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Structured-type Question Solution

Chapter 14 Magnetic field (QS)14P1

1. (a) (i)
Combination of fibre and wire maximum corresponding
Fibre Wire no. of turns internal resistance torsional constant current
in coil of coil of suspension sensitivity
A C N R c s
A D 2N 4R c 2s [2]
B C N /2 R/2 c/2 s [2]
B D N 2R c/2 2s [2]

(ii) Any ONE of the following: [2]

* Choose B and D since it has maximum sensitivity and less internal resistance
* Choose B and C since it has least internal resistance

pointer Suspended fibre

coil Coil suspended from fibre [1]

Coil between pole pieces [1]
N S magnet Pointer [1]
In and out terminals [1]

(c) Radial magnetic field [1]

produced by fixed concave pole magnets [1]

2. (a) (i) I =n A e v
(50 × 10-3) = (1029) × (1.6 × 10-19) × (0.02 × 0.1 × 10-3) v [1]
v = 1.6 × 10-6 m s-1 [1]

(ii) direction marked correctly (into paper) [1]

F = B e v = (1.5) × (1.6 × 10-19) × (1.6 × 10-6) [1]
= 3.8 × 10-25 N [1]

(b) Magnetic force moves the electrons to the far end [1]
Negative charges build up at the far end [1]

E-field then set up until it is large enough to prevent further movement of electrons [1]
Steady p.d. then develops across the E-field [1]

(c) (i) Semiconductor has lower density of charge carriers [1]

thus larger Hall voltage can be observed. [1]

(ii) Since X, Y are not exactly opposite, [1]

small p.d. exists due to longitudinal electric field set up by battery [1]

Adjust R until voltmeter gives nil deflection [1]

(d) When magnetic force is balanced by the electric force, B e v = e VH / d [1]

 I  BI
∴ V H = Bvd = B d = [1]
 neA  net
(0.2) × (10 −3 )
∴ VH = [1]
(10 20 ) × (1.6 × 10 −19 ) × (0.1 × 10 −3 )
= 0.125 V
(e) Hall probe for measuring steady magnetic field [1]
Structured-type Question Solution
Chapter 14 Magnetic field (QS)14P2

3. (a)

Direction: upwards and perpendicular to the plane of coil X [1]

B = µo N I / 2 r
(4π × 10 −7 ) × (100) × I
= = 4.19 × 10-4 I [1]
2 × (0.15)

(b) P
Q current direction: PQRS [1]
F F Direction of F correct [1]

S Forces on QR and PS= 0 [1]


(c) Extra torque = (40 × 10-6) × 10 × (80×10-3) = 3.2 × 10-5 N m [1]

Torque produced by current in coil = NBIA
= (100) × (4.19 × 10-4) × I2 × (3 × 10-2)2 = 3.77 × 10-5 I2 [1]
-5 2 -5
∴ 3.77 × 10 I = 3.2 × 10 [1]
∴ I = 0.92 A [1]

(d) This is an absolute measurement of a current. [1]

It does not depend upon an ammeter which requires calibration. [1]

4. (a)


4π × 10 −7 × 600 × I
(b) (i) F = BIl = × I × (0.2) [1]
= 3.0 × 10-4 I2 [1]

(ii) Q (10-4 × 10) = 3.0 × 10-4 I2 [1]

∴ I = 1.8 A [1]

(c) Any ONE of the following: [2]

* Avoid overheating of the wires and keep the current constant, therefore the current should be
switched off after a reading is taken.
* Arm CD should be perpendicular to the magnetic field in the solenoid,
otherwise the force acting on CD becomes B I l sin θ.
* Arm CD should be along the N-S direction so as to minimize the effects of the earth’s magnetic field.
Structured-type Question Solution
Chapter 14 Magnetic field (QS)14P3

(d) Yes! When the direction of the a.c. changes, the magnetic field in the solenoid changes accordingly, [1]
making the direction of the magnetic force on arm CD remains downward.

(e) The calculated value of l is smaller than the actual value [1]
because the magnetic field at arm CD is less than that suggested by the formula µo NI / l . [1]

5. (a) (i)
High frequency
alternating p.d.

-V narrow gap of [1]

negligible width

mv 2
(ii) Bqv = [1]
∴ v= [1]
As the force on the proton is perpendicular to its motion, no work is done on the proton. [1]

πr m
(iii) Time = =π( ) [1]
v qB
which is constant [1]

(b) (i) 2(e × 10 kV) = 20 kV [1]

(ii) No. of revolutions required = =50 rev [1]
πm 1.66 × 10 −27
Time required = 50(2 × ) = 100 × [1]
qB 1.60 × 10 −19 × 1.5
= 2.17 × 10 -6 s [1]

6. (a)

Bend upwards [1]
Force perpendicular to path [1]
Structured-type Question Solution
Chapter 14 Magnetic field (QS)14P4

(b) (i) qVo = mv 2 [1]
m v2
Bqv = [1]
mv m 2qVo 1 2mVo
∴r= = =
qB qB m B q

2 2mVo
∴ d = 2r = [1]
B q

2 2 × (1.67 × 10 −27 ) × (1000)

For a proton, d = = 0.18 m [1]
(0.05) (1.6 × 10 −19 )

(ii) By Bqv = mrω2 and v = r ω [1]

2π 2π m
∴ Bq = m ω = m ∴ T= [1]
T Bq
πm π × (1.67 × 10 −27 )
Time taken = = −19
= 6.56× 10-7 s [1]
Bq (0.05) × (1.6 × 10 )

(c) As d ∝ [1]

dx mx qp 0.26 mx 1
∴ = ⋅ ∴ = ⋅ ∴ mx = 4 mp [1]
dp mp qx 0.18 mp 2
Nucleus X is an alpha particle. [1]

7. (a) (i)


4π × 10 −7 × 5  1 1 
(ii) B=  −  [1]
2π  0.02 0.07 
= 3.6 × 10-5 T [1]

(iii) Hall probe. [1]

(b) (i) Steady d.c. would produce a static magnetic field which would easily mix up with the earth's [1]
magnetic field.

Even with large d.c. current the B-field produced is weak and is therefore difficult to detect. [1]

(ii) (I) The CRO trace represents the induced e.m.f in the search coil and it is proportional to
the peak value of the sinusoidal B-field produced by the wires. [1]

- The search coil detects alternating B-field. Therefore the earth's field is not detected. [1]
- Measureable induced e.m.f can be produced by increasing the frequency even with [1]
relatively small current.
Structured-type Question Solution
Chapter 14 Magnetic field (QS)14P5

(II) - the length of the wire should be as long as possible ~ 2 m

- the two wires should be well away from any magnetic materials
- set-up should be well away from any stray fields, such as those
from mains socket
- twist the two connecting wires TWO [2]
- adjust the orientation of the coil so that the peak-to-peak value
of the trace on the CRO is maximum
- avoid placing the coil near the ends of the wires
(Accept any other reasonable answers)

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