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Weekly Diary For Capstone Project Execution From... /0l/ 2224 to. 2S/0#/ 2°24 Dr. AsV... Khandekan...... Name of Project Guide: Name of Student: ...... Harsh Rajesh Boxse. Branch of engineering: .... M&chanical...Engineesing....... Name of Polytechnic: ... G9. vexhmenk....Paly. kechinic.....Anane Signature of Student: ......... Signature of Project Guide: * Conduct literature Jeview on profile prejector depaiy Activities Executed: * Gathered Hlevant research papers, articks, hd Publications eh profile projector +epoir- + Reviewed and analyzed [iterate Sources to Understand Commen spar techniques and challenges: Date :- olfoi/2e2+- To 06 /o1/ 224 | Reason for dela: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: - Successfully Completed the plonned activity within the Scheduled timeframe: + Obtained valuable ‘sights into profile projecter sepoir methodologies fits the literabire dview, Prsviding. a Solid foundation for Une project Name & Signature of the Guide: ee Project Diary Week Nor o> Activities Planned: “Analyze literature Findings and clevelop Preject plan. Oate:- o7foi/rat to [3/a/22+| EI Activities Executed: “Analyzed the literature Findings obtained luring the previous week's literabue seview “Developed a detailed project plan outlining the Steps sequined fee for profile projector depair Reason for delay ifany: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: = Successfully Completed the planned activities for the Weed + The oleveleped project plan phovides a clear roadmap for proceeding With the profile projector Hepair pirject- Name & Signature of the Gu 24 To 24 a1/r24| Planned + Begin diagnostic Lesting on profile proyectoer Activities Executed: "Started diagnsstic testing on profile projectors to identify on, existing issues- * Conducted initial inspections dnd tests to assess the Condition of the pivfile prejectors- | Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: + Successfully ji tated diagnostic tering as plonned- « The Hsults of the diagnostic tests will Provide Valuable insights inte the specific depair needs of the profile phijectors Name & Signature of the Guide: a} o4 Dabe!~ 28 fol/2%24 Te 03/e2/224) sPlanned: eo aaa ee “Complete diagnostic testing ond identify vepair heeds Activities Executed: * Completed diagnostic testing on pioAlle phayecters. + Tdentified specific repair needs based on the desults of diagnostic tests: Reason for delay if an; Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: + Successfull, Completed diagnos tic Lesting within Scheduled time frame- + The identified separ heeds Will guide the development of Hpair ahd maintthance Strategies for Une profile prajecters- Name & Signature of the Guide: ....... Project L | Week Nox 05 Date:- 04Jor/r024 To [e/or/ 2024 Activities Planned: + Develop depair dnd maintenance strategies Activities Executed: + Analy 2ed the identified separ needs fren, the diagnostte testing * Developed cletailed sepair and maintenance Strategies tailored to addsess the specific issues jclentified. Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: * SuccessFully Completed the development of pair ond maintenance svategies Within the plonned bimeFrame- + The developed Strategies aim to @ effectively additss the identified repair needs of the prfile projectors: Name & Signature of the Guide: I et Diary Week No: 06 Date:- [1 /or/2024 Te 17/or/224 ‘Aetiv : ies Planned: * Gather necessary tools and sesources for Innp le men ta tion- Activities Executed: + Compiled a list of required trols ond desowces based on the developed separ and maih benonce Strategies. + Procurd necessary tools and pesources form Suppliers or ipterna) sources Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: + Successfully Completed the procurement of jnecessary beels and Hsources Within the scheduled timeframe: ©The availability of sequired tools and desources ensures Kadiness for the Implementation phase of the project: Name & Signature of the Gu Week Ni Activi o7 Dote:- 03/03/2024 To 05/03 / 2024-| ies Planned: *LEmplement repair and maintenance Strategies 's Executed: + Thi tiated the implementation of repair and main tenance strategies on the profile prjectors + Casried out repairs, adjustments and maintenance] Precedures according te the developed Strategies: Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Na Remarks: Successfully Cormmenced the implemen totin phase of the prject within the plonned time frome = The execution of HPAIY dnd maintenance strates) aims to addsess identiMed Isrues dnd impive the functionality of the profile projectors. ame & Signature of the Guide: Project Diary Week No Date:- |o/ 03/2014 To [6/03/2024 Activities * Evaluate the effectiveness of sta tegies and make adjustments. Activities Executed: * Conducted thorough evaluation of implemented par dnd maintenance strategies: + Analyzed the pesults te assess effectiveness and identify anas for improvertnt: * Made necessary adjustments te svategies based on evaluation Findings. Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: * Successfully completed the evalutimn of Strabegies dnd made adjustments as heeded: + The Continuous Improvement Process ehsures that Hepair ahd maintenonce efforts dt op Hyniacd| For maximus effectiveness Name & Signature of the Guide: .. Project Diary Wekne 09 Date:- 17/03/2024 To 23/63/2024 Activities Planned: * Refine depair appreaches and document Prrced ures. Activities Executed: + Reviewed and jefined yepair appreacher based on evaluation Findings and Feedback + Documented derailed preclues for each pair and maintenance task per formed. Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Remarks: - Successfully Completed the +e Fnement of Hepair apprraches and documentation of Pr cedures. = Documenting prctdurts ensues consistincy and clarity in Rue Mpair and maintenance efferts. Name & Signature of the Guid Week eee Le Date:- 31/03/2014 To osfofaaa| Activities Phinned: : * Finalize project seport and prepare piesen bation Activities Executed: + Completed the Finalizotion of the project report , including Inethodsloyy Pirie Finding, Results, dnd Conclusions. + Plepaxd a Comp lthen sive presenta tien Sim ariring | key Findings and }efotmmeda tions. Reason for delay if any: Corrective Measures Adopted: Completed the Aral act Remarks: of the prject within the scheduled time frome Comprehensive overview of Bre Jepair and | | + The project deport and prssentatin provide o | | raimtenonce efferte Under tiker for the prefile | aL or Name & Signature of the Guid

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