
10. The hotel offers various leisure/diversion facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna.
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
11. Hiking is one of my favourite diversions.
A. recreations B. limitations C. preferences D. alternatives
12. They spend much of their leisure time with their grandchildren.
A. travelling time B. waiting time C. spare time D. lead time
13. Her favourite forms of relaxation were reading detective novels and listening to classical music.
A. attention B. recreation C. ease D. composure
14. His favourite recreations are watching movies and playing board games.
A. hobbies B. restorations C. refreshments D. plays
15. These days we have increased opportunities for leisure.
A. vacation B. holiday C. break D. recreation
16. The fields next to the school are used for recreation.
A. joy B. delight C. amusement D. privilege
17. For beauty lovers, being able to identify a product based on its colour, shape, and size alone is a form
of entertainment in its own right.
A. amusement B. performance C. staging D. presentation
18. I’m reading this novel for amusement.
A. enlightenment B. preparation C. entertainment D. experience
19. The festival will be augmented by plenty of entertainments: dragon racing, an exhibition of cars, and
a French market.
A. hobbies B. amusements C. pastimes D. recreations
[nội động từ] trở nên nhỏ hơn về - Fertility decreases with age.
kích cỡ, số lượng,...; - People should decrease the amount of
[ngoại động từ] làm cho cái gì đó trở fat they eat.
nên nhỏ hơn về kích cỡ, sổ lượng,...
decline [nội động từ] trở nên nhỏ hơn, ít hơn, Support for the party continues
/dɪ'klaɪn/ yếu hơn,... (dùng với lượng hoặc các to decline.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) con số hoặc nói về mức độ hoặc tiêu

chuẩn của cái gì)
reduce [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] làm cho The number of employees was reduced
/rɪ'dju:s/ cái gì/trở nên ít đi hoặc nhỏ hơn về from 40 to 25.
(v) kích cỡ, số lượng, giá cả,...
[nội động từ] trở nên nhỏ hơn, yếu - His influence has diminished with
hơn,...: giảm, giảm bớt time.
[ngoại động từ] làm cho cái gì đó trở - A single-payer system
/dɪ'mɪnɪʃ/ (v)
nên nhỏ hơn, yếu hơn,... would diminish the bureaucratic cost of
~ decrease health care.
lower [ngoại động từ] giảm cái gì/điều - Please lower your voice.
/'ləʊə(r)/ gì; [nội động từ] trở nên thấp hơn về - Interest rates have been lowered again.
(v) giá trị, chất lượng,...
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - The noise began to lessen.
lessen hoặc làm cho cái gì đó/điều gì đó nhỏ - A healthy diet can lessen the risk of
/'lesn/ (v) hơn, yếu hơn, kém quan trọng hơn,... heart disease.
~ diminish
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - The temperature
drop hoặc làm cho cái gì/điều gì yếu hơn, has dropped considerably.
/drop/ (v) thấp hơn (giá cả/nhiệt độ ...), ít đi,...: - You must drop your speed in built-up
sụt, giảm, hạ areas.
[ngoại động từ, ngoại động từ, Food supplies were severely depleted.
thường dùng ở dạng bị động] giảm
deplete cái gì đó với số lượng lớn nên không
/dɪ'pli:t/ (v) còn nhiều; bị giảm với số lượng lớn
(thường nói về nguồn cung cấp năng
lượng, tiền bạc, thực phẩm,...)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. This drug is used to decrease/lower blood pressure.
2. Intensive fishing is depleting/lessening fish stocks in the North Sea.
3. The practice actually saved the school money by decreasing/declining the garbage-disposal expenses.
4. When blood pressure drops/depletes or declines, less blood flows to the brain, leading to fainting.
5. Her popularity as a singer has depleted/diminished since the glory days of the 2000s.
6. Too many background details tend to drop/lessen the impact of the central image.
7. The rate of car exhaust suicides in the United States has lessened/declined since the mid-sixties, when
emission controls were introduced.
8. They will require car makers to reduce/decline emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The strength of the army was greatly ______ by outbreaks of disease.
A. dropped B. declined C. diminished D. depleted
10. If we continue to ______ the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the
A. lower B. deplete C. decline D. drop
11. She ______ her voice, turned back to Alex, and put a hand on his shoulder.
A. lowered B. decreased C. depleted D. lessened
12. Symptoms include a dry mouth, ______ appetite, headache, and tiredness.
A. depleted B. lessened C. dropped D. decreased
13. The temperature rarely ______ below 30°C here during summer.
A. diminishes B. lessens C. drops D. depletes


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. The drug ______ cholesterol levels by binding fats in the intestine.
A. declines B. lowers C. depletes D. softens
[U, C] tội giết người một cách có chủ - murders committed by terrorists
murder đích - to commit a murder
/'mɜ:də(r)/ (n) ~ homicide /'hɒmɪsaɪd/(n) [U,C]
~ killing /'kɪlɪŋ/ (n) [U, C]
manslaughter [U, C] tội giết người không cố ý (ngộ The charge has been reduced
/'mænslɔɪtə(r)/ sát) to manslaughter.
việc giết rất nhiều người cùng một the slaughter of innocent people
lúc một cách rất tàn bạo và bất công
(đặc biệt là trong chiến tranh): sự tàn
/'slɔ:tə(r)/ (n)
~ massacre /'mæsəkə(r)/ (n) [U, C]
execution [U, C] sự hành hình, sự thi hành án If caught, the men could
/,eksɪ'kju:ʃn/ tử hình face execution.
assassination [U, C] việc giết một nhân vật nổi the assassination of John F.
/ə,sæsɪ'neɪʃn/ tiếng hoặc quan trọng (đặc biệt là vì Kennedy
(n) lý do chính trị): ám sát
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The president survived several assassination/execution attempts.
2. Hardly anyone in the town escaped the manslaughter/slaughter when the rebels were defeated.
3. Now James is dead. They had wished him dead, but that did not make them guilty
of slaughter/murder.
4. A judge accepted his plea that he was guilty of manslaughter/homicide, not murder.
5. He faced execution/assassination by hanging for murder.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. In medieval days, ______ by poisoning was common enough to alarm many a king, and protection was
sought in the form of prayers, food tasters, and science.
A. assassination B. manslaughter C. slaughter D. execution
7. He was convicted of ______ for driving while drunk and killing three people.
A. slaughter B. assassination C. manslaughter D. execution
8. More than 24 hours after the bombing, which was claimed by Islamic State’s affiliate in Afghanistan,
the full measure of the ______ was still unclear.
A. slaughter B. execution C. manslaughter D. assassination
9. He didn’t kill his wife in a moment of anger - it was cold-blooded ______.
A. manslaughter B. slaughter C. assassination D. murder
10. He has been convicted of murder and is waiting ______ on death row.
A. assassination B. manslaughter C. execution D. homicide
11. He’ll be charged with ______ if he did not hurt her deliberately. But if they can prove otherwise - that
he hurt her on purpose - he’ll be charged with murder.
A. killing B. manslaughter C. homicide D. slaughter
12. It was the scene of a failed ______ attempt on the royal couple at a charity concert 9 years ago.
A. execution B. assassination C. homicide D. manslaughter
13. Flowers were laid to commemorate the anniversary of the ______ of John Lennon.
A. manslaughter B. slaughter C. assassination D. execution
14. I think he should get a life sentence because ______ will be too merciful for him.
A. assassination B. slaughter C. murder D. execution
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

15. A(n) ______ investigation is underway after a woman’s body was found in a tunnel.
A. murder B. assassination C. slaughter D. execution
[ngoại động từ] ngăn không cho cái gì It's really important to limit the
tăng vượt quá một mức độ/hạn mức nhất amount of fat in your diet.
limit /'lɪmɪt/ (v)
~ restrict /rɪ'strɪkt/ limit somebody/yourself limit - I've limited myself to 1000 calories
somebody/yourself to something a day to try and lose weight.
ngăn không cho bản thân bạn/ai đó có/sử - You can use any material available
dụng/làm việc gì mà vượt quá một số - why limit yourself?
lượng/mức độ cụ thể
[thường dùng ở dạng bị động] giữ cho - Let's confine our attention to the
bản thân/điều gì ở trong một giới hạn nhất problem of illegal drugs.
định về hoạt động/chủ đề/khu vực/... - The work will be confined to the
~ restrict Glasgow area.
[ngoại động từ] ngăn không cho điều gì The government is taking steps
tăng trưởng/tăng quá nhiều; hạn chế sự to restrain inflation.
tăng trưởng/phát triển của điều gì
~ bring/get/keep something under control
hạn chế/giới hạn điều gì hoặc làm cho nó - Expenditure within the company is
xảy ra theo một cách cụ thể nào đó tightly controlled.
- Parents should control what their
kids watch on television.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Higher interest rates appear to be confining/restraining consumer spending.
2. In many countries, the production of the drug is illegal or tightly controlled/confined.
3. She was told to restrict/restrain the amount of salt she uses.
4. The new law confines/limits the number of foreign cars that can be imported.
5. In the 1970s, the government tried to restrain/confine corruption.
6. Let’s restrain/confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
7. Place numbers are restrained/limited to 50 on both tours, so please book early.
8. Speed is restricted/restrained to 30 mph in towns.
9. The government has announced new measures to confine/control immigration.
10. By closing the infected farms we're hoping to confine/restrain the disease to the north of the region
(= stop it from spreading to other areas).
11. A lack of formal education will limit/restrain your job opportunities.
12. The economy has rebounded a bit, but it is still being confined/restrained by high oil prices.
13. They tried to improve traffic congestion by restraining/restricting entry to the city.
14. Some shops were limiting/controlling customers to two loaves of bread each.
15. A weak labour market means less money to spend on goods and services and
thus confine/restrain economic growth.
16. Time out is an effective way of controlling/restraining aggressive behaviour.
17. These small mammals are generally restrained/confined to the south of the island. We've never found
any in the other parts of the island.
giống nhau hoàn toàn, không khác - Our children go to the same school as
same một tí nào (khi so sánh người hay theirs.
/seɪm/ (adj) vật với nhau ta dùng "the same") - My twin sister and I have
the same nose.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

like giống như (dùng để so sánh), có thể - She's wearing a dress like mine.
/laɪk/ xem giới từ "like" đồng nghĩa với - She looks nothing like (= not at all
(pre) "similar to" like) her mother.
(không đứng trước danh từ) theo - They tried to treat all their
một cách rất giống nhau, rất giống children alike.
/ə'laɪk/ (adv/adj)
nhau - Airports are all alike to me
giống ai đó / cái gì đó nhưng không - The two houses are similar in size.
hoàn toàn giống nhau, tương tự - My teaching style is similar to that of
/'sɪmələr/ (adj)
most other teachers.
giống nhau đến từng chi tiết, giống - The two pictures are similar,
identical nhau hoàn toàn although not identical.
/aɪ'dentɪkl/ (adj) - This house is almost identical to/with
the one where I lived as a child.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I went and bought myself a new pen just same/like yours.
2. I noticed that Richard and I were both wearing the same/like jacket.
3. Frank had a problem connecting his printer. We had a same/similar problem, so it must be the
4. She first showed us a beautiful 16th-century vase. Then she showed us an identical/alike one, but the
second one was a copy.
5. All the shops are alike/like, and it’s hard to find something different.
6. The disease attacks the immune system in a(n) identical/similar way to AIDS.
7. Like/Alike most people, I'd prefer to have enough money not to work.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. My father and I have ______ views on politics.
A. alike B. like C. identical D. similar
9. Everyone is a unique species because not everyone acts or thinks ______.
A. same B. alike C. similar D. identical
10. The name on the ticket should be ______ with the one in the passport.
A. similar B. like C. same D. identical
11. These two colours are not the ______. This one is slightly lighter than that one.
A. alike B. identical C. same D. similar
12. The blackbird, ______ most birds, breeds in the spring.
A. identical B. similar C. alike D. like


evoke [ngoại động từ] làm cho ai đó nhớ The music evoked memories of her youth.
/ɪ'voʊk/ (v) lại một cảm giác, cảm xúc, gợi lên
reminisce [nội động từ] hồi tưởng, nhớ lại We spent a happy evening
/,remɪ'nɪs/ reminiscing about the past.
[ngoại động từ] +[nội động - I cannot recall a time when the country
từ] nhớ lại kí ức trong quá khứ và faced such serious problems.
thường mô tả lại những gì nhớ - recall what, when, etc.
được Can you recall exactly what happened?
remind [ngoại động từ] nhắc nhở ai, làm - Remind me to phone Alan before I go
/rɪ'maɪnd/ cho ai đó nhớ lại điều gì họ đã out.
(v) quên hoặc có thể đã quên - Can you remind us about/of your plans


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

for the building?

remember [ngoại động từ] nhớ, nhớ lại ai, remember somebody/something
/rɪ'mem.bə/ điều gì (trong quá khứ), ghi nhớ - This is Carla. Do you remember her?
(v) điều gì đó (những điều quan trọng) - Remember to call me when you arrive!
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The aroma of freshly baked bread in the morning has always evoked/ reminisced memories of his
childhood home.
2. Stephen frowned, trying to remind/ recall what had happened.
3. We spent the evening remembering/reminiscing about our university days.
4. She welcomed him and reminded/ reminisced him of the last time they had met.
5. Recall/Remember to save your work often, just in case your computer crashes.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. I ______ reading something in the paper about that.
A. remind B. evoke C. remember D. reminisce
7. The recent flood ______ memories of the great flood of 1972.
A. evoked B. recalled C. reminded D. remembered
8. Passengers are ______ to take all their personal belongings with them when
they leave the plane.
A. remembered B. evoked C. reminisced D. reminded
9. Ray and I ate our meal and ______ about the trip.
A. recalled B. reminisced C. reminded D. remembered
10. Twenty years later he could still clearly ______ the event.
A. remind B. evoke C. recall D. reminisce
82. GIÀ, CŨ
sống hoặc tồn tại rất nhiều năm; cũ - They have a beautiful old farm house
(dùng trước danh từ); bao nhiêu in the country. Their great grandfather
old tuổi built it.
/əʊld/ (adj) - He bought me a new car to replace
my old one.
- Pippa is five years old now.
sống rất nhiều năm (thay thế cho từ The local council provides services to
old với sắc thái trang trọng và lịch care for elderly people living alone.
/'eldəli/ (adj)
sự hơn)
bao nhiêu tuổi (không dùng trước - We’re actively recruiting full- time
danh từ); rất già/cũ (đứng trước volunteers aged between 25 and 40.
danh từ, mang sắc thái trang trọng) - My wife and I have a place up in the
Lake District where we go walking with
our aged dog.
thuộc về một thời kỳ lịch sử đã tồn - According to the newspaper, the coin
tại hàng nghìn năm trong quá khứ; belonged to an ancient civilization that
đã tồn tại trong một khoảng thời flourished in Al-Jouf.
/'emʃənt/ (adj)
gian dài - The area is still covered by
huge ancient forests.
(dùng để miêu tả đồ đạc, trang He has a superb collection
sức,...) cổ và thường có giá trị of antique clocks. It must be worth ten
/æn'ti:k/ (adj)
million pounds.
Circle the best word front the ones given in the brackets to complete each sentence.
1. When the ancient/aged aunt in question finally makes an appearance in the story, the title assumes its
true dimensions.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. In European countries, there might be a large number of antique/elderly people who live alone.
3. James has sold his aged/old record player.
4. I'm on a rattly bus which is heading past a huge ancient/aged pyramid.
5. The building is fully furnished with some of Scotland's finest antique/elderly pieces.
6. Eventually, they decided to replace existing elderly/aged computers with a new integrated computer
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. If you have an ______ neighbour or relative, look out for them in the winter months.
A. antique B. overdue C. ancient D. elderly
8. Last night they got home at 11:15 p.m. to find more than 30 items of valuable jewellery, including
______ pearls and brooches, stolen.
A. ancient B. antique C. aged D. junior
9. She was ______ 85 and had lived for many years across the Irish Sea.
A. old B. ancient C. antique D. aged
10. This lane coils around villages, past waterfalls and over ______ stone bridges.
A. aged B. antique C. ancient D. elderly
11. Her clothes were battered, her face bruised and her boots ______, but she held herself proudly.
A. old B. aged C. ancient D. antique
12. The table used for massage has ______ and medicinal value because it was made of trees with
medicinal value.
A. elderly B. ancient C. antique D. old
13. The people in the village still observe the ______ customs of their ancestors.
A. elderly B. aged C. ancient D. antique
14. The ______ people who stay active are usually the healthiest and the happiest.
A. ancient B. antique C. bygone D. elderly
15. She's getting ______ - she's 75 next year.
A. old B. ancient C. elderly D. antique
16. Very old pieces with their original finish should usually not be repainted or refinished as you may
remove the indications of their authenticity and ______ value.
A. elderly B. antique C. aged D. mature
17. They believed ______ Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.
A. antique B. ancient C. aged D. elderly
18. Alan has two children, ______ eleven and nine.
A. aged B. old C. elderly D. ancient
* rich, wealthy, prosperous, affluent, và well-off đều là những tính từ để miêu tả ai đó/điều gì đó có rất
nhiều tiền, của cải hoặc tài sản có giá trị.
(miêu tả một người) có rất nhiều tiền, của cải hoặc He was born in
tài sản có giá trị a rich and powerful
(miêu tả một quốc gia hoặc một thành phố) cung family.
cấp rất nhiều của cải vật chất nên nhiều người dân ở
/rɪtʃ/ (adj)
đó có mức sống cao
~ wealthy /'welθi/ (adj)
~ well-off /,wel 'ɒf/ (adj)
[mang sắc thái trang trọng] có rất nhiều tiền và có affluent Western
affluent mức sống tốt. countries
/'æfluənt/ (adj) ~ wealthy
~ prosperous
prosperous [mang sắc thái trang trọng] giàu và thành công prosperous countries
/'prɒspərəs/ ~ affluent


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

comfortable có đủ tiền để mua thứ mà bạn muốn mà không cần They're not millionaires,
/'kʌmftəbl/ phải lo lắng về giá but they're certainly
(adj) very comfortable.
tăng trưởng hoặc phát triển một cách thành công There is
a flourishing trade in
/'flʌrɪʃɪŋ/ (adj)
these kinds of items.
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
1. Amsterdam, the flourishing centre of international maritime trade, was an ideal location for a collector
of natural curios.
A. comfortable B. thriving C. depressed D. poor
2. These countries became prosperous through trade, not aid.
A. affluent B. flush C. relaxed D. impoverished
3. He was born and grew up in a very affluent neighbourhood which is prosperous and has a great
standard of living.
A. poor B. wealthy C. indigent D. beggarly
4. They are much better off than us.
A. richer B. needier
C. more disadvantaged D. poorer
84. GIỮA
ở trong khoảng không gian tách - I sat down between Jo and
biệt giữa 2 (hoặc hơn) người/đồ Diana.
vật/... (nếu những người/việc/đồ - Switzerland
vật này là những thứ hoàn toàn lies between France, Germany,
between tách biệt) Austria, and Italy.
/bɪ'twi:n/ (prep.)
trong khoảng thời gian tách biệt Don’t eat between meals.
giữa 2 ngày/năm/sự kiện/...
được dùng để chỉ ra một mối liên There was a lot of bad
hệ hoặc quan hệ feeling between them.
được bao quanh bởi ai/cái gì; ở - a house among the trees
giữa ai/cái gì (thường là những - It's OK, you’re among friends
người/vật tách biệt nhưng có now.
điểm tương đồng)
được tính đến hoặc đang xảy ra - He was among the last to
among /ə'mʌŋ/ amongst /ə'mʌŋst/
giữa những nhóm người/việc leave.
- This attitude is
common among the under-25s.
được dùng khi bạn đang lựa chọn They divided the money up
hoặc phân chia cái gì giữa một among their three children.
nhóm từ 3 người/vật trở lên
giữa chừng của việc gì/trong bầu He finished his
không khí của việc gì đang diễn speech amid tremendous
ra (đặc biệt là những việc mà có applause.
amid /ə'mɪd/ amidst /ə'mɪdst/ thể gây ra sự hào hứng hoặc sợ
(prep.) hãi)
ở giữa hoặc được bao quanh bởi - He was sitting amid the trees.
cái gì (có thể là giữa những thứ - A reaper is working amid the


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

tách biệt hoặc một khối không grain.

phân biệt)
in the middle - a lake with an island in the
in the middle of something ở middle
giữa/trung tâm - The phone rang in the
middle giữa điều gì middle of the night.
/'mɪdl/ (n) be in the middle of - I have a pain in the middle
something/of doing something of my back.
đang bận làm việc gì I'm in the middle of writing a
difficult letter
* Note: between vs. among
- Khi nói về vị trí, among thường được sử dụng khi có từ 2 người/vật trở lên ở xung quanh ai đó/thứ
gì; between thường được sử dụng khi chỉ có 1 người/vật ở mỗi bên của ai đó/thứ gì.
They hid among the trees.
I put my bad down between my feet.
- Between được sử dụng khi nói đến những cá nhân hoặc những thứ tách biệt và riêng biệt (không quan
trọng về số lượng). Among được sử dụng khi nói đến những thứ/người mang tính tập thể hoặc người/vật
không được đề cập đến một cách cụ thể.
a treaty between nations
the restaurant between my house and my work
among many others
no honour among thieves
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. This chicken isn’t cooked among/in the middle.
2. The firm collapsed among/amid allegations of fraud.
3. We walked among/in the middle the chestnut woods on the mountain slopes.
4. You can't leave in the middle of/between the meeting!
5. The town lies halfway between/amid Rome and Florence.
6. A British woman was amid/among the few passengers who survived after the crash.
7. Are there any public holidays in the middle of/between Christmas and Easter?
8. They were amid/in the middle of dinner when I called.
9. There is a link amid/between unemployment and crime.
10. The king was growing old and thought to divide his kingdom among/amid his five daughters.
11. The hotel was in a beautiful position amid/in the middle lemon groves.
12. Someone phoned when I was among/in the middle of bathing the baby.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
13. The paper had fallen down ______ the desk and the wall.
A. among B. between C. in the middle D. amid
14. This is my class photo - she’s the one ______.
A. amid B. in the middle C. between D. among
15. It was also indicated that the grant will be divided ______ the six participating institutions.
A. among B. into C. in the middle D. amid
16. Scientists have established a connection ______ cholesterol levels and heart disease.
A. in the middle of B. among C. amid D. between
17. A senior leader cancelled a trip to Britain yesterday ______ growing signs of possible political crisis.
A. amid B. between C. into D. among
18. He was studying the similarities and differences ______ humans and animals.
A. in the middle B. amid C. between D. among
19. The prime minister was ______ the 300 people who attended the prince's funeral.
A. between B. among C. in the middle D. amid


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

20. The cabins stand in their own picket-fenced patch of grass ______ beautiful countryside.
A. between B. into C. among D. amid
21. A lot of students spend a year abroad in ______ school and university.
A. between B. amid C. in the middle D. among
22. Children were changing classrooms ______ laughter and shouts.
A. into B. among C. between D. amid
23. The noise woke us up ______ the night.
A. among B. in the middle of C. amid D. between
24. "What was wrong with the job? - "Well, the pay wasn’t good, ______ other things."
A. between B. amid C. in the middle of D. among
envious muốn được như người khác; muốn thứ Everyone seems so envious of her having
/'enviəs/ (adj) mà người khác có: thèm muốn, ghen tị the chance to study abroad.
cảm thấy giận dữ hoặc không vui bởi vì Anna says she feels jealous every time
người mà bạn thích hoặc yêu thể hiện another woman looks at her boyfriend.
sự quan tâm đến người khác: ghen,
jealous ghen tuông
cảm thấy giận dữ hoặc không vui vì She's jealous/envious of my success.
bạn muốn có thứ mà người khác
có: ghen tị, ghen ghét, đố kỵ.
~ envious
thứ gì đó mà enviable là thứ tốt mà Now he is in the enviable position of not
người khác cũng muốn có: gây sự thèm having to work for a living.
muốn, gây sự ganh tị, đáng thèm, đáng
ganh tị
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I was envious/enviable of her hair because mine was coarse and harder to maintain.
2. Like many men, he doesn’t seem to know what fear is - an enviable/envious trait!
3. Peter was obsessively jealous/envious, and his behaviour was driving his girlfriend away.
4. She had new white leather roller skates, and I couldn't help feeling a little enviable/envious.
5. Because she has maintained her beautiful skin and enviable/envious figure, Amy remains my father’s
greatest treasure.
6. I can remember feeling madly jealous/envious when he was flirting with other women when we were
still boyfriend and girlfriend.
7. A few of the curls around her face were dyed pink, which both surprised me and made me
totally enviable/jealous.
86. GỢI Ý
[C] một ý tưởng hoặc kế hoạch mà bạn đề I'd like to hear your suggestions
cập đến để cho ai đó cân nhắc: sự đề xuất, for ways of raising money.
suggestion gợi ý
/sə'dʒestʃən/ [U, C, usually singular] một điều (một There was no suggestion that he
(n) dấu hiệu/khả năng/... không rõ ràng hoặc was doing anything illegal.
mơ hồ) chỉ ra sự tồn tại của một việc gì
đó (thường là việc gì xấu)
điều gì mà bạn nói hoặc làm một cách - He gave a broad hint (= one
gián tiếp để cho người khác thấy điều bạn that was obvious) that he was
đang nghĩ thinking of retiring.
/hɪnt/ (n)
* take a/the hint: hiểu điều mà ai đó - Can’t you take a hint and leave
muốn bạn làm cho dù họ nói với bạn về me alone?


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

điều đó một cách gián tiếp

dâu hiệu cho điều gì sẽ xảy ra trong tương The opening scene gives us
lai a hint of things to come.
~ sign
[C, U] một dấu hiệu/bình luận/sự kiện/... There are clear indications that
indication chỉ ra rằng một điều gì đó đang xảy ra the economy is improving.
/,ɪndɪ'keɪʃn/ hoặc điều ai đó đang nghĩ/cảm thấy hoặc
(n) điều gì là đúng: sự biểu lộ, sự biểu thị,
dấu hiệu
implication [C, U] điều gì được gợi ý hoặc gián tiếp He criticized the Director and, by
/,ɪmplɪ'keɪʃn/ thể hiện (điều gì được ẩn ý, không nói implication, the whole of the
(n) ra/thể hiện trực tiếp): ấn ý organization.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Dark green leaves are a good indication/implication of healthy roots.
2. I have a suggestion/hint. call the store and ask them about it.
3. I was offended by his sign/implication that women can't be good at mathematics.
4. "Look, I can’t tell you the answer.” - "Oh, come one, give me a hint/suggestion."
5. There is no implication/suggestion that he was involved in any wrongdoing.
6. They left at the first hint/implication of trouble.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The researchers say they can find no ______ that television has harmful physical effects on children.
A. indication B. implication C. hint D. suggestion
8. The law bans organized protests and, by ______, any form of opposition.
A. sign B. indication C. implication D. hint
9. Police said there was no ______ of foul play and that the death was the result of an accident.
A. suggestion B. mention C. recommendation D. implication
10. Is that nod a(n) ______ of your agreement?
A. suggestion B. indication C. hint D. implication
11. Peter ignored my ______ that he should try phoning her again.
A. indication B. implication C. suggestion D. sign
12. The ______ is his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
A. implication B. hint C. indication D. sign
13. They haven’t announced their wedding officially, but they have dropped several ______.
A. suggestions B. indications C. hints D. signs
14. There is some ______ that the intruder was the same person who killed Sarah.
A. implication B. suggestion C. recommendation D. mention
15. You have to be blunt with him. He can’t take a(n) ______.
A. indication B. suggestion C. implication D. hint
16. Taking a career history along with you to the interview will be a clear ______ that you are well
A. suggestion B. implication C. indication D. hint
17. He agreed with my ______ that we should change the date.
A. indication B. hint C. implication D. suggestion
18. In refusing to believe our story, he is saying by ______ that we are lying.
A. hint B. sign C. suggestion D. implication
19. Her evaluation will give me a good ______ of where I stand in the class.
A. indication B. suggestion C. implication D. hint
20. We shall have to turn back if there's the slightest ______ of fog.
A. suggestion B. hint C. indication D. implication


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang


(formal) đi đến đâu đó cùng với ai/cái gì His wife accompanied him on the
(đi cùng để làm bạn đồng hành, để giúp trip.
accompany đỡ,...)
/ə'kʌmpəni/ xảy ra hoặc xuất hiện cùng với thứ - Shouts of protests
(v) gì/điều gì đó accompanied this announcement.
- strong winds accompanied by
heavy rain
escort somebody (+ adv/prep.) - The president arrived, escorted by
đi cùng với ai hoặc phương tiện gì để bảo twelve soldiers.
vệ hoặc giữ an toàn cho họ hoặc để chỉ - The prisoners were escorted back
/ɪ'skɔ:t/ (v)
đường cho họ hoặc để đảm bảo họ rời to their cells.
đi: hộ tống
[ngoại động từ] walk somebody + He always walked her home.
walk adv./prep.
/wɔ:k/ (v) đi bộ cùng với ai đến đâu đó, đặc biệt là
để đảm bảo họ đến đó được an toàn
[ngoại động từ] đi cùng phương tiện gì The tankers were convoyed by
hoặc một nhóm người để đảm bảo họ đến warships.
/'kɒnvɔɪ/ (v)
nơi an toàn: hộ tống
convey somebody/something (from ...) - A carriage was waiting
convey (to ...) (formal) đưa/mang/vận chuyển ai to convey her home.
/kən'veɪ/ (v) đó/thứ gì từ một nơi này đến một nơi - Pipes convey hot water from the
khác boiler to the radiators.
[ngoại động từ] conduct - a conducted tour of Athens (= one
conduct somebody/something + with a guide, giving information
/kən'dʌkt/ adv./prep. (formal) dẫn đường hoặc about it)
(v) hướng dẫn ai ở một nơi nào đó - A guide conducted us around the
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Several little boats walked/escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.
2. Children under 14 must be accompanied/conveyed by an adult.
3. Since then he has brought his own mode of transport and walked/conveyed anyone that was at a
specified location at an appointed time.
4. The guide conducted/conveyed us around the ruins of the ancient city.
5. The disease is escorted/accompanied by sneezing and fever.
6. Since it was late, I offered to walk/conduct her home.
7. One of the highlights of his career was guarding/escorting the Queen and Prince Philip around the
factory on a visit to York.
8. The groups were always accompanied/conveyed by an experienced mountain guide.
9. Two tanks walked/convoyed the trucks across the border.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. How about a personally ______ tour of the house?
A. conveyed B. walked C. conducted D. convoyed
11. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless ______
by an adult.
A. accompanied B. convoyed C. transported D. conveyed
12. Security guards ______ the intruders from the building.
A. conducted B. convoyed C. conveyed D. escorted


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. May I ______ you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?
A. convoy B. conduct C. transport D. convey
14. His faithful old dog ______ him everywhere he went.
A. conducted B. conveyed C. transported D. accompanied
15. The police ______ him to the airport and made sure that he left the country.
A. transported B. conducted C. escorted D. walked
16. He ______ us through his personal gallery of the Civil War.
A. conducted B. conveyed C. accompanied D. convoyed
17. The text was ______ by a series of stunning photographs.
A. convoyed B. accompanied C. escorted D. conducted
18. He was ______ by armed guard to and from the plane at Barcelona airport
A. transported B. conducted C. conveyed D. escorted
19. Tax cuts have been ______ by massive increases in public expenditure.
A. escorted B. conveyed C. accompanied D. conducted
20. Police and FBI agents ______ the President to the White House.
A. convoyed B. conducted C. handled D. attended
retard something Continuing violence
retard làm cho sự phát triển hoặc sự tiến triển will retard negotiations over the
/rɪ'tɑ:d/ của một điều gì chậm lại country’s future.
(v) ~ delay
~ slow
[ngoại động từ] làm cho ai đó/việc gì bị Thousands of commuters
muộn hoặc khiến họ làm việc gì chậm were delayed for over an hour.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] không làm Don't delay - call us today!
việc gì ngay lập tức hoặc theo như kế
/dɪ'leɪ/ (v)
hoạch mà chờ tới thời gian sau đó mới
làm; làm cho việc gì xảy ra tại thời
điểm muộn hơn
~ defer
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] đi hoặc Economic growth has slowed a little.
làm cho ai/việc gì đi ở một tốc độ chậm
/sləʊ/ (v)
hơn hoặc ít tích cực hơn
sắp xếp cho một sự kiện/cuộc họp/... The game has already
postpone diễn ra tại một thời gian/ngày muộn been postponed three times.
/pə'spəʊn/ hơn so với ban đầu: hoãn (cho đến
(v) khi...)
~ put off
detain somebody - I’m sorry I’m late - I was
detain làm cho ai bị muộn (một khoảng thời unavoidably detained.
/dɪ'teɪn/ gian ngắn) - The minister was
(v) ~ delay hoặc ngăn không cho họ đi đâu unavoidably detained in Lisbon on
affairs of state.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. His arrival was seriously retarded/delayed by a late train.
2. We were detained/deferred in traffic and arrived at the theatre a little late.
3. The progression of the disease can be deferred/retarded by early surgery.
4. Don’t delay/slow - write in now for your chance of a free gift.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

5. Bill slowed/postponed his pace to allow her to catch up with him.

6. He decided to detain/postpone the expedition until the following day.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The economy has ______ enough for some analysts to predict a recession.
A. deferred B. detained C. postponed D. slowed
8. The train was unavoidably ______ after a small avalanche had blocked the line.
A. postponed B. delayed C. put off D. retarded
9. (In a job interview) I won't ______ you for much longer, Miss Reid. There are just a few more
questions that I need to ask you.
A. detain B. defer C. postpone D. slow
10. The game has been ______ from Wednesday night to Friday night.
A. slowed B. postponed C. retarded D. detained
11. Cold weather ______ the growth of many plants.
A. defers B. postpones C. retards D. detains
12. They’re ______ marriage or, increasingly, not getting married at all.
A. slowing B. retarding C. delaying D. detaining
13. Traffic ______ to a crawl during rush hours.
A. slows B. detains C. defers D. postpones
14. Ah! I comprehend. Well, I need not ______ you any further.
A. slow B. defer C. retard D. detain
15. Food additives perform many valuable functions like increasing flavour, adding extra minerals or
other nutrients, and ______ spoilage.
A. detaining B. deferring C. retarding D. postponing
16. They ______ having children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.
A. delayed B. detained C. retarded D. slowed
17. We'll have to ______ a decision until we have all the information.
A. retard B. slow C. postpone D. detain
18. The lack of a rail link ______ the town's development.
A. postponed B. retarded C. deferred D. detained
19. She ______ the car and began driving up a narrow road.
A. defers B. detains C. slows D. postpones
20. The problems have ______ the progress of the program.
A. detained B. deferred C. postponed D. retarded
89. HỌC
học lấy kiến thức và kỹ năng thông - He had the opportunity
qua: học tập, luyện tập, được dạy dỗ to learn English in Australia.
hoặc trải nghiệm, học một cách tự - He’s still learning how to dance.
nhiên, thấm dãn vào nhận thức. Ngoài - I learnt the poem by heart.
ra còn được dùng với nghĩa học
thuộc, lặp đi lặp lại để ghi nhớ điều gì
study học tập, nghiên cứu hay thu thập kiến - Janet's studying for a degree in history.
/'stʌdi/ thức, kỹ năng có thể học tập từ sách - She studied at New College, Oxford.
(v) vở hay đi đến trường, đại học...,
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. You can learn/study a great deal just from watching other players.
2. My brother learned/studied photography at the Royal College of Art.
3. I've learned/studied a lot about computers since I started work here.
4. In the third year, a number of areas are learned/studied in detail.
5. He learned/studied to ride when he was about three years old.
6. She couldn't study/learn and focus on her reading with the children chasing around the house.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

7. I learned/studied a lot from my father and I’m really grateful for that.
một trạng thái/tình huống mà mọi thứ đang The house was in chaos after the
xảy ra theo một cách khó hiểu và không có party.
/'keɪɒs/ (n)
gì được tổ chức/sắp xếp theo trật tự: sự hỗn
độn, sự hỗn loạn, sự lộn xộn
một tình huống mà có rất nhiều sự thay đổi A period of
bất ngờ, rắc rối, tranh cãi và thỉnh thoảng là political turbulence followed the
cả bạo lực: sự hỗn loạn civil war.
(n) [U]
~ upheaval
một sự thay đổi lớn gây ra rất nhiều sự lo I can't face the upheaval of
lắng và các vấn đề moving house again.
/ʌp'hi:vl/(n) [U,C]
~ disruption
disruption (to somebody/something) một The strike caused
tình huống mà việc gì khó có thể tiếp tục serious disruptions to rail
disruption /dɪs'rʌpʃn/
diễn ra như bình thường; hành động ngăn services.
(n) [U,C]
việc gì khỏi diễn ra như cách bình
thường: sự phá vỡ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The political and economic disruption/turbulence of the Civil War years intensified their troubles.
2. The first day of the school holidays brought traffic chaos/upheaval to the roads (= when there are a
lot of vehicles on the roads, and they cannot move).
3. After World War 1, increasing poverty of the masses led to political disruption/turbulence.
4. The loss of his high-paying job caused enormous domestic upheaval/chaos.
5. We aim to help you move house with minimum chaos/disruption to yourself.
6. Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of utter chaos/upheaval.
7. There will be some disruption/chaos to traffic while the work is in progress.
91. HỢP
- phù hợp với (tốt cho) một người, - A lot of corn is grown in this area - the
suit tình huống hoặc dịp cụ thể soil seems to suit it very well.
/su:t/ - (màu sắc, quần áo...,) hợp phong - You should wear more red - it suits
(v) cách, kiểu dáng của người mặc, you.
khiến họ trông hấp dẫn hơn
hợp trong sự kết hợp với cái gì, Her dark hair matched the colour of her
sóng đôi được với cái gì (trong sự eyes.
kết hợp hay trang trí vì chúng có
cùng màu sắc, hoa văn hoặc kiểu
dáng và do đó trông hấp dẫn với
fit - vừa vặn về kích cỡ và hình dáng - I tried the dress on but it didn't fit.
/fit/ - thích hợp, thích đáng cho cái gì - With her qualifications, she
(v) should fit the job perfectly.
hợp khi kết hợp với cái gì đó song That tie goes well with that shirt.
go with
song với nhau, (đồng nghĩa với
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The cream and pink quilt was made to match/fit the decor.
2. Blue goes with/suits you. You should wear it more often.
3. The book is small enough to match/fit in your pocket.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

4. The music doesn't go with/fit the mood of the film.

5. The doors were painted blue to match/suit the walls.
6. I had to have the dress altered to go with/fit my slimmer body.
7. The city lifestyle seems to suit/fit her - she looks great.
8. My mother thinks this jacket goes with/suits this skirt.
- [ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] giảng, - teach science/maths/history etc
dạy giúp học sinh có được kiến thức thông - teach something/somebody
qua việc cung cấp thông tin về nó - teach something to somebody
- [ngoại động từ] hướng dẫn, chỉ cách cho - She teaches them English.
người khác để họ có thể tự làm việc gì đó. - My mother teaches me
how to cook.
- Schools should teach
children about healthy eating.
- [ngoại động từ] giáo dục, dạy ai đó, - educate someone at/in something
thường là trong vài năm, đặc biệt là tại một - All their children have been
trường học, trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học educated privately.
educate (thường chia ở dạng bị động) - The government say they are
/'eʤ.u.keɪt/ - [ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] cung cấp trying to do more to educate the
(v) cho ai đó kiến thức cần thiết hoặc hữu ích public about the consequences of
về điều gì drug abuse.
- educate somebody to do
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] đào tạo - The crew are well trained to deal
cho kỹ năng và cách thực hiện một việc with emergencies.
hay hành động nào đó - They train dogs to sniff out
- train
somebody as/in/for something
- The students are being trained
for careers in big business.
[ngoại động từ] huấn luyện ai đó chơi thể - He has coached the team for five
thao, hoàn thành công việc tốt hơn hoặc years.
nâng cao kỹ năng (đặc biệt là các kĩ năng - Her father coached her for the
thể hiện trước đám đông), đặc biệt là hình Olympics.
thức là tư nhân - Youngsters will be coached in the
basics of the game.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I'll be educating/teaching history and sociology next term.
2. He was educated/taught at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge.
3. I had to take an aptitude test before I began coaching/training as a nurse.
4. I've been invited to coach/train the under-eleven rugby team.
5. Our job is to teach/educate young people to think about the environment.
6. My uncle is going to teach/educate me how to drive this summer.
7. I had to coach/train myself to be more assertive at work.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. If you're wondering how to ______ a dog with a specific behavior, one of the most effective methods
is to give them treats, praise, or affection.
A. coach B. educate C. teach D. train
9. That is a stage school where they ______ children in singing and dancing.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. train B. teach C. coach D. educate

10. His application form says he was ______ in Germany.
A. taught B. educated C. coached D. trained
11. He found it very hard to ______ English to advanced students.
A. teach B. coach C. train D. educate
12. She used to ______ the basketball team before ______ English at the local school.
A. coach - educating B. coach - teaching
C. train - teaching D. train - educating
kết quả, một điều gì được gây ra hoặc - She died as a result of her
tạo ra (trực tiếp) bởi một điều gì đó khác injuries.
- This book is the result of
25years of research.
(khá trang trọng) hậu quả, kết quả của Scientists think it is unlikely that
một hành động hoặc tình huống cụ thể, any species will actually
thường là kết quả xấu, không mong become extinct as
muốn, không thuận tiện a consequence of the oil spill.
outcome kết quả cuối cùng của một quá trình, một We are waiting to hear the
/'aʊtkʌm/ cuộc họp, hoạt động..., final outcome of the
(n) negotiations.
repercussion (khá trang trọng) hậu quả (gián tiếp) của The collapse of the company
/,ri:pər'kʌʃn/ một hành động hoặc sự kiện, thường kéo will have repercussions for the
(n) dài trong khoảng thời gian dài whole industry.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. They must be prepared to accept the consequences/results of their actions.
2. Although big teams may not be the most efficient, many architects believe they yield the
best consequence/result.
3. We may not know the outcome/repercussion of the meeting until tomorrow.
4. The pay cuts are likely to have serious repercussions/outcomes on productivity.
5. Climate change could have disastrous results/consequences for farmers.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The indirect ______ of COVID-19 on the delivery of hospital surgical services are considerable.
A. repercussions B. results C. consequences D. outcomes
7. We have worked very hard, and the ______ is amazing.
A. outcome B. consequence C. repercussion D. result
8. I told the hairdresser to do what she wanted to my hair, and look at the ______!
A. repercussions B. outcomes C. consequences D. results
9. It would be foolhardy to try and predict the ______ of the talks at this stage.
A. consequence B. outcome C. repercussion D. result
10. His broken leg is the direct ______ of his own carelessness.
A. result B. repercussion C. consequence D. outcome
hài lòng/thỏa mãn bởi vì bạn đạt được điều They have plenty
bạn muốn/điều gì đã xảy ra theo cách mà bạn of satisfied customers.
/'sætɪsfaɪd/ (adj)
muốn/điều bạn muốn xảy ra đã xảy ra/...
pleased /pli:zd/ vui hoặc hài lòng She was very pleased with her
(adj) exam results.
fulfilled cảm thấy thỏa mãn/mãn nguyện bởi vì cuộc I feel more fulfilled doing this
/fʊl'fɪld/ (adj) sống của bạn thú vị và bạn đang làm những than I've ever done.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

việc có ích hoặc quan trọng/bạn đang có mọi

thứ mà bạn muốn từ cuộc sống
[không dùng trước danh từ] hài lòng với Andy was a good husband, and
những gì mà bạn có/điều gì và bạn sẵn lòng Nicky was clearly very content.
chấp nhận những điều đó thay vì muốn sự
thay đổi/sự cải thiện hoặc muốn điều gì khác
content hoặc điều gì tốt hơn
/kən'tent/ (adj) *cảm thấy content phụ thuộc vào thái độ của
bạn đối với cuộc sống của bạn. Hay nói một
cách khác, bạn có thể học để cảm
thấy content với điều gì bằng cách thay đổi
thái độ của mình đối với điều đó.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Now that I have my dream job, for the first time in my life I feel really fulfilled/discontented.
2. He’s quite content/fulfilled with the knowledge that his films aren’t for everyone.
3. A good travel agent knows that a fulfilled/satisfied customer will always come back.
4. I think if I could write a song that I knew was good, not necessary a big hit, I would
feel dissatisfied/fulfilled.
5. We’re so pleased/content that you're able to come to the wedding.
6. Moby was quite fulfilled/content with a low-key musical career until the world fell in love with an
album he put together in his bedroom.
7. Many of the listeners surveyed said that they were not satisfied/fulfilled with the station’s programs.
8. I think he’s going to be fulfilled/pleased that we identified the real problems.
capacity khả năng để hiểu hoặc làm gì đó A habit becomes an addiction
/kə'pæsəti/ when it reduces
(n) our capacity to enjoy life.
ability hiện thực mà ai đó/cái gì đó có thể làm được This program has
/ə'bɪləti/ (n) điều gì the ability to adapt to its user.
một việc mà có thể sẽ xảy ra hoặc trở thành There's a
hiện thực; hiện thực mà một việc gì đó có strong possibility that it will
thể sẽ xảy ra hoặc thành hiện thực (nhưng rain.
không chắc chắn)
likelihood khả năng mà một điều gì đó có thể xảy ra Using a seatbelt will reduce
/'laɪklihʊd/ ~ probability /,prɒbə'bɪləti/ (n) the likelihood of serious
(n) [U] injury in a car accident.
prospect khả năng mà một điều gì đó (tốt đẹp) có thể Is there any
/'prɒs.pekt/ sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai immediate prospect of peace
(n) in this area?
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He had no doubts about his team's ability/likelihood to reach the World Cup finals.
2. There is every capacity/prospect of an economic recovery next year.
3. Taking regular exercises reduces the likelihood/ability of a heart attack.
4. These questions are too difficult. They're beyond the capacity/possibility of most the students in this
5. We cannot exclude the ability/possibility that another person may have been involved.
6. The rain will make the capacity/probability of a postponement even greater.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. There is every ______ that more jobs will be lost later this year.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. likelihood B. capacity C. improbability D. ability

8. The system has the ______ to run more than one program at the same time.
A. probability B. likelihood C. ability D. possibility
9. Is there any ______ of the weather improving?
A. impossibility B. capacity C. ability D. prospect
10. It seems to be beyond his ______ to follow simple instructions.
A. likelihood B. capacity C. possibility D. prospect
11. It's not likely to happen but I wouldn't rule out the ______.
A. likelihood B. capacity C. possibility D. prospect
12. His ______ for learning languages astonished me.
A. capacity B. ability C. likelihood D. possibility
13. If she left early each morning and came home late at night, there was very little ______ of her
meeting Leo.
A. likelihood B. capacity C. impossibility D. ability
14. This is a one-year appointment, with the ______ of renewal for an additional year.
A. capacity B. ability C. possibility D. unlikelihood
15. Do you think it’s within his ______ to do the job without making a mess of it?
A. prospect B. possibility C. capacity D. likelihood
16. They must face the ______ that the newspaper might go bankrupt.
A. impossibility B. likelihood C. ability D. capacity
17. He suffered a stroke in 2008, which left him unable to speak, but his mental ______ wasn’t affected.
A. likelihood B. capacity C. prospect D. possibility
18. Major developments are in ______ for the company.
A. prospect B. ability C. impossibility D. capacity
19. I’m excited about the ______ of going to the Olympics.
A. impossibility B. capacity C. ability D. possibility
20. He has the ______ to bring out the best in others.
A. likelihood B. ability C. possibility D. prospect
khác rõ hoặc thuộc về một loại - Baking cakes and learning English
khác (thường nói về 2 hoặc hơn 2 might be separate aims
nhóm người/vật/việc) with distinct requirements.
distinct - The learning needs of the two
/dɪ'stɪŋkt/ (adj) groups were quite distinct from each
other. One group wanted to improve
productive skills. The other wanted
to improve receptive skills.
có phẩm chất/đặc điểm khiến cho Mary let out her distinctive laugh.
trở nên khác biệt/dễ nhận thấy so Her laugh was like glass bottles
với những người khác hoặc thứ shattering. He could identify it with
khác his eyes closed.
có thể được nhận ra một cách dễ The male bird is distinguishable
dàng bởi vì khác biệt so với người from the female.
/dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃəbl/ (adj)
khác/thứ khác
rất thành công và được người khác He quit his job at University of
ngưỡng mộ Oxford, ending
/dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃt/ (adj)
a distinguished academic career.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct/distinguished cultural, linguistic, and
economic roots.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. There was nothing distinctive/distinct about the envelope in which the letter came. It was just a normal
3. She was a distinct/distinguished scholar who had graduated from Columbia, Oxford, and Cambridge.
4. The cheese is easily distinct/distinguishable by its colour.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
5. The patterns of spoken language are ______ from those of writing.
A. distinctive B. recognizable C. distinct D. distinguished
6. Black widow spiders have a ______ red hourglass marking on their stomach, which makes them look
different from the other types.
A. definite B. distinctive C. distinguished D. distinct
7. Recommendations for exemptions are made only for experienced and ______ teachers of law who
have established links with the profession.
A. distinguished B. distinctive C. distinguishable D. distinct
8. They live in their own tribes and have their own ways of fighting which make them easily ______.
A. distinct B. distinguished C. distinguishable D. distinctive
9. The most ______ feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof.
A. distinct B. distinctive C. distinguished D. delicate
10. There are three quite ______ types of lavender: Common Lavender, Fringed Lavender, and Spike
A. distinguishable B. distinguished C. distinctive D. distinct
11. Perez dedicated his professional life to journalism in a ______ career that took him from Newsday to
The Washington Post to CNN.
A. distinguished B. distinguishable C. distinct D. distinctive
12. There are different types of arthritis that occur in children that are ______ from adult types.
A. distinct B. distinguishable C. distinguished D. distinctive
13. Juniper berries give gin its ______ flavour.
A. distinctive B. distinguished C. distinguishable D. distinct
14. The phrase has three ______ meanings.
A. distinguishable B. distinctive C. distinct D. distinguished
khách hàng, người mua hàng hóa, - Shops were lowering prices to attract
dịch vụ, sản phẩm từ cửa hàng more customers.
hoặc doanh nghiệp - The company rewards
loyal customers with discounts.
khách hàng, một người sử dụng - She's a well-known lawyer with many
client các dịch vụ hoặc lời khuyên, tư famous clients.
/'klaɪənt/ vấn đến từ một cá nhân (thường - We will advise the client on the best
(n) là luật sư) hoặc tổ chức chuyên way to solve the problem.
- khách hàng, người thuê khách - Guests should vacate their rooms by
sạn hoặc ở một nơi tạm thời 10.30 a.m.
guest /gest/ - khách mời đến nhà hay một sự - She had invited six guests to dinner.
(n) kiện mà bạn là người tổ chức, trả - Movie star Matt Damon is one of the
tiền, ngoài ra còn là khách mời ở special guests on tonight's show.
các sự kiện nghệ thuật
hành khách, một người đang di - airline/rail/train/car passengers
chuyển trên một phương tiện - The boat was carrying more than
nhưng không lái nó, hoặc làm 100 passengers.
việc trên đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his customer/client be dismissed.
2. Supermarkets use a variety of tactics to attract and retain customers/clients.
3. The ceremony will take place before 10,000 invited VIP passengers/guests.
4. Two other passengers/guests in the car suffered serious injuries.
5. He’s a sports agent and has a lot of basketball players as clients/guests.
6. They only use the dining room when they have clients/guests.
7. There are a large number of potential customers/guests for the new product.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The shop is giving away a sample pack to every ______.
A. guest B. passenger C. customer D. client
9. Surgery opening will be extended to 8 pm for ______ by appointment.
A. clients B. customers C. passengers D. guests
10. We would like to remind all our ______ to leave their keys at reception before they depart.
A. customers B. guests C. clients D. passengers
11. All ______ for flight LH103 please proceed to gate 16.
A. clients B. guests C. customers D. passengers
12. Our special ______ on the program tonight is Robert de Niro.
A. customer B. guest C. passenger D. client
encourage khuyến khích/cổ vũ/động viên/ủng The new measures are designed
/ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ/ (v) hộ/giúp đỡ ai đó to encourage more people to cycle.
khiến cho ai đó cảm thấy sự khao - As a teacher, she
inspire khát, sự tự tin hoặc sự nhiệt tình để has inspired generations of
/ɪn'spaɪə(r)/ làm điều gì đó: truyền cảm hứng; làm students.
(v) cho ai đó có một cảm giác hoặc cảm - She inspires great loyalty among
xúc nào đó đặc biệt mãnh liệt her followers.
motivate khiến ai đó muốn làm điều gì (đặc biệt Teaching is all
/'məʊtɪveɪt/ là điều khó khăn đòi hỏi sự nỗ lực about motivating people to learn.
(v) hoặc sự chăm chỉ): thúc đẩy
khiến ai đó quan tâm đến và hào hứng activities designed to stimulate the
stimulate với điều gì đó: khơi dậy sự quan tâm, children intellectually
/'stɪmjuleɪt/ sự hào hứng
(v) khuyến khích cái gì đó phát triển hoặc The government plans to cut taxes
trở nên thiết thực hoặc tích cực to stimulate the economy.
galvanize khiến cho ai đó hành động bằng cách The win galvanized the whole team.
/'gælvənaɪz/ gây sốc cho họ hoặc khiến họ trở nên
(v) hào hứng: kích động, khích động
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The urgency of his voice galvanized/inspired them into action.
2. Her infectious enthusiasm and personal encouragement galvanized/stimulated many younger scientists
to work in the field.
3. When I actually visited the university, it galvanized/inspired me and made me want to go there to do
my master's degree.
4. I hesitated because I wasn't sure I’d be able to follow the steps, but Dad nodded
and encouraged/inspired me to try.
5. The prospect of his mother coming to stay encouraged/galvanized him into action and he started
cleaning the house.
6. The profit-sharing plan is designed to inspire/motivate the staff to work hard.
7. She is a young woman who inspires/galvanizes trust in everyone she meets.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang


(khen ngợi) không nói nhiều về những Don’t be so modest! You’re a
khả năng hoặc tài sản của bản very talented player.
thân: khiêm tốn
*miêu tả những con người bình tĩnh,
/'mɒdɪst/ (adj)
điềm đạm và có cái nhìn chính xác về
chính bản thân họ
>< immodest
thể hiện rằng bạn không nghĩ là bạn quan Be humble enough to learn from
trọng như những người khác: khiêm tốn, your mistakes.
*thường dùng cho những người tự đánh
giá thấp về bản thân và nhìn nhận bản
thân yếu về một lĩnh vực nào đó cho dù
humble thực sự là họ không yếu như thế
/'hʌmbl/ (adj)
có vị trí hoặc địa vị xã hội thấp the daughter of
a humble shopkeeper
(châm biếm hoặc hài hước) dùng để ám In my humble opinion, you were
chỉ bạn không quan trọng như những in the wrong.
người khác nhưng theo một cách không
thành thực hoặc không thực sự nghiêm
(thường mang nghĩa hài hước) thấp về How should I know? I'm just
địa vị hoặc tầm quan trọng a lowly employee.
/'ləʊli/ (adj)
~ humble
(khen ngợi) không muốn thu hút sự chú ý He did some wonderful work in a
đến bản thân hoặc đến những khả năng quiet and unassuming way.
của bạn hoặc địa vị của bạn: khiêm tốn,
/,ʌnə'sju:mɪŋ/ (adj)
không tự phụ
~ modest
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Rachel is great at sports, but what makes her different from the other girls is that she is modest
and humble/lowly.
2. "I'm not a hero. I was just doing my job," he said in his characteristically lowly/modest way.
3. His first job was as a(n) unassuming/lowly assistant gardener.
4. He has won public affection for his lowly/unassuming style.
5. He is a quiet, unassuming lad and so modest/lowly about his many talents.
6. In chess, it is possible for the lowly/modest pawn to become the most powerful piece on the board.
7. My feet were freezing in the sandals that in my modest/humble opinion no one should have to wear in
northern Illinois in the middle of December.
8. His unassuming/lowly manner and relaxed style of writing and storytelling are deceptive.
9. If I did wrong to these people, then I offer my unassuming/humble apologies.
100. KHÔ
không ướt hoặc dính; không có nước hoặc Some plants grow better in dry soil.
dry chất ẩm: khô, khô cạn, ráo
/draɪ/ (adj)
rất ít mưa dry weather
barren (miêu tả đất đai) không đủ tốt để cây cối The landscape was barren, with not a
/'bærən/ (adj) có thể phát triển ở đó: cằn cỗi tree or shrub in sight.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(miêu tả cây cối) không có quả/hạt; (miêu a barren fig tree

tả động vật cái) không sinh được con
~ infertile
(miêu tả con người, động vật, và cây an infertile cat
infertile cối) không thể có con hoặc sinh con
(miêu tả đất đai) không thể tạo ra được infertile soil
mùa màng bội thu: không màu mỡ
(miêu tả một nơi) không có người deserted streets
bị bỏ rơi bởi một người hoặc những người a deserted village
mà họ không có ý định quay trở lại
~ abandoned (adj)
arid (miêu tả đất đai hoặc thời tiết) có rất ít The desert is so arid that nothing can
/'ærɪd/ hoặc không có mưa; rất khô grow there.
(adj) Khô khan, vô vị an arid discussion
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Pregnancy testing is done early and regularly to pull out barren/arid cows.
2. The streets were dry/deserted except for policemen in riot gear guarding the important buildings.
3. A doctor suggested they move to the drier/more infertile climate of Arizona.
4. The birds inhabit tropical forests, savannah, and abandoned/arid semi-desert conditions.
5. Poor farmers have little choice but to try to grow food in this infertile/deserted soil.
6. Thousands of years ago, the surface was stimulating/barren desert.

cảm giác vô cùng sợ hãi về một - The prospect of growing old fills me
điều gì đó có thể hoặc sẽ xảy ra with dread.
trong tương lai - She has an irrational dread of
cảm giác lo lắng, quan ngại hoặc - He watched the election results with
apprehension sợ hãi rằng điều gì đó tồi tệ có thể some apprehension.
/,æprɪ'henʃn/ (n) xảy ra ~ dread - There is apprehension about the
safety of the missing children.
terror cảm giác sợ hãi tột cùng, thường là Thousands of islanders fled
/'terər/ về những gì đã xảy ra in terror yesterday as the volcano
(n) erupted.
horror cảm giác sợ hãi và sốc cực kỳ hoặc The crowd cried out in horror as the
/'hɔ:rər/ tính chất đáng sợ và gây sốc của car burst into flames.
(n) một cái gì đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Many of us face our retirement with apprehension/horror.
2. The prospect of working full-time fills me with terror/dread.
3. What the book does convey very successfully is the horror/terror of war.
4. She was screaming in dread/terror as the flames got closer.
5. I was engulfed by a horror/dread of what might happen.
6. There is apprehension/terror that there may be an adverse effect on the number of patients treated.
7. I remember the sheer dread/terror of those bombing raids.
8. We watched in horror/apprehension as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.
hard khó để làm/hiểu/trả lời - a hard decision


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/hɑ:d/ (adj) >< easy /'i:zi/ (adj) - It’s hard to believe that she’s only
nhiều vấn đề và sự khó khăn, đặc - Times were hard at the end of the
biệt là do thiếu tiền: khó khăn war.
~ tough /tʌf/ (adj) - Life got very hard.
>< easy
khó; cần sự nỗ lực hoặc kỹ năng để - a difficult decision
làm hoặc để hiểu - It’s really difficult to read your
- The design of the building posed
difficult some difficult challenges.
/'dɪfɪkəlt/ (adj)
đầy những vấn đề; gây ra rất nhiều - difficult circumstances -13 is
rắc rối: khó khăn, gay go a difficult age.
- Her childhood was
incredibly difficult.
khó theo một cách thú vị vì nó thử - It will be a challenging target to
thách năng lực của ai meet.
/'tʃælɪnʤɪŋ/ (adj)
- challenging work
(công việc) khó để làm hoặc giải - The work is physically demanding.
quyết và cần rất nhiều kỹ năng/nỗ - a technically demanding piece of
/dɪ'mɑ:ndɪŋ/ (adj)
lực/...: đòi hỏi khắt khe music to play
khó để giải quyết hoặc để hiểu; Getting everyone there on time might
nhiều vấn đề; gây ra khó khăn; prove problematic.
/,prɒblə'mætɪk/ (adj)
không chắc thành công
gây ra sự đau đớn/rắc rối/... trong - a troublesome problem
một khoảng thời gian dài - His back has been troublesome for
/'trʌblsəm/ (adj)
~ annoying, irritating quite a while.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She's hoping to find a job which is more demanding/problematic intellectually.
2. It must be hard/challenging for her, bringing up four children on her own.
3. The lack of childcare provisions made it challenging/difficult for single mothers to get jobs.
4. Parents may find that a hard/troublesome teenager becomes unmanageable.
5. Living conditions were extremely hard/demanding in the refugee camps.
6. His disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult/easy.
7. He found the course academically troublesome/challenging and he learnt a lot from it.
8. Rules of grammar can be more problematic/demanding for non-native speakers [than for native ones].
9. It’s a challenging/troublesome book that requires careful reading.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. The tasks were not academically ______ enough for me, so I got bored.
A. troublesome B. challenging C. easy D. problematic
11. The last part of a piece of music is often more technically ______ than the rest.
A. problematic B. troublesome C. demanding D. annoying
12. One of the most controversial and ______ aspects of globalization is the homogenization that tends to
accompany it.
A. demanding B. problematic C. hard D. demanding
13. He needed surgery to cure a ______ back injury.
A. troublesome B. challenging C. demanding D. hard
14. The examination was so ______ that only 5% of all applicants passed.
A. troublesome B. problematic C. hard D. irritating


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

15. Gels are a more comfortable option in hot and humid conditions where sweating is ______.
A. demanding B. hard C. challenging D. troublesome
16. The game is so quick that it is very ______ for players to see everything and to get every decision
A. difficult B. troublesome C. problematic D. easy
17. Childbirth is physically and emotionally very ______ and can leave you feeling shocked and drained.
A. challenging B. easy C. uninspiring D. demanding
seat khoảng không gian mà bạn có thể He was in the back seat of the car when
/si:t/ ngồi, ví dụ như ghế, chỗ ngồi (danh từ the accident happened.
(n) đếm được)
không gian trống có thể được sử dụng How can we make room for all the
cho một mục đích cụ thể, với nghĩa furniture?
này thì “room" (danh từ không đếm
- một vị trí, tòa nhà, thị trấn, khu vực, - This would be a good place for a
chỗ, nơi, địa điểm v.v. là danh từ đếm picnic.
place được - I don 't want to lose my place in the
/pleɪs/ - vị trí, chỗ ngồi, v.v., đặc biệt là vị trí line.
(n) có sẵn hoặc được sử dụng bởi một
người hoặc phương tiện (danh từ đếm
space không gian, khoảng trống, khoảng He parked in a space reserved for the
/speɪs/ không, một khu vực trống có sẵn để disabled.
(n) sử dụng, danh từ đếm được
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Will there be enough room/place for that dishwasher in your kitchen?
2. Come and sit here - I've saved you a space/place.
3. We need more open spaces/seats for children to play in.
4. Take a space/seat, I'll be with you in an instant.
5. The cafe is a place/seat where students can socialize with teachers.
6. Can everyone move up a bit to make room/space for these people?
7. What we really need is more green spaces/rooms in cities.
104. KHÓC
có cách dùng rộng nhất, khóc, nước mắt - She cried bitter tears when she got
tuôn trào vì cảm xúc mạnh mẽ, có thể the letter.
bạn gặp điều bất hạnh, đau đớn, hạnh - We all laughed until we cried.
phúc v.v
(trang trọng, mang tính văn chương) có - The people wept openly when his
nghĩa tương tự như "cry", nhưng dùng death was announced.
có vẻ kiểu cách hơn. "Weep” là từ được - She almost wept with happiness.
xem là lỗi thời (old-fashioned word) và
hiện nay thường chỉ dùng trong những
mẩu chuyện
sob khóc nức nở, khóc cùng với sự hít thở We could hear the child sobbing in
/sɑ:b/ bất bình thường và gây tiếng động the next room.
wail kêu gào, than vãn (thường là vì ai đó "My finger hurts," wailed the child.
/weɪl/ trong gia đình mất), khóc than, khóc kéo


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) dài, ầm ĩ trong khổ đau, đau đớn hoặc

phiền muộn
(đặc biệt có thể dùng cho động vật) thút - A half-starved dog lay in the
thít, rên rỉ, tạo ra một loạt âm thanh nhỏ corner, whimpering pathetically.
và yếu thể hiện nỗi đau hoặc sự bất hạnh - I said she couldn't have an ice
cream and she started to whimper.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I found her sobbing/weeping in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll.
2. He wailed/cried for joy when he heard that his son had been found alive and well.
3. Every time the puppy sobs/whimpers, the owner picks it up.
4. A crowd of women followed the coffin, weeping and sobbing/wailing.
5. When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried/whimpered.
6. People in the street wailed/wept with joy when peace was announced.
7. She began sobbing/whimpering into her pillow.
105. KHÔNG
hầu hết được dụng như một tính từ, bổ - We didn't want to dismiss him, but
no nghĩa cho danh từ đi sau nó. Ngoài ra we had no option.
/nəʊ/ (determiner, còn trả lời câu hỏi "yes - no", hoặc đưa - Is she there? - No, she isn't.
exclamation) ra một lời phát biểu, phản hồi mang tính - 'Another drink?' 'No, thanks.’
phủ định
thường đi sau động từ "tobe" hoặc trợ - Photography is not permitted
not động từ trong câu phủ định inside the museum.
/nɑ:t/ (adv) - It did not cost anything to alter
the booking.
thường được dùng như một đại từ, dùng - None of these pens works
none được với danh từ đếm được hoặc không - We saw several houses
/nʌn/ (pronoun) đếm được, động từ đi sau chia theo số ít but none we really liked.
hay số nhiều đều chấp nhận được
nope dùng trong văn nói khi ai đó hỏi bạn 'Have you seen my pen?'
/nəʊp/ 'Nope.'
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I see no/not reason for us to depart from our usual practice.
2. Barbara’s no/not coming to the party because she's busy.
3. None/Nope of the money actually went to the people who needed it.
4. A: "Are you going out tonight?" B: "Nope/None."
5. 'You’re always blaming me whenever something goes wrong.’ 'No, I'm not/no.'
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. I can see ______ useful purpose in continuing this conversation.
A. nope B. none C. no D. not
7. The driver was killed, but ______ of the passengers was hurt.
A. no B. nope C. not D. none
8. She’s ______ one of my close circle of friends.
A. not B. none C. no D. nope
9. A: 'Is she supposed to work today?' - B: ' ______, tomorrow.'
A. None B. Nope C. Not D. No
downturn [C, U] nếu một nền kinh tế/công ty/ngành - They have predicted a severe
/'daʊntɜ:n/ công nghiệp đang trải qua downturn thì điều economic downturn.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(n) đó có nghĩa là nó trở nên yếu hơn hoặc kém - a downturn in

thành công hơn trước đây: sự suy sụp (trong sales/trade/business
hoạt động kinh tế); sự sụt giảm về hoạt động
kinh doanh: sự đi xuống
>< upturn /'ʌptɜ:n/ (n)
[C, U] một thời kì khó khăn cho nền kinh tế - The recession caused sales to
của một đất nước khi mà có ít hoạt động drop off.
recession giao thương và hoạt động công nghiệp hơn - When your neighbour loses
/rɪ'seʃn/ (n) bình thường và có nhiều người thất nghiệp their job, that's
hơn a recession. When you lose
* depression nghiêm trọng hơn recession your job, that’s a depression!
[C, U] thời kì mà có rất ít hoạt động kinh tế He never forgot the hardships
và hậu quả là có rất nhiều người nghèo hoặc he witnessed during the
không có việc làm: tình trạng đình trệ, sự Great Depression* of the
depression suy thoái 1930s.
/dɪ'preʃn/ (n) * the most famous economic
downturn in the U.S.’s as well
as the world's economic
thời gian của sự nguy hiểm, khó khăn hoặc - The car industry is now
sự nghi ngại khi mà các vấn đề cần được giải in crisis.
quyết một cách nhanh chóng hoặc các quyết - an expert in crisis
định quan trọng cần được đưa ra để tình management (= the skill or
huống không trở nên xấu đi hoặc nguy hiểm process of dealing with an
hơn: sự khủng hoảng unusually difficult or
dangerous situation)
- There seems to be a crisis of
crisis confidence in
/'kraɪsɪs/ (n) [C, U] the economy. (= a situation in
which people no longer
believe that a government or
an economic system is
working properly, and will no
longer support it or work with
thời gian khi mà một vấn đề/một tình huống The fever has passed its crisis.
tồi tệ/bệnh tật ở thời điểm xấu nhất
[U] một tình huống mà mọi thứ vẫn giữ a period of
nguyên, không có sự tăng trưởng, phát triển economic stagnation
/stæg'neɪʃn/ (n)
hay tiến bộ: sự đình trệ
[U, C] một sự kiện tồi tệ và không mong đợi It will be a calamity for
gây ra rất nhiều tổn thất và sự đau khổ cho farmers if the crops fail again.
cuộc sống của con người hoặc tài sản
~ disaster /dɪ'za:stə(r)/ (n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The government is attempting to solve the debt depression/crisis through spending cuts.
2. Despite more than 10 years of economic stagnation/upturn, the unemployment rate remains low.
3. After several years of an economic boom, it looks as though we may be heading toward
a(n) upturn/depression.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

4. She had reached a crisis/recession point in her career, so she decided to change her job.
5. However, economists widely agree that the country’s economic downturn/calamity during the
pandemic would have been more severe without those aid packages.
6. The economic recession/upturn has led to many small businesses going bankrupt.
7. The factory closings were a stagnation/calamity for the whole city.
8. The company experienced a downturn/crisis in sales over the last six months.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The business is still in ______ but it has survived the worst of the recession.
A. calamity B. downturn C. crisis D. depression
10. Some analysts think a serious economic ______ will probably be averted because many people have
been vaccinated.
A. downturn B. upturn C. calamity D. stagnation
11. Whenever any ______, disaster or accident occurs, their team arrives there as volunteers for relief
A. crisis B. calamity C. recession D. upturn
12. The ______ in student numbers between the two world wars was true of most British universities.
A. recession B. depression C. stagnation D. crisis
13. The global auto industry suffered a severe ______ in sales during the recession in 2019.
A. crisis B. calamity C. depression D. downturn
14. He's passed the ______ - the fever's started to go down.
A. crisis B. downturn C. depression D. stagnation
15. In a second wave of ______ in the Northeast, fires broke out in swamped homes and businesses,
many inaccessible to firefighters because of floodwaters.
A. stagnation B. depression C. recession D. calamity
16. The party was suffering a ______ of confidence among its supporters. They did not trust it any
A. depression B. downturn C. crisis D. recession
17. Economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic ______
A. calamity B. stagnation C. crisis D. downturn
18. A series of ______ ruined them - floods, a failed harvest, and the death of a son.
A. downturns B. recessions C. calamities D. crises
19. Their marriage went through a ______ which almost ended in divorce.
A. crisis B. downturn C. recession D. depression
20. The nation was suffering from a period of deep ______ following a boom which had peaked six or
seven years before.
A. upturn B. depression C. calamity D. boost
không thông thường, lạ, khác thường I had a strange feeling that we'd met
strange (đặc biệt là theo cách mà khó có thể giải before.
/streɪnʤ/ (adj) thích hoặc hiểu)
~ odd
khác so với những gì bình thường/thông Doesn’t it strike you as
thường/mong đợi (đặc biệt là theo cách rather odd that he never talks about
odd mà bạn không đồng tình hoặc không thể his family?
/ɒd/ (adj) hiểu)
[suồng sã] -strange
odd-Ving: khác hoặc không thông an odd-looking house an odd-
thường theo cách mà được đề cập đến sounding name
weird rất khác thường hoặc không bình thường - She only had lipstick on her bottom


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/wɪəd/ (adj) và khó để giải thích lip, which looked weird.

[suồng sã] ~ strange - They sell all sorts of weird and
~ bizarre /bɪ'za:(r)/ (adj) wonderful (= very strange)
*mặc dù weird cùng trường nghĩa products.
với strange nhưng weird mang nghĩa
mạnh hơn strange
lạ lùng theo cách bí ẩn và gây sợ hãi She began to make weird inhuman
~ eerie sounds.
eerie lạ lùng, bí ẩn và gây sợ hãi (có thể khiến He had an eerie feeling that he was
/'ɪəri/ (adj) bạn lo lắng) not alone.
lạ, không thể biết hoặc không thể hiểu the mysterious disappearance of
(thường gây sợ hãi đôi chút) ships in the waters of the Bermuda
mysterious Triangle
/mɪ'stɪəriəs/ (adj) lạ và thú vị bởi vì bạn không biết nhiều Her last years remain
về ai/điều gì somewhat mysterious.
~ enigmatic / enɪg'mætɪk/(adj)
rất lạ giống như một giấc mơ chứ không The movie was a surreal mix of fact
surreal phải là hiện thực, với những ý tưởng và and fantasy.
/sə'ri:əl/ (adj) hình ảnh trộn lẫn nhau theo một cách lạ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. That's enigmatic/weird! I thought I left my keys on the table but they're not there now.
2. The ship vanished in mysterious/odd-looking circumstances, never to be seen again.
3. On the podium at the Olympic Games, embracing one of the most mysterious/surreal moments of my
life. Once again, I experienced the feeling of having a dream come true.
4. What she did was unforgivable, but the eerie/odd thing was he didn’t seem to mind.
5. You're a(n) eerie/mysterious girl - why won't you tell me your name?
6. Many costumes are bizarre/eerie works of art, ranging from toothbrushes to mattresses and packets of
7. It's a difficult exam. I'm looking forward to it, strange/eerie as it may seem.
8. She was holding an extremely odd-looking/odd-feeling weapon.
9. It was a dark night, and she was alone in the new house. She heard the eerie/enigmatic noise of the
wind howling through the trees.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. I had a(n) ______ feeling that I was being watched while I was walking home alone. I was scared out
of my wits!
A. eerie B. surreal C. enigmatic D. strange
11. Sarah tried to pretend she was on a(n) ______ playground, where the kids waded in milk instead of
sand and slid down thick, meaty poles.
A. odd-sounding B. enigmatic C. surreal D. odd-looking
12. Contact lenses are a bit ______: you can’t really feel them but you’re aware that they’re there.
A. weird B. surreal C. enigmatic D. mysterious
13. I kept getting ______ phone calls where the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.
A. surreal B. enigmatic C. mysterious D. safe
14. One of the waitresses arrived with a very ______ -looking dish.
A. surreal B. mysterious C. odd D. weird
15. There is nothing to rival the ______ and wonderful things that come out on the Rio streets at carnival
time. That can be dancers appearing in very strange outfits.
A. mysterious B. weird C. surreal D. odd


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

16. That ______ room which is always locked up half behind the school on the left is still there.
A. odd B. surreal C. mysterious D. weird
17. For some ______ reason, I slept like a baby despite the noise.
A. strange B. odd-looking C. enigmatic D. eerie
18. I don't wear lenses normally, so it was a bit ______ putting something in my eye and leaving it there.
A. surreal B. mysterious C. weird D. enigmatic
19. I found the silence underwater really ______; it felt like a nightmare.
A. strange B. enigmatic C. surreal D. eerie
20. If we took longer than five minutes in the bathroom, we had to explain why to our manager. It was
A. surreal B. bizarre C. mysterious D. enigmatic
21. There was something ______ about him, and she wanted to ask him a lot of questions. She was very
curious about him.
A. mysterious B. eerie C. surreal D. odd-sounding
22. She had to find out what it was, and she had the ______ idea that he would help her.
A. mysterious B. enigmatic C. strange D. odd-looking
23. Doesn't that seem rather ______ that none of her colleagues would defend her?
A. eerie B. odd C. enigmatic D. surreal
control somebody/something có quyền - a multinational company based in
lực/quyền hành đối với ai/công ty/đất Britain but controlled from South
nước/... vì vậy mà bạn có thể quyết định Africa
control xem họ phải làm gì hoặc được điều hành - We want to control our own
/kən'trəʊl/ như thế nào destiny (= decide what happens to
(v) us).
điều khiển máy móc hoặc một hệ thống để lighting that you can control with
nó làm việc như cách bạn muốn your smartphone
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] điều hành và At that time, King
có quyền điều khiển đối với một đất John ruled England.
nước/một nhóm người/...: cai trị, trị vì,
rule thống trị; chỉ huy, điều khiển
/kən'trəʊl/ ~ govern
(v) [ngoại động từ, thường ở dạng bị The pursuit of money ruled his life.
động] (thường mang nghĩa tiêu cực) là
thứ chủ yếu ảnh hưởng và điều khiển
ai/điều gì: chi phối, điều khiển
reign [ngoại động từ] vua/nữ hoàng/hoàng Queen Victoria reigned
/reɪn/ (v) đế/... trị vì/thống trị over Britain from 1837 to 1901.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] có quyền lực - In the 1960s, American
hoặc có rất nhiều sự ảnh hưởng lên ai styles dominated the art world.
đó/điều gì (đặc biệt là theo cách không dễ - professions that were
chịu): có ảnh hưởng lớn; thống trị once dominated by men
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] điều hành the leaders who govern the country
một đất nước hoặc những người dân của
đất nước đó và chịu trách nhiệm cho việc
govern ban hành luật pháp, cung cấp các dịch vụ
/'gʌvn/ (v) công cộng ...: cai trị; cầm quyền
~ rule
[ngoại động từ, thường ở dạng bị Prices are governed by market


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

động] điều khiển hoặc ảnh hưởng ai đó/ demand.

điều gì hoặc cách mà điều gì xảy ra/vận
hành/...: chi phối, ảnh hưởng
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] quản lý hoặc - to manage a soccer team
manage điều hành một đội/tổ chức/đất/công việc - I think that Forestry
/'mænɪdʒ/ kinh doanh/... (đặc biệt là thứ mà một Tasmania manages the forest.
(v) người nào đó khác sở hữu): quản lý, trông
[ngoại động từ] đứng đầu/chỉ huy/lãnh - to head an investigation
đạo/dẫn dắt việc gì - a terrorist group headed by a
former army officer
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Has she had any experience of dominating/managing large projects?
2. They want to form their own country and govern/head themselves.
3. Her loud voice totally dominated/reigned the conversation.
4. It used to be said that Britain managed/ruled an empire on which the sun never set.
5. She suggested changing the state’s laws that reign/govern the sale of alcohol.
6. She has been appointed to govern/head the research team.
7. The National Bank is directly controlled/dominated by the government.
8. The passion for power and success reigns/rules her life.
9. The entrance gates are electrically ruled/controlled.
10. Pharaohs managed/reigned over Egypt for centuries.
Choose the option A, B, c, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. The business is ______ by the owner's daughter.
A. dominated B. governed C. reigned D. managed
12. He has just been appointed to ______ the corporate-finance department.
A. govern B. head C. dominate D. influence
13. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the formal name of the sovereign state
______ by Parliament in London.
A. reigned B. governed C. headed D. dominated
14. The small boy could not ______ the big dog.
A. control B. rule C. head D. govern
15. Robert II ______ for 19 years and died in Dundonald Castle on May 13th, 1390.
A. controlled B. managed C. reigned D. influenced
16. Most modern kings and queens ______ only in a formal way, without real power.
A. dominate B. head C. manage D. rule
17. He now ______ the largest retail development empire in southern California.
A. dominates B. controls C. governs D. rules
18. He was chosen to ______ the team that investigated the allegations of abuse.
A. head B. influence C. govern D. dominate
19. We will be studying the forces that ______ the Earth's climate.
A. reign B. manage C. dominate D. govern
20. Men still tend to ______ the world of law - hardly any top judges are women.
A. rule B. manage C. govern D. dominate
21. Mounted police have been called to ______ the crowds.
A. control B. govern C. manage D. rule
22. The government has altered the rules ______ the eligibility for unemployment benefit.
A. reigning B. governing C. dominating D. managing
23. He ______ a team of internationally recognized experts in bone disease and drug development.
A. influences B. dominates C. heads D. governs


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

24. They work as a group - no one is allowed to ______.

A. dominate B. govern C. rule D. reign
25. The lights on the stage are ______ by this computer.
A. ruled B. dominated C. headed D. controlled
26. When she ______ the department, we never missed a deadline.
A. managed B. governed C. influenced D. ruled
*kind, type, sort, và form đều là những từ miêu tả những người/thứ có đặc điểm/tính chất/phẩm chất
tương tự nhau và được nhóm thành một nhóm.
[C] một nhóm người/vật có cùng chung những a rare blood type
phẩm chất/đặc điểm/tính chất cụ thể và là một
phần của một nhóm lớn hơn
type ~ sort /sɔ:t/ (n)
/taɪp/ (n) ~ kind/kaɪnd/(n)
một kiểu/mẫu người với những đặc điểm tính I am rather an indoor type.
cách/vẻ bề ngoài/cách hành xử cụ thể
một nhóm người/vật giống nhau một cách nào "What kind/sort of music do
đó you like?" - "Oh, all
~ sort /sɔ:t/ (n) kinds/sorts. "
một kiểu gì đó cụ thể mà tồn tại trong nhiều one of the most
trạng thái/hình thái/loại khác nhau primitive forms of life on
/fɔ:m/ (n)
[trang trọng] thể loại (một kiểu/phong cách What genre does the book fall
văn học/âm nhạc/nghệ thuật/điện ảnh có cùng into - comedy or tragedy?
/'ʒɒnrə/ (n)
chung những đặc điểm cụ thể)
variety nhiều loại khác nhau của cùng một thứ I don’t eat meat, only fish, but
/və'raɪəti/ there’s a
(n) good variety available here.
nếu con người/việc/thứ được chia thành Students over 25years old fall
các categories thì họ được chia thành các nhóm into a different category.
sao cho các thành viên của mỗi nhóm có cùng
chung một đặc điểm nào đấy
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. They hired a Toronto company that offers a type/variety of Web-based services.
2. The novels are divided up into three forms/categories: historical, romantic, and crime.
3. Crime fiction is a genre/variety which seems likely to stay with us for many years.
4. This exercise is the hardest of its type/form.
5. Along with talking and singing, drawing must be the oldest category/form of communication.
6. We will not tolerate this sort/genre of behaviour.
7. I am definitely not the marrying category/type.
8. The kinds/forms of wine and food served for a fine dining experience will depend on your budget.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. He was a pioneer in various ______ including satire, literary criticism, and drama.
A. forms B. varieties C. sorts D. genres
10. He was the old-fashioned ______, well-mannered and always in a suit and tie.
A. form B. category C. type D. genre
11. The market sold a bewildering ______ of cheeses.
A. variety B. type C. kind D. genre
12. There were five ______ in the competition, which was open to both mainstream and special schools.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. kinds B. sorts C. genres D. categories

13. This ______ of heather grows better in a drier habitat.
A. type B. category C. genre D. form
14. Faculty evaluation of students takes two basic ______: course grades and letters of recommendation.
A. types B. varieties C. forms D. genres
15. Emma Thompson won an Oscar in the Best Actress ______.
A. form B. category C. variety D. type
16. Human behaviour is especially difficult to study because it can be influenced by a wide ______ of
A. type B. genre C. category D. variety
17. The two peoples spoke a different language and practiced different ______ of religious worship.
A. genres B. forms C. categories D. varieties
18. I like all ______ of food - I’m not fussy.
A. categories B. genres C. varieties D. sorts
lành nghề, lão luyện trong các lĩnh - He is a skilful and effortless mechanic.
skillful /'skɪlfl/ vực nghề nghiệp, nhất là về những - After a few years, he became
(adj) việc làm thủ công, đặc biệt nói về sự very skilful at drawing.
khéo léo, khéo tay, chân
ngụ ý đến sự lành nghề, có kỹ xảo - The best performing companies had a
nhờ vào kinh nghiệm làm việc trong higher proportion of skilled workers.
skilled /skɪld/ thời gian dài hoặc được đào tạo bài - She is skilled in designing web sites.
(adj) bản về một công việc nhất định, đặc
biệt dùng cho kỹ sư, công nhân,
người lao động
lão luyện, tinh thông chuyên môn, - Only a fully qualified doctor can give
expert của nhà chuyên môn, của chuyên gia, an expert opinion.
/'ekspɜ:rt/ (adj) đòi hỏi trình độ chuyên môn cao nhất - He has become expert on European
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Most of the local boatmen are extremely skillful/skilled.
2. We have a shortage of technically skillful/skilled workers.
3. Only a fully qualified doctor can give an expert/skillful opinion.
4. A skillful/skilled engineer takes four or five years to train.
5. The skillful/skilled midfield Vietnamese picked up the ball just outside the area and with the outside of
his right foot, fired in an amazing shot.
6. She has expert/skillful knowledge of child psychology.
7. Carpentry was a(n) expert/skilled job, requiring a two-year apprenticeship.
là những bệnh truyền nhiễm lây lan The infection is highly contagious, so
từ người này sang người khác do tiếp don 't let anyone else use your towel.
xúc (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) với
người hay vật bị bệnh
bệnh truyền nhiễm những tác nhân The animals were still infectious when
gây bệnh là do các vi sinh vật, ngoài they arrived.
ra còn dùng với nghĩa bóng ý chỉ đến
cảm xúc, tâm trạng có tác động lên
người khác có mặt ở đó và khiến họ
làm theo


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

truyền nhiễm, lây lan There are those who think eczema
~ infectious (giống cả nghĩa đen và is catching.
nghĩa bóng nhưng không đứng trước
danh từ)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Infectious/Contagious diseases (such as the flu, colds, or strep throat) spread from person to person in
several ways.
2. These viruses affect children and are highly infectious/contagious.
3. If the disease is contagious/infectious, it could then begin spreading again among non-vaccinated
4. Contagious/infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi,
or parasites.
5. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious/infectious disease caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
6. She has a warm personality combined with a loud catching/infectious laugh.
7. Try to be as enthusiastic as possible - enthusiasm is catching/contagious!
112. LỄ, NGHI LỄ
- một sự kiện xã hội đặc - The winners will be honoured at
biệt, chẳng hạn như một bữa a celebration in Boston next week.
celebration tiệc để ăn mừng, khi bạn tổ - wedding/victory/birthday celebrations
/,sel.ə'breɪ.ʃən/ chức, kỷ niệm một điều gì - in celebration of something
(n) đó
- hành động kỷ niệm, tổ
chức một cái gì đó
nghi thức, nghi lễ, một dịp - an awards/opening ceremony
ceremony trang trọng để ghi nhận một - a wedding/marriage/graduation ceremony
/'ser.ə.mə.ni/ sự kiện quan trọng nào đó - They were married in a simple ceremony.
(n) (thường mang tính truyền - She was last seen in public at the closing
thống và ổn định) ceremony of the Commonwealth Games
ngày kỉ niệm, lễ kỉ niệm - The company is celebrating its 100-year
(một ngày mà chúng ta nhớ anniversary this year.
anniversary hoặc kỷ niệm một điều gì đó - on the anniversary of his wife's death
/,æn.ə'vɜ:.sə.i/ (n) quan trọng đã xảy ra vào
ngày đó trong một năm
trước đó)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. RMIT Vietnam holds annual graduation anniversaries/ceremonies in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
2. Let's buy some champagne in celebration/ceremony of her safe arrival.
3. We are planning a dinner to celebrate the 50th ceremony/anniversary of the founding of the company.
4. The ending of the war is not a cause for ceremony/celebration, but rather for regret that it ever
5. We have no details of who was invited to attend or who was present at the
opening ceremony/celebration.
6. Tomorrow's parade will mark the 50th ceremony/anniversary of the battle.
113. LÝ DO
[C] một nguyên nhân hoặc một lời giải The exact locations are being
thích cho một điều gì đó đã xảy ra hoặc kept secret for reasons of
/'ri:zn/ (n)
điều ai đó đã làm: lý do security.
pretext một lý do không thành thật mà bạn đưa He called her on the pretext of


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'pri:tekst/ (n) ra để giải thích cho một điều gì đó needing more information.
(thường là điều xấu) để nhằm mục đích
giấu/che giấu lý do thực sự
[C] ai đó/thứ gì đó mà khiến cho một Unemployment is a
điều gì đó xảy ra major cause of poverty.
cause * cause (of something)
/kɔ:z/ (n)
[U] lý do cho những cảm xúc hoặc hành There is no cause for concern.
vi cụ thể
một lý do (có thể là thực sự hoặc được He was late again! He had better
nghĩ ra) mà bạn đưa ra để giải thích hoặc have a good excuse for that.
bảo vệ cho một hành vi bất cẩn/mang
tính xúc phạm/... của mình (đã xảy ra) để
excuse nhằm chối bỏ trách nhiệm/tránh bị trách
/ɪk'skju:s/ (n) phạt/...
một lý do tốt mà bạn đưa ra để giải thích The conference was just an
vì sao bạn muốn làm một điều gì (lý do excuse for a holiday in New York.
thực sự của điều này khác với lý do mà
bạn đưa ra): cái cớ để làm điều gì
[C, U] một việc/tình huống ... cho bạn William had no explanation for
biết vì sao mà một điều gì đó đã xảy ra; his absence the day before.
lý do được đưa ra để giải thích cho điều
gì: lời giải thích
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The demonstration was used as a(n) cause/excuse to impose martial law.
2. Drinking and driving is one of the most common excuses/causes of traffic accidents.
3. For reasons/causes of security, you are requested to keep your baggage with you at all times.
4. The book opens with an excuse/explanation of why some drugs are banned.
5. The border dispute was used as a pretext/reason for military intervention.
6. He forgot about her birthday. His excuse/pretext was that he had lost his diary.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The real ______ of the problem lies in the poor construction of the bridge.
A. excuse B. cause C. pretext D. reason
8. His main ______ for quitting was personal, as he wanted to spend more time with his wife and two
A. pretext B. excuse C. reason D. cause
9. As a(n) ______ to get out of the house, Emma went to post a letter.
A. excuse B. cause C. explanation D. reason
10. The simplest ______ for his achievements lies in his greater ability and superiority over his
contemporaries at college.
A. cause B. explanation C. pretext D. excuse
11. Sean came home very late at night, stinking of cheap whisky. He told Mary that his car had broken
down. She glared at him with a look that conveyed that she didn’t buy his ______ for a second.
A. reason B. pretext C. excuse D. cause
12. Vandalism and criminal damage caused by airguns is an increasing problem which is giving ______
for concern according to police.
A. pretext B. explanation C. excuse D. cause
13. Under the ______ of checking her identity, the man had copied down her credit card details.
A. explanation B. reason C. cause D. pretext
14. The weather is rainy and windy today. That's a good ______ to be lazy.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. excuse B. pretext C. explanation D. reason

114. LỊCH SỰ
thể hiện cách cư xử tốt và sự tôn trọng The receptionist smiled politely.
politely đối với cảm giác của những người
/pə'laɪtli/ khác: một cách lịch sự
(adv) đúng về quy tắc xã hội nhưng không The boring speech finished, and
phải luôn luôn chân thành everyone clapped politely.
gracefully một cách lịch sự và tử tế, đặc biệt là I think we should just give in gracefully.
/'greɪsfəli/ trong một tình huống khó khăn
theo cách mà được chấp nhận trong một - Candidates need to
tình huống cụ thể; theo cái cách mà be decently dressed to try and get a job.
không gây sốc hoặc gây ngượng ngùng - She must dress decently and not flash
too much flesh.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She lost in three sets, and she didn’t take defeat politely/gracefully.
2. You need to be decently/honestly dressed to go for an interview.
3. He sensed that his guests were bored, although they were listening gracefully/politely.
4. Whether you handle criticism politely/gracefully or make it a big deal of it can make all the difference.
5. Very politely/dishonestly the little boy asked if he might have another piece of cake.
6. I escaped from the party as soon as it was gracefully/decently possible.
7. When he bought the business, his father did not step aside gracefully/politely.
glare nhìn trừng trừng một cách giận dữ She glared angrily at everyone and
/gleə(r)/ stormed out of the room.
glance lướt nhìn, nhìn nhanh qua He glanced towards the kitchen.
nhìn chằm chằm vào ai đó hoặc cái Many people gazed at her beautiful
gì đó một thời gian dài bởi bạn ngạc jewels.
nhiên, ngưỡng mộ, yêu thích hoặc
suy tư về điều gì khác
nhìn chòng chọc, nhìn chằm chằm Don 't stare at people like that, it's rude.
vào một thời gian dài, mắt mở to vì
ngạc nhiên, hoảng sợ, hoặc đang suy
nghĩ ~ gaze
glimpse nhìn thoáng qua, thoáng thấy, nhìn He'd glimpsed her through the window
/glɪmps/ thấy ai đó / cái gì đó trong giây lát, as he passed.
(v) nhưng không rõ ràng lắm
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Could you glance/glare through this letter and see if it's alright?
2. Annette glimpsed/gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
3. He kept talking during the concert, and people were glancing/glaring at him.
4. I looked in her face for some response, but she just stared/glimpsed at me blankly.
5. We glared/glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.
6. She gazed/glared in admiration at his broad, muscular shoulders.
7. I gazed/glanced at my watch for the 20th time that morning.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

8. He ______ a short white-haired figure heading for the back gate.

A. gazed B. glanced C. glimpsed D. stared
9. They ______ in wonder at the mighty peaks.
A. glimpsed B. glared C. glanced D. gazed
10. He ______ open-eyed at all the food on the table.
A. glanced B. stared C. gazed D. glimpsed
11. ______ down, she noticed her shoe was untied.
A. Staring B. Glaring C. Glancing D. Gazing
12. I looked at her and she ______ angrily back.
A. glared B. glanced C. stared D. gazed
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] lần lượt - This was their
theo ngay sau nhau: liên tiếp fifth successive/consecutive win.
successive ~ consecutive - There has been low rainfall for
/sək'sesɪv/ (adj) /kən'sekjətɪv/ (adj) two successive/consecutive years.
- Successive/Consecutive governments
have tried to tackle the problem.
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] cái sau The team has had five straight wins.
straight xảy ra theo ngay sau cái trước mà
/streɪt/ (adj) không bị gián đoạn: liên tiếp
~ consecutive
theo thứ tự cụ thể cố định về thời - sequential data processing
sequential gian hoặc địa điểm - In this way the children are introduced
/sɪ'kwenʃl/ (adj) to sequential learning.
(formal) - The organization of the chapters
is sequential.
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] theo sau - succeeding generations
thứ khác: tiếp theo - She became more well-known with
/sək'si:dɪŋ/ (adj)
>< preceding /prɪ'sɪ:dɪŋ/ (adj) each succeeding novel.
xảy ra hoặc tồn tại trong một - The rain has been almost continuous for
khoảng thời gian mà không bị làm weeks.
continuous gián đoạn: liên tục, không dừng - I could hear a faint continuous noise.
/kən'tɪnjuəs/ (adj) - It was the longest period
of continuous growth in the company's
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Over the continuous/succeeding weeks, things went from bad to great.
2. Residents report that they heard continuous/succeeding gunfire.
3. Successive/Succeeding nights without sleep make any new parent feel ready to quit.
4. They’re the only team to have won ten straight/continuous games this season.
5. The buying process is a series of sequential/succeeding steps: problem recognition, information
search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, purchase, and post-purchase evaluation.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to ______ generations.
A. successive B. sequential C. succeeding D. consecutive
7. Jackson became the first batter since Babe Ruth to hit three ______ home runs in a single game.
A. continuous B. successive C. preceding D. succeeding
8. My computer makes a ______ low buzzing noise, which is annoying.
A. continuous B. successive C. succeeding D. sequential
9. We sat in the airport for five ______ hours.
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. straight B. sequential C. preceding D. succeeding

10. You need to have been in ______ employment for at least two years. In the field of education, a break
of a whole summer can be considered as unemployment.
A. succeeding B. continuous C. preceding D. sequential
11. They had won twelve ______ games before they lost.
A. succeeding B. continuous C. sequential D. straight
12. Progress in learning a language is ______ but uneven.
A. successive B. consecutive C. continuous D. succeeding
13. After six ______ defeats, the team was almost ready to give up.
A. sequential B. consecutive C. succeeding D. preceding
14. The government started to borrow money in 1961, and the national debt has steadily increased with
each ______ year.
A. succeeding B. continuous C. successive D. consecutive
15. The food shortage is a result of three years of ______ floods.
A. sequential B. preceding C. succeeding D. successive
16. The batteries provide enough power for up to five hours of ______ use.
A. sequential B. successive C. succeeding D. continuous
17. For the second ______ year, she won the most individual gold medals at the world’s major
A. continuous B. straight C. succeeding D. sequential
117. LO LẮNG
nghĩ về những điều không dễ chịu đã xảy ra hoặc sẽ What's wrong? You
xảy ra và vì vậy cảm thấy không vui hoặc lo sợ look worried.
worried *worried chỉ dùng để miêu tả cảm giác, không dùng
/'wʌrid/ để miêu tả tính cách.
(adj) *worried có thể được dùng khi bạn đang nói đến một
vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến người khác/xã hội/thế giới/...
hoặc cả những vấn đề mang tính cá nhân.
nervous có thể được dùng để miêu tả cảm - Pippa was
giác và tính cách so nervous about her
* Nếu ai đó đang cảm thấy nervous thì người đó cảm exams that she couldn't
thấy lo âu, lo lắng hoặc sợ hãi về một điều đang xảy sleep.
ra hoặc sắp xảy ra và cảm giác này thể hiện trong - The movie is
nervous hành vi của họ. Nervous thường được sử dụng để unsuitable for people of
/'nɜ:vəs/ miêu tả cảm giác của bạn trước khi bạn làm một điều a nervous disposition
(adj) gì đó rất quan trọng (một kỳ thi, một cuộc phỏng (= who are easily
vấn, thuyết trình trước nhiều người,...) hoặc một điều frightened).
gì khó khăn hoặc không dễ chịu khiến bạn không thể
thư giãn.
* Một người có tính cách mà nervous thì người đó
dễ lo lắng, căng thẳng hoặc sợ hãi.
Nếu bạn cảm thấy anxious thì bạn cảm thấy lo lắng, - My mother always
lo âu vì bạn nghĩ một điều tồi tệ có thể sẽ xảy ra gets a bit anxious if we
hoặc sẽ xảy ra. don't arrive when we
anxious * anxious có thể miêu tả cảm giác lo âu/lo lắng mạnh say we will.
hơn worried và trang trọng hơn worried. - A friend of mine is a
* anxious có thể miêu tả cảm giác hoặc tính cách. very anxious person.
gây ra sự lo lắng, sự lo nghĩ; thể hiện sự lo lắng, sự He saw his
lo nghĩ mother's anxious face


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

at the window.
lo lắng/lo âu và cảm thấy sự lo lắng/lo âu về điều Concerned parents
concerned gì/ai have complained about
/kən'sɜ:nd/ *concerned thường được dùng khi bạn đang nói đến the dangerous
(adj) một vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến người khác/xã hội/thế playground.
[không đứng trước danh từ, thường được dùng trong - He’s
câu phủ định] nếu bạn đang bothered về một điều gì very bothered about
bothered thì có nghĩa là điều đó quan trọng đối với bạn và bạn what people
/'bɒðəd/ lo lắng về nó think of him.
(adj) - "Tea or coffee?"
- "Either - I’m
not bothered."
[không đứng trước danh từ] rất lo lắng, mệt mỏi, và The kids are sick, I just
stressed (out) không vui bởi vì có quá nhiều vấn đề/quá nhiều việc lost my babysitter, and
/strest (aʊt) / cần giải quyết nên không thể thư giãn hoặc tận our toilet doesn't work -
(adj) hưởng cuộc sống no wonder I
feel stressed- out!
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Doctors are concerned/stressed out at the prospect of heart patients having to wait up to a year for
2. I was bothered/nervous on my first day at college, but I was reassured to see some friendly faces.
3. As the date of his operation drew near, he became more and more anxious/stressed out.
4. Her friends were an hour late and she didn’t seem at all nervous/bothered.
5. Do you feel concerned/nervous during exams?
6. He was bothered/worried sick when he heard that there had been an accident.
7. I was very nervous/stressed out about driving again after the accident.
8. The school’s decision is being questioned by a group of concerned/stressed out parents.
9. By the time I got into the interview, I was a bothered/nervous wreck.
10. I've got too much to do, and I’m completely stressed out/concerned.
118. LOẠI BỎ
- [ngoại động từ] tháo, bỏ dọn, lấy - The men came to remove the
ra, loại bỏ rubbish from the backyard.
- [ngoại động từ] xua đuổi sạch (sự - Hearing your opinion has removed my
sợ hãi, mối nghi ngờ...) last doubts/suspicions about her.
- [ngoại động từ] đuổi, cách chức - She has been removed from
her post/position as director.
loại bỏ ai, cái gì phiền toái, khó - Try and get rid of your visitors before I
get rid of
chịu, vứt bỏ những gì không mong get there.
muốn - We got rid of all the old furniture.
[ngoại động từ] trừ diệt, loại bỏ - We are determined to eradicate
hoàn toàn cái gì đó xấu, tồi tệ racism from our sport.
- The government claims to be doing all it
can to eradicate corruption.
- [ngoại động từ] loại ra, loại bỏ ai, - We eliminated the possibility that it
eliminate cái gì (vị họ/cái đó không có liên could have been an accident.
/i'lɪm.ə.neɪt/ quan đến, không có trách nhiệm - He was eliminated in the third round of
(v) đến hoặc không cần đến) the competition.
- [ngoại động từ] loại bỏ, đánh bại - A police officer was accused of helping


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

ai khỏi cuộc thi a drug gang eliminate rivals.

- [ngoại động từ] trừ khử, sát hại ai
delete [ngoại động từ] gạch bỏ, xóa bỏ - I deleted the entire paragraph.
/dɪ'li:t/ (chữ đã viết, đã gõ, dữ liệu...,) - Your name has been deleted from the
(v) list.
- [ngoại động từ] gôm, tẩy, xóa - It's in pencil so you can just erase
erase (thường là vết bút chì) anything that's wrong.
/ɪ'reɪs/ - [ngoại động từ] xóa mờ đi cảm - He is determined to erase the
(v) xúc, kí ức, một khoảng thời gian memory of a disappointing debut two
(đã trôi qua) years ago.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We finally got rid of/removed my little sister by telling her scary stories.
2. The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been eradicated/erased.
3. We've removed/eliminated the possibility that the fire was started deliberately.
4. She accidentally deleted/erased one of her computer files.
5. She eradicated/removed the dirty dishes from the table.
6. They are determined to get rid of/erase the bad memories of last year's defeats.
7. She hired an assassin to remove/eliminate her rival.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. All the English teams were ______ in the early stages of the competition.
A. removed B. eliminated C. eradicated D. gotten rid of
9. I ______ your last email by mistake—could you send it again?
A. eradicated B. erased C. deleted D. eliminated
10. I used weedkiller to ______ the weeds in the garden.
A. eliminate B. remove C. delete D. get rid of
11. I kept changing my mind and ______ my answers on the test.
A. erasing B. eradicating C. removing D. eliminating
12. Officials who were involved in the scandal were ______ from office.
A. deleted B. eliminated C. removed D. gotten rid of
13. Effective action is needed to ______ terrorism, drug-trafficking, and corruption.
A. remove B. eradicate C. erase D. get rid of
14. The police have ______ two suspects from their investigation.
A. eliminated B. eradicated C. gotten rid of D. removed
119. LỖI
một hành động/một quan điểm/một - It would be a mistake to ignore his
quyết định không đúng hoặc gây ra kết opinion.
mistake quả mà bạn không mong muốn hoặc - This dress was an expensive mistake.
/mɪ'steɪk/ không như dự kiến: sai lầm
(n) một từ hoặc một con số bị nói hoặc viết - Her essay was full of spelling mistakes.
sai: lỗi - I’ve discovered a few mistakes in your
~ error calculations.
lỗi: một từ/con số/... bị viết hoặc nói sai, - I think you have made an error
đặc biệt là lỗi mà gây ra các vấn đề hoặc in calculating the total.
error ảnh hưởng lên kết quả của cái gì - a glaring error (= a mistake that is very
/'erə(r)/ *error là từ thay thế mang sắc thái trang obvious)
(n) [C, U] trọng cho từ mistake - Almost all accidents start with a
*error chủ yếu được dùng khi nói về simple error by the pilot.
máy tính hoặc trong một số cụm từ cố


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

định (human error, hard error, soft

error, margin of error, sampling error,
standard error). Trong ngôn ngữ hàng
ngày, mistake thường được dùng.
[U] nếu việc gì sai đã xảy ra hoặc được - It's nobody’s fault.
thực hiện mà là lỗi của bạn thì bạn phải - I think the owners are at fault (=
chịu trách nhiệm cho điều đó và bạn responsible) for not warning us.
đáng trách bởi vì bạn đã mắc sai - Many people live in poverty through
lầm/mắc lỗi/không làm được việc gì: lỗi no fault of their own.
[C] thứ gì không đúng hoặc không hoàn - The engine has a serious fault.
hảo; thứ gì của một cái máy/hệ thống bị - The system, for all its faults (= in spite
sai mà làm cho cái máy đó hoặc hệ of its faults), is the best available at the
thống đó không còn hoạt động chính moment.
xác nữa: lỗi
~ defect
Khuyết điểm, khiếm khuyết (một lỗi ở - a defect in the glass
trong cái gì đó hoặc ở cách mà nó được - a defect of her character
tạo ra nên khiến nó không hoàn hảo) - The child had a mild heart defect
- He had a speech defect (= an incorrect
way of saying certain sounds) which
made it quite difficult to understand him.
một lỗi trong thứ gì đó mà khiến nó It took me a long time to find the flaw in
không chính xác không hoạt động chính her logic.
flaw ~ defect, fault
/flɔ:/ (n) flaw (in something) Unfortunately, this plate has a slight
một lỗi hoặc một vết vỡ nhỏ trong một flaw in it.
thứ gì đó mà làm cho nó kém hấp dẫn
hơn hoặc ít giá trị đi
một lỗi nhỏ, thường là do không cẩn - His team cannot afford any slips.
slip thận hoặc không chú ý (lỗi nhỏ nhưng - There were a few slips in the
/slip/ (n) có thể gây ngượng hoặc bối rối) translation.
- a slip of the tongue
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The fire was caused by an electrical error/fault.
2. The report reveals fatal flaws/slips in security at the airport.
3. This product is no longer on sale because of a manufacturing defect/mistake.
4. I’ve made a mistake/defect - it should say £230, not £320.
5. NASA discovered a mathematical fault/error in its calculations.
6. Buying the farm was the biggest defect/mistake of his life.
7. The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small errors/flaws in its base.
8. It was his fault/flaw that we were late.
9. She’s made one or two slips/flaws in her essay - mainly spelling errors - but it’s basically well written.
10. There seemed to be some mistake/fault with the cooling system.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. It’s his own stupid ______ his car was stolen - he should have kept it locked.
A. defect B. flaw C. fault D. error
12. If you draw or write in pencil, you can always rub out your ______ with an eraser.
A. mistakes B. faults C. defects D. flaws


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. All the cars are tested for ______ before they leave the factory.
A. mistakes B. defects C. errors D. slips
14. No payments were made last week because of a computer ______.
A. error B. flaw C. fault D. defect
15. I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend’s name - it was just a(n) ______ of the tongue.
A. error B. fault C. defect D. slip
16. It was a ______ for us to come here tonight.
A. fault B. defect C. flaw D. mistake
17. Some engineers detected serious design ______ that would cause the engine to explode.
A. flaws B. slips C. mistakes D. errors
18. He had committed a grave ______ in letting them see the document.
A. defect B. error C. slip D. flaw
19. Molly knew she could not afford to make a single ______.
A. fault B. flaw C. defect D. slip
20. I have an apology to make to you - I’m afraid I opened your letter by ______
A. error B. mistake C. flaw D. defect
21. The ______ was with the organizers, who failed to make the necessary arrangements for dealing with
so many people.
A. fault B. error C. mistake D. flaw
22. Laura was born with a rare heart ______.
A. error B. defect C. slip D. mistake
23. For all the ______ in our education system, it is still better than that in many other countries.
A. errors B. mistakes C. faults D. slips
24. I sometimes use vintage fabrics, and these tend to have ______: small marks, fading, tiny pinholes are
all typical of vintage fabric.
A. flaws B. errors C. slips D. mistakes
120. LỪA GẠT
lừa ai (bằng cách dùng kỹ xảo hoặc - She tricked her way into their house
mưu kế) để lấy được cái gì từ họ hoặc by pretending to be a police officer.
/trɪk/ (v)
khiến họ làm điều gì - He tricked me into lending him £100.
lừa một người mà họ tin tưởng bạn - That company deceived customers by
(bằng cách thay đổi/bóp méo sự thật selling old phones as new ones.
hoặc thực tế) - She deceived him into handing
deceive over all his savings.
/dɪ'si:v/ (v)
lừa dối chồng/vợ/bạn trai/bạn gái... Her husband has been deceiving her
~ cheat (on somebody) with at least two other women for years.
One of them became pregnant.
lừa ai để khiến họ tin vào điều gì đó He fooled her into thinking he’s going
bằng cách dùng mưu kế đơn giản to change.
fool nhưng thông minh
/fu:l/ (v) nói hoặc làm những điều ngu ngốc He's always getting into trouble
hoặc ngớ ngẩn (thường để khiến người for fooling around in class.
khác cười)
lừa ai bằng cách cung cấp cho họ The agents were accused of misleading
thông tin sai hoặc không đầy đủ untalented, gullible people into
thinking they can become successful
lừa ai, thường là bằng cách khiến họ Many elderly people have been duped
dupe /dju:p/ (v)
tham gia hoặc làm những việc mà họ into buying worthless insurance.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

không có ý định làm trước đó (động từ

này thường hay được dùng ở dạng bị
lừa ai để họ không thể nhận/giữ những Illegal workers are often cheated by
thứ mà họ có quyền được nhận/giữ employers.
gian lận (hành động một cách không She cheated in the test by copying from
cheat trung thực đế thắng hoặc dành được the boy in front.
/t∫li:t/ (v) lợi thế trong một cuộc thi/kì thi/trận
lừa dối chồng/vợ/bạn trai/bạn gái... Jack is cheating on his wife.
~ deceive
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Josh deceived/cheated on his grandparents into giving him cash for his phone bills.
2. Shoppers are being fooled around/duped into handing over thousands of pounds by a gang of street
vendors who claim to be collecting money for children's wheelchairs.
3. I’m wondering though, what made you cheat/trick if you love him so much? Is he not good enough for
4. Claire tricked/cheated on a man into inviting her to a party where the CEO was present.
5. Public education and the media mislead/cheat us into thinking America is a just and fair country.
6. She had been cheating/fooling herself into thinking she can remain indifferent.
Choose the option A, B, c, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The athlete ______ and through his dishonesty he won a gold medal and earned a considerable amount
of money.
A. cheated B. deceived C. duped D. mislead
8. All through the winter in Spain, Mary ______ her husband while she was seeing another man.
A. misled B. cheated C. deceived D. duped
9. He used his charm to _____ the old lady out of everything he could get from her.
A. fool B. cheat C. dupe D. deceive
10. The electricity is out. Some idiot has been ______ around with the electricity supply.
A. cheating B. deceiving C. fooling D. misleading
11. He managed to ______ his way past the security guards.
A. mislead B. trick C. fool D. deceive


luật sư chuyên tư vấn luật cho khách You should lodge a copy of the letter
solicitor hàng và chuẩn bị tài liệu và hồ sơ with your solicitor.
/sə'lɪsɪtər/ pháp lý (ví dụ như đối với việc bán
(n) hoặc mua đất, nhà), thường ít xuất
hiện ở tòa án
(được sử dụng ở nước Anh) người She's hired a lawyer who specializes in
được đào tạo bài bản về luật để tư vấn divorce cases.
cũng như đại diện cho thân chủ của
họ trước tòa án
(được sử dụng ở nước Mỹ) là từ trang They paid a high-powered attorney to
attorney trọng hơn để dùng cho "lawyer” và để plead their case.
/ə'tɜ:.ni/ sử dụng đặc biệt khi nói về chức danh
(n) công việc (chức danh là thuật ngữ
được miêu tả ngắn gọn trong 2 - 3 từ


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

về vị trí công việc của một nhân viên

trong thông tin tuyển dụng.)
counsellor cố vấn, một người được đào tạo để The college now has a counsellor to
/'kaʊn.səl.ə/ lắng nghe mọi người và cho họ lời help students with both personal and
(n) khuyên về các vấn đề của họ work problems.
advisor người khuyên bảo, người chỉ bảo, với She is the party's main
/əd'vaɪ.zə/ công việc là đưa ra lời khuyên về một economic advisor.
(n) lĩnh vực cụ thể nào đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Following his arrest, he demanded to see his solicitor/lawyer before making any statement.
2. He talked to a(n) counsellor/advisor about his marriage difficulties.
3. I waited so long for my turn to see the careers lawyer/advisor that I missed my train.
4. The documents were all in the safekeeping of the family attorney/solicitor, and would remain so until
her death.
5. Under state law, a request for a special prosecutor can come only from a district attorney/counsellor.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. He served as international economic ______ in the White House.
A. lawyer B. solicitor C. advisor D. counsellor
7. My ______ is drawing up a building contract.
A. solicitor B. advisor C. attorney D. lawyer
8. The family hired a prominent defence ______.
A. advisor B. lawyer C. counsellor D. solicitor
9. She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-examined by the state ______.
A. counsellor B. advisor C. solicitor D. attorney
10. The doctor suggested that I might like to see a(n) ______ to help me deal with stress better.
A. attorney B. solicitor C. counsellor D. adviser
[C] (về một hoạt động/trò chơi) luật According to the rules of the
lệ hoặc nguyên tắc để hướng dẫn những game, you have to miss a turn.
điều được làm/không được làm trong một
/ru:l/ (n)
tình huống cụ thể hoặc khi chơi một trò
law luật/hệ thống luật được đề ra để vận hành There are laws against drinking in
/lɔ:/ (n) một xã hội/đất nước the street.
những tiêu chuẩn/quy phạm về hành vi She considers people to be
norm mang tính đặc trưng hoặc được chấp nhận products of the values
/nɔ:m/ (n) trong một nhóm hoặc một xã hội cụ thể and norms of the society they live
[C, thường ở dạng số nhiều] một quy The government is under pressure
định/điều lệ/quy tắc được đưa ra bởi chính to relax censorship regulations.
phủ hoặc một một cơ quan chức năng nào
[U] những nguyên tắc về những hành vi - legal etiquette
etiquette đúng đắn hoặc lịch sự giữa các thành viên - How good is your
/'etɪkət/, /'etɪket/ của một ngành nghề cụ thể hoặc một khía email etiquette?
(n) cạnh của một hành vi: phép xã giao, quy
ước, nghi lễ, nghi thức
principle nguyên tắc đạo đức/phép tắc/phương châm I refuse to lie about it; it’s against
/'prɪnsəpl/ xử thế/niềm tin chi phổi các hành động của my principles.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(n) một ai đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. It is important to understand the particular group norms/laws that emerge to govern individual
2. Social etiquette/law dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.
3. The company’s actions violated the rule/law on equal employment.
4. The sport has strict rules/principles for player safety.
5. He doesn't invest in the arms industry on rule/principle.
6. There will be stricter norms/regulations dictating which foods are allowed in schools.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence,
7. She considers it poor ______ to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.
A. law B. rule C. etiquette D. principle
8. Doing what’s right appears to be more of a concern for him than for the average person; his platform is
strongly governed by his personal ______.
A. rules B. principles C. norms D. laws
9. In such matters, social and cultural ______ can dictate people’s behaviour.
A. norms B. laws C. bonds D. rules
10. The government has introduced some tough new ______ on food hygiene.
A. norms B. principles C. etiquette D. laws
11. Tackling a player without the ball is against the ______.
A. rules B. norms C. principles D. laws
12. He didn’t cover up for his former friend because it was against his ______.
A. etiquette B. laws C. norms D. principles
13. To comply with government hygiene ______, there must be a separate sink for handwashing.
A. principles B. etiquette C. regulations D. norms
[C, U] số tiền mà một người/một Tourism is a major source of income for
vùng/một quốc gia/... kiếm được the area.
hằng tuần/hằng tháng/hằng năm từ
/'ɪnkʌm/ or
việc làm (salary/wage), từ việc đầu
/'ɪnkəm/ (n)
tư tiền, từ việc kinh doanh,...: thu
[C] số tiền cố định (thường được trả She’s on an annual salary of £35.000.
hằng tháng) mà một người nhận
được để làm một công việc (đặc biệt
dành cho những người làm việc ở
văn phòng hoặc những người làm
những công việc cần được đào tạo
như giảng viên, quản lý hay bác
sĩ): tiền lương
[C] số tiền mà ai đó được trả hằng Workers in these stores earn a
ngày/hằng tuần/hằng tháng để làm good wage.
wage một công việc nào đó hoặc một dịch
/weɪdʒ/ (n) vụ nào đó (đặc biệt dùng cho ai đó
làm một công việc yêu cầu về thể
lực): tiền lương/tiền công
[U] số tiền mà ai đó nhận được để Her job is hard work, but the pay is
làm một công việc nào đó thường good.
/peɪ/ (n)
xuyên: tiền lương * pay mang nghĩa


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

chung chung nhất trong số ba từ pay,

wage, và salary.
pension [C] một số tiền được trả thường He is now retired and on a pension.
/'penʃn/ xuyên bởi chính phủ/công ty/... cho
(n) một người đã nghỉ hưu: lương hưu
tiền được trả bởi chính phủ cho Sophia was on the dole (= without a
những người thất nghiệp: trợ cấp job) for eight months before she got a
/dəʊl/ (n)
thất nghiệp job.
[C] một số tiền được trả thường Your monthly stipend is calculated to
xuyên cho ai đó như là tiền lương cover your basic expenses only, such as
(đặc biệt dùng cho linh mục) hoặc accommodation, meals, and phone bill.
tiền để sinh sổng
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. His parents have a combined annual income/dole of more than £350.000. Both are successful lawyers.
2. The scholarship program provides monthly stipend/income for chosen postgraduate students to study
in the UK which covers basic living expenses.
3. Her monthly take-home dole/pay after taxes is £2.600.
4. For many teachers at state schools, monthly salaries/pensions do not cover their daily needs.
5. At the time, Josh was earning about nine times more than the average American industrial
worker's wages/dole.
6. Jane had worked for Peter’s family as a housekeeper for many years. After she left the family, he
provided her with an annual salary/pension for the rest of her life.
7. The factory closure will mean another few hundred people having to live on the dole/pay.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. After the factory was closed, my uncle spent the next ten years on the ______. He got just £10 a week.
A. income B. dole C. salary D. pay
9. The report highlights the fact that many people are relying on the state ______ for their retirement
A. pension B. income C. stipend D. wage
10. The $6,000 fellowship ______ that she had received for being in Dallas was three times that required
to live like a well-off American student.
A. pay B. income C. pension D. stipend
11. Banks now extend credit to low- ______ families, so that owning a home or driving a new car is no
longer evidence that someone is middle class.
A. income B. pension C. stipend D. salary
12. The workers agreed to a five-year contract, during which they were to be paid a daily ______ and
were given promise of a return passage back to India.
A. income B. pension C. wage D. dole
13. This company has a(n) ______ of around £10 million a year.
A. salary B. income C. dole D. wage
14. Unemployed and facing the ______ queue, this enterprising young man decided to set up his own
A. dole B. pension C. salary D. income
15. After years of loyal service, his boss fired him just before he would have qualified for a(n) ______.
A. salary B. dole C. income D. pension
16. There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your ______ to the tax authorities.
A. income B. pension C. dole D. wage
17. She was offered a ______ of £500,000 a year to work for BBC.
A. pension B. dole C. salary D. stipend
124. MỆT


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cảm thấy bạn muốn ngủ hoặc nghỉ He still felt really tired and wanted to
ngơi; cần nghỉ ngơi stay in bed.
/'taɪəd/ (adj)
~ weary
rất mệt, đặc biệt là sau khi bạn làm He looks tired and weary after
việc vất vả hoặc làm gì đó trong một 20years in office.
weary khoảng thời gian dài
/'wɪəri/ (adj)
~ tired
làm cho bạn cảm thấy mệt hoặc chán weary hours spent in negotiation
rất mệt The exhausted climbers
~ spent /spent/ (adj) were rescued by helicopter.
~ fatigued/fə'ti:gd/ (adj) (cả về thể
chất lẫn tinh thần)
drained [thường không đứng trước danh She suddenly felt totally drained.
/dreɪnd/ từ] rất mệt và không có một chút năng
(adj) lượng nào
[thường không đứng trước danh She got absolutely worn out looking
worn out
từ] (miêu tả người) trông hoặc cảm after three small children alone.
/,wɔ:n 'aʊt/
thấy rất mệt, đặc biệt là do làm việc
vất vả hoặc luyện tập thể lực
jet-lagged mệt mỏi do bạn đã có một chuyến bay When the plane landed, we were
/'dʒet lægd/ dài từ nơi này tới nơi khác mà có múi slightly jet-lagged and exhausted.
(adj) giờ khác nhau
mệt và muốn ngủ (bởi vì bạn đang ở He felt cosy and drowsy, despite the
drowsy một nơi ấm áp/vừa uống rượu/uống strong coffee.
/'draʊzi/ thuốc/...)
(adj) khiến bạn cảm thấy thư giãn và mệt She lay in the sun all through the
long, drowsy afternoon.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. After the grueling test, he felt totally spent/jet-lagged.
2. The troops were already jet-lagged/fatigued from the long-forced march.
3. She was drowsy/weary from years and years of housework.
4. She was drowsy/worn out with the wine, so her husband drove them home.
5. He said nothing, and Alice had no choice but to follow him as they began their weary/tired trek across
the wide, empty beach.
6. He was driving through the night, and he arrived in an exhausted/exhausting state.
7. I tried to watch the news on TV, but I was too tired/tiring to stay awake.
8. Before the race, he was fine. But afterwards he was exhausting/worn out.
9. After losing the game, the coach came to the press conference looking and sounding
emotionally drained/drowsy.
10. Flowers explode with colour, tree trunks pulse with thick veins of sap, stones appear almost like
living cells in the tired/drowsy heat of the mid-afternoon sun.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. By the time you near your last few reps, your muscles should be thoroughly ______
A. drowsy B. sleepy C. fatigued D. exhausting
12. An older man with grey hair stepped into the room and sank down into one of the plastic chairs with
a(n) ______ sigh, dropping his head into his hands.
A. exhausting B. tiring C. weary D. drowsy
13. You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you ______. You might fall asleep while


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. tiring B. drowsy C. exhausting D. jet lagged

14. I flew to Turkey and made my way on a series of long, ______ bus journeys to the Iraq border,
manned by both Kurdish and American soldiers.
A. weary B. worn out C. tired D. exhausted
15. Looking after a baby on my own left me feeling utterly ______.
A. tiring B. exhausted C. exhausting D. draining
16. The ______ warmth of my room was beginning to take its toll on me, and I was soon sprawled in my
bed asleep.
A. worn out B. spent C. tired D. drowsy
17. Cucumber is good for soothing ______ eyes.
A. tired B. tiring C. exhausting D. drained
18. Her last relationship left her emotionally ______. For a long time, she was not motivated to work,
create, and pursue her goals and dreams.
A. tiring B. drowsy C. drained D. exhausting
19. When she got home from school after the test, she was so ______ that all she could do was flop down
in front of the television.
A. tiring B. tired C. exhausting D. jet lagged
20. He felt pleasantly ______ after a big lunch and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
A. drowsy B. worn out C. fatigued D. spent
125. MỖI
được dùng để nói đến mỗi - There are 15
người/thứ trong hai hoặc nhiều answers. Each answer is worth
người/thứ khi bạn nghĩ đến chúng một 20 points.
each cách tách biệt *each được dùng trước - They each have their own
/i:tʃ/ (determiner, một danh từ số ít và đi cùng động từ email address.
pronoun, adverb) chia ở dạng số ít
*Khi each được dùng đứng sau một
chủ ngữ số nhiều, động từ sẽ được chia
ở dạng số nhiều.
[đứng trước danh từ] được dùng với They were watching
every danh từ số ít để ám chỉ tất cả các her every movement.
/'evri/ thành viên của một nhóm người/vật
(determiner) *Động từ theo sau every luôn là động
từ chia ở dạng số ít.
*each of, each one of, và every one of được theo sau bởi một danh từ hoặc đại từ số nhiều nhưng động từ
luôn chia ở dạng số ít.
E.g., I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. These cupcakes cost me three dollars every/each.
2. I get that wrong every/each single time.
3. My younger sister and I have one cat each/every - all together, we have two cats in our family.
4. Every/Each time I go to London, I get caught in a traffic jam.
5. These paintings may look like the real thing, but every/each one of them is a fake.
6. We every/each wanted the bedroom with the balcony, so we tossed a coin to decide.
7. Each/Every of the brothers has a different personality.
8. That salmon was very expensive, so make sure you eat up each/every single bit.
một cách rõ ràng; có thể được nhìn "I'm afraid I couldn’t finish the
thấy hoặc hiểu một cách rõ ràng work last night.” -
/'evɪdəntlɪ/ (adv)
~ obviously "Evidently not."


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

theo như những gì mà mọi người nói Evidently, the local authority is
~ apparently planning to close the school.
được sử dụng để đưa ra thông tin mà - Obviously, we don't want to
bạn mong là những người khác đã spend too much money.
biết hoặc đồng tình với chúng - Diet and exercise
obviously ~ clearly /'klɪəli/(adv) are obviously important.
/'ɒbviəsli/ (adv)
được sử dụng để nói rằng một tình He was obviously drunk.
huống cụ thể/thực tế dễ dàng nhìn
thấy hoặc hiểu
theo như những gì bạn đã nghe - Apparently, they are getting
thấy/đọc/được nói cho biết mặc dù divorced soon.
apparently bạn không chắc chắn là điều đó có - He paused, apparently lost in
/ə'pærəntli/ đúng sự thật hay không; theo như thought.
(adv) cách mà điều gì đó thể hiện bên ngoài
hoặc thể hiện bên ngoài của ai đó
mặc dù bạn không chắc chắn
unequivocally một cách rất là rõ ràng và không có We are unequivocally in favour of
/,ʌnɪ'kwɪvəkəli/ (adv) gì để nghi ngờ ~ unambiguously the changes.
unambiguously một cách rất rõ ràng về ý nghĩa và chỉ She answered all their questions
/,ʌnæm'bɪgjuəsli/ (adv) có thể hiểu theo một cách duy nhất clearly and unambiguously.
theo một cách mà không thể không This painting is indisputably one
đồng tình hoặc of his finest works.
/,ɪndɪ'spju:təbli/ (adv)
chối undeniably /,ʌndɪ'naɪəbli/ (adv)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He is indisputably/unambiguously an excellent player.
2. To achieve greatness, a filmmaker needs to direct three vaguely/unequivocally great movies.
3. I wasn't present at the conference, but apparently/unambiguously it went well.
4. We’re unambiguously/obviously going to need more help.
5. She walked slowly down the road, evidently/indisputably in pain.
6. She’s so obviously/unambiguously cleverer and prettier than I am.
7. He had an accident, evidently/unambiguously because he was driving at excessive speed.
8. The rules need to be unambiguously/undeniably clear.
9. "I didn’t realise it was a formal occasion." - "Indisputably/Obviously!"
10. Undeniably/Apparently, it's going to rain today.
11. Obviously/Unambiguously, the school cannot function without teachers.
12. She needs to deliver her message powerfully and undeniably/unequivocally.
13. There was unambiguously/obviously a great physical attraction between them.
14. She unambiguously/undeniably stated that she wanted to do the laundry herself.
15. The computer trouble was unambiguously/apparently caused by a programming error.
16. They both nodded in affirmation, undeniably/evidently satisfied.
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
17. The audience evidently weren’t enjoying the show and some people began to leave.
A. unambiguously B. obviously C. undeniably D. indisputably
18. This time his father declared unequivocally: "You’re getting no more money from me, and that's
A. obviously B. apparently C. unambiguously D. indisputably
19. His artworks indisputably constitute an important and influential 20th- century legacy.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. respectfully B. undeniably C. unambiguously D. vaguely

20. The kids next door didn’t even apologize for breaking our window with their baseball;
they evidently have terrible manners.
A. apparently B. unambiguously C. surprisingly D. respectfully
127. MÙI
[U, C] mùi tự nhiên và dễ chịu mà - the scent of roses
thứ gì có: mùi hương, mùi thơm, - the scent of freshly cut hay
hương thơm - From the vine outside came the scent of
[U, C, usually singular] mùi mà ai The hounds were now on the scent of (=
đó hoặc một con vật nào đó để lại và following the smell of) the fox.
scent nhờ vào mùi đó mà các loại động vật
/sent/ (n) khác (ví dụ: chó) có thể lãn theo
~ trail /treɪl/ (n)
[U] (British English) nước hoa - a bottle of scent
~ perfume (1), fragrance (2) - She dabbed some scent on her neck.
[singular] scent of something cảm The scent of victory was in the air.
giác điều gì đó đang hiện hữu hoặc
sắp sửa xảy ra
nước hoa - a bottle of expensive perfume
perfume ~ fragrance (2), scent (3) - He caught a faint whiff of her
/'pɜ:fju:m/ expensive perfume.
một mùi dễ chịu, thường là mùi ngọt The perfume of the roses filled the room.
~ scent (1)
[C, U] một mùi dễ chịu, ngọt - This perfume has a light,
fresh fragrance.
-fruits full of exquisite fragrance and
fragrance - The bath oil comes in
/'freɪgrəns/ various fragrances.
nước hoa Santal 33 by Le Labo is a woody
~ perfume, scent (3) aromatic fragrance for women and men.
The nose behind this fragrance is Frank
[C, U] đặc tính của thứ gì mà con - a strong/faint smell of garlic
người/động vật cảm nhận bằng - an acrid smell of smoke
mũi: mùi - The smells from the kitchen filled the
smell room.
/smel/ (n) [singular] một mùi không dễ chịu - Yuk! What a smell!
- What's that smell?
[U] khả năng để cảm nhận mọi thứ Dogs have a very good sense of smell.
bằng mũi: khứu giác
một mùi dễ chịu mà có thể dễ dàng -the aroma of fresh coffee
nhận thấy (đậm và thường từ đồ ăn - the aroma of freshly baked bread
hoặc đồ uống): mùi thơm - the mouth-watering aroma of prawns
cooked in garlic
odour [C, U] [formal] một mùi đặc trưng, - the stale odour of cigarette smoke
/'əʊdə(r)/ đặc biệt là mùi không dễ chịu - a musty odour


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(n) *body odour (n) một mùi không dễ - Nobody told him he had body
chịu từ cơ thể của một ai đó, đặc biệt odour problem.
là mùi mồ hôi
[C, usually singular] (informal) một What a stink! Open the window!
mùi rất mạnh và cực kì khó chịu
/stɪŋk/ (n)
~ reek /ri:k/ [n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The stink/aroma of fresh baking wafted through the air.
2. Inside the room, there was the unmistakeable scent/odour of sweaty feet.
3. The sweet stink/scent of incense lingered in the air.
4. What perfume/smell are you wearing? It smells so good on you.
5. The stink/fragrance of wood smoke drifted through the village.
6. Lilacs, white and purple, sent waves of reek/perfume over the porch in the evenings when a breeze
sprang up.
7. The air is heavy with the taste/smell of rain and moist vegetation.
8. The prisoner escaped because the dogs lost his scent/smell.
9. Twenty-seven dogs lived there - you can imagine the smell/perfume!
10. For the final touch, she sprayed her signature scent/odour, Le Labo Santal 33, around the room and
walked through it.
11. They are about to launch their first fragrance/odour for men.
12. The room was filled with the scent/stink of sweat and urine.
13. Blind people often have a much better sense of smell/fragrance than other people.
14. There is an unmistakable scent/aroma of recovery in the air.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
15. The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent ______ of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk.
A. scent B. fragrance C. odour D. aroma
16. Kate took the rose and brought it to her nose, breathing in the sweet ______.
A. odour B. fragrance C. stink D. reek
17. I can’t stand the ______ of rotten meat.
A. fragrance B. perfume C. scent D. stink
18. Someone should tell him to use a deodorant to prevent his body ______.
A. odour B. fragrance C. aroma D. scent
19. Residents can smell the ______ of sizzling bacon and fresh-brewed coffee from down the hall before
they ever see their meal.
A. odours B. aromas C. stinks D. scents
20. Picking a fragrance for another person can be tricky, but Chanel No. 5 is the little black dress of
______ - always a good idea.
A. odour B. aroma C. perfume D. stink
21. The ______ of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.
A. stink B. aroma C. fragrance D. scent
22. It smelt not only of mud and rotting materials, but also the unmistakable ______ of human waste.
A. aroma B. odour C. scent D. fragrance
23. The fruity, woodsy ______ of the jujubes pairs with the floral, honeyed syrup, and their dense,
spongy texture complements the chewy mochi.
A. odour B. stink C. aroma D. reek
24. Pigs have a keen sense of ______, which is why they are used to find truffles.
A. smell B. aroma C. fragrance D. odour
25. The ______ is loathsome and high where wasted rubbish gets disposed of uncaringly in an open
public place.
A. aroma B. stink C. scent D. fragrance


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang


một mục tiêu nào đó bạn hi vọng đạt - He continued to pursue
được, thường là mục tiêu thường dài his goal of becoming an actor.
hạn, liên quan đến cuộc sống và kế - My job is to help
hoạch nghề nghiệp của mọi người businesses achieve their goals.
hoặc kế hoạch dài hạn của một công
ty hoặc tổ chức
mục tiêu, kết quả mà kế hoạch, hành - My main aim in life is to be a
aim động của bạn dự định đạt được good husband and father.
/eɪm/ - Our aim in protesting is to raise
(n) awareness of the unfairness of the
mục đích, lý do để làm gì hoặc điều - I have included this data for the
purpose gì đó xảy ra purpose of comparison.
/'pɜ:pəs/ - For budgeting purposes, you
(n) really have to start estimating
costs now.
(khá trang trọng) một điều gì đó mà - The main objective of this
objective bạn đang cố gắng đạt được, mọi meeting is to give more
/əb'ʤektɪv/ người đặt ra mục tiêu cho mình, information on our plans.
(n) thường nằm trong dự án hoặc đưa ra - One of my objectives for this
trong một cuộc phát biểu year is to increase sales
mục tiêu, thường được ghi nhận - The government's target of 3.5
target chính thức, ví dụ như người sử dụng percent annual growth seems
/'tɑ:gɪt/ lao động hoặc bởi ủy ban chính phủ. easily attainable.
(n) Nó thường cụ thể và ở dạng số liệu, - Oil production was 15 per cent
chẳng hạn như doanh thu, kết quả..., below target.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Our goal/purpose is for the country to be fully independent within two years.
2. The leaflet has been produced with the goal/aim of increasing public awareness of the disease.
3. The purpose/goal of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies.
4. Government objectives/targets for waiting lists are beginning to be met.
5. The university will reach its goal/target of 5 000 students next September.
6. He gave her a sum of money which she used to good aim/purpose.
7. The project's objectives/purposes were adumbrated in the report.
ngờ vực, hồ nghi, không chắc chắn - Rose was doubtful about the whole
doubtful về điều gì sẽ xảy ra hay đúng idea.
/'daʊtfl/ (adj) (someone), không có khả năng xảy - With her injuries it's doubtful that
ra, không thế (something) she'll ever walk again.
nghi ngờ rằng ai đó làm điều gì sai - They became suspicious of his
suspicious trái, phạm pháp, không trung thực behavior and contacted the police.
/sə'spʧ.əs/ (adj) (someone), đáng nghi (something, - She died in suspicious circumstances.
thường là hành vi)
hoài nghi về một lời phát biểu, tuyên - Many experts
sceptical bổ có đúng hoặc xảy hay không, nghi remain sceptical about/of his claims.
/'skeptɪkl/ (adj) ngờ về sự hữu dụng của một điều gì - Dan thinks it will all work out but I
(someone) emain sceptical.
dubious không chắc chắn về điều gì đó và - We were dubious about signing the


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'du:biəs/ (adj) nghi ngờ rằng điều gì đó có thể sai; deal.

không biết điều gì đó là tốt hay xấu - The team had the dubious distinction
và do đó không thể đưa ra quyết định of ranking 31st in the league.
được ~ doubtful (someone), không
hoàn toàn đúng, không thể tin cậy
được (something)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He looks very doubtful/suspicious hanging around by the bins - I'm sure he's up to something.
2. It now looks doubtful/suspicious that the building work will be completed on time.
3. My parents were dubious/sceptical about it at first but we soon convinced them.
4. The public remain dubious/sceptical of these claims.
5. Even if we could go, which is highly doubtful/sceptical, John wouldn't be able to come with us.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. I've always been ______ about the effectiveness of the alternative therapies.
A. doubtful B. dubious C. sceptical D. suspicious
7. Inform the police immediately if you see anything ______.
A. suspicious B. doubtful C. dubious D. sceptical
8. It was ______ that the money would ever be found again.
A. sceptical B. dubious C. suspicious D. doubtful
9. Those figures alone are a ______ basis for such a conclusion.
A. sceptical B. dubious C. doubtful D. suspicious
10. Colleagues became ______ when he started acting strangely.
A. dubious B. sceptical C. suspicious D. doubtful
cảm thấy ngạc nhiên và bực mình vì He was deeply shocked by Sophia's
một điều rất không mong đợi và khó death.
shocked chịu đã xảy ra
/ʃŋkt/ (adj)
cảm thấy bị xúc phạm hoặc ghê tởm She was shocked at the racist
language they used.
kinh ngạc/hết sức ngạc nhiên, đặc We just moved house and
biệt bởi một thứ gì đó tốt đẹp hoặc are amazed at the amount of junk we
/ə'meɪzd/ (adj)
bởi điều gì đó có vẻ như khó tin have.
surprised cảm thấy/thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên khi He looked surprised to see Olivia
/sə'praɪzd/ một điều gì đó xảy ra mà bạn không standing by the front door.
(adj) nghĩ nó sẽ xảy ra
startled hơi ngạc nhiên và sợ hãi bởi vì một I was startled to see a woman’s face
/'stɑ:tld/ (adj) sự ngạc nhiên bất ngờ staring back at me.
kinh ngạc/hết sức ngạc nhiên về một The helicopter landed before
điều gì = amazed our astonished eyes.
[astonished và amazed có cùng ý
astonished nghĩa và trong hầu hết các trường
/ə'stŋnɪʃt/ (adj) hợp có thể sử dụng cả hai từ. Tuy
nhiên, khi bạn muốn diễn tả cảm
giác vừa ngạc nhiên vừa ngượng thì
bạn dùng astonished.)
rất ngạc nhiên hoặc sửng sốt bởi điều How can you say that? I’m
astounded gì bởi vì điều đó có vẻ như là khó có absolutely astounded.
/ə'staʊndɪd/ (adj) thể xảy ra (mang sắc thái trang trọng
và mức độ mạnh hơn từ astonished)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

rất ngạc nhiên hoặc sửng sốt đến She was too stunned to speak.
mức không biết phải làm gì hoặc nói
/stʌnd/ (adj)

taken aback rất ngạc nhiên bởi một điều ai đó nói I think he was a little taken aback by
/teɪkən ə'bæk/ hoặc làm nên không biết phải phản my response.
(phrasal verb - ứng ra sao
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We were amazed/shocked to see John looking so well, so soon after his operation. We all felt relieved.
2. The rabbits were so taken aback/startled that they ran off in all directions.
3. Noal was really shocked/amazed by his girlfriend’s sudden death.
4. There was to be no stunned/taken aback silence, so aghast staring and, it seemed, no dramatic
response from Lucas.
5. I was always startled/taken aback by the lack of knowledge of local people about what was going on.
6. I was taken aback/astounded that there was a kitchen on the plane, serving up warm food.
7. When Lucas heard he was being handed a family fortune, he was very surprised/taken aback.
8. Josh was astonished/startled by his own stupidity.
9. She was taken aback/shocked at such an improper suggestion.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. In ______ silence, her eyes huge, disbelieving, she wordlessly stared at him.
A. amazed B. surprised C. stunned D. taken aback
11. Many people were ______ by the real sex scenes in the movie. Those scenes were disgusting!
A. startled B. stunned C. amazed D. shocked
12. One investigator was examining the crime scene. He was ______ to see a woman’s face peering back
at him through the window.
A. surprised B. startled C. astonished D. astounded
13. Dumbfounded, panting, ______ by his own stupidity and rage, and spitting blood, Robert just sat
there for a while.
A. astonished B. startled C. stunned D. demonstrated
prevent ngăn không cho ai đó làm điều gì; ngăn You can’t stop/prevent people from
/prɪ'vent/ chặn điều gì đó để nó không thể xảy ra saying what they think.
(v) = stop /stɒp/ (v)
khiến ai đó quyết định không làm điều gì The company's financial difficulties
hoặc tiếp tục làm điều gì, đặc biệt là have deterred potential investors.
bằng cách khiến họ hiểu về những khó
khăn và những kết quả không mong
muốn của những hành vi/hành động của
hinder khiến cho việc thực hiện điều gì đó hoặc a political situation
/'hɪndə(r)/ điều gì đó xảy ra trở nên khó khăn that hinders economic growth
(v) = impede /ɪm'pi:d/ (v)
bar cấm hoặc ngăn không cho ai đó làm điều They seized James's passport
/bɑ:(r)/ gì and barred him from leaving the
(v) country.
ngăn cho thứ gì đó di chuyển hoặc chảy He found that the pipe was
block qua một đường ống/con đường/hành partially blocked with leaves.
/blɒk/ (v) lang/lối đi/... bằng cách đặt một thứ gì
bên trong hoặc cắt ngang


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

ngăn không cho ai đó đi đâu hoặc nhìn She had her back to the
thứ gì bằng cách đứng trước mặt họ hoặc door, blocking his exit.
chặn đường họ
ngăn không cho điều gì xảy ra, phát Firewalls can block unauthorized
triển, tiến triển hoặc thành công access to a computer.
[thường ở dạng bị động] ngăn không Our holiday plans were thwarted by
cho ai đó làm điều gì mà họ muốn hoặc the airline pilots’ strike.
/θwɔ:t/ (v)
đang cố gắng thực hiện
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Fat that is poured down the sink will thwart/block the drain.
2. She was thwarted/prevented in her attempt to take control of the party.
3. An ugly new building blocked/prevented the view from the window.
4. The new law blocks/bars smoking in all public places.
5. Some teachers felt hindered/prevented by a lack of resources when teaching online.
6. The high price of the service could deter/block people from seeking advice.
7. She was very talented, and I felt her parents were deterring/blocking her progress.
8. A good sunscreen will help thwart/prevent sunburn.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. After today's heavy snow, many roads are still ______.
A. hindered B. blocked C. prevented D. barred
10. High winds have ______ firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
A. deterred B. prevented C. hindered D. blocked
11. The troubled accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to ______ government investigators.
A. thwart B. encourage C. foster D. deter
12. Will this harsher punishment effectively ______ criminals?
A. hinder B. deter C. impede D. block
13. The drug inhibits the replication of cancer cells, thereby ______ their spread.
A. deterring B. barring C. thwarting D. preventing
14. Visitors were ______ from taking bags into the building, metal detectors were installed and police
carrying machine guns patrolled the foyer.
A. hindered B. blocked C. deterred D. barred
15. Government officials, who knew that the findings would likely be negative and fearful that they
would leak, ______ the effort.
A. deterred B. blocked C. barred D. hindered
16. One of the guards moved to ______ her path.
A. block B. deter C. bar D. hinder
17. These laws will ______ our economy rather than help progress.
A. deter B. hinder C. thwart D. bar
18. The internet has ______ young people from talking to each other.
A. hindered B. deterred C. stopped D. thwarted
132. NGHE
[nội động từ] + [ngoại động - Suddenly I heard a noise.
từ] nghe, chỉ một quá trình tự nhiên - Did you hear the thunder last night?
của mỗi người, đón nhận những âm
thanh nhờ thính giác một cách thụ
động, không biết trước, không mong
đợi hay không chú ý
listen [nội động từ] nghe một cách thể hiện - I listened very carefully to what she
/'lɪsn/ tính chủ động, nghĩa là bạn muốn said and wrote it all down.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) nghe cái gì đó, bạn lắng nghe nó với - George! Listen to me! I have something
sự chú ý, tập trung important to tell you.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He was listening/hearing intently to what she was saying.
2. He listened/heard a noise and went to investigate.
3. Every morning I listen/hear to my Mozart CD while I’m having breakfast. It prepares me mentally for
the day.
4. The human ear cannot listen/hear very high-frequency sounds.
5. The music was beautiful. We just sat there and listened/heard.
6. I could listen/hear someone calling my name.
7. I listened/heard with half an ear to the conversation at the next table.
8. I could listen/hear the sound of traffic in the background.
combatant một người/một nhóm người/một quốc He was involved in the war, but not as
/'kɒmbətənt/ gia tham gia chiến đấu trong một cuộc a combatant.
(n) chiến tranh hoặc một trận chiến
soldier một thành viên của quân đội, đặc biệt They visited the graves of
/'səʊldʒə(r)/ là một người không phải là sĩ US soldiers killed in the First World
(n) quan: người lính War.
người chiến đấu - Rebel fighters still control most of
the city.
- We’re brought up to think of boxing
fighter as a fair contest because
/'faɪtə(r)/ (n) the fighters weigh the same.
một người không từ bỏ hy vọng hay Jane is a true fighter and she's
thừa nhận rằng họ đã bị đánh bại resolved to beat this disease.
warrior một người chiến đấu trong một trận the last of the ancient warriors
/'wɒriə(r)/ chiến hoặc một cuộc chiến tranh (đặc
(n) biệt là trong quá khứ): chiến binh
một người lính thuộc cấp bậc thấp He was a cavalry trooper before
trong quân đội, người mà sử dụng xe being injured at the battle of
bọc thép hoặc ngựa: lính thiết Corunna.
giáp hoặc kỵ binh
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. During the game, the fighters/combatants had to be separated by the referee.
2. Just like other local soldiers/warriors, they also served in various military units nationwide.
3. The smoke of fires, as well as cannon, meant that the servicemen/combatants fought without seeing
clearly what was around them.
4. All ranks from the most junior troopers/civilians to senior officers will benefit.
5. Jane knew how easy it would be for Tom to just die right then and there, but she also knew he was a
determined fighter/soldier.
6. Alexander the Great is known as one of the greatest troopers/warriors ever. He was a renowned king
in an ancient Greek town. He conquered and expanded his empire to parts of India, Persia, Syria, Egypt
among others.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. He wrote about his life as a British ______ stationed in Burma.
A. warrior B. soldier C. civilian D. fighter
8. Boxing has been through periods when it seems all the top ______ are ducking each other, but this
isn’t one of those periods.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. troopers B. fighters C. soldiers D. warriors

9. A Viking ______ would be buried with his weapons: usually with his sword, spear, shield, and battle-
A. trooper B. civilian C. warrior D. combatant
10. There will be months of physiotherapy, but medical staff say Jane’s a real ______
A. fighter B. trooper C. combatant D. soldier
11. In the long Russo-Swedish conflict, both ______ endured terrible sacrifices.
A. troopers B. soldiers C. fighters D. combatants
12. Last month, a New Jersey gym owner and former mixed martial arts ______ was sentenced to three
years and five months in prison.
A. fighter B. combatant C. warrior D. soldier
13. After an Indian ______ was killed during the protests and street fighting, security forces opened fire
on crowds, resulting in the killing of five more people on Saturday night.
A. combatant B. warrior C. soldier D. combat
- người chỉ đạo, điều khiển điều gì - He is the new program controller for
đó, đặc biệt là một tổ chức lớn BBC2.
hoặc một bộ phận nào đó trong tổ - He was the controller of finances.
chức, kiểm soát viên
controller - người kiểm soát, phụ trách các tài
/kən'troʊ.lə/ khoản tài chính của một công ty
(n) kinh doanh, chính phủ

- người quản lý, có trách nhiệm - a bank/hotel manager

điều hành một doanh nghiệp, một - the sales/marketing/human resources
cửa hàng, hoặc một bộ bận trong manager
đó - I'm a senior manager in a
manager - quản lý (một người giải quyết các multinational company.
/'mæn.ə.ʤə/ công việc cho một diễn viên, một
(n) nhạc sĩ, v.v.)
- người quản lý (đội bóng)

- người giám sát một hoạt động, All work is done under the guidance of
một nơi, hoặc một nhóm người a supervisor.
(học sinh, công nhân...,) để đảm
supervisor bảo đúng việc, đúng nội quy
/'su:.pə.vaɪ.zə/ - giáo viên (ở trường đại học) có
(n) trách nhiệm giám sát một học sinh
nào đó


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cơ quan quản lý (một người hoặc - the gas/water/telecommunications

tổ chức được chính phủ chỉ định regulator
để điều chỉnh một lĩnh vực hoạt - Cost savings are essential if we have
động như ngân hàng hoặc công to live with the 15- 20% price cut
nghiệp...,) proposed by the industry regulator.

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. Obviously as sales manager/supervisor he'll be very involved in the promotion and marketing of the
2. She became the corporate controller/regulator after working for years in the accountancy department
3. On these occasions, at least two extra controllers/supervisors assisted the instructor with the testing
4. In pursuing social policy objectives, managers/regulators also often impose investment restrictions or
minimum return guarantees.
5. The comedian is unavailable for comment, according to her manager/supervisor.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. She likes aviation but didn't want to fly, so she became an air traffic ______.
A. controller B. manager C. supervisor D. regulator
7. A significant proportion of workers felt they had been bullied by their immediate ______.
A. manager B. regulator C. supervisor D. controller
8. He has worked as a human resource ______ in business firms and non-profit organizations for more
than twenty years.
A. regulator B. manager C. controller D. supervisor
9. Congress is investigating why it took so long for government ______ to shut the plant down.
A. managers B. controllers C. regulators D. supervisors
10. Each student has a ______ to advise on the writing of the dissertation.
A. controller B. regulator C. manager D. supervisor
người xem, khán giả, xem một hoạt - They won 4-0 in front of over 40,000
spectator động, đặc biệt là một sự kiện thể thao cheering spectators.
/'spekteɪtər/ (trực tiếp), mà không tham gia vào - This year's festival attracted 87
(n) 000 spectators.
khán giả, nhóm người cùng nhau ở - She lectures to audiences all over the
audience một nơi để xem hoặc nghe một vở world.
/'ɑ:.di.əns/ kịch, bộ phim, ai đó đang nói, biểu - The secret to public speaking is to get
(n) diễn v.v. the audience on your side.

người xem cái gì đó, đặc biệt dùng - British television viewers saw him this
cho người xem truyền hình (tivi), week in a BBC documentary.
viewer hoặc video trên mạng - Millions of viewers will be glued to
/'vju:.ə/ their sets for this match.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

người xem, nhân chứng, một người - A crowd of onlookers gathered at the
xem điều gì đó đang xảy ra nhưng scene of the crash.
onlooker không tham gia, liên quan vào nó - By the time the ambulance arrived, a
/'a:nlʊkər/ crowd of onlooker had gathered.

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. The magic show had a lot of audience/spectator participation, with people shouting things to the
performers and going up on stage.
2. The new football stadium will hold 75 000 audiences/spectators.
3. It is estimated that four million viewers/onlookers watched the program.
4. A crowd of curious viewers/onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening.
5. Marshals struggled in vain to prevent onlookers/spectators from rushing onto the racetrack.
6. Cinema audiences/viewers would be more accepting of this sort of advertising.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The racing car left the track at 120 mph and scythed through the crowd of ______, killing ten.
A. viewers B. audiences C. onlookers D. spectators
8. Most cable ______ have a few channels that they watch regularly.
A. audiences B. viewers C. spectators D. onlookers
9. The final game attracted a crowd of over 50,000 ______.
A. onlookers B. audiences C. spectators D. viewers
10. He was soon encouraging ______ participation and several women came up on stage.
A. audience B. viewer C. onlooker D. spectator
11. The building was demolished before a crowd of nearly 200 ______.
A. viewers B. audiences C. spectators D. onlookers
136. NHÀ Ở, CHỖ Ở
[C, U] ngôi nhà/căn hộ/con tàu/... While travelling she missed the
mà bạn sống ở đó, đặc biệt là cùng comforts of home.
với gia đình bạn
*home mang nghĩa cá nhân và cảm
xúc (tổ ấm, mái ấm)
/həʊm/ (n)
[C] một nơi dành cho những người They run a retirement home for the
không thể tự chăm sóc bản thân elderly.
sống và họ được chăm sóc bởi
người khác ở đó

[C] ám chỉ đến vật chất, hình hài We live in a four-bedroom house.
house cụ thể của một công trình

[U] một nơi để sống hoặc ở (được Human beings need food, clothing,
shelter coi là một nhu cầu cơ bản của con and shelter.
/'ʃeltə(r)/ (n) người)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[C] một tòa nhà (thường được sở a night shelter for the homeless
hữu bởi một tổ chức từ thiện) cung
cấp một nơi để ở cho những người
vô gia cư hoặc sự bảo vệ cho
những người/động vật bị ngược đãi

[U] một nơi để sống/làm việc/ở/... - There's a shortage of

cheap accommodation (places to
accommodation live).
/ə,kɒmə'deɪʃn/ - We have first- and second-
(n) class accommodation (= seats) on
this flight.

[C, usually plural] một He stays in cheap lodgings near the

lodging phòng/những phòng trong nhà của university.
/'lɒdʒɪŋ/(n) một người khác mà bạn thuê để
sống ở đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. In developing countries, more than 640 million are without lodging/shelter.
2. She left house/home and began an independent life at sixteen.
3. You should book your travel accommodations/houses and flights quickly.
4. They opened a(n) shelter/accommodation to provide temporary housing for the city’s homeless.
5. Eventually she had to give up her house and go into a nursing home/house.
6. It costs a lot to buy a lodging/house in this part of London.
7. It was cheaper to live in households/lodgings than in a hotel.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. It's unusual for young people over 25 to still live in the family ______.
A. home B. lodging C. accommodation D. shelter
9. They were anxious to find ______ for the night.
A. lodging B. shelter C. house D. home
10. ______ prices have tripled over the last ten years.
A. Home B. Household C. House D. Homework
11. He was living on the streets for three months, and his ______ was a carboard box.
A. house B. home C. lodging D. household
12. The organization provides food and ______ for homeless people.
A. shelter B. lodging C. housing D. roof
13. Nora's parents lost custody, and she was placed in a children's ______.
A. lodging B. accommodation C. home D. house
14. During the construction work, nursery school children and staff will be housed in temporary ______
opposite the existing building.
A. home B. house C. accommodation D. shelter
15. He was an abused dog that Sophia rescued from an animal ______.
A. house B. home C. accommodation D. shelter
16. I'm worried about leaving him alone in the ______ all day.
A. home B. house C. household D. housework
17. You won’t find any luxurious ______, but there are adequate hotels and guest houses.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. households B. accommodations C. shelters D. homes

nhận ra ai, cái gì bởi vì bạn đã từng - I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but
nhìn thấy hoặc nghe thấy người đó I recognized her immediately.
recognize hoặc đã trải nghiệm điều đó trước - Doctors are trained to recognize the
/'rek.əg.naɪz/ đây symptoms of different diseases.

nhận thức được, hiểu được một - They didn't realize the danger they
realize thực tế, tình huống cụ thể nào đó, were in.
/'ri:.ə.laɪz/ nhận ra tầm quan trọng điều gì, đôi - The moment I saw her,
(v) khi là đột ngột nhận ra I realized something was wrong.

nhận diện được ai, cái gì đó và có - Even the smallest baby can identify its
identify thể nói hoặc chứng minh được họ mother by her voice.
/aɪ'den.tə.faɪ/ là ai, đó là cái gì - She was able to identify her attacker.

công nhận, chấp nhận sự thật hoặc - Mental illness can exist for years
acknowledge công nhận sự tồn tại của một cái gì before families are forced
/ək'nɑ:.lɪdʒ/ đó, công nhận điều gì đó là đúng to acknowledge the truth.
(v) - Most people acknowledge
the existence of evil.
chính thức công nhận, chấp nhận The agency was not accredited by the
hoặc chấp thuận một ai đó hoặc Philippine Consulate to offer contracts
accredit một cái gì đó, tuyên bố chính thức to Filipinos abroad.
/ə'kred.ɪt/ rằng một cá nhân hoặc tổ chức đủ
(v) tốt để cung cấp một loại dịch vụ cụ

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. I recognized/realized that it was too late to stop them from finding out.
2. He'd completely changed - I didn't recognize/realize him.
3. Two of the suspects have been recognized/identified by witnesses.
4. You must accredit/acknowledge the truth of her argument.
5. Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited/acknowledge for teacher training.
6. You don't seem to realize /identify the seriousness of the situation.
7. I have to identify/acknowledge the fact that I am partly responsible.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Passengers were asked to ______ their own suitcases before they were put on the plane.
A. realize B. acknowledge C. recognize D. identify
9. Many families fail to ______ the importance of a well-balanced diet.
A. accredit B. realize C. identify D. acknowledge
10. The president ______ his mistake in not vetoing the tax bill.
A. accredited B. recognized C. identified D. acknowledged
11. As we drew alongside the black car, I suddenly ______ my ex-boyfriend at the wheel.
A. realized B. acknowledged C. recognized D. accredited
12. This degree programme is fully ______ by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. realized B. recognized C. acknowledged D. accredited

138. NHANH
thường được sử dụng để mô tả điều gì đó - a quick
được thực hiện trong thời gian ngắn hoặc look/glance/check/search
không bị chậm trễ /chat/decision
- There's no quick fix for this
- Thanks for the quick response.

fast được sử dụng đặc biệt để mô tả một người - a fast car/train/horse

/fæst/ hoặc vật di chuyển hoặc có thể di chuyển với - He's just become the world's
(adj) tốc độ nhanh fastest runner.
được sử dụng phổ biến nhất để mô tả tốc độ - rapid
mà một thứ gì đó thay đổi. Nó không được sử change/expansion/growth
dụng để mô tả tốc độ mà một cái gì đó di /development/progress
chuyển hoặc được thực hiện - a rapid
rapid rise/increase/decline in sales
/'ræp.ɪd/ - The patient made a rapid recovery.

thường mô tả điều gì đó xảy ra hoặc được thực - swift action

swift hiện nhanh chóng và ngay lập tức - a swift decision
/swɪft/ - The White House was swift to deny
(adj) the rumours.

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. The police car was going so rapid/fast, it must have been chasing someone.
2. I only had time for a quick/fast glance at the paper this morning.
3. The police took fast/swift action against the rioters.
4. Technological progress has been so rapid/swift over the last few years.
5. Your quick/fast response in an emergency could be a life-saver for your child.
6. Given his age, he's a remarkably quick/fast runner.
7. Rapid/Swift economic growth pushed unemployment to relatively low levels.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. We need to have a ______ chat before the meeting.
A. fast B. rapid C. quick D. swift
9. They will take ______ action to resolve these issues.
A. swift B. quick C. fast D. rapid
10. The report notes a ______ decline in manufactured goods.
A. fast B. swift C. quick D. rapid
11. Fares start at about 20 in second class on a slow train, rising to 100 for first- class on a ______ train.
A. quick B. rapid C. fast D. swift
12. The ______ growth of opposition to the plan has surprised the council.
A. rapid B. swift C. quick D. fast
139. NHÌN


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

look [nội động từ] hướng mắt nhìn về một She looked at me and smiled.
/lʊk/ (v) hướng cụ thể nào đó
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] nhìn vào ai - She stood and watched as the taxi
watch đó/thứ gì đó trong một khoảng thời gian drove off.
/wɒtʃ/ và tập trung chú ý đến những việc xảy ra - "Would you like to play?" - "No thanks
(v) - I’ll just watch."
[ngoại động từ] nhìn thấy/để ý thấy ai Have you observed any changes lately?
đó/điều gì
observe [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] nhìn ai - He observed two children playing with
/əb'zɜ:v/ đó/điều gì một cách cẩn thận, đặc biệt là marbles on the street corner.
(v) để biết thêm về họ: quan sát - He observes keenly but says little
~ monitor /'mɒnɪtə(r)/ (v)

[ngoại động từ] nhìn chằm chằm vào ai She gazed at hill in amazement.
đó/thứ gì trong một khoảng thời gian dài,
có thể là bởi vì bạn rất quan tâm/ngạc
nhiên hoặc bởi vì bạn đang nghĩ đến điều
gì đó khác
~ stare /steə(r)/ [v)

eye somebody/something He couldn’t help eyeing the cakes

(+ adv./prep.) nhìn ai đó/thứ gì một cách hungrily.
eye cẩn thận, đặc biệt là bởi vì bạn muốn thứ
/aɪ/ (v) gì hoặc bạn nghi ngờ điều gì đó không

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. She gazed/observed that every man in the room had removed his hat.
2. The man behind the desk eyed/looked us suspiciously.
3. He sat for hours just gazing/observing into space (= looking straight in front, not at any particular
person or thing).
4. The new teacher will give the lesson today and the principal will observe/stare.
5. I was in the living room, looking/watching TV.
6. He was looking/observing down the road to see if the bus was coming.
7. He watched/stared at me bleakly and said nothing.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The dog sat there, ______ my sandwich as I ate.
A. looking B. observing C. staring D. eyeing
9. Children learn by ______ their parents and others.
A. observing B. gazing C. eyeing D. looking
10. He stopped talking suddenly and ______ into the distance.
A. eyed B. observed C. watched D. gazed
11. He spent the entire afternoon ______ a cricket match.
A. looking B. watching C. eyeing D. staring
12. They ______ the bus disappear into the distance.
A. watched B. stared C. gazed D. looked
13. He spent a year in the jungle, ______ how deforestation is affecting local tribes.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. eyeing B. looking C. observing D. gazing

14. She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to ______ in the shop windows.
A. watch B. look C. eye D. observe
15. The children ______ the cakes greedily.
A. eyed B. watched C. looked D. stared
16. She sat ______ out the window at the people walking by.
A. monitoring B. observing C. gazing D. eyeing
17. She correctly ______ that there was very little difference between the two parties on domestic
A. gazed B. stared C. looked D. observed
18. I ______ in the mirror to see if my tie was straight.
A. looked B. eyed C. observed D. watched
19. Mavis ______ the old sewing machine. "Does this still work?" she asked.
A. watched B. looked C. eyed D. stared
140. NHỎ
nhỏ về kích cỡ, số lượng, mức độ,... This house would be small for a
small family of six members.
không quan trọng Don't worry. It's only
a small problem.
nhỏ nhắn, xinh xắn We passed through several
nice little towns on the way to
little Somerset.
/'lɪtl/ (adj) không quan trọng; không nghiêm All those grave problems occurred
trọng because of one little mistake!

nhỏ hơn kích cỡ bình thường Mia was a skinny undersized kid.
/,ʌndə'saɪzd/ (adj)

rất nhỏ về kích cỡ (thường là rất khó There were minute traces of the drug
minute để nhìn ra hoặc nhận thấy) present in his blood.
/maɪ'nju:t/ (adj)
không to lắm/không quan trọng/không - The new plan involves widening
nghiêm trọng (thường dùng trước a minor road through the valley.
danh từ) - With one or two minor changes, the
minor ~ petty course is the same as last year.
/'maɪnə(r)/ >< major - James fell off his horse but suffered
(adj) only minor injuries.

không quan trọng hoặc không nghiêm I didn’t want to bother you with such
trivial trọng; không đáng để cân nhắc a trivial matter.
/'trɪviəl/ (adj)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

nhỏ và không quan trọng The meeting spent too much time
petty ~ minor on petty issues and didn’t address the
/'peti/ (adj) real problem.

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. The issue of where the peace talks will be held may seem undersized/trivial, but to the participants it is
very important.
2. Forensic scientists use microscopes when looking for minute/trivial clues to help solve crimes.
3. He listened to all her problems, no matter how petty/minute and insignificant, and offered solutions,
never once laughing.
4. It is thought to have exploded on Saturday night or Sunday morning and, fortunately,
caused severe/minor damage.
5. Weight is important. If the animals are undersized/petty, they may not survive the seven-month long
hibernation period.
6. He would try anything to make her even the smallest/pettiest degree happier.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The substance is so toxic that even a(n) ______ dose of it could be fatal.
A. undersized B. petty C. minute D. trivial
8. It wasn't such a long time ago that we died from what are now considered to be ______ illnesses.
A. trivial B. small C. undersized D. petty
9. His only injuries were some ______ scratches above his eyes.
A. minor B. undersized C. petty D. minute
10. Did you buy any other ______ travel items for your week-long stay in Somerset?
A. petty B. undersized C. trivial D. minor
11. They bought a nice ______ house near the beach.
A. little B. minor C. trivial D. petty
12. Then their marriage went sour. They started having arguments over ______ things.
A. minute B. undersized C. petty D. poor
13. The contract seems fine, except for a few ______ details.
A. minor B. undersized C. important D. minute
14. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a(n) ______ matter.
A. undersized B. important C. minute D. trivial
15. Though a football all-star in high school, he was just a mediocre, ______ player at the college level.
A. minor B. undersized C. trivial D. petty


[thường chỉ đứng trước danh từ] hết an ardent supporter of Manchester
sức nhiệt tình và thể hiện cảm xúc United
ardent mạnh mẽ về ai/điều gì: nồng nhiệt,
/'ɑ:dnt/ cuồng nhiệt
(adj) ~ passionate

có/thể hiện những cảm xúc mạnh a passionate kiss

passionate mẽ về tình yêu hoặc sự giận dữ: say
/'pæʃənət/ đắm, nồng nhiệt


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

có/thể hiện những cảm xúc mạnh - She is passionate about her work
mẽ về sự say mê hoặc niềm tin (= she likes it very much).
mãnh liệt vào điều gì: nồng nhiệt, - a passionate supporter of women’s
thiết tha ~ ardent rights

[thường chỉ đứng trước danh từ] rất - an avid reader

avid say mê điều gì (thường là một sở - an avid collector
/'ævɪd/ (adj) thích)
~ keen /ki:n/ [adj]
cảm thấy/thể hiện rất nhiều sự hào You don’t sound
enthusiastic hứng và sự quan tâm về ai đó/ điều very enthusiastic about the idea.
/ɪn,θju:zi'æstɪk/ gì: say mê; nhiệt tình

nếu bạn dùng intense để miêu tả một - an intense student

ai đó thì điều đó có nghĩa là người - There was an intense relationship
đó rất nghiêm túc/tập trung vào việc between mother and son.
họ làm và họ có/thể hiện những cảm - an intense look (= somebody looks
xúc mạnh mẽ/quan điểm mạnh at you very directly and seems to
intense mẽ/suy nghĩ về ai đó/điều gì know what you are thinking or
/ɪn'tens/ (adj) *intense có thể mang nghĩa tiêu cực feeling)
(tuỳ vào quan điểm của người

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. She has taken an ardent/avid interest in the project.
2. She did not seem particularly enthusiastic/avid about her job.
3. He was a(n) greedy/intense young man who was very determined to do well in school.
4. They had a passionate/avid courtship and a long, loving marriage.
5. He has never played rugby but is a(n) ardent/greedy fan and a supporter of the game.
6. Joe is keen/passionate about baseball.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. Pat had a lifelong interest in model railways and was a(n) ______ reader on the topic. He read as much
as he could and whenever he could.
A. greedy B. grabby C. avid D. indifferent
8. You can be ______ and serious in personal relationships while a light and playful attitude would be
happier and healthier.
A. ardent B. intense C. greedy D. avid
9. As they got to know each other better, their love grew deeper and more ______.
A. passionate B. avid C. keen D. enthusiastic
10. It sounded like a pipe dream, but he was so ______ that it was hard not to get excited for him.
A. intense B. indifferent C. greedy D. enthusiastic
11. I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother’s ______ gaze.
A. indifferent B. intense C. public D. shy
12. Football ran through his veins, and he was very ______ about it.
A. keen B. avid C. ardent D. passionate


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. As a keen writer and ______ newspaper reader, Jenny has always wanted to be a journalist.
A. avid B. indifferent C. greedy D. grabby
14. He took a keen interest in football and was a(n) ______ supporter of Christian Ronaldo.
A. greedy B. grabby C. intense D. ardent
15. At first the kiss was simple and slow, but soon it became more ______, full of love and promise.
A. keen B. avid C. passionate D. ardent
142. NÓI
thường được dùng trong bối cảnh trang - I've spoken to Ed about it and he's
trọng và lịch sự (ví dụ trong công việc, promised not to let it happen again.
bài giảng, thuyết trình), dùng khi nói - Dr Graham Foster will speak about
chuyện với người bạn không biết rõ về the history of the region.
speak họ, thường là nói vì một mục đích nào
/spi:k/ đó hoặc nói họ làm gì (tập trung vào
(v) người nói). Ngoài ra khi nhắc về khả
năng nói được ngôn ngữ nào đó

được dùng trong tình huống không trang - Have you talked to your parents about
trọng/ thân mật, thường là bạn bè, cha the problems you're having?
mẹ để thể hiện sự thân thiện hoặc xin lời - I was talking to Richard Moss the
khuyên, trao đổi thông tin, cảm xúc..., other day about the golf club.
(tập trung vào người nói và có ít nhất
một người nghe)

không bao giờ đứng trước tân ngữ chỉ -Anne said, ‘I’m tired.'
người, hay dùng để tường thuật lại lời - They asked if I was looking for work
say nói của ai đó, tập trung vào từ ngữ cụ and I said yes.
/seɪ/ thể người nói hơn

thường có tân ngữ là người đi sau, tập - Have you told him the news yet?
trung vào nội dung và thông điệp người - You should never tell a lie.
nói muốn truyền tải hơn là tập trung vào - They told her to wait till the doctor
cụ thể từng từ như "say". Ngoài ra còn arrived.
dùng với nghĩa kể (câu chuyện, sự thật,
tell lời nói dối, nói đùa) với tân ngữ là cái gì
/tel/ đó đi sau, và đặc biệt còn dùng để thuật
lại lời chỉ dẫn, mệnh lệnh từ ai đó

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. Our boss needs to speak/talk to us about this conference next week.
2. When they get together, all they speak/talk about is football.
3. He said/told, ‘I'm not paying £50 for that.'
4. David said/told me how he had got the job by lying about his age.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

5. I can talk/speak German and Spanish really well.

6. ‘There's nothing wrong with him,’ she said/told airily.
7. I had the opportunity to speak/say with the president alone.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Grandpa often ______ wonderful stories about the old days.
A. speaks B. says C. talks D. tells
9. He always looks down when he is ______.
A. telling B. speaking C. talking D. saying
10. I was ______ to Richard Moss the other day about the golf club.
A. speaking B. saying C. talking D. telling
11. The committee ______ yes, so we can go ahead.
A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked
12. They ______ us to come back the next day.
A. spoke B. said C. talked D. told
13. I phoned your office and ______ to your assistant.
A. told B. spoke C. said D. talked
14. She started ______ loudly to her friends about the film they'd just seen.
A. telling B. saying C. talking D. telling
15. A legendary football coach once ______, ‘Winning is everything.’
A. told B. spoke C. told D. said
nguy hiểm, đặc biệt là cho sức khỏe environmentally
hazardous hoặc sự an toàn của con người hazardous substances
/'hæzədəs/ ~ perilous /'perələs/ (adj)

có thể sẽ làm bị thương hoặc gây hại potentially dangerous levels of

cho ai, hoặc làm hư hại hoặc phá huỷ pesticides
dangerous cái gì
có thể sẽ gây ra vấn đề hoặc kết quả Raising income tax is considered
xấu politically dangerous.
~ risky /'rɪski/ (adj)
có thể sẽ giết chết ai đó His heart condition is not life-
life- threatening threatening.
/'laɪf θretnɪŋ/

[thường đứng trước danh từ] bao gồm high-risk patients = who are very
high-risk rất nhiều sự nguy hiểm và khả năng bị likely to get a particular illness
/,haɪ 'rɪsk/ thương/chết/hư hại/...

nếu đất/đường/biển/sông... Strong winds and loose rocks

treacherous mà treacherous thì chúng đặc biệt nguy made climbing treacherous.
/'tretʃərəs/ hiểm nhất là bởi vì điều kiện thời tiết
(adj) xấu, tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro

threatening thể hiện mối đe dọa có thể gây hại hoặc - threatening letters
/'θretnɪŋ/ (adj) mang tính bạo lực - threatening behaviour


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. These men are armed and dangerous/risky and should not be approached.
2. Rock climbing is a risky/high-risk sport that requires special equipment and training.
3. Lead is one of the most risky/hazardous substances known, causing cancer and nerve damage.
4. Strong winds and heavy rains are making driving conditions treacherous/threatening in some areas.
5. Caitlin was born with a risky/life-threatening heart abnormality. That causes her heart to be unable to
pump blood at times and death will occur within minutes, if left untreated.
6. Walking home at night was perilous/threatening, for there were no lights, the silence pierced by yells,
laughter, and occasional gunfire.
7. Using humour in a job interview is a dangerous/perilous thing - you never know how the interviewer
will react.
8. It's risky/life-threatening to assume that we know what voters will be thinking in a year's time.
9. Before the attack, I had received several risky/threatening phone calls.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. Sometimes she thought about swimming the river, but the Blackwater Rush was wide and deep, and
everyone agreed that its currents were wicked and ______
A. threatening B. treacherous C. safe D. risky
11. Peter’s friend Jack, jealous of Peter’s popularity in the game, accepted a ______ challenge of walking
between two buildings on a ladder.
A. risky B. threatening C. life-threatening D. vulnerable
12. We need better regulations regarding the transportation of ______ waste along public roads.
A. hazardous B. risky C. high-risk D. threatening
13. Even a brief exposure to radiation is very ______.
A. threatening B. safe C. dangerous D. vulnerable
14. Miners are a ______ group for certain types of gastric cancer.
A. risky B. dangerous C. threatening D. high-risk
15. These are ______ chemicals that can cause death if inhaled.
A. threatening B. vulnerable C. risky D. hazardous
16. Experiments that are too ______ to do in a classroom can be conducted in a virtual setting online.
A. dangerous B. threatening C. high-risk D. insecure
17. Moving patients between wards is bad practice, particularly with ______ patients.
A. life-threatening B. risky C. treacherous D. high-risk
18. The man was taken to hospital with ______ injuries - a deep wound to his side had punctured a lung.
A. life-threatening B. safe C. risky D. unsafe
[U] niềm tin rằng ai đó/điều gì là - Our partnership is based on trust
tốt/chân thành/thật thà/... và sẽ không - I don’t know anything about cars,
làm hại hoặc lừa dối bạn: sự tin tưởng, so I had to take the mechanic’s
lòng tin *take something on trust: tin recommendation on trust.
điều ai đó nói thậm chí kể cả khi mà bạn
trust không có bất kì bằng chứng hay minh
/trʌst/ (n) chứng để chứng minh điều đó là thật
trust (in something) a campaign to build
[U] niềm tin rằng điều gì đó là đúng consumer trust in the quality of dairy
hoặc là sự thật hoặc bạn có thể phụ products
thuộc vào: lòng tin
[U] một cảm giác mạnh mẽ rằng ai/điều They share a belief that there is life
belief gì tồn tại hoặc là sự thật; sự tự tin rằng after death.
/bɪ'li:f/ (n) ai đó/điều gì là tốt hoặc đúng đắn: niềm


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[U] sự tin tưởng vào khả năng hoặc kiến I have faith in you - I know you'll do
faith thức của ai đó; sự tin tưởng rằng ai well.
/feɪθ/ (n) đó/điều gì sẽ làm việc như đã hứa: sự tin
tưởng, sự tin cậy
[U] cảm giác rằng bạn có thể tin tưởng, - Public confidence in the
tin vào hoặc chắc chắn về những khả government is at an all-time low.
năng/những phẩm chất tốt đẹp của - She has done little to earn
confidence ai/điều gì: sự tin tưởng their confidence.
[U] niềm tin vào chính khả năng của He gained confidence when he went
bản thân bạn để làm việc gì và thành to college.
công: sự tự tin
~ assurance /ə'ʃʊərəns/ (n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Are we to place confidence/assurance in a man who cannot remember a phone call he made last
2. Her friend's kindness has restored her assurance/faith in human nature.
3. Our relationship is founded on mutual love and trust/belief.
4. People often lose belief/confidence in themselves when they are criticized.
5. I think the rights and wrongs of eating meat are a matter of personal belief/trust.
6. We place so much assurance/trust in computers that it gets a little scary.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. I’m afraid I can't let you see the letter, so you'll just have to take what I’m saying on ______.
A. belief B. trust C. confidence D. faith
8. His lies and deception shattered my ______ in him.
A. assurance B. credit C. conviction D. trust
9. She is an outstanding woman with quiet ______ - she’s always willing to share her opinions and is
prepared to accept that sometimes she's wrong and she doesn’t need to seek external validation as she has
a strong belief in her selfworth.
A. trust B. belief C. confidence D. faith
10. Before the match, the captain of the football team said he had every ______ in his men. That might
have contributed to the victory of the team on that day.
A. trust B. confidence C. belief D. assurance
11. When the drugs failed to cure her, she put her ______ in herbal medicine.
A. faith B. credit C. assurance D. conviction
12. Receiving compliments from my work colleagues has boosted my ______ to start the project.
A. faith B. belief C. trust D. confidence
13. They have a shared ______ in the power of education.
A. conviction B. assurance C. belief D. confidence
14. Winning the award has given me much more ______ in my writing.
A. confidence B. faith C. belief D. trust
15. She has no ______ in the security of online banking.
A. conviction B. assurance C. trust D. confidence
16. Our ______ in the government has been badly shaken by the recent scandals.
A. belief B. faith C. assurance D. conviction
145. Ô NHIỄM
quá trình làm cho không khí, nước, The pollution was so bad that most
đất,... bị nhiễm bẩn (nguy hiểm cho of the fish died.
con người/động vật/thực vật và gây
(n) [U]
hại cho môi trường); trạng thái bị


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

nhiễm bẩn (nguy hiểm cho con

người/động vật/thực vật và gây hại
cho môi trường): sự ô nhiễm
những chất làm cho không khí, beaches covered with pollution
nước, đất,... bị nhiễm bẩn: chất gây
ô nhiễm
quá trình/thực tế của việc làm bẩn - Swimming in the lake is banned
một chất/nơi hoặc không còn tinh until the contamination is identified
khiết/nguyên chất nữa bằng cách and neutralized.
thêm một chất nguy hiểm hoặc - The police immediately sealed off
mang mầm bệnh the crime scene to
contamination *Contamination mang nghĩa rộng prevent contamination of evidence.
/kən,tæmɪ'neɪʃn/ hơn pollution. Pollution là một
(n) [U] dạng contamination.
~ adulteration
/ə,dʌltə'reɪʃn/ (n) [U]
hành động chi phối/tác động lên suy They feared
nghĩ/quan điểm/thái độ của ai theo cultural contamination from the
chiều hướng xấu influx of tourists.
carbon footprint đơn vị đo lường tổng lượng khí Flying is the biggest contribution to
/,kɑ:bən 'fʊtprɪnt/ CO2 thải ra từ các hoạt động của my carbon footprint.
(n) [C] một con người/công ty/nhà máy/...
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The longer the food remains in storage, the greater the danger of pollution/contamination is.
2. Solar panels on the roof can help minimize the hotel's carbon footprint/contamination.
3. Dr. Poitevint's report brought up a significant problem about the contamination/pollution of milk.
4. Car exhaust is the main reason for the city's carbon footprint/pollution.
5. About 1,000 households reported their water smells like fuel or complained of symptoms related to
petroleum contamination/carbon footprint.
6. Pollution/Contamination from the factory could be contaminating nearby wells.
7. We must ensure our children against carbon footprint/contamination by bad ideas.
8. The total carbon footprint/contamination to produce one pound of beef was reduced by 14% since
1977, according to research by Washington State University.
9. New York City has too much light pollution/contamination.
10. Wash everything thoroughly to avoid contamination/pollution with bacteria.
11. Washables can have a lower pollution/carbon footprint, but only if you have an energy-efficient
washing machine, use a 60-degree wash cycle, limit yourself to 24 nappies, and don't tumble dry or iron
12. Always keep food covered to prevent pollution/contamination by flies.
[thường không đứng trước danh - chronically ill patients
ill từ] bị ốm hoặc bị bệnh; không cảm - He was critically ill in hospital.
/ɪl/ thấy khoẻ - Sophia fell ill/was taken ill (= suddenly
(adj) became ill) while on holiday.
- I can’t eat cheese as it makes me ill.
ốm/bị bệnh/không khoẻ về thể chất - She was sick with the flu.
sick hoặc tinh thần - They became sick after eating
/sɪk/ contaminated food.
[thường không đứng trước danh - a sick feeling in your stomach


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

từ] cảm thấy buồn nôn - Laura felt almost sick with
- Whenever I think about my exams, I feel
physically sick.
[không đứng trước danh từ] (khá - If you feel unwell, tell the teacher.
trang trọng] không khoẻ (đặc biệt là - You should delay vaccination if you
trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn) are unwell with a fever.
>< well /wel/ (adj)
không khoẻ về mặt thể chất nên có - She is still weak after her illness.
weak thể sẽ không thể đi lại nhanh hoặc - His legs felt weak.
/wi:k/ mang vác vật nặng - He was weak from shock.
(adj) - I was exhausted and weak with hunger.
- She suffered from a weak heart.
faint [không đứng trước danh từ] cảm thấy - She suddenly felt faint.
/feɪnt/ yếu và mệt và có khả năng là sẽ bị - The walkers were faint from hunger.
(adj) ngất
không có sức khoẻ tốt; cho thấy sự - They looked poor and unhealthy.
unhealthy thiếu sức khoẻ tốt - unhealthy skin
/ʌn'helθi/ - His eyeballs were an unhealthy yellow.
(adj) có hại cho sức khoẻ; có thể sẽ làm - unhealthy living conditions
bạn bị ốm - an unhealthy diet/lifestyle
feeble rất yếu - a feeble old man
/'fi:bl/ (adj) - The heartbeat was feeble and irregular.
frail yếu và gầy về mặt thể lực (đặc biệt là She lay in bed looking particularly frail.
/freɪl/ (adj) người già)
bedridden nằm liệt giường do bị bệnh/bị His aunt was 93 and bedridden.
/'bedrɪdn/ thương/già
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She was in her late eighties, with a sharp mind that seemed decades younger than
her frail/unwell body.
2. My grandmother is very feeble/faint now and needs someone at home full-time to look after her.
3. Henry was taken frail/ill and had to go to hospital.
4. When a panic attack strikes, most likely your heart pounds and you may feel sweaty,
weak, unhealthy/faint, or dizzy.
5. I'm sorry I replied to your email late. I was in bed faint/sick for a couple of days.
6. At the age of 30, he was fat, faint/unhealthy, and smoked two packs of cigarette a day.
7. It saved his life but left him severely disabled: unable to speak, faint/bedridden, and paralysed for
eight months before he died.
8. Just taking vitamin tablets will not turn a(n) unhealthy/sick diet into a good one.
9. Just looking at a picture of the sea is guaranteed to make me feel sick/frail and vomit.
10. She said she was feeling unwell/bedridden and went home.
11. I'm so bedridden/weak. I can hardly put my shoes on.
12. Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill/frail.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
13. Microsurgery and improved chemotherapy have made treatment less risky, and therefore an option
for ______ patients.
A. fine B. faint C. unwell D. frail
14. The animal was severely injured. It was ______ from loss of blood.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. weak B. ill C. sick D. unhealthy

15. Recalling his first trip in the air, Jack said he felt very ______ and even vomited.
A. bedridden B. unhealthy C. sick D. frail
16. She looks so weak and ______ from all her depression, but there's a strength in her now that was
never there before.
A. fine B. faint C. well D. feeble
17. Finally another man went down to check and found him weak and ______ from exertion and lack of
A. faint B. unhealthy C. ill D. sick
18. She ran to her bathroom and vomited, relieving the ______ sensation a bit, but not entirely.
A. unwell B. faint C. sick D. unhealthy
19. Mentally ______ patients have the same rights as anyone else.
A. unwell B. ill C. faint D. bedridden
20. The miners worked in very ______ conditions.
A. ill B. sick C. feeble D. unhealthy
21. She was ______ after breaking her hip, and the only person coming in or out of her apartment was a
nurse who stopped by for two hours each day.
A. faint B. bedridden C. unhealthy D. well
22. He no longer worked the ferryboat; his eyes were becoming ______, also his arms and hands, but
unchanged and radiant were the happiness and the serene well-being in his face.
A. ill B. sick C. weak D. faint
23. He has such a(n) ______ lifestyle - smoking, drinking, eating too much.
A. unwell B. faint C. feeble D. unhealthy
24. My wife had pneumonia recently, and she is still ______ from it.
A. ill B. weak C. well D. sick
25. He was ______ and immobile, and literally nothing but skin and bone by the end.
A. bedridden B. faint C. well D. unhealthy
26. She is ______ today, so her class will be taken by another teacher.
A. well B. unwell C. unhealthy D. frail
27. His grandfather had a ______ heart.
A. frail B. bedridden C. faint D. weak
28. His skin looked pale and ______.
A. unhealthy B. faint C. ill D. bedridden
làm cho một cái gì đó hư hại đến mức - He completely destroyed the
không dùng được nữa hoặc không tồn tại phone by smashing it into pieces.
nữa - You have destroyed my hopes of
devastate devastate something Western India was devastated by a
/'devəsteɪt/ phá huỷ hoàn toàn một nơi hoặc một vùng huge earthquake.
(v) nào đó
phá hủy hoàn toàn một tòa nhà, đặc biệt là They demolished the old school to
demolish để sử dụng đất cho việc khác build a new one.
phá huỷ cái gì đó Tornadoes demolished trailers and
blew roofs off houses.
gây hư hại hoặc làm hỏng cái gì/điều gì; - The building was
có tác động xấu/gây hại đối với điều gì/ai badly damaged in the fire.
- The bribery scandal damaged his
reputation severely.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[ngoại động từ] biến một cái gì đó tốt Our camping trip was spoilt by bad
thành thứ xấu/khó chịu/không còn hấp weather.
dẫn/không còn hữu ích ...
spoil ~ ruin
/spɔɪl/ (v) [ngoại động từ] cho một đứa trẻ mọi thứ He spoils his children with
mà chúng muốn và không áp dụng bất kỳ expensive toys.
nguyên tắc nào với chúng nên có tác động
xấu lên tính cách và hành vi của chúng
làm hỏng một cái gì đó khiến nó bị mất đi Her new boots got ruined in the
giá trị/thú vui/cơ hội... mud.
ruin ~ spoil
/'ru:ɪn/ (v)
làm cho ai đó/điều gì đó mất hết thanh The long legal battle ruined him
danh/tiền bạc/địa vị... financially.
deface something Several office buildings
làm hỏng vẻ ngoài của một cái gì đó, đặc were defaced by graffiti.
/dɪ'feɪs/ (v)
biệt là bằng cách vẽ hoặc viết lên nó
disfigure somebody/something làm hỏng An ugly power
hoàn toàn vẻ ngoài của một cái gì đó/một station disfigures the landscape.
nơi nào đó/một người nào đó (đặc biệt là
khuôn mặt của họ)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The rest of the place looks defaced/devastated by a bombing raid.
2. The crops were ruined/disfigured by the late frost.
3. His face was demolished/disfigured now, swollen from bites that oozed a dark fluid.
4. Don't colour your passport photo! Don’t you know it is against the law to deface/spoil a passport?
5. Smoking can severely damage/demolish your health.
6. Several houses were defaced/demolished to make way for the new road.
7. Most of the original houses were destroyed/spoiled in the war.
8. "And you’re clothed, you have a roof over your head, you don't have to work!
That's more than a lot of people have, you spoiled/ruined little brat!"
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. Eventually, their problems with money ______ their marriage.
A. destroyed B. disfigured C. devastated D. defaced
10. Some of them reportedly ______ posters of the singer in the lobby, writing comments and tossing
drinks on her pictures.
A. devastated B. defaced C. disfigured D. demolished
11. His low test scores ______ his chances of getting into a good school.
A. disfigured B. devastated C. demolished D. ruined
12. Don't ______ your appetite by snacking too much.
A. spoil B. devastate C. destroy D. damage
13. They used spray paint to ______ the sign.
A. destroy B. demolish C. deface D. devastate
14. His face was ______ by a long red scar.
A. destroyed B. disfigured C. devastated D. damaged
15. This part of the old town has been ______ by ugly new buildings.
A. destroyed B. damaged C. devastated D. disfigured
distinguish [nội động từ, ngoại động At what age are children able
/dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ/ từ] distinguish between A and B to distinguish between right and


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) distinguish A from B distinguish A wrong?

and B nhận ra và hiểu được sự khác
nhau giữa hai người/vật/việc
~ differentiate /,dɪfə'renʃieɪt/ (v)
~ discriminate (v)
[ngoại động từ] (không dùng trong các - There is something about music
thì tiếp diễn) distinguish A (from that distinguishes it from all other
B): là một đặc điểm/một phẩm chất art forms.
khiến hai người/động vật/thứ khác - The bird has
nhau no distinguishing features.
~ differentiate (v)
~ separate (v)
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] nhận ra là - The computer program
có một sự khác nhau giữa hai người/vật can discriminate between letters
~ differentiate, distinguish; thể hiện sự and numbers.
khác nhau giữa con người/vật - A number of
features discriminate this species
discriminate from others.
[ngoại động từ] đối xử với ai/một She felt she had
nhóm người tệ hơn/tốt hơn một been discriminated against
người/nhóm người khác một cách because of her age.
không công bằng (bởi vì màu da/giới
tính/xu hướng hình dục/dân
tộc/...): phân biệt đối xử
separate somebody/something (from Only four points separate the top
somebody/something): khiến cho three teams.
ai/điều gì khác theo một cách nào đó so
với người/điều nào đó khác
[nội động từ] thể hiện sự khác nhau rõ - Her actions contrasted sharply
contrast rệt khi được so sánh hoặc ở gần nhau with her promises.
/kən'trɑ:st/ (v) A contrasts with B - Her actions and her
A and B contrast promises contrasted sharply.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. His position contrasts/separates him from those who might share his interests.
2. Josh is incapable of contrasting/discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.
3. They look so similar that it's often difficult to distinguish/contrast one from the other.
4. At this age your baby cannot differentiate/separate one person from another.
5. He claims he was racially discriminated/distinguished against when he applied for the job.
6. The styles of the two film makers contrast/separate quite dramatically.
7. The power of speech contrasts/distinguishes human beings from animals.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The cultural aspects of the introduction of tea to Europe ______ with those of coffee can cacao.
A. contrasted B. discriminated C. differentiated D. distinguished
9. The software is speed-sensitive, so it can ______ the different conditions in city driving and faster
roads or motorways.
A. differ B. contrast C. separate D. distinguish
10. Those who ______ against others on the grounds of their sexuality cannot be effective team members
nor can they provide a professional service to all their patients.
A. discriminate B. distinguish C. differentiate D. separate


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

11. Jane's friendly nature is one of her most ______ characteristics.

A. differing B. distinguishing C. determining D. separating
12. The device can ______ between the cancerous and the normal cells.
A. separate B. contrast C. determine D. discriminate
13. Teachers have to learn to ______ between behaviour problems associated with learning difficulties
and behaviour problems linked to something else.
A. differ B. distinguish C. contrast D. determine
[ngoại động từ] không chấp thuận, reject something/somebody The prime
loại bỏ, bác bỏ (ai/cái gì) (ý kiến, minister rejected any idea of reforming the
quan điểm, đề xuất, lập luận, yêu system.
cầu, đơn xin việc...,)
[ngoại động từ] chống đối, phản - be opposed to something He
đối ai, cái gì (về chính sách, kế was strongly opposed to modernism in art.
oppose hoạch) bằng cách đứng lên phản - oppose doing something I would oppose
/ə'poʊz/ kháng, đấu tranh, ngăn không để changing the law.
(v) nó thành công được - oppose somebody/something
This party would bitterly oppose the re-
introduction of the death penalty.
- [nội động từ] không cùng chung - No, I disagree. I don 't think it would be
quan điểm, ý kiến, có quan điểm, ý the right thing to do.
kiến khác nhau về điều gì - I must respectfully disagree with my
- [nội động từ] mâu thuẫn, khác colleague.
nhau về thông tin - Victoria and I obviously disagree on this
- The results of the two approaches
[nội động từ] bày tỏ, nói lên sự - object to doing something I really object
phản đối, không chấp thuận, chống to being charged for parking.
đối lại - Many local people object to the building
~ oppose of the new airport.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Plans to drill for oil in the Arctic region are fiercely opposed/rejected by conservationists.
2. The sales manager and project manager still disagree/oppose with each other on pricing and product
3. Local residents disagreed/objected to the proposed development.
4. I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage, but I was opposed/rejected.
5. The two reports disagree/object on the number of people who will be affected by this change.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. I ______ to paying that much for milk because it's unnecessary.
A. objected B. opposed C. disagreed D. rejected
7. The court ______ the argument and found the defendant not guilty.
A. opposed B. rejected C. objected D. disagreed
8. I ______ with you - I think she's done a very good job.
A. reject B. oppose C. object D. disagree
9. Many locals are strongly ______ to the development.
A. rejected B. objected C. opposed D. disagreed
10. We ______ on most things, but on this question, we are at one with each other.
A. disagree B. oppose C. object D. reject


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

- một phần thưởng được trao tặng cho người - She won the first prize in the
prize chiến thắng một cuộc thi, cuộc đua, hoặc trao English Olympic Contest.
/praɪz/ cho người hoàn thành công việc rất tốt. - Scientists from Oxford
(n) shared the Nobel Prize for
Medicine in 1945.
- một giải thưởng hay một khoản tiền mà một - A recently launched
người hay một tổ chức nhận được cho thành advertising agency got
tích của họ và giải thưởng ấy được công nhận an award for the best
và đánh giá cao. marketing campaign of 2009.
- Angelina Jolie received
the award for best actress.
- một phần thưởng ghi nhận cho sự nỗ lực của - A child's smile is the
bạn để hoàn thành một công việc nào đó. best reward for each mother.
reward - phần thưởng không chỉ ở dạng vật chất mà - The police offered
/rɪ'wɔ:d / còn ở trạng thái tinh thần. a reward for any information
(n) - là sổ tiền thưởng trao cho người cung cấp about the robbery
thông tin quan trọng cho cảnh sát về một điều
gì đó
- một món quà ít trạng trọng hơn, một cái gì - Yuki was wrapping
đó mà bạn được cho, mà không yêu cầu, vào a present for her friend.
một dịp đặc biệt như lễ cưới, sinh nhật,... đặc - The children gave their
biệt là để thể hiện tình bạn hoặc để nói lời mothers many
cảm ơn. special presents on Women’s
/'preznt / (n)
- các món quà này thường được trao cho nhau Day.
bởi những người có vị thế ngang hàng hoặc
một người có vị thế thấp hơn trao cho một
người ở vị thế cao hơn.
- một món quà, quà tặng tới ai đó. - She made a £50,000 gift to
- dùng để nói về những món quà trang trọng. those living in poor conditions.
gift /gɪft/
- món quà này có thể do một người giàu tặng - Her grandpa sent her
một người nghèo hơn hoặc một người ở vị thế a gift for her birthday.
cao tặng cho một người ở vị thế thấp.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He was nominated for first prize/reward in the essay competition.
2. She is now reaping the rewards/gifts of all her hard work.
3. He gave everyone a(n) award/present to extend his gratitude for them.
4. She had bought and wrapped prizes/gifts for children in the hospital.
5. The poetry award/reward went to Lisa Mueller for ‘Alive Together.
6. One of the precious rewards/awards that she is given in this life is the unconditional love of her
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The watch was a very important ______ given by her father on her birthday.
A. gift B. award C. prize D. reward
8. The Academy ______, popularly known as Oscars, have been held since 1929.
A. awards B. prizes C. gifts D. rewards
9. The police offered a £100 ______ for any information about the robbery.
A. prize B. gift C. present D. reward
10. Although his leg sustained some injuries, he still won first ______ in the race last year.
A. gift B. present C. award D. prize


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

11. On her mother’s birthday, that little girl willingly got a little money from her piggy bank so that she
could give her mother a meaningful ______.
A. award B. prize C. present D. reward
12. The ______ of leading a positive life is that we know how to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A. award B. reward C. prize D. present
151. PHÍ
phí, số tiền bạn phải trả cho các dịch - The school fees are expected to rise
vụ lời khuyên, tư vấn mang tính again next year.
fee chuyên nghiệp (trả cho các chuyên - Customers pay an annual fee for the
/fi:/ gia, như bác sĩ, luật sư), phí trả cho service.
(n) một dịch vụ đặc thù như học phí, phí
đăng ký xe máy, các loại dịch vụ
pháp lý...
tiền phạt, một khoản tiền phải trả như - I got a parking fine for parking on
sự trừng phạt nếu vi phạm luật pháp double yellow lines.
hoặc quy tắc - Violations carry a maximum fine of $l
charge phí, số tiền mà ai đó yêu cầu bạn trả - We have to make a small charge for
/tʃɑ:rʤ/ cho hàng hóa và dịch vụ refreshments.
(n) - Delivery is free of charge.
toll phí xa lộ, tiền phí bạn phải trả khi Drivers have to pay 50,000 VNĐ toll for
/təʊl/ qua cầu đường, phí trả trên các trạm crossing a bridge.
(n) xa lộ, khi đi qua cầu đường.
fare phí di chuyển, tiền bạn cần phải trả The old man is paying the bus fare to the
/fer/ khi sử dụng các phương tiện đi lại driver.
(n) như xe bus, tàu hỏa, máy bay...,
rate một số tiền cố định được yêu cầu trả The banks now pay a lower rate of
/reɪt/ cho một thứ gì đó interest to savers.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Tuition fees/charges at Stanford have now reached £9,000 a year.
2. Drivers risk heavy fares/fines for driving without a licence.
3. The idea of tolls/fares for motorways is an interesting one; it has been discussed a great deal in this
4. We make a small toll/charge for wrapping your gift.
5. You can opt to pay a flat fine/rate for unlimited internet access.
6. The airline has introduced a cheap fare/fee to New York.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. They have no option but to cross the bridge and pay the ______.
A. tolls B. fares C. fees D. charges
8. Many doctors have a standard scale of ______.
A. fares B. fines C. fees D. tolls
9. We were forced to borrow the money at an extortionately high ______ of interest.
A. charge B. rate C. fare D. fine
10. The cheapest ______ at the moment is with Air Portugal from London.
A. toll B. fee C. fare D. charge
11. The museum has introduced a £3 admission ______.
A. fare B. toll C. charge D. fine
12. They face up to five years in prison and more than $1 million in ______.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. fines B. fees C. fares D. rates

- chung, phổ biến, giống nhau - Jackson is a common English name.
common ở nhiều nơi, có ở nhiều người - They share a common interest in
/'kɑ:.mən/ - được chia sẻ bởi mọi người, photography.
(adj) cái thuộc về một người cũng
như những người, cái khác.
popular - được yêu thích, ưa chuộng, - She's the most popular teacher in school.
/'pa:.pjə.lə/ ủng hộ bởi rất nhiều người - popular music/songs/culture/fiction
(adj) - bình dân, đại chúng, phổ cập
- chung chung, không riêng - The general feeling is that justice was not
general biệt mà phổ biến, lan rộng, served.
/'dʒen;ər;əl/ không cụ thể, không giới hạn - general knowledge
(adj) - chỉ đến toàn thể, toàn bộ - In general, Japanese cars are very reliable
một tầng lớp, một tập thể. and breakdowns are rare.
tồn tại, tìm thấy ở khắp mọi - Such problems are a universal feature of
universal nơi, liên quan đến tất cả mọi old age.
/ju:.nə'vɜ:.səl/ người trên thế giới, hoặc - universal access/service/standards
(adj) trong một nhóm nào đó, toàn - universal
thể, toàn dân agreement/appeal/approval
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We are prepared to discuss the deal in common/general terms, but the details are confidential.
2. Jenny is one of the most popular/universal girls in the school.
3. The proposal has not met with common/universal agreement.
4. In the past, bear-baiting was a popular/common form of entertainment in Britain.
5. General/Universal knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various
mediums, sources.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The restaurant is deservedly ______ with all who enjoy Mexican food.
A. common B. popular C. universal D. general
7. She was Swiss and I am from Vietnam, so French was our ______ language.
A. common B. universal C. general D. popular
8. This is a crucial year for your relationships in ______ and your love life in particular.
A. universal B. popular C. general D. common
9. The wireless infrastructure provides ______ access to the internet for all residents.
A. common B. general C. popular D. universal
10. The book makes a valuable contribution to studies of ______ culture in transnational contexts.
A. popular B. common C. universal D. general
hợp thời trang, đặc sắc, kiểu cách, - a stylishly dressed young man
stylishly phong cách (thể hiện chất lượng cao - Her hair was stylishly cut into a bob.
/'staɪ.lɪʃ.li/ (adv) trong cách ăn mặc, thiết kế, cách xử
(thuộc) văn phong; (thuộc) phong - The works are stylistically related.
stylistically /staɪ'lɪstɪkli/ cách nghệ thuật; có liên quan đến - Her music crosses a lot of
(adv) văn phong, có liên quan đến phong lines stylistically.
cách nghệ thuật
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She dresses stylishly/stylistically and lives in a beautifully decorated Victorian house.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. Rosenberg's poetry is stylishly/stylistically different from that of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon.
3. Hardly anyone plays this piece of music so stylishly/stylistically.
4. Stylishly/Stylistically, there is no real distinction made between the two works.
5. It has been very stylishly/stylistically furnished by Cliff and Barry with great attention to detail.
6. Computers check whether each text is stylishly/stylistically homogeneous.
154. PHỚT LỜ
không để ý đến điều gì: phớt lờ, We can't ignore/disregard the fact
lờ đi that there is a huge problem here.
ignore ~ disregard /,dɪsrɪ'gɑ:d/ (v)
giả vờ là bạn không nhìn thấy ai đó She ignored him and carried on with
hoặc người đó không có mặt ở đó: her work.
lờ ai đó đi
không chăm sóc ai đó/điều gì đó: bỏ Don’t neglect your health.
neglect bê, bỏ mặc
/nɪ'glekt/ (v) không đủ tập trung đến điều gì James has neglected his studies.
đó: xao lãng, không chú ý
tune out/tune sb/sth lờ ai đó đi hoặc không chú ý đến When she started talking about her
<-> out (phrasal điều gì đó hoặc những thứ đang xảy job, he just tuned out
verb) ra xung quanh bạn
không nhìn thấy hoặc không để ý He seems to have overlooked one
overlook thấy điều gì important fact.
/,əʊvə'lʊk/ thấy được là điều gì đó sai hoặc xấu I'm prepared to overlook his
(v) nhưng quyết định lờ nó đi: bỏ qua, behaviour this time.
tha thứ, coi nhẹ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She flipped her mobile shut, walked past us and down the corridor,
intentionally neglecting/ignoring Alice and Tony.
2. She overlooked/tuned out their conversation and paid attention to the food in front of her.
3. She was all that was holding them together; she neglected/overlooked herself to take care of her
4. In my hurry to finish the exam, I had tuned out/overlooked part of one of the questions.
5. He neglected/ignored all the "No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.
6. The mother may not be able to love or care for the child and it will be neglected/tuned out during and
after pregnancy.
7. He’s so friendly that people are prepared to overlook/tune out his faults.
8. He totally overlooked/disregarded all the advice he was given.
bắt đầu thực hiện lại việc gì sau khi nó She renewed her efforts to contact her
renew dừng lại hoặc bị gián đoạn: làm lại, sister.
/rɪ'nju:/ (v) phục hồi lại
~ resume /rɪ'zju:m/ (v)
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - to revive someone’s
hoặc làm cho ai/cái gì trở nên tỉnh hopes/confidence/fortunes
revive lại/khoẻ mạnh/mạnh mẽ/được sử dụng - She tried to revive the unconscious
/rɪ'vaɪv/ (v) trở lại: sống lại, tỉnh lại, hồi sinh woman.
- They are trying to revive some of the
old customs.
revitalize làm cho cái gì đó mạnh mẽ hơn/tích - measures to revitalize the inner
/,rɪ:'vaɪtəlaɪz/ cực hơn/khỏe mạnh hơn/thành công cities


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) hơn: đem lại sức sống mới; tái sinh - a revitalizing massage
lập lại một hoàn cảnh hoặc một cảm Peace has now been restored to the
giác đã từng tồn tại trước đây area.
restore somebody/something to - He is now fully restored to health.
something đưa ai/cái gì trở lại tình - The army restored him to the throne.
trạng/vị trí trước đây: phục hồi; phục - This cream claims to restore your
chức; hồi phục skin to its youthful condition.
mang luật/truyền thống/cách làm - to restore ancient traditions
việc/... trở lại thực hiện: phục hồi, khôi - Some people argue that the death
phục lại penalty should be restored.
~ reintroduce /,ri:ɪntrə'dju:s/ (v)
mang một niềm tin/tập tục/phong He has succeeded in resurrecting his
tục/thói quen ... đã từng biến mất hoặc career in television.
resurrect bị quên lãng thực hiện trở lại: làm
/,rezə'rekt/ sống lại, phục hồi lại
(v) ~ revive
làm người chết sống lại It is believed that Jesus
~ raise somebody (from something) was resurrected from the dead.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The army has recently been brought in to resurrect/restore order.
2. Old theories about the origin of the universe have recently been resurrected/resumed.
3. Gentle massage will renew/revitalize your skin.
4. She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would resurrect/restore her to full health.
5. The real Erik died more than 1.000 years ago, but he was recently revitalized/resurrected on the big
screen by Terry Jones.
6. He believes the peace talks will be resurrected/renewed soon.
7. Local people have decided to recover/revive this centuries-old tradition.
8. Some people are in favour of restoring/revitalizing capital punishment for murderers.
9. The good harvest helped resume/revive the economic fortunes of the country.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. The story is about a scientist who claimed that he could ______ the dead.
A. renew B. revive C. resurrect D. restore
11. As they smiled at each other, harmony was ______ again.
A. restored B. reintroduced C. resurrected D. resumed
12. In trying to save the kid, Eddie dies, but the medallion ______ him with a few curious after-effects -
he now has superhuman powers and cannot be killed.
A. restores B. renews C. revitalizes D. resurrects
13. An ambulance was called but efforts made to ______ her proved unsuccessful.
A. revive B. renew C. resume D. revitalize
14. The new cream claims to ______ sun-damaged skin.
A. resume B. revitalize C. resurrect D. reintroduce
15. Her kindness and sincerity ______ my faith in human nature.
A. reintroduced B. renewed C. restored D. resurrected
16. The heat revived the sick puppy and left us believing that our mother was capable of ______ the
A. resurrecting B. resuming C. renewing D. restoring
17. My plants ______ as soon as I gave them some water.
A. restored B. resumed C. reintroduced D. revived
158. QUÊN


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

forget vô tình bỏ quên thứ gì đó, không đề - She forgot her sunglasses.
/fər'get/ cập đến nơi bạn đã bỏ quên nó - When he got to the airport he found
(v) he'd forgotten his passport.
leave để lại, bỏ quên, nhưng ở một nơi nào - I've left my bag on the bus.
/li:v/ đó, thường có địa điểm cụ thể bạn đã - Hang on a minute - I left my phone
(v) bỏ quên upstairs.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I remembered everything else but I forgot/left about the beach towels.
2. She forgot/left her little brother in the park and came home by herself.
3. I realized too late that I'd forgotten/left the tickets.
4. The lost property office is full of belongings people have forgotten/left on trains.
5. Sorry to disturb you, I forgot/left my key.
6. I stupidly forgot/left my passport at home.
159. RÁC
[U] những chất/nguyên liệu/vật liệu household/nuclear waste
không còn cần đến nữa và bị vứt bỏ
/weɪst/ (n)
(chúng cần được xử lý)
[U] hỗn hợp chất thải từ cơ thể con người The factory secretly dumped
sewage (nước tiểu, phân) và nước đã qua sử dụng millions of gallons of
/'su:ɪdʒ/ (n) từ các ngôi nhà hoặc chất thải lỏng từ các raw sewage into the Ohio river.
nhà máy được thải ra qua các đường ống
effluent [C, U] chất thải lỏng được thải ra từ các Industrial effluents and sewage
/'efluənt/ nhà máy hoặc từ những nơi mà nước thải remain problems.
(n) (sewage) được xử lý
[U] những thứ (đồ ăn hỏng/giấy bẩn/...) Put the empty box in
rubbish mà bạn vứt đi bởi vì bạn không còn cần the rubbish bin.
/'rʌbɪʃ/ hoặc muốn chúng nữa
(n) = garbage /'ga:bɪʤ/ (n) [U]
= trash /træf/ (n) [U]
[U] những mẩu rác nhỏ như là There was a lot of litter on the
giấy/chai/lọ/lon/... mà người ta vứt ra ở beach.
/'lɪtə(r)/ (n)
một nơi công cộng
leavings những thứ mà ai đó hoặc một con vật nào The main leavings from the meal
/'li:vɪŋz/ (n) đó bỏ lại khi họ làm xong việc gì were bones.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Effluents/Leavings from local factories are finding their way into the river.
2. There will be fines for people who drop litter/sewage.
3. People are being encouraged to recycle their household litter/rubbish.
4. She dropped her lunch leavings/sewage into a bin.
5. Untreated or raw trash/sewage is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.
6. The vast amounts of electronic sewage/waste is being shipped to developing countries.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The ______ from the grinding of seeds and grain will be checked for starch and protein content.
A. leavings B. rubbish C. effluent D. litter
8. One pipe had been blocked by fat from the kitchens, forcing raw ______ into the water course.
A. litter B. sewage C. leavings D. trash
9. Decaying waste, polystyrene scraps, yellow factory ______ and dead animals seemed to clog every
A. rubbish B. litter C. trash D. effluent


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

10. This new council administration claims to be the party who will clean the borough up and get tough
on the general public who drop ______ in our streets.
A. sewage B. effluent C. litter D. lines
11. It has become dirtier over the years as most of the capital's sewage, farm pesticides from
neighbouring states and industrial ______ from factory towns flow into the waterway despite laws
against polluting.
A. effluent B. garbage C. rubbish D. litter
12. Newspapers and magazines make up 10% of domestic ______.
A. sewage B. waste C. effluent D. leavings
13. Two stolen paintings have been found dumped in a ______ bin.
A. leavings B. effluent C. sewage D. rubbish
160. RÚT RA
chiết xuất, loại bỏ hoặc lấy một chất The Egyptians used a primitive form of
từ thứ gì đó, ví dụ như bằng cách sử distillation to extract the essential oils
dụng một quy trình công nghiệp from plants.
hoặc hóa học
rút tiền từ tài khoản ngân hàng, rút - This credit card allows you
withdraw lui (lực lượng, quân đội) to withdraw up to £200 a day from
/wɪθ'drɔ:/ ATMs.
(v) - The UN has withdrawn its troops from
the country.
- loại bỏ, lấy một cái gì đó hoặc một - The men came to remove the rubbish
người nào đó từ một nơi nào đó, from the backyard.
hoặc một cái gì đó - The company's shareholders have
- cách chức, sa thải voted to remove the executive board.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. With this account, you can withdraw/extract up to £300 a day.
2. The oil which is withdrawn/extracted from olives is used for cooking.
3. Several opposition groups are fighting to remove/extract the president from power.
4. The government has agreed to withdraw/remove its troops.
5. The pulp was crushed to extract/withdraw the juice.
6. This detergent will remove/extract even old stains.


false sai, không đúng, bởi vì nó dựa trên - A whale is a fish. True or false?
/fɔ:ls/ một cái gì đó không đúng thực tế - She gave false information to the
(adj) (trái nghĩa với true) insurance company.
không đúng, không chính xác (trái - Sorry, I must have dialled
wrong nghĩa với right, correct); (hiểu, nghĩ, the wrong number.
/rɔ:ŋ/ (adj) biết...,) không đúng về ai/ chuyện gì - You were wrong about Tom; he’s not
đó married after all.
untrue không có thật, không dựa vào thực It would be untrue to say that she left
/ʌn'tru:/ (adj) mà thiên về bịa ra hoặc suy đoán him.
sai trong quan điểm hoặc nhận định You're completely mistaken about Jane.
mistaken của bạn; dựa trên một quan điểm sai
/mɪ'steɪkən/ (adj) lầm hoặc đánh giá xấu
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. He was charged after giving wrong/false information to the police.

2. When they realized they had taken the wrong/false road they had to double back.
3. She made a number of wrong/false accusations about me.
4. It was mistaken/untrue to say that all political prisoners have been released.
5. If you think you can behave like that, you are mistaken/untrue.
6. Think about this carefully - you don't want to make the untrue/wrong decision.
7. I thought I saw someone I knew, but I must have been mistaken/false.
162. SĂN, ĐUỔI
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] săn - Whales are still being hunted and
bắt động vật hoang dã để bắt hoặc killed in the Arctic.
giết chúng cho nhu cầu như để làm - Lions sometimes hunt alone.
thức ăn, thể thao, thương mại hoặc để
kiếm tiền (có thể dùng cho người và
cả động vật ăn thịt)
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] bắt The elephants are poached for their
hoặc giết động vật bất hợp pháp, hoặc tusks.
đặc biệt là khi không có sự cho phép
của người sở hữu
chase [ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] rượt - My dog likes chasing rabbits.
/tʃeɪs/ đuổi, chạy, lái theo sau để bắt được - The kids chased each other around the
(v) ai, cái gì kitchen table.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The animals come out at night to poach/hunt for mice and other small animals.
2. The two men were caught poaching/hunting lions on government land.
3. They chased/quested after the burglar but didn't catch him.
4. Wild animals are being chased/poached on a massive scale, with thousands of species are being killed
or captured from their native habitats.
5. The whales were heavily hunted/poached by British commercial whalers.
6. The boys were hunting/chasing each other around the yard.
làm ra hoặc chuẩn bị một thứ gì - to make a
bằng cách kết hợp các nguyên vật table/dress/cake
liệu hoặc ghép các bộ phận lại với - Wine is made from grapes.
nhau - She made tea for us all.
*make thường ám chỉ những thứ
make thuộc về vật chất mà bạn tạo ra
/meɪk/ (v) bằng cách sử dụng các nguyên vật
nếu bạn make một bộ phim hoặc She has made (= directed or acted
một chương trình ti vi thì có nghĩa in) several movies.
là bạn làm đạo diễn hoặc diễn xuất
trong bộ phim/chương trình đó
khiến cho điều gì xảy ra hoặc tồn - Her behaviour is creating a lot
tại of problems.
- The new factory is expected
create to create more than 400 new jobs.
/kri'eɪt/ (v)
sáng tạo ra cái gì mới hoặc nguyên - This dish was created by our
bản (chưa từng tồn tại trước đây) head chef Jean Richard.
* create được dùng phù hợp nhất - The novelist created a unique


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

trong những trường hợp mà nguyên view of life by using everyday

liệu thô bị biến đổi hoàn toàn khi language.
tạo ra sản phẩm cuối cùng
sản xuất ra hàng hoá (đặc biệt là Our company
với số lượng lớn) để bán mainly produces goods for export.
~ manufacture (v)
trồng hoặc sản xuất ra thứ gì như là - This region produces the grapes
một phần của một quá trình tự used in champagne.
nhiên - Under stress, the
/prə'dju:s/ (v)
body produces adrenalin.
nếu ai đó produce một bộ phim hay Costner produced and directed
một vở kịch thì họ tìm nguồn tiền the film.
và quản lý/kiểm soát việc sản xuất
bộ phim hoặc vở kịch đó
sử dụng máy móc để sản xuất hàng - manufactured goods
hoá với số lượng lớn - He works for a company
~ produce (v) that manufactures car parts.
bịa đặt ra một câu chuyện hoặc một If the media
lý do bào chữa cho hành động nào can manufacture stories like this,
manufacture đó để nhằm mục đích lừa gạt ai who are we supposed to believe?
/,mænju'fæktʃə(r) / sản xuất ra một chất gì Bile is manufactured by the liver.
(v) *bile: the green-brown liquid
with a bitter unpleasant taste that
helps the body to deal with the
fats we eat and that can come into
your mouth when you vomit with
an empty stomach
tạo ra thông tin giả hoặc giấy tờ/bịa They claim that
đặt chuyện/ngụy tạo chứng cứ/... để officers fabricated evidence
nhằm mục đích lừa gạt ai against them.
fabricate ~ make up (v)
/'fæbrɪkeɪt/ (v)
sản xuất ra hàng hoá, thiết bị,... từ These specialized chips will be
nhiều nguyên vật liệu khác nhau fabricated by Mykrokorp Inc.
~ manufacture (v)
tạo ra năng lượng, đặc biệt là điện The wind turbines are used
to generate electricity.
tạo ra điều gì - The program would generate a
generate ~create (y) lot of new jobs.
/'dʒenəreɪt/ (v) - We need someone
to generate new ideas.
- The project generated enormous
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She fabricated/made her own wedding dress.
2. The agreement will manufacture/create new opportunities for the aviation industry.
3. She works for a company that produces/generates (= makes for sale) electrical goods.
4. This company generates/manufactures the equipment used to make contact lenses.
5. He was late, so he generated/fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

6. The estate uses solar panels and wind turbines to generate/make power.
7. There were claims that the entire story had been produced/manufactured by the press.
8. They were both world famous actors. They first met while they were making/generating a movie.
9. Plants produce/create oxygen.
10. He had four months to produce/generate a film from a script he had already written.
11. As a parent, I try to create/produce a stable home environment for my children to grow up in.
12. All the tools are generated/fabricated from high quality steel.
13. The lottery is expected to generate/fabricate substantial funds for charities.
14. Plants use the sun's light to create/manufacture their food.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
15. The body doesn’t ______ these fatty acids, so they have to be consumed.
A. manufacture B. make C. create D. generate
16. The video was ______ and directed by film-maker Neil Campbell.
A. fabricated B. manufactured C. generated D. produced
17. A large mirror in a room can ______ the illusion of space.
A. produce B. create C. manufacture D. make
18. All the details of the story turned out to be false and ______ by the reporter himself.
A. made B. generated C. manufactured D. produced
19. Red blood cells are ______ in the bone marrow.
A. fabricated B. produced C. made D. generated
20. The government plans to ______ more jobs for young people.
A. create B. produce C. make D. fabricate
21. France ______ a great deal of wine for export.
A. generates B. creates C. produces D. invents
22. Crude oil is used as the raw material for ______ plastics.
A. making B. generating C. creating D. producing
23. The car was designed, developed, and ______ in collaboration with Honda.
A. generated B. created C. invented D. manufactured
24. The wind farm may be able to ______ enough electricity for 2000 homes.
A. make B. fabricate C. generate D. invent
25. His house was ______ of mud and had been almost wiped out, but his fence was perfect.
A. generated B. made C. fabricated D. produced
26. Completing the project on time and under budget ______ a feeling of pride and accomplishment
among the team.
A. manufactured B. made C. fabricated D. generated
27. The president had denied the allegations, which he said were ______ by his political opponents.
A. produced B. fabricated C. made D. created
28. The region ______ over 90 per cent of the world's rice supply.
A. produces B. makes C. manufactures D. creates
29. Vitamins cannot be ______ by our bodies.
A. made B. fabricated C. created D. manufactured
30. When people exercise, their muscles consume energy and ______ heat as a by-product.
A. make B. generate C. create D. fabricate
[nội động từ] kết hợp/liên hợp với - We will unite in fighting crime.
những người khác để cùng làm một - The two countries have united
unite việc gì như là một nhóm: cùng nhau against their common enemy.
/ju'naɪt/ (v) hành động/làm việc
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] khiến - The vast majority of nations have
cho con người/vật hợp nhất lại thành agreed to unite their efforts to bring


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

một thể thống nhất; hợp nhất, hợp lại peace.

(nhấn mạnh vào sự trọn vẹn của quá - His aim was to unite Italy.
trình và sự duy nhất của kết quả) - The two countries united in 1887.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] kết hợp - His department will merge with
hoặc khiến 2 hoặc nhiều hơn hai thứ mine.
kết hợp lại với nhau thành một - The two countries merged into one.
thứ: sát nhập (con người/vật phần
nào bị mất đi bản sắc riêng biệt của
chúng khi hợp nhất lại; một số nhân
tố/thành phần của con người/vật
merge được hợp nhất lại sẽ bị mất đi)
/mɜ:dʒ/ (v)
merge (into something) - Night and day began to merge.
[nội động từ] nếu 2 thứ merge hoặc - She avoided reporters at the airport
một thứ này merge into một thứ khác by merging into the crowd.
thì sự khác biệt giữa chúng sẽ dần
dần biến mất, vì vậy không thể nào
mà tách biệt được chúng nữa: hoà
vào, kết hạp
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] kết hợp - Hydrogen and oxygen combine to
lại với nhau để trở thành một form water.
thể/nhóm thống nhất; kết hợp hai - Combine the eggs and the flour in a
hoặc nhiều hơn hai thứ/nhóm lại với bowl.
nhau để làm thành một thứ/nhóm
duy nhất
thêm điều gì để điều đó trở thành Suggestions from the survey have
incorporate /ɪn'kɔ:pəreɪt/
một phần của một thứ lớn hơn đã có been incorporated into/in the final
sẵn: kết hợp design.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] kết hợp Colourful illustrations are integrated
hai hoặc nhiều hơn hai thứ để chúng into the text to make it easily
cùng hoạt động với nhau (có thể là comprehensible to the average
để sao cho có hiệu quả hơn) reader.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. None of us has much money, so let’s combine/merge what we’ve got.
2. Teachers are taught how to merge/integrate computer use into normal classroom procedures.
3. The whole of the conference incorporated/united against the government's plan for foundation
4. Many of your suggestions have been merged/incorporated in the plan.
5. The villages expanded and merged/united into one large town.
6. He unites/merges them in marriage in a mass ceremony in a stadium.
7. She combined/merged into the crowd and disappeared.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. We have ______ all the latest safety features into the new car design.
A. incorporated B. integrated C. combined D. merged
9. The actress added how mutual cooperation made them ______ into one whole being and stop thinking
about who a better partner is.
A. integrate B. unite C. merge D. incorporate
10. We have ______ many environmentally friendly features into the design of the building.
A. united B. merged C. combined D. incorporated
11. Small units, such as words, can be ______ into larger units, such as clauses.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. united B. combined C. integrated D. merged

12. The car’s design successfully ______ art and technology.
A. integrates B. unites C. merges D. incorporates
childbirth quá trình sinh một đứa trẻ In the past, there used to be a great
/'tʃaɪldbɜ:θ/ number of women who died
(n) [U] in childbirth.
childbearing việc sinh con; việc có con women of childbearing age
(n) [U]
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. How does childbearing/childbirth affect women's incomes?
2. Are teen mothers likely to display poorer parenting skills compared to women who
delay childbearing/childbirth?
3. Massage during childbearing/childbirth can shorten the length of labour and be effective as a form of
pain relief.
4. It is estimated that only about 5 percent of women of childbirth/childbearing age use birth control
5. Women had shorter life expectancies than men since many died in childbirth/childbearing.
6. Even if the delivery of a baby was successful, the mother could still fall prey to illness due to the lack
of hygiene during childbearing/childbirth.
7. The risk for women dying in childbirth/childbearing is 250 times higher in poor countries than in rich
8. Women of childbearing/childbirth age should take folic acid every day.
166. SỚM
sớm so với một khoảng thời gian, - I hate having to get up early in the
hoặc một mốc thời gian thông thường morning.
nào đó - Early booking is essential, as space is
diễn tả một điều gì đó sắp xảy ra - She'll be here soon.
soon trong một tương lai rất ngắn, trong - She sold the house soon after her
/su:n/ một khoảng thời gian ngắn tính từ husband died.
(adv) thời điểm hiện tại. Ngoài ra còn được
dùng với nghĩa là chẳng bao lâu sau
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. If we don't leave soon/early, we're going to miss our bus.
2. The temperature drops to below freezing in the early/soon evening.
3. I got up soon/early this morning to walk the dog.
4. The two men soon/early discovered they had much in common.
5. You're early/soon. We haven't had breakfast yet.
6. They had only been in Greece for a week but they early/soon learned to speak a few words of the local
[C] hành động lựa chọn giữa hai (hoặc - Women are often forced to make a
nhiều hơn) khả năng; thứ gì/điều gì mà choice between family and career.
choice bạn có thể chọn - There is a wide range
/tʃɔɪs/ (n) of choices open to you.
[U, singular] quyền được lựa chọn; khả - If I had the choice, I would stop
năng lựa chọn working tomorrow.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

- This government is committed to

extending parental choice in
[C] người/vật/việc dựa lựa chọn She's the obvious choice for the job.
[U, singular] các thứ để lựa chọn The menu has a good choice
of desserts.
[U] quá trình chọn ai/thứ gì từ một Darwin’s principles of
nhóm người/vật (thường là dựa theo natural selection
một hệ thống tiêu chuẩn): sự chọn lọc,
sự tuyển lựa
[C] những người/vật được lựa chọn từ a selection of hits from well- known
/sɪ'lekʃn/ (n)
một nhóm lớn hơn musicals
[C] những thứ để lựa chọn This restaurant's wine selection isn’t
~ choice bad.
~ range /reɪndʒ/ (n) [C]
[C, U] thứ gì mà bạn có thể chọn để có - There are various options open to
hoặc để làm; sự tự do để chọn điều bạn you.
option làm - Sometimes, failure is an option.
/'ɒpʃn/ (n)
[C] một môn học mà sinh viên có thể The course offers options in design
chọn để học (không bắt buộc) and computing.
một thứ mà bạn có thể chọn để làm There is a vegetarian alternative on
alternative hoặc có từ hai hoặc nhiều hơn hai khả the menu every day.
/ɔ:l'tɜ:nətɪv/ năng (tuy nhiên alternative thường
(n) được dùng khi nói về việc chọn giữa hai
khả năng thay vì nhiều hơn hai)
[C, U] quá trình chọn một người/nhóm presidential elections
người cho một vị trí nào đó (đặc biệt là
election về chính trị) bằng cách bầu cử
/ɪ'lekʃn/ (n)
[U] việc được chọn thông qua bầu cử We welcome his election as
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Since his election/option to the Senate, he has been an ardent gay rights supporter.
2. You have to go through a tough choice/selection process to win a place in the Olympic 800 metres
3. Leaders must make good decisions and tough choices/options.
4. The choice/election for the leadership of the council will take place on Tuesday.
5. You have the selection/option of working full-time or part-time.
6. We interviewed a random selection/option of teenagers.
7. She's going to do it. She doesn’t have much election/choice, really, does she?
8. We offer a broad alternative/selection of products.
9. Her can-do attitude is what made her our choice/option for the job.
10. Solar power is now a viable alternative/selection to oil-fired water heaters.
11. This shop has a very limited option/choice of ties.
12. Several election/options are offered for the student's senior year.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
13. We were given the ______ of cancelling and receiving a refund check in the mail or keeping the
reservation in good faith.
A. election B. selection C. alternative D. option


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. The supermarket has a varied ______ of fruit juice drinks especially for children.
A. alternative B. option C. selection D. election
15. After a delicious meal with free wine, the ______ is yours: a quiet drink in the bar or a stroll along
the beach beneath a starry sky.
A. choice B. selection C. election D. alternative
16. The midfielder had an abundance of ______ but chose to throw the ball harmlessly into touch.
A. elections B. options C. alternatives D. selections
[U, C] cảm giác một người đã làm điều gì His strange behaviour aroused
sai, trái pháp luật hoặc không thành thật his neighbours' suspicions.
(cho dù không có bằng chứng để chứng
minh cho cảm giác đó)
[U, C] cảm giác bạn không thể tin ai (bạn - She always treated US
nghĩ rằng họ không đáng tin cậy)/điều gì with suspicion.
/sə'spɪʃn/ (n)
~ mistrust /,mɪs'trʌst/ (n) [U] - an atmosphere
of suspicion and mistrust
[C] cảm giác hoặc niềm tin điều gì đó là I have a suspicion (that) the
đúng cho dù bạn không hề có bằng chứng local authority may be planning
to close the school.
doubt [U, C] cảm giác không chắc chắn về một I'm having doubts about his
/daʊt/ (n) điều gì hoặc không tin vào điều đó ability to do the job.
[U] thái độ hoài nghi về sự chính xác của The company's environmental
những tuyên bố/khẳng định hoặc hoài claims have been treated
nghi về việc một điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra with scepticism by
[U] cảm giác không thể tin rằng điều gì là We could only watch in
thật disbelief as the car rolled into
/,dɪsbɪ'li:f/ (n)
the water.
[U, C] cảm giác nghi ngờ bởi bạn không She is one of the best students in
hoàn toàn đồng tình với một kế hoạch/ý my class. I can recommend
tưởng/gợi ý/... her without reservation.
/,rezə'veɪʃn/ (n)
(bạn không chắc là nó hoàn toàn tốt hoặc
[U] trạng thái mà không chắc chắn về Times of great change are also
điều gì sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai hoặc về times of uncertainty.
uncertainty điều đúng đắn phải làm
/ʌn'sɜ:tnti/ (n) [C] điều gì mà bạn không thể chắc chắn - life’s uncertainties
về; một tình huống khiến bạn không - the uncertainties of war
thấy/không cảm thấy chắc chắn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. If there's any disbelief/doubt about the rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch.
2. Other scientists have expressed scepticism/uncertainty about these results. They claimed that some
statistics might have been made up.
3. He accepted my advice without disbelief/reservation.
4. There was a suspicion/doubt that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.
5. He shook his head in disbelief /uncertainty when I told him I was going to work for University of
6. Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion/disbelief as it may be contaminated.
7. There is considerable disbelief/uncertainty about the company’s future.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

8. I have a horrible uncertainty/suspicion that we’ve come to the wrong station.

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The whole jury was impressed by the urban and environmental aspects of the building, but some
members had _______ about its expression.
A. disbeliefs B. mistrust C. reservations D. uncertainties
10. He’s the most attractive man in the room, no about that.
A. disbelief B. suspicion C. uncertainty D. doubt
11. There’s considerable as to whether the government’s job creation strategies will work.
A. uncertainty B. suspicion C. mistrust D. disbelief
12. The money was taken out of the bank in small amounts so as not to arouse
A. scepticism B. uncertainty C. suspicion D. reservation
13. Given how much _______ and opposition IVF faced when it was still an untried and somewhat
speculative field of research in the late 1960s, it’s surprising how quickly it became accepted.
A. sureness B. scepticism C. mistrust D. disbelief
14. It still leaves us with fundamental about why the famine happened.
A. suspicions B. uncertainties C. sureness D. mistrust
15. They met the news that the terrorists had lived among them with shock and
A. mistrust B. disbelief C. suspicion D. reservation
- sự dừng lại, sự ngưng lại, sự gián đoạn - Finally, there was a break in the
- sự nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn (trong khoảng thời gian rain and we went out.
ngắn) - They worked through the
- giờ ra chơi, giờ giải lao giữa các tiết học night without a break.
= recess
- thời gian nghỉ ngơi (không làm việc, hoạt động,
ngày nghỉ lễ)
- khoảng ngưng lại (ti vi, đài...,) để quảng cáo
- khoảng thời gian giữa hai sự kiện - He knocked on the door and after
- một khoảng thời gian ngắn giữa các phần của vở a brief interval it was opened.
kịch, bộ phim, buổi hòa nhạc, sự kiện thể thao, - at regular/monthly/10-
quãng nghỉ minute etc intervals
- There will be two 20-minute
intervals during the opera.
lull thời gian yên tĩnh, thời gian tạm lắng - There has been a lull in the
/lʌl/ fighting.
(n) - a lull in the conversation/traffic.
pause sự tạm nghỉ, sự tạm ngừng; ngưng (nói, hoạt - After a brief pause, they continued
/pɑ:z/ động, âm thanh) trước khi bắt đầu lại tiếp climbing.
(n) - The rain fell without pause.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We see each other at regular breaks/intervals - usually about once a month.
2. During a lull/interval in the conversation, I asked Irving about a comment he'd made earlier.
3. There was a pause/break before Joe said, ‘I’m sorry, I can't help you.'
4. They usually went shopping during their lunch pause/break.
5. He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the lull/interval.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. After the summer ______.business has picked up again this month.
A. interval B. lull C. break D. pause
7. We decided to have a short weekend ______ in Paris.
A. pause B. interval C. pause D. break


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

8. You are advised to leave a wide ______ before you have your next child.
A. break B. interval C. lull D. pause
9. He read very slowly and with frequent ______.
A. pauses B. breaks C. lulls D. intervals
10. Most viewers tend to skip through the ad ______.
A. intervals B. lulls C. breaks D. pauses
- [ngoại động từ] sửa cái gì đó bị - repair a
hư hỏng, hư hại..., (cơ sở hạ tầng, road/wall/building/bridge
vật chất, chấn thương...,) - to repair an injury/a hernia/a tear/a defect
- [ngoại động từ] sửa chữa, uốn - It was too late to repair the damage done
nắn (lỗi, sai lầm...,), hàn gắn, cải to their relationship.
thiện tình huống xấu..., - repair relations/a relationship
[ngoại động từ] sửa chữa, sửa sai - We need to get the TV fixed.
fix cái gì đó (các vật dụng, đồ dùng, - I've fixed the problem.
/fɪks/ vấn đề...., thường dùng trong văn
(v) nói hằng ngày hơn, ít trang trọng
hơn repair)
- [ngoại động từ] sửa chữa cái gì - Could you mend my bike for me?
đó đã bị hư hỏng, hỏng hóc để có - He mended shoes for a living
thể sử dụng lại - The country's president is seeking to
- [ngoại động từ] vá quần, áo, mend relations with the United States.
dày..., bị rách
- [ngoại động từ] bào chữa, tìm ra
giải pháp cho sự bất đồng, tranh
- [ngoại động từ] sửa đổi, thay đổi MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent
(văn kiện pháp lý), bổ sung (chỗ another oil tanker disaster.
thiếu sót, sai lầm trong một văn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The cost of repairing/mending the damage was much higher than we thought.
2. Until the constitution is fixed/amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.
3. They couldn't fix/amend my old computer, so I bought a new one.
4. She ought to learn to mend/amend her own clothes.
5. It is too late to fix/repair the damage we have done to our planet.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. He wants me to ______ his shirt for him, but I'm not going to!
A. repair B. mend C. amend D. fix
7. He had two operations to ______ torn ligaments in his left knee.
A. mend B. fix C. amend D. repair
8. Parliament will vote to ______ the constitution.
A. amend B. repair C. mend D. fix
9. We're trying to ______ the cash flow problem by reducing costs.
A. mend B. fix C. repair D. amend
10. The Secretary of State and Chinese Foreign Minister met in an attempt to ______ strained relations.
A. repair B. mend C. amend D. Both A and B
smog một dạng ô nhiễm không khí giống The government is trying to


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/smɑ:g/ như hỗn hợp khói và sương mù, đặc reduce smog caused by traffic fumes
(n) biệt là ở các thành phố
fog sương mù dày đặc gây khó khăn cho Thick fog is affecting roads in the north
/fɑ:g/ việc quan sát and visibility is poor.
mist sương mù nhưng độ dày đặc của nó Gradually the mist cleared and the sun
/mɪst/ thấp hơn "fog". Tầm nhìn của dưới began to shine.
(n) "mist" sẽ trong và rõ hơn "fog".
không khí khó nhìn qua vì nó chứa - There was an early-
haze những giọt nước rất nhỏ, đặc biệt là morning haze across the valley.
/heɪz/ do thời tiết nóng, hoặc không khí - Meetings are always conducted in
(n) chứa thứ gì đó (bụi, khói...,) khiến a haze of cigarette smoke.
người ta khó nhìn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Freezing fog/mist will make driving conditions very treacherous.
2. The haze/smog and indexes on air pollution in Hanoi and HCM City have exceeded the permitted level
under the WHO standards.
3. Early morning mist/smog patches will soon clear.
4. The sun smouldered through a thin summer smog/haze.
5. The streets are clean, there's no traffic, and there's no fog/smog to block out the sunshine.
6. We get heavy fogs/mists on this coast in winter.
[C] cách mà bạn đang cảm thấy tại He could sense her gloomy mood.
một thời điểm cụ thể ~temper
một thời gian giận dữ hoặc không - I wonder why he's in such a
kiên nhẫn mood today.
mood - She was in one of her moods (= one
/mu:d/ (n) of her regular periods of being angry
or impatient).
cách mà một nhóm người cảm nhận Haunting music greatly adds to
về một điều gì; bầu không khí của the mood of the film.
một nơi hoặc giữa một nhóm người
[C] cách mà bạn đang cảm thấy tại She regained her good temper after a
một thời điểm cụ thể ~ mood chat.
temper một khoảng thời gian ngắn cảm thấy - She says awful things when she’s in
/'tempə(r)/ hết sức giận dữ a temper.
(n) - As a small child, he had
violent temper tantrums (= sudden
short periods of uncontrolled anger).
một xúc cảm mạnh mẽ, ví dụ như - Fear is a normal human emotion.
emotion yêu, sợ hãi, hạnh phúc, giận dữ,...; - The decision was based
/ɪ'məʊʃn/ một phần trong tính cách của một con on emotion rather than rational
(n) người (phần mà bao gồm các xúc thought.
trạng thái về tinh thần, xúc cảm, hoặc She was in an extremely
thể chất của ai đó tại một thời điểm confused state of mind.
/steɪt/ (n)
cụ thể nào
disposition /,dɪspə'zɪʃn/ một kiểu tính cách khiến cho một Her cheerful disposition, sympathy,
(n) người cư xử hoặc phản ứng theo một and tact made her popular.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

cách cụ thể nào đó

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The music helped to put them in a more relaxed mood/disposition.
2. We were in a state/disposition of shock when they told us how much it would cost.
3. Kim received the news without showing any visible sign of state/emotion.
4. This film is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition/mood.
5. The emotion/mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.
6. She broke the plates in a fit of state/temper.
7. I wasn't in the best of tempers/dispositions when I arrived at the meeting.
8. Responses to this situation have to be based on logical reasoning and historical insight, not simply
on temper/emotion.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. Her boss would fly into a(n) ______ if a project wasn’t done on time.
A. emotion B. disposition C. state D. temper
10. Some addicts suffer violent ______ swings if deprived of the drug.
A. disposition B. state C. mood D. spirit
11. Reason and ______ can be seen as two complementary systems in the human brain for making
A. temper B. mood C. emotion D. state
12. My nephew has ______ tantrums if he can’t get his own way.
A. state B. temper C. disposition D. spirit
13. I’m sorry Jack. I’m not really in the ______ to go out tonight.
A. temper B. disposition C. spirit D. mood
14. Tom is everybody’s favourite with his bouncy, cheerful ______.
A. state B. disposition C. shape D. emotion
15. She felt a sudden rush of ______ at the thought of seeing him again.
A. emotion B. state C. mood D. disposition
16. Some scenes aren’t recommended for viewers of a nervous ______.
A. temper B. disposition C. state D. emotion
17. It’s no use talking to him when he’s in a ______.
A. temper B. state C. mood D. disposition
18. Don’t talk to Miranda today - she’s in a terrible ______!
A. emotion B. mood C. disposition D. spirit
173. TĂNG
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - The population continues to increase.
increase lớn hơn về số lượng/giá trị/mức - The company has increased the price
/ɪn'kri:s/ (v) độ/...; khiến điều gì lớn hơn về số of its cars.
lượng/giá trị/mức độ/...
rise [nội động từ] tăng về số lượng/giá Inflation is rising by 2.1 percent a
/raɪz./ (v) trị/... month.
[ngoại động từ] tăng số lượng/mức - to raise/increase prices/taxes
raise độ/giá cả/tiêu chuẩn/... của điều - We need to raise/increase public
/reɪz/ (v) gì/thứ gì awareness of the issue.
~ increase [ngoại động từ]
[ngoại động từ] khiến cho điều gì - The plan was meant
boost tăng lên/trở nên tốt hơn hoặc thành to boost agricultural production.
/bu:st/ (v) công hơn - Getting that job did a lot to boost his
ego (= make him feel more confident).
escalate [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - the escalating costs of healthcare


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'eskəleɪt/ lớn hơn hoặc lớn hơn về - The protests escalated into five days of
(v) kích cỡ/mức độ nghiêm trọng/sự căng rioting.
thẳng/...; làm cho điều gì lớn hơn - We do not want to escalate the war.
hoặc lớn hơn về kích cỡ/mức độ
nghiêm trọng/sự căng thẳng/...
làm cho âm thanh to hơn The music was amplified with
amplify microphones.
tăng cường độ/sức mạnh/mức độ/tác These stories only amplified her fears.
động/ảnh hưởng của điều gì
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên - Sydney's population expanded rapidly
lớn hơn về kích cỡ/số lượng/tầm in the 1960s.
quan trọng; làm cho điều gì lớn hơn - The new system expanded the role of
về kích cỡ/số lượng/tầm quan trọng family doctors.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The cost of raw materials has raised/escalated sharply.
2. A child’s vocabulary expands/raises through reading.
3. The campaign aims to raise/rise awareness of the risks of illegal drugs.
4. The cost of the project has increased/raised dramatically since it began.
5. "This is the police,” came the escalated/amplified voice from the helicopter.
6. Interest rates are expected to rise/raise from 4.5 per cent to 5 per cent in the next six months.
7. They are continuing to expand/amplify the range of goods and services they offer.
8. The compliments she received after the presentation rose/boosted her self- esteem.
9. Violence between the two sides has been steadily escalating/boosting.
10. Critics say the internet has risen/amplified the problem of medical misinformation.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. The conflict could ______ rapidly into a full-scale war.
A. rise B. raise C. escalate D. boost
12. A microphone picks up ambient sound and ______ it, and volume control allows you to adjust the
A. amplifies B. boosts C. rises D. expands
13. Inequality in our society is ______ and for those at the bottom, things are getting worse.
A. raising B. boosting C. amplifying D. increasing
14. In turn, the increased prices caused health costs to ______ in a vicious circle.
A. raise B. escalate C. boost D. expand
15. The distorted thinking of some parents who regard their children as mere possessions instead of
treating them as independent people only ______ the social tragedy.
A. rise B. boost C. amplifies D. increase
16. The short film is being ______ into a full-length documentary.
A. escalated B. risen C. expanded D. raised
17. The company plans to significantly ______ product availability over the next year.
A. increase B. rise C. amplify D. check
18. By 1999, the event had ______ from two to three days.
A. amplified B. raised C. expanded D. escalated
174. THA THỨ
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] ngừng cảm He's my only brother, and I tend
forgive thấy giận dữ với ai (người mà đã làm việc to forgive him anything.
/fə'gɪv/ gì để hại, làm khó chịu, hoặc làm bạn giận);
(v) ngừng cảm thấy giận dữ với chính bản thân
bạn: tha thứ


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[ngoại động từ] được dùng khi muốn nói Forgive me for interrupting, but I
xin lỗi một cách lịch sự nếu điều bạn đang really don’t agree with that.
làm hoặc nói có thể mất lịch sự hoặc ngớ
ngẩn: thứ lỗi
tha thứ cho ai về một điều mà họ đã làm Please excuse my bad handwriting.
(không nghiêm trọng) ví dụ như mất lịch sự
excuse hoặc mắc một lỗi nhỏ
đưa ra lý do để bào chữa cho một hành vi Nothing can excuse that kind of
xấu/xúc phạm/bất cẩn/... nào đó rudeness.
~ justify/'dʒʌstɪfaɪ/ (v)
pardon somebody The two spies
chính thức cho phép một phạm nhân rời were pardoned yesterday by the
khỏi nhà tù và/hoặc không bị trừng president.
pardon phạt: tha bổng
/'pɑ:dn/ (được dùng khi bạn muốn thể hiện sự lịch Pardon my asking, but is that your
(v) sự) thứ lỗi cho ai về điều họ đã nói hoặc husband?
~ excuse
~ forgive
acquit acquit somebody (of something) The jury acquitted him of murder.
/ə'kwɪt/ quyết định và tuyên bố một cách chính thức
(v) trên tòa là ai đó vô tội: tuyên bố trắng án
condone something Terrorism can never be condoned.
condone condone (somebody) doing something
/kən'dəʊn/ chấp nhận/tha thứ một hành vi sai trái về
(v) mặt đạo đức hoặc coi như là hành vi đó
không nghiêm trọng
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He was forgiven/acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence.
2. He was excused/pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence.
3. Her boss cannot excuse/acquit even the smallest error, although he himself is far from perfect.
4. She lied, and I can't pardon/forgive her for that.
5. Pardon/Acquit my ignorance, but what is a "duplex”?
6. Nothing can pardon/excuse that sort of behaviour.
7. I cannot condone/acquit the use of violence under any circumstances.
8. Forgive/Condone my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do?
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. This type of behaviour can never be ______ and the match officials must ensure that a repeat of such
behaviour will never happen again.
A. condoned B. acquitted C. forgiven D. pardoned
10. The jury ______ the defendant because there wasn't enough evidence to convict him of the crime.
A. pardoned B. forgave C. acquitted D. excused
11. We increased our pace - neither of our mothers would ______ us coming home late.
A. pardon B. condone C. justify D. acquit
12. ______ the mess - I got home late last night and didn’t have time to clean up.
A. Pardon B. Acquit C. Condone D. Justify
13. He ______ himself for being late by explaining that his flight had been delayed.
A. pardoned B. acquitted C. excused D. condoned


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. His lawyer thought he had a good chance of being ______ at the trail, if no further evidence was
A. forgiven B. excused C. condoned D. acquitted
15. I'm not ______ his behaviour, but I can understand why he wanted revenge on his son’s attacker.
A. condoning B. acquitting C. pardoning D. forgiving
[nội động từ] tham gia vào, có góp - We encourage students to
phần vào một hoạt động (mang tính participate fully in the running of
trang trọng) thường với mục đích đảm the college.
nhận một vai trò nào đó trong hoạt - to participate in
động mình tham gia, mang tính chủ a study/programme
động. - to participate in an activity/event
tham gia vào, có liên quan đến một hoạt - to take part in a discussion/
take part in động nào đó demonstration/ fight/ celebration
(collocation) ~ participate - Most of the board members took
part in the discussions.
- [ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] gia - to join a
nhập (trở thành thành viên của một tổ group/club/team/party
join chức, câu lạc bộ, công ty...,) - New members can join online.
/dʒɔɪn/ - join in sth/doing sth = join in (with Everyone joined in with the
(v) sb/sth) [cụm động từ] tham gia vào một singing.
hoạt động nào đó (đang xảy ra) với
những người khác
[ngoại động từ] bao gồm một người - We want to involve as many
involve nào đó vào một cái gì hoặc để khiến họ people as possible in the
/ɪn'vɑ:lv/ tham gia hoặc cảm thấy là một phần celebrations.
(v) của nó - She's been involved with animal
rights for many years.
[ngoại động từ] + [nội động từ] (khá - to attend a wedding/ funeral/
attend trang trọng) tham dự, đề cập đến việc service/ ceremony/ meeting
/ə'tend/ tham gia một sự kiện chính thức. Chẳng - 5,000 people from around the
(v) hạn như cuộc họp, hội nghị..., world were invited to attend the
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I felt so unfit after Christmas that I decided to join/involve a gym.
2. All the children attended/took part in the Thanksgiving play.
3. We want to encourage members to take part in/participate fully in the running of the club.
4. I prefer teaching methods that actively involve/join students in learning.
5. The meeting is on the fifth and we're hoping everyone will attend/participate.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. I wish he would ______ with the other children.
A. take part in B. join in C. participate D. involve
7. Members are eligible for a 50% saving on room rates at all hotels that are ______ in the scheme.
A. participating B. attending C. taking part in D. involving
8. According to recent research, the busy British professional ______ nearly 60 meetings a month.
A. joins B. participates C. takes part in D. attends
9. She was very ______ with sports at college, and her studies suffered.
A. participated B. taken part in C. involved D. joined
10. They will ______ the discussions, along with many other organizations.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. take part in B. join C. attend D. involve

một trong những thứ để tạo thành cái All food products should carry a list
gì (đặc biệt là đồ ăn): thành of ingredients on the packet.
ingredient phần/nguyên liệu
một trong những thứ/phẩm chất cần Tolerance is an
thiết để tạo nên thành công essential ingredient for a happy
[C] một phần cần thiết hoặc tiêu biểu - Cost was a key element in our
element của một cái gì đó; một trong vài decision.
/'elɪmənt/ (n) thành phần mà một cái gì đó chứa - There is often a
đựng: yếu tố futuristic element to her writing.
thành phần, phần hợp thành (một - Nitrogen is the main component of
phần kết hợp với các phần khác để air.
tạo thành một thứ gì đó lớn hơn như - the components of a machine
máy móc, xe, hệ thống, ...)
*Bản thân các thành phần này đã
hoàn thiện nên có thể tự đứng một
mình, ví dụ như bánh lái là một
component của một chiếc xe hơi.
một phần của một cái gì/điều gì đó - a significant portion of the
lớn hơn: phần chia population
portion - You give this portion of the ticket
/'pɔ:ʃn/ (n) to the inspector and keep the other.
- The central portion of the bridge
substance phần quan trọng nhất hoặc phần The real substance of the report
/'sʌbstəns/ (n) chính của một cái gì đó ~ essence (n) was in the third part.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Only a small portion/substance of the budget is spent on books.
2. Car components/ingredients are manufactured in the other factory.
3. The ingredient/substance of his argument was that people on welfare should work.
4. The story has all the portions/elements of a soap opera.
5. Determination is one of the essential components/ingredients for success.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. All outdoor activities carry a(n) ______ of risk.
A. element B. component C. substance D. ingredient
7. Later that year, the ______ of their secret conversation appeared in a newspaper article.
A. element B. component C. substance D. ingredient
8. A very large ______ of our income goes to pay the mortgage.
A. portion B. ingredient C. component D. substance
9. I agreed with what she said in ______, though not with every detail.
A. element B. substance C. ingredient D. portion
10. China exported $2.5 billion of food ______ to the United States and the rest of the world in 2006.
A. elements B. components C. substances D. ingredients
11. They've introduced all sorts of new ______ to that programme in order to broaden its appeal.
A. elements B. components C. substances D. ingredients
12. The course has four main ______: business law, finance, computing, and management skills.
A. portions B. components C. substances D. ingredients


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

13. An effective exercise programme has three key ______ - intensity, frequency, and duration.
A. elements B. components C. substances D. ingredients
14. A(n) ______ of the donation will be given to the orphanage.
A. ingredient B. portion C. element D. substance
[nội động từ] trở nên khác đi ~ alter - My attitude to life has changed
with age.
- We examined changing attitudes
towards education.
[ngoại động từ] làm cho ai/điều gì/cái gì Information technology
khác đi has changed the way people
~ alter work.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] chuyển từ The lights changed
trạng thái/hình thái này sang trạng from red to green.
thái/hình thái khác; khiến ai đó/cái gì
chuyển từ trạng thái/hình thái này sang
trạng thái/hình thái khác
[ngoại động từ] ngừng một trạng thái/vị Leaves change colour in autumn.
trí/hướng và bắt đầu một trạng thái/vị
trí/hướng mới
[ngoại động từ] thay thế một thứ/ai đó/dịch I want to change my doctor.
vụ/... bằng một thứ/ai đó/dịch vụ/... mới
hoặc khác
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở nên khác - We’ve had to alter some of our
đi; làm cho ai/điều gì/việc gì khác đi plans.
(thường là thay đổi nhỏ) hoặc khiến cho - Giving up our car has
alter đặc điểm của một thứ gì đó thay đổi radically altered our lifestyle.
/'ɔ:ltə(r)/ (v) ~ change
[ngoại động từ] sửa cỡ của quần áo để làm I took the coat back to the shop to
cho chúng vừa với bạn hơn have it altered.
[ngoại động từ] thay đổi cái gì/điều gì (ví - The software we use has
dụ như kế hoạch, quan điểm, luật, hoặc been modified for us.
modify hành vi) ở một mức độ nhỏ, đặc biệt là để - A modified version of my article
/'mɒdɪfaɪ/ làm cho chúng trở nên phù hợp hơn với was published in the newspaper.
(v) một mục đích cụ thể/để cải thiện
chúng/khiến cho chúng trở nên dễ chấp
nhận hơn ~ adapt
[ngoại động từ] thay đổi cái gì/điều gì để These teaching materials can
làm cho nó phù hợp với cách sử dụng mới be adapted for older children.
hoặc tình huống mới
~ modify
adapt [ngoại động từ] thay đổi một cuốn sách/vở The radio play had
/ə'dæpt/ kịch thành một bộ phim, vở kịch, chương been adapted from a novel.
(v) trình ti vi, chuyển thể
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] thay đổi hành We have had to adapt quickly to
vi/cách cư xử của bạn để thích ứng với một the new system.
tình huống mới
~ adjust


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] thay đổi cách You’ll quickly adjust yourself to
bạn cư xử/hành xử/nghĩ để làm quen với student life.
một tình huống mới
adjust ~ adapt
/ə'dʒʌst/ [ngoại động từ] thay đổi cái gì ở một mức - This button is for adjusting the
(v) độ nhỏ để làm cho nó phù hợp hơn với volume.
những điều kiện mới hoặc làm cho nó làm - To attract investors, the
việc tốt hơn government has adjusted its tax
~ modify and labour laws.
reform [ngoại động từ] cải thiện một hệ thống/tổ plans to radically reform the tax
/rɪ'fɔ:m/ chức/luật/... bằng cách tạo ra rất nhiều sự system
(v) thay đổi cho chúng: cải cách
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] thay đổi hoàn A new colour scheme
transform toàn diện mạo hoặc tính cách/đặc điểm của will transform your bedroom.
/træns'fɔ:m/ ai đó/thứ gì, đặc biệt là khi nó trở nên tốt
(v) hơn; thay đổi hoàn toàn về diện mạo hoặc
tính cách/đặc điểm
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She adjusted/modified the car seat, so she could reach the pedals.
2. Caterpillars change/alter into butterflies.
3. A love of rugby adjusted/transformed him from a podgy child into a trophy winner.
4. Going to a new school can be difficult, but the kids will eventually alter/adjust.
5. The fruit reforms/changes colour as it ripens.
6. The government is in the process of reforming/transforming the tax system.
7. She has adapted/changed herself to college life quite easily.
8. Her life reformed/changed completely when she won the lottery.
9. These styles can be transformed/adapted to suit individual tastes.
10. The feedback will be used to modify/transform the course for next year.
11. It was adapted/adjusted for the screen from his original play.
12. He had adjusted/altered so much that I scarcely recognized him.
13. She changed/transformed her name to his when they got married.
14. We can have the dress transformed/altered to fit you.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
15. They ______ the appearances of a number of lucky shoppers who had won makeovers and new
A. adjusted B. transformed C. adapted D. modified
16. The landscape has been radically ______ by changes in the climate.
A. adjusted B. adapted C. reformed D. altered
17. The town has actually ______ very little in the last hundred years.
A. modified B. changed C. adapted D. adjusted
18. Stories and characters had to be ______ to fit a 21st-century audience.
A. modified B. spread C. reformed D. circulated
19. The family has been undergoing major structural changes that are ______ women’s roles.
A. adjusting B. reforming C. altering D. adapting
20. He managed to ______ the mood from tense to relaxed in minutes.
A. modify B. reform C. transform D. change
21. My eyes were still trying to ______ themselves to the strong sunlight.
A. adjust B. change C. transform D. alter


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

replace somebody/something được sử - The new design will

dụng thay cho ai/cái gì đó khác; làm việc eventually replace all existing
gì thay cho ai/cái gì đó khác models.
~ take over (from something) - She replaced Dr Hales as head
- Machines can’t replace people in
this work.
- In your teens, peer-group
friendship may take over
replace from parents as the major influence
/rɪ'pleɪs/ (v) on you.
loại hoặc bỏ ai/cái gì ra và thay vào chỗ - He will be difficult to replace when
đó bằng một người khác/thứ khác he leaves.
- proposed changes to the
constitution to replace the current
system of government
replace something - to replace a roof
thay thứ gì đã cũ/hỏng/... bằng một thứ - to replace a light bulb
tương tự nhưng mới hơn và tốt hơn - We replaced the old
television set with a newer one.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] thế chỗ của - Can you find someone to substitute
ai/cái gì khác thường được dùng; dùng for you at the meeting?
ai/cái gì đế thay hoặc thế chỗ cho ai/cái - Low-fat soft cheese can
gì khác thường được dùng be substituted for butter in this
- substitute for somebody/something recipe.
- substitute A for B - Butter can be substituted
- substitute B with/by A with/by low-fat soft cheese in this
- substitute somebody/something recipe.
- He was substituted in the second
half after a knee injury (= somebody
else played instead of him in the
second half).
supplant somebody/something thế chỗ He may be supplanted by a younger
của ai/cái gì (đặc biệt là chỗ của man.
/sə'plɑ:nt/ (v)
người/vật mà đã cũ hoặc ít hiện đại hơn)
~ replace
[ngoại động từ] đưa hoặc trả lại hàng - If it doesn't fit, take it back and the
hoá mà bạn đã mua và nhận lại từ cửa store will exchange it.
exchange /ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ/
hàng cái gì đó khác hoặc thứ tốt hơn - I need to exchange this for a
- exchange something larger size.
- exchange A for B
[ngoại động từ] succeed Who succeeded Kennedy as
succeed somebody/something là người tiếp theo President?
/sək'si:d/ (v) thế chỗ hoặc tiếp tục vị trí/công việc của
ai/cái gì: kế tục, nối tiếp
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I exchanged/supplanted those trousers for a smaller size.
2. By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely succeeded/supplanted the pocket watch.
3. Tourism has succeeded/replaced agriculture as the nation’s main industry.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

4. If plums are difficult to find, figs can be substituted/supplanted in this recipe with equally delicious
5. She was hired to exchange/replace the previous manager who had been fired for dishonesty.
6. She was expected to substitute/succeed Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.
7. The club does not have the financial resources to replace/exchange the damaged equipment.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. It is not a good idea to miss meals and ______ them with snacks.
A. replace B. exchange C. supplant D. succeed
9. Small children can often feel ______ in their parents' affections when a new brother or sister is born.
A. substituted B. succeeded C. exchanged D. supplanted
10. The vouchers are sent to the group who can either use them in store or ______ them for cash.
A. supplant B. exchange C. replace D. substitute
11. I'd like to ______ this sweater for a smaller one please.
A. substitute B. supplant C. exchange D. replace
12. Your car is in good condition, but you ought to ______ the tires.
A. exchange B. succeed C. remove D. replace
13. Domestic production has been ______ by imports and jobs have been lost.
A. supplanted B. removed C. exchanged D. succeeded
14. He was ______ because the company wanted someone who was young and decisive.
A. exchanged B. succeeded C. replaced D. surpassed
15. Picky eaters may want to ______ the mushrooms with chopped tomatoes or baby spinach.
A. succeed B. substitute C. supplant D. exchange
16. At the age of 36, she is ideally positioned to ______ him as editor of the paper when the time comes.
A. exchange B. remove C. triumph D. succeed
17. Material comforts can never ______ for unconditional love from one’s family, whatever the comfort
might be.
A. replace B. supplant C. substitute D. succeed
18. Paper bags have been largely ______ by plastic bags.
A. succeeded B. replaced C. exchanged D. traded
19. Their work has been largely ______ by the use of a computer program that fulfils the same function.
A. succeeded B. exchanged C. supplanted D. traded
20. If the car you have leased is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always ______ it for another.
A. exchange B. substitute C. replace D. supplant
21. One of our teachers is sick today, so we need someone to ______ for her.
A. supplant B. replace C. succeed D. substitute
22. She will ______ him as chair of the committee when he retires.
A. exchange B. succeed C. triumph D. remove
23. Printed books might soon be ______ by e-books.
A. supplanted B. traded C. succeeded D. exchanged
một dụng cụ ví dụ như cái búa, tua vít, gardening tools
cưa,... mà bạn cầm trong tay và sử dụng để
tool làm ra cái gì, sửa chữa cái gì,...
/tu:l/ (n)
một thứ mà giúp bạn trong công việc hoặc research tools like
đạt được điều gì: công cụ questionnaires
facilities [plural] các tòa nhà, các dịch vụ, - educational facilities
các thiết bị,... được cung cấp cho một mục - leisure facilities
/fə'sɪləti/ (n)
đích cụ thể nào đó
instrument musical instrument Is he learning an instrument?


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/'ɪnstrəmənt/ nhạc cụ (piano, trống, violin,...)

(n) một dụng cụ hoặc thiết bị được sử dụng cho - surgical instruments
một nhiệm vụ cụ thể nào đó, đặc biệt là - All pupils should learn to use
dành cho các công việc của chuyên gia hoặc drawing instruments.
nhà khoa học
[U] những thứ cần thiết (máy móc, dụng cụ, office equipment
đồ vật) cho một mục đích/hoạt động cụ thể
nào đó: các thiết bị (thường là những thứ
rắn, đặc biệt là những thiết bị lớn)
gear [U] các thiết bị hoặc quần áo đặc biệt dành - sports gear
/gɪə(r)/ (n) cho một hoạt động cụ thể nào - fishing gear
một loại máy móc hoặc một thiết bị được a recording device
thiết kế chuyên biệt cho một công việc cụ
/dɪ'vaɪs/ (n)
thể nào
một chiếc máy được thiết kế để làm một electrical/household appliances
appliance /ə'plaɪəns/
việc cụ thể trong nhà, chẳng hạn như chuẩn
bị thức ăn, sưởi ấm hoặc dọn dẹp
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Ageing computer equipment/tools should be replaced, not upgraded.
2. Police in riot device/gear, with shields and helmets, arrived to control the protestors.
3. This device/tool allows deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking.
4. Learning a musical tool/instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.
5. He took a spanner from his tool/facility box and tightened up the bolts on the gate.
6. This instrument/appliance was designed to measure the Earth’s atmosphere.
7. We aim to improve the provision of educational equipment/facilities, such as libraries, laboratories,
and academic buildings.
8. The internet has been an effective device/tool for advertising.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. Medical staff should use personal protective ______ when treating any patient who may be infected
with the virus.
A. appliance B. equipment C. machine D. utensil
10. The school is upgrading its outdoor play ______.
A. appliances B. utensils C, instruments D. facilities
11. This pen is the ideal precision ______ for all your graphic needs.
A. utensil B. appliance C. instrument D. machine
12. They were both aware that there might be listening ______ hidden in the room.
A. devices B. instruments C. tools D. materials
13. We believe the new law will be an effective ______ in fighting poverty.
A. instrument B. device C. equipment D. tool
14. The airport plans to improve internet ______ in its terminals.
A. materials B. facilities C. tools D. utensils
15. Aid agencies are flying vital medical ______ to the disaster area.
A. equipment B. utensils C. appliances D. machines
16. The musicians were tuning their ______ before the concert began.
A. gear B. instruments C. equipment D. tools
17. Writing is a good ______ for discharging overwhelming feelings.
A. instrument B. tool C. device D. equipment
18. Do you play any ______?
A. devices B. instruments C. tools D. facilities


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

180. THIẾU
[C, U] một tình huống mà không có đủ Schools nationwide are
shortage người hoặc thứ gì đó theo như nhu experiencing a shortage
/'ʃɔ:tɪdʒ/(n) cầu: sự thiếu of teachers.
~ scarcity /'skeəsəti/ (n)
tình trạng mà không có cái gì/điều Passengers complained about
lack gì/con người hoặc không có đủ cái the lack of information when flights
/læk/ (n) gì/điều gì/con người: sự thiếu were cancelled.
~ dearth, shortage
[số ít, sắc thái trang trọng] sự thiếu cái The region is suffering from
dearth gì đó/con người; thực tế mà không có a dearth of medical specialists.
/ʤ:θ/ (n) đủ cái gì đó/con người: sự thiếu
~ scarcity
[C, U] tình trạng mà không có hoặc Vitamin deficiency in the diet can
không có đủ cái gì thiết yếu cause illness.
/dɪ'fɪʃnsi/ (n)
~ shortage
inadequacy [U, C] thực tế mà cái gì đó không đủ I now see the inadequacy of the
/ɪn'ædɪkwəsi/ (n) tốt hoặc có quá ít về số lượng explanation.
[U] thực tế mà ai đó/cái gì đó không In the absence of stone, most
tồn tại hoặc sẵn có; sự thiếu cái gì đó houses in the area are built of
/'æbsəns/ (n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Folic acid is especially important for women of childbearing age, as folic acid deficiency/lack has been
linked with birth defects.
2. Economic growth is hindered by the inadequacies/deficiencies of the public transport system.
3. The dearth/absence of a smoke detector in the room has prompted an immediate investigation.
4. After years of neglect and lack/inadequacy of money for repairs, the house was falling apart.
5. These failures can be partially attributed to a lack of political will and a dearth/presence of resources.
6. Because of the bread lack/shortage, we ate potatoes at every meal.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. In the ______ of a television, the children were forced to find other things to keep them amused.
A. shortage B. inadequacy C. absence D. dearth
8. Lack of sunlight can cause ______ in vitamin D.
A. deficiency B. dearth C. inadequacy D. lack
9. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water ______.
A. dearth B. deficiency C. inadequacy D. shortage
10. In the ______ of any treatable cause, the best that can be offered is control of the symptoms.
A. dearth B. absence C. lack D. deficiency


[ngoại động từ] báo, thông báo - The company announced its decision to
thông tin, kế hoạch, dự định về điều the public in March.
gì (một cách công khai, chính thức, - She was announced as the winner at
thường thông qua loa đài, tin tức...,) last night's ceremony.
[ngoại động từ] tuyên bố cái gì đó - Germany declared on France on 1
chính thức, công khai, dứt khoát, August 1914.
mạnh mẽ (độc lập, chủ quyền, chiến - In the end, they were
tranh, thắng lợi, tình trạng, phá sản, both declared winners of the tournament.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

kế hoạch...,)
[ngoại động từ] báo tin cho, kể cho - Please inform us about/of any changes
ai đó biết về thông tin cụ thể nào đó in your circumstances.
- Keep me informed about any job
[ngoại động từ] phát biểu, nói, viết - Please state why you wish to apply for
rõ về điều gì đó (một cách cẩn thận this grant.
và trang trọng), trình bày, bày tỏ - The facts are clearly stated in the
[ngoại động từ] thông báo cho ai đó - The police must be notified of the date
biết điều gì một cách trang trọng và of the demonstration.
chính thức (thường chia ở thể bị - The date of the demonstration must
động) ~ inform be notified to the police.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The country informed/declared independence in 1952.
2. When the company was stated/informed of the problems we were experiencing, it took extraordinary
steps to help us.
3. The prime minister has announced/declared that public spending will be increased next year.
4. I'm not making excuses: I'm simply informing/stating a fact.
5. She announced/stated the winner of the competition to an excited audience.
6. The committee’s decision will be declared/notified to all employees next week.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. Each child was asked in turn to ______ what he or she wanted from the situation.
A. notify B. state C. inform D. announce
8. Keep the project manager ______ about any issue that might have an impact on a project's bottom line.
A. informed B. announced C. declared D. stated
9. Figures released by the bank showed almost 12,000 companies had been ______ bankrupt in the third
quarter of the year.
A. announced B. stated C. informed D. declared
10. They haven't formally ______ their engagement yet.
A. stated B. informed C. announced D. declared
11. We've ______ our policyholders of the changes affecting their policies.
A. been informed B. been announced C. notified D. declared
12. A state of emergency has been ______ in the province.
A. informed B. declared C. stated D. announced
- [ngoại động từ] thúc đẩy, quảng - This trade fair will help businesses from
bá sản phẩm, dịch vụ (thông qua Malawi to promote their products.
promote quảng cáo hoặc ưu đãi giá), - to
/prə'məʊt/ - [ngoại động từ] khuyến khích, promote democracy/peace/understanding
(v) thúc đẩy điều gì xảy ra và phát - The aim of the culture festival is to
triển (sự hiểu biết, hòa bình, chế promote friendship between the two
độ, nhận thức...,) countries.
[ngoại động từ] làm cho cái gì đó - to boost productivity/spending
tăng lên, trở nên tốt hơn hoặc thành - to boost somebody's confidence/morale
công hơn (hiệu quả, doanh thu, tinh
strengthen [ngoại động từ] + [nội động - The move is clearly intended to
/'streŋ.θən/ từ] làm cho thứ gì đó mạnh mẽ, strengthen the president's position as head


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(v) quyền lực, chắc chắn hơn, hoặc of state.

hiệu quả hơn; trở nên mạnh mẽ, - The exercises are designed to strengthen
quyền lực, chắc chắn hơn hoặc your stomach muscles.
hiệu quả hơn (vị thế, vị trí công - Repairs are necessary to strengthen the
việc, địa vị, thể chất, cầu, sự gắn bridge.
- [ngoại động từ] củng cố một - The final technical report into the
quan điểm, ý kiến, cảm giác..., accident reinforces the findings of initial
(cung cấp nhiều hơn bằng chứng, investigations.
reinforce hỗ trợ để chứng minh nó đúng) - His behaviour merely reinforced my
/,ri:.ɪn'fɔ:rs/ - [ngoại động từ] củng cố, làm dislike of him.
(v) chắc chắn (công trình, vật liệu,
quân đội...,) bằng việc trang bị
thêm (chất liệu, người, thiết bị...,)
để nó được vững chắc hơn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The change of management has promoted/boosted morale throughout the company.
2. The company’s products have been promoted/boosted mainly through advertising in newspapers.
3. The success in the election strengthened/reinforced the party's position considerably.
4. But let me just cite one other fact to strengthen/reinforce what you’re saying.
5. The organization's aim is to strengthen/boost the cultural ties between Britain and Germany.
6. The school motto was something about promoting/reinforcing world peace, co-operation and
7. The foundations will have to be boosted/reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the
8. Share prices were boosted/reinforced by reports of the president's recovery.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The Institute is intended to ______ an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world.
A. boost B. promote C. reinforce D. strengthen
10. Doctors say his injured shoulder will take time to ______.
A. promote B. reinforce C. strengthen D. boost
11. [ĐMH 2021] Completing a degree gives mature students a sense of achievement, ______ their
confidence and improves their job prospects.
A. boost B. strengthen C. promote D. reinforce
12. The garrison is to be ______ by another two battalions of soldiers.
A. strengthened B. promoted C. boosted D. reinforced
13. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to ______ products.
A. boost B. reinforce C. strengthen D. promote
183. THUÊ
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trả tiền một - Are you looking to buy or rent?
cách định kỳ cho ai đó để bạn có thể sử - Who do you rent the land from?
dụng thứ gì mà họ sở hữu (ví dụ như nhà,
phòng, đất đai,...): thuê
rent [ngoại động từ] cho phép ai đó sử dụng He rents rooms in his house
/rent/ (v) thứ gì mà bạn sở hữu (ví dụ như nhà hoặc (out) to students.
đất đai) để lấy tiền (được trả định kỳ): cho
~ let /let/ (v) (British English)
[ngoại động từ] rent something (North - to rent a movie/a bike/ a boat


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

American English) trả tiền cho ai để bạn - We rented a meeting room in a

có thể sử dụng cái gì trong một khoảng downtown hotel.
thời gian ngắn: thuê
= hire [British English)
làm một bản thoả thuận hợp pháp (hợp I’m interested in leasing your
đồng) trong đó một số tiền nhất định được cottage.
lease trả để sử dụng đất đai/tòa nhà/phương
/li:s/ (v) tiện/thiết bị/... trong một khoảng thời gian
thỏa thuận: cho thuê, thuê
~ rent
[ngoại động từ, nội động từ] thuê/tuyển - She was hired three years ago.
dụng ai đó làm việc - He does the hiring and
firing (= employing and dismissing
people) in our company.
[ngoại động từ] - to hire a lawyer/detective
hire hire somebody/something thuê và trả - Workers were hired by the day.
/'haɪə(r)/ công cho ai đó trong một khoảng thời gian
(v) ngắn để họ làm một công việc nào đó cụ
[ngoại động từ] (British English) trả tiền What’s the cost of hiring by the day?
để mượn cái gì đó trong một khoảng thời
gian ngắn
= rent (American English)
charter charter something They flew to Athens and
/'tʃɑ:tə(r)/ thuê một phương tiện (máy bay, tàu, then chartered a boat to the island.
(v) thuyền,...) cho mục đích riêng của bạn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The government is encouraging employers to hire/rent disabled people.
2. We lease/charter all our computer equipment
3. He chartered/employed a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.
4. We leased/hired a magician to entertain the children.
5. I can’t afford to charter/rent an office in this part of town.
6. They chartered/hired a room above a pub for the wedding reception.
7. She bought a three-bedroom flat with the objective of hiring/renting two rooms.
8. I let/charter the spare room in my house to a student of the university.
9. We rented/let a car for the week and explored the area.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. She was ______ by the campaign as a foreign-policy adviser.
A. leased B. rented C. chartered D. hired
11. You ______ a tuxedo for five hundred pounds? Are you crazy?
A. rented B. let C. leased D. chartered
12. He went to London, where he ______ an apartment for three years.
A. hired B. leased C. chartered D. employed
13. You could always ______ a dress for the ball if you can't afford to buy one.
A. hire B. charter C. let D. lease
14. Many young couples ______ an apartment until they've saved enough to buy a house.
A. charter B. rent C. hire D. employed
15. Parts of the building are currently ______ to students of the university.
A. hired B. employed C. chartered D. leased


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

184. TỈ LỆ
[C] mối quan hệ giữa hai nhóm The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1
ratio người/vật thể hiện mức độ lớn (=for every 2 nurses there is 1 doctor).
/'reɪʃiəʊ/ (n) hơn của nhóm này so với nhóm
còn lại: tỉ lệ
[U] mối quan hệ giữa một thứ với - The proportion of women to men at my
một thứ khác về kích cỡ/số college was about five to one/5:l (=for
lượng/...: tỉ lệ every 5 women, there is 1 man).
~ ratio - The room is very long in proportion to
(= relative to) its width.
- The chart shows how weight increases in
proportion proportion to height (= the increase in
weight depends on the increase in height).
[U, C, usually plural] mối quan - Her feet are small in proportion to her
hệ chính xác về kích thước/mức height.
độ/tầm quan trọng/... giữa một thứ - The porch is out of proportion with
này với một thứ khác hoặc giữa (= too big or too small when compared
các phần của một chỉnh thể nào with) the rest of the house.
đó: sự cân xứng, sự cân đối
[C] sự đo lường số lần mà việc gì a high/tow/rising rate of unemployment
xảy ra hoặc được làm, thực hiện
/reɪt/ (n)
trong một thời kỳ cụ thể: tỉ lệ
[C + singular or plural verb] số - Tax is paid as a percentage of total
lượng/lượng/tỉ lệ của một thứ gì income.
trong mỗi 100: tỉ lệ phần trăm - What percentage of women return to
work after having a baby?
(bản đồ/biểu đồ/mô hình) tỉ lệ - a map with a scale of 1:50 (That can
giữa kích thước thật của một thứ mean 1 cm on the map represents 50cm on
gì với kích thước của nó ở trên the ground - in reality.)
scale /skeɪl/ (n) một bản đồ/biểu đồ/mô hình - Is this diagram made to scale? (= are all
* scale là một dạng của ratio its parts the same size and shape in
relation to each other as they are in the
thing presented)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Local businesses are closing at the rate/proportion of three a year.
2. He was building a percentage/scale model of the Empire State Building.
3. The ratio/rate of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1.
4. The scale/proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years.
5. If a goalie saves 96 out of 100 shots, his or her save proportion/percentage is 96%.
6. The head is out of proportion/rate with the body.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. The size of the windows seems out of ______ with the height of the wall.
A. scale B. proportion C. rate D. percentage
8. The ______ of computers to students is now two to one.
A. percentage B. scale C. ratio D. rate
9. Your legs are very much in ______ to the rest of your body.
A. scale B. rate C. percentage D. proportion
10. The level of crime in an area is almost always in direct ______ to the number of unemployed.
A. proportion B. rate C. percentage D. scale


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

11. Seven of their 1:20 ______ models have been chosen for exhibition.
A. percentage B. scale C. rate D. proportion
12. The efficiency of a machine is the ______ between the energy it supplies and the energy put into it.
A. ratio B. scale C. percentage D. rate
13. The view of what constitutes perfect bodily ______ changes from one generation to the next.
A. scales B. ratios C. proportions D. percentages
14. A high ______ of their customers order their goods online.
A. ratio B. percentage C. scale D. rate
15. There is a low survival ______ among babies born before 22 weeks.
A. percentage B. ratio C. rate D. scale
185. TIẾT LỘ
disclose cung cấp cho ai đó thông tin về điều Jane was accused
/dɪs'kləʊz/ gì mà trước đây là một bí mật of disclosing confidential material to a
(v) competitor.
reveal tiết lộ điều gì đó cho ai They didn't reveal the truth to him.
/rɪ'vi:l/ (v)
divulge cung cấp thông tin lẽ ra phải được Police refused to divulge the identity of
/daɪ'vʌldʒ/ giữ bí mật cho ai đó the suspect.
uncover phát hiện ra điều gì mà trước đó là bí Archaeologists have uncovered an entire
/ʌn'kʌvə(r)/ mật hoặc được giấu (ngoại động từ) Roman city.
unfold lộ ra (nội động từ); dần dần tiết lộ/hé - Dramatic events were about to unfold.
/ʌn'fəʊld/ lộ điều gì đó với ai (ngoại động từ) - Sophia unfolded her tale to us.
spill the beans (thành ngữ): tiết He spilled the beans, and she knew all
lộ/nói cho ai đó biết về điều gì mà about the party in advance.
/spɪl/ (v)
đáng lẽ ra nên được giữ bí mật
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Jack always seemed scared to death Mary was going to unfold/spill the beans to his parents. He didn’t
want to make them upset.
2. The company has disclosed/spilled details of new plans to expand.
3. I began sending her stacks of information I uncovered/revealed about her mother - scientific journal
articles, photos of the cells, even an occasional novel.
4. Emma uncovered/unfolded her secret to Mattie.
5. The contract forbids employees to divulge/spill details of this work to anyone outside of the company.
6. For some time now, public opinion polls have revealed/spilled Americans' strong preference to live in
comparatively small cities, towns, and rural areas rather than in large cities.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. In Moscow, KGB officers were intensely frustrated by how little they had ______ about the Manhattan
A. uncovered B. unfolded C. disclosed D. revealed
8. The program’s confidentiality prevented him from ______ identifying information to anybody.
A. spilling B. uncovering C. divulging D. concealing
9. The story continues to ______: A disorganized crowd of people become neat lines; couples cling to
each other’s hands for support.
A. uncover B. reveal C. disclose D. unfold
10. The author, former MI5 agent, was himself imprisoned for six months for ______ secret information
to a newspaper.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. spilling B. disclosing C. uncovering D. concealing

11. She confronted Peter and threatened that she would ______ the beans unless he married her as
A. reveal B. spill C. divulge D. uncover
12. The report ______ that the company made a loss of £20 million last year because of the pandemic.
A. reveals B. uncovers C. spills D. divulges
tiêu đề, tên của một cuốn sách, - His poems were published under the title of
title bài thơ, bức tranh, bản nhạc, bài 'Love and Reason’.
/'taɪtl/ báo v.v. - a book/album title
(n) - Some of his song titles and lyrics have also
attracted criticism.
chủ đề, vấn đề mà chúng ta thảo - The main topic of conversation was Tom 's
luận, viết hoặc nghiên cứu về new girlfriend.
topic nó - a topic of discussion/interest
/'tɑ:.pɪk/ - to cover/discuss a topic
(n) - hot topics
- In the next chapter the writer focuses on the
topic of adoption.
chủ đề (có thể là người hoặc - Walker's work has been the subject of
subject vật) mà đang được thảo luận, much debate.
/'sʌbdʒekt/ xem xét, nghiên cứu, miêu tả, - on the subject of something
(n) hoặc giải quyết - I wish you'd change the subject (= talk about
something else).
chủ đề hoặc ý tưởng chính - the central/main/key/major theme
theme trong một bài nói, bài viết, sách, - Love and honour are the main themes of the
/θi:m/ phim hoặc tác phẩm nghệ book.
(n) thuật..., (thông điệp) - a recurrent/recurring theme
(=one that occurs several times)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The theme/title of Evelyn Waugh's first novel was "Decline and Fall".
2. The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme/title in her novels.
3. The incident is currently the subject/topic of a police investigation.
4. She has written about such hot and important subjects/topics as race, culture, and class.
5. The report is about to be published under the title/subject Choosing Futures.
6. To cover such a broad theme/topic in a single volume is ambitious.
7. On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does have a more serious underlying theme/topic.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Nelson Mandela is the ______ of a new biography.
A. theme B. subject C. title D. topic
9. There was a book I wanted to buy, but now I can't remember the ______.
A. subject B. theme C. topic D. title
10. Hot ______ for discussion included global warming and pollution of the oceans.
A. themes B. titles C. topics D. subjects
11. I wasn't quite sure how to deal with the delicate ______ of money.
A. subject B. topic C. theme D. title
12. Her struggle against poverty and racial prejudice is the central ______ of the book.
A. topic B. title C. subject D. theme


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[ngoại động từ] khám phá, tìm - A man out walking his dog found the body
thấy đặc biệt là vị trí của một vật in a ditch.
hoặc một người, tình cờ hoặc bằng - I thought I'd lost my wallet but I found it
cách tìm kiếm, hoặc khám phá nơi under my desk.
lấy hoặc cách đạt được điều gì đó - I managed to find a solution to the
- cố gắng tìm ai, cái gì (thường - Where have you been? We've been looking
nhấn mạnh vẫn đang ở trong quá for you.
look for
trình tìm kiếm) - We are looking for a partner in a new
(phrasal verb)
- mong đợi, hy vọng nhận được thứ business venture.
gì đó bạn muốn hoặc cần
- [ngoại động từ] + [nội động - She searched in vain for her passport.
từ] tìm kiếm một cái gì đó một - search something for something/somebody
cách cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng Firefighters searched the
- [ngoại động từ] + [nội động buildings for survivors.
từ] tìm kiếm thông tin trên máy - I searched online today for more
tính, mạng internet information on sonic booms.
- [ngoại động từ] + [nội động - "Are you actively seeking Jobs?" she
từ] cố gắng tìm hoặc lấy thứ gì đó asked.
seek (đặc biệt là thứ không phải là vật - They sought in vain for somewhere to
/si:k/ thể chạm vào được) shelter.
(v) - [ngoại động từ] cố gắng để đạt - seek advice/help/permission.
được điều gì đó (thường là yêu cầu,
đòi hỏi ai đó)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I've looked for/searched high and low, but I can't find my birth certificate.
2. Everyone dreams of finding/seeking a valuable old painting in the attic.
3. EU citizens have the right to seek/search employment in any member state.
4. Columbus was finding/looking for a shorter route to India when he discovered America.
5. I think you should search/seek guidance from your lawyer on this matter.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. Knowing as much as you can about the problem is helpful in ______ solutions.
A. searching B. looking for C. seeking D. finding
7. Laura ______ the internet for the best deal.
A. looked for B. searched C. found D. sought
8. We shall be ______ an improvement in your work this term.
A. finding B. seeking C. looking for D. searching
9. I ______ a ten-pound note when I was walking along the street.
A. found B. searched C. sought D. looked for
10. Always ______ professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.
A. look for B. search C. seek D. find
tất cả những phẩm chất và đặc điểm - The book gives a fascinating insight
khiến một người khác biệt với into Mrs Obama's
character những người khác, những đặc điểm character.
/'ker.ək.tə/ tạo nên tính cách của một ai đó - His scruffy appearance does not
(n) (thường là tính cách "bên trong" cần reflect his character.
thời gian dài để tìm hiểu được) - in/out of character (typical/not
typical of someone’s usual behaviour)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

tính cách, phần của một người - My outgoing personality has

khiến họ cư xử theo một cách nào definitely helped me succeed.
đó trong các tình huống xã hội, - The characters' names reflect their
personality chẳng hạn theo cách thân thiện hoặc personalities.
/,pɜ:rsə'næləti/ không thân thiện, hoặc theo cách tự - personality traits (=features of
(n) tin hoặc nhút nhát. (thường là tính personality)
cách "bên ngoài” có thể dễ dàng
nhìn được, đoán được, khi tiếp xúc
với một người và nhận biết được)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He has a very outgoing character/personality and makes friends very easily.
2. One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character/personality develop.
3. She has a cheerful, attractive personality/character.
4. I can’t understand why Simon refused to help; it seems so out of personality/character.
5. She's no oil painting but she's got a lovely personality/character.
6. She was a determined character/personality and was not going to give up that easily.
7. Your car often reflects your character/personality.
189. TỔ CHỨC
[ngoại động từ] tổ chức, sắp xếp - The next conference will be held in
(sự kiện nào đó) một cuộc họp, Ohio.
một cuộc thi, thảo luận, bầu cử, - hold an event/a meeting/a party/a
bữa tiệc..., (make happen) competition
[ngoại động từ] tổ chức, kỷ - We celebrated our 25th
celebrate niệm, tham gia vào một sự kiện, wedding anniversary in Florence.
/'sel.ə.breɪt/ dịp quan trọng, đặc biệt (thường - to celebrate a victory/a success/an
(v) là diễn ra đều đặn) (enjoy an achievement
occasion) - to celebrate a birthday
[ngoại động từ] sắp xếp, chuẩn - to organize a
bị cho một hoạt động, sự kiện conference/meeting
(nhằm đảm bảo rằng các sắp xếp - I'll invite people if you can organize
cần thiết đã được thực hiện) food and drinks.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I find it's almost impossible to celebrate/hold a sensible conversation with her.
2. The team is celebrating/holding their third successive win.
3. They celebrated/organized a meeting between the teachers and students.
4. She held/celebrated a garden party to hold/celebrate the artist's 60th birthday.
5. They had organized/held a car to pick me up at the airport.
6. We always hold/celebrate our wedding anniversary with a bottle of champagne.
7. The president held/celebrated an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defense
commanders yesterday.
8. The whole town came out to hold/celebrate his return from the war.
9. By the time of the annual meeting we will be ready to hold/celebrate elections for the new executive
10. The team also worked with LACMA Associate Curator of Decorative Arts and Design Staci
Steinberger to celebrate/organize the exhibition.
190. TO LỚN
cực kì to về kích cỡ hoặc số lượng; lớn - The building is huge.
về mức độ - Social media has made
/hju:dʒ/ (adj)
~ enormous /ɪ'nɔ:məs/(adj) a huge difference to how we


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

~ vast /va:st/ (adj) communicate with others.

giant cực kì to; to hơn rất nhiều hoặc quan He put a giant TV screen in his living
/'dʒaɪənt/ (adj)trọng hơn so với những thứ cùng loại room.
lớn về kích cỡ/mức độ/số lượng/... - a big man (= tall and wide without
being fat)
- They were earning big money.
to về kích cỡ/số lượng/khối lượng - They sell clothes for large men (= tall
large /lɑ:ʤ/ and wide, and often fat).
(adj) - Women usually do the larger share of
the housework.
nhiều hơn mức trung bình về mức The concert was a great success.
độ/khối lượng
[thường chỉ đứng trước danh từ] rất - A great crowd has gathered.
lớn; to hơn rất nhiều so với mức trung - People were arriving in great numbers.
bình về kích cỡ/số lượng
[chỉ đứng trước danh từ] dùng để nhấn He cut himself a great thick slice of
mạnh cho một tính từ chỉ kích cỡ hoặc cake.
chất lượng
rất to, nặng và rắn a massive rock
cực kì lớn; cực kỳ nghiêm trọng - The Chancellor is to announce
a massive increase in spending.
- He suffered a massive heart attack.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. This is a matter of big/great importance.
2. This house is rather outsized/big for us. We need something smaller.
3. The bell is massive/great, weighing over 40 tons.
4. The massive/great majority of people seem to agree with this view.
5. The government put giant/massive amounts of money into the health service.
6. The population is slightly larger/bigger than that of Canada.
7. The match was shown on a vast/giant screen outside the town hall.
8. The United States is a huge/fat country with a relatively thin population spread over it.
9. There’s a great/vast big hole in this sleeve.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. We have a considerably ______ Asian community in our school, many of whom are Muslims.
A. outsize B. vast C. large D. massive
11. The roof is supported by eight ______ stone pillars.
A. great B. massive C. immense D. vast
12. Six ______ multinationals now virtually control all of America’s newspapers and television and radio
A. outsize B. giant C. great D. hefty
13. The organic industry is fairly new in Australia and has ______ potential for expansion.
A. giant B. outsize C. hefty D. great
14. It was completed in 1970, at a cost of one billion dollars - a ______ sum in those days.
A. giant B. huge C. immense D. fat
15. We were hoping the show would be a really ______ success.
A. big B. outsize C. vast D. hefty
16. One man was taken seriously ill after suffering a(n) ______ asthma attack following building work at
A. outsize B. giant C. massive D. large


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

17. Those are patients with suspected heart attacks, ______ bleeding, and serious head injuries.
A. giant B. big C. huge D. massive
18. Even one small step on the path of your plan can be a(n) ______ leap!
A. large B. giant C. massive D. vast
19. The problem is treated in ______ detail in the book.
A. giant B. immense C. great D. large
20. A ______ proportion of the audience consisted of teenaged girls.
A. large B. big C. giant D. hefty
[sắc thái trang trọng; thường dùng ở The Prime Minister
censure dạng bị động] công khai chỉ trích/phê was censured for his lack of
/'senʃə(r)/ (v) bình/khiển trách ai đó vì điều gì đó mà decisiveness during the crisis.
họ đã làm ~ rebuke
[sắc thái trang trọng] nói với ai đó She was reprimanded by her
một cách chính thức rằng điều mà họ teacher for biting another girl.
đã làm là sai trái hoặc trái pháp luật và
bạn không tán thành với hành
động/việc làm đó
~ rebuke
rầy la/la mắng/quát mắng ai đó Our parents are very strict, and we
(thường là trẻ con) vì đã làm sai điều are frequently scolded for our bad
/skəʊld/ (v)
gì scold somebody = tell somebody off behaviors.
[sắc thái trang trọng] khiển trách/chỉ His mother reproached him for not
reproach trích/phê bình ai đó vì một việc mà họ eating all his dinner.
/rɪ'prəʊʧ/ (v) đã làm hoặc không làm và bởi vì bạn
thất vọng về họ
[sắc thái trang trọng; thường dùng ở She was rebuked by her manager
dạng bị động] nói với ai đó một cách for being late.
hay gắt bởi vì họ đã làm một điều gì
/rɪ'bju:k/ (v)
đó sai trái: khiển trách, quở trách
~ reprimand
[sắc thái trang trọng] chỉ trích hoặc Sophia berated herself for being a
berate nói với ai một cách giận dữ bởi vì bạn bad mother.
/bɪ'reɪt/ (v) không tán thành với việc mà họ đã
làm: mắng mỏ, nhiếc móc
chỉ trích hoặc khiển trách ai đó bởi vì She chided him for his bad
họ đã làm điều gì sai; mắng chửi ai vì manners.
/tʃaɪd/ (v)
họ đã cư xử tệ
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] nói rằng The government is being
bạn nghĩ ai đó/điều gì đó là xấu; nói widely criticized in the media for
thứ gì đó về ai/điều gì mà bạn không failing to limit air pollution.
/'krɪtɪsaɪz/ (v)
thích hoặc nghĩ là sai: phê bình, chỉ
condemn Chỉ trích, chê trách, lên án, quy tội (về The terrorist action has
/kən'dem/ mặt đạo đức) been condemned as an act of
(v) barbarism and cowardice.
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
1. His mother scolded him for breaking her favorite vase.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. told off B. praised C. complimented D. condemned

2. He reproached himself for not telling her the truth.
A. scolded B. complimented C. rebuked D. praised
3. The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.
A. reprimanded B. scolded C. complimented D. praised
4. He was censured by the committee for his failure to report the problem.
A. scolded B. condemned C. complimented D. rebuked
5. His boss criticized him for his sloppy work habits.
A. approved B. censured C. condemned D. praised
trách nhiệm mà bạn phải gặp/hoặc She has responsibility for public
nói chuyện với ai hoặc chăm sóc ai spending.
hoặc giải quyết việc gì vì vậy bạn
sẽ có thể phải chịu trách nhiệm nếu
điều gì đó xảy ra
trách nhiệm cho một điều gì đó Nobody has
xấu/tồi tệ đã xảy ra claimed responsibility for the
bổn phận về mặt đạo đức khiến bạn He seems unwilling to face up to
làm điều gì hoặc giúp đỡ/chăm sóc his responsibilities as a father.
ai do công việc của bạn/vị trí của
bạn ...
[U] trạng thái phải chịu trách Jack denied any liability for the
liability nhiệm về mặt pháp luật cho một damage caused.
/,laɪə'bɪləti/ (n) việc gì đó: trách nhiệm/nghĩa vụ
pháp lý
việc chịu trách nhiệm cho các The public has been demanding
quyết định và hành động của mình greater accountability from
và phải giải thích chúng khi được lawmakers.
(n) [U]
yêu cầu: trách nhiệm giải trình
điều gì đó mà bạn cảm thấy bạn It was my duty to report it to the
phải làm vì điều đó đúng về mặt police.
duty đạo đức hoặc đúng luật: bổn
/'dju:ti/ phận/trách nhiệm/nhiệm vụ
(n) [U, C] điều gì đó mà bạn làm như là một Your duties will include greeting
phần công việc của bạn: phận visitors and answering the phone.
sự/chức vụ/công việc
[U] trạng thái mà bạn bắt buộc phải Sophia didn’t feel under
làm điều gì đó vì đó là bổn phận any obligation to tell him the truth.
obligation của bạn hoặc bởi vì theo
/,ɒblɪ'geɪʃn/ luật...: nghĩa vụ/bốn phận
(n) [C] điều gì đó mà bạn phải làm vì I can't travel next month because of
bạn đã hứa hoặc theo luật pháp quy family obligations.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I have an accountability/obligation under law to protect their confidentiality.
2. Joshua, you have responsibility/accountability for collecting up the books after the class.
3. She felt she had fulfilled her liability/duty by providing him with a son.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

4. These days accountability/obligation is important, and managers aren’t always willing to adopt risky
5. They have no legal liability/duty for damage to customers’ possessions.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. In this climate of heightened ______ to sponsors and students' parents, some believe that schools will
give instructional time only to subjects that are included in high-stakes testing.
A. responsibility B. accountability C. duty D. concern
7. Tenants have legal ______ for any damage they cause. That means when they break something in the
accommodation, they have to pay to repair or replace it.
A. liability B. accountability C. obligation D. duty
8. No organization has yet claimed ______ for the bomb attack.
A. accountability B. obligation C. responsibility D. duty
9. You are under a legal ______ to keep accurate records.
A. responsibility B. duty C. accountability D. liability
10. I am under no ______ to tell you my name.
A. obligation B. accountability C. liability D. responsibility
11. The troops are here to perform peacekeeping ______. They protect civilians, prevent conflicts, and
promote human rights.
A. liabilities B. duties C. concerns D. principles
- British business is
[ngoại động từ] có một tình huống
now experiencing a severe recession.
cụ thể nào đó tác động hoặc xảy đến
- They had the opportunity
experience đối với bạn: trải qua, trải nghiệm
to experience life at sea.
- I experienced feelings of sadness and
(v) [ngoại động từ] có hoặc nhận thức
được một cảm giác nào đó (thuộc về
- I have never experienced such pain
cảm xúc hoặc thể chất): cảm thấy
- The country has undergone massive
undergo [ngoại động từ] trải qua điều gì, đặc changes recently.
/,ʌndə'gəʊ/ biệt là một sự thay đổi hoặc điều gì - Teachers should be expected
(v) đó không dễ chịu to undergo mid-career training and
[nội động từ] bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề
bởi bệnh tật/sự đau đớn/nỗi
patients suffering from depression
đau/những cảm giác buồn/thiếu điều
suffer gì/...: đau, đau khổ,...
/'sʌfə(r)/ (v)
[ngoại động từ] trải qua một điều gì
không dễ chịu, ví dụ như bị thương, He suffered a massive heart attack.
mất mát, thất bại,...
go through /gəʊ go through something trải qua một
He's going through a divorce at the
θru:/ (phrasal tình huống khó khăn/tình huống
verb) không dễ chịu/cảm xúc nào đó/...
[ngoại động từ] trải qua hoặc đương
đầu với một tình huống không dễ - We had to endure a nine- hour delay
chịu hoặc gây đau đớn mà không bỏ at the airport.
cuộc: chịu đựng, cam chịu - He endured years of hip pain before
~ bear /beə(r)/ (v) seeing a surgeon.
~ meet /mi:t/(v)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[ngoại động từ] trải qua điều gì một

encounter cách bất ngờ (đặc biệt là điều gì đó
We encountered a problem with the
/ɪn'kaʊntə(r)/ khó khăn hoặc không dễ chịu) trong
fuel pump during the safety tests.
(v) khi bạn đang làm một điều gì đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I hate to see animals going through/suffering.
2. The people in this country have endured/encountered almost a decade of economic hardship.
3. The tourism industry suffered/endured a setback last year due to poor summer weather.
4. The government has endured/encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.
5. He has personally happened/experienced poverty and faced problems in pursuing higher studies.
6. He's amazingly cheerful considering all he’s had to pass/go through.
7. Many women experience/inspire feelings of nausea during pregnancy.
8. He had coped with the problem for two years before he underwent/suffered an operation which
effectively cured him.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. You may ______ some dizziness after taking the medicine.
A. face B. encounter C. experience D. bear
10. Athletes must ______ a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
A. endure B. suffer C. bear D. undergo
11. She's been ______ a difficult time since her brother’s illness.
A. looking at B. going through C. examining D. using up
12. All entrepreneurs, no matter how talented, ______ negative feedback at some point.
A. endure B. collect C. bear D. encounter
13. Some people ______ a complete transformation while away at college.
A. undergo B. go through C. endure D. suffer
14. Sarah made mistakes as a teenager and spent her whole life ______ the consequences.
A. encountering B. experiencing C. suffering D. going through
một cuộc nói chuyện hoặc thảo luận After some heated argument, a
mà hai hoặc nhiều người bất đồng về decision was finally taken.
quan điểm (thường thể hiện một cách
giận dữ hoặc ồn ào)
[C] một cuộc tranh luận đầy giận dữ - He had a quarrel/row with his
hoặc sự bất đồng giữa hai/nhiều brother about money.
người (thường là về một vấn đề cá - She tried to pick a quarrel with
nhân) me.
~ row /rau/(n)
*quarrel mang sắc thái trang trọng
và nghiêm trọng hơn argument và
*pick a quarrel (with somebody): to
deliberately start an argument with
somebody (cố tình khiêu khích ai đó
để cãi nhau)
một cuộc tranh cãi hoặc sự bất đồng a dispute between the two
(đặc biệt là thường kéo dài) mang countries about the border
tính công khai và pháp lý giữa hai
người/nhóm/quốc gia (có chung
đường biên giới)...


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

một tình huống mà người/nhóm a conflict between two cultures

người/quốc gia bất đồng quan điểm
lớn và tham gia vào một cuộc tranh
conflict cãi nguy hiểm (thường kéo dài): sự
/'kɒnflɪkt/ mâu thuẫn, sự xung đột
(n) một tình huống/khoảng thời gian We wish to avoid conflict between
giao chiến mang tính bạo lực giữa our countries if at all possible.
hai quốc gia: sự chiến đấu, sự đấu
tranh, sự giao chiến
một cuộc cãi nhau đầy giận dữ và a long-running feud between the
cay đắng (có thể mang cả tính bạo two artists
lực) kéo dài giữa hai người hoặc
nhóm người: mối hận thù
một tình huống mà có những người - We had a disagreement about the
có những ý kiến khác nhau về một fee for the work.
vấn đề nào đó: sự bất đồng, sự - He shook his head
không đồng ý kiến in disagreement.
squabble một cuộc cãi nhau ồn ào về một điều There were endless squabbles over
/'skwɒbl/ (n) gì đó không quan trọng (cãi vặt) who should sit where.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He found himself in conflict/squabble with his parents over his future career.
2. They were in total row/disagreement about the move to Cambridge.
3. Last night I heard loud noise from their house. Mary and Peter had a terrible disagreement/row about
money, and she stormed out of the house.
4. Will had drunk too much and was ready to pick a quarrel/feud with anyone who crossed his path.
5. There has been a long-standing dispute/squabble between the families over ownership of the land.
6. I’m always dealing with feuds/squabbles between the children. They are just about who sit where in
the car and who get more snacks.
7. The children had a(n) argument/dispute over what game to play.
8. We picked a UN refugee camp near Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, where many people have been
displaced due to the conflict/squabble in Congo.
9. In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the blame for the tragedy falls on the long-
running squabble/feud between the two families, Montagues and Capulets.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
10. Lately, the relationship between the United States and China is among the top ten most newsworthy
topics due to their escalating trade war. However, the economic ______ between the two countries has a
cultural aspect.
A. quarrel B. argument C. conflict D. row
11. Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter ______ between the European Community and the United
States over cutting subsidies to farmers.
A. row B. dispute C. squabble D. feud
12. Polly and Susie are having a ______ about who is going to hold the dog’s lead.
A. dispute B. conflict C. feud D. squabble
13. The singer’s journey to releasing these singles was fraught with difficulty thanks to a prolonged
______ with her former record label.
A. feud B. disagreement C. argument D. row
14. One witness who was drinking at the bar said that the quarrel started over a ______ about politics.
A. conflict B. feud C. dispute D. disagreement


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

15. After ten years of working in this bar, I know how to spot a patron looking to pick a ______ with
A. dispute B. quarrel C. row D. conflict
16. The ambassador has offered to act as a go-between for the two countries involved in the ______.
A. squabble B. row C. conflict D. quarrel
trở ngại, chướng ngại vật làm cản - The biggest obstacle in our way was
trở sự di chuyển hoặc gây khó a tree trunk in the road.
khăn cho ai đó đạt được điều gì - A lack of qualifications can be a
hoặc thành công major obstacle to finding a job.
sự cản trở, một người hay thứ gì đó - To be honest, she was more of
gây khó khăn cho bạn làm gì hoặc a hindrance than a help.
gây khó khăn cho cái gì xảy ra - The high price is a
major hindrance to potential buyers.
- rào cản, một thứ gì đó giống như - The crowd managed to break
hàng rào ngăn mọi người tiến từ through the barriers and get onto the
nơi này đến nơi khác pitch.
- bất cứ thứ gì ngăn cản, cản trở - Despite the language barrier (= not
mọi người cùng ở, hòa hợp với speaking the same language), they
nhau hoặc hiểu lẫn nhau soon became good friends.
- (trang trọng) sự trở ngại, thứ gì - The level of inflation is a
đó làm trì hoãn hoặc ngăn tiến serious impediment to economic
impediment trình, sự phát triển của cái gì recovery.
/ɪm'pedɪmənt/ - sự trở ngại, vấn đề về mặt thể - He’s upset about his
(n) chất, tinh thần khiến ai đó khó speech impediment.
khăn trong việc nói, nghe một cách
bình thường
- (thể dục, thể thao) chướng ngại - She cleared the first hurdle in the
vật, hàng rào cho vận động viên lead.
hurdle nhảy qua trong cuộc đua vượt rào - The next hurdle will be getting her
/'hɜ:.dəl/ - vật chướng ngại, một vấn đề mà parents' agreement.
(n) bạn phải đương đầu, giải quyết
trước khi bạn có thể đạt được tiến
bộ hoặc đạt được điều gì
điều trở ngại, hành vi hoặc các They were charged with obstruction of
obstruction hành động ngăn cản điều gì đó xảy the police/of justice (= preventing the
/əb'strʌkʃən/ ra hoặc hoạt động bình thường police/law courts from doing their
(n) (thường liên quan đến pháp luật, jobs).
chính phủ)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. We suddenly encountered a(n) hindrance/obstacle along the trail.
2. Shyness is one of the biggest barriers/impediments to making friends
3. Getting a work permit was the first hurdle/obstruction to overcome.
4. In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional barrier/impediment to progress.
5. He was arrested for obstruction/obstacle of a police officer in the execution of his duty.
6. The new regulations are actually a great hurdle/hindrance to teachers.
7. She jumped over all the hurdles/barriers easily and raced to the finishing line.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. People tell me they don't notice my hearing ______.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. obstacle B. hindrance C. impediment D. hurdle

9. We’re trying to break down ______ between young people from both communities.
A. barriers B. obstacles C. obstructions D. impediments
10. I think you should stay at home because you would be more of a(n) ______ than a help.
A. obstacle B. hindrance C. hurdle D. barrier
11. Mr. Guest refused to let them in and now faces a criminal charge of ______.
A. impediment B. obstacle C. hindrance D. obstruction
12. Finding investors is the biggest ______ we face.
A. barrier B. obstruction C. hurdle D. impediment
13. To succeed, you must learn to overcome ______.
A. obstacles B. obstructions C. impediments D. hindrances
mix trộn lẫn, kết hợp hai hoặc nhiều chất - Mix the flour with the eggs and butter.
/mɪks/ để chúng trở thành một hợp chất và - Add the eggs and mix thoroughly.
(v) khó thể tách rời ra
kết hợp với nhau để tạo thành một - The two countries combined against
thể, nhóm thống nhất their common enemy.
- High tides combined with strong
winds caused severe flooding.
(mùi, cảm giác, hương vị, âm thanh - Leave the dessert overnight for the
mingle V.V.) trộn lẫn hoặc bạn trộn chúng, flavours to mingle.
/'mɪŋ,gəl/ chúng trở nên trộn lẫn với nhau mà - He felt a kind of
(v) không làm mất hoàn toàn các tính happiness mingled with regret.
cách riêng lẻ của chúng
blend trộn lẫn, pha trộn hai hoặc nhiều Blend the flour with the milk to make a
/blend/ hương vị với nhau mix smooth paste.
kết giao, liên hợp, hình thành sự kết - Most people associate this brand with
nối, liên hệ giữa nhiều người, nhiều good quality.
thứ - I am happy, indeed proud, to
be associated with this project.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The earthquake and a series of underwater landslides combined/mixed to make a gigantic tsunami.
2. The sounds of laughter and singing blending/mingled in the evening air.
3. Mix/Associate all the ingredients together in a bowl.
4. I have very little idea of how to combine/blend colors.
5. Most people immediately associate/mix addictions with drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. The excitement of starting a new job is always ______ with a certain apprehension.
A. blended B. mingled C. mixed D. combined
7. None of us has much money so let's ______ what we've got.
A. combine B. blend C. associate D. mix
8. Put the soap and water in a pan and leave to stand until they have ______.
A. associated B. mingled C. blended D. combined
9. Both politicians have been closely ______ with the movement for some time.
A. blended B. mixed C. mingled D. associated
10. Pour the honey into the bowl and ______ it thoroughly with the other ingredients.
A. associate B. mix C. mingle D. combine


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

[không dùng ở dạng bị động; không - He very much resembles/looks

look like dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn] có vẻ bề like a friend of mine.
(phrasal verb) ngoài rất giống với ai đó/cái gì đó - That powdered sugar looks
~ resemble like/resembles snow.
[không dùng ở dạng bị động; không - a fight for
resemble dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn] trông something resembling justice
/rɪ'zembl/ (v) giống ai đó/thứ gì đó
~ look like; giống ai/thứ gì đó
[không dùng ở dạng bị động; không Jenny really takes after her
take after dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn] giống mother.
somebody (phrasal với một thành viên lớn tuổi hơn trong
verb) gia đình (đặc biệt là bố hoặc mẹ) về
vẻ bề ngoài hoặc tính cách
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The plant resembles/takes after grass in appearance.
2. Determined? He takes after/looks like his grandfather.
3. The meat looks like/resembles chicken in flavour.
4. She takes after/looks like me with her love of horses.
5. I have never seen anything remotely taking after/resembling the horrors of that day.
6. His father was lazy, but his mother hasn’t a lazy bone in her body, and Peter looks like/takes after her.
7. The fish had white, firm flesh that resembled/took after the chicken.
8. He strongly looks like/resembles his father in appearance and in temperament.
sự trừng phạt, sự trừng trị, sự bị - to inflict/impose/mete out punishment
punishment trừng phạt, sự bị trừng trị (thường - I felt sure that it was a punishment for
/'pʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/ dùng cho tội phạm, hoặc lỗi sai, my sin.
(n) lỗi lầm của ai đó) - new approaches to the punishment of
- hình phạt, án phạt (vì làm điều - The penalty for traveling without a
gì đó trái với luật pháp, hợp đồng, ticket is £200.
điều khoản) (xét về mức độ thì - He missed a penalty in the last minute
penalty thường nặng of the game.
hơn punishment) - the death penalty = capital punishment
- cú phạt đền (trong bóng đá) = án tử hình
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. She had to tidy the classroom as a penalty/punishment for being late.
2. They asked for the maximum penalty/punishment for hoax calls to be increased to one year.
3. When imposing a penalty/punishment the court will have to take into consideration the degree and
character of each person’s participation in the commission of the crime.
4. From time to time, the death penalty/punishment was exacted for murder.
5. They use a system of reward and penalty/punishment to discipline their children.
6. Currently, ticket holders pay a penalty/punishment equal to 25 percent of the ticket price when they
change their flight plans.
7. Fox kicked a last-minute penalty/punishment to give the All-Blacks a sensational victory.
199. TRƯỢT
[nội động từ] + [ngoại động từ] trượt When I was little, I used to
(để di chuyển dễ dàng trên bề mặt like sliding on the polished floor in my
nhẵn hoặc ướt; để làm cho một cái gì socks.
đó di chuyển theo cách này), đẩy nhẹ,


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

đẩy trượt
glide [nội động từ] lướt (di chuyển trơn tru The skaters were gliding over the ice.
/glaɪd/ và yên tĩnh, đặc biệt là như thể không
(v) cần nỗ lực)
[nội động từ] trượt (đặc biệt là của Tony's car skidded on some ice and hit a
một chiếc xe) trượt dọc theo một bề tree.
mặt mà bạn không thể kiểm soát nó
[nội động từ] trượt ngã (trượt một Careful you don't slip - there's water on
đoạn ngắn do tai nạn khiến bạn ngã the floor.
hoặc suýt ngã), trượt khỏi vị trí chính
xác của cái gì đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The dancers slipped/glided smoothly across the floor.
2. He'd slipped/slid in the bath and broken his hip.
3. He slid/skidded the letter into his pocket while no one was looking.
4. A truck had slid/skidded out of control on the icy road.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
5. You can ______ the front seats forward if necessary.
A. slip B. skid C. slide D. glide
6. I ______ on the ice and landed right on my bottom!
A. slipped B. slid C. skidded D. glided
7. The car ______ on the ice and went straight into the wall.
A. glided B. skidded C. slid D. slipped
8. She came ______ gracefully into the ballroom in a long, flowing gown.
A. slipping B. sliding C. skidding D. gliding
9. Tighten the straps so they won't ______ off your shoulders.
A. slip B. glide C. slide D. skid
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] chuyển We were transferred from one bus into
từ một nơi này đến nơi khác; another.
chuyển ai đó/cái gì đó từ một nơi
transfer này đến nơi khác: dời, chuyển, dọn
/træns'fɜ:(r)/ truyền một cảm giác/bệnh/quyền I decided to transfer my loyalty to my
(v) lực ... từ người này sang người khác local team.
(thường là người thứ hai có thứ đó
thay vì người thứ nhất)
~ transmit
gửi một tín hiệu điện tử/phát sóng signals transmitted from a satellite
transmit đài/phát sóng tivi,...: truyền, phát
/trænz'mɪt/ truyền một thứ gì đó từ người này Some diseases
(v) sang người khác ~ transfer are transmitted/transferred from one
generation to the next.
transit đi qua một vùng/nơi nào đó 29 000 vessels transit in and out of the
/'trænzɪt/ (v) harbour every year.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] thay Whenever a camera was pointed at
đổi hoàn toàn vẻ bề ngoài hoặc tính her, Marilyn would
cách/đặc tính của thứ gì đó/ai đó instantly transform herself into a
(đặc biệt là sau đó trở nên tốt hơn); radiant star.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

thay đổi hoàn toàn về vẻ bề ngoài

hoặc tính cách/đặc tính: thay đổi,
biến đổi
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] đổi The pub is a converted warehouse.
hoặc khiến thứ gì đó chuyển từ
dạng/mục đích/hệ thống ... này sang
/kən'vɜ:t/ (v)
dạng/mục đích/hệ thống... khác: đổi,
biến đổi
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. A deep conversation can transmit/transform a relationship into a genuine love bond.
2. The honeybee transforms/transfers pollen between flowers.
3. The hotel is going to be converted/transferred into a nursing home.
4. These satellites continuously transfer/transmit radio signals back to the Earth.
5. Peter has already transferred/converted his affections from Lisa to Sophia.
6. The new large ships will be too big to transit/transfer the Panama Canal.
7. Parents can unwillingly transform/transmit their own fears to their children.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. The system is eco-friendly because the waste heat is ______ to electricity.
A. transited B. transmitted C. converted D. transferred
9. How can I ______ money from my bank account to his?
A. transmit B. transfer C. transit D. convert
10. The disease cannot be ______ through coughing or sneezing.
A. transmitted B. transformed C. converted D. transited
11. Just like Stella on The Voice, I could ______ from a skinny, shy girl in a plaid shirt and jeans into a
glamorous star in a sequined gown.
A. transform B. transit C. transfer D. transmit
12. The ceremony was ______ live by satellite to over fifty countries.
A. transferred B. transited C. converted D. transmitted
13. This will not apply to people who ______ Italy or who will leave the country within 24 hours.
A. transfer B. transmit C. transit D. convert
14. His dad had ______ their garage into a salon when Josh started kindergarten and his mom went to
beauty school.
A. transmitted B. transited C. converted D. transferred
15. My friend Katy used to support Leeds but has ______ her loyalties to Scarborough after moving to
the resort.
A. transferred B. converted C. transited D. transformed

201. TỦ
tủ quần áo, cao Ted was putting his clean clothes away
hơn cupboard, thường đặt trong in the wardrobe.
phòng ngủ và ta có thể xếp áo quần
vào trong tủ này
tủ nhỏ có ngăn bên trong, có cửa phía The kitchen cupboard is stocked with
trước, tủ búp phê, tủ để ly, dùng để dishes, cups and food.
lưu trữ nhiều thứ ly, chén, đĩa, thức
ăn, dụng cụ...,
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I keep all the children's playthings in that big cupboard/wardrobe.
2. I went through the pile of clothes at the back of my cupboard/wardrobe.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

3. We keep the hoover and mop in a cupboard/wardrobe under the stairs.

4. He hung his suit in the cupboard/wardrobe.
5. We had some new cupboard/wardrobe units fitted in the kitchen.
202. SỰ TỰ DO
tự do trong một hệ thống luật lệ cho The Turkish government has fought to
liberty phép mọi người được hành xử theo ý uphold religious liberty.
/'lɪbərti/ nguyện của mỗi cá nhân, không bị
(n) giới hạn bởi chính phủ hoặc cơ quan
có thẩm quyền
có nghĩa rộng hơn "liberty", không bị In college, you have the freedom to do
cản trở thực hiện điều mình muốn what you want.
làm, tự do làm điều mình thích, muốn
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I felt such a sense of freedom/liberty, up in the hills alone.
2. The law should protect the freedom/liberty of the individual.
3. I was enjoying the freedom/liberty of not having to go to work.
4. Such a system would be a fundamental blow to the rights and liberties/freedoms of the English people.
5. Everyone should be allowed freedom/liberty of choice.
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] tụ tập lại hoặc - A crowd
gather tập hợp mọi người lại một chỗ để tạo thành immediately gathered around the
/'gæðə(r)/ một nhóm (thường là mang tính ngẫu stricken man.
(v) nhiên) ~ collect - The kids were gathered in one
[nội động từ] tập trung lại một chỗ (từ A crowd began to collect in front of
những chỗ khác nhau hoặc trong một the embassy.
collect khoảng thời gian) để hình thành một nhóm
/kə'lekt/ lớn hơn
(v) * collect có thể nhấn mạnh vào quá trình
tập hợp dần dần, từng người một
~ gather
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] tập hợp lại Everyone is assembling outside the
assemble như một nhóm hoặc tập hợp mọi người/thu cathedral, ready for the
/ə'sembl/ thập đồ vật lại như một nhóm (thường là vì Remembrance Day parade.
(v) một một đích chung cụ thể nào đó hoặc
cùng nhau làm gì)
(trang trọng) - to convene a meeting
[ngoại động từ] convene something - The committee will convene at
sắp xếp cho mọi người tập trung lại với 11:30 next Thursday.
nhau để họp
[nội động từ] tập trung lại để tham gia một
cuộc họp (triệu tập)
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] - The family was reunited after the
[thường dùng ở dạng bị động] war.
mang hai người hoặc hơn hai người lại gần - The band will reunite for a US
nhau lần nữa sau khi họ bị chia cách trong tour.
một khoảng thời gian dài: đoàn tụ; tập
trung lại lần nữa: hợp nhất lại, nhóm lại, tập


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

hợp lại...
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] tụ tập lại với Their troops were massing for war.
số lượng lớn; tập trung/tụ hội rất nhiều
/mæs/ (v)
người lại
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. A few homeless beggars convened/collected around the blaze for warmth.
2. The general convened/massed his troops for a final attack.
3. Last August he collected/convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.
4. He looked around at the assembled/gathered company (= all the people who had come there).
5. Gather/Reunite round, children, and I'll tell you a story.
6. The ban reunited/massed for a special concert.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. An emergency board meeting was ______ by the directors later that afternoon.
A. collected B. convened C. massed D. reunited
8. Thousands of troops have ____ along the border in preparation for an invasion.
A. convened B. disbanded C. dispersed D. massed
9. A large crowd of reporters ______ outside the prime minister’s house.
A. collected B. reunited C. convened D. dispersed
10. He was ______ with his sister after 14 years apart.
A. collected B. convened C. reunited D. assembled
11. The dancing club ______ once a month to discuss upcoming activities.
A. disperse B. assembles C. convenes D. disbands
12. The man signalled for me to ______ the children together.
A. disperse B. convene C. gather D. collect
13. The conference established five committees which would ______ in April or May.
A. disband B. collect C. reunite D. convene
14. According to some reports, both countries then began ____ troops in the region.
A. massing B. collecting C. convening D. disbanding
15. At the staff meeting, the manager told the ______ company that no one would lose their job.
A. reunited B. dispersed C. assembled D. gathered
một khoảng thời gian mà một con Worms have a lifespan of a few
lifespan người/động vật/máy móc/... có thể months.
/'laɪfspæn/ (n) sống/tiếp tục tồn tại hoặc vận hành
trong những điều kiện bình thường
[U, C] số năm mà một người có - Life expectancy for both men and
life expectancy thể sẽ sống đến: tuổi thọ trung women has improved greatly in the
/'laɪf ɪkspektənsi/ bình; độ dài của thời gian mà thứ past 20years.
(n) gì đó có thể sẽ tồn tại hoặc tiếp tục - The life expectancy of a large bus
is about 15years.
độ dài khoảng thời gian mà ai đó - His diary was not published during
sống; thứ gì/điều gì tồn tại/kéo his lifetime.
lifetime dài: cả cuộc đời - Memories can last a lifetime.
/'laɪftaɪm/ (n) - After a lifetime as a journalist in
the trouble spots of the world, he
retired to the country.
[U] (trang trọng) sự sống lâu - We wish you both health
(trường thọ); sự tồn tại trong một and longevity.
/lɒn'dʒevəti/ (n)
khoảng thời gian dài - He prides himself on


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

the longevity of the company.

[U] trạng thái giữ nguyên hoặc The spoken word is immediate but
không thay đổi trong một khoảng lacks permanence.
thời gian rất dài, có thể là mãi
/'pɜ:mənəns/ (n)
mãi: sự lâu bên, sự cố định, sự
vĩnh cửu
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. That’s more money than I’m likely to make in my entire lifetime/life expectancy.
2. He attributes his longevity/lifespan to a simple diet and a glass of wine every day.
3. The natural longevity/lifespan of wild chickens is about seven to twelve years, and of cattle about
twenty to twenty-five years.
4. A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence/lifetime which they
5. As technology becomes more sophisticated, the longevity/life expectancy of household gadgets seems
to decrease.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. Improvements in diet have resulted in greater ______ for many people.
A. life expectancy B. longevity C. lifetime D. permanence
7. The combination of olive oil, hearty vegetables, and cheese that comes from
goat's milk, mixed with decent servings of fish and meat, has been shown in numerous studies to promote
A. lifetime B. permanence C. continuance D. longevity
8. We’ll see a tremendous lot of technological changes during our ______.
A. life expectancy B. lifespan C. longevity D. lifetime
9. It is battery operated and has a ______ of two or three years.
A. permanence B. lifetime C. lifespan D. longevity
10. An entryway of brick steps adds warmth and character and helps to project a sense of quality and
A. life expectancy B. lifespan C. permanence D. lifetime
11. "I don't know what the normal ______ of a chicken is, but this sick chicken has been alive for half a
century,” he joked.
A. lifespan B. life expectancy C. longevity D. lifetime
12. These spending commitments are not achievable in the ______ of the present government.
A. lifespan B. lifetime C. longevity D. permanence
13. According to a recent CDC study, Native Americans had a ______ of 71 years, compared to
Hispanics at 82 years, Whites at 78.8 years, and Blacks at 74.8 years.
A. lifetime B. life expectancy C. permanence D. longevity
14. The band members, together three decades, said the secret to their ______ was friendship.
A. lifespan B. lifetime C. life expectancy D. longevity
15. Their little boy is permanently dependent on oxygen and has a shortened ______
A. permanence B. longevity C. life expectancy D. lifetime
similar giống ai/thứ gì nhưng không giống y hệt Stir the paint with a piece of
/'sɪmələ(r)/ >< different /'dɪfrənt/ (adj) wood or something similar.
(adj) >< dissimilar /dɪ'sɪmɪlə(r)/ (adj)
analogous (to/with something) The national debt
[trang trọng] có những đặc điểm tương is analogous with private
đồng với điều gì/tình huống nào theo một debt.
/ə'næləgəs/ (adj)
cách nào đó, vì vậy mà có thể được so sánh
với điều đó/tình huống đó


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

akin to something They speak a language akin

[trang trọng] có một vài phẩm chất/tính to French.
/ə'kɪn/ (adj)
chất như của một thứ gì đó khác
tương đồng với một thứ gì đó/ai đó khác về The girls are
comparable /'kɒmpərəbl/
kích cỡ/số lượng/phẩm chất/chất lượng/... of comparable ages.
nên có thể so sánh được
Tương đương (có cùng giá trị/số lượng/ý - Is $50 equivalent
nghĩa/tầm quan trọng/mục đích/phẩm to about£30?
chất/... với ai đó/thứ gì thuộc loại khác) - I think that covering up the
/ɪ'kwɪvələnt/ (adj)
facts is equivalent to lying
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Their business partnership was equivalent/analogous to a marriage.
2. What he felt was more comparable/akin to pity than love.
3. Our prices are comparable/akin with those in other shops.
4. It's bigger than his room, but it’s very similar/equivalent.
5. The new regulation was seen as equivalent/incomparable to censorship.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. A car of ______ size would cost far more abroad.
A. akin B. comparable C. equivalent D. analogous
7. I haven't taken English 202, but I took a(n) ______ course at another university.
A. dissimilar B. analogous C. incomparable D. equivalent
8. I know how you feel because I have a(n) ______ problem.
A. similar B. analogous C. equivalent D. akin
9. These dialects are ______ to Arabic, though different in several respects.
A. equivalent B. dissimilar C. akin D. incomparable
10. Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way ______ with death.
A. equivalent B. incomparable C. analogous D. similar
11. Farmers were meant to get an income ______ to that of townspeople.
A. analogous B. akin C. equivalent D. comparable
12. Those less-known companies manufacture ______ products at cheaper prices.
A. analogous B. equivalent C. dissimilar D. akin
13. The risk it poses is ______ with smoking just one cigarette every year.
A. comparable B. similar C. akin D. equivalent
14. Eight kilometres is roughly ______ to five miles.
A. comparable B. analogous C. equivalent D. akin
một chuỗi các hành động được thực - the peace process
hiện để đạt được một kết quả cụ thể - We’re in the process of
process nào đó selling our house.
/'prəʊses/ (n)
một chuỗi những thay đổi diễn ra một - the digestive process
cách tự nhiên - the ageing process
[U, C] một cách để làm điều gì, đặc What's the procedure for applying
biệt là cách thông thường/chính for a visa?
xác/chính thức/được chấp nhận: thủ
[C] một tập hợp các hành động/hoạt the UN peacekeeping operations
động được lên kế hoạch (bao gồm
/,ɒpə'reɪʃn/ (n)
nhiều người) để đạt được một mục


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

đích cụ thể'
[C, thường dùng dạng số nhiều] quá She has begun divorce
proceeding trình dùng luật pháp hoặc toà án để proceedings.
/prə'si:dɪŋ/ (n) giải quyết một vụ tranh chấp/khiếu
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. John is taking legal proceedings/procedures against his ex-partner.
2. Following the earthquake, a large-scale rescue proceeding/operation was launched.
3. They began the difficult proceeding/process of reforming the education system.
4. Police insist that he did not follow the correct operation/procedure in applying for a visa.
5. The drug has been found to significantly speed up the healing process/operation.
6. The procedure/proceeding for logging on to the network involves a password.
7. The EU has started legal proceedings/operations against the country for its failure to implement the
8. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the operation/process.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. A huge rescue ______ was launched after two divers were reported missing.
A. process B. operation C. procedure D. proceeding
10. She arrived at the correct answer by a ______ of elimination - she decided against each answer that
was unlikely to be correct until only one was left.
A. procedure B. proceeding C. process D. operation
11. His wife has threatened to start divorce ______.
A. proceedings B. operations C. procedures D. performances
12. To ensure high quality, all products go through rigorous testing ______.
A. proceedings B. performances C. procedures D. operations
13. More evidence of environmental damage is expected to emerge in legal ______ against the company.
A. operations B. proceedings C. processes D. procedures
14. After the recent bombing, the authorities launched a massive security ______ in the city.
A. proceeding B. procedure C. process D. operation
15. You can find which food you are allergic to by a ______ of elimination.
A. process B. operation C. proceeding D. performance
16. The company has new ______ for dealing with complaints.
A. proceedings B. procedures C. performances D. operations
17. There are six interactive components of the learning ______: attention, memory, language, processing
and organizing, writing, and higher order thinking.
A. operation B. performance C. proceeding D. process
207. THỰC TẾ
[thường chỉ đứng trước danh từ] dựa - empirical research
trên các thí nghiệm thực tế, sự quan - empirical evidence
sát, hoặc kinh nghiệm thay vì dựa trên
/ɪm'pɪrɪkl/ (adj)
các ý tưởng hoặc lý thuyết
>< theoretical /,θɪə'retɪkl/ (adj)
liên quan đến các tình huống thực tế và to have gained practical experience
các sự kiện thay vì các ý tưởng hay of the work
cảm xúc
(về một ý tưởng/phương pháp/hành It was difficult to find
/'præktɪkl/ (adj)
động) đúng đắn hoặc hợp lý; có thể sẽ a practical solution to the problem.
thành công
~ workable /'wɜ:kəbl/ (adj)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(miêu tả vật) hữu ích và phù hợp a practical little car, ideal for the city
(về một con người) có óc xét đoán và Let’s be practical and work out the
thực tế cost first.
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. They collected plenty of theoretical/empirical data from their experiments.
2. This empirical/practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.
3. There is no empirical/practical evidence to support his thesis.
4. Although the causes of cancer are being uncovered, we do not yet have any practical/empirical way to
prevent it.
5. Candidates should have training and empirical/practical experience in basic electronics.
6. This theory needs to be backed up with solid practical/empirical data.
7. The diagnosis of a business problem should be based on both empirical/workable analysis and on
theoretical analysis.
8. Sarah is quite empirical/practical about love and relationships. She is always careful and never rushes
in blindly.
9. They provided considerable empirical/workable evidence to support their argument.
10. Cool, loose-fitting clothes are empirical/practical in a hot climate.
cảm giác thương cảm (đến từ góc She felt sympathy for the children
nhìn cá nhân của một người ngoài suffering in the conflict in Afghanistan.
cuộc) đổi với ai đó; thể hiện rằng bạn
quan tâm và chia sẻ những vấn đề của
/'sɪmpəθi/ (n)
ai đó: sự thương cảm; sự đồng cảm
*sympathy có nghĩa là sự chia sẻ với
cảm giác/cảm xúc của ai đó
[U] khả năng hiểu được những cảm She felt empathy for the grieving
giác, cảm xúc,... của người khác như widow because she had lost her own
thể những cảm giác/cảm xúc đó là của husband the year before.
chính bạn hoặc cũng có thể do chính
bạn đã trải qua những điều tương
tự: sự thấu cảm
*empathy có nghĩa là sự thấu
hiểu với những cảm giác/cảm xúc của
ai đó nhưng không nhất thiết là chia
sẻ những cảm giác/cảm xúc đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Having just lost her mother to cancer, Sophia felt great sympathy/empathy for Joe during his
2. Jackie had empathy/sympathy for John, who lost his house in a fire.
3. As he watched the hurricane footage from his warm, dry apartment, he felt sympathy/empathy for
those losing their homes.
4. Having also faced serious financial troubles, Caroline had empathy/sympathy for Jack over his money
5. Our heartfelt sympathy/empathy goes out to the victims of the war.
6. For the first time, Thomas felt a little sympathy/empathy for Mary - he did have a point about how
John was treating him.
void không có hiệu lực hoặc không có giá Both parties accepted that the
/vɔɪd/ trị, vi phạm pháp luật partnership agreement was void.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

(adj) trống không (khoảng không) He continued to sit, staring into

the void space.
không có/thiếu điều gì The letter was void of warm and
trống/chưa được sử dụng (chỗ ngồi, There was only one vacant room in the
vacant phòng khách sạn, nhà,...) hotel then.
/'veɪkənt/ ~ unoccupied /,ʌn'ɒkjupaɪd/
(adj) chưa có người làm (công việc) The president resigned and the post was
left vacant.
trống (không có thứ gì hoặc người bên When he reached the supermarket
empty trong) checkout, he found to his horror that his
/'empti/ wallet was completely empty.
(adj) không thành thật (~ hollow) hoặc vô Don't trust them! Their promises
nghĩa are empty words and nothing more.
có lỗ hổng/không gian trống bên trong A broken bone with a hollow space
inside indicated that the creature was a
hollow không thành thật Will their good intentions become
/'hɒləʊ/ ~ empty realities or are they
(adj) just hollow promises?
không có giá trị thực sự For me "Have a nice day." is just
a hollow form of words, with no real
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I hadn't had breakfast, and my stomach felt hollow/vacant.
2. Her doctor said the pain was the result of nervous exhaustion and an unoccupied/empty stomach.
3. My bed is a void/hollow space, a limbo where life's pause button can be pressed at any time I want.
4. There was a vacant/hollow space next to my car when I left it.
5. She got a standing ovation at the end, but it all must have felt pretty void/hollow. She had lost a true
friend right before the performance.
6. The sky was void/empty of stars.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. He won something of a (n) ______ victory when his opponent was forced to withdraw with a serious
A. empty B. void C. vacant D. hollow
8. It's known that it's not good to drink alcohol on a(n) ______ stomach.
A. unoccupied B. empty C. vacant C. void
9. She applied for the position which fell ______ when Rodman was promoted.
A. vacant B. unoccupied C. void D. hollow
10. The room was virtually ______ except for a few chairs and a table.
A. hollow B. vacant C. empty D. unoccupied
11. The promise of a new job sounds ______ to a community with an unemployment rate well below the
national average.
A. unoccupied B. void C. hollow D. vacant
12. Mark claimed the marriage between his father and Mary was ______. He believed they were not
lawfully married.
A. void B. vacant C. empty D. hollow
13. The architect created a(n) ______ space shielded with glass to allow sunlight to penetrate into the
house’s interior.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. vacant B. occupied C. void D. hollow

14. He could barely see them, as they were tucked away inside of a giant ______ tree.
A. hollow B. empty C. vacant D. void
15. As far as I can see, he’s completely ______ of charm and empathy.
A. vacant B. void C. empty D. hollow
16. If you're looking for somewhere to rent, I think there’s a(n) ______ apartment in my building.
A. hollow B. empty C. vacant D. void
17. The original elections were declared ______ by the former military ruler.
A. empty B. hollow C. unoccupied D. void
18. He applied for the job of Eliot’s personal secretary, which had just fallen ______
A. vacant B. empty C. void D. hollow
19. His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was a(n) ______ threat.
A. void B. unoccupied C. empty D. vacant
210. ỦY BAN
*commission và committee đều là những nhóm người được thành lập để thực hiện một nhiệm vụ cụ thể
nào đó. Nhiệm vụ này có thể là ngắn hạn hoặc dài hạn, lớn hoặc nhỏ, có quyền hạn lớn hoặc chỉ để cố
[C] một nhóm chính thức gồm những - The government has set up a
người được giao trách nhiệm để thực joint commission to consider the
hiện một nhiệm vụ nào đó (thường là problem.
cho chính phủ) như kiểm tra một vấn - The European Commission is the
đề gì hoặc để tìm ra điều gì EU’s political independent executive
commission *commission là một uỷ ban/hội đồng arm. It is working on all fronts to
/kə'mɪʃn/ (n) độc lập được vận hành như là một contain the spread of the coronavirus,
quá trình kiểm soát/điều tra từ bên support national health systems and
ngoài counter the socio-economic impact of
the pandemic by taking unprecedented
measures at both national and EU
[C] một nhóm những người được lựa The finance committee has decided to
chọn từ một nhóm lớn hơn để đại raise membership fees for the next
diện cho nhóm lớn hơn đó để đưa ra season.
quyết định hoặc để giải quyết một
committee vấn đề nào đó hoặc để thu thập thông
/kə'mɪti/ (n) tin
*committee là một uỷ ban đóng vai
trò như là một phương tiện mang yếu
tố từ bên trong để thực hiện một
nhiệm vụ
211. LÀM ƯỚT
[nội động từ] (chất lỏng) chảy xuống Water was dripping down the walls.
thành từng giọt nhỏ
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] để chảy - The tap was dripping.
/drɪp/ (v)
nhỏ giọt; làm chảy nhỏ giọt - Be careful, you're dripping paint
[ngoại động từ] tưới nước cho to water the plants
water cây/vườn/...
[nội động từ] (mắt) chảy nước mắt The smoke made my eyes water.
[nội động từ] (miệng) chảy nước miếng The smell of the meat made her


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

mouth water.
moisten [nội động từ, ngoại động từ] trở He moistened his lips before he spoke.
/'mɔɪsn/ nên/khiến cho thứ gì hơi ẩm ướt
làm cho cái gì ẩm ướt Wet the brush before putting it in the
wet wet your/the bed It is quite common for small children
/wet/ (v) đái dầm, tè dầm to wet their beds.
wet yourself/your pants/your He was so frightened that he wet his
knickers: đái ra quần pants.
dampen làm cho cái gì hơi ẩm ướt Perspiration dampened her face and
/'dæmpən/ ~ moisten neck.
[nội động từ] (chất lỏng) chảy/rơi Water splashed onto the floor.
xuống một bề mặt nào đó một cách ồn
splash ào
/splæʃ/ (v) [ngoại động từ] làm cho ai đó/thứ gì bị He splashed cold water on his face.
ướt bằng cách té/vẩy/bắn nước/bùn/...
lên người họ
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Wash the wound gently with a piece of moistened/splashed cotton wool.
2. Remember to water/drip your houseplants well before you go on holiday.
3. She was hot and sweat dripped/moistened into her eyes.
4. Wet/Water your hair thoroughly before applying the shampoo.
5. The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water/dampen.
6. Her hands were dripping/splashing with blood.
7. Chopping onions always makes my eyes moisten/water.
8. He water/dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
9. Rain splashed/wet against the windows.
10. She dampened/splashed some water over her boots to clean them.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
11. If you ______ your piece of paper before you start painting, it will be easier to paint evenly.
A. water B. drip C. dampen D. irrigate
12. How do you stop your eyes from ______ when you’re cutting up onions?
A. watering B. dampening C. wetting D. moistening
13. If your find your throat is dry and you need some water, just take a few sips to ______ your mouth.
A. splash B. moisten C. irrigate D. drip
14. Her boots were muddy, and her hair was ______.
A. dripping B. wetting C. moistening D. dampening
15. She ______ a cloth and held it to his forehead.
A. splashed B. dripped C. watered D. dampened
16. Her hair was completely wet and there were droplets of water ______ down her nose.
A. dampening B. wetting C. dripping D. moistening
17. Big tears ran down her cheeks and ______ onto the paper.
A. wet B. splashed C. watered D. dampened
18. The smell of that bread is making my mouth ______!
A. moisten B. drip C. water D. splash
19. If you do not have time to wash your hair, just ______ it slightly with a wet comb should do the trick.
A. splashing B. dampening C. dripping D. watering


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

20. Her new boyfriend is hilarious - he had us ______ our pants through the whole lunch!
A. wetting B. watering C. moistening D. dripping
212. VẤN ĐỀ
the matter [so it] được dùng (để hỏi) nếu - What's the matter? Is there
ai đó đang không vui/phiền muộn/... hoặc something wrong?
nếu có vấn đề gì - There's something the matter with
my eyes.
problem một việc/thứ mà khó để giải quyết hoặc Our main problem is lack of cash.
/'prɒbləm/ hiểu và gây ra những khó khăn/không
(n) được mong đợi
[C] một vấn đề/nỗi lo lắng/sự khó khăn William still has some issues with
(thường thuộc về cá nhân) mà ai đó đang women (= has some problems
/'ɪʃu:/ (n)
gặp phải dealing with them).
một tình huống hoặc chủ đề mà đang She organizes her
affair được giải quyết hoặc cân nhắc financial affairs very efficiently.
/ə'feə(r)/ một vấn đề/tình huống (thường là về the Watergate affair
(n) chính trị hoặc phạm trù đạo đức) khiến
cho dư luận quan tâm
setback một khó khăn hoặc vấn đề làm chậm tiến The December elections were a
/'setbæk/ độ của một điều gì đó hoặc làm cho một major setback for the party.
(n) tình huống trở nên xấu hơn
obstacle một tình huống/sự kiện/... khiến cho bạn Fear of change is an obstacle to
/'ɒbstəkl/ khó có thể làm gì hoặc đạt được điều gì progress.
(n) ~ hindrance /'hɪndrəns/ (n)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business setbacks/affairs to my financial adviser.
2. The team suffered a major setback/affair when their best player was injured.
3. Half of the teachers are now on strike. The problem/obstacle lies in the lack of communication
between managers and teachers.
4. The huge distances involved have proved an affair/obstacle to communication between villages.
5. What’s the issue/matter with you today?
6. I'm not bothered about the cost - you're the one who’s making it an issue/the matter.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
7. Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big ______ for me.
A. matter B. issue C. setback D. obstacle
8. A lack of qualifications can be a major ______ to finding a job.
A. obstacle B. issue C. matter D. problem
9. The arms-dealing ______ has severely damaged the reputation of the government.
A. setback B. affair C. issue D. obstacle
10. What on earth was the ______ with him, Jack wondered. He’d come here to enjoy himself and here
he was, stuck on his own in the hotel.
A. setback B. affair C. obstacle D. matter
11. The breakdown in talks represents a serious ______ in the peace process.
A. matter B. issue C. setback D. problem
12. Everybody there had ______ from child abandonment to drug abuse, but I got used to it and just
stayed to myself.
A. issues B. setbacks C. obstacles D. hindrances
13. Their biggest ______ to finishing the project was the difficulty in finding enough local craftsmen to
carry out the work.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. affair B. obstacle C. problem D. matter

14. What you do in your spare time is your ______.
A. hindrance B. problem C. affair D. setback
213. VỊ
[U] thức ăn và đồ uống có vị như thế - vegetables that are fresh and full
flavour nào of flavour
/'fleɪvə(r)/ ~ taste - Salt is a common flavour enhancer.
(n) [C] một loại vị cụ thể nào đó - a wine with a delicate fruit flavour
- a dish with a strong spicy flavour
[C, U] đặc điểm cụ thể mà các loại đồ - a sweet taste
ăn hoặc đồ uống khác nhau có, thứ mà - I like the taste of olives.
cho phép bạn nhận ra chúng khi bạn cho - The soup has very little taste.
taste chúng vào mồm: vị
/teɪst/ (n) [U] giác quan mà cho phép bạn nhận ra She's lost her sense of taste.
được các loại đồ ăn và đồ uống khác
nhau khi bạn cho chúng vào mồm: vị
savour [usually singular] (formal) một mùi the sweet savour of wood smoke
/'seɪvə(r)/ (adj) hoặc vị dễ chịu
tang [usually singular] mùi hoặc vị đậm (đặc - the tang of lemons
/tæŋ/ (n) trưng của cái gì) - the tang of the sea air
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Olives are usually an acquired taste/savour.
2. The meat is famous for its ‘marbling’ - the blend of fat and lean meat which gives it its
distinctive flavour/spice and texture.
3. Nothing spoils the spice/savour of a good wine or takes the zing out of a gin tonic like having it served
in a smeary, bleary glass.
4. We could smell the salty taste/tang of sea air from our bedroom window.
5. When you have a cold, you often lose your sense of flavour/taste.
6. The tang/taste of some wild herb hung in the air: rosemary perhaps.
7. We sell 32 different spices/flavours of ice cream.
8. If the tide was out, I could smell the flavour/tang of seaweed and the musky odour of the mud flats
and hear the clicking sounds of the barnacles and mussels closed up their shells.
9. Of the five senses - touch, taste/flavour, smell, sight, and hearing - which one is most important to a
naval aviator?
10. I had a strong coffee to take away the nasty savour/taste of the food.
tốt hơn hoặc làm tốt hơn ai đó/thứ He was determined to surpass the
gì đó achievements of his older brothers.
tốt hơn mong đợi ~ exceed (v) Its success has
surpassed/exceeded all expectations.
/sə'pɑ:s/ (v)
vượt quá; lớn hơn điều gì (mang He hopes one day to surpass the world
nghĩa tích cực, khen ngợi) record.
~ exceed (v)
transcend vượt quá các giới hạn thông The desire for
/træn'send/ thường hoặc ranh giới của điều gì peace transcended political differences.
(v) đó
exceed lớn hơn một con số/số lượng cụ The price will not exceed £100.
/ɪk'si:d/ (v) thể (mang nghĩa trung lập - có thể


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

là điều tích cực hoặc tiêu cực)

~ surpass (v)
vượt quá giới hạn cho phép Jane was exceeding the speed limit (=
(quyền hạn/mệnh lệnh/luật pháp) driving faster than is allowed).
tốt hơn mong đợi ~ surpass (y) Its success has
surpassed/exceeded all expectations.
outrun phát triển nhanh hơn thứ gì đó The company's spending
/,aʊt'rʌn/ (v) was outrunning its income.
làm nhiều hơn/tốt hơn/thành công - Josh always tries to outdo everybody
hơn ai đó ở một lĩnh vực/khía else in the class.
cạnh/hoạt động nào đó - Not to be outdone (= not wanting to let
/,aʊt'du:/ (v)
somebody else do better), she tried
đạt được kết quả tốt hơn ai đó/thứ In recent years our economy
outperform /,aʊtpə'fɔ:m/
gì đó has outperformed most other industrial
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. When it comes to speed of response, a small firm can outdo/transcend a big company.
2. Working hours must not exceed/outrun 42 hours a week.
3. The company has consistently exceeded/outperformed its larger rivals.
4. Consumer demand has outrun/outdone our production capacities.
5. The riot police has outdone/exceeded their authority.
6. The director has really surpassed/exceeded himself with this new film.
7. The success of our campaign has outperformed/exceeded our wildest expectations.
8. The opponents of the project emphasized that their campaign was not "political", namely, that the issue
they promoted transcended/outran party politics.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. I would be ______ my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.
A. surpassing B. exceeding C. outrunning D. outdoing
10. Other researchers have found that when essay examinations are used to evaluate performance, women
______ their male counterparts.
A. exceed B. transcend C. exceed D. outperform
11. The population is ______ the local resources.
A. outperforming B. outdoing C. outrunning D. transcending
12. His work in this field is unlikely to be ______ for a very long time to come!
A. transcended B. surpassed C. exceeded D. outrun
13. "Do you congratulate players when they win and ______ others or when they try hard and improve?"
A. transcend B. outperform C. outrun D. exceed
14. He was blindingly intelligent, and effortlessly ______ his brother in everything they undertook
A. surpassed B. outran C. exceeded D. transcended
15. Its research budget ______ £700 million a year.
A. outruns B. outperforms C. exceeds D. outdoes
16. Sometimes small firms can ______ big business when it comes to customer care.
A. outdo B. exceed C. outperform D. outrun
17. The beauty of her songs ______ words and language.
A. transcend B. exceed C. surpass D. outrun
215. XA
far [chỉ đứng trước danh từ] ở một - at the far end of the room


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/fɑ:(r)/ (adj) khoảng cách xa hơn từ chỗ bạn; ở một - a far country
nơi xa*
* nghĩa này giống với distant và
cách xa những chỗ nơi con người sinh a remote village
sống: hẻo lánh
/rɪ'məʊt/ (adj)
~ isolated /'aɪsəleɪtɪd/ (ɑdj)
xa về không gian hoặc thời gian - distant stars
~ faraway /'fɑ:rəweɪ/(adj) [chỉ đứng - a distant country
/'distənt/ (adj)
trước danh từ]
[thường đứng trước danh từ] dùng để - expeditions to the far-
far-flung chỉ những nơi rất xa xôi hoặc những flung corners of the world
/.fa: 'flʌŋ/ (adj) thứ gì/những ai trải dài trên một vùng - a newsletter that helps to keep all
rộng lớn our far-flung graduates in touch
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Her honeymoon seemed a remote/distant memory.
2. They live in a remote/short-lived corner of Scotland, miles from the nearest shop.
3. He’s gone off hiking in some short-lived/far-flung corner of Alaska.
4. I saw her on the far/remote side of the road.
5. The area is geographically far/isolated because of the hills that surround it.
6. Growing up in a small seaport in an Asian country instilled in him a restless desire to travel
to remote/faraway places in the world, such as Africa, Europe, and America.
7. Email enables far-flung/far friends to keep in touch.
8. It was only a few miles away, but it seemed unimaginably isolated/distant.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. The stars are more ______ from the earth than the sun.
A. isolated B. far-flung C. remote D. distant
10. The sun slid behind the purple mountains in the ______ distance.
A. far B. remote C. isolated D. far-flung
11. Newsletters provided an important link to a ______ membership.
A. distant B. far-flung C. far D. remote
12. The time we spent together is now a (n) ______ memory.
A. distant B. remote C. isolated D. far-flung
13. He was standing in the ______ corner.
A. remote B. isolated C. far D. faraway
14. The airport was about 20 kilometres ______.
A. far-flung C. remote C. isolated D. distant
tuyên bố một cách chính thức rằng điều I hereby certify that the above
gì là đúng sự thực hoặc chính xác, đặc information is true and accurate.
biệt là bằng hình thức viết: chứng
nhận, chứng thực
verify something Several witnesses verified his story.
verify that ...
chỉ ra hoặc nói rằng điều gì là đúng sự
/'verɪfaɪ/ (v)
thực hoặc chính xác: xác nhận
~ confirm /kən'fɜ:m/ (v)
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Laboratory tests certified/confirmed the presence of the virus.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

2. His conclusions have been verified/certified by later experiments.

3. He handed her a piece of paper confirming/certifying that she was in good health.
4. The award certified/confirmed her status as one of the great movie actresses.
5. Sellers should submit documents confirming/certifying the value of the artwork.
6. Tests verified/certified that Beck had torn a shoulder muscle.
217. XÂM LẤN
[nội động từ] [mang nghĩa chê/tiêu cực) These devices are encroaching
encroach (on/upon something) bắt đầu on people's privacy.
dần dần tác động/chiếm quá nhiều thời
encroach gian/quyền/cuộc sống cá nhân/... của ai đó
/ɪn'krəʊtʃ/ [nội động từ] - the encroaching tide (= that is
(v) encroach (on/upon something) coming in)
bắt đầu từ từ che/phủ/bao trùm một vùng - Each year the sea continues
to encroach upon the island's
[nội động từ] trespass (on something) He told me I was trespassing
đi vào vùng đất hoặc toà nhà mà bạn không on private land.
được phép hoặc có quyền đi vào: xâm
[nội động từ, ngoại động từ] đi vào một đất When did the
nước/thị trấn/... và sử dụng vũ lực quân sự Romans invade Britain?
để nắm quyền kiểm soát nó: xâm lược, xâm
invade chiếm
[ngoại động từ] invade something - Demonstrators invaded the
đi vào một nơi nào đó với số lượng lớn, đặc government buildings.
biệt là để gây ra thiệt hại hoặc vấn đề rắc - The cancer cells may invade other
rối parts of the body.
[ngoại động từ] can thiệp, xâm phạm We should not intrude upon their
private grief.
intrude [ngoại động từ] The sound of the telephone intruded
/ɪn'tru:d/ intrude (on/into/upon something) into his dreams.
(v) xâm nhập vào một điều gì đó theo cách
không mong muốn hoặc có tác động không
dễ chịu lên điều đó
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. He was arrested for trespassing/encroaching on government property.
2. Sorry, I didn't mean to encroach/intrude. I didn't realize you were on the phone.
3. In autumn 1944, the allies invaded/encroached the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
4. The noise began to intrude/invade into her thoughts.
5. The movie industry has chosen to ignore the trespassing/encroaching competition of television.
6. Every so often the kitchen would be trespassed/invaded by ants.
7. I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching/trespassing trees and bushes.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Concentrations of troops near the border look set to ______ within the next few days.
A. intrude B. invade C. trespass D. encroach
9. Reporters constantly ______ into the couple’s private life.
A. invaded B. encroached C. intruded D. trespassed
10. Bacteria ______ and caused an infection.
A. intruded B. trespassed C. encroached D. invaded


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

11. Newspaper editors are being urged not to ______ into the grief of the families of missing servicemen.
A. invade B. intrude C. trespass D. encroach
12. I hope this is a public footpath and we're not ______ on someone’s land.
A. intruding B. invading C. trespassing D. encroaching
13. They fought fearlessly against the troops who were ______ from the north.
A. invading B. trespassing C. encroaching D. intruding
14. He never allows work to ______ upon his family life.
A. encroach B. invade C. trespass D. depend
15. Companies should not have the right to ______ into employees’ personal lives by giving them
psychological tests.
A. encroach B. invade C. intrude D. trespass
16. Get out of the yard! Can’t you see the sign? It says, 'No ______’.
A. encroaching B. trespassing C. invading D. intruding
17. As the final whistle blew, fans began ______ the field.
A. intruding B. encroaching C. trespassing D. invading
18. The growing town soon ______ on the surrounding countryside.
A. invaded B. intruded C. encroached D. trespassed
(miêu tả người) lo lắng hoặc bối rối/ngượng khi Don't be shy - come and
shy gặp gỡ và nói chuyện với người khác: nhút say hello.
/ʃaɪ/ (adj) nhát, bẽn lẽn, e thẹn
~ timid
rụt rè, nhút nhát, bẽn lẽn, lo lắng; không bạo - Deer are
dạn/dũng cảm naturally timid creatures.
~ shy - He stopped in the
/'tɪmɪd/ (adj)
>< confident doorway, too timid to go
(về một con người hoặc tính cách của họ) chậm English people have a
hoặc không sẵn lòng thể hiện cảm xúc hoặc bày reputation for being
/rɪ'zɜ:vd/ (adj)
tỏ suy nghĩ: kín đáo, dè dặt very reserved.
rụt rè, bẽn lẽn, e lệ, nhút nhát, dễ xấu hổ và He was too bashful to
không muốn nói nhiều talk about sex.
/'bæʃfl/ (adj)
~ shy
không thể thoải mái hoặc thể hiện cảm xúc một The presence of the
inhibited cách tự nhiên; không đủ tự tin để nói hoặc làm strangers made her
/ɪn'hɪbɪtɪd/ (adj) điều bạn muốn: lúng túng, gượng gạo, rụt rè, feel inhibited.
thiếu tự nhiên
(không dùng trước danh từ) cảm thấy ngượng - Mental illness is
hoặc có lỗi về một ai đó/ điều gì đó hoặc một nothing to
ashamed lỗi nghiêm trọng mà bạn đã cố tình làm be ashamed of.
/ə'ʃeɪmd/ (adj) - She was
deeply ashamed of her
behaviour at the party.
(về một con người hoặc hành vi của họ) nhút He felt embarrassed at
nhát, không thoải mái hoặc ngượng (đặc biệt là being the centre of
embarrassed trong một tình huống giao tiếp xã hội); ngượng attention.
/ɪm'bærəst/ (adj) khi mắc lỗi hoặc làm điều gì đó ngớ ngẩn hoặc
cảm thấy không thoải mái trước mặt người


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Circle the word which best fits the sentence.

1. When we asked her if she had a boyfriend, she came over all bashful/shy and wouldn’t say a thing.
2. Boys are often more ashamed/inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.
3. She was certain that even embarrassed/timid, frightened slaves would run away if someone they could
trust offered to guide them to the North.
4. His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed/shy of her.
5. He was often shy/embarrassed to bring his friends around the house, because he didn't have a "typical”
6. Chris is a very ashamed/reserved man. It takes some time to get to know him.
7. She is terribly shy/ashamed around strangers.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
8. Women should also remember that many men are ______ about discussing their feelings out in the
A. reserved B. ashamed C. timid D. bashful
9. She explained how she was very ______ and self-conscious about her accent when she first arrived in
this country.
A. uninterested B. bashful C. reserved D. inhibited
10. She ought to be thoroughly ______ of herself - talking to her mother like that!
A. shy B. ashamed C. timid D. bashful
11. Unable to swim, not certain how deep the river was at this spot, he hugged the bank, too ______ to
pass over.
A. shy B. ashamed C. timid D. bashful
12. Children are often ______ with people they don't know.
A. shy B. bashful C. ashamed D. inhibited
13. Mary lowered her hands quickly, ______ by her show of enthusiasm, but James gave her a half smile
and Steve a "good job” pat on his tips.
A. ashamed B. embarrassed C. timid D. reserved
14. She had never seen him so happy before - he was always so ______ and cautious with his emotions.
A. embarrassed B. ashamed C. reserved D. uninterested
15. He was just pouring himself another cup of coffee when there was a(n) ______ knock on the door.
A. timid B. reserved C. embarrassed D. inhibited
delete something (from something) The word 'it’ has been deleted.
bỏ đi thứ gì đã được viết hoặc in ra hoặc
/dɪ'li:t/ (v)
thứ đã được lưu trong máy tính: xoá đi
xóa bỏ hoàn toàn điều gì/thứ gì; khiến - You cannot erase injustice from the
cho một cảm xúc/một kỷ niệm/một world.
quãng thời gian hoàn toàn bị quên đi - She tried to erase the memory of
that evening.
erase xóa đi dấu (bút/phấn/...) hoặc thứ mà bạn He has erased the wrong word.
/ɪ'reɪz/ (v) đã viết ra, thường bằng cách lau chúng
đi bằng một mảnh giẻ (đặc biệt là để
chữa chúng cho đúng): xoá
xoá bản ghi âm ở đĩa hoặc thông tin The computer crashed, and all our
được lưu trữ trong máy tính records were erased.
loại bỏ hoàn toàn thứ gì đó, đặc biệt là Their aim is to eradicate child
những thứ xấu (như bệnh tật hoặc các poverty in the country within ten
vấn đề xã hội) years.
~ wipe out /waɪp aʊt/ (phrasal verb)


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

chính thức bãi bỏ hoặc bỏ một luật/hệ Gradually, the laws that underpinned
thống hoặc chấm dứt một thể chế: bãi apartheid were abolished.
/ə'bɒlɪʃ/ (v)
bỏ, huỷ bỏ, thủ tiêu
loại bỏ hoàn toàn thứ gì đó không mong - There is no solution that will
muốn [có thể trùng ý nghĩa với totally eliminate the possibility of
từ eradicate] hoặc không cần thiết theft.
eliminate - The credit card eliminates the need
for cash or cheques.
loại bỏ/loại trừ khả năng ai đó/thứ gì Malaria was eliminated as a cause of
chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì hoặc được death.
chọn cho việc gì
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. Slavery was deleted/abolished in the US in 1865.
2. Fatty foods should be abolished/eliminated from the diet.
3. Love was a word he had eradicated/erased from his vocabulary since Susan’s going.
4. All swear words were abolished/deleted from the text.
5. He was later released after being eliminated/eradicated from the enquiry.
6. I eliminated/erased the chalk marks from the blackboard.
7. His ambition is to eradicate/delete poverty in his community.
8. Several important files were accidentally erased/abolished.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
9. She ______ the wrong answer from her paper and filled in the correct one.
A. abolished B. erased C. eliminated D. eradicated
10. This diet claims to ______ toxins from the body.
A. eliminate B. delete C. erase D. abolish
11. He has ______ more than 5,000 files from the memory of his computer.
A. abolished B. eliminated C. eradicated D. erased
12. The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been ______.
A. eradicated B. deleted C. erased D. abolished
13. The company plans to ______ more than 2,000 jobs in the coming year.
A. delete B. abolish C. erase D. eliminate
14. Is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be ______?
A. abolished B. deleted C. eliminated D. eradicated
15. They have ______ a clause in the contract which says the company can make people redundant for
economic reasons.
A. eliminated B. deleted C. eradicated D. abolished
16. The police have ______ two suspects from their investigation.
A. eradicated B. abolished C. eliminated D. erased
17. Over the past six years, we have ______ a whole range of direct taxes.
A. deleted B. eliminated C. erased D. abolished
18. The email was accidentally ______.
A. eradicated B. deleted C. abolished D. eliminated
19. He wants a convincing victory to ______ doubts about his team’s ability to reach the World Cup
A. erase B. abolish C. eradicate D. eliminate
20. The advice often given is to dip heavily populated rocks in boiling water to ______ the pest.
A. delete B. eradicate C. erase D. abolish
perception [C, U] một quan điểm/một niềm a campaign to change


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

/pə'sepʃn/ (n) tin/một hình ảnh/một suy nghĩ dựa public perception of the police
trên vẻ bề ngoài của sự việc/sự
việc/việc ai đó làm (đây là kết quả
của cách nhìn nhận hoặc hiểu một
điều gì đó/ai đó có thể của nhiều
người): sự nhận thức
[U, singular] biết về một điều gì; There is a growing awareness of the
awareness biết rằng điều gì đang tồn tại và seriousness of this disease.
/ə'weənəs/ (n) quan trọng (dựa trên thông tin hoặc
kinh nghiệm): nhận thức, ý thức
[U, singular] kiến thức mà ai đó có How can we gain an understanding
về một chủ đề/tình huống cụ thể of other cultures?
hoặc cách mà một thứ gì vận
hành: sự hiểu biết; sự am hiểu
[C, U] sự hiểu biết sâu sắc, rõ ràng I hope that this talk has given you
về bản chất của một vấn đề/tình some insight into our work.
/'ɪnsaɪt/ (n)
[C, U] sự hiểu biết hoặc một niềm He has no conception of what it’s
conception tin rằng ai đó/điều gì như thế nào like to be unemployed.
/kən'sepʃn/ (n) hoặc ai đó/điều gì nên như thế
nào: quan niệm, ý niệm
Circle the word which best fits the sentence.
1. The project would give scientists new perceptions/insights into what is happening to the Earth’s
2. Most of the students have a sound understanding/perception of English grammar.
3. People from different cultures have different conceptions/insights of the world.
4. Greenpeace works to promote awareness/perception of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
5. There is a general understanding/perception that exams are becoming easier to pass.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
6. Until you have experienced it, you will have no ______ of what it is to be truly lonely.
A. misunderstanding B. conception C. insight D. awareness
7. The book provides important ______ about the doctor-patient relationship.
A. conceptions B. awareness C. insights D. perceptions
8. They have to have a basic ______ of computers in order to use the advanced technology.
A. understanding B. perception C. awareness D. insight
9. Even though he had done nothing illegal, the public’s ______ was that he had acted dishonestly, and
he was forced to resign.
A. insight B. perception C. understanding D. awareness
10. The book gives us fascinating ______ into life in Mexico.
A. awareness B. conceptions C. insights D. perceptions
11. They hope to raise ______ of endangered species, encouraging donations, and attracting tourists to
the region to support conservation efforts.
A. awareness B. insight C. conception D. perception
12. He has absolutely no ______ of how a successful business should run.
A. misunderstanding B. awareness C. insight D. conception
13. There is a growing ______ of the seriousness of this disease.
A. awareness B. conception C. impression D. insight
14. The course is designed for healthcare professionals who need a basic ______ of the subject.
A. perception B. insight C. understanding D. awareness
15. We need to work towards changing the negative ______ of our continent as a "risky continent”.
Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. insight B. understanding C. awareness D. perception

16. My ______ of a garden was based on the gardens that I had visited in England.
A. conception B. misunderstanding C. insight D. awareness
17. Some ______ of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.
A. perception B. understanding C. conception D. awareness

• 1.
1. suggesting 2. implied 3. Denote 4. refers to 5. suggests 6. implies
7. inferred
8. C. 9. B. 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A
14. C 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C
• 2.
1. soaked 2. moist 3. watery 4. wet 5. humid 6. damp
7. watery
8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. A
14. C 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C
20. D
• 3.
1. influence 2. impact 3. effect 4. impact 5. influence 6. effect
7. effect
• 4.
1. licence 2. degree 3. certificate 4. diploma 5. certificate 6. degree
7. licence
8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D
• 5.
1. warrant 2. testimony 3. evidence 4. documentation
5. proof 6. testament 7. evidence 8. testimony
9. C 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B
15. A 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D
• 6.
1. include 2. consists of 3. comprised 4. include 5. contain 6. consisting of 7. contain
8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C
• 7.
1. conserve 2. maintain 3. reserved 4. reserve 5. preserve 6. store
7. maintained 8. preserve
9.B 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. A
15. C
• 8.
1. pushed 2. driven 3. constrained 4. impelled 5. forced 6. obliged
7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. D
13. B 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. D
• 9.
1. emulating 2. copying 3. forged 4. copy 5. replicate 6. mimicked
7. replicate 8. imitate 9. mimic 10. Imitate 11. replicate 12. forging
13. D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. B
19. A 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C
25. A
• 10.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. inner 2. inside 3. interior 4. inner 5. interior

• 11.
1. disease 2. ailments 3. illness 4. ailments 5. disease 6. illness
7. illness 8. diseases
• 12.
1. mystery 2. secrets 3. obscurity 4. secrets 5. mystery 6. obscurity
7. secrets
• 13.
1. sprained 2. injured 3. pained 4. hurt 5. ached 6. scarred
7. wounded
8. D 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. A
14. D 15. C
• 14.
1. sea 2. coastline 3. coast 4. beach 5. shores
• 15.
1. fading 2. recede 3. disappear 4. evaporates 5. disappearing 6. dissolved
7. disappeared
8. A 9.C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. A
14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D
• 16.
1. emblems 2. motto 3. banners 4. logo 5. slogan
6.B 7.D 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C
12. B 13. C 14. A 15. B
• 17.
1. grateful 2. thankful 3. appreciative 4. grateful 5. thankful 6. thankful
7. appreciative 8. grateful 9. thankful 10. appreciative 11. grateful
• 18.
1. ordinary 2. usual 3. normal 4. customary 5. normal 6. usual
7. ordinary 8. customary
9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. A
• 19.
1. ignore 2. neglected 3. overlook 4. omitted 5. ignored 6. overlooked
7. neglecting 8. omitted
9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C
• 20.
1. embarrassed 2. dazed 3. puzzled 4. confused 5. bewildered 6. dazed
7. embarrassed 8. confused 9. puzzled 10. bewildered 11. puzzled
• 21.
1. shade 2. shadow 3. shade 4. shadows 5. shade 6. shadow
7. shadows
• 22.
1. querulous 2. indignant 3. fretful 4. querulous 5. bad-tempered 6. annoyed
7. peevish 8. frustrated
9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. B
• 23.
1. private 2. separate 3. personal 4. individual 5. single 6. single
7. private 8. individual 9. private 10. separate
11. D 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. C
17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. C
23. A 24. D 25. A 26.D 27. C


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

• 24.
1. technique 2. ways 3. means 4. approach 5. methods 6. way
7.B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B
13. D 14. C
• 25.
1. refining 2. reclaim 3. reformed 4. ameliorate 5. revamping
6. improved 7. rehabilitating
8.C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C
14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D
20. A 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C
• 26.
1. equalize 2. levelling 3. balanced 4. equalize 5. levelled 6. matched
7. balancing 8. match
9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. B
15. A 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A
• 27.
1. interfere 2. intervened 3. interrupting 4. intercede 5. interfere 6. interceded
7. intervene
8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B
• 28.
1. landscape 2. scenery 3. scene 4. sights 5. scenes 6. landscape
7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. A
• 29.
1. cautious 2. wary 3. watchful 4. observant 5. alert 6. vigilant
7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A
13. D 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D
19. B 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. A
• 30.
1. couple 2. pairs 3. couple 4. pairs 5. couples 6. Pair
7. couple
• 31.
1. transplanted 2. implant 3. Insert 4. implanted 5. transplanted 6. inserting
• 32.
1. child-rearing 2. childcare 3. childcare 4. child-rearing 5. childcare 6. child-rearing
7. child-rearing 8. childcare
• 33.
1. welcome 2. greeted 3. bowed 4. greeted 5. saluted 6. greeted
7. welcome 8. saluted 9. welcoming
10. C 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C
• 34.
1. matter 2. matter 3. substances 4. medium 5. material 6. stuff
7. material
8. A 9. D 10.C 11. A 12. B 13. D
14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. D
• 35.
1. lethal 2. deadly 3. mortal 4. lethal 5. terminal 6. mortal
7. fatal 8. mortal 9. fatal
10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D
• 36.
1. directions 2. direction 3. directions 4. instructions 5. instruction 6. guidance


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

7. advice 8. demonstration
9. D 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D
15. C
• 37.
1. demonstrated 2. show 3. prove 4. indicate 5. demonstrate 6. prove
7. indicating
8.C 9.B 10. C 11. A 12. D
• 38.
1. split 2. divides 3. separating 4. divides 5. split 6. separate
7. divided 8. separated 9. split 10. Divides 11. separates 12. split
• 39.
1. elect 2. cherry-pick 3. chose 4. appointed 5. selects 6. pick
7. decided 8. opted
9. B 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A
15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C
• 40.
1. treated 2. cured 3. heal 4. cure 5. treat 6. heal
7. cured
• 41.
1. journey 2. trip 3. tour 4. travel 5. outing 6. excursion
7. expedition 8. voyage 9. picnic 10. cruise
11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B
17. D 18. B 19. D 20. A
• 42
1. fundamental 2. basic 3. fundamental 4. basic 5. essential 6. basic
• 43
1. careers 2. profession 3. job 4. occupation 5. work 6. employment
7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C
• 44
1. fair-minded 2. neutral 3. disinterested 4. impartial 5. objective 6. biased
7. disinterested 8. objective 9. subjective 10. impartial
• 45
1. residents 2. citizens 3. settlers 4. residents 5. locals 6. citizens
7. inhabitants 8. dwellers 9. settlers 10. locals
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. B
17. C 18. B
• 46
1. provide 2. offer 3. supplied 4. offered 5. provides
• 47.
1. giggling 2. smirking 3. laughed 4. grinning 5. smiled 6. chuckled
7. smirking
• 48
1. ultimate 2. last 3. final 4. eventual 5. final
6. D 7. C 8.B 9. A 10. C
• 49
1. stealing 2. robbing 3. burgled 4. stole 5. burgled 6. robbed
7. stolen
• 50.
1. extraordinary 2. deluxe 3. special 4. notable 5. exceptional 6. extraordinary
7. Special 8. especial 9. special 10. outstanding 11. exceptional


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. B

18. D 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. D 23. D
24. C 25.A 26. C
• 51.
1. only 2. unique 3. Individual 4. single 5. solo 6. individual
7. only 8. D 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. B
• 52
1. enrolled 2. booked 3. registers 4. enrolled 5. register 6. book
7. enrolled
• 53
1. earth 2. ground 3. soil 4. land 5. ground 6. earth
7. Soil
8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C
• 54.
1. introductory 2. First 3. introductory 4. original 5. introductory 6. original
7. initial 8. opening 9. Initial
10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D
16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. B
22. C 23. A
• 55.
1. hint 2. trace 3. evidence 4. mark 5. traces 6. hint
7. mark 8. evidence 9. traces 10. mark
• 56.
1. reached 2. acquired 3. gain 4. reached 5. fulfill 6. gained
7. accomplished 8. fulfill 9. achieved 10. obtain 11. attaining 12. acquired
13. realized 14. acquire
15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. A
21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D
• 57
1. come 2. go 3. come 4. go 5. coming 6. go
7. come. 8. go
• 58.
1. emigrate 2. migrate 3. migrate 4. emigrated 5. migrate 6. migrate
• 59
1. mad 2. insane 3. demented 4. crazy 5. insane 6. demented
7. crazy
• 60.
1. arises 2. occurred 3. struck 4. come up 5. came about 6. happens
7. take place 8. happened 9. turns out 10. arising
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. C
17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. B
23. D 24. A
• 61
1. modify 2. adapted 3. correct 4. adjust 5. tailor
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
• 62.
1. forecasts 2. guess 3. predictions 4. estimations 5. diagnosis
6.B 7. B 8.C 9.D 10. A 11. D
12. A
• 63


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. earnings 2. revenue 3. proceeds 4. profit 5. earnings

6.C 7. A 8. D 9.C 10. B
• 64
1. contender 2. opponent 3. enemy 4. rival 5. enemy
6. C 7.D 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D
12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C
• 65
1. engine 2. motor 3. engine 4. motor 5. engine 6. motors
7. engine
• 66
1. precise 2. true 3. exact 4. correct 5. accurate
6. C 7.B 8.D 9. A 10. C
• 67
1. released 2. dismiss 3. evict 4. expelled 5. ejected 6. discharged
7. expelled 8. discharged
9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B
15. D 16. C
• 68
1. examine 2. reviewed 3. assess 4. judge 5. evaluated 6. reassessing
7. reviews
8. D 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. D
• 69
1. traits 2. feature 3. characteristic 4. features 5. traits 6. characteristics
7. features
• 70
1. toddler/ baby 2. children 3. infant 4. Kid 5. toddler 6. baby
7. child
• 71
1. adjacent 2. neighbouring 3. nearer 4. close 5. near 6. close
7. near 8. convenient 9. nearby
10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B
16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. B
• 72.
1. slim 2. slight 3. skinny 4. lean 5. thin 6. slender
7. delicate 8. frail
9. B 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. D
15. D 16. C 17. A
• 73.
1. simulate 2. pretending 3. posing 4. imitate 5. imitate 6. posing
7. C 8. A 9.C 10. D 11. A 12. B
13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C
• 74
1. cost 2. prices 3. worth 4. value 5. cost 6. value
7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B
• 75
1. period 2. span 3. stretch 4. duration 5. stint 6. stages
7. phase 8. stretches 9. period
10. B 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. A
• 76.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. relaxation 2. diversion 3. amusements 4. entertainment 5. leisure 6. amusement

7. recreation 8. Entertainment 9. recreations 10. Leisure
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. C
17. A 18. C 19. B
• 77.
1. lower 2. depleting 3. decreasing 4. drops 5. diminished 6. lessen
7. declined 8. reduce
9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B
• 78.
1. assassination 2. slaughter 3. murder 4. manslaughter 5. execution
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B
12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A
• 79.
1. restraining 2. controlled 3. restrict 4. limits 5. restrain 6. confine
7. limited 8. restricted 9. control 10. confine 11. limit 12. restrained
13. restricting 14. limiting 15. restrain 16. controlling 17. confined
• 80.
1. like 2. same 3. similar 4. identical 5. alike 6. similar
7. like
8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. D
• 81.
1. evoked 2. recall 3. reminiscing 4. reminded 5. remember
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
• 82.
1. aged 2. elderly 3. old 4. ancient 5. antique 6. aged
7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. C
13. C 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A
• 83.
l. B 2. A 3.B 4. A
• 84.
1. in the middle 2. amid 3. among 4. in the middle of 5. between
6. among 7. between 8. in the middle of 9. Between 10. among
11. amid 12. in the middle of
13. B 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C
19. B 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. D
• 85.
1. envious 2. enviable 3. jealous 4. envious 5. enviable 6. jealous
7. jealous
• 86.
1. indication 2. suggestion 3. implication 4. hint 5. suggestion 6. hint
7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A
13. C 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. D 18. D
19. A 20. B
• 87.
1. escorted 2. accompanied 3. conveyed 4. conducted 5. accompanied 6. walk
7. escorting 8. accompanied 9. convoyed
10. C 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C
16. A 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A
• 88.
1. delayed 2. detained 3. retarded 4. delay 5. slowed 6. postpone


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C

13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. B
19. C 20. D
• 89.
1. learn 2. studied 3. learned 4. studied 5. learned 6. study
7. learned
• 90.
1. turbulence 2. chaos 3. turbulence 4. upheaval 5. disruption 6. chaos
7. disruption
• 91.
1. match 2. suits 3. fit 4. go with 5. Match 6. fit
7. suit 8. goes with
• 92.
1. teaching 2. educated 3. training 4. coach 5. educate 6. teach
7. train
8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B
• 93.
1. consequences 2. result 3. outcome 4. repercussions 5. consequences
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
• 94.
1. fulfilled 2. content 3. satisfied 4. fulfilled 5. pleased 6. content
7. satisfied 8. pleased
• 95.
1. ability 2. prospect 3. likelihood 4. capacity 5. possibility 6. probability
7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A
13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. A
19. D 20. B
• 96.
1. distinct 2. distinctive 3. distinguished 4. distinguishable
5. C 6.B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
11. A 12. A 13. A 14. C
• 97.
1. client 2. customers 3. guests 4. passengers 5. clients 6. guests
7. customers
8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. B
• 98.
1. galvanized 2. stimulated 3. inspired 4. encouraged 5. galvanized 6. motivate
7. inspires
• 99.
1. humble 2. modest 3. lowly 4. unassuming 5. modest 6. lowly
7. humble 8. unassuming 9. humble
• 100.
1. barren 2. deserted 3. drier 4. arid 5. infertile 6. barren
• 101.
1. apprehension 2. dread 3. horror 4. terror 5. dread 6. apprehension
7. terror 8. horror
• 102.
1. demanding 2. hard 3. difficult 4. troublesome 5. hard 6. difficult
7. challenging 8. problematic 9. challenging
10. B 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

16. A 17. D
• 103.
1. room 2. place 3. spaces 4. seat 5. place 6. room
7. spaces
• 104
1. sobbing 2. cried 3. whimpers 4. wailing 5. cried 6. wept
7. sobbing
• 105.
1. no 2. not 3. none 4. nope 5. not
6. C 7.D 8. A 9.B
• 106
1. crisis 2. stagnation 3. depression 4. crisis 5. downturn 6. recession
7. calamity 8. downturn
9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A
15. D 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B
• 107.
1. weird 2. mysterious 3. surreal 4. odd 5. mysterious 6. bizarre
7. strange 8. odd-looking 9. eerie
10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B
16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. A
22. C 23. B
• 108.
1. managing 2. govern 3. dominated 4. ruled 5. govern 6. head
7. controlled 8. rules 9. controlled 10. reigned
11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. D
17. B 18. A 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. B
23. C 24. A 25. D 26. A
• 109.
1. variety 2. categories 3. genre 4. type 5. form 6. sort
7. type 8. kinds
9. D 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. C
15. B 16. D 17. B 18. D
• 110.
1. skillful 2. skilled 3. expert 4. skilled 5. skillful 6. expert
7. skilled
• 111
1. contagious 2. infectious 3. contagious 4. infectious 5. contagious 6. infectious
7. catching
• 112.
1. ceremonies 2. celebration 3. anniversary 4. celebration 5. ceremony 6.
• 113.
1. excuse 2. causes 3. reasons 4. explanation 5. pretext 6. excuse
7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D
13. D 14. A
• 114.
1. gracefully 2. decently 3. politely 4. gracefully 5. politely 6. decently
7. gracefully
• 115.
1. glance 2. gazed 3. glaring 4. stared 5. glimpsed 6. gazed


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

7. glanced
8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A
• 116.
1. succeeding 2. continuous 3. Successive 4. straight 5. sequential
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. D
12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. B
• 117
1. concerned 2. nervous 3. anxious 4. bothered 5. nervous 6. worried
7. nervous 8. concerned 9. nervous 10. stressed out
• 118.
1. got rid of 2. eradicated 3. eliminated 4. deleted 5. removed 6. erase
7. eliminate
8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B
14. A
• 119.
1. fault 2. flaws 3. defect 4. mistake 5. error 6. mistake
7. flaws 8. fault 9. slips 10. fault
11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D
17. A 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. B
23. C 24. A
• 120.
1. deceived 2. duped 3. cheat 4. tricked 5. mislead 6. fooling
7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. B
• 121.
1. lawyer 2. counsellor 3. advisor 4. solicitor 5. counsellor
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C
• 122.
1. norms 2. etiquette 3. law 4. rules 5. principle 6. regulations
7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. D
13. C
• 123.
1. income 2. stipend 3. pay 4. salaries 5. wages 6. pension
7. dole
8. B 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B
14. A 15. D 16. A 17. C
• 124.
1. spent 2. fatigued 3. weary 4. drowsy 5. weary 6. exhausted
7. tired 8. worn out 9. drained 10. drowsy
11. C 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. D
17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A
• 125.
1. each 2. every 3. each 4. every 5. every 6. each
7. each 8. every
• 126.
1. indisputably 2. unequivocally 3. apparently 4. obviously 5. evidently
6. obviously 7. evidently 8. unambiguously 9. obviously 10. apparently
11. obviously 12. unequivocally 13. obviously 14. unambiguously 15. apparently
16. evidently
17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
• 127.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. aroma 2. odour 3. scent 4. perfume 5. fragrance 6. perfume

7. smell 8. scent 9. smell 10. scent 11. fragrance 12. stink
13. smell 14. scent
15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C
21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B
• 128.
1. goal 2. aim 3. purpose 4. objectives 5. target 6. purpose
7. objectives
• 129.
1. suspicious 2. doubtful 3. dubious 4. sceptical 5. doubtful
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
• 130.
1. amazed 2. startled 3. shocked 4. stunned 5. taken aback 6. astounded
7. surprised 8. astonished 9. shocked
10. C 11. D 12. B 13. A
• 131.
1. block 2. thwarted 3. blocked 4. bars 5. hindered 6. deter
7. blocking 8. prevent
9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D
15. B 16. A 17. B 18. C
• 132.
1. listening 2. heard 3. listen 4. hear 5. listened 6. hear
7. listened 8. hear
• 133.
1. fighters 2. soldiers 3. combatants 4. troopers 5. fighter 6. warriors
7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A
13. C
• 134.
1. manager 2. controller 3. supervisors 4. regulators 5. manager
6. A 7.C 8.B 9. C 10. D
• 135.
1. audience 2. spectators 3. viewers 4. onlookers 5. spectators 6. audiences
7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D
• 136.
1. shelter 2. home 3. accommodations 4. shelter 5. home
6. house 7. lodgings
8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C
14. C 15. D 16. B 17. B
• 137.
1. realized 2. recognize 3. identified 4. acknowledge 5. accredited 6. realize
7. Acknowledge
8. D 9.B 10. D 11. C 12. D
• 138.
1. fast 2. quick 3. swift. 4. rapid 5. quick 6. fast
7. rapid
8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. A
• 139.
1. observed 2. eyed 3. gazing 4. observe 5. watching 6. looking
7. stared
8. D 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. C


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C

• 140.
1. trivial 2. minute 3. petty 4. minor 5. undersized 6. smallest
7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. C
13. A 14. D 15. B
• 141.
1. avid 2. enthusiastic 3. intense 4. passionate 5. ardent 6. passionate
7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. D
13. A 14. D 15. C
• 142.
1. speak 2. talk 3. said 4. told 5. speak 6. said
7. speak
8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. B
14. C 15. D
• 143.
1. dangerous 2. high-risk 3. Hazardous. 4. treacherous 5. life-threatening
6. perilous 7. dangerous 8. risky 9. threatening
10. B 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. D
16. A 17. D 18. A
• 144.
1. confidence 2. faith 3. trust 4. confidence 5. Belief 6. trust
7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D
13. C 14. A 15. C 16. B
• 145.
1. contamination 2. carbon footprint 3. contamination 4. Pollution 5. contamination
6. Pollution 7. contamination 8. carbon footprint 9. pollution 10. contamination
11. carbon footprint 12. contamination
• 146.
1. frail 2. feeble 3. ill 4. faint 5. sick 6. unhealthy
7. bedridden 8. unhealthy 9. sick 10. unwell 11. weak 12. ill
13. D 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C
19. B 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B
25. A 26. B 27. D 28. A
• 147.
1. devastated 2. ruined 3. disfigured 4. deface 5. damage 6. demolished
7. destroyed 8. spoiled
9. A 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B
15. D
• 148.
1. separates 2. discriminating 3. distinguish 4. Differentiate 5. discriminated 6.
7. distinguishes
8. A 9.D 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. B
• 149.
1. opposed 2. disagree 3. objected 4. rejected 5. disagree
6. A 7.B 8. D 9. C 10. A
• 150.
1. prize 2. rewards 3. present 4. gifts 5. award 6. rewards
7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. B
• 151.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. fees 2. fines 3. tolls 4. charge 5. rate 6. fare

7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A
• 152.
1. general 2. popular 3. universal 4. common 5. general
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
• 153.
1. stylishly 2. stylistically 3. stylishly 4. stylistically 5. stylishly 6. stylistically
• 154.
1. ignoring 2. tuned out 3. neglected 4. overlooked 5. ignored 6. neglected
7. overlook 8. disregarded
• 155.
1. restore 2. resurrected 3. revitalize 4. restore 5. resurrected 6. renewed
7. revive 8. restoring 9. revive
10. C 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
16. A 17. D
• 156.
1. remedy 2. treatment 3. therapy 4. remedies 5. treatment 6. therapy
7. treatment 8. therapy 9. remedy 10. therapy 11. treatment 12. remedies
• 157.
1. clothing 2. clothes 3. costumes 4. cloth 5. costume
6. A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10. A
• 158.
1. forgot 2. left 3. forgotten 4. left 5. forgot 6. left
• 159.
1. effluents 2. litter 3. rubbish 4. leavings 5. sewage 6. waste
7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. B
13. D
• 160.
1. withdraw 2. extracted 3. remove 4. withdraw 5. extract 6. remove
• 161.
1. false 2. wrong 3. false 4. untrue 5. mistaken 6. wrong
7. mistaken
• 162.
1. hunt 2. poaching 3. chased 4. poached 5. hunted 6. chasing
• 163.
1. made 2. create 3. produces 4. manufactures 5. fabricated 6. generate
7. manufactured 8. making 9. produce 10. produce 11. create 12. fabricated
13. generate 14. manufacture
15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D
27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B
• 164.
1. combine 2. integrate 3. united 4. incorporated 5. merged 6. unites
7. merged
8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. A
• 165.
1. childbearing 2. childbearing 3. childbirth 4. childbearing 5. childbirth 6.
7. childbirth 8. childbearing
• 166.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

1. soon 2. early 3. early 4. soon 5. early 6. soon

• 167.
1. election 2. selection 3. choices 4. election 5. option 6. selection
7. choice 8. selection 9. choice 10. alternative 11. choice 12. options
13. D 14. C 15. A 16. B
• 168.
1. doubt 2. scepticism 3. reservation 4. suspicion 5. disbelief 6. suspicion
7. uncertainty 8. suspicion
9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B
15. B
• 169.
1. intervals 2. lull 3. pause 4. break 5. interval
6.B 7. D 8.B 9. A 10. C
• 170.
1. repairing 2. amended 3. fix 4. mend 5. repair
6. B 7.D 8. A 9.B 10. D
• 171.
1. fog 2. smog 3. mist 4. haze 5. smog 6. fogs
• 172.
1. mood 2. state 3. emotion 4. disposition 5. mood 6. temper
7. tempers 8. emotion
9. D 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B
15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B
• 173.
1. escalated 2. expands 3. raise 4. increased 5. amplified 6. rise
7. expand 8. boosted 9. escalating 10. amplified
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. C
17. A 18. C
• 174.
1. acquitted 2. pardoned 3. excuse 4. forgive 5. Pardon 6. excuse
7. condone 8. forgive
9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D
15. A
• 175.
l. join 2. took part in 3. participate 4. involve 5. attend
6.B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A
• 176.
1. portion 2. components 3. substance 4. elements 5. ingredients
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. A
12. B 13. D 14. B
• 177.
1. adjusted 2. change 3. transformed 4. adjust 5. changes 6. reforming
7. adapted 8. changed 9. adapted 10. modify 11. adapted 12. altered
13. changed 14. altered
15. B 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D
21. A
• 178.
1. exchanged 2. supplanted 3. replaced 4. substituted 5. replace 6. succeed
7. replace
8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

14. C 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. C

20. A 21. D 22. B 23. A
• 179.
1. equipment 2. gear 3. device 4. instrument 5. tool 6. instrument
7. facilities 8. tool
9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B
15. A 16. B 17. B 18. B
• 180.
1. deficiency 2. Inadequacies 3. absence 4. lack 5. dearth 6. shortage
7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B
• 181.
1. declared 2. informed 3. announced 4. stating 5. announced 6. notified
7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. B
• 182.
1. boosted 2. promoted 3. strengthened 4. reinforce 5. strengthen 6. promoting
7. reinforced 8. boosted
9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. D
• 183.
1. hire 2. lease 3. chartered 4. hired 5. rent 6. hired
7. renting 8. let 9. rented
10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D
• 184.
1. rate 2. scale 3. ratio 4. proportion 5. percentage 6. proportion
7. B 8.C 9.D 10. A 11. B 12. A
13. C 14. B 15. C
• 185.
1. spill 2. disclosed 3. uncovered 4. unfolded 5. divulge 6. revealed
7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. A
• 186.
1. title 2. theme 3. subject 4. topics 5. title 6. topic
7. theme
8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. D
• 187.
1. searched 2. finding 3. seek 4. looking for 5. seek
6. D 7.B 8. C 9. A 10. C
• 188.
1. personality 2. character 3. personality 4. character 5. personality 6. character
7. personality
• 189.
1. hold 2. celebrating 3. organized 4. held/ celebrate 5. organized 6. celebrate
7. held 8. celebrate 9. hold 10. organize
• 190.
1. great 2. big 3. massive 4. great 5. massive 6. larger
7. giant 8. huge 9. great
10. C 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A
16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A
• 191.
l. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
• 192.
1. obligation 2. responsibility 3. duty 4. accountability 5. liability


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B
• 193.
1. suffering 2. endured 3. suffered 4. encountered 5. experienced 6. go through
7. experience 8. underwent
9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C
• 194.
1. conflict 2. disagreement 3. row 4. quarrel 5. dispute 6. squabbles
7. argument 8. conflict 9. feud
10. C 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. B
16. C
• 195.
1. obstacle 2. barriers 3. hurdle 4. impediment 5. obstruction 6. hindrance
7. hurdles
8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. A
• 196.
1. combined 2. mingled 3. mix 4. blend 5. associate
6.B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
• 197.
1. resembles 2. takes after 3. resembles 4. takes after 5. resembling 6. takes after
7. resembled 8. resembles
• 198.
1. punishment 2. penalty 3. punishment 4. penalty 5. punishment 6. penalty
7. penalty
• 199.
1. glided 2. slipped 3. slid 4. skidded
5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A
• 200.
1. transform 2. transfers 3. converted 4. transmit 5. transferred 6. transit
7. transmit
8. C 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. C
14. C 15. A
• 201.
1. cupboard 2. wardrobe 3. cupboard 4. wardrobe 5. cupboard
• 202.
1. freedom 2. liberty 3. freedom 4. liberties 5. freedom
• 203.
1. collected 2. massed 3. convened 4. assembled 5. gather 6. reunited
7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C
13. D 14. A 15. C
• 204.
1. lifetime 2. longevity 3. lifespan 4. permanence 5. life expectancy
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A
12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C
• 205.
1. analogous 2. akin 3. comparable 4. similar 5. equivalent
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. D
12. B 13. A 14. C
• 206.
1. proceedings 2. operation 3. process 4. procedure 5. process 6. procedure
7. proceedings 8. process


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D

15. A 16. B 17. D
• 207.
1. empirical 2. practical 3. empirical 4. practical 5. practical 6. empirical
7. empirical 8. practical 9. empirical 10. practical
• 208.
1. empathy 2. sympathy 3. sympathy 4. empathy 5. sympathy 6. empathy
• 209.
1. hollow 2. empty 3. void 4. vacant 5. hollow 6. void
7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. A
13. C 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. A
19. C
• 211.
1. moistened 2. water 3. dripped 4. wet 5. water 6. dripping
7. water 8. dampened 9. splashed 10. splashed
11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. C
17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
• 212.
1. affairs 2. setback 3. problem 4. obstacle 5. matter 6. an issue
7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A
13. B 14. C
• 213.
1. taste 2. flavour 3. savour 4. tang 5. taste 6. tang
7. flavours 8. tang 9. taste 10. taste
• 214.
1. outdo 2. exceed 3. outperformed 4. outrun 5. exceeded 6. surpassed
7. exceeded 8. transcended
9. B 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. A
15. C 16. A 17. A
• 215.
1. distant 2. remote 3. far-flung 4. far 5. isolated 6. faraway
7. far-flung 8. distant
9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D
• 216.
1. confirmed 2. verified 3. certifying 4. confirmed 5. certifying 6. verified
• 217.
1. trespassing 2. intrude 3. invaded 4. intrude 5. encroaching 6. invaded
7. encroaching
8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A
14. A 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. C
• 218.
1. bashful 2. inhibited 3. timid 4. ashamed 5. embarrassed 6. reserved
7. shy
8. D 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B
14. C 15. A
• 219.
1. abolished 2. eliminated 3. erased 4. deleted 5. eliminated
6. erased 7. eradicate 8. erased
9. B 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A
15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. B


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

• 220.
1. insights 2. understanding 3. conceptions 4. awareness 5. perception
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A
12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B
1. B 2.D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. C
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C
21. D 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C
1. C 2. A 3. C 4.B 5.D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A
21. D 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. C
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D
21. A 22. B 23. C
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A
1. C 2. B 3. A 4.C 5.D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A
21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. B
31. D 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. B
41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. D
51. B 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. A 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. B
61. C 62. A 63. C 64. D 65. B 66. A 67. D 68. B 69. C 70. A
71. C 72. D 73. B 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. A 78. B 79. C 80. D
81. A 82. C 83. A 84. B 85. D 86. B 87. A 88. C 89. D 90. A
91. B 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. C 96. B 97. C 98. D 99. A 100. B

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the blanks.
Choosing a career is a big deal. You will spend a significant amount of your life at work, so to enjoy
your job, remain motivated, and fulfil your potential, you need to make your career (1) ______ wisely.
You first need to know yourself.
This means taking stock of your skills and assessing your interests and values. It is important to
understand your range of skills and knowledge, so you can see if they are a good fit for the job you would
like to do. Being aware of the skills you have also helps to highlight any gaps that may need to be filled
to (2) ______ your goals. Make a list of all your transferable and specialist skills, with examples of when
you have (3) ______ each. An honest assessment of your skills, values and interests will prove useful


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

when narrowing down your options in the next step. You can also see where you measure up in terms of
the skills employers are (4) ______. Consider where you are now, where you want to be and how you are
going to get there when it comes to fulfilling your career aspirations. If choosing a career has left you
feeling lost, start by asking yourself these questions: What am I good at? What are my interests,
motivations, and values? What kind of lifestyle do I want? What is important to me? If you are struggling
to (5) ______ your strengths, weaknesses, and character traits, taking practice psychometric tests could
bring them to light. By the end of this step, you will have identified the sort of jobs that will suit you but
will not yet have enough information to make a decision on which to pursue.
(Adapted from https://www.prospects.ac.uk/)
1. A. selections B. choices C. alternatives D. elections
2. A. gain B. acquire C. obtain D. achieve
3. A. demonstrated B. verified C. validated D. established
4. A. pursuing B. looking for C. finding D. discovering
5. A. confirm B. decide C. identify D. determine
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
6. He achieved his ambition to become a press photographer.
A. abandoned B. fulfilled C. limited D. restrained
7. We’re seeking for alternative materials which might bring the cost down.
A. setting off B. providing for C. looking for D. caring for
8. The castle was ruined when dynamite was used to demolish one of the corner towers.
A. damaged B. approached C. defended D. captured
9. Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year’s festival.
A. run B. supported C. backed D. chosen
10. I think these sales forecasts are unrealistic, considering how slow sales are at present.
A. proceeds B. predictions C. agreements D. contracts
11. They have just returned from faraway places with wonderful stories to tell.
A. distant B. hiding C. suitable D. ideal
12. He had injured his left hand and was typing one-handed.
A. squeezed B. raised C. hurt D. lifted
13. He tried to simulate surprise at the news.
A. hide B. pretend C. express D. register
14. He cited a lack of funds as the main reason for his decision.
A. cause B. instruction C. proposal D. inequality
15. A single mother and her children have been evicted from their home for not paying their rent for a
few months.
A. distinguished B. established C. ejected D. constrained
16. A new law was passed to make divorce easier and simpler.
A. norm B. perception C. emotion D. regulation
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
17. I think you should find guidance from your lawyer on this matter.
18. Campaigners are fighting to store a historical building.
19. The single market is designed to delete barriers to the free movement of goods, services, and
20. They every want to study in the UK, so they are trying their best to learn English.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.

21. His whole life seemed to be ______ by fear.
A. reigned B. managed C. ruled D. headed
22. His company ______ the market for operating system software.
A. dominates B. rules C. manages D. reigns
23. Men can draw a(n) ______ from the age of sixty-five.
A. income B. pension C. wage D. stipend
24. The centre offers a ______ of leisure activities.
A. genre B. variety C. type D. category
25. I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I had nearly ______ my pants by the time I made it home.
A. watered B. moistened C. wet D. dripped
Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the blanks.
Recently we have been coming across quite a few songs that may sound like standard pop on the
surface but are pretty deep underneath. Perhaps Adele's “To Be Loved" should be placed in
that (1) ______. The lyrics are not only poetic but to some extent vague. This thus leads to the potential
of varying interpretations. However, what it all seems to lead to is the singer being the type of person
who is predisposed towards guarding her heart and soul. In other words, she’s wise enough to know that
if you get deeply involved with the wrong type of lover or associate, the emotional consequences can
be (2) ______. But at the same time, she concludes that she cannot live life without taking such risks.
Now considering that the album this song is derived from was inspired by her recent divorce, the
logical implication would be that Adele is primarily speaking to that situation. (3) ______, 'yeah, she took
bad turns’, i.e., made questionable decisions, in terms of whom she gave her trust to. But now ‘looking
back, she doesn't regret a thing’. Or put differently, it can also be said that she is the type of individual
who is ready to learn and grow even if it proves to be a (4) ______ process. Also, in some cases, i.e., her
relationship with the addressee, she is accordingly willing to sacrifice her own (5) ______ comfort and
ethics even in the name of 'being loved'.
Therefore, another way of looking at this tirade is as Adele’s way of saying that she did in fact give
her all to the marriage. Like she really "tried", but at the end of the day the implication is that her main
goal, which was "to be loved" by the addressee, was not (6) ______.
1. A. variety B. form C. category D. diversity
2. A. devastating B. fatal C. deadly D. lethal
3. A. In other words B. In short C. In addition D. For instance
4. A. ached B. painful C. injured D. scarred
5. A. single B. separate C. personal D. individual
6. A. realized B. acquired C. obtained D. gained
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
7. Language barriers hindered communication between scientists.
A. impeded B. relaxed C. engaged D. proposed
8. A small number of users are experiencing connectivity issues.
A. recognition B. instruction C. problems D. application
9. He was incapable of governing the country, so he was forced to resign.
A. adapting B. ruling C. entertaining D. confusing
10. His work provides important insight into language use.
A. proposal B. heritage C. understanding D. major
11. This disease has been eradicated from the world.
A. eliminated B. damaged C. depleted D. destroyed
12. The stone will blend with the environment and integrate into the landscape.


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A. bury B. combine C. broaden D. confide

13. The cottage is in the area that is remote from the usual tourist routes.
A. crowded B. degraded C. complicated D. isolated
14. The book describes his sporting career and gives little information about his personal life.
A. breath-taking B. private C. eligible D. exotic
15. Around fifteen thousand spectators came to watch the thrills and spills.
A. onlookers B. experts C. learners D. caretakers
16. A true leader takes responsibility for their team and helps them achieve goals.
A. duty B. instruction C. enrolment D. engagement
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
17. It was a hot sunny day, but luckily their seats for the game were in the shadow.
18. The firm is in the envious position of having a full order book.
19. She was released from school, after teachers said she would be a ‘bad
influence' on the other girls.
20. A subdirectory filled with precious data can be abolished if you are not careful.
21. They waited for the group to decide rather than making private decisions.
22. A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea has been preserved for him.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
23. Their website features a large ______ of photographs.
A. election B. alternative C. selection D. option
24. It turns out that a large proportion of the abilities fall under the ______ of emotional intelligence.
A. category B. genre C. form D. variety
25. Unable to tell his wife that he's lost his job as an accountant, he ______ to go to work when really he
spends the day drifting through London.
A. simulates B. imitates C. pretends D. poses
26. Just as I had finished ______ these messages, I received another incoming call.
A. abolishing B. deleting C. eradicating D. eliminating
27. He was such a bad pilot, having trouble ______ and landing the aircraft, that they would not let him
rent the plane without a rental company employee to accompany him!
A. heading B. ruling C. dominating D. controlling
28. The hospital’s front gate was closed, and a sign said patients and employees were ______ from
leaving and no items used in the building could be removed.
A. hindered B. barred C. deterred D. blocked
29. Universities have to provide student ______ for first-year students.
A. accommodation B. house C. household D. home
30. His first anniversary was ______ when thieves broke into his shop and removed goods valued at
around £18,000.
A. demolished B. defaced C. ruined D. disfigured
Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the blanks.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Learning is all about change, and change drives learning. The two are inevitable and go hand in
glove. Change imposes gaps between what is and what is going to be, or between what was and what is
now. Change (1) ______ opportunities and imposes demands. In the workforce and other areas of life,
change raises questions about readiness to take advantage of opportunities or to face demands for
different (2) ______ of behaving and interacting and more demanding goals to achieve. Learning can
bring about change by creating new capabilities and opening the door to new and unexpected
opportunities. As such, learning is risky. It upsets the status quo, raising ambiguities and (3) ______. It
also has the potential to empower a person to influence the future, providing choices that would not be
available otherwise.
Change and learning (4) ______ throughout our lives. Indeed, we spend our early lives in
educational settings that give us life skills, but ultimately prepare us for a career. The question is whether
we also learn how to learn so that we are prepared to face change and create positive change for ourselves
and others. Adaptive learners are prepared to make incremental changes. Generative learners are ready
for transformational change. They (5) ______ new ideas and skills, experiment with new behaviours, and
set challenging goals for themselves that bring them to new ideal states. Transformative learners have the
skills to confront and create frame-breaking change. For them, change is the process of recognizing gaps,
setting goals, establishing a learning plan, and (6) ______ motivation for carrying out the plan to achieve
the goals.
1. A. makes B. produces C. creates D. fabricates
2. A. ways B. means C. techniques D. approaches
3. A. disbelief B. suspicions C. uncertainties D. mistrust
4. A. strike B. occur C. enter D. suggest
5. A. request B. beg C. invite D. seek
6. A. maintaining B. storing C. reserving D. conserving
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
7. This company manufactures wool and cotton clothing in standardized sizes.
A. mends B. dries C. produces D. changes
8. The society was set up to save endangered and rare species from extinction.
A. preserve B. survive C. grow D. live
9. Last year saw the band accomplish major music career milestones, including a Super Bowl halftime
performance and the release of a greatest hits compilation, The Highlights.
A. celebrate B. mark C. research D. achieve
10. Over the course of the pandemic, elderly people have tended to suffer far more serious consequences
from COVID-19 than children have.
A. old B. sustainable C. degraded D. natural
11. His theories have generated a great deal of interest among other scientists.
A. attracted B. created C. lost D. expressed
12. The company may be forced to lower prices in order to stay competitive.
A. reduce B. develop C. exchange D. change
13. Collins has been looking for work for 18 months now.
A. declining B. interfering C. seeking D. proposing
14. Two hours had passed and still nothing had happened.
A. majored B. occurred C. maintained D. contributed
15. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
A. entertainment B. abundance C. dearth D. affluence
16. Householders may be charged for the removal of non-recyclable rubbish.
A. garbage B. nonsense C. heritage D. infection
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

17. The company has done a poor job of conserving its computer network.
18. Any newspaper would pay big money to get the interior story on her marriage.
19. The machine is too big to be empirical for most private homes.
20. The central bank is likely to rise interest rates in the next two months in response to domestic
inflation topping 5%.
21. Even though the university system grew rapidly, demand for places in some subjects began
to outdo supply.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
22. They are hoping to ______ pay for workers with similar jobs.
A. match B. equalize C. level D. balance
23. She had no ______ but to break the law.
A. selection B. election C. range D. alternative
24. Four people were seriously ______ in the explosion.
A. wounded B. pained C. ached D. sprained
25. The amount of money a country spends on health care does positively correlate with increased
A. longevity B. lifetime C. permanence D. continuance
26. That afternoon, the prime minister was presented with a royal letter ______ him and ordering him to
leave the country immediately.
A. evicting B. dismissing C. ejecting D. releasing
27. We need to develop an online shopping application and ______ it into our website.
A. combine B. unite C. integrate D. merge
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
1. The company has disclosed that it will be laying off thousands of workers later this year.
A. revealed B. kept C. attained D. acquired
2. I don’t know why she was so critical of me tonight - it’s like she was trying to pick a quarrel or
A. ambition B. reputation C. row D. verification
3. The trial will evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
A. destroy B. maximize C. enhance D. assess
4. The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.
A. provided B. disappeared C. continued D. required
5. Inside is a computerized device that looks like a small turtle.
A. resembles B. offers C. assembles D. matters
6. The head of the department was severely reprimanded for failing to report computer thefts.
A. gathered B. suggested C. rebuked D. deceived
7. He didn't realize his ambition of becoming a dancer because he lost a leg in a motorcycle accident.
A. recognize B. achieve C. identify D. succeed
8. I don't really want a bigger house - I’m satisfied with what I’ve got.
A. pleased B. detailed C. complicated D. amazed
9. We can infer from the archaeological evidence that there was slavery in the region.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

A. offer B. export C. present D. deduce

10. He endured five years as a prisoner of war.
A. implied B. suffered C. imported D. generated
11. He's one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy.
A. half-hearted B. discouraging C. passionate D. deceptive
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
12. A mental disease is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks,
behaves, and interacts with other people.
13. She is being lifted bodily by a policeman, easily, for she is obese and frail.
14. In this period, there were 974 outbreaks of communicative disease attributed
to the consumption of raw milk.
15. The affordable housing issue, along with trouble finding child-rearing, leaves
families in the safehouse far longer than before.
16. She is very creative - she really enjoys doing new dishes by combining
unusual ingredients.
Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.
17. An angel was ______ precariously on top of the Christmas tree.
A. matching B. balancing C. levelling D. equalizing
18. His kind words ______ her sadness.
A. dissolved B. vanished C. evaporated D. faded
19. The department provides a(n) ______ atmosphere for research.
A. compatible B. adaptable C. congenial D. appropriate
20. There was no danger of ______ the infection through operations.
A. transforming B. converting C. transiting D. transmitting
21. He has always found it hard to express his ______.
A. emotions B. dispositions C. moods D. tempers
22. A working woman needs to organize her life to ______ her professional and family life.
A. match B. balance C. equalize D. level
23. Drivers on the M25 are likely to ______ fog and black ice tonight.
A. survive B. overcome C. encounter D. suffer
Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the blanks.
Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam. In fact, a little nervousness can actually
help you perform your best. (1) ______, when this distress becomes so excessive that it interferes with
performance on an exam, it is known as test anxiety. What does it feel like to experience test anxiety?
You paid attention in class, took detailed notes, read every chapter, and even attended extra study
sessions after class, so you should do great on that big exam, right? When the test is presented, however,
you find yourself so (2) ______ that you blank out the answers to even the easiest questions. If this
experience sounds familiar, then you might be experiencing test anxiety.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Test anxiety is a psychological condition in which people experience extreme distress and anxiety in
testing situations. In situations where the pressure is on and where a good performance counts, people
can become so (3) ______ that they are unable to do their best.
The severity of test anxiety can vary (4) ______ from one person to another. Some people might feel
like they have "butterflies" in their stomach and while others might find it very difficult to concentrate on
the exam.
While test anxiety can be very stressful for students who experience it, many people do not realize
that is quite common. Nervousness and anxiety are perfectly (5) ______ reactions to stress. For some
people, however, this fear can
become so intense that it interferes with their (6) ______ to perform well.
1. A. In addition B. However C. Accordingly D. Thus
2. A. nervous B. bothered C. stressed-out D. concerned
3. A. stressed-out B. concerned C. anxious D. bothered
4. A. considerably B. slightly C. consequently D. lightly
5. A. habitual B. customary C. conventional D. normal
6. A. likelihood B. possibility C. ability D. prospect
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in
each of the following questions.
7. There is a low probability that he will be chosen.
A. pretext B. error C. likelihood D. reason
8. It was something of a hollow victory - she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees.
A. empty B. vacant C. unoccupied D. insincere
9. Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops.
A. complex B. infertile C. brilliant D. bright
10. Thanks to the deal, he earned a lot of money and became a very wealthy man.
A. successful B. impoverished C. rich D. flourishing
11. I think a lot of people who are drawn to witchcraft sometimes will get a tattoo or mark themselves in
some way to denote a rite of passage or an experience.
A. indicate B. exchange C. manufacture D. create
12. The emails were presented as evidence of his involvement in the fraud.
A. creativity B. generation C. proof D. influence
13. In a prosperous country like the United States, no one should go hungry.
A. beneficial B. impoverished C. influential D. flourishing
14. I'm not sure it’s worth the upheaval of moving to gain just a little more space.
A. intervention B. interference C. disruption D. emotion
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
15. The model results were subsequently certified experimentally, and others are readily testable.
16. In the first 24 hours after childbearing, it rapidly drops back down to normal levels.
17. He died at home after a long disease.
18. Almost any bladed or sharply pointed article is potentially a fatal weapon.
19. Higher risk people might develop a stronger and more permanent voice in shaping popular attitudes
towards communicative disease and public health.


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits the sentence.

20. His stepmother ______ him for his mistakes. Initially, Jack would reply sharply, but each time he felt
the sting of his stepmother’s ringed hand on his cheek, he sank further into silence.
A. complimented B. berated C. praised D. condemned
21. I’ve always believed emotion is good for painting, but I'm afraid I'm not in the best ______ to create
anything today.
A. mood B. spirit C. temper D. disposition
22. Would I be ______ if I came along with you to the party?
A. trespassing B. invading C. intruding D. encroaching
23. Designed by Thomas ahead of a demonstration in Adelaide in 1971, the flag has since become a(n)
______ for Aboriginal Australians and is often seen flying from government buildings.
A. banner B. slogan C. motto D. emblem
24. The club ______ people of all abilities and age groups to come along.
A. salute B. welcomes C. bows D. greets
25. In Hong Kong, a person is defined as underemployed when he or she is ______ to work less than 35
hours a week.
A. hired B. leased C. rented D. chartered
1. Laura had ______ to inform me that the company was having financial problems.
A. omitted B. overlooked C. neglected D. ignored
2. We had a long and difficult ______ across the mountains.
A. excursion B. journey C. picnic D. voyage
3. His political ______ ended when he was found to have been accepting bribes.
A. career B. work C. occupation D. profession
4. Their ______ goal is to promote healthy growth and development
A. last B. eventual C. ultimate D. final
5. Most travel agents are prepared to ______ travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.
A. correct B. adjust C. adapt D. tailor
6. I ______ from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident.
A. implied B. denoted C. inferred D. referred
7. In hot weather, the most important thing to do is ______ water.
A. preserve B. conserve C. maintain D. reserve
8. Officials are looking to ______ successful ideas from other cities.
A. emulate B. copy C. counterfeit D. mimic
9. She accused the government of trampling on the needs and rights of the ______ citizen.
A. customary B. normal C. usual D. ordinary
10. He escaped a ban in 2010 despite leaving an accident ______ after crashing.
A. scenery B. landscape C. scene D. sight
11. When David was little, his grandmother used to ______ him a bedtime story every night.
A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say
12. Her popularity as a singer has ______ since the glory days of the 1980s.
A. reduced B. declined C. depleted D. diminished
13. The novel vividly ______ the life of the Irish in Australia.
A. remembers B. evokes C. reminisces D. reminds
14. Mr John Brown was a ______ in the car when it crashed.
A. client B. customer C. passenger D. guest
15. They are already battling to ______ illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
A. eliminate B. remove C. delete D. eradicate
16. Linda ______ a group of people standing on the bank of a river.
A. glared B. glimpsed C. glanced D. stared


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

17. I ______ my old high school teacher from the photograph.

A. recognized B. realized C. acknowledged D. accredited
18. Companies are ______ by law to carry out regular safety checks.
A. constrained B. compelled C. obliged D. impelled
19. The pyramids are an eloquent ______ to the ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.
A. proof B. evidence C. warrant D. testimony
20. The bank will insist you produce a driving ______ or passport as a form of ID.
A. licence B. degree C. certificate D. diploma
21. Some of the household products that ______ hazardous chemicals are oven cleaners, toilet-bowl
cleaners, etc.
A. consist of B. comprise C. contain D. include
22. We walked along the ______ for five miles.
A. sea B. seaside C. ocean D. coast
23. I'm a bit ______ about the arrangements for tonight - what time are we meeting?
A. embarrassed B. confused C. puzzled D. baffled
24. For seeds to germinate, you need to keep the growing ______ damp but not too wet.
A. ground B. land C. soil D. earth
25. The play follows the ______ story of the couple whose daughter has an extreme form of Asperger's
A. true B. correct C. exact D. precise
26. John was ______ from school for bad behavior towards his teachers.
A. released B. dismissed C. ejected D. expelled
27. Laura is attractive, of ______ build, with blue eyes.
A. skinny B. slim C. fragile D. slight
28. We don't ______ them only in bricklaying, but also in other building techniques.
A. coach B. train C. educate D. teach
29. She has a(n) ______ memory and can remember details and names that I've long forgotten.
A. weird B. peculiar C. extraordinary D. bizarre
30. Children who have suffered like this should see a(n) ______ experienced in bereavement.
A. lawyer B. counsellor C. advisor D. solicitor
31. Smoking and drinking ______ with your body's ability to process oxygen.
A. intervene B. intercede C. interrupt D. interfere
32. The average national weekly ______ is about $120.
A. pension B. salary C. wage D. income
33. The school has decided to adopt a different ______ to discipline.
A. approach B. method C. technique D. way
34. Symptoms may not appear for some weeks, so ______ can be difficult.
A. prediction B. estimation C. diagnosis D. forecast
35. Existing users can ______ from the previous version free of charge.
A. renovate B. upgrade C. renew D. update
36. Our airline is now a serious ______ to many of the bigger companies.
A. enemy B. opponent C. competitor D. rival
37. The illness is common in newborn ______ and is easily treated.
A. toddlers B. babies C. infants D. children
38. In 1989 the ______ of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the ______ of
A. cost-price B. value-worth C. worth-value D. price-cost
39. I've just met Linda in the hairdresser's and the new hairstyle really ______ her.
A. fits B. matches C. suits D. goes with
40. The seasoning really brings out the ______ of the meat.


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A. odor B. flavor C. scent D. savor

41. Jamie ______ for joy when he was told that his results were excellent.
A. wept B. whimpered C. sobbed D. wailed
42. The book analyses why women kill and how the ______ treats them.
A. regulation B. rule C. law D. etiquette
43. The ______ of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies.
A. objective B. goal C. aim D. purpose
44. Her unique style has made her paintings ______ among collectors.
A. common B. popular C. universal D. general
45. The president agreed to ______ the constitution and allow multi-party elections.
A. repair B. mend C. amend D. fix
46. I did not need the goal to ______ my confidence, my confidence was already there.
A. raise B. grow C. boost D. surge
47. A police investigation yesterday ______ the police of all blame in the incident.
A. absolved B. forgave C. acquitted D. pardoned
48. On Sept. 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh ______ the independence of Vietnam from France.
A. informed B. declared C. announced D. stated
49. We can ______ bikes for a day to explore the town.
A. rents B. leases C. hires D. lets
50. This species is on the verge of extinction because their numbers barely ______ 100 in the wild.
A. surpass B. transcend C. outrun D. exceed
51. The company's advertising ______ in the 1970s and 1980s was "You can be sure of Shell".
A. emblem B. slogan C. motto D. logo
52. Brown apologized to Linda for any ______ caused by his remarks.
A. pain B. wound C. hurt D. ache
53. The police charged him with possession of a ______ weapon.
A. lethal B. deadly C. mortal D. fatal
54. A detailed list of ______ was issued on what to do in an emergency.
A. directions B. guidance C. instructions D. demonstrations
55. The group had been carefully _____ for the study because of their lifestyles.
A. selected B. chosen C. elected D. opted
56. Apart from giving the city ______ the freedom to get out of the city at weekends, it has created an
absolute revolution in the countryside.
A. inhabitant B. citizen C. resident D. dweller
57. The children were ______ with delight at the clown’s antics.
A. giggling B. smiling C. chuckling D. laughing
58. Your dreams always seem to ______, and nothing ever quite matches expectations.
A. disappear B. vanish C. evaporate D. dissolve
59. He had ______ a laboratory-grown windpipe into a man stricken by throat cancer.
A. transplanted B. entered C. inserted D. implanted
60. Visitors can expect hot and ______ conditions.
A. wet B. humid C. watery D. damp
61. People thought they were all ______ to try to make money from manufacturing.
A. insane B. demented C. crazy D. mad
62. Everyone ______ wildly about the reasons for her resignation.
A. speculated B. estimated C. anticipated D. predicted
63. All ______ from the auction will be donated to charity.
A. earnings B. profits C. proceeds D. revenue
64. The way children express their feelings depends on their ______ of development.
A. duration B. period C. span D. stage


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

65. The train had been unavoidably ______ after a small avalanche blocked the line.
A. deferred B. delayed C. postponed D. suspended
66. The whole town is patrolled by police because of the ______ of riots.
A. possibility B. prospect C. ability D. capability
67. Even when David became rich and famous, he never forgot his ______ background.
A. modest B. lowly C. unassuming D. humble
68. Smoking is the biggest preventable ______ of death and disease.
A. reason B. cause C. explanation D. pretext
69. Students may be tempted to ______ in order to get into top schools.
A. trick B. deceive C. cheat D. mislead
70. A poor diet can ______ mental and physical growth.
A. hinder B. deter C. prevent D. impede
71. Students must ______ a willingness to work with others.
A. show B. indicate C. demonstrate D. prove
72. An estimated crowd of over 100,000 crammed into Stamford Bridge to watch an exciting 3-3 draw,
with many ______ on top of the stands.
A. audiences B. viewers C. onlookers D. spectators
73. I think you should ______ what I do, then you try.
A. look B. watch C. see D. observe
74. Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ______.
A. sick B. unhealthy C. ill D. faint
75. It is illegal to ______ on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or age.
A. discriminate B. distinguish C. discriminate D. separate
76. Adrien Brody made history as the youngest Best Actor winner ever at the 75th Academy ______.
A. Presents B. Rewards C. Prizes D. Awards
77. Avoid swimming where water may be contaminated with untreated ______.
A. sewage B. litter C. garbage D. rubbish
78. I checked the engine, but I couldn’t find anything ______.
A. mistaken B. wrong C. false D. untrue
79. The body ______ chemicals called endorphins to control the pain.
A. manufactures B. generates C. produces D. creates
80. The meeting will be ______ by finance ministers from many countries.
A. participated B. joined C. involved D. attended
81. The major ______ of the transport system include the road network, railway system, air transport
services, and ports and shipping services.
A. proponents B. ingredients C. elements D. portions
82. You should ______ unhealthy snacks with nutritious meals in order to stay healthy.
A. substitute B. exchange C. replace D. supplant
83. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water ______ in this country.
A. shortage B. lack C. deficiency D. dearth
84. The world's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster ______ than experts had thought.
A. ratio B. rate C. proportion D. percentage
85. The Turkish security forces have started ______ for the missing men.
A. looking B. finding C. seeking D. searching
86. He wants to ______ some money to the account of his daughter.
A. transform B. transfer C. transit D. transmit
87. There has been a recent ______ of interest in the sport.
A. explosion B. eruption C. burst D. detonation
88. The stars are more ______ from the earth than the sun.
A. isolated B. remote C. distant D. faraway


Từ cùng trường nghĩa trong Tiếng Anh – Trang Anh – Quỳnh Trang

89. She wanted Hugh's wedding to ______ quickly.

A. happen B. occur C. come up D. take place
90. The objective of the research is to gain a better ______ into labor market processes.
A. insight B. awareness C. understanding D. perception
91. Politically and legally, after ______ Vietnam, the French Colonialists did not apply any achievement
of the French Revolution of 1789.
A. intruding B. invading C. encroaching D. trespassing
92. Under the new scheme, companies would agree to pay the pension contributions of their employees,
and in return workers would sacrifice a(n) ______ amount from their salary.
A. similar B. comparable C. equivalent D. analogous
93. He attributed his ______ to exercise and a healthy diet.
A. lifetime B. lifespan C. life expectancy D. longevity
94. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ______ chemically to form carbohydrates and fats.
A. combine B. blend C. mix D. mingle
95. Parents have a legal ______ to ensure their child receives a proper education.
A. accountability B. responsibility
C. obligation D. duty responsibility
96. The government has done nothing to resolve the ______ over nurses' pay.
A. dispute B. conflict C. quarrel D. debate
97. Police have ______ a plot to kidnap the President's son.
A. revealed B. disclosed C. uncovered D. divulged
98. The ______ uses a transmitter that connects to your computer.
A. instrument B. appliance C. equipment D. device
99. I had never seen Ann in such a good ______ before.
A. mood B. emotion C. temper D. disposition
100. It's a little ______ that no one knows where he was at the time of the murder.
A. doubtful B. suspicious C. skeptical D. dubious


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