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10/5/23, 5:27 PM Observation in Civil Case | PDF | Evidence | Lawsuit

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Observaton in Civil Case
Balbir vs Ram Kumar

Suit for Permanent Injuncon

Filing of Sui Document 15 pages

Plain led a suit for permanent injuncon underorder 39 Rule 1&2 in the court of Aslam e!" #i$il RSA-2643-2012
%ud!e" #ourt o 2" Paonta Sahi'" (istrict Sirmour )*P+" restrainin! the defendant from di!!in! the
land" raisin! construcon of permanent nature" cu,n! and fallin! trees and from chan!in! the Siddarth Agarwal
nature of land in an- manner and from dispossessin! the plain from the land. No ratings yet
Wrien Saemen/Reply:

/ri0en Statement as led '- the defendant '- main! preliminar- o'jecons

4he suit land is in the possession of the defendant and other 'rothers of the defendant ho are not
made part- '- the plain.

4he plain has no local standie to le the present suit.

4hat the plain has suppressed the facts from this learned court.


o replicaon as intended to 'e led.


5n the 'asis of the pleadin!s of the pares folloin! issues ere framed on 23.63.2617

/hether the plain is entled for the relief of Permanent Prohi'itor- Injuncon8 5PP

/hether the suit is not maintaina'le8 5P(

/hether the plaint ha$e no cause of acon to le the present suit8

/hether the suit is 'ased on nonjoinder and missjoinder of necessar- pares8

Relief: Suit of the plain is partl- alloed as per opera$e part of the jud!ment.

In order to pro$e its case" plain e:amined himself as P/ 1 and closed the e$idence" on the other
hand defendant e:amined himself as (/ 1 and closed the e$idence.

Reasons for Finings:

All these issues 'ein! interlined and interconnected are taen up to!ether for discussion in order
to a$oid repeon of ords and e$idence.

efore apprecian! ocular e$idence of the pares" it as orth to !o throu!h the documentar-
e$idence led '- the pares in support of their case.

of the suit land as ;ateh Sin!h mort!a!ed the suit land in the fa$ors of their father in the -ear 19<9.
*e admi0ed

Document 9 pages

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