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EEJ 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

English Education Journal


The Correlation of Positive Reinforcement, Self-Confidence, and

Speaking Performance of English Young Learners

Opini Ala Samodra1, Abdurrachman Faridi2

SD Negeri 1 Wates, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Most teachers may face challenges to teach the students without students’
Recived 09 January native language to teach a foreign language. The students may get bored
2021 easily and not motivated because they have to listen to more new strange
Accepted 30 April words in every meeting that they do not directly understand the words means.
2021 Thus, it needs some strategies to get the better result. Students who like doing
Published 15 things happily need a more relaxing learning situation to join the English
September 2021 classes comfortably. The study aimed to investigate the correlation of verbal,
______________ gestural, token reinforcement, speaking performance, and self-confidence.
Keywords: The research method used was a quantitative study with multiple linear
correlation, positive regressions. Students of the fifth grade of SD N 1 Wates Undaan Kudus as
reinforcement, self-
the population took part in the positive reinforcement, self-confidence, and
confidence, speaking
speaking performance test in teaching English. The data were analyzed
through a statistical program of SPSS 22. Thus, there was a correlation
between positive reinforcement, speaking performance, and self-confidence.
The conclusion is that all positive reinforcement correlates with speaking
performance and self-confidence. It means that the positive reinforcement
influenced their speaking performance and their self-confidence. It is
suggested that the teacher should raise their awareness to motivate students’
speaking skills for better achievement. Besides, teachers’ performance in the
classroom activity deals with classroom management, encourages the
students to always joyful in learning English materials, provides exercise and
group discussion according to their circumstance, and performs various
teaching that involves the learner’s role in the classroom activity.

Correspondence Address:
p-ISSN 2087-0108
Jl. Sumba No.13, Wates, Kec. Magelang Utara, Kota Magelang, Jawa
Tengah 56113, Indonesia e-ISSN 2502-4566
E-mail : opinialasamodra@gmail.com

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

INTRODUCTION Two problems in line with the

unachieved learning target are found in
The basic level of schooling is students’ speaking skills. There is students’
elementary education. What is achieved in the difficulty to pronounce well and comprehend
elementary school will guide and become vocabulary quickly. It is shown by the students’
students’ foundation for the following level inaccurate and incomplete answers to
and, later in their working environment comprehension questions. In speaking,
(Harafa, 2000). For this reason, elementary students face some obstacles such as the
education is crucial. This case equally applies inability to pronounce English words well and
to SD N 1 Wates Kudus, in which English is a mistakes in stress and intonation.
local content subject. It is so that this school can There were ten students stammering
offer a better quality of education. At this while answering the teacher’s questions,
school, the first until third graders are although they can answer in the written forms.
introduced to English vocabularies, while the In the teaching-learning processes, the teacher
fourth grade to sixth-grade students have sees students’ lack of autonomy. They tend to
chances to dig into more intensive English depend on the teacher, and that makes them
materials to prepare them for junior high school tend to be passive. It needs a long time for them
level. However, some things still need to be to answer the questions. Moreover, they seem
improved. In fact, in classroom activities, some to be inferior. They are unconfident,
of the students cannot speak fluently and inaccurate, and unenthusiastic.
difficult to pronounce English words well. According to Brown (2001, p. 7),
Students have to learn four English skills: “teaching means showing and helping someone
listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but learn how to do something”. Giving
out of the four skills, speaking seems intuitively instruction, guiding in the study of something
the most important to the elementary level (Al- with knowledge causes people to know or
Khawasawneh et al, 2016; Alyami et al, 2017; understand. Teaching is guiding and facilitating
Amber, 2010; Arifin, 2018). Teachers complain learning that enables them to improve skill and
about the speaking skill of their students. attitude (Damar et al, 2013; Ezaki et al, 2017;
Harmer (2007) states that speaking is a Ezai et al, 2016; Foti, 2018; Glascott &
skill that, needs to be practiced and developed Belfiore, 2019). It means that teaching is about
independently of the grammar curriculum. transferring the information to the students, but
Hughes (2011) states that there are five the teacher must also teach knowledge and a
speaking skills: speaking is not a discrete skill, good attitude for students because the parents
teaching speaking is not easy, teaching hope that the children can have good
speaking versus using speaking to teach, insight knowledge and attitude (Juhana, 2014; Juuso,
from speech corpora, and bringing the facets of 2011; Kelly & Pohl, 2018).
speaking together (Bergil et al, 2017; Borrero et Most teachers may face more challenges
al, 2010; Byier et al, 2014; Canter, 2014; Cahlil, to teach the students without students’ native
2014). From the statement of Harmer (2007) language to teach a foreign language. The
and Hughes (2011), it can be concluded that students may get bored easily and not
speaking is a complicated skill to develop. motivated because they have to listen to more
According to Fitriati (2017, p. 413), “the new strange words in every meeting that they
teacher’s ability to speak English for do not directly understand what the words
instructional purposes in teaching EFL must be mean. English is not the students’ native
obtained”. So, the teacher needs a plan to make language. That is why some strategies are
the student follow what the teacher wants them needed in the learning process to get the result.
to. If the lesson does not run as the teachers’ Students who like doing things with happy
plan, they always find a problem.
Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

feelings need a more relaxing learning situation that it promoted students’ positive attitudes
to join the English classes comfortably. toward their teacher. Through informal talks
Related to the problem, it becomes the with students, it was found that they praised
teacher’s tasks to make the situation to be true. teachers who talk with them positively. They
The teacher needs something to be involved in even believed that positive reinforcement
the English classes. One of them is influences their learning behaviour positively.
reinforcement that could bring the comfortable This research aims to describe the
situation and friendly situation of the English correlation of verbal reinforcement, gestural
classes (Adibsereshkiet al, 2014; Narges et al, reinforcement, token reinforcement with
2014). It may increase the students’ self- speaking performance and self-confidence of
confidence and motivation in English learning fifth graders of SD N 1 Wates Undaan Kudus.
(Greenacre et al, 2014; Gudu, 2015; Habibi &
Sofwan, 2015; Herbein et al, 2018; Imaniah, METHODS
2017; Ismaili & Bajrami, 2016).
It is believed that an ideal English The research was conducted in multiple
teacher is the teacher who encourages their linear regression correlations to determine the
students to learn the language, trusts their correlation between variables. The research is
students’ abilities, cares about their students, mainly quantitative. It means that data were
positively reinforces their right answers, and collected and subjected to methods of reducing
accepts their mistakes, or even utilizes them for such data to objective, hypothesis-driven
further learning. All these positive attitudes of analyses that culminated in a factual and
the teacher toward her students are mostly replicable outcome.
expressed verbally in the classroom. This research is correlation research
Alternatively, teacher talk expresses negative designed to investigate the nature and strength
attitudes toward students, like discouraging, of the functional relationship of the variables of
mistrusting, neglecting, rejecting, with by interest to the researcher. “An explanatory
negative reinforcement (Pertiwi, 2019) research design is a correlational design in
Turney et al. (1983) present some which the researcher is interested in the extent
examples of classroom English, especially to which two variables (or more) co-vary, that
verbal reinforcement as follows: Words: Yes, is, where changes in one variable are reflected
That’s right, Great, Good, Fine, Uh-huh, Correct, in changes in the other” (Creswell, 2012, p.
Nice Work, and Beautiful. An example of 340).
reinforcement importance is inviting the
students to come up to the class to answer a RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
question. After he answers
correctly, the teacher says that it is Observation on the use of positive
correct without a loud voice and a smile. This reinforcement
situation becomes uninteresting, and the An observation sheet was used in
students do not have motivation. When the teaching and learning processes to find out the
student answers correctly, the teacher says, positive reinforcement. The observation result
“You’re great”; it automatically can make the shows that gestural reinforcement is more
student happy, more confident, and excited to dominant (with a score of 4.5), followed by
study more. verbal reinforcement (4) and then token
However, from the researcher’s reinforcement (3.5). Chart 1 shows the total
experience as an English teacher, it was found results of the whole data gathered.
that implementing reinforcement in classes
correlated with high students’ interaction and
performance. Moreover, the researcher realized
Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

Types of Reinforcement Score per type

Verbal reinforcement 4
Gestural reinforcement 4.5
Token reinforcement 3.5

Chart 1. the use of positive reinforcement

Meanwhile, for the questionnaire of (15 respondents) and token reinforcement (12
positive reinforcement results that gestural respondents). Table 1 shows the total results of
reinforcement is more dominant too (21 the whole data gathered.
respondents), followed by verbal reinforcement

Table 1. the questionnaire of positive reinforcement result

No Statements
1 2 3
1 In general, is your work too hard for you? 6 12 4
2 In general, is your work too easy for you? 1 18 3
3 Do you think you get the points or rewards you deserve 1 21
when you do good work?
4 Do you think you would do better in school if you
1 21
received more rewards?
5 Are you happy if your teacher gives verbal
reinforcement? Like as say ok, great, clever. 7 15

6 Are you happy if your teacher gives gestural

reinforcement? Like as smiling, thumb up,
clapping/applauding, rubs your back/shoulder. 1 21

7 Are you happy if your teacher gives token

reinforcement? Like as gives star sticker and PIN. 6 4 12

8 Do you think work periods for English subjects are too

long? 19 3

9 Do you think work periods for English subjects are too

short? 12 10

10 Is your work challenging enough?

7 15

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

Speaking’s score 0.444. The result indicates a correlation

The Spearman-Brown formula (rs) was between verbal reinforcement with students’
performed on the three sets of data to test the speaking performance achievement and their
relationship. The result of the correlation was self-confidence.

Table 2. Correlation of verbal reinforcement with students’ speaking performance achievement and
their self-confidence
Speaking_ Self_
test_score confidence
Spearman’s rho
Verbal_reinforcement . . .
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .
N 22 22 22
. 1.000 .444*
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .038
N 22 22 22
. .444* 1.000
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . .038 .
N 22 22 22
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

A speaking performance test was on the test result, it was found that most of the
conducted to find out the students’ students achieved an excellent score of
achievement in speaking performance. The test speaking performance, and some of them
materials were in the form of a passage of telling achieved good and fair category. No student
time and describing food and drink. It is related achieved a poor score nor failed the test. The
to the materials for fifth-grade students. Based result of the data is shown in chart 2.

Fifth Graders'
Speaking Performance
Excellent 6
Good 12
Fair 4
Poor 0
Fail 0

Chart 2. Fifth graders’ speaking performance

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

Self-confidence questions on how are the students’ self-

The data gathered from the confidence. Chart 3 shows the percentage of the
questionnaire adequately answer the research whole data gathered.

Chart 3. Students’ self-confidence in speaking performance

From the descriptive statistics, it is clear that the study participants have low self-confidence
(12), (5) participants have fair self-confidence, and also (5) participants have high self-confidence.

The correlation of verbal reinforcement with with students’ speaking performance

speaking performance achievement and self- achievement and their self-confidence.
The Spearman-Brown formula (rs) was The correlation of gestural reinforcement
performed on the three sets of data to test the with speaking performance and self-
relationship. The result of the correlation was confidence
0.444. The result indicates a correlation of The Spearman-Brown formula (rs) was
verbal reinforcement with students’ speaking performed on the two sets of data to test the
performance achievement and self-confidence. relationship. The result of the correlation was
The correlation is significant at the 0.05 0.459. The result indicates a correlation of
level. The score of 0.444 indicates that 40 gestural reinforcement with students’ speaking
percent is influenced by the students’ self- performance achievement and self-confidence.
confidence, while another 60 percent is The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
influenced by other factors from one point of The score of 0.459 indicates that 40 percent is
speaking performance achievement score. influenced by the students’ self-confidence,
After the correlation coefficient was while another 60 percent is influenced by other
found, the next step was testing the hypothesis factors from one point of speaking performance
that has been proposed earlier. Here below is achievement score.
the calculation:
22 − 3
t= 0.444
1 − (0.444 )

t= 2.410 ttable= 2.093

It was found that tresult is higher than ttable,

which means that the null hypothesis H0 for H1
was rejected on the strength of correlation
coefficient statistic: in this study, there is a
significant relationship of verbal reinforcement

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

Table 3. The correlation of gestural reinforcement with students’ speaking performance achievement
and their self-confidence
Gestural_reinforcement Test_ Self_
Score confidence
Spearman’s rho
Gestural_reinforcement . . .
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .
N 22 22 22
. 1.000 .459*
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .032
N 22 22 22
. .459* 1.000
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . .032 .
N 22 22 22
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

After the correlation coefficient was influenced by the students’ self-confidence,

found, the next step was testing the hypothesis while another 50 percent is influenced by other
that has been proposed earlier. Here below is factors from one point of speaking performance
the calculation: achievement score.
22 − 3
t= 0.459
1 − (0.459 )

t= 2.535 ttable= 2.093

It was found that tresult is higher than ttable,

which means that the null hypothesis H0 for H2
was rejected on the strength of correlation
coefficient statistic: in this study, there is a
significant relationship of verbal reinforcement
with students’ speaking performance
achievement and their self-confidence.

The correlation of token reinforcement with

speaking performance and self-confidence
The Spearman-Brown formula (rs) was
performed on the two sets of data to test the
relationship. The result of the correlation was
0.564. The result indicates a correlation of
token reinforcement with students’ speaking
performance achievement and self-confidence.
The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
The score of 0.564 indicates that 50 percent is
Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

Table 4. The correlation of token reinforcement with students’ speaking performance achievement
and their self-confidence
Spearman’s rho
Token_reinfocement . . .
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .
N 22 22 22
. 1.000 .564**
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . . .006
N 22 22 22
. .564** 1.000
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . .006 .
N 22 22 22
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The correlation is significant at the 0.01

level. The score of 0.564 indicates that 50 Based on the calculation, it was found
percent is influenced by the students’ self- that tresult is higher than ttable, which means that
confidence, while another 50 percent is the null hypothesis H0 for H3 was rejected on
influenced by other factors from one point of the correlation coefficient statistic’s strength. In
speaking performance achievement score. this study, there is a significant relationship
After the correlation coefficient was between verbal reinforcement with students’
found, the next step was testing the hypothesis speaking performance achievement and self-
that has been proposed earlier. Here below is confidence.
the calculation:
The Correlation of Verbal Reinforcement,
22 − 3 Gestural Reinforcement, Token
t= 0.564
1 − (0.564 )
2 Reinforcement with Speaking Performance
and their Self-confidence
t= 3.605 ttable= 2.093

Table 5. the Multiple Linear Regression Correlation

Model Summary

Model R R Square Std. Error of the

Adjusted R Square Estimate
1 .455a .207 .168 9.07461
a. Predictors: (Constant), self_confidence
b. Dependent variable: speaking_score

The Linear Regression Formula was relationship. The result of the correlation was
performed on the five sets of data to test the 0.455. The results indicate a correlation

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

between verbal reinforcement, gestural Onyango et al. (2016) state that

reinforcement, token reinforcement with positive reinforcement has established good
speaking performance achievement, and self- rapports between students and teachers and
confidence. contributed to motivation and shift of
The same formula of hypothesis testing behaviour and imitation of peers. Another
was applied to test the proposed hypothesis H4 expert, Hurt (1978, p.35), states “teachers can
reward the students with verbal praise when
they do well”. This form of reward tends to
22 − 3
t= 0.455 reinforce the student’s learning and increase the
1 − (0.455 )
probability that the student will retain the
t= 2.501 ttable= 2.093 knowledge, have a good feeling about the
learning experience and the content of that
Based on the calculation, it was found experience, and repeat the behaviour that
that tresult is higher than ttable, which means that elicited the reward. It is similar to what is stated
the null hypothesis Ho for H4 was rejected on by Manzoor et al. (2015) when positive
the strength of correlation coefficient statistic: reinforcement is implemented in the classroom.
in this study, there is a significant relationship Students gave a response by showing higher
between verbal reinforcement, gestural motivation and interest in learning English.
reinforcement, token reinforcement with Besides, most teachers believe that various
speaking performance achievement and their motivational strategies in teaching should be
self-confidence. implemented as a kind of positive
Verbal reinforcement in speaking
performance achievement with their self- Gestural reinforcement in speaking
confidence performance achievement with their self-
The researchers correlate verbal confidence
reinforcement with speaking performance and The researchers correlate gestural
self-confidence. The value of correlation reinforcement with speaking performance and
coefficient r is 0.444 or 44%. It is assumed that self-confidence. The value of correlation
self-confidence influences their speaking coefficient r is 0.456 or 46%. It is assumed that
performance achievement because of verbal self-confidence influences their speaking
reinforcement. In other words, verbal performance achievement because of gestural
reinforcement can stimulate their self- reinforcement. In other words, gestural
confidence and then influences their speaking reinforcement can stimulate their self-
performance achievement. It is also found that confidence and then influences their speaking
the strength in a relationship of verbal performance achievement. It is also found that
reinforcement with speaking performance the strength in a relationship of gestural
achievement and their self-confidence is fair reinforcement with speaking performance
enough (Apriliyanti, 2018). achievement and their self-confidence is fair
From the data about the fair enough enough.
correlation of verbal reinforcement with From the data about the fair enough
speaking performance achievement and their correlation of gestural reinforcement with
self-confidence, it can be interpreted that verbal speaking performance achievement and self-
reinforcement is important to stimulate their confidence, it can be interpreted that gestural
self-confidence to achieve speaking reinforcement is important to stimulate their
performance better (Pintel, 2006, Diedrich, self-confidence to perform speaking
2010). performance than verbal reinforcement better.

Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

When gestures are combined with Results of the lottery system intervention
speech, they can either be used as a presented here showed group-wide
compliment, supplement or substitute to effectiveness in decreasing noncompliant
spoken language, or together with an utterance behaviour. The lottery system intervention
to modify it. Since gesture and speech are so presented demonstrates a potentially more cost-
closely interlinked, it has been suggested that effective token reinforcement variation. This
gestures can provide an understanding of the study showed noncompliant student behaviour
processes that are the foundation of language. decreased quickly and maintained at low levels
Tarigan (1981, p. 27) added that “the students throughout both interventions and return to
are thus susceptible to psychological tensions intervention phases. Concerning Aziz’s (2016)
and also to constraints of style and register results of the study, this result indicates that the
necessary in such a situation”. Morin (2017) treatment in the form of token reinforcement of
points out that positive reinforcement out-of-seat behaviour in students can be
integrated classrooms have a positive effect on reduced. Although not all subjects were able to
students and the general education students and eliminate the out-of-seat behaviour in
teachers. Students feel more supported in themselves, they could maintain the decline in
classroom settings and feel more closely with out-of-seat behaviour until the withdrawal
each other. phase or A2 phase. It shows that token
reinforcement techniques can be used to reduce
Token reinforcement in speaking the emergence of out-of-seat behaviour in
performance achievement with their self- students.
The researchers correlate token CONCLUSIONS
reinforcement with speaking performance and
self-confidence. The value of correlation This study concluded that positive
coefficient r is 0.564 or 56%. It is assumed that reinforcement has a positive effect on the
self-confidence influences their speaking students’ performance achievement and self-
performance achievement better than verbal confidence. The study found a significant
reinforcement and gestural reinforcement. In correlation of positive reinforcement with
other words, token reinforcement can stimulate speaking performance achievement and self-
their self-confidence and then influences their confidence based on the findings. First, verbal
speaking performance achievement. It is also reinforcement with speaking performance
found that the strength in a relationship of achievement and their self-confidence has a
token reinforcement with speaking significant correlation. The value of the
performance achievement and their self- correlation coefficient R is 0.444 or 44%. It is
confidence is fair enough. assumed that positive reinforcement may
From the data about the fair enough influence their self-confidence and speaking
correlation of token reinforcement with performance achievement. Second, gestural
speaking performance achievement and self- reinforcement with speaking performance
confidence, it can be interpreted that token achievement and their self-confidence has a
reinforcement is important to better self- significant correlation. The value of correlation
confidence to speak performance than verbal coefficient R is 0.459 or 46%. It is assumed that
reinforcement and gestural reinforcement. gestural reinforcement may influence their self-
As student non-compliance increases, confidence and speaking performance
more instructional time is now diverted to achievement. Third, Token reinforcement with
classroom management, resulting in less time speaking performance achievement and their
on the academic task. One widely used self-confidence has a significant correlation.
evidence-based practice is token reinforcement. The value of correlation coefficient R is 0.564
Opini Ala Samodra & Abdurrachman Faridi/ English Education Journal 11 (3) (2021) 393-405

or 56%. It is assumed that token reinforcement efficacy, and perceived stress on

may influence their self-confidence and academic performance: A cross-
speaking performance. In other words, all sectional study of Saudi psychology
positive reinforcement may influence their self- students. European Journal of
confidence to improve speaking performance Educational Sciences. 4(3).
achievement. Amber, E., & John, C. B. (2010). Development
This research focuses only on positive and modification of a response class via
reinforcement, not exploring negative positive and negative reinforcement: a
reinforcement. Therefore, further researchers translational approach. Journal of
can explore both positive and negative Applied Behavior Analysis, 43(4) 653–
reinforcement in their research if necessary. 672.
Secondly, this study only examines self- Arifin, M. N. (2018). Teaching speaking skills
confidence as a moderator variable, and future in the young learners’ classroom.
researchers can explore from the other side, for Banten: Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin
example, in terms of motivation, learning Banten State Islamic University.
habits, etc. The only skill intended here is Apriliyanti, R., Warsono., & Mujiyanto, J.
speaking. The next researcher can use this (2018). The correlation between interest,
research as a reference to research other skills. motivation, English self-concept and
This research’s weakness, especially in English speaking performance in nursing
terms of research method, is in the instrument students. English Education Journal, 8
used and the researcher needed to adjust the (2) (2018) 138 – 147.
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