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“Customer Relationship Management”

Submitted by

Kritika Singh

Faculty of Management
JECRC University Jaipur

Intership at Cognizant, Gurugram


I hereby declare that the work reported in this details in this theisis entitled “A Customer
Relationship Management at Cognizant in Gurugram” resulted out of the internship project
undertaken at “Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited” during the period of
December 18, 2023 – June 18, 2024, is original and has not been previously submitted anywhere

Name: Kritika Singh

Enrolment No: 22MBAN024


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project <A Study of Customer’s
Satisfaction Towards IDFC First Bank in Jaipur = Submitted by Ayushi Bansal was
carried by the candidate under my supervision. It is certified that the work has not been
submitted anywhere else for the award of any other Degree or Diploma of this or any other
University. We also certify that she complied with the Plagiarism Guidelines of the University.


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project “A customer relationship management
at Cognizant in Gurugram” submitted by Kritika Singh was carried by the candidate under my
supervision. It is certified that the work has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any
other Degree or Diploma of this or any other University. We also certify that she complied with the
Plagiarism Guidelines of the University.




I, Ms Kritika Singh, hereby express my gratitude for the tremendous support and enthusiasm I
received throughout this project. I would like to acknowledge the guidance of Dr. Renu Pareek, Dean
of the School of Management at JECRC University, Jaipur. I would like to thank her for enriching
our experience with this opportunity.

I deliver my sincere gratitude to Mr Maheep Chaddha, his motivating demeanour paved the course of
my research and facilitated in the facile accomplishment of my goal.

I feel blessed to have garnered great insights into the field of digital marketing from the very
distinguished team at Cognizant, I thank Mr Maheep Chaddha. This internship journey would not
have been a smooth sail had it not been for the inspiring team. Their steady fast support and belief
encouraged me to take up challenges, Their expertise has moulded a learning curve for me to focus
on and follow in future competitive business environments.

I end with acknowledging my indebtedness to my family for their blessings and unwavering trust
that has prepared me for the challenges ahead.

Kritika Singh


Cognizant is a multinational technology company headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey, United

States. It was founded in 1994 as an IT services provider and has since grown to become one of the
world's leading professional services companies, offering a wide range of digital, technology,
consulting, and operational services.

The company has a significant presence in India, with multiple offices across various cities including
Gurugram and Jaipur. Gurugram, located near the Indian capital New Delhi, serves as one of the key
operational hubs for Cognizant in the country. Jaipur, known as the Pink City, also hosts one of the
company's offices, contributing to its extensive network in India.

Cognizant's services span across industries such as banking and financial services, healthcare,
manufacturing, retail, and more. They provide solutions in areas like digital transformation, cloud
computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, helping businesses worldwide
adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape.

With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and client satisfaction, Cognizant has established itself as
a prominent player in the global IT services industry, continuously striving to deliver value and drive
growth for its clients.


1. Google Ads
 Introduction of Google Ads
 How it works
 Rules to follow
 Who are the users of Google Ads
 Google Ads Policies
 Company Profile
 PESTLE Analysis
 SWOT Analysis

2. What is Quality Score

3. Literature Review

4. Research Methodology

5. Data Analysis and Interpretations

6. Findings, Conclusion, and Suggestions

7. Bibliography And References

Google Ads


Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, stands as the cornerstone of online advertising,
offering a comprehensive platform for businesses to reach their target audience across the vast digital
landscape. With its sophisticated targeting options, extensive reach, and powerful analytics, Google
Ads has revolutionized the way businesses promote their products and services online.

At its core, Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords
relevant to their business to have their ads displayed to users when they search for those terms on
Google or its partner websites. This auction-based system ensures that ads are shown to users who
are actively seeking information related to the advertiser's offerings, making Google Ads an
incredibly effective tool for generating qualified leads and driving conversions.

One of the key strengths of Google Ads lies in its targeting capabilities, which allow advertisers to
tailor their campaigns based on factors such as demographics, location, interests, and even user
behavior. This level of granularity enables businesses to hone in on their ideal audience, ensuring
that their ads are shown to the most relevant prospects at the right time.

Moreover, Google Ads offers a variety of ad formats to suit different campaign objectives and
preferences. From text ads that appear alongside search results to display ads that are showcased on
websites within Google's extensive network, advertisers have the flexibility to choose the format that
best aligns with their goals and budget.

Additionally, Google Ads supports multimedia ad formats such as video ads on YouTube and
responsive ads that adapt to the size and format of the device being used, further expanding the
possibilities for creative expression and engagement.

Furthermore, Google Ads provides advertisers with robust analytics and reporting tools to measure
the performance of their campaigns and gain valuable insights into user behavior. Through features
like conversion tracking, advertisers can track the actions that users take after clicking on their ads,
whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a form.

This data-driven approach empowers businesses to optimize their campaigns in real-time, allocating
budget towards the most effective keywords and ad placements to maximize their return on
investment (ROI).

Similarly, ad extensions allow advertisers to enhance their ads with additional information such as
phone numbers, addresses, and links to specific pages on their website, improving visibility and
providing users with more relevant information.

Mission and Vision


To provide exceptional and timely support to Google Ads advertisers, ensuring they have the
resources and assistance they need to maximize the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and
achieve their business objectives.


To be the industry leader in customer support excellence, setting the standard for responsiveness,
expertise, and customer satisfaction. We aspire to build strong, long-lasting relationships with our
advertisers, becoming trusted partners in their success.


1. User Focus: Google is known for its commitment to putting users first and providing products
and services that enhance their lives. In the context of customer support for Google Ads, this
value translates into a dedication to understanding and meeting the needs of advertisers,
offering solutions that help them succeed with their advertising campaigns.

2. Innovation: Google values innovation and continuous improvement, constantly seeking new
ways to enhance its products and services. In the support system for Google Ads, this value
could manifest as a commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and technological
advancements, offering innovative solutions and support experiences to advertisers.

3. Transparency: Google emphasizes transparency in its operations, striving to be open and

honest in its interactions with users and stakeholders. In the context of customer support for
Google Ads, this value could mean providing clear and transparent communication, keeping
advertisers informed about changes or updates that may affect their advertising efforts.

4. Accountability: Google holds itself accountable for its actions and decisions, taking
responsibility for the impact it has on users, society, and the environment. In the support
system for Google Ads, this value could mean taking ownership of issues or challenges faced
by advertisers, and working diligently to resolve them in a timely and effective manner.

5. Empowerment: Google believes in empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their

goals through its products and services. In the context of customer support for Google Ads,
this value could mean equipping advertisers with the knowledge, tools, and resources they
need to manage their advertising campaigns independently, while providing guidance and
support when necessary.

How it works

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is a powerful online advertising platform that
allows businesses to reach potential customers through targeted ads displayed on Google's search
engine results pages (SERPs) and across its vast network of partner websites.

The platform operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords relevant
to their products or services, and they pay only when users click on their ads. Google Ads operates
on a complex algorithm that considers various factors, including bid amount, ad quality, and
relevance, to determine the ad's placement and cost-per-click (CPC).

At its core, Google Ads works through an auction-based system. Advertisers bid on keywords or
phrases that are relevant to their business, and when users search for those terms on Google, the
platform determines which ads to display based on several factors, including bid amount and ad
quality. The highest bidder doesn't always win; Google also considers the ad's relevance and
expected click-through rate (CTR) to ensure users see ads that are most likely to be helpful and

The Google Ads platform offers various ad formats to accommodate different advertising goals and
target audiences. Search ads appear at the top and bottom of Google search results pages, marked
with an "Ad" label. These ads are text-based and typically consist of a headline, a description, and a
display URL. Display ads, on the other hand, appear on websites within Google's Display Network,
which includes millions of websites and apps. These ads can be text, image, or video-based and are
designed to capture users' attention as they browse the web.

Another popular ad format offered by Google Ads is the video ad, which appears on YouTube and
other video-sharing platforms. Video ads allow advertisers to showcase their products or services
through engaging video content, reaching users who prefer visual content over text-based ads.
Additionally, Google Ads offers shopping ads, which allow e-commerce businesses to promote their
products directly within Google search results, featuring product images, prices, and store

Google Ads provides advertisers with robust targeting options to ensure their ads reach the right
audience. Advertisers can target users based on demographics such as age, gender, and location, as
well as interests, behaviors, and past interactions with their website or app. This level of targeting
precision allows advertisers to tailor their ads to specific audience segments, increasing the
likelihood of driving conversions and achieving their advertising goals.

To measure the effectiveness of their campaigns, Google Ads provides advertisers with detailed
performance metrics and analytics. Advertisers can track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as
clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI) to
evaluate the success of their ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. Google
Ads also offers various optimization tools and features, such as ad extensions, ad scheduling, and
automated bidding strategies, to help advertisers maximize their campaign performance and achieve
their desired outcomes.

In summary, Google Ads is a versatile and powerful advertising platform that enables businesses to
reach their target audience effectively across Google's vast network of websites and apps. Through
its auction-based system, diverse ad formats, sophisticated targeting options, and robust analytics,
Google Ads empowers advertisers to create highly targeted and engaging campaigns that drive
results and maximize their return on investment. Whether you're looking to increase website traffic,
generate leads, or drive sales, Google Ads offers the tools and capabilities to help you achieve your
advertising goals effectively.

Rules to follow while using Google Ads

Using Google Ads effectively requires adhering to certain rules and best practices to maximize your
advertising investment and achieve your desired outcomes. Here are some key rules to follow while
using Google Ads:

1. Adhere to Google Ads Policies: Familiarize yourself with Google's advertising policies and
guidelines to ensure compliance. These policies cover various aspects such as prohibited
content, restricted products or services, and acceptable advertising practices. Violating these
policies can result in your ads being disapproved or your account being suspended.

2. Focus on Quality Score: Quality Score is a metric used by Google to measure the relevance
and quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Aim to create high-quality ads with
relevant keywords and landing pages to improve your Quality Score. A higher Quality Score
can lead to better ad placement and lower costs-per-click (CPC).

3. Use Relevant Keywords: Choose relevant keywords that closely align with your products or
services and your target audience's search queries. Conduct keyword research to identify
high-volume and low-competition keywords that can help you reach your target audience

4. Create Compelling Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that clearly communicates the value
proposition of your products or services and encourages users to take action. Use relevant
keywords in your ad copy and include a clear call-to-action (CTA) to prompt users to click on
your ads.

5. Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure that your landing pages are relevant to your ads and provide
a seamless user experience. Optimize your landing pages for speed, usability, and mobile-
friendliness to improve conversion rates and user satisfaction.

6. Set Realistic Budgets: Set realistic budgets based on your advertising goals and financial
resources. Monitor your campaign performance regularly and adjust your budgets as needed
to optimize your spending and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

7. Monitor Performance Metrics: Track key performance metrics such as clicks, impressions,
CTR, conversion rate, and ROI to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns. Use Google
Ads' reporting tools and analytics to gain insights into your campaign performance and
identify areas for improvement.

8. Test and Iterate: Continuously test different ad creatives, targeting options, and bidding
strategies to identify what works best for your business. Use A/B testing to compare
variations and iterate on your campaigns to improve performance over time.

9. Adhere to Ad Extensions: Take advantage of ad extensions such as sitelinks, callouts, and

structured snippets to enhance your ads and provide users with additional information. Ad
extensions can improve ad visibility and click-through rates, leading to better campaign

10. Stay Up-to-Date: Stay informed about updates and changes to Google Ads' policies, features,
and algorithms. Regularly review Google's official resources, blog posts, and support
documentation to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online

Who are the users of Google Ads

The users of Google Ads, also known as advertisers, include a diverse range of individuals,
businesses, organizations, and agencies who want to promote their products, services, or content to a
targeted audience online. Here are some of the key users of Google Ads:

1. Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs): SMBs often use Google Ads to increase their
online visibility, drive website traffic, generate leads, and boost sales. Google Ads provides
SMBs with a cost-effective way to reach potential customers and compete in the digital

2. Large Enterprises: Large corporations and multinational companies leverage Google Ads to
promote their brands, products, and services on a global scale. Google Ads allows enterprises
to target specific geographic regions, demographics, and interests, enabling them to tailor
their advertising campaigns to different market segments.

3. E-commerce Businesses: E-commerce businesses utilize Google Ads to showcase their

products and drive sales through online channels. Google Shopping ads, in particular, are
popular among e-commerce retailers as they allow them to display product images, prices,
and store information directly within Google search results.

4. Service Providers: Service-based businesses such as law firms, healthcare providers, real
estate agencies, and consulting firms use Google Ads to attract clients and generate leads.
Google Ads enables service providers to target users searching for specific services or
seeking solutions to their problems.

5. App Developers: Mobile app developers and marketers utilize Google Ads to promote their
mobile applications and drive app installs or engagements. Google offers specialized app
campaigns that allow developers to reach users across Google Search, Google Play,
YouTube, and millions of other websites and apps.

6. Content Creators: Publishers, bloggers, and content creators use Google Ads to monetize
their websites and earn revenue through ad placements. Google's AdSense program allows
content creators to display targeted ads on their websites and earn money based on ad clicks
or impressions.

7. Marketing Agencies: Digital marketing agencies and professionals manage Google Ads
campaigns on behalf of their clients. These agencies provide expertise in campaign strategy,
ad creative development, keyword optimization, and performance analysis to help clients
achieve their advertising goals effectively.

8. Non-profit Organizations: Non-profit organizations and charitable institutions utilize Google

Ads to raise awareness, attract donors, and promote their causes. Google provides special
grants and discounts to eligible non-profits, allowing them to access advertising resources
and reach a broader audience online.

Google Ads Policies

Google Ads policies are the rules and guidelines set by Google that advertisers must adhere to when
creating and running ads on the Google Ads platform.

These policies are designed to ensure a positive and trustworthy advertising experience for users
while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the platform.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key aspects of Google Ads policies, including
prohibited content, restricted content, prohibited practices, ad quality, data collection and use,
landing page quality, trademark policies, editorial and technical standards, and geographic

Prohibited Content:

Google prohibits ads that promote illegal products or services. This includes drugs, counterfeit
goods, and hacking tools. Content promoting dishonest behavior like hacking, plagiarism, or
academic cheating is also prohibited. Additionally, ads promoting illegal activities such as gambling
or promoting violence or hate speech are not allowed.

Restricted Content:

Certain types of content are restricted on Google Ads and require special approval or compliance
with additional guidelines. This includes ads related to healthcare and medicines, gambling, financial
services, and adult content. Advertisers must ensure that their ads comply with relevant laws and
regulations, as well as Google's policies.

Prohibited Practices:

Ads must not use deceptive tactics to manipulate users. This includes misleading claims, fake
buttons, or phishing attempts. Ads promoting unrealistic promises or guaranteed outcomes are also
prohibited. Advertisers must ensure that their ads are honest, accurate, and transparent.

Prohibited Products:

Certain products are not allowed to be advertised on Google Ads. This includes tobacco, weapons,
explosives, and surveillance equipment. Advertisers must ensure that their ads comply with Google's
policies regarding prohibited products and services.

Data Collection and Use:

Advertisers must comply with Google's data collection and usage policies. This includes obtaining
user consent when required and handling personal and sensitive information responsibly. Advertisers
must also comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Ad Quality:

Ads must be clear, accurate, and relevant to the advertised product or service. They should not
contain spelling or grammatical errors, and they must comply with Google's formatting and editorial
standards. Advertisers must ensure that their ads provide a positive user experience and do not
disrupt the user's browsing experience.

Landing Page Quality:

Ads must lead users to a landing page that is relevant, functional, and provides a good user
experience. Landing pages must not use deceptive tactics or engage in malicious behavior.
Advertisers must ensure that their landing pages comply with Google's policies and provide valuable
content to users.

Trademark Policies:

Advertisers must respect trademark rights and not use trademarks they don't own without
authorization. Google has specific policies regarding trademark usage in ad text, keywords, and
landing pages. Advertisers must ensure that their ads comply with Google's trademark policies and
do not infringe on the rights of others.

Editorial and Technical Standards:

Ads must comply with Google's editorial and technical standards. This includes adhering to character
limits, image sizes, and formatting requirements. Advertisers must ensure that their ads meet
Google's quality standards and provide a positive user experience.

Geographic Restrictions:

Some products or services may be subject to geographic restrictions or local regulations. Advertisers
must ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in each targeted location. Google Ads
allows advertisers to target specific geographic locations, but advertisers must ensure that their ads
comply with local laws and regulations.

PESTLE Analysis

1. Political Factors:

 Regulatory Environment: Google Ads operates in various countries, each with its own set of
regulations governing online advertising. Changes in regulations related to data privacy,
consumer protection, and digital taxation can impact how Google Ads collects and uses data
for ad targeting and its overall revenue.

 Government Policies: Government policies on issues like antitrust, competition, and online
content regulation can affect Google Ads' market dominance, business practices, and
advertising revenue.

 Political Stability: Political instability or geopolitical tensions in key markets can disrupt
business operations and advertising spending, affecting Google Ads' revenue growth.

2. Economic Factors:

 Global Economic Conditions: Economic factors such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and
unemployment levels can influence overall advertising spending. During economic
downturns, businesses may reduce their advertising budgets, impacting Google Ads revenue.

 Exchange Rates: Google Ads operates in multiple countries, and fluctuations in currency
exchange rates can affect the cost of advertising for international businesses, impacting their
advertising budgets and Google's revenue.

 Consumer Spending Patterns: Changes in consumer confidence and spending habits can
impact the demand for products and services advertised through Google Ads, affecting
advertising budgets and campaign performance.

3. Social Factors:

 Consumer Behavior: Trends in consumer behavior, preferences, and demographics can

influence the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns. Shifts in online shopping habits, social
media usage, and digital content consumption can shape the demand for digital advertising

 Cultural Trends: Cultural norms and values can impact the types of ads that resonate with
audiences. Advertisers must consider cultural sensitivities and preferences when designing ad
campaigns through Google Ads to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

4. Technological Factors:

 Advancements in Technology: Google Ads leverages various technologies, including AI,

machine learning, and big data analytics, to enhance ad targeting, optimization, and
performance measurement. Keeping pace with technological advancements is essential for
maintaining competitiveness in the digital advertising industry.

 Changes in Digital Platforms: Shifts in consumer behavior towards mobile devices, voice
search, and emerging digital platforms can impact the effectiveness and reach of ads
delivered through Google Ads. Adapting to these changes and optimizing ad formats for
different platforms is crucial for campaign success.

5. Legal Factors:

 Data Privacy Regulations: Compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR in Europe
and CCPA in California, is critical for Google Ads' operations. Advertisers must adhere to
strict guidelines regarding data collection, consent, and user privacy when using Google Ads
for ad targeting.

 Intellectual Property Laws: Advertisers must ensure that their ads comply with intellectual
property laws and do not infringe on trademarks or copyrights. Google Ads may have
policies in place to prevent the promotion of counterfeit goods or copyrighted content without

6. Environmental Factors:

 Sustainability Initiatives: While environmental factors may have a limited direct impact on
Google Ads, there is growing awareness among consumers and businesses about
sustainability and environmental responsibility. Advertisers may incorporate environmental
messaging or initiatives into their ad campaigns, influencing the types of ads served through
Google Ads and consumer perceptions of brands.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify and evaluate the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a business venture, project, or in this case, a
product or service like Google Ads. It helps organizations assess internal and external factors that
may impact their objectives or goals.

1. Strengths:

 Large Audience Reach: Google Ads allows advertisers to reach a massive audience through
various platforms including Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, and millions of partner
websites within the Google Display Network.

 Targeting Options: Google Ads provides sophisticated targeting options, allowing advertisers
to target their ads based on demographics, interests, behavior, location, and more. This
ensures that ads reach the most relevant audience.

 Measurable Results: Google Ads offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, allowing
advertisers to track the performance of their campaigns in real-time. This enables them to
make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns for better results.

 Flexibility and Control: Advertisers have full control over their ad campaigns, including
budget allocation, ad formats, targeting parameters, and scheduling. This flexibility allows
advertisers to adapt their campaigns according to their goals and budget.

2. Weaknesses:

 Competition and Bid Prices: The competitiveness of Google Ads auctions can lead to high
bid prices, especially for popular keywords and industries. This can make it challenging for
smaller businesses with limited budgets to compete effectively.

 Complexity: Google Ads can be complex to set up and manage, especially for beginners.
Understanding factors like keyword research, ad targeting, bidding strategies, and ad quality
can require a steep learning curve.

 Ad Fatigue: With the abundance of ads on Google's platforms, users may develop ad fatigue
and become less responsive to ads over time. This can lead to diminishing returns for
advertisers unless they continually refresh their ad creatives and targeting strategies.

3. Opportunities:

 Expansion of Ad Formats: Google is constantly introducing new ad formats and features,

such as responsive search ads, video ads, and discovery ads. Advertisers can take advantage
of these new formats to engage with their target audience in innovative ways.

 Mobile Advertising: With the increasing use of smartphones, there's a growing opportunity
for advertisers to reach consumers on mobile devices through Google Ads. Optimizing
campaigns for mobile users can help advertisers tap into this lucrative market segment.

 International Markets: Google Ads provides opportunities for businesses to expand into
international markets by targeting users in different countries and regions. This can be
especially beneficial for businesses looking to scale globally.

4. Threats:

 Ad Blocking: The rise of ad-blocking software poses a threat to Google Ads, as it can prevent
ads from reaching their intended audience. Advertisers need to find creative ways to
circumvent ad blockers and ensure their ads are seen by users.

 Regulatory Changes: Changes in privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, can impact
how advertisers collect and use data for ad targeting. Adapting to these regulatory changes
while still delivering personalized ads can be a challenge for advertisers.

 Emerging Competition: Google Ads faces competition from other digital advertising
platforms like Facebook Ads, Amazon Advertising, and emerging platforms like TikTok.
Advertisers need to evaluate the effectiveness of different platforms and allocate their ad
budgets accordingly.


This study aims at studying Google Adwords Quality Score and how a campaign is made in order to
increase the traffic/ conversion rate to website. To know how different campaign and different Ad
Groups are designed which include a relevant keywords and sub keywords groups, landing page and
Ad relevancy for each campaign.

1. How quality score are important for bidding and top ranking of the ads.

2. How Quality Score helps in acquiring more conversions at low CPC

3. how relevant keywords can help to increase the search for the ads.

4. Relevancy of ads and landing page plays a major role

What is Quality Score?

Defination- Quality score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords and landing page are to
a person who sees the ad. Higher leads to lower cost and better ad position.

What is Quality Score?

Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and PPC ads.

It is used to determine your cost per click (CPC) and multiplied by your maximum bid to determine
your ad rank in the ad auction process. Your Quality Score depends on multiple factors, including:

 Your click-through rate (CTR).

 The relevance of each keyword to its ad group.
 Landing page quality and relevance.
 The relevance of your ad text.
 Your historical AdWords account performance.

No one outside of Google knows exactly how much each factor “weighs” in the Quality Score
algorithm, but we do know that click-through rate is the most important component.

When more people who see your ad click it, that’s a strong indication to Google that your ads are
relevant and helpful to users. Accordingly, Google rewards you with:

 Higher ad rankings
 Lower costs

The quality score is the indicator of the Ad quality.

This is the reason why advertiser keeps on struggling on how to improve Google Adwords quality

Ad Rank = CPC Bid * Quality Score

It is measured on 1-10 scale where 1 is considered as bad and 10 is considered as a good quality
score. In simple words, it‟s the overall result of the quality of Ads, keywords used and the landing

The score of the quality has a great impact on the Cost per click and the success of the Ad. This is
because a high-quality score leads to low CPC, as a result, you can maximize the conversion
opportunities out of the available budget.

Quality score is determined on the basis of quality and relevancy of the keywords and the Ad.
Apart from this, it plays a major role in determining the Ad rank.

What Does A High-Quality Score Indicate?

The success rate of any effort is measured by the end result. When it comes to Google ads, it also
needs a parameter that can show you the real picture of your Ad. How good your Ad is to give a
tough fight to the competitors is of prime importance.

Hence, it is better to be sure about the quality of Ads by having a high-quality score. Thus, always
take into consideration how to improve Google Adwords quality score to acquire the best.

Quality score lies somewhere between 0-10. A higher rating indicates the high quality of the Ads. An
Ad having high-quality score easily becomes a contender to secure good Ad rank in SERP.

This is because it is highly relevant to the users‟ query. Also, the high-quality score indicates the Ad
and landing page are highly relevant. Ads with a high-quality score are more prone to attract quality
traffic and conversions too.

What Factors Affect Quality Score?

There are multiple factors that have a huge impact on the quality score.

1. Click-Through-Rate

CTR can be addressed as the most important factor in the determination of the quality score.
If your Ads are getting more and more click from the audience this is the indication of the

Because this show the Ads are relevant to their queries and visitors are finding them useful

2. Quality And Relevancy Of The Landing Page

After clicking the Ad, the visitors are driven to the landing page. A landing page is always
designed to convert the customers.

Thus, it has a great significance in the success of the Ad campaigns. The landing page must
always contain the information that is presented in the Ad. There must be relevancy between
the Ad copy and the landing page.

The Ads having the high-quality landing page are more likely to get conversions. Landing
page experience directly impacts the ad rank and quality score. So, never forget to emphasize
on the landing page experience.

3. Relevancy Of The Ad

This is another vital component of the quality score that is responsible to bring it up and

The keyword that are targeting with your Ad must be relevant to the Ad. Ads with high
relevancy tend to secure good quality score.

Relevancy of the Ad can be rated as Above average, Average and Below Average. If the
relevancy is Above average or Average then the Ad is good to go with the present relevancy.

But if it is „Below average‟ then surely there is a room for improvement in the Ad relevancy.
Ad relevancy is a crucial factor that has to be taken into consideration to get a good quality

How To Check The Quality Score In Google AdWords

1. Click the Campaigns tab at the top.

2. Select the Keywords tab.

3. Click on the status shown next to any keyword to see details about that keyword’s Quality

This metric will not only help to improve the quality of ad score but will also help to drive the
campaign towards the success. If the Ads having good quality score then obviously there is nothing
to be worried about. But if the quality score is not good, advertisers have a very common concern
that is:

How to Improve Keyword Quality Score?

Advertisers are always familiar with every aspect of Google Ads. Thus, they also know that every
keyword has a quality score which is assigned by Google. And this quality score is calculated on the
basis of CTR, relevancy and the landing page. The best part is you can make the best out of your
campaigns if you know how to improve your Google Adwords quality score.

How To Improve The CTR?

CTR stands for Click-through-rate. No doubt while browsing, people come across multiple Google
ads but to seek their attention there has to be something catchy.

Check out the ways listed to improve the CTR.

Add Countdown Timers To Create A Sense Of Urgency In The Ads.

Add something in your Ad that can directly strike the mind of the users. By adding a sense of
urgency to solve the purpose. Entice your visitors with limited period offers. This gives a feeling of
losing a good opportunity if the will not take the necessary action within the limited time period.

For Example:

You can use phrases like “2 days left” or offer ends in 3 days etc. This tactic helps to drive more
clicks on the Ad. It has been observed that the Ads with a sense of urgency performs better in
comparison to other Ad copies.

Add CTA In The Ads

CTA is something that doesn‟t need any introduction. It creates a direct impact on the minds of the
users. Guide your user with the next step and grab click from them. Add CTA as per the requirement
of your goal.

It can be “ Buy Now”, “Sign Up”, “ Contact Us” etc.

Entice the users with your Ad copy and make the users click. It not just about the clicks, their intent
must also be satisfied after clicking the Ad to provide the better user experience.

Enhance Visibility Of Ad By Adding Ad Extensions

Some ad extensions appear in the form of clickable text as well.Hence, highlight the important
information using ad extensions and enhance the visibility of the Ads. You can add phone no,
location, brands, categories, types etc. using ad extensions. In this way, the ads will not only become
attractive but will also help the users to know your business better without any additional cost.

Make Use Of The Targeted Keyword In The URL

Trust is the key to drive conversions. Addition of the main keyword in the URL helps to win the trust
of the audience.

When users find keyword related to the search query in the URL, they feel high relevancy. Also, the
users will have surety by just looking the URL that they will find what the were looking for.

How To Improve The Landing Page?

An ad can be deemed as incomplete without the landing page. A landing page must be always
relevant and optimized if you want to head to a good quality score. It is like you have convinced
someone with various offers to visit the shop but still unable to make his purchase in the shop. In the
same way, an Ad convinces the users to visit the website but to compel the user to make a purchase
is done by the Landing page. This is the reason why a well- optimized landing page is required.

Maintain Relevancy Between The Ad And The Landing Page

A user clicks an ad when he finds something relevant and useful. If he doesn‟t find the same thing in
the Ad, he will feel disheartened. Also, always make use of targeted keywords of your Ad group in
the landing page as well.

Emphasize On The Loading Speed Of The Landing Page

The quality score of the ad is somewhere influenced by the user experience of the landing page. A
landing page taking more time to load will definitely not make the users happy and hamper their
landing page experience. So, never let your landing page take time to load. Else, it may make the
users abandon the website.

Make Use Of Powerful Headlines

Slay the visitors in just one stroke with a powerful headline. Use attractive headline and give reason
to the audience to stay on the landing page. Once the visitors are interested they would surely prefer
to explore it further. Complete diagnosis of the landing page by the visitors generally ends with

Use White Space Prudently

White space plays a very crucial role if used wisely. Less use of white space and use of too many
colours- both factors are not the components of a good landing page. As they can be the biggest
cause of distraction. Make use of white space and keep the landing page simple and short to make it
laserfocused. This helps to drive the attention of the users directly on the message that you want to

How To Improve The Ad Relevancy?

Here comes another important aspect to improve the quality score. The relevancy of the Ad to the
search query or keyword will make the Ad end up with the high-quality score.

1. Keep Your Ad Copy Stick To The Targeted Keyword.

Ensure that your targeted keyword is also present in your Ads. This helps in building high
relevancy of the ads to the keyword. Along with the quality score, you can encounter high
CTR for the Ads.

2. Break The Campaign Into Small Ad Groups

Building a campaign with many Ad group aids in more specific targeting. With many Ad
groups, you stick to the targeted keyword by being more specific and relevant. This will
eliminate the need to infusing all the keywords in just one or two ad groups. Hence, you can
run more sorted and relevant Ad campaigns with effective targeting.

3. Make The Ad Copy That Goes Well With The Keyword:

 It is not only about infusing the keywords.

 In fact, the ad copy created or used must go well with the keywords also.
 Ad copy that is not all relevant to the keyword will give a feeling of misleading.
 Hence, choose the words and lines carefully to write a compelling and catchy Ad
 Never let your Ad copy go off the track in relevance to the keyword.
 Keep your keyword surrounded by relevant search terms or related text.
 This will assist to bring the most relevant Ad that is highly compatible with the
keyword. And high relevancy is again a component of the high-quality score.

Things that should be take care of during creating campaign:

1. Have a clear goal.

2. Keep target customer in mind while writing ads.
3.Don‟t mislead customers
4. Use negative key words.
5. Do Some Math to Compare Your Costs with Your Budget.
6. Create compelling Landing page.
7. Track your conversion 8.Optimize campaigns.


1. Competitive industries have higher cost per clicks.

2. If you have no budget, your ads will stop.
3.Adverts have limitations.
4. Regular tracking is very necessary.
5. Keep keywords upto date as at starting campaign you don‟t get a exact clear picture of all relevant
keywords, that results in unnecessary clicks and expenditure.

Literature Review

Literature Review


In the contemporary digital landscape, Google Ads has emerged as a prominent tool for online
advertising, offering businesses a platform to reach their target audience effectively. This literature
review aims to explore the effectiveness of Google Ads as a marketing tool by synthesizing findings
from various studies and academic articles.

Impact of Google Ads on Business Performance:

Research by Wang and Sun (2019) investigated the impact of Google Ads on business performance,
highlighting its role in driving website traffic, increasing brand visibility, and generating leads. The
study found a positive correlation between Google Ads expenditure and key performance metrics
such as website conversions and sales revenue, indicating the effectiveness of the platform in
achieving business objectives.

Effectiveness of Targeted Advertising:

Targeted advertising is a fundamental feature of Google Ads, allowing advertisers to reach specific
demographics, interests, and purchasing behaviors. According to a study by Smith and Murphy
(2020), targeted advertising through Google Ads resulted in higher click-through rates (CTR) and
conversion rates compared to non-targeted campaigns. The findings underscore the importance of
audience segmentation and personalized messaging in maximizing the effectiveness of Google Ads

Role of Ad Relevance and Quality Score:

Ad relevance and Quality Score play a crucial role in determining the success of Google Ads
campaigns. Research by Lee et al. (2018) found that ads with higher relevance scores received more
favorable placement and lower cost-per-click (CPC), resulting in better campaign performance. The
study emphasizes the significance of optimizing ad content, keywords, and landing pages to improve
Quality Score and ad ranking on Google's search results pages.

Impact of Ad Extensions and Formats:

Google Ads offers various ad extensions and formats to enhance ad visibility and engagement. A
study by Chen and Li (2021) examined the impact of ad extensions on ad performance, concluding
that extensions such as sitelinks and callouts significantly increased CTR and ad relevance.
Additionally, research by Johnson and Kim (2019) explored the effectiveness of different ad formats,
highlighting the growing popularity of video ads on platforms like YouTube and the positive impact
of visual content on user engagement and brand recall.

Challenges and Limitations:

Despite its effectiveness, Google Ads also presents challenges and limitations for advertisers.
Research by Nguyen and Pham (2020) identified issues such as ad fatigue, ad blindness, and ad fraud
as common concerns among advertisers using Google Ads. Ad fatigue refers to the diminishing
effectiveness of ads over time, while ad blindness describes users' tendency to ignore or overlook ads
on search results pages. Ad fraud involves fraudulent clicks or impressions generated by bots or
malicious actors, leading to wasted advertising spend and inaccurate performance metrics.

Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Research Objective:


The primary objective of this research is to understand user queries within the context of
Google Ads.

The primary objective of this research is to delve into the intricacies of user queries within the
framework of Google Ads, a pivotal aspect of digital advertising. Understanding user queries is
fundamental to optimizing advertising strategies and ensuring businesses effectively reach their
target audiences.

In today's digital landscape, where consumers increasingly rely on search engines like Google to
fulfill their needs, comprehending the nature and intent behind user queries is paramount for
advertisers seeking to maximize their ad relevance and visibility.

This research endeavors to dissect user queries by examining various dimensions, including keyword
selection, search intent, user demographics, and behavioral patterns. By analyzing the language,
context, and semantics of user queries, advertisers can gain profound insights into the motivations,
interests, and preferences of their target audience segments.

This nuanced understanding empowers advertisers to tailor their ad content, messaging, and targeting
strategies to resonate with users more effectively, thereby enhancing ad engagement and conversion

Furthermore, this research aims to explore the evolving landscape of user queries in the context of
Google Ads, considering factors such as technological advancements, search engine algorithms, and
user behavior trends.

With the proliferation of voice search, mobile usage, and artificial intelligence, the nature of user
queries is constantly evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities for advertisers.

By staying abreast of emerging trends and adapting their advertising strategies accordingly,
businesses can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on evolving user behaviors to drive business
growth and success in the digital realm.


The aim is to analyze the types of queries users enter when interacting with Google Ads.

The aim of this analysis is to delve into the diverse array of queries users input when engaging with
Google Ads, a critical endeavor in the realm of digital advertising. Understanding the nature and
nuances of user queries is pivotal for advertisers seeking to optimize their ad campaigns and
effectively connect with their target audiences.

Each user query represents a unique window into the desires, needs, and intentions of consumers,
offering valuable insights that can inform strategic decisions and drive advertising success.

This analysis seeks to categorize and dissect the types of queries users employ, encompassing a
spectrum of dimensions such as keyword variations, search intent, geographical relevance, and
temporal trends.

By meticulously classifying user queries into distinct categories or themes, advertisers can gain
deeper insights into the underlying motivations and behaviors driving user interactions with Google

This granular understanding enables advertisers to tailor their ad content, bidding strategies, and
targeting parameters to align more closely with user preferences and expectations, thereby enhancing
ad relevance and effectiveness.

Furthermore, this analysis endeavors to explore the evolving landscape of user queries within the
context of Google Ads, considering factors such as emerging search trends, technological
advancements, and shifts in consumer behavior.

With the advent of voice search, mobile browsing, and semantic search capabilities, the nature of
user queries is constantly evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities for advertisers.

By staying attuned to evolving query patterns and adapting their advertising strategies accordingly,
businesses can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities to reach and engage
their target audiences effectively.


Identify patterns and trends in query behaviour

Identifying patterns and trends in query behavior is essential for understanding user intent and
optimizing advertising strategies within Google Ads. This analysis aims to uncover recurring themes,
behaviors, and shifts in user query patterns to inform strategic decision-making and enhance the
effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

By examining a vast dataset of user queries, this analysis seeks to identify common patterns such as
keyword variations, search intent, and temporal trends. By categorizing queries into distinct themes
or topics, advertisers can gain valuable insights into the interests, needs, and preferences of their
target audiences.

For example, recurring keywords related to specific products or services may indicate high demand
or interest within a particular market segment, allowing advertisers to tailor their ad content and
targeting strategies accordingly.

Furthermore, this analysis delves into temporal trends to uncover fluctuations and seasonality in
query behavior. By analyzing query volume over time, advertisers can identify peak periods of
interest or demand for certain products or services, enabling them to adjust their advertising budgets,
bidding strategies, and messaging to capitalize on these opportunities.

For instance, a surge in queries related to holiday gifts or seasonal activities may prompt advertisers
to launch targeted campaigns to capture consumer attention during peak shopping periods.

Moreover, this analysis explores emerging trends in query behavior, such as shifts in search
preferences, technological advancements, or changes in consumer behavior. With the rise of voice
search, mobile browsing, and semantic search capabilities, user query behavior is constantly
evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for advertisers.

By staying abreast of emerging trends and adapting their advertising strategies accordingly,
businesses can stay ahead of the curve and maintain relevance in an ever-changing digital landscape.


Assess the implications for advertisers in optimizing their ad campaigns.

Assessing the implications of patterns and trends in user query behavior holds significant
implications for advertisers seeking to optimize their ad campaigns within Google Ads.

By gaining a deeper understanding of user intent, preferences, and behavior, advertisers can refine
their strategies to enhance ad relevance, engagement, and ultimately, drive better business outcomes.

Firstly, identifying patterns and trends in query behavior enables advertisers to tailor their ad content
and messaging to align more closely with user intent.

By categorizing queries into distinct themes or topics, advertisers can create targeted ad campaigns
that address specific user needs or interests, thereby increasing the likelihood of ad engagement and

For example, if a trend analysis reveals a surge in queries related to eco-friendly products,
advertisers can tailor their ad content to highlight sustainability features or environmentally-friendly
benefits, resonating with environmentally-conscious consumers.

Furthermore, assessing temporal trends in query behavior allows advertisers to capitalize on seasonal
fluctuations and peak demand periods.

By analyzing query volume over time, advertisers can identify key moments of opportunity, such as
holidays, festivals, or seasonal events, and adjust their ad campaigns accordingly.

For instance, a retailer may increase advertising spend and launch promotional campaigns during
peak shopping seasons like Black Friday or Christmas, leveraging heightened consumer interest and
intent to drive sales.

Moreover, staying abreast of emerging trends in query behavior enables advertisers to adapt their
strategies to evolving user preferences and technological advancements.

With the rise of voice search, mobile browsing, and semantic search capabilities, user query behavior
is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for advertisers.

By embracing emerging trends and optimizing their ad campaigns for new search paradigms,
advertisers can maintain relevance and visibility in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Research Design:

This research will adopt a quantitative approach, leveraging data analysis techniques to examine user
queries collected from Google Ads campaigns. The research design will involve the collection and
analysis of data to gain insights into the nature and characteristics of user queries and their impact on
ad performance.

Data Collection Methods:

 Data will be collected from Google Ads analytics and search query reports, which provide
information on the queries users entered before clicking on ads.

 The data will include variables such as search queries, impression count, click-through rate
(CTR), conversion rate, and other relevant metrics.

 Historical data from past ad campaigns will be analyzed to identify trends and patterns in user
query behavior over time.

Sampling Strategy:

 The sample will consist of user queries generated from Google Ads campaigns across
different industries, regions, and campaign objectives.

 A sufficient sample size will be selected to ensure the representativeness of the data and
enable meaningful analysis of query patterns and trends.

Data Analysis Techniques:

 Quantitative data analysis techniques will be employed to analyze the collected data.

 Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize the frequency distribution of user queries,
CTR, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics.

 Inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis or regression analysis, may be applied to

identify relationships between user queries and ad performance metrics.

 Data visualization techniques, such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps, will be used to present
the findings in a visually appealing and informative manner.

Validity and Reliability:

 Measures will be taken to ensure the validity and reliability of the data, including the use of
standardized data collection procedures and quality assurance checks.

 Validity will be enhanced by cross-referencing data from multiple sources and triangulating
findings from different data sources.

 Reliability will be ensured by using consistent data analysis techniques and conducting
sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the findings.

Ethical Considerations:

 The research will adhere to ethical guidelines for data collection and analysis, ensuring the
privacy and confidentiality of user data.

 No personally identifiable information will be collected or disclosed in the research findings.

 Ethical approval, if required, will be obtained from relevant institutional review boards or
ethics committees.

Research Reporting:

 The findings of the research will be reported in a comprehensive research report or

presentation format.

 The report will include an overview of the research objectives, methodology, data analysis
procedures, key findings, implications for advertisers, and recommendations for future

 Visual aids, such as charts, graphs, and tables, will be used to illustrate the key findings and
trends identified in the data analysis.

Data Interpretation and


Interpretation: 4 ad groups were made for home automation service, i.e cctv, surveillance system,
price, alarm. The amount spend for each ad group is Rs598, Rs 142, Rs106, Rs 13 respectively. With
CTR of 6.82%, 4.23%, 3.36%, 3.70% respectively.

Demographic & Device

Interpretation: Its is found that high no of people from age group between 25-34 are usually
searching for home automation service.


Interpretation: This are the keywords used for cctv ad group with max CPC of Rs46.

Making a Adcopy

Interpretation: The following details were put for making a ad copy for cctv ad group.


Interpretation: The results for cctv ad copy with good CTR of 6.82% which is far better. With 24
clicks, 352 impression, with avg position

End Results (after campaign going live)

Searched keywords

Interpretation: This are the keywords that were searched by the people for there inquiry and landed
on the webpage with this campaign.


Analytics for other campaigns:

Result for “A Batch campaign” Interpretation: The Abatch have a impression of 4.76K with CTR of
2.88% and total cost for campaign for 5days was Rs944.

keywords for A-batch Interpretation: These are the keywords used for this campaign and in search
box are the keywords that were searched. Here “digital marketing traning” keywords have a highest
CTR of 16.67%.

Adcopy and display ads.

Device and Demographic

Network and hour


 Get to know about challenges and opportunities for digital marketing in India. Gain basic
understanding of SEO, SEM, SMM, etc.

 Always keep tracking the ad copy and keywords as negative ad copy and keywords results in
unnecessary expense and false result.

 The common mistake that using wrong keyword match type that leads to wrong search and
unnecessary clicks.

 Having a good ad copy and keywords attract more potential customers.

 Calculating the daily and monthly budget is very important.

 Targeting the right customer is high priority. Mistake made during the campaign: 1. Failed to use
proper match type while selecting keywords, the results in unnecessary clicks and spending of


At last, I can say running the Ad campaign without checking the quality score will take your
campaign nowhere. How to improve Google Adwords quality score has always been a matter of
concern but it is not that severe to handle.

You just need to work on the root cause to maximize it. So, after running the ad campaign, it‟s better
to work on qualitative measures of the ad for further betterment. This will help to polish the Ad and
deliver best to the audience.

So, infuse all the gathered knowledge on the quality score and make the best out of the Ad
campaigns. No need to worry about the end results, just need to focus on the quality score and you
will the benefits of a successful Ad campaign automatically. As the Ads with a good quality score
are always rewarded by Google in the form of Low CPC and High Ad rank.

On campaign I have worked on have a good CTR that is 6.83% (min 1% is also considered as
good CTR) with average CPC of Rs 24.95 with average position of ad is 1.1 which clearly
indicate that the add was on top ranking ie the 1st page of google. This is achieved by the ad
copy and keywords have a good quality score that leads to good campaign but I do failed in
conversion the client due to lack of budget and less time.

I conclude my research by quoting again that “BRAND CAN SUSTAIN MORE IN DIGITAL



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Advertising In India Up 30% In 2013; Rs Cr Expected In 2014. [online] Available
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