Paquiao, Leo - Sectional and Auxiliary View TECHDRAW

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I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson,
 Students will be able to identify and explain the purpose of sectional and auxiliary
views in engineering drawings.
 Students will be able to differentiate between sectional and auxiliary views and their
specific applications.
 Students will be able to identify the three main types of sectional views: full
sections, half sections, and broken-out sections.
 Students will be able to select the appropriate cutting plane for creating informative
sectional views.
 Students will be able to identify when an auxiliary view is necessary to properly
represent an object's features.
 Students will be able to correctly orient and project features onto the auxiliary view
 Students will be able to properly dimension and annotate both sectional and auxiliary
 Students will be able to apply their knowledge of sectional and auxiliary views to
interpret engineering drawings.

II. Introduction

Sectional and auxiliary views are specialized orthographic projections that provide
additional information about an object. Sectional views reveal the internal features of an
object by cutting through it imaginary plane, while auxiliary views depict an object from a
different angle, showcasing previously unseen features. Both types of views are crucial in
engineering and architectural drawings for conveying detailed information about complex

III. Learning Process

A. Activity: KWL Chart

Step 1. Write brief statements in the second column (KNOW) about what you know
of the topics listed in the first column.
Topics What I know What I want to What I learned
Sectional views
Auxiliary views
Types of Sectional
What is Auxiliary
used to?
What is Sectional
views and Auxiliary
used for?

Step 2. Form a group where you can share and discuss what you have written in the
second column. Afterwards, fill-out the third column (WANT).
Step 3. After the group sharing, fill-out the fourth column (LEARNED) with what
you have learned after the group sharing.

B. Analysis: Examining Your Assessment Practices

Instruction: Examine your assessment practices with the guide questions provided.
Write your answers in the space provided below.

Questions Answer
1. Why do engineers and
architects use sectional

2. How are auxiliary views

different from sectional

3. What are the three main

types of sectional views?

4. When would you use an

auxiliary view instead of
a sectional view?

5. Why are hidden lines and

dashed lines important in
sectional and auxiliary

C. Abstraction

Sectional and auxiliary views are two types of orthographic projections used in
engineering drawings to provide additional information about an object.
Sectional Views
A sectional view is a drawing that shows an object as if it has been cut through an
imaginary plane. This allows the viewer to see the internal features of the object.
There are three main types of sectional views:
 Full sections: These show the entire object cut through the plane.

Opens in a new window

Full sections engineering drawing
 Half sections: These show half of the object cut through the plane, and the other half
is shown in projection.

Opens in a new window
Half sections engineering drawing
 Broken-out sections: These show only a portion of the object cut through the plane,
and the rest of the object is shown in projection.
Opens in a new window
Brokenout sections engineering drawing
Sectional views are typically used to show internal features that would not be visible
in a standard orthographic view. They are also used to show the construction of an object,
or to show how different parts of an object fit together.
Auxiliary Views
An auxiliary view is a drawing that shows an object from an angle other than the
standard three orthographic views (top, front, and side). This allows the viewer to see the
object in more detail, or to see a feature of the object that would not be visible in a
standard orthographic view.

An orthographic
projection of an
Front view inclined surface that
auxiliary- is perpendicular to the
front plane of
projection. Open

s in a new window
Front view auxiliary engineering drawing
An orthographic
projection of an
Top view inclined surface that
auxiliary- is perpendicular to the
top plane of
projection. Open

s in a new window
Top view auxiliary engineering drawing

An orthographic
projection of an
Side view inclined surface that
auxiliary- is perpendicular to the
side plane of

s in a new window

Side view auxiliary engineering drawing

Oblique view An orthographic

auxiliary- projection of an
object that is tilted at
an angle to the
standard planes of

s in a new window
Oblique view auxiliary engineering drawing

An orthographic
Revolved projection of an
view object that has been
auxiliary- revolved around an
axis. Open

s in a new window
Revolved view auxiliary engineering

An orthographic
projection of the
intersection of two or
more objects.

s in a new window

Intersection view auxiliary engineering

Auxiliary views are typically used when a standard orthographic view is not sufficient
to show the true shape or size of a feature, or to show the relationship between different
features of an object. They are an important tool for engineers and technicians who need
to communicate the design and construction of objects.
Auxiliary views are typically used to show inclined surfaces, or to show features that
are not parallel to the standard planes of projection. They are also used to show the
relationship between different parts of an object.
Here are some of the benefits of using sectional and auxiliary views:
 They provide additional information about an object that would not be visible in a
standard orthographic view.
 They can make it easier to understand the construction of an object.
 They can make it easier to see the relationship between different parts of an object.
 They can improve communication between engineers and technicians.
Here are some of the challenges of using sectional and auxiliary views:
 They can be more complex to create than standard orthographic views.
 They can be more difficult to interpret.
 They can be more difficult to dimension.
Overall, sectional and auxiliary views are valuable tools for engineers and technicians.
They can provide additional information about an object, and they can make it easier to
understand the construction and function of an object.

D. Application

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________

Course & Year: _____________________________________ Score: ______________

Activity 1. ESSAY (in 500 words)

Instruction: Write an ESSAY about the importance of Sectional and Auxiliary views.

4 3 2 1
Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Unsatisfactory
Expectations Expectations Improvement
1. Organization Clear and logical Mostly organized Lacks clear Disorganized with
and Structure structure; strong with some organization and no clear structure
introduction, inconsistencies; structure
smooth flow, and follows a basic
satisfying structure
2. Language and Excellent use of Some use of Lacks consistent Lack of descriptive
4 3 2 1
Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Unsatisfactory
Expectations Expectations Improvement
Descriptive descriptive descriptive use of descriptive language and
Details language and vivid language and language; relies on meaningful details
details details general statements
3. Character Effective Some Insufficient Characters are
Development development of characterization, character underdeveloped or
characters; provides but could be further development unclear
insight into developed in places
actions, and
4. Grammar and Strong grammar, Minor errors that do Noticeable errors Numerous errors
Mechanics spelling, and not significantly that affect hindering
punctuation with impact readability readability comprehension
very few or no
Total Points

Activity 2. Quiz
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________
Course & Year: _____________________________________ Score: ______________

1. Which type of sectional view shows the entire object as if it has been cut in half?
a. Full section b. Half section c. Broken-out section d. Enlarged detail view
2. An auxiliary view is used to show which of the following?
A. The internal details of an object B. Features of an object from a different angle
C. The overall dimensions of an object D. The manufacturing process of an object
3. The cutting plane used to create a sectional view is typically represented by a which
type of line?
A. Hidden line B. Dashed line C. Center line D. Thick line
4. Which of the following is NOT a common type of auxiliary view?
A. Front auxiliary view B. Top auxiliary view C. Right auxiliary view D. Isometric
auxiliary view
5. Hidden lines are used in sectional and auxiliary views to represent which of the
A. Features that are visible from the viewing angle B. Features that are not visible
from the viewing angle
C. Dimensions of the object D. Material boundaries of the object

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. B

V. References
Autodesk Inventor Tutorial (online resource):
Engineering Drawing and Design by David A. Madsen, 9th Edition:
Engineering Graphics for Design and Communication by James D. Bethune, 12th Edition:
SolidWorks Tutorial (online resource):
Technical Drawing for Engineering Communication by David W. Graves, 5th Edition:

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