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The Title of jurnal : A Sociolinguistics Study on the Use of the Javanese Language in the Learning
Process in Primary Schools in Surakarta, Central Java, indonesia

The Autors : : Kundharu Saddhono & Muhammad Rohmadi

Publisher : 2014

Reviewer : Kharisma

II . Main idea :

Language has become entrenched in human life particularly for its dominant function in communication.
The use of language can be in the form of communication during teaching-learning process in classroom.
Basically, learning language helps students to develop their self-awareness and cultures. Furthermore,
language encourages students to express their opinions and feeling, to participate in social interaction,
and to use their analytic and imaginative ability.

Sociolinguistic research on the use of Javanese in the learning process in elementary schools in
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, shows the complexity of the relationship between language diversity,
cultural identity and educational practices. The research results highlight the importance of recognizing
and integrating local languages, such as Javanese, in the learning process to improve communication
and strengthen a sense of cultural identity among students. However, challenges arise in balancing the
promotion of regional languages with the national language, Indonesian, in the education system. This
study emphasizes the importance of considering sociolinguistic factors for effective language policy in
primary education.

Ohoiwutun (2002, p. 126) states that learning process in classroom shows a pattern of communication in
multilingual society if we consider each variety representing one language. The main function of
language in learning process is shown in 2013 curriculum, which put Indonesian language as the bridge
between subjects

II . Critcal :
Stregth : The focus is on sociolinguistic aspects in the use of Javanese in the learning process in
elementary schools, which can provide in-depth insight into the dynamics of language in the educational
context in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

Disavabtages : lack of clarity in the scope of the research, such as not specifying the research
methodology to be used or specific research objectives

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