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Premier Care Disability Service who runs by NDIS has been put down due to what the company still has Dandan Liu this child predator
who was online sexual abusing American children between five years old and these parents said the company should get into the same trouble the main head
management and the employer boss of her. Dandan Liu was making these sexual documents on her iPhone during the working hours of Premier Care. Not only
the document Dandan Liu was ringing up the children, online stalking them, trying to date a nine year old boy and taking photographs of children at train
stations. The many signs Dandan Liu is even a sexual predator in the eyes of the children and me. I believe the company Premier Care is telling lies saying she is
good, no she is not, she is too dangerous. Dandan Liu is a danger to any five year old boy in general and life threatening. Dandan Liu is just a fuckface couldn't
trust her around any child. Those sexual documents are so bad I can't get why any five year old should read them. Due to everything I know her Real Estate
Address and the personal details. Premier Care head management are lying people just like Blacktown Hospital scum put it that way and the experience to
design a worthless disability support worker and the worst real estate agent on earth. Noelene Brendel is another scum disability support worker as well.
Someone should hunt down Dandan Liu with a knife and cut her fucking throat. I will stab the Blacktown Hospital nurses if I get made to go there.

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