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Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

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Least cost path analysis of early maritime movement on the Pacific

Northwest Coast
Robert Gustas a, *, Kisha Supernant b
Archaeological Survey, Historic Resources Management Branch, Alberta Culture and Tourism, Old St. Stephen's College, 8820e112 Street, Edmonton, AB
T6G 2P8, Canada
Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, 13-15 HM Tory, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H4, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, we present a new method for modeling past maritime movement events using least cost
Received 14 August 2016 path analysis. Nontraditional measures of movement cost, including cultural, environmental, and
Received in revised form physiological variables, were calculated. Using multiple cost-weighting scenarios, spatial resolutions, and
9 November 2016
different considerations of overland travel, movement routes were predicted for five Pacific Northwest
Accepted 12 November 2016
Coast study areas. This work uses a new application of least cost path analysis to seascapes and marine
movement and the results have led to a better understanding of migration during the Late Pleistocene
and Holocene. The resulting routes were systematically analyzed and compared to determine which
produced the results most likely to predict high-use coastal movement corridors. We found that
Least Cost Path analysis modeling scenarios where culturally derived costs of movement were highly weighted and in which
Northwest Coast overland travel was very costly produced the best predictions of possible past movement events. These
Seascape models show that predicted routes cluster in distinct patterns which are influenced by the geography of
Landscape analysis the seascape through which the movement event is taking place and that areas of high traffic are most
Predictive modeling likely to be located immediately offshore and to the south of islands as well as in the spaces between
Peopling of the New World landmasses. This knowledge increases our ability to predict the location of drowned sites on the
Northwest Coast and is important in contemporary archaeology because it can help locate new sites in a
landscape that has radically changed over the last 20,000 years. GIS analysis can reveal new sites hidden
by changing sea levels, which may not be easily located using traditional forms of site prospection.
Accurate modeling of maritime movement opens many coastal areas to increased archaeological
exploration and has the potential for the discovery of new sites in drowned locations.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction been paid to how people moved through marine environments

(Howey, 2007; Leidwanger, 2013), despite the fact that maritime
Archaeologists have extensively studied how past peoples technology has been used extensively by ancient humans across the
moved through and interacted with terrestrial landscapes (Llobera, world (Ames, 2002; Bjerck, 2008; Montenegro et al., 2006; Van de
2011; Rockman and Steele, 2003; Surface-Evans and White, 2012; Noort, 2003). Least Cost Path analysis (LCP) in the past has been
Wheatley and Gillings, 2012:133). Much of this work has made use applied to overland travel along lakeshores, on rivers, and through
of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, which has ocean coastal environments (Bell and Lock, 2000; Carballo and
become the preeminent tool for modeling and displaying move- Pluckhahn, 2007; Hare, 2004; Sakaguchi et al., 2010; Sherman
ment and migration (Anderson and Gillam, 2000; Hu, 2011; Judge et al., 2010; Siart et al., 2008; Taliaferro et al., 2010). Unlike
and Sebastian, 1988; Llobera, 2001; Lock and Harris, 1992; Leidwanger's (2013) previous work, which estimated vessel travel
Verhagen, 2007; Wheatley and Gillings, 2012). Less attention has speed, wind direction, and sailing conditions to predict how far a
Classical Mediterranean vessel could travel in a given time, we use a
multivariate weighted methodology to model areas of high travel
from discrete coastal points and predict possible new site locations.
* Corresponding author. Here we present a set of initial findings indicating that LCP analysis
E-mail addresses: (R. Gustas),
can successfully yield new and insightful information on past
(K. Supernant).
0305-4403/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 41

Fig. 1. Study areas on the Northwest Coast.

maritime movement events. into the New World. These explanations took the form of the Clovis
We applied our maritime LCP analysis to the question of the First and Ice-Free Corridor theories (Adovasio and Pedler, 2013:512;
timing and method of the peopling of the New World. For much of Arnold, 2002:437; Beck and Jones, 2013:273; Mandryk et al.,
the twentieth century, the archaeological community thought that 2001:301). These hypotheses stated that as the Cordilleran and
it understood the process and timing of initial human migrations Laurentide ice sheets retracted, a narrow, ecologically viable
42 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Table 1
Project spatial data sources.

Dataset Source Citation

Canadian Elevation DataBC Terrain Resource Management Program Province of British Columbia, 1997
Canadian Bathymetry CHS Hydrography Data Center Canadian Hydrographic Service, 2014
Alaskan Elevation USGS National Elevation Dataset U.S. Geological Survey, 2014
Alaskan Bathymetry NOAA National Geophysical Data Center National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, 2014
Alaska Hydrography Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Department of Natural Resources (2007)
Canadian Hydrography Natural Resources Canada e CanVecþ Natural Resources Canada, 2013
Prince Rupert Harbour LiDAR Prince Rupert Harbour Archaeology Project Nexen Energy ULC, 2014

Table 2 us to conduct geospatial analyses for time periods dating to the Late
Sea level change by project area. Pleistocene.
Area 10,000 cal yr BP 13,000 cal yr BP 16,000 cal yr BP
Our study area has been home to the Coast Tsimshian, Haida,
and Tlingit peoples for thousands of years (Blackman, 1990; de
Prince Rupert Harbour þ3 m þ20 m þ50 m
Laguna, 1990; Halpin and Seguin, 1990; Moss, 2011). These
Stephens Island þ9 m þ12 m þ14 m
Dundas Archipelago þ9 m þ12 m þ14 m hunter-gatherer-fisher cultures are most likely descended from
Haida Gwaii þ15 m 140 m 150 m Paleoamerican peoples and provide valuable insight into early
Alexander Archipelago þ10 m 125 m 150 m lifeways (Brace et al., 2014:463; Chatters et al., 2014:753;
Rasmussen et al., 2014:225; Rasmussen et al., 2015:3). Throughout
the history of these peoples, boats have played a central role in their
corridor into North America was made available, through which cultures and were used for transportation and subsistence, among
ancient peoples were able to travel from Siberia through Alaska and other activities (Blackman, 1990; de Laguna, 1990; Halpin and
Canada into the continental interior of the Americas (Dixon, Seguin, 1990). Using evidence from the archaeological record,
1999:30; Ives et al., 2013:150). ethnographic materials, and oral histories, we can derive elements
Over the last 40 years, the academic supremacy of the Clovis of past lifeways that inform our modeling of early maritime
First theory has gradually eroded. Paleoecological research has movement. Factors that influenced site selection include the choice
determined that the Corridor could have physically opened as early of semi-protected harbours with high sinuosity, the presence of a
as 13,500 cal yr BP, and yet sites have been discovered that are older flat beach where boats could be drawn onto the shore, and the need
than this, most notably in Chile, Pennsylvania, and Oregon, among to keep the shoreline in sight when entering an unknown area
other locations (Adovasio and Pedler, 2013:513; Dillehay, 1989; (Blackman, 1990:240; Cookson, 2013:100; de Laguna, 1990:206;
Jenkins et al., 2013). The discovery of these sites has caused ar- Mackie and Sumpter, 2005:350e351). These behaviors and char-
chaeologists to look for alternative explanations for initial peopling acteristics are important because they may be analogues to ancient
events, including a possible route along the Pacific Northwest Coast ways of life and provide variables which we use to inform how we
(Erlandson , 2013; Fladmark, 1979; Pedersen et al., 2016). Better site calculate movement costs in our analysis.
location modeling using LCP analysis should allow for the discovery The Northwest Coast is a spatially and temporally dynamic
of sites from Paleoamerican1 coastal migration events. environment that has changed significantly over the last 20,000
The overarching question we ask is can LCP analysis be applied years due to sea level changes caused by shifts in global climate
to modeling early human maritime movement events? We use the (Shugar et al., 2014:6). Sea levels change is spatially discontinuous,
northern Northwest Coast during the Late Pleistocene and Early as levels may rapidly rise at one location only to drastically plunge
Holocene as a case study. Within the umbrella of our larger research at another (Shugar et al., 2014). To account for local variation, we
question, we examine several more focused issues, including the ran our analysis at 3000 year intervals between 10,000 and
role of weighting scenarios in projecting movement routes and the 16,000 cal yr BP in each region. Table 2 summarizes the sea level
appropriate resolution for analysis. Additionally, we explore how changes in our study areas by time period.
allowing or disallowing portions of overland travel impacts coastal
movement paths. We conclude by noting the limitations of the
3. Theory of maritime least cost path (LCP) analysis
study and suggesting future directions and refinements of the
LCP modeling is a geospatial analysis technique closely related
to the more traditional site prospection modeling methods often
2. Background used in archaeology. The central assumptions of LCP analysis are
that areas which are easy to access have a higher chance of con-
Five areas of the northern Northwest Coast formed our case taining evidence of human activity than areas that are difficult or
study, including the northern Alexander Archipelago, the southern undesirable to access and that humans will move from point A to
part of Haida Gwaii, the Dundas Islands, Stephens Island, and Prince point B over the path with the lowest accumulated cost (Surface-
Rupert Harbour (Fig. 1). Highly accurate elevation and bathymetric Evans and White, 2012:2; Wheatley and Gillings, 2012:142).
data was available for all of these areas, as well as reasonably Movement cost values are calculated for all cells in a raster dataset
precise sea level curves, all of which are essential elements for and produce a friction surface or cost surface layer (Mitchell,
conducting LCP analysis in this part of the world (Shugar et al., 2012:225). Least cost paths are generated by placing origin and
2014). Table 1 details all datasets and data sources for the project. destination points of a movement event on top of the friction sur-
The extensive spatial coverage and high quality of this data allowed face and calculating the path of least resistance between these
points (Mitchell, 2012:214).
Most previous applications of LCP analysis to archaeological
Here we use the term Paleoamerican in the same context as it is used in questions have focused on movement through terrestrial environ-
Paleoamerican Odyssey (2013) edited by Graf, Ketron, and Waters. ments (Anderson and Gillam, 2000; White and Barber, 2012). These
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 43

Fig. 2. Comparison of path by cell resolution.

studies have largely focused on movement costs that incorporate

Table 3 slope, Tobbler's Backpacking Formula, and other land-based, envi-
Movement cost reclassification values.
ronmentally derived factors. Ocean waters are often seen as a
Category Variable Movement Movement Movement barrier to travel rather than pathways between locations (Surface-
cost 1 cost 2 cost 3
Evans and White, 2012:136; Livingood, 2012:178). However,
Environmental Beach Slope 2% >2% NA
Environmental Beach Aspect 1 e180 181 e360 NA
Environmental Freshwater 200 m >200 m NA
Proximity Table 4
Physiological Travel Distance 5760 m >5760 m NA Weighting scenario influence breakdown.
Cultural Sinuosity (>0.5) 1000 m 1000 m-2000 >2000 m
Variable Physiological Cultural Environmental Unweighted
a scenario scenario scenario scenario
Cultural Visibility Most Visible 2nd Most 3rd Most
Visible Visible Beach Slope 0.125 0.08 0.25 0.2
Cultural Protected Waters Highly Medium Least Beach Aspect 0.125 0.08 0.25 0.2
Protected Protected Protected Freshwater 0.125 0.09 0.25 0.2
Cultural Inland Waters 181 e360 0 e180 NA Proximity
a Maximum 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.2
Break points were determined by Jenk's Method of classification. Break values
were not recorded due to the iterative nature of the work flow which overwrote
Near Shore 0.125 0.5 0.125 0.2
these values each time the model was run. Visibility reclassification never exceeded
five classes.
44 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 3. PRH average path orientation through time. Darker coloured arrows represent earlier time periods.

because maritime transportation is a major method of travel on the points in a seascape are identical, i.e. flat, since ocean waters cannot
Northwest Coast, existing methodologies must be adapted to suc- have slope. Cost must therefore be calculated in different ways,
cessfully model movement in this environment (Mackie et al., such as a measure of the distance from a terrestrial resource,
2011:79). alternative measures of physical ease of access, or using the cultural
Applying LCP analysis to maritime environments requires a logic that people use to choose where they travel. Capturing the
substantial shift of perspective from traditional terrestrial LCP cultural agency of maritime movement is a key component of
analysis. When working in a maritime context, it becomes impor- determining the easiest travel routes through a seascape (Howey,
tant to treat the study areas as a seascape with three different 2007:1831e1832; Leidwanger, 2013).
categories of movement cost: time, distance, and energetic
expenditure (Mitchell, 2012:177; Surface-Evans and White,
2012:4). When using traditional movement cost metrics, all
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 45

Fig. 4. Haida Gwaii line density results - 10,000 cal yr BP.

4. Methods calculating maritime LCPs. We discovered that the results gener-

ated from the DEMs with 5 m and 30 m cells had significant path
We gathered elevation and bathymetric point data and merged overlap, while those generated from 10 m cells were substantially
these measurements into one combined point cloud for each in- different. The 5 m and 30 m DEMs produced results that were
dividual study area. This information was then used to generate better predictions of maritime movement as they more closely
new Digital Elevation Models (DEM) using the Inverse Distance followed the coastline and avoided moving through terrestrial cells
Weighted (IDW) surface interpolation technique using ESRI ArcGIS (Fig. 2). The 30 m DEM analysis was easily calculated using a
10.3 and ArcGIS Pro 1.1 (Monteleone, 2013:111). These surfaces standard desktop computer and we therefore used the 30 m DEMs
represent the landscape as it would exist if completely drained of for the rest of our analysis.
water. The DEMs were then flooded to represent the appropriate We used shoreline slope, aspect, and proximity to fresh water
sea level for the time period in question and passed through a map sources to determine the environmental cost of movement
algebra equation to reset all cells relative to the sea level height (Table 3). We identified beaches that had very low slopes (<2%) and
being modeled. The shoreline and the study area perimeter were assigned them low movement costs because they are the most
used to define the boundaries of the landmass for each time period, suitable for landing a boat. All other areas were assigned a high
from which a terrestrial and marine dataset were generated for movement cost because the beaching and storage of boats would
analysis. have been very difficult at these locations (Blackman, 1990:240).
DEMs were calculated at the 5 m, 10 m, and 30 m resolutions for We assigned low cost to parts of the coastline that had an east
Prince Rupert Harbour to test what the appropriate cell size was for facing aspect (1 e180 ), representing the preferred aspect for site
46 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 5. Unweighted and culturally weighted paths - Stephens Island 16,000 cal yr BP.

selection. East-facing coastlines within our study areas were sub- travellers would most likely have tried to keep the shoreline in
ject to milder weather and wave action, making them more desir- sight when entering a new environment as scouting for suitable
able for habitation (Mackie and Sumpter, 2005:350). Lastly we landing stopping points. This would have allowed for waypoints
assigned low cost values to locations within 200 m of contempo- and other visual indicators of location to be established for future or
rary freshwater sources (following Maschner, 1995:181) as recor- return migration events. Using a viewshed analysis of Prince Rupert
ded in CanVecþ and Alaskan Department of Natural Resource Harbour, which is representative of a typical Northwest Coast
hydrology data. Fresh water is a necessity for human occupancy of environment, we determined that for individuals sitting in a boat at
any length, and across our study areas the 200 m threshold pro- distances greater than five kilometres from the shore, visual iden-
vided a reasonable number of sources that would have been easily tification of important shore features became very difficult. Cu-
accessible for travelers. For locations that were formerly exposed mulative visibility was run at 1000 m intervals from all shorelines.
but which are now inundated by ocean water, hydrology modeling Areas with low visibility were given high movement costs and vice
was undertaken to locate possible past watercourses (ESRI, 2015). versa.
The Euclidean distance was then calculated from water features The next input for cultural movement cost was the location of
and reclassified into two classes using the same 200 m threshold. protected waters, which were identified as those areas that fell on
Areas with values under the threshold were assigned low move- the inland side of islands, peninsulas, and other landmasses
ment cost values, while those with values greater were given high (Monteleone, 2013: 69). These locations would be sheltered from
movement costs. Table 3 shows all the criteria used for movement the weather of the open ocean and would be easier to travel
cost reclassification. through, making them preferable even if passage through them
The physiological cost of moving by boat was determined by lengthened the total distance of a trip. Protected waters tended to
looking at the maximum distance that can be travelled by boat in a be eastward facing on the Northwest Coast and were identified by
12 h period. Experimental archaeology using canoes to travel from calculating Euclidean distance and direction layers using landmass
Skokomish, Washington to Dungeness at the eastern end of the polygons as inputs (Cookson, 2013:48). The direction layer was
Straits of Juan de Fuca has determined that the maximum average reclassified into two classes: high and low, with low-value cells
distance that could have been traveled by a fully loaded canoe is being those facing between 0 and 180 . All other cells were
57.6 km/day based on 12 h of paddling at a speed of 4.5 km/h assigned high movement cost values.
(Ames, 2002:30e31). In our preliminary analysis, using the 57.6 km Locations inside straits and passages were also favoured travel
travel distance gave every cell in the smallest study areas the same routes due to their similarly protected nature. Using a visual anal-
value, so after a process of trial and error, we used 10% of the ysis of our study area, we determined that no strait was wider than
maximum distance value, or 5760 m, as our reclassification 2000 m and assigned areas within that distance of the coast low
threshold. This threshold value identified significant areas of low movement costs.2 This was done by calculating Euclidean distance
movement cost without oversaturating the study area and making from landmasses and then reclassifying these results into two
movement unrealistically easy to pass through. Areas within
5760 m of a landmass were assigned a low movement cost and
areas outside this range a high movement cost.
Several variables were used to represent possible cultural This technique only identifies areas that cannot possibly lie inside a strait and
movement logics used by Paleoamerican coastal mariners. Early we are attempting to come up with a better method of determining the location of
these geographic features.
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 47

Fig. 6. Clustered Grid Pattern e Dundas Islands 13,000 cal yr BP.

classes, with low movement costs assigned to cells within 2000 m into smaller segments for which sinuosity was determined. Seg-
of the shoreline. The inland waters and straits/passage movement ments with values over 0.5 were selected and Euclidean distance
cost values were then summed together for every cell. The resulting calculated using these lines as the input. These distance results
values were classified into areas of low, medium, and high pro- were then reclassified into three classes using the same approach as
tection and assigned decreasing movement cost values. the protected waters.
Lastly we calculated the sinuosity of the coastline, a variable that Once all the input movement cost layers were generated for a
correlates with biodiversity and habitation suitability. Subsistence study area these datasets were summed together, creating friction
resources, notably shellfish and other marine foodstuffs, are more surfaces. We used weighted summation to generate three friction
plentiful in these locations (Mackie and Sumpter, 2005:350e351; surfaces for each study area, each emphasising a different category
Monteleone, 2013:15). Sinuosity is an index that measures the of cost values (Table 4). In these scenarios, half of the weighting was
cragginess of a coastline, with a value of 0 representing a perfectly equally split between each of the variables in the category being
straight line and 1 an infinitely complex line. Coastlines were emphasized with the rest of the weighting split equally between
divided into 1 km segments by placing points on the modeled the variables from the other two categories. Additionally, an un-
shorelines at 1000 m intervals. These points were used to cut lines weighted surface was created in which all the input variables
48 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 7. Parallel to Perimeter Path Pattern e Prince Rupert Harbour 13,000 cal yr BP.

carried equal influence. This produced four friction surfaces of a portage a lightweight boat a considerable distance and we did not
study area for each time period. Origin and destination points were want to eliminate this form of movement from inclusion in our
placed at twenty-degree intervals around the perimeter of the models (Moss, 2008:38: Stewart, 1984:52). Haida Gwaii and the
study area to model entry and movement through a study area in Alexander Archipelago were not included in the re-analysis
any direction. because these environments are composed predominantly of
For each origin point, cost distance and backlink layers were terrestrial cells at and before 13,000 cal yr BP.
calculated, which were used to create least cost paths to the other The results from all analyses were run through an average path
points along the study areas perimeter. After repeating this process orientation analysis to determine the average cardinal orientation
for all study areas, a total of 1080 least cost paths were calculated. of all the segments from specific weighting criteria from each
A second analysis was run for the three geographically smallest scenario. This allowed us to determine the average axis of move-
study areas, the Dundas Islands, Stephens Island, and Prince Rupert ment for each set of paths (Fig. 3) and test if people were in fact
Harbour. For these areas, landmasses were given an extremely high moving through the environment in the expected north-to-south
movement cost value in order to force movement paths into marine direction.
portions of study areas. The reasons that overland travel was not All the paths from a given weighting scenario were also passed
disallowed in the first set of analyses was that it is possible to through a linear density tool to determine the number of times
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 49

Fig. 8. East to West Average Directional Mean e Alexander Archipelago 16,000 cal yr BP.

Table 5
Results summary by location e overland travel allowed.

Variable Prince Rupert Harbour Stephens Island Dundas Island Haida Gwaii Alexander Archipelago

Greatest Proximity to Coastline Environmental Unweighted/Cultural Unweighted Cultural Environmental/Cultural

Greatest Amount of Overland Travel Physiological Cultural/Physiological Environmental Environmental Environmental/Physiological
Clustering Pattern Parallel to Perimeter Clustered (Western) Grid Clustered (Western) Grid Clustered Grid Clustered Grid
Most Common Mean Direction East Northeast Northeast East Northeast

paths passed through each cell in a study area. This information was results were then reclassified into areas with high, medium, and
used to generate a heat map showing what areas were most heavily low site potential.
trafficked (Fig. 4). Areas which were heavily traveled should have
the highest probability of containing undiscovered sites. These
50 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 9. Unweighted and Culturally Weighted Paths, Overland Movement Prohibited - Stephens Island 16,000 cal yr.

5. Results the most common axis of movement (Figs. 10 & 11). Full results by
study area can be seen in Table 6.
Our discussion will examine overall trends and patterns in the These results show that across location, time, and type of
data, evaluate several different qualities of the produced least cost movement event, the culturally weighted and unweighted sce-
paths, and explore the average orientation and line density values narios generally produced the best results for modeling maritime
from each scenario. In order to compare results from different movement events. The environmental and physiologically
weighting scenarios, we looked at the amount of overland travel, weighted scenarios produced results that were less predictive of
proximity to the coastline, and clustering patterns. Early mariners coastline travel than the unweighted scenarios. This pattern em-
would likely have followed the coastline when traveling, especially phasizes the importance of including cultural agency in the
when moving into unexplored areas. Additionally, they would have modeling of maritime movement.
minimized their overland travel, only portaging boats or leaving the One of the most striking results to come out of this analysis was
ocean when absolutely necessary. Looking at path clustering pat- the trends and patterns associated with different types of land-
terns is important because this information sheds light on where scapes (Fig. 12). Stephens Island and the Dundas Islands performed
human activity was taking place and complements line density and much differently than Haida Gwaii, the Alexander Archipelago, and
directional mean measurements. Prince Rupert Harbour, each of which had a higher proportion of
In the movement scenarios that allowed overland travel, we see terrestrial cells. The two island seascapes show higher amounts of
that the cultural and unweighted scenarios produced the paths path clustering, a more northerly movement orientation, and
with the closest proximity to coastlines regardless of study area. greater unweighted path suitability. In these locations, there seems
Both the physiologically and environmentally weighted scenarios to be a slight trend for paths to cluster along the western side of
produced paths which had the largest amounts of overland travel. landmasses and for decreased overland travel. Paths through study
This indicates that the culturally weighted and unweighted paths areas that include significant landmasses are characterized by less
are the most suitable for predicting routes of travel over water clustering, greater suitability of cultural paths, and increased
(Fig. 5). All study areas except Prince Rupert Harbour produced overland travel. These two different types of geographies produce
clustered grid-like movement path patterns, where paths intersect very different results that are controlled by sea level history, the
at right angles and congregate in the western or central portions of locations of landmasses, and the percentage of the study areas
study areas (Fig. 6). In Prince Rupert Harbour the paths move along composed of marine environments.
the perimeter of the study area, avoiding travel through the center The different clustering trends observed at different study areas
(Fig. 7). The average path orientation in all of these scenarios is make sense within the framework of how early explorer groups
along the east-to-west axis as demonstrated in Fig. 8. Table 5 may have navigated the Northwest Coast (Anderson and Gillam,
provides a full breakdown of results by study area. 2000:56; Beaton, 1991:223). It is expected that these groups
In the modeling scenario which made overland travel prohibi- would move in small bands fluidly across diverse landscapes,
tively expensive, similar patterns and trends were revealed. The making use of a wide variety of resource patches. The clustering of
environmentally and culturally weighted scenarios had the closest paths in different study areas suggests that the input factors in our
proximity to coastlines (Fig. 9). Overland travel was not a factor due analysis form groupings of low movement cost cells that Paleo-
to high movement costs assigned to terrestrial cells. Paths clustered american travelers may have been using in similar ways as resource
into grid patterns and the east-to-west axis path orientation was patches. Early travelers could have glided from patch to patch,
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 51

Fig. 10. Cultural Paths - Dundas Islands 10,000 cal yr BP.

using them as waypoints in longer journeys. The clustering of culturally based limitational knowledge was important in path
routes in specific areas of very low movement cost is to be expected selection and routes were highly clustered with path directional
and is encouraging for the successful application of maritime least mean remaining to the east and northeast (Rockman and Steele,
cost analysis to site prospection. 2003:4). Overall, this modeling scenario is a better fit for predict-
Maritime least cost analysis results are highly influenced by ing movement through mostly marine landscapes. High overland
whether they were computed for areas that are predominantly movement cost maritime LCP modeling should be considered to
terrestrial landscapes bordering bodies of water or are mainly predict travel through these locations when the researcher is only
marine seascapes that include small landmasses. The former sce- interested in the maritime segments or there is a significant body of
nario is predicated largely on travel by walking with short maritime water present. The methodology that eliminates overland travel
segments, while the latter assumes the majority of the distance that should be applied to landscapes where landmasses are mostly
is traveled will be covered by boat with short overland segments. contained inside the analysis extent and have large marine areas. In
The very high movement cost results produced for Prince Rupert areas where marine travel may have been one segment of a larger
Harbour, the Dundas Islands, and Stephens Island closely fit the overland journey, modeling scenarios should be used in which
expected patterns for Paleoamerican travel. In these locations, overland travel is not prohibitively expensive.
52 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 11. East to West Average Directional Mean, Overland Movement Prohibited e PRH 10,000 cal yr BP.

Table 6
Results summary by location e overland disallowed.

Variable Prince Rupert Harbour Stephens Island Dundas Island

Greatest Proximity to Coastline Cultural Environmental Environmental/Cultural

Clustering Pattern Clustered (Various) Grid Dispersed Grid Clustered (Southwest) Grid
Most Common Mean Direction East East Northeast

Our line density models suggest that sites are likely to be located through these areas is still much smaller than in the southern
in marine environments that are immediately offshore of large portions of study areas. In the modeling scenarios that allow
landmasses or currently located in the open ocean space between overland movement, possible site locations tend to cluster
smaller islands (Fig. 13). Sites should also be prevalently located in together; however, this trend is not true of the scenario that pro-
the southern half of study areas with the density of sites decreasing hibits overland travel. The line density results from these models
dramatically moving northward. The falloff of line density is more show a more random distribution of high probability areas that
gradual to the east and west but the amount of lines moving frequently do not border one another. The position of high
R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56 53

Fig. 12. Comparison of marine and terrestrial seascapes.

probability site locations shows that the movement corridor routes time needed to run the analysis, providing an appropriate balance
fitting the patterns described in the previously discussed results between accuracy and computational requirements. Scenarios
were traveled much more heavily than others. These areas almost which emphasise the culturally determined costs of movement
always stretch from the interior of the study area to a point on the produced the best results, while scenarios which emphasised
boundary. traditional measures of movement cost, such as physiological and
environmental variables, provided less accurate models of possible
6. Conclusion movement events. These findings emphasize how important it to
look at maritime movement within the context of seascape envi-
In conclusion, we found that LCP analysis can be used to model ronments; the importance of cultural aspects of maritime move-
maritime movement events, specifically those that occurred on the ment cannot be overlooked and their inclusion greatly increases
Northwest Coast over the last 16,000 years. Disallowing overland the power of this technique.
travel had the effect of reducing the overland segments of predicted This paper demonstrates that LCP analysis can be applied to
routes, better modeling maritime migrations. Using a 30 m cell size maritime movement in the deep past and has the potential to
maintained the quality of results while reducing the amount of significantly change the way in which we search for new sites along
54 R. Gustas, K. Supernant / Journal of Archaeological Science 78 (2017) 40e56

Fig. 13. Comparison of Reclassified Path Density - Dundas Islands 10,000 cal yr BP.

temporally dynamic coastlines. Within the context of the North- Acknowledgments

west Coast, the application of maritime Least Cost Path analysis
could lead to the discovery of new very old sites, which could shed Data used in the project was provided by the U.S. National
light on specific aspects of the Peopling of the New World. Poten- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Canadian Hydro-
tially these discoveries could help to answer questions about the graphic Service, and Nexen. We would like to thank Kenneth Ames,
exact timing of these events within the Late Pleistocene. Addi- Andrew Martindale, Bryn Letham, and Thomas Brown for their
tionally, new early sites could indicate whether a coastal route was assistance in preparing this project. Additionally, Jack Ives and
used and what its path may have been. Robert Losey provided invaluable feedback which shaped much of
This work is still in its infancy and is by no means complete. the most recent work on this project. We appreciate the thoughtful
There are tools, such as regression analysis and geospatial statistics, reviews from our two anonymous reviewers of an earlier draft of
which could be used to determine how strongly different inputs the manuscript. Aaron Coons must also be mentioned for his
influence the results of the analysis. Comparison between known assistance in editing and preparing this article. Any errors or
site locations and projected paths from more recent time periods omissions are our own.
could be created to determine how well paths predict these loca-
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