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Tips & Tests

'IJ't1� 1 Part ,of Speech ( 'll-r::1J1't1'll8�R1)_____··········-·-········-··················6............

'IJ't1� 2 Noun (A1'\-l,1a-!} ...................-..·············-·-···-·············-·······-········ 12 ............
'IJ't1� 3 Article (R1'liTPl'li1'\-l,1a-l) ········-····-················-···························· 18 ............
'IJ't1� 4 Quantifier (R1'1J0n'll�a-11ru, ).········-··-······ ............······-············· 24.............
'IJ't1� 5 Pronoun (R1�ht'W'l-l,1a,i).····-··················································· 30....-...-....
'Li't1� 6 Sub ject-Verb Agreement ( 't.J-r::tt1'1-l,-n�m��0�A�0�) ..... 36.............
'Li't1� 7 Present Tenses (b'Pl�n1-rm1wu�'c fLI'l-l,) ............................... 42.............
'IJ't1� 8 Past Tenses (b'Pl�n1-rru,°b'l-l,8��) .....................-············-·-····· 48·····-·-·····
'IJ't1� 9 Future Tenses (b'Pl�n1-rru,°b'l-l,8'\-l,1A�) ..........................-....... 54···-·········
'IJ't1� 10 Passive Voice ( 'l.J-r::tt1'\-l,�fln-r::rh} ..................................... 60.............
'Li't1� 11 Conditional Sentence ( 'l.J-r::1t1Ab�8'\-l,1'1l)......_._..._.....:........... 66.............
'IJ't1� 12 Non-Finite Verb (n�m1�bbif)·-····················-······················ 72_............
'IJ't1� 13 Modal Verb (n�m�-;iti) ....................................................... 78.............
'Li't1� 14 Reported Speech ('l.J-r::1t1ro1f1i1R1'\j�a-t1b�1) .............: ......... 84.............
'Li't1f1 15 Adjective (R1folmA'W't1J.................. _....-..··-····-·-···················· 90 .............
'U'tlo/1 16 Adverb (R1n�m1lki'MmJ....................................................... 96.............
'IJ't1f1 17 Comparison (n1-rb'll�t1rntit1'1J).........···········-···············-· ........ 102_ ............
'IJ't1t1 18 Preposition (RTlJ'W'U't1) ..............··········-· ............................. 108.............
'IJ't1t1 19 Conjunction (R1i'l-l,tt'm) ..._ .._.·:�············-·····-·······················J14 .............
'IJ't1� 20 Question Tag (R1'11a-trht1'll-r::tt1ro1) ········ ············-················120.............

Final Test ··············-·-···-···-·-··········-·······-·-···-·-·····-·-·-·············-··············126 .............

Irregular Verbs......................................................................................... -..........

Part of Speech
•..••.•...........••••••, •.................•••.•..•.•••.••....•......•••..••.....•••.•.............• ,
CONCEPT Part of Speech Aa 'l.J':i'::bfl't1'1'11a'll�"1'lla�roi11o11�1 �b':i'11'll1un1':i''tJ"1'1'11m9im-1i
1Ufl1'r.t18�fl{J'r.ta°1fl1':i'bb'll�'U':i'::bfl't1'll8�A188mllucrr�iu 8 'U':i'::bfl't1 1�bbf) Noun,
Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction bb�::
Interjection "1�.Juroi11Ufl1'r.t18�fl{J'r.tbblol�::roi1�b':i'1'W'Ub�a�::�a�bll'H 1 1u 8

...•.....•...••.•.•••••.� .••..........••••••••.•.•.................•.....•.•.....•.................• ,
1) Noun Aa roi1�iM��n1o1u i1o1i ��'lla� a1:11u�bb�::�nu4:1-1'lf� ':i''J:1-1ii��a'lla���i.i1�1
I :: -a.,

iom - man, father, lady, John, Peter, Susan
i1o1i - cat, fish, bird_, dolphin, buffalo, mosquito
��'lla� - car, pen, book, table, clock, computer
•. amu� - city, hou�e, school, airport, hospital
�maa-i'lf� - love, honesty, wisdom, happiness
.......••.•••••........• :� ..•......•................................................................. ,
2) Pronoun � Aa roi1�'llbb't1uroi1u1:1-1 b�a'l'l�m���n1'dn�1'J"ll1 'U1�1o1f�a1�L'llbb't1UA1u1a-i�rl'�1�f
� 11��.JuAaa::1':i' '1'1181 'llbb't1U���f'1'11m.;,ua�bb�'J
... bb't1UA1'H.1a-l - I, we, you, they, he, she, it
... bb't1U���rl'�1�f11Aaa::1':i' - Something is missing.
.. bb't1'H.���f'1'118b.;,U8�bb�'J - Iha! is not my fault.

3) Verb Aa roi1�'Uanm':i'n':i'::ri1'1'11amm':i' A'J1a-ibll'H.a� '1'11aafl1'J::1o11�1

(Fi'lflfll'l) 'U8flfl1':i'fl':i'::rh - laugh, eat, run, read, watch
'UaflR'J1:Hbtl'Ha�"' - be, have, exist
. 'U8flli1fl1'J:: - seem, taste, become
4) Adjective Aa roi1�'ll'llm�'l'l1aaff'U1�r-i1u1a-1'1'11aroi1a':i'':i''WU1a-i b�a1 o/lb�':i'1��::ba�m�:1-1:rr'u
(Fi1FJmPl'cwn; b�m11'U«n'�'1 b�U �maa-i'lf� li1fl1'W � m� '1'11aiqi'll1�'lla���.Jw7
'U8flRmaa-i'lf� - James is smart.
'U8flli1fl1'W - He bought a new book.
'U8fl� - The pencil is green.
'Uanm� - These children are young.
'Uaniqi'll1� - That· is an American girl.
..••••.........••....... ......•..........................•........•••......••.....•......•......... ,
·········· ··············
a a

5) Adverb ai� ���i�-;��;;·;;i�·�;�;�-i�� a�;����;{ �i;�;�i�;���ci �;

• O a WO• O

':i'11%1:::ba�!Plb'W3-l'll'H,bnmrn.Jan'l.-:tm:::mrna' b-;ia1 '!'l'a'aGibl1'H,'t1

.ct .c:! � d V V a .,d

·1.rnmfn'l!lm::: - The little boy behaves badly.
'Liam-;im - I will do the work tomorrow.
'Uanam'H,� - I have looked everywhere for my pen.
6) Preposition -��-���i����-���-1-���-;�;�;;�����i�;i��;���1�·�;;1��--b�-;�;;��-�;······
(Fi1'4'W\Jt1) A';J13-li3-l'W'H,'IT'Pl�8'Yhb�A';J13-l'Pl3-11�'ll8�'ll'a':::b� Aa3-l'U'a'ruf'H,
bl.Gi!Pl�mn - They met at six o'clock.
bl.61"1�61bl1'H,� - He hid behind the curtain.
bl.61"1�'t1A't11� - We jumped into the pond.

.bl.61"1�1ttm'a' - She killed the time b.y watching TV.

7) Conjunction : Aa !oi1ribil'b�a3-1!oi1 n�3-1!oi1 'Pl�a'll'a'::b�Abcu1i;b�nu
(Fi'1S\11t'1\I) �- b�83-IA1 - John got· up and walked down�tairs.
: b�aam�3-IA1 - They went across the street and into a shop.
b�a3-l'll'a'::b�A - He �ever worked hard b�t he got richer.
.............•..........·;� ..•...•.•...•.................•.....................•• .•..•......•......••. ,
8) InterJectlon Aa A1��'W!Plb'Ufil{l88n3-11 b�8bl.61"1�81'a'3-lru'Pl�elA11a-l-r�mJa��'H,bel� b�'H, ��
'11 '11 '11

(Fi1�'t11\I) ba�1� 'l.l'a'::mni.i1� �'1-1,bl,>l'H, bn'a'tl'Pl�a�nb� A1�'t11'H,1�b�mc'iia�n'LIA1�Wlb'H

'll'a'::b�Aba� bl.a::b'UbA�a�'Pl3-11�8Ab��i5 (!) .f13-1a��1� bl.'U�aamllu 2 'll'a'::bfl't1
. .
'11 •

1�bl,f) el't11'H,bll'HA1't11'H,bll'H,'l.l'a'::b�A

�'t11mll'H>A1 - Oh! Wow! Bravo! Oops! Ouch!
8't11mll'H,'l.l'a'::b�A - What an
awful noise!
How cold the room is!
; m'a'cw�1'a'mTJ11oi11'Plmll'H,A1'l.l'a'::bfl't1b!Pl
•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

TIP cJa�Af��b'a'11�a1m'a'bl�::'a'::'4�1��11�
: b'a'1�a�«�bn��1n'Pl1i1�'ll8�A1J'H,b'H,'l.l'a'::foA b'W'a'1::A1"7b�mnum�'l'i1'Pl1i1��1�1l'H,
b'H,bl.�a::'l.l'a'::b�A1� b�'H,
This train goes fast. (bil'bllu adverb b'W'a'1::'llm�!oi1n�m goes)
It is a fast train. (b'llbllu adjective b'W'a'1�'llm�!oi1u1a-, train)
........................� ....•.....•...•.••.••••..•.•........•..•...................................

1o1::a�b�'t1!5 BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Decide which parts of speech are these words.

1. new 6. but 11. himself

2. happily 7. on 12. at

3. read 8. Wow! 13. slowly

4. they 9. child 14. walk

5. house 10. handsome 15. computer

Exercise 2
Decide which parts of speech are the underlined words.

1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall.

2. What did she ask you to do?

3. I left my shoes under the kitchen table.


4. We have to finish our work quickly.

5. On Saturdays I work from nine to five.

6. I want to go to a university in Canada.

7. I'm sure I have met your girlfriend before.

8. James wlll be here on Monday or Tuesday.

9. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!"

10. We went to the store to buy a few things.

Exercise 3
Decide which parts of speech are the words In the sentences.

1) The lazy man slept in the afternoon, and he was very tired at night.

1. lazy 7. he

2. man 8. was

3. slept 9. very

4. in 10. tired

5. afternoon 11. at

6. and 12. night

. . .,
2) A red car is dangerous for policemen, but it is incredibly beautiful.

1. red 6. policemen

2. car 7. but

3. is 8. it

4. dangerous 9. incredibly

5. for 10. beautiful

Exercise 4
Decide which parts of speech are the underlined words.

1. John never puts sugar in his coffee.

a. verb b. noun
c. adjective d. adverb

2.- The thief ran away from the security guard.

a. pronoun b. verb
c. adjective d. noun

3. She has been sick for three days.

a. verb b. adjective
c. noun d. preposition

4. My aunt lives here in this beautiful house.

a. noun b. verb
c. adverb d. adjective

5. Anna is getting married next year.

a. noun b. adverb
c. pronoun d. adjective

6. The hungry soldier ate four slices of pizza.

a. noun b. verb
c. adjective d. adverb

7. Wine is more expensive than beer.

a. adverb b. noun
c. adjective d. preposition

8. The computer is having technical problems.

a. adverb b. pronoun
c. conjunction d. adjective

1m:m1h't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

9. Peter saw her yesterday in the cafeteria.
a. preposition b. conjunction
c. adjective d. interjection

10. John is very sharp, but he is sometimes lazy.

a. adjective b. noun
c. preposition d. conjunction

11. Do you want to come to the playground with us?

a. noun b. adjective
c. pronoun d. adverb

12. She was quite happy to receive the prize.

a. noun b. verb
c. adverb d. adjective

13. Andrew can run faster than anyone in our school.

a. adverb b. adjective
c. noun d. pronoun

14. I bought this perfume in a foreign country.

a. noun b. adjective
c. pronoun d. adverb

15. Judy sent me a postcard from London.

a. adjective b. preposition
c. pronoun d. conjunction

16. Please come to my party to celebrate my birthday.

a. adverb b. noun
C. pronoun d. verb

17. My cousin has written an interesting story.

a. adjective b. verb
c. noun d. adverb

18. The children are playing outside in the garden.

a. noun b. pronoun
c. verb d. adverb

19. You must answer the question honestly.

a. adjective b. adverb
c. pronoun d. preposition

-------------------------- ··---- ·-·-- ---

20. Although she loves him a lot, she doesn·t want to marry him.
a. adjective b. pronoun
c. preposition d. conjunction

21. Our group has been rehearsing for the show.

a. verb b. adjective
c. noun d. adverb

22. Mark talked to them about the homework.

a. noun b. pronoun
c. adjective d. preposition

23. You will be beautiful when you grow up.

a. conjunction b. adjective
c. preposition d. pronoun
24. If you walk fast, you will catch the bus.
a. adjective b. adverb
c. verb d. noun
25. The woman whose brother works at the bfil is my friend.
a. noun b. adjective
c. pronoun d. adverb
26. The letter was written in green ink.
a. adverb b. noun
c. adjective d. verb
27. The man was badly hurt in the accident.
a. noun b. verb
c. adverb d. adjective
28. She has to clean her messy room before she goes out.
a. preposition b. conjunction
c. adjective d. pronoun
29. This is the quickest way to the cinema.
a. verb b. noun
c. adjective d. adverb
30. David entered the room and he switched on the light.
a. conjunction b. preposition
c. adjective d. adverb


. ,. Noun A1'H1a.J
. ••...••...•.•..•..,.............•..••...•.....•••.."' ..•..........•.•............••.....••.....•..•
CONCEPT Fi1'\-t1a-ibhcJ�1�'l'lm�'lJ'a':a,a1't1 1'1-l,fi� bl,cJ�aamtl'\-t 2 't.J'a'::b.fl't1bmy1 Aa '\-t1a-iu'U1�bha::
'\-t13-IU'LI1a-i1� '\-t8m'!'lu0�1m�0�'t.J'a'::b.fl't19.18�Fi1'\-t1a-ibh�1 Nb��'\-trl'" �R1'a'�(P)�1'l'linm'a'1'\-t
" '!4btl'\-t'\-t 1a-i'W'l'l'W�u
" �a8(P)�'\-t 'l11R11a-ib'lJ11 �b�mn'U'l'l'a1f1
9.10�Fi1'\-t1a-i1'1-l, 't.Jnt�Rrn<tY10�nbJ<tY bha::m'a'1iiFi1'\-t1a-ib�0bha(P)�R11a.ibtl'\-tb�19.10�
................... ...............................••.........•••••.••.••.•. •....••••...•.•...•.••
�1�..r'U� A8 Fi1'\-t1a-if1u'U�1'\-t1'\-t1� bll'\-t1�J�b8fl'W�'libhfl::'W'l'l'W�'li m�'l-i1'1'1'a1�1� Indefinite
article (a/ an) '1'1�8�1'Hi1'\-t (two, five) 1� t(P)�bh'U�00mtl'\-t
1) Common Noun ('\-t1a-i'rl'11't.J) 1�icw,'W1::b�1::��11btl'\-tR'\-t1'1'1'\-t'l'l�8��1'1'1'\-t b�'\-t
dog, pen, student, country, books, animals, children, people
2) Proper Noun ('\-t1a.ib%'W1::) btl'\-t� 8bcw,'W1::bha::fm�i''Hi�1�i.111'l'lbl,ibaa.ia b�'\-t
Mike, Monday, June, Bangkok, England, Toyota, Chao Phraya
3) Collective Noun
. ( '\-t1a.J'l'la.J1(P)'l'I�)
" afn1if·'LI Common Noun b�'Hi
a crowd of people, a herd of cows, two pairs of shoes
..............•.... ......•.....•.•...•...............................•........••.................
A8 Fi1'\-t1a.i��a1a.11':i'bl'l-f'U-;$1u1u1� tc-1�'\Jn��::'b'ilbu':i''\J'lla�ban'W�u
" bba�1��eJ�a'i
article 'l-i1'l'l'a1 t(P)�bb'U�eiamll'\-t
1) Mass Noun (-3'�tJ'\-t1a-i) b�'l-l, water, oil, ·tea, coffee, sugar,. meat,
gold Fi1'H.1a-ib'l'l�1'i'.tm�bba(P)��1'\-t1'Hi'l'l�e1't.Jfa.111:u1�'1'11n'l-i1'l'l'a1�1�
1. .fl1'ti'Hi�'l'l�fl'l'l�1�171':i'�1� b�'Hi a glass of water, two slides of bread
2. Fi1'Uan't.Jfa-11ru b�'\-t much coffee, little sugar, a lot of water
2) Abstract Noun ('H.13-l'ii''a''a'a.J) 1�bbfl
1. 'Hi1a.Jbba(P)�l;i.fl1'W b�'\-t richness, pleasure, poverty
2. 'Hi13-lbb61(P)�ioiruaa.i'l.l� b�'\-t beauty, happiness, kindness
3. '\-t1a.Jbb61(P)�171'a'fl':i'�'t11 b�'Hi flight, camping, hiking
.: 3) ifa�'lf1 fl1ti'l 11111 economics, mathematics, chemistry, Thai,

. English, Japanese, football, basketball

:• 4) 'H1��'H81 b�'\-t accommodation, advice, equipment, experience,

: furniture, health, homework, information, jewelry, knowledge,
•• luck, luggage, money, music, news, progress, rubbish, traffic,

: travel, trouble, weather, work
.•.••.•..••...•...• :•..••.•........••..•.....................••......•.•.•.................•.....•
· · ----·�······················································································ • • • • •
TIP ATw1a-i'U1�1o11bllu1�hf�"Hi1a.1'1-f'U1�\ba::tt''U1a-i1� bb1otR11a.1'!'la.111:J�::b'IJ��m1'1.J b�'l-t
Would you like a glass of wine? (tt'U1i;f = bb111)
A window is made of glass. (tt'U1a-i1i;f = n':i'::�n)
I've got a few grey hairs already. (tt'U1� = bam-.Ja-i)
Her hair is blonde. (tt'U1a-i1� Na-l'U'HiA':i''M::)

11'11'b\Jfl!I��1� 1) b�a-1 s b'ti'Hi dogQ, penQ, handQ, bookQ, rulerQ, phoneQ, orangeQ

2) b�a-1 es �e1a�'n11:J�11:J s, ss, sh, ch, x, z b�'Hi buses, boxes, glasses
3) a�'n11:J�11:J o bba::cih�'l'l'H1bU'l-t'Wib1,J'll'l-t:: b�a-1 es b�'l-t heroes, mangoes
4) a�'n11:J�11:J o bba::cih�'l'l'H1bU'Hia':i':: b�a.i s b�'Hi radioQ, studioQ, bambooQ
5) a�'n11:J�11:J y bba::cih�'l'l'H1bU'Hi'WiqJ'll'Hi:: b'IJ�l:l'Hi y bll'Hi ies b�'Hi cities, babies
6) a�'n11:l�'dl:l y bba::cih�'l'l'H1bllua'J':: b�a-1 s b�'Hi dayQ, boyQ, keyQ, monkeyQ
7) a�'n11:Ji;b1:J f, fe b'IJ�l:lmllu ves b'ti'Hi wives, lives, knives, thieves
8) b'IJ�1:J'Hia':i'::'l'l�ab'IJ�1:J"Hit'IJ b'ti'Hi m.e.n, worn.en, feet, teeth, geese, mice
9) 1�b'IJ�l:Jut'IJ b'ti'Hi fish, deer, sheep, salmon, series, species
., ..,, ...•..•••••••••••.••...•...••.•.••..........•...•.•.••••...•..••.•.•....•...•..
1'1�1'118� 1) 'IJ':i'::u-1'1-t (Subject) afne1��'Hi'IJ':i'::b1:JRbba::e1�'!'l'H1f,i1n�m

Fi1�1� Peter works very hard.

2) n':i''a'a-1 (Object) 8�m;f�foi1nfm��e1�n1-;rn-;r-;ra-1
Peter loves Jane.
3) n-;r-;ra-i'!'la"'�'l.J'W'U't1 (Object of a Preposition) e1�'!'la"'�R1'l.J'W'U't1
Peter wrote to Jane.
4) �THib�m�a-i (Complement) afnma-i'!'la"'� be, have, become

. Peter is a doctor.
�'l�u.ftFl�Fl'J1� 1) Lil' 's 1l'Ub�1'llel��a11l��beln'W�'l-b'l'l�el'W'lj'W�'l-b��6J�'n11:l@'dl:l s (the man's shop)
bU�b<l'lctiS� 2) b�a-lb'Wl:l� ' '!'la"'�u1a-ibaffW�'l-b'l'l�el'W'lj'W�'l-b�a�'n11:J011:J s (the kids· book)
3) '!'l1ni1b�1'lla��el{JR'l-t L� 's b%'W1::i;h"Hi'n11:l (John and Peter's house)
4) 'l'!1mllun�a-iloi1u1a-1 L� 's b%'W1::i;h"Hi'n11:J (my son-in-law's computer)
5) Lil' 's 'Ueim-;im ':i'::1:J::m� '<$1u1"Hi'l'!�e1'1Jfa-11m�h�1 (next week's lesson)
6) Lil' 's 'UeJmlbl1'1-t�'l'l�el�1'HiA1 (We will meet you at the barber's.)
7) Lil' of 1l'Ub�1'lla���a111�� (the door of the car, the gulf of Thailand)
8) Lil' of rl'm�1'lla���1a-ii;hm�/e1'1-t'IJ'a'::Ll:JR (the house of a girl we met)
··················· ....•......••.••••••••..•••...•.••.....•
• •.•..•.••........••.••••••....••.•.•..


Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with "a" or "an" for countable nouns and "some" for
uncountable nouns.

1. She would like to have ----- ice cream for dessert.

2. He had _____ good idea about writing an article for the newspaper.

3. Don't forget to buy _____ tea and sugar when you go to the supermarket.

4. The children have ____ homework to do tonight.

5. Hopefully we will have ____ nice weather when we go to London.

6. He bought his wife _____ beautiful jewelry from the department store.

7. He cut himself _____ bread and ate it with _____ apple.


8. There was _____ earthquake in Japan.

9. I think we have made _____ progress with our English.

10. ____ animal needs a regular supply of food.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns· In parentheses.

1. Foxes and _____ belong to the dog family. (wolf)

2. The farmer keeps cows and _____ (sheep)

3. Cats chase birds and ---- (mouse)

4. The _____ and forks are kept in this drawer. (knife)

5. My brother keeps tropical _____ (fish)

6. Why do _____ change color in the fall? (leaf)

7. Brush your _____ before you go to bed. (tooth)

8. _____'s football is becoming popular. (woman)

9. We saw a herd of ----- on the hillside. (deer)

10. Scotland has many beautiful _____ (beach)

Exercise 3
Rewrite the sentences using the possessive apostrophe.

1. The tail of our cat is black and white.

2. The husband of my friend is very tall.

3. I received the letter of Uncle Joe last night.

4. The clothes of the boys are dirty.

5. The mother of my cousin is my aunt.

6. The head of that bird is yellow.

7. The house of Mr. and Mrs. Smith is new.

8. The friends of my sister are very pretty.

9. We saw the wife of your brother yesterday.

10. The gloves of these ladies were expensive.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. We have moved all of the ___ into our new apartment.

a. furniture b. furnitures
c. furniture's d. furnitures'

2. The ___ over there want to meet the manager.

a. woman b. women
c. womans d. womens

3. John gave me some about how to start a new business.

a. advice b. advices
c. advise d. advises

4. He lost some of his ___ on the way back from Canada.

a. luggage b. luggages
c. the luggage d. the luggages

5. I clean my ___ three times a day.

a. tooth b. teeth
c. tooths d. teeths

6. Could you give ___ on your project?

a. an information b. some informations
c. some information d. many informations

7. There are more than a thousand --- on this farm.

a. sheep b. sheeps
c. the sheep d. the sheeps

�::�mb'<v't1rl° BASIC GRAMMAR

8. Sandra decided to change her style and bought new
a. cloth b. clothes
c. a cloth d. some clothes

9. The I bought is in the fridge.

a. fish b. fishes
c. fish's d. fishes·

10. They are sending some ___ to fix the roof.

a. man b. the man
c. men d. the men

11. They need some new ___ for the science laboratory.
a. equip b. equipments
c. equipment d. the equipment
12. Let's. have a few ___ rest.
a. minute b. minutes
q. minute's d. minutes·
13. Have you seen ___?
a. yesterdays• newspaper b. yesterday's newspaper
c. newspaper's yesterday d. newspapers• yesterday

14. The ___ are falling from the trees. Ifs autumn.
a. leaf b. leave
c. leafs d. leaves
15. She bought three ___ of bread for tea.
a. loaf b. loafs
c. loaves d. the loaves

16. This book is the result of ___; he is very proud of it.

a. many year's work b. many years work
c. many years· work d. many years· works

17. They are going to give you a lot of ___

a. inform b. information
c. informing d. informations

18. We have no __ _, not even a bed or a table.

a. furnish b. furnished
c. furniture d. furnitures

19. Don't hurry. Ifs only ___ walk to the post office.
a. ten minute b. ten-minutes
c. ten minutes· d. ten minutes
20. My ___ hate eating pasta.
a. child b. childs
c. children d. childrens

21. Muslims kill ___ in a religious celebration.

a. sheep b. sheeps
c. sheep's d. the sheeps

22. The ___ are doing the exercise right now.

a. student b. student's
c. students d. students·

23. Most ___ work more than ten hours a day at home.
a. housewife b. housewives
c. housewifes d. housewife's

24. Grandpa sharpened the ___ in the kitchen.

a. knife's b. knifes'
c. knifes d. knives

25. When the secretary was fired, she was given ___
a. two week's notice b. a notice of two weeks
c. two weeks' notice d. a notice of two weeks'

26. Some came to arrest him.

a. policeman b. - policemans
c. policemen d. policemen's

27. These are protesting against the president.

a. person b. people
c. person's d. people's

28. I heard a pack of in the forest.

a. wolf b. wolfs
c. wolves d. wolves'

29. The shoes I bought did not quite fit my

a. foot b. feet
c. foots d. feets

30. Peter is always tired, even though he has ___

a. a good sleep's night b. night's good sleep
c. a good night's sleep d. night of good sleep

lol�€1�h't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

--�·-•1.1,, 1
•••••M•••••"-•••��,•• � ' �- QC � na ��� N�•�, � ���·· �� •��- �•�•P n• • a�r•��• r •••e�•"a"a�a

CONCEPT o Fi1i1'PluTH1a-ibb'U�aamt1u 2 'I.Jnbfl'Yl 0ia Fi1u1'P1u1u1a-i��:ilb%cw1:;b'o/1:;'o/� (a I an)

.• bb�:;Fi1i1'P!u1u1a-J�:ilb%cw1:;b'o/1:;'o/� (the) �b��u1o11-a-'.l�'<$1'Pllifnm-a-

� 1 <tfFi1u1'P!u1u1a-i

.• b'Pli1icw�aa-i1o11a�1� uan,;i1rnfmr�1o11'Jb��u�'Pllifnm-a-�:;
� Fi1i1'Plu1u1a-J�1'Pl-f'I.Jn1-a-1-if
: u1a-Jb'H'lJ1�n1rib0ni;i"J�
- w• ••DM•••1�••••�•• IQ -� •a •••� -·•ft•�-w•• �•a��-- �•• aa •••y•• •• m�• ••• •••• •••���-•�••

�;f�'W1: � Aei 1o11i1'P!u1u1a-Jri1'if11�'P!u1u1a-i·lfo1i;fbancw'.lu b�ani11fi�1o11u1a-i1-fut�mt11'IJ 1�11

(Indefinite •: 6%'W1d1bZlu1o1u1'Plu'Pl:;8��1'Plu bb'U�8e1mZ!u

Article) ...; 1) "a" 1'ifi1'Plu1u1a-J�fu�ui;i'1ma��cwfilY_11_u:; t��m'olfu�ui;i'1�
.� - 'Wi 'l1u:; b�'l-b a book, a cat, a pen, a man, a school, a building

: - l?J-a-:; (bb!Pl88m���bll'\-1,'Wt1qJ 'l1U:;) b�'H a university, a uniform, a European

.: 2) "an" 1ifu1'P!u1u1a-i�fu�ui;i'1�ba��l?J-a-:; (bam "a") t��m'.lfu�ui;i'1�

- l?J-a-:; b�'H an ant, an apple, an orange, an umbrella, an oak tree
:· - 'Wt1qJ 'l1u:; (bb!Ple.le.lma��btlua-a-:;) b�u an hour, an honest man


Ae.l 1o11i1'P!u1u1a-iri'1'if11�'Plu1u1a-i1i;i''YJ nA1 ('l-L'lJ1i;f'Pl�e.l'l-L'lJ1a-J1i;i'nli;i') �e.l�e.l�n1-a-

(Definite :ii,%cw1:;-.i1bll'l-b1o1u1'Plu'Pl�8��1'Plu 1i;)bb1l ATJ1 "the" -ff�e.l8mami1i;i' 2 bb'lJ'lJ Ae.l

"the" (e.le.lma�� '\�e.):;") b�e.li1'Plu1u1a-i�fu�ui;i'1ma��cwrl'ru11u:; b�'l-b the book,
the cat, the man, the school, the university, the uniform
"the" (aama�� "�) �e.li1'Plu1'l-b1a-i�f'l-b�ui;i'1ma��a-a-:; b�'l-b the ant, the
apple, the orange, the umbrella, the oak tree, the hour
'l'lfifnn1-rt«W 1) u1'Plu1u1a-J'l-L'lJ1i;i'bancw'.li fa�1��%cw1:;6'.l1:;'ol�
8 / an My mother bought a_P-encil yesterday.
2) 'U1'PIU1'l-b13-J�8na11fi�u1a-i1-fmll'l-bA{�bb'a'n (1o11��81'1J1cif the)
There is a man at the door.
3) i1'Plu1'l-b1a-J�mba��fi�1o11'l-b1a-i1-fwtf��1'W'Jn
A lion is a fierce animal.
. 4) u1'P!u1'l-b1a-J�'LI�'\Je.lnm�'W / iqJ 'l11�
John is a teacher. / He is an American.
5) i1'Plu1'l-b1a-ibancw'.li b�mba��'Pl�'J�'Pl�mf1o1-a-1m-a-1'�
She goes to the movie twice a month.
...............•..� •.........•.................................•......•.................•.........

-. . --·------------- - - · - • --- -----------

. � -
... -�i���;fi ...; ·1)· ��;���;��-���;;fi;�;�-����-����?bt·i; ................................... .
the : We bought a book. The book is very cheap.
2) u1'1'l'ij1'H,1a-t���-;r1-1,'llml:l1o11a-rnn

The dictionary near the vase is mine.

3) U1'\'l<ij1'H,13-l�ll'l1'a'1'U'J1'H,13-l�'H 'l'lml:li1{1Fl'H,1'l'l'H, 'l'l�lJ�{l1'l'l'H,
• Please open the door.
: 4) U1'1'l'ij1'H,1a-t�a'H,1a-t�'H,�b'Wm�{lb�m1'H,1�n

The earth goes around the sun.

5) u1'1'l'ij1Fi11,1,a�{la1!Pl'Uf1

Tom is the third son in his family.

6) U1'1'l'ij1n1'a'b'll�l:l'Ubfil:l'U adjective bt�: adverb 'lf'H,�{l�r,,1

It is the best film I have seen.

7) U1'1'l<ij1 adjective �abil'bt'Yl'H,'H,13-l'W't'J'Wq'lt bb�d�Fl'J1a-t'l'la-t1l:l11Fl'H,J{ln�a.i

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

8)' u1'J'l'ij1'H,1a-tr1btl'H,�a�m'H,ri'l11{1fl�foi1�1o1{
" .
b�'H, bt�J1 :l-l'l'l1�a-t'Yl'a' 'Yl:b� Fl�a{I a1'J

The Chao Phraya is a major river in Thailand.

.................. ·······················································�·········�· ...•••..•. ,

1) 'H,1mf'U1a-i1� / 'H,1a-t'l.f'U1�'W'l'l'Wq'lt���%'W1:
article We would like to drink coffe�.
2) �a1'111 / fl1'tfl

James speaks English very well.

3) 17�1
The children are playing basketball.
4) ilam'!'l1'a'

I usually don't eat breakfast.

5) q�m�
" / .
'J'H,'l'll:l� / b'YlA1l1�

We will have dinner together on Christmas.

6) 1''1-1, I b�a'H, / 11
Please come back again on Friday.
7) �m'H, ri b�'H, bl'l-1,'H, ijla{j 'll'a":b'YlA ,f� 't'l';j'lJ h{lb�l:l'H, a-im1'l'lmil:l

Queensland is in Australia.
• 8)
She can't go to work because of influenza.
9) �m'H,� �a1t11o11a-i��'ll'a":a{IA'lla��m'H��'Hi'1 (bi! the ?h1'\Jb�a��'ll'a':a�A�'H,)

· He didn't go to school today because he was sick.

.............•.... •.....•...•...........................................•••....•.................
--------------------- ----
1o1:�l:lh'l16 BASIC GRAMMAR
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with "a", "an" or "the"..

1. "Is it expensive picture?" "Yes, it is most expensive in the gallery."

2. "Was it long trip?" "Yes, it is longest trip I have ever made."

3. "Was it large house?" "Yes, it was largest house in the village."

4. "Is she beautiful girl?" "Yes, she is most beautiful girl in the town."

5. "Was it good hotel?" "Yes, it was best hotel in Bangkok."

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with ..a", "an" or "the". If no artlcle Is needed, put a dash (-).

1. He lives in ____ small village in ____ country.

2. I don't like going to ____ theater. I prefer going to ____ cinema.

3. After ____ dinner, they w�nt for ____ walk.

4. I don't like watching ____ television in ____ mornings.

5. Malta is ____ island in ____ Mediterranean. ____ capital is Valletta.

6. She wrote her name at ____ top of ____ page, on ____ right.

7. It is ____ nice day. ____ sun is shining in ____ sky.

8. Where did you see ---- film, on ---- television or at ---- cinema?

9. "Have you got ____ radio?" "No, I don't like listening to ____ radio."

10. The U.S.A was ____ first country to send ____ man to ____ moon.

11. I had ____ big breakfast and I'm not hungry now.

12. What is ____ longest river in ____ world?

13. Why don't you invite your boyfriend to ____ dinner?

14. He is ____ seaman. He spends most of his life at ____ sea.

15. When I was ____ boy, I used to live near ____ sea.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct one.

1. (Women / The women) are more sensitive than men.

2. (Most / The most) people hate (violence / the violence).

3. Don't go to that restaurant. (Meals / The meals) are terrible.

__ .._..
.,... , '
4. (All pictures / All the pictures) on that wall belong to my father.

5. My sister is very interested in (the art / art).

6. (The hunting / Hunting) is very cruel sometimes.

7. They got married last year but (the marriage / marriage) was not successful.

8. Look at (the fruit / fruit) on that stand. How nice it looks!

9. In this country (the coffee / coffee) is cheaper than (the tea / tea).

10. (The cheese / Cheese) we had after the meal was delicious.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. ___ bench on which he is sitting is not strong.

a. A b. The
c. Black d. Big

2. Which building is ___ highest in the city?

a. much b. most
c. the d. an

3. I am hungry. Let's stop here and have piece of cake.

a. a b. the
c. some d. any

4. I like all food they gave us.

a. of b. the
c. a d. those

5. John, man you met yesterday, is honest man.

a. a, an b. the, an
c. the, the d. a, the

6. She invited all of her friends to have ___ dinner with her that evening.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

7. Things are more expensive in ___ U.S.A. than our country.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

8. ___ Los Angeles River seldom has ___ water in it.

a. A, a b. A, -
c. The, - d. The, the

\.l���b'<v't1tl° BASIC GRAMMAR

9. That girl in the pink dress is ___ friend of mine.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

10. He said he would be at ___ home tomorrow morning.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

11. When I was -�- university sruaent, I had very little money to spend.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

12. It is time ___ rich started thinking about poorer people 1n tne world.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -
13. It was ____ first time I hcid been out of the country.
a. a b. an
c. the d .. -

14. He was sent to ___ prison for eighteen months.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -
15. It is one of ___ largest planets in ___ universe.
a. a, a b. a, the
c. the, a d. the, the

16. That is worst case of violence I have ever seen.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

17. His parents were so proud of him when he became ___ lawyer.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

18. He invited me to go and play ___ badminton with his friends.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

19. It was ___ exciting film with ___ good and interesting plot.
a. a, a b. an, a
c. the, a d. the, the
20. I prefer to go to ___ bed well before ___ midnight if I can.
a. a, a b. a, the
c. the, a d. -, -

21. ___ love has been the subject of numerous novels, dramas, and poems.
a. A b. An
c. The d. -

22. Turn ___ TV on. There·s a good program starting soon.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

23. His home was in ___ United Kingdom but he spent little time there.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

24. My father succeeded in opening a new school for ___ blind.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -

25. I very rarely go to work by ___ bus these days.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -
26. We have plenty of ___ time but not enough ___ money.
a. a, a b. the, -
c. the, the d. -, -

27. We decided, after a lot of discussion, to paint ___ door blue.

a. a b. an
c. the d. -
28. Of all his qualities, I think ___ loyalty is his most outstanding.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -
29. Police found the body of ___ 80-year-old man. He has yet to be identified.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -

30. They gave him ___ cup of coffee but he usually only drinks ___ tea.
a. a, a b. a, -
c. -, - d. the, the

lol::��l'<v'l1rl' BASIC GRAMMAR

••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••w•••••••••••••o••••••••••••••a•••• · ••••••a•�••••••

CONCEPT Quantifier �el A'l'Pl�eln�a-1r-i1�'J1�tf1'1u1r-iT1-1,1a-1 b�elbb�r.i�'ll�mm'Pl�eJ-;$1'Hi'J'Hi

'llel�A1'Hi1mfw7 �b11:J'HiA'J':i'�r.1-;$1in'Mm::n1':i'1'ifr-i1'UeJn'll�a-11mbb\.la::r-i1 1r.imf�bn1o1
'J'l\.lel�b'll1o11a-1�'J1:J'Hi1a-1'll':i'::b.fl't11r.i na-1ii�A'J'la.Jbbloln1o11�':i'::'Pl'J1�m':i'1<i{A'l'UeJn'll�mm
• �ilA'J'la.J'Pla-111:lbn�bAmn'Hi b�'Hi some/ any 'Pl�el many/ much btl'Hilol'Hi
some/ any some + 'Hi1a-1'1t'U1�'W'lj'W�u'Pl�eJ'Hi1a-1'1t'U1a-11� 1-ill'Hi'llnbl:lA'UeJmi;h ( = ilif1�)
The teacher bought some books.
some 1-ill'Hi'll':i'::b1:JAr-i1ma-1 b�a'lla¼'a�'Pl�elb�'Hiel1i �'tjr.iA1r.i'J1A1\oleJ'U�::btl'Hi yes
Would you like some coffee?
any + 'Hi1a-1'1t'U1�'W'lj'W�u'Pl�el'Hi'la.J'l-t'U1a-11� 1-itb'Hi'll':i'::b1:JAr-i1ma-1'P!�a'll{ib�fi
I do not have any pencils.
any 1-ill'Hi 'll':i'::11:1A'Uami1 ( = J'Hi1'Pl 'Hi nl�

• I can see you any time on Monday.

a few / few a few + 'Hi13-l'l-t'U1c?i''W't'J'W�i ( = 'WeJil'U1�)

a little/ little John bought a few flowers for her birthday.

few + 'Hi13-l'l-t'U1�'W't'J'W�i ( = Uell:l'Pl�elbb't1'U1�ilba1:1)
Few people visited him in hospital.
a little + 'Hi13-l'l-t'U1a-11� ( = 'Wailif1�)
Susan has a little salt to cook food.
little + 'Hi1a-iu'U1a-11� ( = ua1:J'Pl�elbb't1'U1�ilba1:1)

. He has very little money_.


many/ much many + 'Hi1a-1u'U1�'W'lj'W�u ( = a-11n)

He did not make many mistakes.
much + 'Hi1a.J'l-t'U1a-11� ( = a-11n)
Have you got much time?
••••••••••�•••••••M-M M••••�••••••••••••�a2a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

each/ every each ( = bblol:ii::)/ every (= �ne-1) + 'Hi1a-1u'U1�ban<w�i ( + v.beJn'W�'Hi°)

Each student wants to pass the examination.
each of + 'Hi'la.J'l-t'U1�'W't'J'W�u (+ v.beln'W,;;i'Hi°)
He asked each of the students to speak English.
··�·1 i/none/no � all+ 'H,13-l'lt'U1i;i'cw't'J'W�i'l'l�aw13-1'!t'IJ13-11i;f
All questions must be answered.
all of+ 'H,13-J'H'U1i;i'cw'!'l'W�i'l'l�8'H,13-l'H'U13-11i;f
" .
He has spent all of his money.
none b'Ubb'Yl'H,'H,13-l�mh13-11 ( = 1��)
Even an old car is better than none.
none of+ 'H,13-l'H'U1i;i'cw'!'l'W�'l-t'l'l�8'H,13-l'H'U13-11i;f
None of this information is true.
no+ 'H,13-l'H'U1i;i'cw'!'l'W�i'l'l�8'H,13-JU'U13-11�
There is no food left in the fridge.
·· · ·,�;� ·x�· i�;-�r· · ·1�-t� ·i · ;· i�;· �; ·i · �i��t·; · �f-:· -�;���1����;� ·c": · �:�����1 · · · · · · · · ··
plenty of There were a lot of people at the concert.
lots / a lot o
· f / plenty of+ 'H,1a-lU'U13-11� +
( v.b8f1'W�'H,J

· . ;h�·; · · ·b�;h· c�You · �;�i'Uspent

·6- ;_have �ci � � �� · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · ·· · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · ···
lots of money on clothes.
·· ·b�;h i. �1
neither Both brothers work with their father.
either+ 'H,13-IU'U1�b8f1'W�i +
( v.b8f1'W�'H,J
There are shops at either end of the street.
either of+ 'H,13-IU'U1�'Wt)'W�'H +
( v.bflf1'W�'H,J
Could either of your friends lend me five dollars?
neither+ 'H,13-1'1-t'U1�b8f1'W�i +
( v.b8f1'W�'H,J
Neither company could succeed on its own.
neither of+ 'H,1alU'U1�'W'l'l'W�'H
" +
( v.b8f1'W�'H,J
Neither of the vases has water in it.
.•........••.•..•..•. •.•••.•••...•...•.•..........••••.••...•........•..•.....•................
a+ adj.+ n. of a+ adj.+ number of+ 'H,1aJU'U1�'Wt)'W�'H +
( v.'Wt)'W�'H,J
A large number of people like to play football.
a+ adj.+ quantity + 'H,13-J'H'U1ai1� +
( v.bHn'W�'H,J
amount ]
She could give us a great deal of advice.
····················· ...•••..••••••.•••.•••..........•.••••••••••••.•.•............•...........

1o1::6l�b�'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with "some" or "any".

l Are there rabbits in the garden?

2. There are policemen in the police station.

3. There isn't milk in the fridge.

4. Please buy me stamps at the post office.

5. There were apples here a minute ago.

6. There aren't glasses on the table. t

7. I have tea, but I don't have sugar.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with "some", "any", "much" or "many".

1. A: I'd like eggs, please.

B: Of course. How would you like?
A: Six, please. Are there tomatoes?
B: Certainly. How do you need?
A: A kilo, please.

2. A: I'd like olive oil.

B: How do you need?
A: Half a bottle. Is there flour?
B: Certainly. How do you need?
A: A kilo, please.

Exercise 3
Comp Iete the sentences with "some,,, ..any,,, "how much", "how many,,, "a few,, or
"a little".
1. A: bananas would you like, sir?
B: Just please.

2. A: Can I have milk?

B: Sorry, we haven't got milk.

3. A: bread would you like?

B: Just please.

. . �
4. A: ----- carrots do we have?
B: We have only ____

5. A: _____ oranges do we need?

B: We don·t need _____ oranges.

6. A: _____ sugar would you like. in your coffee?

B: Just ----� please.

7. A: Could I have _____ tea, please?

B: Of course. Would you like _____ biscuits, too?

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.
1. Henry left ___ money for his daughter in the bank, but not much.
a. some b. few
c. any d. more

2. I am enjoying my time here. I have ___ friends and we get together regularly.
a. many b. any
c. much d. a little

3. This student does not have ___ pencils on her desk.

a. some b. a little
c. any d. much
4. Michael never gives his mother ___ help.
a. some b. any
c. a few d. many

5. I don·t think Tom would be a good teacher. He·s got ___ patience.
a. few b. little
c. a few d. a little
6. We bought ___ loaves of bread to make sandwiches for the party.
a. a few b. more
c. a little d. plenty
7. I have seen ___ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
a. some b. any
c. a little d. little
8. Are there ___ cinemas in this city? I really want to go to the movies.
a. some b. any
c. much d. many


9. How ___ people did you see in the bus?
·a. much b. many
c. much of d. many of

10. Although my brother is very ill, he did not take ___ medicine.
a. some b. a few
c. any d. a little

11. Lisa doesn't drink --- water when she eats.

a. some 6. much
c. a few d. many

12. I have ___ cereal every morning. It is good for my health.

a. some b. any
c. a few d. many
. . .
13. ___ information about a country can be gathered from its stamps.
a. Many b. Much
c. A few d. All

14. There are ___ students who want to work rn our school.
a. a little b. any
c. little d. many

15. This town is not a very interesting place to visit. Very ___ tourists come here.
a. few b. little
c. a few d. a little

16. ___ people think he is stupid, but he's actually intelligent.

a. A lot of b. Much
c. Little d. A little

17. How ___ time do you need to finish the work?

a. a lot of b. much
c. a little d. many

18. You made ___ mistakes. Please do this exercise again.

a. very b. much
c. too many d. too much

19. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you ___ advice.

a. little b. few
c. a little d. a few
20. Do you have ___ idea of how to do this exercise?
a. some b. a few
c. any d. a little

21. I don't need ___ advice from you. You don't understand the problem.
a. some b. any
c. a few d. few

22. "Do you speak English?" "Yes, ___ "

a. little b. few
c. a little d. a few

23. Peter works ___ hours every day. That is why he is always tired.
a. much b. many
c. few d. little

24. Robert says that I have to· learn ___ words in German.
a. a few b. a little
·c. little d. much

25. I want to save ___ money to buy a present for my mother.

a. a little b. little
c. a few d. few

26. There were so ___ people at the new bookstore that there was no space to
a. few b. many
c. little d. much
27. "Can you bring soda to the picnic?" "I don't have
a. some b. any
C. much d. many

28. Do you mind if I ask you questions?

a. few b. little
c. a few d. a little

29. We are going to be late. There is too traffic.

a. many b. few
c. much d. little

30. People don't write ___ letters nowadays. They use emails instead.
a. many b. much
c. a little d. a few

1o1::�1:1h't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

...•..•..••••..•.••...•... ················�···················"···········•�tt••••······�·······
CONCEPT Pronoun Ael Fi1�'a''a''W'H.13-1��1'ubb'l1'H.Fl1'Hi13-1 bbtJ�bZl'Hi 7 'l.lnbfl't1 · Nb�l:l'l-1,
m'a'�el��i.1'cl1'a''l.lFl1�'a''a''W'H, 13-l�ell:Jl 'H,\.11'a'1�
'I.I 'll
1m� bbs1::b�1:J'H,f'a'11:1s1::ba1:1 i.l'a''J3-lii�

i.i'Jel�1�'U a� Fl1�'a''a''W'H, 13-lbb\.ls!i'll'a'::bfl't1'J1�an'Mm::n1'a'b'Ilbb\oln\.11�n'H. el�1�1'a'

.......................... ·····································································
1'tl�i�}�q�'-f'l : Personal Pronoun : Possessive P ronoun : Reflexive
a • •

: Subject : Object : Adjective : Pronoun : Pronoun

.... .
me my mine • myself
we us
... our ours ourselves

you you your yours yourself/
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
they them their theirs themselves
.......................... ........... �............ ••........•..•............. .......•....•.•.
1) Personal Ael Fi1�'a''a''W'Hi13-lrib'Ilbb'l1'Hi'Hi13-l�b�1:1mh-;iii�mbb�'J l;l13-11'a'bl'Yi1'l'lu1f1bthi

Pronoun 'll'a'::fl'1'H. (\.11'a'1��el�f1 1) 'l'l�eln'a''a'3-I (\.11'a'1��el�� 2) Lt-11:Jbb'll�elelmZ!u

'4�tt� 1 ( = �'ijl-l) 1�m1 I, we ( 'll'a'::fl'1'H.) bbfl:: me, us ( n'a''a'3-1)

'LJ�ti� 2 (= �cw�) 1i;fbbfl you ( 'll'a'::fi1'Hibbsl::n'a''a'3-1)
'4�tt� 3 ( = ���nn�1-;iii�) 1i;fbbfl he, she , it, they ( 'l11::fl'1'H) bbsi::
him, her, it, them (n'a''a'3-1)

She is playing badminton with John.
We will meet you at the library at 10 a.m.
.......................... ....•.•...••.•..••.•...................•.......•....•..•.•......•••••
2) Possessive �8 Fi1a'a''a''W'Hi13-lribifbb�mm13-1blJm�1'llel� ti.11:1�::1��Fi1'H.13-l\.larf1m'W'a'1::

Pronoun bb'Yl'Hi'H.13-lel�bb�b (\.11'a'1��el�� 4) rl'�bn\.1'J1roi1�'a''a''W'H.13-l'll'a'::bfl'l1f\.11��1n

Fi1'1bl-bA'W'Ylbb� i.i�m13-lbllm�1'U el����el�m'a'Fi1'Hi 13-1 \91el rf11:1 (\.11'a'1�� el�� 3)

This computer is hers. ( = This is her computer)
It is yours. I cannot see mine.
3) Reflexive -��-·;�;;�-��-1·�;;�;��-i����:���;;�;;;;��;�;1;�;���b��-·c·��;;� ·
Pronoun �el�� 5) Ti.11:1�::si�i11:1�-;i1:1 -self (beln'W�'H.J 't'l�el -selves ('W'l;'J'W�'H.J

He needs to help himself.

She looked at herself in the mirror .
..•..•..........•...•...•. ••.....•••••.••.......•.•..••...•............•........•..............
I I I. I.

4).D�fi�it·�· ...... -��- ��;;�-��-1-�����;���·i;«�i�;�J�· ·;J;;��b��................

Pronoun t\JbEO'WQ,r b�'Hi this, that, such, the other, one

-r\J'W't'l'WQ,r b�'Hi these, those, the others, ones

These are good pens. This one is the best.

. . . . . 5).i�d�fl�;;;; .... -��--��;;�-��-1-���i��;;· 1�:�����t��-��;;�d-�i�.�b�·;;��:�� ......

Which dresses do you want? I want the red ones .

Pronoun t\Jb00'WQ,r b�'Hi another, each, either, everybody, someone,

anything, nothing, no one, much, little, other
tU'W'IJ'WQ,r b�'Hi both, few, many, others, several
t\Jb00'WQ,f/'Wt,'WQ,r b�'H, all, any, more, most, none, some, such
There isn't anybody in the house.

. Some of the biscuits have been eaten.

6) Interrogative A8 A1�'a''a''W'H,1a-JTIL'llbll�Fi1b11a-1 d'H, who, what, when, where, why ·

Pronoun whom, whose, which, how

Who always comes late?
What do you think of my painting?

� a11on1a-1'!'la-111:111 �-··, -&� ..., eJ'H,... t(Pl1:1bif'llm1:JA1'H,1a-1�0�i;i'1'H,'l'!U1 bb'tfo1i;i'"1��
� 1) 'ij'l�'U'l�'t'l'H'lbtl1'F11' 't11'l'l'H1�bll'H,
•.•....................... ..•........................................
. .
: 'll-a-::tl1'Hi: who / that He is the man who came here.

� n-a--a-a-1 � who(m) I that He is the man who my sister loves.

bq1'll8� .: whose
He is the man whose house is big.
: 2) '"1�cu1�,,,t1�"l�Fl'ij ri1'1'lu1�bll'H,
. which / that
'll-a-::tl1'Hi � which / that I want a book which has pictures.
n-a--a-a-1 :
. I want a book which she bought.

........ ,...........•.......• ...•.....................................

b�1'll8� : whose/ of which I want a book whose cover is red.
a) '"1�cu1�,,it1bit'"fii1�'"., 1i;i'bbn
rn::i1 when/ 'U'W'IJ'Yl
' + which We remember the day when
Susan first arrived.
/i1m'H,� where/ 'IJ'W'U'Yl
' + which This is the restaurant where
my brother works.

b'l'l\.le-.Jlil why I know the reason why he
was angry.
••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ,•••••••••••••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with personal or reflexive pronouns.

1. My wife complains that her boss always gives ____ too much work to do.

2. The young bird fell from the nest and hurt ____ badly.

3. When you two boys go on holiday, enjoy ____ but make sure ____ are

4. We were surprised when he gave ____ the money but ____ enjoyed
spending it.

5. He has an elder brother who gave ____ some advice which ____ has
never forgotten.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with Indefinite pronouns.

1. Joh�, _____ came to see you this morning.

2. We are not going to do _____ this afternoon.

3. Does ____ have any questions to ask? I'll be pleased to answer them.

4. I've got ____ to tell you. It's important.

5. "Is _____ interested in buying that piano?" "No, ____ is interested."

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with Interrogative pronouns.

" is that dog?" "1t•s ours."

2. " were you talking to?" "I was talking to Tom."

3. one do you like? "I like the one on the left."

4. .. does she live?" "She lives in New York."

5. "
was he late?" "Because he missed the train."

Exercise 4
Combine the two sentences using relative pronouns.

1. A vegetarian is a person. He/She does not eat meat.

2. A dictionary is a book. It is used to look up words.

3. What was the name of the boy? He won the race.

4. The police have caught the man. He stole my car.

5. The car broke down yesterday. I bought it last week.

Exercise 5
Choose the correct answer.

-1. They went to visit a friend of ___ in Chiang Mai.

a. us b. his
c. them . d. theirs
2. "Whose books are those?" " ___ "
a. It's mine b. It's me
c. There're my books d. They're mine
3. Is that the girl sister came here yesterday?
a. who b. whom
C. of whom d. whose
4. "I don't like these flowers very much." "Where did you get ?"
a. one b. them
c. ones d. it
5. John has bought a book.
a. herself b. himself
c. yourself d. themselves
6. My blouse isn't as pretty as
a. her b. your
C. hers d. their
7. This is the girl ___ painted this beautiful picture.
a. who b. whom
c. which d. whose
8. Mike's hair is brown, but ___ is black.
a. my b. her
c. mine d. your

�::��h'tlt1 BASIC GRAMMAR

9. Is this pencil or mine?
a. you b. yours
C. yourself d. your

10. Don't be so lazy. Do it

a. your b. yours
c. you're d. yourself

11. Our work is not so good as

a. he b. his
c. him d. he's

12. This is my car. Which is ?

a. he b. hers
C. she·s d. ·j·heir

13. The man blamed for the death of his wife.

a. him b. he's
c: himself d. his

14. We have had our lunch already, but Peter and Ann haven't had yet.
a. their b. them
C. theirs d. they

15. This computer is not

a. your, my b. yours, mine
c. yours, my d. your, mine

16. This is the place I was born.

a. when b. whose
c. where d. who

17. I see your name on i'he list but I don•1 see

a. me b. my
c. myself d. mine

'18. Bananas are delicious and don"t cost much.

a. it b. it's
c. they d. their

19. Give me your phone number and I will give you

a. me b. my
c. mine d. myself

20. The boy ___ book you borrowed is in my class.
a. who b. which
c. whom d. whose

21. I couldn't find my calculator but Lisa let me use ___

a. her b. hers
c. she's d. herself

22. The boy broke the window ran away.

a. who b. which
c. whom d. where

23. I cut with the bread knife.

a. me b. my
c. mine d. myself

24. The players can all feel very proud of

a. them b. their
c. theirs d. themselves
25. My friend and ___ worked very hard on our project.
a. I b. me
c. mine d. myself
26. Paul always makes ___ feel really angry.
a. they b. them
c. they're d. themselves
27. My mother told my sister and ___ to clean our rooms.
a. I b. me
c. my d. myself
28. Our holiday was great but ___ was a disaster.
a. they b. their
c. theirs d. them
29. Nobody ___ saw the accident will forget it.
a. who b. whom
c. which d. whose
30. " ___ did you come?" "I came by train."
a. Where b. Which
c. How d. When

1o1�a�h't11:1 BASIC GRAMMAR

Subiect..VerD:A!ireefnent•• 'U'a��'IT1'H-fl�l:11rta8fPlA�0�
� • •' ,,_, •...._,, .....,-....4...-s.,- -..�-....�.....�........�..._,1, �,...,,,-.1;.-,'--'�·-- -·· ,....,.__,...,,
JI • • •• • • •
� ' '

li !"I" Iii ti; • & _, A M l!:I • I! ill • ft ll llt ft q l!I "I M "' � fl If' n t•
Ill{ "" ,. °" • • r r.' •· 1
· i• •· • • :·· , •;

CONCEPT : Subject-Verb Agreement '1'13-J1t1i:1,;j nT/('Ufoi1n�1:111'vfal8i.1A�8,;j f1'lJlJ'a'�fl11-1,

;� !i1b�1:m�a,;j,;:i(P1'o}'1'J1'll'a':fi1'Hlii'n'Mm:1lP1�a,;j1if
� n�m�!Pl1a-i3-nt'H'a'llban'W�uri�a'W
� m'1�1r

:� ii'1'll1':'IT1mllu'a''llb8fl'W�1-r
n�m�:�e1 ,;jbtluban'W<;;)'l-h 'Pl�aii'1ll"J':fi1m111-b 1'1J'W'l'l'W<;J1-r
'U 'll

�• fl1'mn�:!Pl8,;jb'll'l-b 'W'l'l'W�'Hb'tim!Plmn'H
� Cl � r.:f a' I .C.1 e.,

'' • .ti �- 11 r• A O ft O i \1i,;a f!l t' V I � • #I'. f 11!1 ; f' ,

i,, ,
� W o, » • ,.•� ,. r ll 9 ? rl '°' II � ,;

'll'f:::ft1'1-L�B·U�i'J :� + V,'W'f.j'W'�i

bifaau�'Jl!.I and ; John and Sandra s;1r� moving back to New Zealand.
Both Japanese food and Korean food s,lre expensive.
Vlia both...and �
; b�8'lJ'J'�'rr1%�8,;jisl'Jbll'HA'H'l'l�8�-;lb�mn'H l!Pl�l\1 the b'W��\Pl'db�m + V.1;00��'1[
The teacher and novelist .Ls.. arriving tomorrow.
: b�a'l.lnfi1'1-b�a�lsl'dbtlwm�-;i�'l'l�e1n�a-111ami;imn'l-b
' + V.tEO'W9li
: Curry and rice L$ my favorite food.
a • • 11 • • • 11: 1111 c 11 � a • • • • 11 • e._; • -e i� a � a • a a • 12 .a: 11) 11 r, t:' "' r e .. '"' • "' �, r ,� t'4 ::. 1 -1 t" Q � "' p " 1r1 11 • f.i -,: .., ,. t1 ,,, m r, c- "f 11, 11 c a ., '"'! � � �· 111. fl. � ..,
\ti • £

'll-:t:fi'1'1-Lfi10��'J : b�8b�aa-i�b1:1 with, along with, together with, accompanied by


l-iFi'1LifaM��6l : ( = 'Wfaa-1�-;i1:1) besides, in addition to ( = 'H8n�1n) including, plus

1'13-!rY,;j) as well as, like ( = b�m�mn'U) but, except ( = 1:1m:S1-b)

� (=

: + V.81�'l!-:r::tt1»�'.lu.-:ro
... The Sh .,n along 'w'1th it0 r-re'•'T, �
,,,ac- ln0+

Il l , 1U -· ..

James, together with his friends, is going to Germany.
.• Sue, accompanied by her parents, has been to Paris.
••a•••••�•••••••••••�••a•�•M••••••• �" •b ••· �� �on �Q � ••a�o••o•••�••�••�••••••••••••a�•��WDU

'l11':1t11-Lfi18��1 : b�8b�e1a-1,�b1:1 either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., ...or...

.. ..
t �
t'Fi1L'D8�� .� + V.�1tY\JT;:fi'1'lim'.l.fflM
:u Peter or his brothers are going to help me.

� Neither her shoes nor her bag .goes with i'he dress.
: Not only Tom but also his friends have finished the work.

w�•s••�o•••n•••••a••�•••��•••�••G•a�2�•N• :��� . : � M•••••fl�gwaa,••���•�sa••••••�g-•••�" i

each/ every : �a1'n everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone,
: something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing,
some/ any
each, every, either, neither, many a + V.wocw�»
no I either
:,. Each woman wears her national costume.

: Everyone thinks this is a good idea .

; Nobody in this class chooses to become a doctor.

··············· ···········································································
4��'J'ij�'ij I b'.la1 + V.bBfl'W9H (bbir�:�b'Pla1t1ui'l.J'W't')'W�u bb�bbrf���bb�'J�:m-n���'Pl'l-i 'Jmi;imb'l11�'H)

Fifty dollars is too much to pay for this coat.

., u
1':fl:'Yl'l<li/ \C'l't'l�O
Three hours is long enough for any written exam.

• Five weeks is a long time to wait to hear from him.

•··�'1{1 / ia't'l-.f.ssa �
•• . + V.bEO'W9H

... Mathematics was my worst subject at school.

.. Economics is a very interesting subject.

.• Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling.
···········�··································································· ········
.. . crew + V.b0fl'W9H 'W'tJ'W�,r 1o11a.1R'J1a.l'Pla.11���8�fl1'J�8
'ij'la.1'1'13-1'.l�'t'I� : b�'H team, group, company, crowd, family, committee, cabinet,
. /

.: The family is the smallest unit in society.

: My family have always gi�en me their full support.
'lj ( l�b1l\ol'J1�:bif V.'W 'W�'H�8bb�1lbb�:'J1�'l.J Fl R�)
.......•••..•••..•.•:� ••....................•............••....•.•.......•..•...........•........
'"'13-l'W't'l'W�,r du people, children, police, cattle, military, glasses, trousers

The police have many duties to fulfill.

The cattle are raised on the field near the ranch.
His trousers were slightly too short.

Fi'l\JSOtliM'lal. any, some, half, most, all, none + of... + N.belfl'W�'H + V.b80'W9'H
A lot of curry has been eaten.
any, some, half, most, all, none + of... + N.'W't')'W�'H + �

. Most of the workers were ill.

One of... + N.'W't'J'W�i + V.b80'H9li
One of these books belongs to Paul.
+ N.'W't')'W�'H + who, whom, which, that + Y.'W_�

• This is one of the books that were written by my son.

...number of A number of + N.'W't'J'W�u +'U'lffli ( 'l'lm�i1� '<$1'1-l,'JUmn91e1�...)
A number of books are on the table.
The number of + N.'W'Pl'W�u + V,b80'W9li ('Plm�fi� '<$1u'JWU8�...)

The number of people we need to hire is fifteen.

...••••.•.•.•....•.•� .••.•.•....................•..•.••••••...............••...•.....•...•......

1o1:��h'tli BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Choose the correct verb In parentheses.

1. The employees (hope / hopes) to get medical benefits from now 0n.

2. Tom and his brother (spend / spends) many hours together in the library.

3. Either my father or my mother (was I were) at home. I don't remember which one.

4. The letter I (write / writes) to my good_ friend doesn't reach him on time.

5. Neither John nor his brothers (is I are) coming to the match this eve�ing.

6. Each of the participants (hope / hopes) to win a prize at this competition.

7. Anybody who (is /are) qualified can apply to study at this college.

8. Several friends of mine (has / have) lost their jobs recently.

9. Every student (has / have) to repeat th·e examination because no one passed it.

10. The boss, as we,11 as his colleagues, (enjoy / enjoys) reading.

11. A number of problems (has / have) increased since we last met.

12. Someone (is / are) knocking at his door but nobody (is / are) answering.

Exercise 2
Choose the correct verb In parentheses.

The first few weeks of university life can be very difficult for a new student.

Firstly, the problem of living away from home (1 is / are) a common source of

insecurity for some students. The new student often (2 find / finds) that life away from

his family (3 is / are) difficult to begin with. Secondly, the student also (4 discover /

discovers) that the new-found independence (5 is I are) difficult to cope with. He (6

has / have) to cook for himself and he now also (7 wash / washes) his own clothes. A

student (8 is / are) responsible for living his own life perhaps for the first time and this

can be a shock initially! Finally, the new student sometimes (9 face / faces) problems

in the area of study. He (10 is / are) responsible for organizing his own study time and

he must ensure that he (11 do / does) sufficient work to master his subject and that he

always (12 hand / hands) in his projects and assignments on time.

On the other hand, a student also (13 need / needs) to have some kind of

In terest outside the classroom to take his mind off the pressures of academic life. The

new student (14 has / have) many choices of clubs and societies which he (15 is /

are ) able to join and gain from at the university. Once the initial 'shock' is over, the

student can settle down to one of the most enjoyable and rewarding times of his life.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct answer.

1. Some people in my office ___ very annoying.

a. is b. are
c. was d. been

2. The price of these jeans ___ reasonable.

a. is b. were
c. are d. to be

3. There ___ special menus for children in each restaurant.

a. is b. are
c. was d. be
4. The number of road accidents ___ increasing every year.
a. is b. was
c. are d. were

5. Everybody in the class ___ done the homework well in advance.

a. have b. has
c. to have d. having

6. One hundred dollars ___ a lot of money for a bottle of wine.

a. are b. were
C. iS d. be

7. Peter, as well as his younger brothers, ___ going to study at that school.
a. be b. is
c. are d. were

8. Neither the teacher nor the students ___ to understand this assignment.
a. seem b. seems
c. seeming d. to seem

1o1::�mbr./'l'lrl' BASIC GRAMMAR

9. There little money left. We can't buy all we need.
a. is b. are
c. be d. were

10. The manager, along with the teachers, present at the meeting. �

a. was b. are
C. were d. to be
11. Somebody in the book club always to bring the book.
a. forget b. forgetting
c. forgets d. to forget
12. Either the teacher or the students on the blackboard.
a. writes b. write
C. writing d. written
13. A number of people ___ killed in road accidents last week.
a. is b. was
c. are d. were
14. Two hours ___ a long time to wait to see a doctor.
a. is b. are
c. were d. been
15. Few mountain climbers ___ successfully reached the peak of Mount Everest.
a. has b. was
c. have d. were
16. Each of the children ___ excited over the birthday party.
a. is b. are
c. be d. has
17. Everyone in the class ___ found these exercises to be useful.
a. having b. have
c. to have d. has
18. The books borrowed from the library on my desk.
a. is b. are
c. was d. be

19. The number of stars in the sky countless:

a. seem b. seems
c. to seem d. seeming
Not only John but also Susan ___ to go swimming.
a. want b. are wanted
c. wants d. be wanted

21. Either the bus driver or the motorcycle rider ___ responsible for the accident.
a. is b. were
c. are d. be

22. A large number of countries ___ members of the United Nations.

a. is b. are
c. was d. been
23. Mathematics ___ an easy subject for some people.
a. are b. is
c. were d. be
24. The boy who won the two medals ___ a friend of mine.
a. is b. were
c. are d. have been
25. The football players ___ five miles every day.
a. ran b. run
c. running d. runs
26. Not only Julie but also all of the grandchildren ___ to visit grandma.
a. wants b. wanting
c. want d. to want
27. The weather on the coast ___ to be good this weekend.
a. appear b. to appear
c. appears d. appearing
28. Twenty minutes ___ the amount of time it takes me to get home from work.
a. be b. is
c. been d. are
29. Each of the students ___ wearing a colorful outfit at the picnic.
a. was b. be
c. were d. been
30. My friend from Tokyo who has lots of dogs and cats ___ a computer genius.
a. is b. were
c. are d. be

1o1::��h't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

Present Tenses
•••�••wme••5•••••••••�••••••••t •�•�•a•� �• ,�� � �•�o • -��•• ••••�•••••••Q••••r••••••me•••••

CONCEPT Tense �8 t'll'll8�A1n�m�bba1P1�b'Ja1bba�«n'Mrn�'ll8�b'l'l\.lflTa'm'l'l�8

� ••

n1tnt�'Yi1 bb'U�88mth1, 3 tense b'l'lb1J� -&�bbamb'Ja1'll8�b'l'l\.lfl1tm . ••

'1'1�8fl1tnt�'Yi11�bb1l Present ({1-;;i�'lf-u), Past (8�\Pl), Future

(8-U1A\Pl) bba�bb\.la� tense b'l'lt11ltl'�bb'U�1�mZl-u 4 'llt�bfl'l1�8�
: -&�bba!ol�in'Mrn�n1tbn!Pl'll8�b'l'l\.lfl1'a'lli
' 'l'l�8mtnt�'Yi11�bb1l Simple,
; Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous b!olmb1o1a�'llt�bfl'l1

: ilifl'Mb),b�fl1'j'1ii�bb\.lfl\.11�1l'Hi88fl1'll 1-u'IJ'l1fu�a-J�'H,�'J�fl1'j'8-fl 'IJ 1�fl1'j'

: 1iit'll'll8�A1n�m�bba!Pl�b'Ja11-u{l-;;i-;;i'lf-u
• 'll

•1) 1�:r- ·b'l'l• �;;ci����; ����������;;�;�·b��t�,�����;�;

'IJ 'j'
(Present Tenses)

·M� ••

(V.1-s/es) afnilA1bba1P1�A'J1a-i�'l'l�8A'J1a-J'U8�t'Ja-J8��'J� b�-u always, usually,

often, s_ometimes, seldom, hardly, never, every...
Jack often comes to work late.
The birds return to the island every spring.
2) 1iinrn'l'l\.lmtru
' '1'1�8mtnt�'Yi1�bZl-u-;;i��B�baa-imf�
� 1-u 8�\.l {1-;;i-;;i'lf
' 'H,
bba�B-u11o1\.l 'l'lt8aD1'WA'J1a-ib'U-u-;;it�\.11a-ifltta-i'tl1\.l
.r:::111 t::t Cl, 0.

Water boils at 100 degree Celsius.

The earth moves around the sun.
3) 1if11'1.Jlol1t1�b'Ja1'!'l�mu;mmt�·;n�1� bba�afnilA1'1.J8n1'%'l'l�8b'Ja1�
bb'Hi 'Hi8'Hi

The concert begins at 8 p.m.

·······························. ························································�········
The train arrives in twenty minutes.

Present Continuous 1) 1iin'I.Jb'l'IPJn1tru'l'l�Bmtnt�'Yi1�rl1i�bn!o191-u1-u'llrn��'lj!ol afnil/oi1�1

(ls/am/are + V.lng) now, right now, at the moment, at present
They are watching_ TV now.
He lli_jQ.g.gio.g in the park at the moment.
2) b'U1l'I.Jb'l'l'i>Jfl1'dlli'1'1�8fl1'dfl'd�'t11�f11i�btl!o191Ub'Hi �'J�l bb\.l1�r.hbZJ-u


My son is studying Chinese this semester.

She is working for an advertising company.
·······k····-��·-············· ·································································

- - ---- ---- --------

••••·················································································· ········
3) 11fn'llb'l'l\.Jn1'a'ci°'l'l�8fl1'Jfl'a'::'Yl11U8U1A\.l�';l1{lbW·m11a';g1'!'1%1 bU,'l:: ••
I .c:. � I

My friend is coming tonight.

They are leaving for England tomorrow.
······························ ..............•...•..............................................
n1m'll1{l�'Jb'l'!aTff b':i'1�::1a.i1'tlbunJ Present Continuous 1�bbn
1) nfm�bb�i;i{IA'J1a.if�n
" b�U smell, taste, feel, sound, hear,
see, seem, appear, look, notice, recognize
2) nim�bb�mm':i'a-m[ b�u love, like, prefer, wish, hate
3) nfm�bb�i;i{IA'J'la.JAi;i b�u think, know, understand, believe,
remember, forget, mean, agree, want
4) n1m�bb�i;J{IA'J'la.Jb1lm�1'll8{1 b�u own, have, belong to
Present Perfect 1) 1<ifn'llb'l'l�m-a-ci°'l'!�8m':i'n':i'::rh�b11i;i:ffu1u8�1o1 bba::b�{l�::iu�i;ia{l

(has/have+ V.3) afn�r,;h,h just, yet, already, finally, recently

We have just received your letter.
The kids have just finished reading the book.
2) 1'tln'Lib'l'llolfl1tci°'l'l�8m':i'n':i'::rh�bni;if'H1'HE�\91 bb\.l1�-a-::'l_Jb'Ja1bbU ii;i
afn�ATJ1 ever, never, ·once, twice, three times
Have you ever been to Paris?
This is one of the best books that I have read.
3) b'tifl'Ub'l'llolfl1'a'ci°'l'1�8fl1'a'fl'a'::'Yl1�b1li;i;ff'Hb'H8�\.l bba::i{IA{li.i1b'H'H
�m-ti8{la.J1�'Hii{l'U��tl''H afn�Fi1�1 since ( + �m1a.i�'H'll8{lb'Ja'l'l'l�8
'lJ':r::1tiA Past Simple), for ( + ':i'::t1::b1m), so far, up to now
She has studied Japanese for five years.
Our teacher has lived in Thailand since 2009.
4) b'tlfl'llb'l'l�fl1'a'ci°'l'1�8fl1'a'fl'a'::'Yl1�b1li;J:ffWlf1"']'!'1�8'l'llil1t!Af{lb'H8�\91
I have seen that movie more than five times.
We have visited the museum several times.

Present Perfect "ii:i� ���;�J�;�-��;;�::·�;����t�1��ii� ·b:;;�;�· ·��:��-�;����••

b {l

3-l1�'Hi'fo'U��'U'H bblil::�bbU'J1'Ua.i�::i.i1b'¼'H\.181'UbU8'H1A\.l
Jim has been waiting for Tom for two hours.
(has/have been
He has been repairing this house for four years.
+ V.tng)
..•........................... ............•....................................................

\91::�tih'Yl� BASIC GRAMMAR
Exercise 1
Use the present simple of the verbs In parentheses.

1. John never (go) to work late.

2. My father sometimes (watch) _____ television in the mornings.

3. It occasionally (rain) _____ in summer, but not very often.

4. We always (speak) _____ English in the English class.

5. My parents (go) out to dinner on Saturdays.

6. Jane usually (kiss) her children good night.

7. This soldier never (obey) ____ orders.

8. Mr. Brown (go) ____ to Paris two or three times a year.

9. These people (come) _____ to this place every week.

10. The sun (rise) )

,in the east and (set _____ in the west.

Exercise 2
Use either the present simple or the present continuous of the verbs In parentheses.

1. He (go) _____ to the Fitness Center at least three times a week.

2. I can't come out tonight. I (do) _____ my art assignment.

3. This student (study) ____ hard and always (get) _____ good grades.

4. Last semester I studied Chinese but this semester I (study) Japanese.

5. I (love) _____ my brothers and sisters very much although we often ar_gue.

Exercise 3
Add "since" or "for" to the sentences below.

1. This is a very old bicycle. I've had it _____ years.

2. My father hasn't had a holiday ____ ages. . E

3. I haven't had a holiday ____ 2012.

4. Ifs been raining _____ early this morning.

5. We've been learning English _____ a very long time.

6. She's been learning French _____ October last year.

7. My parents have been married _____ 25 years.

. .. - - -------- -·---------------
8. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been married _____ 2005.

9. I have studied the piano _____ was five.

10. These students have been reading _____ nine o•clock.

Exercise 4
Cho ose the correct answer.

1. You will feel better after you ___ the medicine.

a. will take b. had taken
c. have taken d. will have taken

2. Whenever the old woman hears a sad story, she

a. weeps b. will weep
c. would ¼'.eep d. has wept

3. Mother . Don't disturb her.

a. sleeps b. has slept
c. is sleeping d. will have slept

4. I can't go out because I my work.

a. will not finish b. have not finished
c. did not finish d. do not finish

5. I ___ your teacher tomorrow so I will give her your note.

a. saw b. am seeing
c. have seen d. have been seeing

6. This is the first time anybody ___ in climbing that mountain.

a. succeeds b. has succeeded
c. succeeded d. had been succeeding

7. Nowadays my father ___ to work by bus.

a. goes b. went
c. has gone d. used to go

8. When you ___ your work, you may leave the room.
a. do b. did
c. have done d. had done

9. ___ the manager yet? Now is your chance to do so.

a. Haven't you met b. Don't you meet
c. Aren't you meeting d. Weren't you meeting

�::fil�h't1tl' BASIC GRAMMAR

10. Eat your breakfast before you out.
a. go b. will go
c. to go d. are going

11. The boy Japan many times.

a. visited b. is visiting
c. has visited d. was visiting

12. The boss my application for promotion.

a. consider b. considers
C. is considered d. is considering

13. from him since last July.

a. do not hear b. did not hear
c. was not hearing d. have not heard

14. The moon --- around the earth.

a. goes b. is going
c. went d. was going

15. Mike's father ___ a new house. Mike is living there now.
a. has just bought b. had just bought
c. will have bought d. would just buy

16. They to aerobics class twice a week.

a. go b. are going
C. were going d. have gone

17. We a lot of fun with the new video games at the moment.
a. have b. had
c. are having d. were having

18. Indians ___ a lot of curry and spicy dishes.

a. eat b. are eating
c. are eaten d. have eaten

19. Your perfume ___ rather nice. What is it?

a. smells b. will smell
c. is smelling d. was smelling

20. I ___ my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you.
a. finish b. am finishing
c. have finished d. have been finishing

�· -14... •
Our daughter has good memory. She ___ everything.
a. remember b. remembers
c. is remembering d. has remembered

22.. I ___ breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?
a. cook b. am cooking
c. have cooked d. have been cooking

23. Don't take those books. They ___ to you.

a. belong b. belonged
c. do not belong d. will belong

24. Susan is good at languages. She ___ French, Spanish, and German.
a. speaks b. is speaking
c. has spoken d. has been speaking

We ___ for their answers for two months already.

a. wait b. are waiting
c. will wait d. have been waiting

So far, the teacher ___ five stories for children.

a. writes b. is writing
c. has written d. will be writing

"Where is John?" "He ___ his car in the garage."

a. repairs b. is repairing
c. repaired d. has repaired

I love this film. I ___ it four or five times already.

a. see b. saw
c. have seen d. had seen

I can't leave now. I ___ for an important telephone call.

a. wait b. am waiting
c. was waiting d. had been waiting

Up to now, I ___ any opportunity to check this information.

a. do not have b. have not had
c. had not had d. will not have

lol::�1:11'<v't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

Past Tenses
•••*••k••• •• •••••�••••••••••••� � •M •••••• ••�•••••••••••�•••••••••••• •••r•••••••••••••••


Past Tenses '!'13-rn.Jii� '.i''U'll8�A1fl�m�bba!ol�b'Jmbba::anwru,::'ll

b'Pli.Jm'.i'ru�bnt-191'1-l,b'H,8�\.l bb'U�1�\tl'H, 4 'tJ'.i'::h1l'Yl�8� 1�bbn Simple,

Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous �b��'J-l,'"1'J'.i'Anw1

.............................. ·······················································�·········
Past Simple 1) 1'n'n''Pli.Jm'.i'ru't'l�e1m1n1::'ti1�bnt-1�mba::,;;i'Ua�bba'J1'H,8�1o1 afn �

1-1111 yesterday, last night/week/month, ...ago, in 2009

They had dinner at eight last night.
When I was five, my father gave me a bicycle.
2) b 'Uf1'Ub'Pl\.Jfl1'.i'ill't'l�8fl1'.i'fl'.i'::'ti1�bf1(Pl�'l-l,bll'H,'U'.i'::�1'Pl�elbll'H,'111�b'H,

8�\.l bba::1aH�'ti1bba'Jb'H, 'U'<v'<v'IJ'H, 81'<v�A1bba!ol�fol'J13-l�'l'l�8fol'J13-l'U8�'.i"Ja-l

8��'J� (b�m�mn 'U b�'l-l,

P:esent Simple) al\yays, usually, I••,•

often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never, every...

This student was always absent last semester.
She usually g.Q1 up early when she was here.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u••••

: b11a1a-i1'.i'bl 'UbA'.i'�a-¥1� S. + used to + V.1 b-tlmba "1�m1n-a-::'ti1

: He used to work in a bank years ago.

.............................. ...............................................................•.
fl'l1'L'll�t11u;f'lnft11LflLUll mn'l.J��'H,A1fl�mb�bll'H, Past Simple (V.2) � 2 �fl 1�bbn

1) fl1'.i'b�a-J ed �rf1�A1n�m�e1�� 1 (b��n11 Regular Verb)

Past Simple (V.2)
2) fl1'.i'b'tJ��'J-l,!'tJA1nimb'l'l� (b��n11 Irregular Verb)
(�b'it'8't'l1b�a-lb�a-lb�mn'l.lnim 3 �8�b'H'l'l'H1 203)

't'lann11t�� ed �rf1�1-11nimt1o1�'tf'J1'tJ�'J'Hb'Plbl.llol1a-icife1 1) �i.r�l

1) b�a-J ed 1�ba� b�'l-l, looked, walked, called, wanted
· 2) a�rf1��a� e b�a-J d 1�blil� b�'H hop.e..d, tasted, noticed
3) � 1 -wm�1o11 a1:: 1 1o1'Ja::n1o1 b�b�a-i1o1'Ja::nt-18n 1 1o1'J bba'Jb�a-i ed (
•• Ill.

b�'l-l, stopped, zipped, shopped

4) a�rf1��'J� y bba::cif1�'t'lu1bll'H,'Wtl'qJ 'tl'H,:: b'tJ��'H, y bll'H, i bblil'Jb�a-i ed
b�'l-l, flied, studied, carried

..: 5) a�rf1��'J�
y bba::cif1�'t'l'H1btl'H,a'.i':: b�a-i ed 1�ba� b�'l-l, played,
: stayed, enjoyed
.............•........•....... :................................ .........•........•............ �.
, .............................
Past Continuous
(was/were+ V.lng)
He was sleeping at this time yesterday.
At 9 o'clock they were having breakfast.
2) b'llf1'1Jb'l'l\.lfl1'a'ill'l'l�8fl1'a'n'a'::'11'l�bn"19T'H,1'H,el�\.1 bb6l::i;imi'!Pl-.r-'JwJ::
' 'I/

�'l'l'lf'Ub'l'l\.l' n'l'a'ill'l'l�8fl'l'a'n-a-::'Yi'l�bn !Pl 9Tm-1111 £)'1-1, 'l'l�8ri'li-'J �'lb'H 'H,el��

1i Past Continuous bba::b'l'l1o1m-a-ru�bn!P19T'H,ri'l'li-'J'l'l�elbb'l'l'a'm'll1m
1i Past Simple b!Pl�afn�A'lb�m-1'\J-a-::b�A b�'\-1, when, while, as
I was washing the dishes when the phone rang.
As he was walking down the road, he saw Jim.
3) b'lltl'Ub'l'l\.jn'l'a'ill'l'l�elfl1'a'n'a'::'11'l�bn!P19JWWfm-1t1'H,b'H8�\.l b!Pltl'ol::bif
n�m1u-a-'\J Past Continuous 'tf-'JA
'I/ 'I/

While he was watching TV, she was reading.

I � while they were playing tennis.
······························ ········�························································
TIP �11,",uie 1,n�U.'tl'ffl
• .a, I Q

b'l'll-Jn'l'a'ill�ael-'J bn!Pl9TWri'l'li-'J / bb'l'l'a'nb'll'la-11 = Past Simple

"" 3 .,
b'l'l\.l' fl'l'a'illbb'a'n = Past Continuous
' b'l'l\.lfl1'a'ru'l1ael-'J Past Continuous
.•.................••......... .................................... ..........••.................

Past Perfect b'llfl'Ub'l'llslfl1'a'ill'l'l�elfl1'a'n'a'::'11'l�bnc.i9Tu bba::'ol'IJ6l-'J1lel'H8nb'l'llslfl1'a'ill'l'l'�-'J

' .

(had+ V.3) 1ue1�1o1 afnalloi1�1 before, after, when, by..., by the time
1c.it1am'l'll-Jfl1'a'ill'l'l�elm-a-n-a-::'Yi1�bnc.i1s11a-rn-nri'l'li-'Jb'll Past Simple
He had been ill for a long time when he died.
They had locked all the doors before they left.
Past Perfect "ii:�i�·�;,:� -p��;.p·;;;;�t--�������;b;�;i�i�����;���:���.....
Continuous When I found her, she had been crying for hours.
I had been cooking for two hours when he came.
(had been+ V.lng)
······························ •.•...................................••.......•......•..........
TIP :• 1,fi�ne" = Past Perfect 'l'l�el Past Perfect Continuous
: 1,fi�ii,uf� Past Simple

1o1::at1b'ol'l1t1 BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Use the past simple of the verbs In parentheses.

1. Last year I (go) ____ to England on holiday.

2. It (be) ____ fantastic.

3. I (be) ____ with two friends of mine.

4. We (visit) _____ a lot of interesting places.

5. In the mornings we (walk) ____ in the streets of London.

6. In the evenings we (go) ____ to pubs.

7. The weather (be) ____ strangely fine.

8. It (not, rain) _____ a lot.

· 9. But we (see) _____ some beautiful rainbows.

10. Where ____ you (spend) _____ your last holiday?

Exercise 2
Use either the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs In parentheses.

1. I (see) my first baseball game when I (live) in New York.

2. It (rain) so we (decide) to stay at home all afternoon.

3. What you (do) at the time the accident (happen) ?

4. I (write) an email to my sister when she (call) me.

5. We (discuss) our problems at work when Peter (join) us.

6. Andrew (drive) recklessly when his car (hit) the tree.

7. She (be) so upset by· the news that she (drop) her tea
and (start) crying.

Exercise 3
Use either the past simple or the past perfect of the verbs In parentheses.

1. By the time I (leave) ____ university, I (be) ____ to France five times.

2. How many bottles of beer _____ he (drink) ____ before he (leave)

____ the pub? i
3. When we (get) ____ home, we (see) ____ that someone (break)
· .::.----
in to steal the DVD recorder.

4. I (not, realize) ____ that I (lose) ____ my credit cards until I (try)
____ to pay for dinner at the restaurant.

5. When we (arrive) _____ at her house, we (discover) _____ that she

(cook) ____ dinner for us.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. ___ a shower when you called.

a. take b. was taken
c. took . d. was taking

2. My brother had never been to Europe until he ___ there last year.
a. went · b. will go

c. had been d. was going

3. Sharon ___ very sick but she decided to go out anyway.

a. feels b. was feeling
c. felt d. has been feeling

4. ___ to go swimming but the water was too cold.

a. want b. wanted
c. am wanting d. have wanted

5. When I first saw her, she ___ on the balcony.

a. stands b. was standing
c. stood d. had been standing

6. Paul usually listens to the radio, but last night he ___ a book.
a. read b. reads
c. had read d. was reading

7. Ann ___ early when she stayed here.

a. gets up b. will get up
c. has got up d. used to get up

8. It was too late. Mr. Smith --- when I arrived.

a. already leaves b. has already left
c. already left d. had already left

------------------ - --- - . ·- - -·-·

�:;mih'rli BASIC GRAMMAR
9. What ___ at nine o'clock yesterday?
a. were you doing b. have you done
c. had you done d. have you been doing
10. When he arrived home, he found that someone ___ his book.
a. takes b. took
c. will take d. had taken

11. When you called, I ___ English.

a. studied b. was studying
c. have been studying d. · would be studying

12. The students ___ their homework two hours ago.

a. finished b. were finishing
c. had finished d. had been finishing

13. When 1·____ television, the door bell rang.

a. watched b. am watching
c. was watching d. had watched

14. He ___ a new car last month, but he doesn't really like it.
a. bought b. was buying
c. had bought d. had been buying

15. I burned my finger while I ___ breakfast.

a. cooked b. was cooking
c. had cooked d. had been cooking

16. My uncle ___ for twenty years when he finally quit smoking.
a. smoked b. was smoking
c. would smoke d. had been smoking

17. ___ you yesterday because my telephone was out of order.

a. didn't call b. hadn't called
c. wasn't calling d. hadn't been calling

18. He was waiting for his bus when the robbers ___ him.
a. attacked b. were attacking
c. had attacked d. had been attacking

19. I saw that my son ___, so I decided not to wake him up.
a. slept b. was sleeping
c. had slept d. had been sleeping

Yesterday we went to an interesting museum that we ___ before.
a. didn't visit b. weren't visiting
c. hadn't visited d. wouldn't visit

By the time we arrived, she ___ for us at the train station for three hours.
a. waited b. was waiting
c. will wait d. had been waiting

22. Christopher Columbus ___ America in 1492.

a. discovered b. was discovering
c. had discovered d. had been discovering

23. James was in Japan last month. He ___ Japan before.

a. never visited b. has never visited
c. will never visit d. had never visited

24. He ___ five letters to the manager by the time he finally received an answer.
a. wrote b. was writing
c. had written d. would write

25. She ___ the living room when she heard a strange noise in the kitchen.
a. cleaned b. was cleaning
c. had cleaned d. had been cleaning

26. I ___ them to dinner several times before they accepted.

a. asked b. was asking
c. had asked d. would ask

27. The teachers ___ all the doors before they left.
a. locked b. are locking
c. had locked d. were locking

28. They ___ to visit us many times when we lived in the same town.
a. come b. came
c. will come d. have come

29. I ___ swimming every day during the last long holiday.
a. go b. went
c. was going d. had gone

30. The lady ___ terribly ill last year but she made a complete recovery.
a. is b. has been
c. was d. would be

\.1�a�b'<¥'t1i BASIC GRAMMAR

Future Tenses
'!! ".:f a ll .. II t'i'. l, ••• A • # W t:. • t,l 1,1 • I. C 'II I -, r,· lri" t ;., � In 1· C,l' ,., !I' fl 111 •J 111 11! I'S , \ ::'! ::, # C Cl ""! :, �; a f' O ·- • Ill a r.1 $ I'! � i, i; · e, ,i

CONCEPT Future Tenses 'l'lim.1-fi,ci 'J'Li'll8-'lR1n�m�bba"1-'lb'J611bb�::lii'n'Mill::'ll8-'l •


b'l'li.Jn1'Jlli�bfi"197u1u8u1A\.l bb'Li-'l1�bllu 4 'IJ'J::lJl'l1�81:l 1�bb17 Simple,

Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous �b�l:lUA'J'JAm11bb�:: 'IJ

·······················ft·�·· • �"1t;;l'1lii'n'Mrn::n1'Jl'll'll8-'lbb��::'IJ'J::lJl'l1�bb�n1P11,cinu88n1<tJ
Future Simple
(will/shall + Inf.) tomorrow, later, next week/month/year, this evening,
in five minutes, the day after tomorrow

•• They will _yj_sit their grandfather this afternoon.

... .

Please wait here. She will return in ten minutes .

: He will have his hair cut this evening.

� 2) l'llfl'\Jb'l'l!PJn1'Jlli'l'l18n1'Jn'J::'111�a.Jb�'J1-'lbbll-JU3-l1178'l-t b�-'l'-¥::\91"1�¾l-;;i
"' n'J::'1111u 'llrn::�'W"1
I am tired. I think I will go to bed early tonight.
I promise I will take good care of your car.
I will call you in a few minutes then.
·····�·-···················· ....•....•.•....••......•....••••••.••••.•.•••.....•...............
b'r1�1m'Jr1b'if ls/am/are going to + Inf. bb'l1U will 11'\Jb'l'l�m-rci'

be going to + Inf. 'l'l18m'Jn-r::'111��::bfi"197ub'l-t8U1A\.l��bbl1-mm'J11�'J-'l'!'l'lt1 'l'l18afub'-¥11-;;i::

bf1"197U (�A'J1a.lbb'l-hU8'l-tn11 will) b�U
He is going to do his homework this evening.
My father l.s__going to buy a new car next year.
I am going to meet my friends tonight.
-�·-························ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u�••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••"�•

lc;Jl:l'l'llilrnba'J 1:11�::bb�"1-'l8U1A\.l b'r1Ul:la.Jb'll will fl'\J'U'J::'0'1U'l1n\.l

• 'J
bb1P1�1a.11'Jrib'll I/ We + shall bb'l1U will 1�'l-tn'Jru�bllum'Jb�8b�tl.J
'\18�8-'l '\l88�t1]1\.l 'l'l18bl1a.lA'J13-lb�U bb\.l'U'J::'0'1U�W1 + will b�U
Shall we leave now?
Shall I open the window for you?
Will you please be quiet?
Will you agree with me?
............................ ·········5························"······························�·
···F:�;��-�. c��;;�����- ..·1)· Yi��b�-��;���i���;������rl1·;;;;�;:��;�· -�--�;1��;��; · · ·
'U8�b1ml'l-l,eJ'l-l,10w1 biiafi�1'mb�::b1�1�n1'1'l'l-l,r.ltfa�1 �::b�m'l'li.JnTHi\f'l-l,
(wtll be+ V.tng)
�1bU 'l-l,el� afn�Fl1'U�'I.Jelnb'J�1�'�W'.i"Ja-t 8��';J�
'lJ 'lJ

We will be having a party tomorrow night.

At 9 o·clock tomorrow, I will be traveling to Japan.
At this time on Friday James will be having lunch
with Alex.
2) l'Ilfl'Ub'l'llo'Jn1'.i'ill'l'l�8n1':i'n-:r::'li'l�A1r.l'J1�::bnr.lf'l-l,l'1-1,8'1-1,1Alol bblol1�A8�
A storm will be coming soon.
Will he be having time to do homework?

...... •.• ................... . Will the students be doing their project?

·1ii'I.J b�-;'�;;·J�i�-��;�;����rl;i;;;�i�?�. �;·::��;��-;��-�b�;��;�

Future Perfect '

(wtll have + V.3) '!'lit�1'1-l,fl'l-l,1Alol afn�foi111 before, after, when, by..., by the time,
as soon as, once, until tr.i�em'!'l\.ln1'.i'ill'l'l�8m'.i'n'.i'::'Yh�bnr.i1o11a-ia-11
rimf�1'if Present Simple
We will have received your letter by tomorrow.
I will have finished the work before the deadline.
When he gets there, the film will have started.
Future Perfect 1ib�i��i'I.J. -F�-t�·;;. P;�r��;. ��:���;���;��-b��-t��-J�;��:��-�-....
Continuous I will have been working here for twenty years
next Friday.
(wlll have been
John will have been studying for months by the
+ V.tng)
time he takes his exam.
These kids will have been watching TV for five
hours by 3 p.m.
···························· ...................•.....•..••...........................••........
TIP tflflflB'ij = Future Perfect 'l'l�el Future Perfect Continuous
tnflit'¥1�� � Present Simple
···························· .••••. •••.•.•.•...•.............•.•.•....•••. .....•.......•.•......

1o1::�mh'Ylrl° BASIC GRAMMAR

.,'·-· - J
. 1-
� •

Complete the sentences uslng "will" and ihe CuiTt::1.,'i verb in ·ihe box.
do phone visit open have bring
1. A: What would you like to eat?
B. I ____ a sandwich with cheese, please.

2. A: I'm very tired. I had a really busy day today and look at the kitchen.
B: Don·t worry. I ____ the washing up for you, mum.

3. A: Oh, someone is ringing the bell. Are you waiting for someone?
B: Yes, I think Sandra is corning. I _____ the door.

4. A: Why 8ie you 8Skir,8 pc:of->lc ·i'o dcmaie old cioi'hes?

B: Well, I _____ the flood victims soon.
5. A: Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?
B: Good 'idea. I _____ some wine.

6. A: Look! There·s smoke coming out of the photocopier.

B: You turn it off and I _____ the safety officer.

... ! r � •J • •• , I

Complete the text using "will" or "wonY' and the verb In parentheses.

What (be) ____ schools _____ like in the future? Thomas, who is

14 years old and lives in London, thinks they (be) _____ probably ____

very different from schools today. "Children (go) _____ to school only one day a

week, on Mondays. They (work) ____ with computers at school, but they (have)

any homework. The teachers (be) _____ robots. I think the schools

(be) ____ better places than now, but the food (be) ____ very good."

Choose the correct form.
1. A: "Do you want me to help you?"
B: "No, thanks. John (will help / is going to help) me."

2. A: "Would you prefer tea or coffee?"
B: "I (will have / am going to have) some coffee, please."
3. A: "Why are you wearing your best suit?"
B: "I (will have / am going to have) lunch with my biggest customer."

4. A: "I need to speak to you today."

B: "I'm going out now but I (will be / am going to be) back later."

5. A: "What are your plans for the holidays?"

B: "I (will visit / am going to visit) my parents for a few days and then go shopping
in New York."

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. I promise I ___ you as soon as I have any news .

.a. call b. will call
c. calling d. will be calling

2. This time tomorrow Tom·--- over the Atlantic on his way to Boston.
a. fly b. will fly
c. flies d. will be flying
3. Those bags look heavy. I ___ one of them for you.
a. carry b. have carried
c. will carry d. will have carried
4. The sky is a bit cloudy. ___ do you think?
a. Does it rain b. Did it rain
c. Will it rain d. Would it rain
5. "Alice wants to speak with you." "Please tell her that I __ her as soon as I'm free."
a. call b. will call
c. called d. would call
6. By the time you return, your friend for California.
a. leave b. left
C. will leave d. will have left
7. We for you when the train arrives.
a. will wait b. will have waited
c. will be waiting d. will be waited
8. "Let's meet at eleven o'clock tomorrow." "Sorry, I ___ at eleven o'clock."
a. work b. am working
c. will work d. will be working

1o1::�1:1h'l1t1 BASIC GRAMMAR

9. 'Tm very thirsty." "I ___ you something to drink. Coke or tea?"
a. get b. have got
c. will get d. will have got

10. The concert ___ at exactly 10 o'clock.

a. start b. starts
c. will start d. will have started

11. Please wait here. My boss ___ in ten minutes.

a. returns b. has returned
c. returned d. will return

12. See you at the station! I ___ a red jacket.

a. wear b. will wear
c. will be wearing d. will be worn

13. Why don't you ask Jim for help? I'm sure that he ___ you.
a. helps b. is helping
·c. will help d. will have helped

14. Hopefully tomorrow, we ___ on the beach all day.

a. lie b. will be lying
c. will lie d. will have lain

15. We certainly ___ all the work by this time tomorrow.

a. won't finish b. won't be finished
c. won't be finishing d. won't have finished

16. Please don't ring the doorbell when you get here. My baby ___
a. sleeps b. will sleep
c. will be sleeping d. will have slept

17. Don't worry. I ___ without you.

a. leave b. don't leave
c. will leave d. won't leave

18. You can visit me tomorrow. I ___ anything important.

a. am doing b. will be doing
c. will do d. won't be doing

19. I think he ___ this work more interesting when he grows up.
a. finds b. found
c. will find d. would find

-----------·---· ···- -----

"I can't go out because I haven't got any money." "Don't worry. I __ you some."
a. lend b. will lend
c. lent d. will have lent

At 7 o'clock, we ___ for their plane to arrive.

a. wait b. will be waited
c. will be waiting d. will have waited

22. By the end of the week, this boy ___ all his money.
a. will spend b. is spending
c. has spent d. will have spent

23. I ___ you an email as soon as I reach my hotel.

a. send b. will send
c. sent d. will be sending

24. This time next month I ___ the holidays.

a. will enjoy b. have enjoyed
c. will be enjoying d. am enjoying

25. Sorry, but I can't ccime at 5. I ___ football with my friends.

a. play b. have played
c. am playing d. will be playing

26. By this time next year, John ___ ten thousand dollars.
a. will save b. will be saved
c. will have saved d. will be saving

27. Don't call me between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. I ___

a. work b. am working
c. have worked d. will be working

28. I think our son ___ rich and famous one day.
a. is b. was
c. will be d. will have been

29. I ___ you as soon as I finish this project.

a. help b. will be helped
c. will help d. will be helping

30. By 12 o'clock, we ___ playing tennis.

a. will finish b. will be finishing
c. will be finished d. will have finished

1o1���h'Yl1:1 BASIC GRAMMAR

Passive Voice
,1 M � �� · � . - r P u,nnn� r•• •• ��r•�•P�,�m•4� �

CONCEPT Voice Rel 1fi'ij(Pl b'Him'M1a.:inb)'l:lbb'll.:ie1e1mll'l-b 2 1ti Ael Active Voice ( �1::'IT;� ·
bba:: Passive Voice ('llt::'IT1'H,bll'Hiifonn-a-::rh)
'l1 iu

voice e1i1�b(Ple1i1.:i'fl'it.:i1'Hi 2 e1i1.:ifu��e1 t-i'.:iJ'Hitl1b��'H,A-;i-a-01n'l:!1im1ru::m-a-Tifbb6l::


m1�bbloln\.11.:i91e1.:ibb\.1E::1fi bbE::i.:ibn1o111bb�b-a-1�::b if tense �1'H,'J'H, .J�i'Hi 12 tenses

a1't'li''U'llt::t�Abb'U'U Acti Ve Voice bb\.lbt11�u�3-l1'll'LJ';i'::t�Abb'U'U Passive Voice

• II • • ri • •
. n'\J Perfect Continuous Tenses b'Hi�«�.:i8fl'U1mcw�.:ibbA 9 tenses b'YlTJ'H
I!! • • o • • Ill' o •,1- • • • • a • !W a � • M *-" II'! a 11 • 1 !I! a 111 • 111 � _ ., • tt Iii ., 111 • w • ,a r.' • 111 • u • a 111 • 111 ei: lit • • t1 -.. • i, • • ¥ " ,. • l!S • lilt lit _ e s;i k • ••

.... tJ':i'::lil't1CU8� ..
: 1) Active Voice Rel 'lJt::t�A�'llt::'IT1mll'Hi�n1::rhn�m loi1n�m�11'ir,;;i::iiin'Mm::
•� bll'H, transitive verb (n�m��n-a--a-��1-a-e1.:if'U) 'fl�el intransitive verb

... (n�mril�iin-a--a-�a-11-a-e1.:if'U) nl� i-;ie1i1.:ib�'H,

M sister lfil!ghed happily. ( intransitive verb)
a y =

• M siste� is reading a book. (� transitive verb)


2) Passive Voice Afil 'lJ-a-::t�A�'l11::'IT1mll'Hi��nn1::rhn11:11 loi1n1m#Hi�::�e1�

lNan'l:lru::bll'H, transitive verb (n�m�1Nn-a--a-�m-a-e1.:if'U) b't11J'I-I, bbE::'lln1�!o!
Passive mA-a-.:ia�1.:i�tl1b�fa'H,�8.:i';;i!Pl�1 Ael be + V.3 \9J';J8�1.:ib�'H,
A letter was written by my daughter.
: He will be punished by the teacher.
n1':i'L\Jflti� bt1�1�11m'll��'Hi'llt::T�A Active Voice b'Plbll'l-l, Passive 1��-;i�1tii.i'.:i\.le11'lli

Active Lt!� �'JEJE1�'l.11'::L�fil = Our teacher Is buying these books.

1) '1-i1n1-a-�91e1.:i'lltd�A Active f'H,�1bll'Hi'lJ-a-::'IT1wue1.:i'll-a-::t�A Passive
These books...
2) b�� verb to be �.:ie1�1'H, tense bi;i�91e1.:i'll-a-::t�A Active bbE::�11'lJ-a-::'IT1'H,9lm
Passive bllme1n'W�'l-1'fl�m,1'fl'W';;i'l-1

b�filbifn�mb 'Pi�e1!PlA�e1.:i ( (Pl\.11'a'1.:i'fl'li1t1!Pl
1'll) i
These books are being...
3) b'U��'Hin1mb��91e1.:i'lJ-a-::t�A Active b'Plbll'H, V.3 �1'fli''U Passive
These books are being bought...
4) b�a-J by + �n-a-::rh (�.:ibll'H,'ll'a'::'IT1'H,918.:i Active) bb\.1�1�1-a-riE::e1e1n1�
These books are being bought by our teacher.
(a.:ibn1o111n�mb'Hi'll'a'::t�A Passive ii�1'H,';J'H,�1f1f111b'H,'LJ'a'::t�A Active f!'it.:ii-;i��el
: b'W-a-1::1�\�� verb to be b�h1'll)
.. •••••n•••••••••••••e •••• .. •••••a••• •• ah••••a• .. ••••• .. •m•••••••••••••••e• .. •••••••••••••�•••��•••

···tFl1�afi� : Active Voice Passiv
e Voice


passive : Present Simple

S. + V.1 S.+is/am/are+V.3
(be+ V.3)
: We teach Tom. Tom is taught (by us).
: Present Continuous

. S.+is/am/ S.+is/am/are being +V.3

: We are teaching Tom. Tom is being taught (by us).
: Present Perfect
• S.+has/have+V.3 S.+has/have been+V.3

• We have taught Tom. Tom has been taughl (by us).

: Past Simple

: S. + V.2 S.+was/were+V.3
: We taught Tom. Tom was taught (by us).
: Past Continuous

.... We were teaching Tom. Tom was being taught (by us).
S.+was/ S.+was/were being +V.3

.: Past
.... .....•......•....•..........................................................
•. Perfect
... S.+had+V.3
... We had taught Tom. S.+had been+V.3

Tom had been taught (by us).

: Future Slmple
: S.+will+inf. S.+will be+V.3

: We will teach Tom. Tom will be taught (by us).

..•. Future Continuous


... S.+will S.+will be being +V.3
: We will be teaching Tom. Tom will be being taught (by us).

: Future Perfect
S.+will have+V.3 S.+will have been+V.3
• We will have taught Tom. Tom will have been taught (by us).
TIP b':i'1a1a-i1':i'rii�b1l\911l1'rb'tl Tense 'll'eJ�ll':i'�b�(o) Passive b'91rn�i1��111 Verb to be
" .
bbril�1��'e)�a-J'e)� V.3 ��9�1o11a'91i1� b�'li
His homework has been done by Paul. (= Present Perfect)

.......••.•.•••.•� .........This postcard was sent by James. (= Past Simple)


\.l�ril�h't1i BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Change the active to the passive form.

1. The children will do this activity. l

2. The player threw the ball.

3. These girls study this book.

4. The cook has prepared a good meal.

5. My wife washed the dishes.
6. The dog eats the bread.
7. The police will arrest the robbers.
8. My father built this house.
·g_ The managers made a decision.
10. He has written four books.
11. My grandfather planted this tree.
12. Several people saw the accident.

Exercise 2
Change the passive to the active form.

1. This sweater will be worn by Peter.

2. The biology class is taught by Mr. Green.
3. The money was stolen by the thieves.
4. The work has been done by the children.
5. That film is going to be seen by Tom.
6. This picture was painted by my sister.
7. This program is watched by many people.
8. The letters will be sent by James.
9. The party was organized by Paul.
10. Paris is visited by millions of tourists.
11. Our house was designed by an architect.

12. This photograph was taken by Steve.
Exercise 3
Complete the text using the past simple and the passive form of the verb In parentheses.

Two men (see) _____ breaking into a house in my street last night. The

poli ce (call) ____ and they arrived very quickly. One man (catch)

immediately. The other escaped, but he (find) ____ very soon. Both men (take)
to the police station where they (question) _____ separately by a
police officer. The two men (charge) _____ with burglary.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. Those books ___ by our students.

a. use b. used

c. are used d. will use
2. This clever student ___ a scholarship last year.
a. gives b. gave
c. was giving d. was given

3. The injured to the hospital by the firemen.

a. take b. took
c. were taking d. were taken

4. That car ___ by a professional driver.

a. drives b. is driving
c. is driven d. has driven

5. The roof of the building ___ in a storm a few days ago.

a. damaged b. damaging
c. was damaged d. was damaging

6. The buildings ___ by the carpenters.

a. build b. have been built
c. were building d. have been building
7. Those delicious chocolate muffins ___ by my grandmother.
a. make b. made
c. was made d. were made
8. ___ a wonderful present for my birthday every year.
a. give b. am giving
c. will give d. am given


9. You ___ to the party. Why didn't you go?
a. are invited b. are inviting
c. were invited d. were inviting

10. These machines ___ to mix the ingredients.

a. use b. are used
c. have used d. are using

11. They ___ to stay in their houses during the storm.

a. tell b. told
c. were told d. were telling

12. A lot of water ___ during the race.

a. drinks b. is drinking
c. has drunk d. is drunk

13. The children ___ to school on the bus.

a. take b. took
t. were taken d. were taking

14. That journalist ___ by an important newspaper.

a. hires b. hired
c. was hiring d. has been hired

15. The advertisement states that no working experience ___

a. is required b. was required
c. has required d. has been required

16. My sister ___ a strange email yesterday.

a. was sent b. sends
c. was sending d. will be sent

17. Many accidents ___ by dangerous driving.

a. cause b. causing
c. are causing d. are caused

18. The events ___ by the university because no one showed any interest.
a. canceled b. canceling
c. were canceled d. were canceling

19. Every student ___ a username and a password.

a. gives b. is giving
c. will be given d. will be giving
0 The most expensive jacket ___ by my best friend.
a. was buying b. was bought
c. buy d. bought

21. All work ___ by five o'clock this evening.

a. will complete b. will be completing
c. will have been completed d. will have been completing

22. In the United States, elections for President ___ every four years.
a. are held b. were held
c. are holding d. were holding

23. The exam results ___ by our English teacher.

a. announced b. will be announced
c. are announcing d. will be announcing
24. The window ___ by a couple of boys who were playing football.
a. broke b. was broken
c. break d. was breaking
25. Champagne --- on New Year's Eve.
a. drinks b. has drunk
c. is drunk d. is drinking
26. The boat by Tom after he won the lottery last week.
a. was bought b. bought
c. was buying d. buying
27. The children ___ to stay inside the house all morning.
a. tell b. have told
c. are telling d. have been told
28. The dogs daily by the housekeeper while the owner was on vacation.
a. were fed b. have fed
c. were feeding d. have. feeding
29. All the books in that list ___ by our students.
a. have read b. reading
c. have been read d. were reading
30. The vegetables ___ before eating.
a. wash b. have washed
c. are washing d. have been washed


Cond_itional Sentence
•••�••••••••••�••••••�••"••••••••• • M�•••••n•�••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••�•••••••nn•••••�•• •

CONCEPT Conditional Sentence A8 'll'r::foA�bbat-l�bim�1'll'l'l�8b'IWlNliWl8nu

• tt-l�f •
'll'r:: t�A'll'r::b.fl't1ia1�1t'1bb ��88n1�mn�'ll'r::b.fl't1 J�bit1u1'll�btlu���'l'l�8�
A'J1�btlU1i;f��::bfit-l;'ffU bba::�8U1'll#l,�btlU���'l'l�81��A'J1�btJU1'll1i;f��::b1lt-l;'ffV.
" Hu1'llbbi.ia::'ll'r::b.fl't1 bba::�t-l�1tA'r�af1�m-a-
• 1ifn�m1mi;f
S'J�1.J-t::O B\JCU B� : 'll'r::t�mit1u1'll1t-l�rl'11'll'll'r::nm.1i;f1�m1 'll'r::t�A'l'l�8'll'r::t�A�8� 2 �1u 1�bbn

1.J-t::ll!IFl � B �lcu � 1) If-Clause A8 �1u�bbat-l�bit1u1'll'l'l�m'l'li.J bllu�1u�9Tu�ui;f1�Fi111 "if'

� 2) Main Clause A8 �'JU�bbat-l�Na

.. If you try hard, you will succeed.
.. If-Clause If you try hard

. ...

Main Clause
. = you will succeed
He would be in time if he hurried.
If-Clause = if he hurried
Main Clause = He would be in time
(tf�bn!Pl'J1J;l1'J1�R1b�8� if ts�u'll-rd�A �::�8��bA�8�'1'1�1� comma (,) r-l''lt
bb1P1J;1111� if 1'Sna1�'ll-r::t�A 1ai�8��bA�8�'1'1m� comma)
•••••••••••••••••••••••j ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
L�s�l,,f�� 1 AH �t1uh�bbat-l�A11�bllu���ba�t1 'l'l�t1A11�btJulu1i;f11J;11�b'l'li.Jn1-rru'l'l�8
n1-rn-r::'t11'1'1U�bn t-l 'llU n�::�am'l'l!Plm'rm'1'11'8 t1nm-rn-r::'t11'1'1U�bnt-l 'llU �1�m
o � ,a .;¥ ct .O,c:,I a' 4CI c::11 O � 0. �

ba�8 tt-l�#lai�cua�m1u n�mrflif�'tf�'l'l�t-l 3 1A-r�af1� A8

If+ S. + Present Slmple, S. + Future Simple
If the weather is fine, we will go to the beach.
If he begins tomorrow, he will finish it on Friday.

If+ S. + Present Simple, S. + Present Simple (= A11a-i���rt11'll)

If water boils, it changes into steam.
If people are sleepy, they g_Q to bed. •

If + S. + Present Slmple, Imperative (V.1) ( = 1ohi�'l'l�8m'r'll8ft1�)
If your father comes, tell him the truth.
If you leave, please turn off the television.
···············ft·······'·············································�················· ·········
·······tt·········· ···········�····························································
····�e1'lt11'fl 2 Aa bia'Hi1'1lri1,1,a�.:iFl'J1�bll'Hi1'1.n�1� '1'11HPl'a'.:i'll1�fl'UFl'J1�btl'Hi'<v�.:i1wu'<v�'U'H,

L��lt1'1.M� tF11.:iaf1.:iri1'if Fia

LWU�1,j'" If+ S.+ Past Simple, S.+ would + V.1

If I had some money, I would lend you.
If she were a bird, she would fly around the world .
• (a.:ibn�'J1b'Hi�a'Hi1'll'lf'Hi� 2 b11'<v::1-nn�m were n'U'\J-a-::u'1'Hi<tJni-;i)
·· ·····I(·········�········································································
�e'"1111'fl 3
·· ··· Fia bia'Hi1'll�1,1,a��Fl'J1�bZl'Hi1tl1�1� '1'11a,11�'lf1�n'UA'J1mtl'Hi'<v��1'H,a�,1 btl"H.n11
a����.:irtl�1�bn�f'H,'<v�.:ib'Hia�� bF1-a-�a11�fib-if Fia
If+ S.+ Past Perfect, S.+ would + have+ V.3
If I had known the answer, I would have told you.
If you had gone to bed earlier, you would not have
slept in class .
"=t,:--::;;;;:� FhfliiFl'YIM'l'IM'l!I 'Hian'<v1nATJ1 if bb�'J tl'��A1bbavmia'Hi1'll�'Hi"lan 1t?i1,1,n

L'l'liiS1'Fi'l7l If unless ( = if...not) �Fl'J1�'t'l�1�'J1 51.J�, 'Hian�rN1n11

He might get lost unless he knows the way.
He might get lost lf he does not know the way.
provided / providing (that)

suppose / supposing (that) j ( = if) �Fl'J1�'t'l�1�11 i11

in case / on condition that
Providing he comes, what will you do?
= If he comes, what will you do?
--...--······················· ·······································�································

�::��b'<v't1� BASIC GRAMMAR -

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the first Condltlonal.

1. If you are clever, you (solve) _______ the problem.

2. What will you do if you (win) _______ the lottery?

3. I will catch the train if it (arrive) _______ on time.

4. If it is hot, I (open) _______ the window.

5. The boys will play football if the teacher (let) _______ them.

6. If you don't go to the party, they (be) _______ disappointed.

7. I will ring you up if I (have) _______ time.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the Second Condltlonal.

1. I would go to th'e party if you (invite) _· ______ me.

2. If you spoke good English, you (earn) _______ more.

3. Your child would lose the money if you (give) _______ it to him.

4. If my grandfather exercised, he (be) _______ healthier.

5. You would feel better if you (stop) _______ smoking.

6. If she found the key, she (give) _______ it to you.

7. I would buy a new jacket if I (have) _______ some money.

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the Third Conditional.

1. If you had come by car, you (save) ________ time.

2. We would have stayed at home if it (rain) ________

3. If I had known she was ill, I (send) ________ her some flowers.
4. We would have arrived earlier if we (catch) _______ the 9 o'clock train.

5. If I had known you were coming, I (go) ______ to the airport to meet you.

6. You would have been accepted if you (fill) in the form.

7. If our son had been taller, he (be) ________ a policeman.

Exercise 4
orrect one.
Choose the c
(If / Unless) he apologizes, I will never speak to him again.
(If / Unless) you are not on time, they will leave without you.

3. (If / Unless) she does not tidy her room, her mother will be angry.

4. The children will go to the beach tomorrow (if / unless) it rains.

5. We will not have anything to eat (if / unless) we do not go to the supermarket.

Exercise 5
Choose the correct answer.

1. If the girl does not study hard, she ___ the test.
a. does not pass b. will not pass
c. would not pass d. had not passed

2. If you ___ more vegetables, your skin would look better.

a. eat b. ate
c. will eat d. had eaten

3. If she ___ my advice, she would have arrived earlier.

a. follows b. followed
c. would follow d. had followed

4. He will never find a job unless he looking for one now.

a. starts b. does not start
c. will start d. will not start

5. If we had more pocket money, we to the cinema.

a. go b. will go
C. went d. would go

6. You ___ fat if you do not stop eating so much.

a. get b. will get
c. would get d. would have got
7. If I had checked the bill, I ___ the mistake.
a. see b. will see
c. would see d. would have seen
8. He ___ such a good athlete if he didn't train so hard.
a. isn't b. won't be
c. wouldn't be d. hadn't been

�::6l�b'<v't1rl° BASIC GRAMMAR

9. Will you take me with you if you ___ to the beach?
a. go b. will go
c. will be going d. would go

10. If Susan ___ to go to school, I will drive her there.

a. want b. wants
c. will want d. would want

11. If you ___ slowly, she would have understood you.

a. speak b. spoke
c. would speak d. had spoken

12. The children would be happy if they ___ on holiday.

a. are b. were
c. will be d. would be

13. The situation would have become better if the weather ___ good.
a. is b. was
c. had been· d. would be

14. If the boss ___, tell him I'm in a meeting.

a. come b. comes
c. came d. will come

15. If our team win this time, the coach ___ very happy.
a. is b. will be
c. was d. would be

16. ___ all my friends if I lived in a big house.

a. invite b. invited
c. would invite d. had invited

17. If our son English well, he would have got a good job.
a. speaks b. will speak
c. would speak d. had spoken

18. Tom would travel around the world if he the lottery.

a. wins b. won
c. will win d. would win

19. George won't come out of hospital if he feel better.

a. does b. doesn't
c. will d. won't

----------------------·- ······- --
If I hadn't broken a promise, my girlfriend ___ me.
a. forgives b. will forgive
c. would forgive d. would have forgiven

t find tickets for the concert unless she ___ them soo11.
21. She won'
a. book b. books
c. doesn't book d. won't book

22. If he does not come today, we ___ him in the evening.

a. phone b. phoned
c. will phone d. would phone

23. What ___ if you found a bag full of money on a bus?

a. do you do b. will you do
c. have you done d. would you do

24. If I ___ the weather forecast, I would have taken an umbrella with me.
a. hear b. heard
c. had hear'd d. would hear

25. Unless you remind me, I ___ to send him an email.

a. forget b. will forget
c. forgot d. would forget

26. If they an umbrella, they would go to the supermarket.

a. have b. had
C. will have d. would have

27. If my sister ___ how to drive, she would buy a car.

a. know b. knows
C. knew d. will know

28. If he had left on time, he ___ his flight.

a. would miss b. wouldn't miss
c. would have missed d. wouldn't have missed

29. If the neighbors ___ making that awful noise, I'll call the police.
a. stop b. don't stop
c. will stop d. won't stop

30. If these students go to school, the teacher ___ them a project.

a. assigns b. will assign
c. would assign d. had assigned

�::��b�'l15 BASIC GRAMMAR

Non-Finite Verb

1�un 'H,1� follliA'W'Yl '1'118n11'.111bA'Mnb �b�l'.l'HiA'J'a'b���'Jl'.ln1'a'Pln'M1A'J1�bblolni.h�-a-::'l'l11�

Finite Verb bb�:: Non-Finite Verb u�::�(Pl�1\ol'J8�1�n1mti1'ir1'HitA-a-�a�1��1�1
1m� b�8�::1�'ifl�8�1�'1n�8�
tl1'Zl.1l't1CU0� 1) Finite Verb (n1muri') A8 t'lln1m�hA'1.J'll8�'!.l-a-::11'.1A 'ti1'1'l'H1riua(Pl�n1ma1mt

n�'l 'll8�'ll-a-::ft1'Hi u�::b'll�l'.l'Hi!'ll1'll1o11�'l'linm-a-��1ot81'lli

1. 'W�'l-h'll8�'!.l-a-::ft1'Hi (b8n'W�'l-h'l'l18'W'l'l'W�'HiJ

. 2. Tense (8�\ol 'll��'U'Hi 'l'l188'Hi1Alol)
3. Voice (Active 'l'l18 Passive)
She keeps the butter in the fridge.
We wanted to visit that museum next week.

2) Non-Finite Verb (n1m1�ui) A8 t'lln1m��1�1n1ohn1m u1o11�1�'Yi1'1'l'H1�

bll'Hin�m'l'lin'll8�'!.l-a-::tl'.IA n�m1�bbri'l�::1�b'!.l�l'.l'Hi'a''ll 1�11�::8�1oi1u'l'l"H�b(Pl111o11�
'lJ ..

U'U�88n1�bll'Hi 3 '!J'a'!:bal'Yl 1�un

1. Infinitive A8 -a-'lln�mbi;\�
" a1 2 'li�(Pl A8 -a-'!.l�a1
., to 'H'.1'1'1-it1 bb�::1�ii to 'H'.1'1'l�1
b�'Hi to go, to walk ( = to + inf.) u�:: go, walk (= inf.)
2. Gerund A8 t'!Jn�m�b�� -ing 't11'1'l'H1�bll'HiA1'Hi1� b�'Hi going, walking,

• smiling, drinking, leaving, sitting

• 3. Partlclple A8 t'lln�m�b�� -ing (Present Participle) d'Hi sleeping,

'1'1�8n�m�8� 3 (Past Participle) b�'Hi
... exciting written, stolen, used

. J�a8�'ll-a-::bfl'Yll'Yi1'1'l'H1�bll'Hir-i1Aru1-1'Wi
01-rti n1mi.1�1o181'lll�8�1o11��-mt'll to + Infinitive
to+ Inf. afford arrange deserve learn prepare
agree attempt fail manage promise
aim begin forget offer refuse
appear decide hope plan remember
Small children learn to swim quickly.
fl1mi��a1'l.J��a�1o11��l'J!:l'fll nn� +
···· 011tif to + Infinitive
advise encourage hire
. nttM + to + permit teach
allow expect instruct persuade tell
ask forbid invite promise urge
cause force lead remind want
command get order require warn

: His mother allowed him to gQ camping .

............................................................................... ...............
··· 011lif 1) 1if1o11�'l-'lfif�fl�l:l1�'d!:l 'l-'l�'el Modal Verbs b�'H, do, does, did, will, would,
shall, should, can, could, may, might, must, need, dare
Students must wear uniforms.
2) 1if1o11�'l-'lfif�fl�l:l1�bbamf11'a'i'1Jf b�'H, hear, listen to, see, notice, observe,
watch, smell, let, make
She watched her son play badminton.
···--��;ti T 1if���-������;���·1��;;;�;��;�b���;;;;� -�;;·� · �;·;�;;��;�-��;�-��� · · · · ·
gerund ... • Walking is a good exercise .
.. I am interested in singing.
.......................................................................... .......................
V. ;1�,��'J!I flfmi��81llii�8�1o11��ld!:l' ll gerund (V.tng)

gerund admit delay feel miss resist

anticipate deny finish postpone risk
appreciate detest forgive practice spend
avoid discuss imagine prevent suggest
compare enjoy involve quit tolerate
complete escape keep recall understand
confess excuse mention report can't help
consider fancy mind resent can't stand
I promise I will avoid seeing him again.
n11'tf V.tng (Present Participle) b'tlb19ile1u1o11�m�'W'l1 cum£J'l-t1��b�'H�11-:r�'t1111�m

partlclple b'H,A'd1�'1-'1�1!:lbb'\J'\J Active Voice

Those running dogs are mine.
V.3 (Past Participle) 1'Ub'l-'1�8'H,A1�m�'W'l1 cum!:l'H,1al�b�'Hi��f1f1'a'�'t11f1fm
b'H,A'd1�'1-'1�1!:lbb'IJ'\J Passive Voice
The stolen car has been found.
....••.••.....• �..••..••••••.••.••.•.•.•...........•.....•.••...•...•..•.....•.•.•••.••.•.......

1o1:;�1:Jb'<v'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1·
Complete the sentences using Infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs In parenthe ses.

1. Don't forget (tell) him the news.

2. Sandra never admits (make) mistakes.

3. They managed (pass) their exams.

4. She is considering (be) a member of that club.

5. My sister enjoys (walk) in the rain.

6. He can't afford (buy) a car.

7. When you finish (do) your homework, call me.

8. My friends decided (go) on Saturday.

9. My boyfriend refused (see) me again.

10. He suggested (go) home when he got sick.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences using Infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs In parentheses.

1. She is interested in (play) tennis.

2. They reminded me (do) my assignment.

3. Cindy told her brother (wait) for her.

4. The employee apologized for (come) late.

5. The teacher encourages him (study) harder.

6. The boy succeeded in (pass) his exam.

7. I'm looking forward to (go) to London.

8. I couldn't persuade him (come) with me.

9. My mother can't stand (be) interrupted.

10. Jack advised me (rent) a new apartment.

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences using Infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs In parentheses.

1. Don't forget (buy) ____ the newspaper.

2. I will never forget (see) the sea for the first time.
The boy stopped (play) _____ football after his serious injury.

4. On the way up to Chiang Mai, we stopped (visit) ____ my uncle.

5. I regret (say) _____ that you have failed your driving test.

6. I think you will regret (tell) ____ him all of your secrets.

Exercise 4
Cho ose the correct answer.

1. Hurry up! We must run to the bus stop. I can see a bus ___
a. comes b. came
c. coming d. is coming

2. Boys and girls enjoy ___ to the music.

a. listen b. to listen
c. to listening d. listening

3. Jim spent an hour ___ his homework.

a. do b. did
c. does d. doing

4. Would you mind ___ this letter in the box for me, please?
a. drop b. to drop
c. dropping d. for dropping

5. Do you fancy ___ tennis this afternoon?

a. play b. playing
c. to playing d. to play

6. We are thinking of ___ by train.

a. travel b. traveled
c. traveling d. to travel

7. Do you have any good reason for ___ me?

a.. not calling b. not call
c. not called d. not to call

8. I persuaded my mother ___ me permission to go out.

a. give b. gives
c. to give d. giving

9. When Paul got tired, he stopped ___

a. working b. work
c. to work d. works

�:;�£Jb�'t1i BASIC GRAMMAR

10. He suggested ___ dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
a. have b. having
c. to have d. to having

11. Do you have any difficulty in ___ English?

a. to speak b. speak
c. spoke d. speaking

12. I've forgotten ___ flowers for my girlfriend's birthday.

a. buy b. bought
c. to buy d. buying

13. I can't afford ___ time trying to explain this to you.

a. waste b. to waste
c. wasted d. wasting

14. The thief admitted ___ the house but says he didn't take anything.
a. to enter b. enter
c. · entering d. entered

15. I remember ___ with dolls when I was a child.

a. play b. played
c. to play d. playing

16. M y friend offered to help me ___ my motorcycle.

a. to repair b. repairing
c. repaired d. for repair

17. M y boss expects me ___ this work as soon as possible.

a. complete b. completed
c. to complete d. completing

18. I can't help ___ in love with you.

a. fall b. falling
c. to fall d. for falling

19. I regret ___ to my father's advice. He was right.

a. not listening b. not listen
c. not listened d. not to listen

20. We're going out for dinner. Would you like ___ us?
a. join b. to join
c. joining d. to joining

------- ------- ----- - -- - --- --- --- --- --

The travel agent advised us ___ until August.
a. not waiting b. not to wait
c. not waited d. not wait

22. They decided ___ to Paris for their honeymoon.

a. to go b. going
c. go d. for going

23. Please stop ___ me when I am trying to explain something.

a. Interrupt b. to interrupt
c. interrupting d. to interrupting

24. We went for a walk after we finished ___ up the kitchen.

a. cleaned b. cleaning
c. clean d. to clean

The students avoid ___ at the teacher if they don't want to answer a question.
a. look b. to look
c. looking d. to looking

I apologized to her but she refused ___ it.

a. accept b. to accept
c. accepted d. accepting

His doctor has forbidden him ___ high cholesterol food.

a. eat b. eating
c. to eat d. to eating

28. Lisa and David were considering ___ married in June.

a. to get b. get
c. got d. getting

29. The woman warned her young son ___ the hot stove.
a. not touching b. not touch
c. not touched d. not to touch

30. I would like to remind you ___ some information about our new product.
a. bring b. brought
c. to bring d. bringing

1o1::��h'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR

Modal Verb

CONCEPT : Modal Verb R8 n�m�1�"tf�i1m1'll-i1a-11f'Un�m'l'lin Tt-1�'U8nin�m::'lle1� ••·

� 'I.J'J::1�A11b1lu'1.1-r:: T�A�bbat-1�A11a-i'l'!anmJ'J::1J1'l1lt-1 b�u A11a-ia1m'Jri A11a-i
; t;;$1bllu A11mt1u1'1.J1c;i' m-re1�bl.!11o1 n1-rbaumm:: b1lu�u �b��uA1'J�t-1t;;$T1'lin
� f11'J'1'll \ol618"1�UA'J1:l-lbb\olf1\ol1�'J::'l'l'J1�f1�m'U1�\ol'J�'lllf1�b���f1'1-l,
••••••••••n•••••••••••�w•••••e••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••��-�•

o/lflflfl'l':i'b'll : 1) l'U Modal Verb n'U'I.J-r::'ii'1U'l1n1o111�t-1�1�b'I.J�m-1,'J'I.J

• • 'IJ

Modal Verb The teacher can teach for six hours a day.

.:. 2) 'I.J'J::T�A'I.J{iba'ii' b�a-i not 'l'li� Modal Verb 1c;i''tluri

: She might not know where Peter works.
: 3) 'I.J'J::1�A�hma-i 11� Modal Verb 11'l'l'lt1'1.J'J::T�A
May I ask you a question?
4) Modal V�rb �1ub'l'lt1Jin1�a1!'1.19�\ol'l'l�e1e1u1A1o1
Our friend must go to Korea next year.
••••••••••••ka•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••o••••••••M•••••••••••�••••••••••••••••••••�a••••••••

can I could : 1) 1'llbb�t-1�A11a-1�1m'Jri 'l'l�e1A11a-ibt1u1'1.11i;f ·

(• ft'l:N'l':i'CI) : My daughter can speak Japanese very well.

: 2) 1iibum'J'lleJfei�
Can you tell me where John lives?
3) l'll could b�mllum'J'llelel�rl.!1\ol '118¥8� 'l'l�eJ'lleJA'J1:l-lb.ftiu (�fl1'Wn11 can)
Could you tell me your name, please?
4) 1ii could btlU'J'l.19�\ol'lleJ� can
: She could swim when she was five years old.
: 5) l'll be able to bb'l1U can / could 1i;f

.• Your friend might be able to help you .

:. 1) b'llbbamm-rn'J::'th 'l'l�e1A11a-ib1lu1ffiue1u1A1o1

will/ would
. He will not lend me this book.
(= q:)
:. 2) b'll would b�elb1lUm'J'lleJfe1� (�fl1'Wf111 will)
Would you turn off the light, please?

: 3) l'll would bllu-r'I.Je1�1o1'lle1�
" will

: I thought I would be late.

•M·-�---�•* 4k J • •• MU�•wb.!;·� ��-��M �-*•k•••••a -G-�a••········· �·L·�···········•m••••••••••M••�
... ;·�y "i. �igh;...[ ·1)• 1���;��-������....................................................
May I go home now?
2) 1ifbbfl'"1�A'J1a-l btl'Hlu1�b'1-1,au1A� (may �ama:inr11111 might)
She might pass the examination.
3) 1if might btlurua��'llel� may

···· · · · · ���t· ....... ·1y ril��;;·;;;i��;�� · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··

They wanted to know if they might come later.

You must be here before 10 o'clock.

(• ia�)
2) 1if1,1,a��m1a-i'c$1bt1u
Students must get up early and go to school.
3) 1 'Ubbfl'"1�A'J1a-laf'H1'<¥ 'l'l:;elA'J1a-! btl'H1'l.11i;f

. The boy must be mad to do this.


. You must not walk on the grass.

; 4) 1il' must not 1u111'a''Pi'1a-1 �eJA'J1a-l'l'la-i1�11 �a�1�
:'. 5) 1if have to 1,1,rm must �elbbfl'"1�a��'l'l:;aau1A�
. He had to go to the dentist yesterday .
...... .. ���d· ...... ·;. ·;)· 1¥�����-�. ;� ·:··i�-f� b�����;;;;��� ��- (�;�-;�· ��;;.i. h�-��-"/;) .. .

. My father needs to work very hard.


(. �'lL\l \lia�) :
: 2) 1il'ma-ii;\'-;i� not + inf. b�el�elA'J1a-l'l'l:ln�'J1 1�'.$1bll'H�el�
You need not wait any longer.
shall / should 1) 1il1um'rbflue11,1,'H:: 'llelel��1� 'l'l:;ama-1A'J1a-ib�'H (bil'n'l.J I / we b'l11lu)
Shall we meet at the university?
(. Fl�::)
2) 1if ought to (= A'J1''<¥::) bb't1'H should 1i;f
You ought to be more careful.
........•.....•.......� ...........•••.......•.••.....................................•..........
used to 1) 1if1,1,ar.1�'Hi�'l'l:;a���bA�'ti11'Ha��

(• LFU!I)
People used to think that the earth was flat.
2) '!'l1111if be used to �e1��1a-ii;\'-;i� N./ �A'J1aJ'l'l:in�11 bA��'H�a...
John is used to getting up early.
·······················• ..................•........................•...........•.................

�::1il�t'<¥'t1i BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Complete the _sentences with "can", "can't", "must" or "mustn't".

1. I'm very tired today. I _____ clean my room.

2. It's raining heavily. You _____ take your umbrella.

3. A cat _____ climb up a tree, but a dog _____

4. We _____ pick the flowers in the park.

5. John is very short. He _____ play basketball very well.

6. We _____ go to the bank today. We haven't got any money.

7. We are very hungry, so we _____ eat a lot of sandwiches.

8. Tourists _____ take their passports when they go abroad.

9. Footballers _____ touch the ball with their hands.

10. She is a small baby. She _____ eat meat, but she _____ drink milk.

Exercise 2
Choose the correct one.

1. Drivers (could / must) stop when the traffic lights are red.

2. You (may not / needn't) take your umbrella. It is not raining.

3. I have no time. I (must / may) leave now or I miss the bus.

4. (Might / Could) you water my plants while I am away?

5. You don't look well. You (could / should) see a doctor.

6. Judy is not at home. She (might / could) have gone to Paris, I don't know.

7. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You (needn't / mustn't) buy any.

8. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you (need / could) to work hard.

9. Tom (can / must) play tennis quite well. I usually play with him every weekend.

10. "(Should/ May) we go out tonight, please?" "Yes, but you (mustn't/ couldn't) be late."

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb.

1. Jack _____ come to our wedding, but we aren't sure.

2. That dress is not expensive. I _____ buy it.

3. My hands are very dirty. I _____ wash them.

4. I'm sorry but we _____ come to your party tomorrow.

5. _____ I buy the tickets for the concert? I can see you're too busy.

6. You _____ not be so nervous. I think it will be very easy.

7, Sandra ____ not play the violin when she was five, but now she _____
play it very well.

exercise 4
Cho ose the correct answer.

1. My sister ___ speak English and French very fluently.

a. may b. can
c. has to d. could

2. It's a great town. You ___ visit it some day.

a. could b. might
c. should d. would

3. It's getting late. I ___ go now.

a. can b. may
c. would d. have to

4. Anna ___ get tired of her job. It Is so boring.

a. must b. should
c. has to d. need

5. Are you going swimming? ___ I come with you, please?

a. Should b. Can
c. Must d. Will

6. My dog ___ jump very high when he was younger.

a. can b. may
c. could d. might

7. I'm not going to pay five pounds for a coffee. You ___ be joking!
a. can b. might
c. should d. must

8. It's a secret. You ___ tell anyone about it.

a. can't b. must not
c. may not d. don't have to


9. This is a hospital. People are resting, so you ___ be quiet.
a. will b. ought
c. should d. can

10. ___ I have a quick word with you? Something important has happened.
a. Must b. Could
c. Would d. Should

11. wanted to talk to Jim yesterday, but I ___ find him.

a. didn't b. wouldn't
c. might not d. couldn't

12. You ___ smoke here. It's a non-smoking area.

a. couldn't b. wouldn't
c. mightn't d. mustn't

13. I'm su·re you ___ love this film. It's brilliant.
a. could b. can
c.' would d. might

14. ___ imagine why she married him. He's so stupid!

a. can't b. mightn't
c. mustn't d. shouldn't

15. ___ I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

a. Should b. Would
c. May d. Might

16. What ___ you do in my situation? I need your advice.

a. must b. would
c. could d. should

17. You ___ forget to take the food out of the oven at seven o'clock.
a. wouldn't b. can't
c. couldn't d. mustn't

18. They left London at three o'clock so they ___ be here by now.
a. could b. would
c. should d. can

19. ___ you open the window, please? It's hot in here.
a. Need b. Must
c. Should d. Could
like to buy the same television .for my house.
20. I
a. could b. would
c. must d. have to

ngers wear their seatbelts at all times.

21. The passe
a. could b. must
c. can d. may

22. I have more cheese on my sandwich?

a. Must b. Would
c. Could d. Have to

23. ___ you mind buying two loaves of bread on your way home?
a. Would b. Could
c. Might d. Should

24. We ___ go to the concert if the rain stops. We don't know for sure.
a. mustn't b. have to
c. wouldn't d. might

25. I ___ hear you. Could you please speak louder?

a. can b. must
c. can't d. mustn't

26. You eat many vegetables if you want to be healthy.

a. need b. could
c. would d. should

27. you bring me a glass of cold water?

a. Must b. Could
c. Should d. Need

28. Julie like to visit Kyoto when she is in Japan.

a. should b. will
C. would d. can

29. This rock band ___ play very well last year. Now they are much better.
a. must b. should
c. couldn't d. can

30. The boys ___ wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have class at 8:00 am.
a. would b. can't
c. could d. have to

---------------------------- ·--·---·-
1o1::€11:Jb'<v'11i BASIC GRAMMAR
Reported Speech
•u•an•�•��•�•" � �Na••R�$ ;i s �� • - �•• ��•• • · ••nu � � m•••�n••���•••R•••w•"an�•c ,a

CONCEPT � Reported Speech 'Pl'.r8 Indirect Speech A8 'll'a'::Tt1A�i1A1'ljt-1A'l-hi�···

� mb�1 b'Jmb9itJ'!-h'<l::1��bA�el�'Pl3-111:JA1'ljt-18�(;1';m \.11·N1n Direct Speech �.:ib�

: 'll'a'::Tt1Ar-11cwt-1\.l'a'�"l Tt-it1'<l::ilbA�t1�'Plmt1r-11cwt-1 bba!Pl�1 'Pff11�1'1-hblPlAt1cirt1m1a.i� '\t,Jr;)

• 'lJ 'lJ 'lJ

····································· ....... ··············�·········· • • •


A'J'a''<l t-1-;$1�1in1'a'b'll�t!'l-h'll'a'::Tt1AA1'Wt-1\.l'a'�bti '1-h'll'a'::Tt1 A�u1A1'W!Pl3-11b�1

.......... ·······:··i'.rb�l:J'l-h
• 'lJ '\I 'U

fl'l1b\J�!l\l : n1'a'b'll�t1'!-h'cl1n'll'a'::Tt1AA1'lj!Pl\.l'a'�btl'l-h'll'a'::Tt1A�i1A1'ljt-13-11b�1 bb'U�1(;l��i'.i

t11::t!IA A'l'W� � 1) A1'lj!Pl�btl'l-htl'a'dt1A'Ut1m�1 'Pl'.rt1'll'a'::tt1A'll{ibafl

" : 2) A1'Wt-i�btl'l-h'll'a'::tt1AA1rna.i

: 3) A1'Wt-1�btl'H'llnbt1AA1i�
. ·;j·�;·��bij�-.·:· ·1)· 1�--���-·b�-��¥;;�;��;�;;f�;�1-��-................................... .
t11::tt1F1'l.lam�h ; 2) 1<if that btl'l-hlo'l'Jb�aan::'Pl11.:i'll'a'::bt1A'PlU1n'U'll'a'::bt1AA1�!Pl ("lf�m'0rn::ae1n1�
. '"\att � 3)
,iiatl !l
51n�m�u1mbtl'l-hn�mbba!Pl�U'<l"fU'l-h b'HA1'lj!Pltl'�A�1'Il tense b�a.i bbloli\'1n�1:11
u1btl'!-he1/;i\.l \.18�b'll�t1'HA1'Wt-1b'P!btl'l-h Tense bb�!Pl�e1/;i\.l\.113-11'1J8mY'l-h'Pl'H7�

Sarah says, "I am a student."

Sarah says (that) she is a student.

.. Peter said, "These children are naughty."

= Peter said (that) those children were naughty.

fl'l1btlfl!l\l Present Simple 11-- Past Simple

Tense Joe said, "I write it." = Joe said he wrote it.
Present Continuous 11-- Past Continuous
Joe said, "I am writing it." = Joe said he was writing it.
Present Perfect 11-- Past Perfect
Joe said, "I have written it." = Joe said he had written it.
Past Simple 11-- Past Perfect
Joe said, "I wrote it." = Joe said he had written it.

.. Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 11--

. Joe said, "I was writing it." Joe said he had been writing it.
: =

: Future Simple 11-- would, should

: Joe said, "I will write it." = Joe said he would write it.
••••••�w�•••••••••••�••••••••• •••••��• a••••M••• ••••M•••••• •••n••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

•·•••fl'l1'b ········ ··················································
'Uflt.11-l now then Ill-

today / tonight that day / that night

Adverb Ill-

yesterday Ill- the day before / the previous day

tomorrow Ill- the next day / the following day
last week (month...) Ill- the previous week / the week before
next week (month...) .... the following week
ago Ill- before
this / these .... that / those
here there

She said, "I met him last week."

= She said (that) she had met him the previous week.
He said, "I lived here three years .ag_Q."

. He said (that) he had lived there three years before .


2) Fi'l'tjF!b\11-l 1) b'Il a?k (+ n'a''a'�) / wonder Q��a�+ n'a''a'�) bll'\-l,n�mu:i'l'llY1'll'a'�b1:JRA1'lj"1

u,::lt1FIA'lO'l:M 2) 1'lf if I whether (�1wf'Uloi1m���a�m'a'A11Plel'U'J1 yes/ no) 'l'l�elR�t'll
wh-, how (�1wf'UA1m��w7) b�el�'a'�'l'l11�'U'a'�bl:lR'l'll11f1'U'U'a'�bl:lRA1'lj"1
3) b�1:J�a1'9i''Uloi11 '\-1, 'll'a'�t1:JR!oi1m�b'l'l� 1 o/fna1mll'\-l,'ll'a'�b1:JR'Uam�1'lln�
4) i11nfm�u1�1bll'l-l,nfmbb3"1�'LI��'U'\-l
' , b'\-l,A1'W!Pltl'�R�b'Il
" tense b�� bb1ott11nfm
1i1bll'\-l,el�!Pl �a�b'll�l:l'\-l,A1'W!Pl1'flbll'\-1, Tense bb3"1�t1�1P11.n�1'l.Jani'\-l,'l'!it�

The teacher said, "Is there anybody outside?"

= The teacher asked me if there was anybody outside.
My brother said, "Why are you so late?"
My brother wondered why I was so late.
.................... •.••...•........•.••••.•••..............•...••.•••.••••••....•••.••••......

3) A'l'jFJL\I� 1) 1if tell / order / ask (+ n'a''a'�) bll'l-l,nfmu1'1'1l\'1'lJ'a'�b1:JRA1'lj!Pl

t11:lt1F1A1tf'� 2) 1�n'.r'a'�-if�bll'l-l,�f'Uloi1i�
3) b'U�l:l'l-l,nfmbo/fbll'\-1, to+ inf. (�elbll'\-l,A1i�bb'U'U'Lielmi1) 'l'l�el not to+ inf.
Sandra said, "Turn off the light."
= Sandra told me to turn off the light.
My mother said, "Don·t lock the door."
My mother asked me not to lock the door.

!Pl�al:lb�'t1€ BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1 ·
Change the followlng sentences into reporied speech.

1. John said, "I saw that movie on Wednesday."

2. Susan said, "The train will probably arrive on time."

3. The man said, "I have to finish this report by five o'clock."

4. Mr. Brown said, "I don't drive a car in the rush hour."

5. My brother said, "I don't want to carry your books."

Exercise 2
Change the following sentences Into reported speech.

1. She asked her boyfriend, "Do you live with your family?"

2. John asked Sandra, "Are you listening to me?"
3. He asked me, "What are you doing at the weekend?"

4. My mother asked me, "Where is your umbrella?"

5. She asked Tom, "What kind of films do you like watching?"

Exercise 3
Change the following sentences Into reported speech.
My father told me, "Keep all the windows closed."

2. The robber told the woman, "Give me your money."

3. She told her husband, "Don't forget to take your key."

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. They told us that they ___ not do it again.

a. do b. were
c. will d. would

2.' Her teacher asked me if she ___ ther.e.

a. lives b. lived
c. is living d. will live

3. He told me that he ___ the film.

a. had already seen b. had seen already
c. has already seen d. has seen already

4. Someone was wondering if Alex ___ arrived yet.

a. had b. has
c. was d. is

5. The teacher told the boys ___ their money.

a. not waste b. to waste not
c. not to waste d. to not waste

6. My grandfather said that he always ___ up early.

a. wake b. wakes
c. woke d. to wake

7. George said he ___ to the cinema the next day.

a. goes b. went
c. will go d. would go

8. Her teacher said she _ _ _ do her homework every day.

a. has to b. had to
c. will d. was

-------- ----·- -----··-

1o1:;6mt'-¥'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR
9. His father said that he speak three languages.
a. could b. can
c. has to d. will

10. Mike said he to visit his friends that weekend.

a. want b. wants
C. wanted d. will want

11. My sister reminded me my homework.

a. forget b. not to forget
C. forgot d. to not forget

12. Ronald asked Betty where her car.

a. she parked b. does she park
C. she parks d. did she park

13. Anna told me· Sandy at the ·train station.

a. meet b. to meet
C. met d. meeting

14. Max told me that Peter often a book.

a. read b. is reading
C. reads d. was reading

15. Jerry said he English a lot at that moment.

a. studies b. is studying
c. studied d. was studying

16. He said that Andrew to the stadium an hour before.

a. goes b. went
C. has gone d. had gone

17. My son said he his best in the exams the next day.
a. will go b. does
C. would do d. did

18. Mark asked me why to study French.

a. I want b. I wanted
c. do I want d. did I want

19. They said they in Bangkok for a long time.

a. live b. lived
C. have lived d. had lived


He said that he ___ fish two days before.

a. doesn't eat b. didn't eat
c. hadn't eaten d. hasn't eaten

21. She said that her teacher ___ to Spain the next day.
a. goes b. would go
c. has gone d. will go

22. My brother asked me if I ___ reading the newspaper.

a. finish b. had finished
c. finished d. have finished

23. Jane reminded me ___ so much junk food.

a. eat b. eating
c. not to eat d. to not eat
Our neighbor said that her father ___ the previous year.
a. dies b. has died
c. died d. had died
25. Lisa said she for me for over an hour.
a. waited b. was waiting
c. waiting d. had been waiting
26. Peter said he up every morning at seven o'clock.
a. gets b. got
c. will get d. would get
27. She asked me why I ___ written to her for such a long time.
a. hadn't b. haven't
c. wasn't d. didn't
28. The teachers told us ___ football in the garden.
a. not to play b. not playing
c. to not play d. to play not
29. Alice told me she ___ that night.
a. come b. comes
c. can come d. could come
30. My friend said he ___ his homework by the time I arrived.
a. will finish b. would finish
c. will have finished d. would have finished

�::�!'.lb'<v'tli BASIC GRAMMAR

••••••••••••�•••••••••-••-ft�•••" �•w�•��•w��ft��•�••�w� ���•n� � ·��••\n� �fl 'MU'� n���ftr•g

� Adject i ve Ael A1�illA'W'l1 '111't'l'H1�'1Jl:l1tl't'l�elelfl'lJ1t1A1u1:1-1't'l�eJA1�n'Wlt;�·


� b�el'UeJn�.::ilii'n'Mm:'lle1.::iA1u1:1-1't'l�e1A1�'a''a''WU1:1-11-fu bb'U.::Jb1lu 6 ll'a':bfl'Yl �b� tilt

.: A'J'a'�1l'M1't'l'H1�bba:loi1bb't'l'H.::J'lleJ.::iA1�mA'W'Ylbb�a:ll'a':bfl't1 'a'1:1-1�.::i111n�t1.::i�1� '\J

: A1AillA'W'l11u 1l'a'll �'tl't'la1tlA1:l-11'1Jl:l1tlA1U1:l-l't'l�elA1�'a''a''WU1:l-l

·· · · · · ;)· P�����- · · · · -�· 'i�-·��������{f��·�;i��;�· �i��-1�· ;· ���- Th�-i � °Ch �;;�, apa
. i n���·'

Adjective ; American, Brit i sh, Italian, German, French

Our ne i ghbor knows the Japanese language.
My father has many American fr i ends.

- 2) -P����s�l;e- · -· �� A1���'W��if����.::i1on�:1-1b11·ubi1�e1�,, ��;���i1.::i�-������:1-1�<t11lfu 1� �� · · · b

Adjective my, your, his, her, its, ours, their

. Your dict i onary i s o,n the desk.

. The i r parents work hard every day.

n••••••••�t ••�•••••••••••�•••w•••�•••••••o••••••�••••a•• ••••••c••• •�·•••ff••M••••••• ••••�•�•�••••

3) Interrogative � Aei A1�m(ofcwiri111bb�(P).::ilo'i1bl1:N �e1.::i11.::icir1.::i't'li(1¢i1'1-i1:Nb't111t'l-i 1�bbn which,

Adjective : what, whose
:. Wh ch way shall we go?
. i

What book are you read ng at the moment?

: i

"[. ��-��������i���;«���;�¥;����J�;;�·1·�;�· ��� -�id, b;;·�tif�i,'

0 0

4) Descriptive
Adjective : rich, expens i ve, clever, yellow, lazy
The r i ch man l i ves in th i s blg_ house.
.: A clever student can answer this d i fficult quest i on .
........................ � ......•......••••••••..•..•.........•...••.•...•.•.••••••••••.•...... �� .
5) Deflnlte � Aei A1�m(ofcwi�cifbb�(P).::i111'a'Tu.tiicw1:-;i1A'l-i1't'l'l-i �.::i1't'l'l-i 't'l�eia'l-i1't'l'l-i b�'l-i this,

Adjective : that, these, those, such 'a''J:1-1�.::i'c$1'1-i'J'l-i'U'U b�'l-i one, two, three bb�::

..: lii1i.1'U� b�'l-i f rst, second, third


These students like to study English.

: There were five people i n the room.
••••� ••••3•••••••••••••-� •• ••••�••••••••• •• •••• •••••••�•a•••••••••••••••••••• ��• �

6) Indeflnlte ; Aei A1�m(ofcwirtl�fu%cw1:1'Pib'Yi'l-ie1�1.::ii(P)b"v'l-i'J1A'l-i1't'l'l-i �.::i1't'l'l-i 't'l�eia'l-i1't'lu b�'l-b

Adjective ; each, every, all, much, many, few, l i ttle, some, other
.. Susan bought some books yesterday.

: Few people came because i t rained a lot.

•••••�••-••�•••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••uaa•J���·u•••
··············· ········································································
· · · · · · p�rtlclple bt1a13-11tbl1-if Participle 'l'l�BA1�a½'1�3-11�1nn�mbll'\-b�Jl;u,Pi'W'Ylb� bl,'l.J�bll'\-b •
Present Partlclple (V.lng) 1-il'�m-1,1a-11t'\-bnt�ri1n�m (Active Voice)
t{b� '" Adjective.
We do not know that filD.glD.g lady.
Past Partlclple (V.3) b'tl�8'\-b1a-11t'\-bbjflflt�'ti1n�m (Pl:lssive Voice)
The punished student is my classmate.

'\-b8fl�1niftl'�a1mtblb'tln'Un�m�bl,a!Pl�mt3-lm'l'l�8'°1'J13-lfJn b�'\-b interest,

bore, excite, surprise, frighten, annoy, amuse b(;l��!'\Jn�m��if
V. • crhtcn... This story interests me.
V.lng • 4"'1... This story is interesting to me. ( = adj.)

• V.3 • fin... I am interested in this story. (= adj.)

·• �'lu.'t'l,i�,ie� 1) 'J1�'l'lu1A1'\-b13-l�bJfl'llm�

Adjective The handsome teacher walked slowly to school.

2) 'J1�'l'la� verb to be 'l'l�8 linking verbs b�'\-b look, seem, feel,
smell, become, appear, sound, turn, grow, taste
These kids look happy today.
3) 'J1{1'l'la�A1lil'a''a''W'\-b13-11�1h%'W1� b�'\-b someone, somebody, something,
anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing
Do you have someone special in your life?
CU81!1flb�'",ie� A'lFJnt�'W'tl;li0.s'J'1.S'Ha.Snnl'lb't'i'11f'H b�'\-b afraid, alive, alone, asleep,

1l'l1"J'l� Adjective ashamed, awake, ill, well

The children are asleep.
Fi'lFJnt�cw,f;l�e.S'J'l.S'¥1,l''lFi'l'H'l�b't1'11f'H b�'\-b elder, especial, former,
golden, inner, latter, middle, upper
John is my elder brother .
.......•... ............•
fl'l1'bffl�fi'li'I.J •�-�i;i�;������;;��;�·�;��;����·1·b��-; • i��:i���;·���-���·;;��if• • • • • • •
··········�······························· ·········J·········�··········
Adjective loi1'!-h1'!'lu1 : an"Mm:: : 'll'l-b1"1 : 81� a : ary'tl1� : A1'1-b13-I
··········�············�········�········· ..........•••.••••• ,••.•......
A nice brown bag
The new big black car
Her modern large Thai house
This dirty old red ..

Some pretty young : Italian

��1iw.1h'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Choose the correct form.

1. The children ate the (delicious / deliciously) chocolates.

2. John and Paul are both very (serious / seriously) students.

3. Something smells (good / well) in the kitchen.

4. That music sounds (terrible / terribly). I can't stand it.

5. She looked (nervous / nervously). She didn't seem to be (calm / calmly).

Exercise 2
Underline the two adjectives In each sentence.

1. We had a hot meal and a cool drink.

2. I wrote a long letter to my elderly aunt.

3. The girl felt nervous be.fore the important exam.

4. I was tired and my back was sore.

5. The angry teacher punished the naughty boy.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct form.

1. It was (surprised / surprising) that she didn't come to the party.

2. We were all very ( worried / worrying) when he didn't come home.

3. I don't normally get (frightened / frightening) when I watch horror films.

4. The football match was quite (excited / exciting). I enjoyed it.

5. The students thought the story was quite (amused / amusing).

6. Peter never stops talking and he never says anything (interested / interesting).
7. My parents were (shocked / shocking) when they heard the news.

8. Sandra is really (excited / exciting) about going to the United States.

9. I was (disappointed / disappointing) with the film. I had expected it to be better.

10. Why do you always look so (bored / boring)? Is your life really so (bored / boring)?

---------------------·-----·-·· --·- ---· -- --

exercise 4
tives In parentheses In the correct order.
put the adjec
The restaurant (new / wonderful / Thai)
2. The ________________ table (wooden / brown / old)

3, The ________________ tie (red / expensive / silk)

4, The ________________ house (Chinese / big / old)

5, The ________________ woman (Korean / young / nice)

Exercise 5
Choose the correct answer.
1. The film we saw last night was very ___
a. exciting b. excited
c. excitedly d. excitement

2. There's a ___ restaurant on the corner.

a. little nice Thai b. nice little Thai
c. Thai nice little d. nice Thai little

3. If we eat __ _ things, we may die.

a. poison b. poisons
c. poisonous d. poisonously

4. You'll find cold drinks there whenever you feel ___

a. thirsty b. thirst
c. thirstily d. thirstiness

5. I enjoyed the book. It was very

a. interest b. interests
c. interested d. interesting

6. Be with this glass of milk. It's hot.

a. care b. careful
c. caring d. careless

7. Robin looks very __ _. What's the matter with him?

a. sad b. sadness
c. sadly d. to be sad
)? 8. I find it quite ___ to talk in front of a group of people.
a. embarrass b. embarrassing
c. embarrassed d. embarrassment
9. I often get --- in new social situations.
a. nerve b. nervously
c. nervous d. nervousness

10. Steve seemed --- after he heard what his brother said.
a. anger b. angry
c. angrily d. and angry

11. My brother thinks reading newspaper is ___

a. depress b. depressed
c. depressing d. depression

12. All the girls fell in love with the ___ teacher.
a. handsome new American b. American new handsome
c. new handsome American d. American handsome new

13. I hope other people think I look ___

a. attract b. attracted
c. · attractive d. attraction

14. Paul is ___ in all kinds of sport.

a. interest b. interested
c. interestingly d. interesting

15. There was a ___ noise last night. Did you hear it?
a. loud b. loudly
c. loudness d. very loudly

16. Sometimes, driving at night can be very ___

a. danger b. dangers
c. dangerous d. dangerously

17. My uncle finds walking in the countryside very ___

a. relax b. relaxed
c. relaxation d. relaxing

18. All the children in that class are ___

a. intelligent b. intelligently
c. so intelligently d. intelligence

19. My neighbor recently married a ___ woman.

a. young beautiful Greek b. beautiful young Greek
c. beautiful Greek young d. Greek young beautiful
for many people, giving a presentation can be a ___ experience.
a. scare b. scary
c. scared d. scarily

when people smoke in restaurants.

21. I get
a. annoy b. annoying
c. annoyed d. annoyingly

22. My sister always wears clothes.

a. bright b. brightly
c. brighten d. brightness

23. Anna is a supermodel.

a. beautiful slim Brazilian b. Brazilian beautiful slim
c. slim Brazilian beautiful d. Brazilian slim beautiful

24. At the end of a day•s work, she is often

a. exhaust b. exhausted
c. exhausts d. exhausting

25. Those apples look . May I have one?

a. delicious b. like deliciously
c. deliciously d. so deliciously

26. I get ___ when someone asks difficult 9uestions.

a. confuse b. confused
c. confusing d. confusion

27. This situation re9uires a ___ investigation.

a. serious b. seriously
c. seriousness d. very seriously

28. Going to new places is always ___

a. excited b. excite
c. exciting d. excitedly

29. The boss gave him a ___ vase.

a. small Egyptian black b. black Egyptian small
c. small black Egyptian d. Egyptian small black

30. In the United States, food is not as ___ as in Europe.

a. expense b. expensive
c. expenses d. expensively

-- ----·-·--·--- --- - --- -- ---·- --------

1o1::�£Jh't1i BASIC GRAMMAR
�¥� ..

CONCEPT Adverb A8 r-1111�m11F1�ru 'Yi1'1'1u1�91m�'l'l�88-IT'U1�r-1111�m r-111o1mr-f��-

r-1111�m11F1�ru b�81'Pl'a'1�a ::ba�!Pl�'ll!Plb�'H, '1'1�8�3-1\J'a'ci'fil�;ff'H, �b��'l-l,Fl1'a'A1l'i11'!'l'}(1�
bba ::1o110�1�918� Fi111�m11F1�rubb1ota::ll'a'::bfl'l1 n3-li1�'1'1u1�bba::�1bb'l'l'U�9J 0�n111�

of Manner (How?) af11a�rh�i;i'1� -ly b�'H, quickly, badly, easily, carefully

Paul drives carefully but has a lot of accidents.

The girl was sitting uncomfortably on the floor.
2) Adverb A8 Fi111�m11F1�rufi111bba!Pl�am'H,� 'Yi1b'P!111b11!Pl;ff'l-l,ffi!Pl (Where?) b�'H, her� ..
'lJ I

of Place there, somewhere, upstairs, downstairs, abroad

You should. wait for your daughter here.

• They never traveled abroad when they were kids.


3) Adverb Aei Fi111�m�lFl�mfi111bba!Pl�b1a1 'Yi11'Pli;11b11!Pl;ffm�e11!Pl (When?) b �'H, tonight,

of Time today, now, soon, yesterday, lately, tomorrow

I think I will go to bed early tonight.
What have you been doing lately?
.... 4 .Ad·�;;b· ... ·i;.
j �;�;�;�������;;;�-1����;;�·11· ·���-� -�;1�i�;b�-�? ;J��:�;1�· ·cH��·
of Frequency often?) b�'H, always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
She has never done that before.
This employee always_ does his work well.
....5).Ad·�;;b· ... ·i�· �;�;�;�-������;;;;;��. �11�i;;��;��i��·::·i��-;���� b��;1;· c1�····
of Degree what degree?) b �'l-1, very, rather, too, quite, nearly, so
We do not have very much money.

• He speaks too quickly for me to follow him.

Adverb 1) bba!Pl�m'a'ma-i b �'H, when, where, why, how
Where are you going?
2) bba!Pl�f11'a'lolel'Uf'U b �'l-1, yes, certainly, definitely, absolutely '
Could you help me? Definite!¥,

-- ••
--· - -------- ----
•••• ···-
············· ·············································································
3) bb�!P"l�m'a'\.18'\J'U{lblfIT b�'H, no, never
Does he know where you live? No.

4) bl.�mm'a'a'Yl1'H, 1�bl.fl how

• How pretty she is!

······�'!l''lfl,a� 1) 1 icum�foi111�m (V erb)

Adverb Jennifer plays tennis well.

2) b'll'llm�l-i1Flru�<v-J't'l (Adjective)
Our teachers are very kind.
3) b'llcum�foi111�m1bF1�ci' (Adverb)
M y parents drive very carefully.
4) 1icumm�'t'l�a11��foi1 (Phrase)
These people lived nearly on the top of the hill.
5) 1'n'cum�'tf�'lJ'a'::l�A�1o11��1 (Sentence)
Unfortunately, the weather was bad and we had to wait.
····················· .•.......•.••............•..•............•.•........•.........•.•...••......
�hu.'t'l'ti�,a� 1) -;i1�'Pli�r,i111�m

Adverb Henry walked slowly.

2) 'J1�'Pl'li1Fl11l��1 'Pl�8'a'::'Pl11�Fl11l��1�8�\ol'J
You should never do it again.
3) 'J1�'Pl'li1 Adjective 't'l�a Adverb
This question is really difficult.
4) -;i1�11�wtl'a'::l�A �a�a�mtb'ii'H,?1
Yesterday I went to a football match.
5) 'J1�11'n1�'U'a'::l�A �a'lJ'a'::l�Af'H,
He will come back tomorrow.
...•............... ••••.•..•••..•.•...••..........•....•....•..................•...............
TIP 'IJ1�1-i1bll'H,1�.J�l-i11-lru�<v-Jibl.a::l-i111�m1bF1�m t(,1�1��111-a'b'lJ��'H,!'lJ b�'H, early,
fast, hard, high, late, low, right, wrong t:11b'a'1�:'a'::'l.J11btl'H,A1'lJ'a'::bfl'Ylb(Pl
This homework is hard. ( = adj. b<v-J'n::cum�A1'H,1� homework)
The students work hard. ( adv. b<v-J'a'1::cum�foi111�m work)
····················· .••.•...............................•••......... .....•......................

1o1::��l�'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR -

-Exercise ·l�
, ')'

�--, • ' • ,,. ,.., •7;' ! ... <;;

• ,,. • -a- � .. 'I., �lul " �-·..... �"ti-,

Put thG sentences Ir,; ihc corroc�· orde,.

1. has / there / Peter / been / never / before.

2. from I usually / vegetables / the night market / I / buy.

3. quickly / ate / our / we / extremely / sandwiches.

4. injured / was / the girl / in the accident / slightly.

5. was / by / ioially / everything / in ihe lecture / I / confused.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words In parentheses.
1. These people are speaking (quiet)

2. My sister can speak English (800d)

3. He is playing the guitar (nice)

4. The children are playing (happy)

5. He always does his homework (careful)

6. You should drive more (slow)

7. The old man walks very (rapid)

8. The teacher shouts very (angry)

9. I can do all of these exercises (easy)

10. Paul works very _______ in his new job. (hard)

11. My father runs very (fast)

12. They both study English very (serious)

13. I agree with you ------- in this matter. (complete)

14. She always speaks ------- to the child. (soft)

15. Her sister plays the violin (beautiful)
e,cercise 3
sentences using one of the words In the box.
Complete the
safely happily carefully slowly quickly

1. The turtle walked _____ and couldn·t keep up with the rabbit.

2. Mike chose the answers for his test _____ so he would pass.

3. The boy saw there were no cars coming so he could cross the street _____

4. The team ran _____ towards the finish line to win the race.

5. This time tomorrow I will be working _____ in my garden.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. My car. broke down yesterday: I hope the mechanic can fix it ___
a. quick b. quickly
c. quickness d. very quick

2. I was ___ confused by his difficult question.

a. complete b. completed
c. completely d. completion

3. My friends and I passed the English test ___

a. ease b. easy
c. easily d. very easy

4. If you drive ____, you could have an accident.

a. reckless b. recklessly
c. very reckless d. recklessness

5. I like to tell jokes and make people laugh. I tell jokes ___
a. good b. well
c. bad d. badly

6. My father works very ___ and has very little free time.
a. hard b. hardly
c. so hard d. hardness

7. The stars were shining ___ in a clear sky.

a. bright b. brightly
c. brightness d. so bright

�::�mh'l'li BASIC GRAMMAR

8. You must work hard if you want to do this exercise
a. correct b. correctly
c. corrected d. correctness

9. The teacher explained the assignment

a. care b. careful
c. careless d. carefully

10. I think he answered that question cleverly.

a. extreme b. too extreme
c. extremely d. very extreme

11. The driver stared ___ at the motorcyclist.

a. angry b. angrily
c. anger d. very angry

12. T �m tries very when he plays tennis but Martin always wins.
a. hard b. hardly
c. hardness d. very hardly

13. The coach was angry. He had never seen his team play so ___
a. bad b. badly
c. worse d. badness
14. James often arrives for school on Mondays.
a. late b. lately
c. later d. lateness

15. We enjoyed the play we saw last night.

a. real b. reality
c. really d. so real

16. English and German are related.

a. close b. closing
C. closed d. closely

17. I have ___ finished the book you gave me.

a. near b. nearness
c. nearly d. very near

18. He's an awful driver. He never stops the car ___

a. smooth b. smoothly
c. very smooth d. smoothness

19. The grass grew ___ because of the dry weather.

a. slow b. slowness
c. slowly d. very slow
Jack is ___ upset about losing his keys.
a. terrible· b. terribly
c. very terrible d. so terrible

You should try to speak ___ if you are giving a speech.

a. clear b. clearness
c. clearly d. clarity

22. I think you have spent too much money ___

a. late b. lately
c. lateness d. later

23. The car was damaged in the accident.

a. serious b. seriousness
c. seriously d. very serious

24. The teacher shouted ___ at the naughty children.

a. angry b. anger
c. so angry d. angrily

25. Sara speaks so --- that I can·t understand her.

a. fast b. fastly
c. very fast d. too fast

26. The house was ___ destroyed in the explosion.

a. total b. totally
c. a total d. a totally

27. They always get home ___ on weekends.

a. late b. later
c. lately d. lateness

28. If you want tourists to visit your country, you must treat them ___
a. please b. pleased
c. pleasant d. pleasantly

29. His English is improving all the time. He speaks very ___ now.
a. good b. best
c. well d. better

30. David is the best student in class. He studies ___

a. hard b. hardness
c. hardly d. very hardly

1o1���b'cl'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR •11j•

_ Comparison
••••�•••••••••••••��••••••••••••••••�u••••••••��M•�•••••�•••••••••u•••a••���M6•M•••���•w.• �

CONCEPT : Comparison
. Ra fl1'a'b'll1�'llbr'i�'ll b'l-b�'it''<¥::'Pl3-11�ii�m'a'b'll1�rnri�'llCoi1�m01'W'tf�;;····

.: Coi1n�m�bA�m ��bb'U�aan1�bll'l-b 3 t'll 1�bbfl '!Ywrr'a''a'3-IA1 (Positive Degree)

: 'IY'l-bn11 (Comparative Degree) bbs1::'IY'l-b���� (Superlative Degree)
••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••••••••�••••••••••••••••••••m••••••••••••••••••••••••••

i'"1ttt3-1�1 �
.: adjective
fl1'a'b'll��'llbr'i�'ll'IY'l-bfi''a''a'3-lm b�acum�f.l'J13-I1i'll�b'<¥'1-b��fu b'a'1'<¥::1'iieoi11 ut'll'llnih1e1; • • · · ·

.•. / adverb
•• She speaks Chinese as fluently as her sister .
i'"o�1 . fl1'a'b'll��'llbr'i�'ll'IY'l-bn11 bbl;'/��fl1'a'b'll��'llbr'i�'llt::'P!11� 2 �� bb'U�bll1-1, 2 t'll Re1
adj. / adv. + .er + than (b<if11'UA1'Wm�Ab�m)
Tom is taller than Peter.
more + adj. / adv. + than (b'ii11'Ueoi1�a1l;'fa�'Wm�Af'l-b1'll)
Tom is more handsome than Peter.

.. •
: fl1'a'b'll��'llbr'i�'ll'IY'l-bl;'/�l;'f�
• 'IJ <I
bbl;'/��n1tb'll��'llbr'i�'Ut::'P!11� 2 ��f'l-b1'l.J bb'U�bll'l-b 2 -a-'ll 0ie1

: the + adj. / adv. + est (b1111'UA1'Wm�Ab�m)
John is the tallest boy in his class.
: the + most + adj. / adv. (b<if11'lll-i1��l;'fa�'Wm�1o197'1-b1'l.J)
• John is the most handsome boy in his class.

� 1) l-i1'Wm�Ab�m 1ib�3-I er ( 'IY"Hin11) 'P!�el est ( '!Y'l-b����) rh�!oi1
.: shorter

.: shortest

Adj./ Adv. : young : younger : youngest

; 2) l-i1'Wm�1o1b�m�a1�t::ba��l'l-b 1 1o11 1o11l;'f::n� 1 1o11 1ib�3-11o11l;'f::n�an 1 1o1111e1'Hi
.: bigger
.: biggest
.:. thinner ..
: thinnest
� .....•.•.................:...•.•....•............... :......................... .
: 3) ro11�s1�rf1��1� -er / -le 1ib�3-I er / est bblol{l16l�'n1��1� -y �8�b'll�mi

. y
. happier .: happiest
<t • .,
b'iJ'l-b I �1£1

happy :
. .

: simpler : simplest
f 4) -�;;����-;�·�r'H,1� ·1��i�- -�·�;�··c1����)· -�i�--���; ·c}�·�;��)· ��;��---·

. . .•

useful : more useful : most useful

: quickly : more quickly : most quickly

•••••••••••••••••�••••••••••••••••••••••••••'•·�=�•••••••n•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••�o••• �• ••••
•••••• ················
• ·········

························11··········· •1
I •
'11%1tn�Fl'l 'U%fl'J'l CU%�{t�F!
: :
• · · ············
:• good (adj.) : better
well (adv.)
,: ..........••.....•.•.•.•:� ................................... �:••......•..•.•.•..
: bad (adj.)
••: worse : worst
• badly (adv.) ..

-························-······················································· .
: little (adj. / adv.) : less : least
.• more
I a,

many (adj.) : most

: much (adj. / adv.)
: late (adv.) : later : latest .
: far (adj. / adv.) : farther (1"iin'lJt::t1::'Yl1�)
further (bifn'lJt::t1::'Yl1�'l'l�8'll8�a)
• furthest
.·: •..•..........•••..••••.

old (adj.)
. .• oldest
•� ••..•.................•............ � .•.....•.•.•...•..
• older
elder ('J1�'l'l'H1'Hi13-I = A'Hir1bbf11YJ1) .• eldest
M elder sister is a vegetarian.

. This is the worst book that I had to read.

fl'l':i'bU�f.l'U fl1'a'b'U�mJ1,rit1'lJA'J13-lb't11brit1:Hn'Hit::'l'l�1� 2 �� l.'113-11'a'rtb'll!'Ul,l,'IJ'IJ\o11�"1 ��<tt
as + adj. / adv. + as
Andrew is as tall as his father.
as + much / many + N. + as
.. Susan has as much money as her friend .
the same + (N.) + as
This bicycle is the same price as that one.
........•..•......� ...•......................•....................•.....•.........................
fl'l':i'btlff!'U n1'a'b'U�tl'Ubf'itl'IJA'J1a-l1�b't11britl:Hfl'Hi'a'::'l'l11� 2 �� l.'113-11'dblb'Il!'Ubb'IJ'U\ol1�"7 ��{

�'llMb'1'111'" not as / so + adj. / adv. + as

She is not so diligent as her brother.
less + adj. / adv. + than

. '
M y car is less expensive than his car.
....••...•••.•..•.� ..................•...•.•••.•.•.•••••••.••.....•.• .•••.•.....•.••••••.....•.•..


� (1''¢::::J




1o1::at1b',;/'Ylrl' BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words In parentheses.
1. Going by bus is _______ than going by train. (cheap)

2. I was _______ after the holiday than I was before it. (tired)

3. Could you please speak _______? (slow)

4. She has _______ eyes that rve ever seen. (beautiful)

5. Do you know what _______ planet in our solar system is? (big)

6. Sharon is a lot _______ than she was as a child. (friendly)

7. Your room looks a lot _______ since you tidied it up. (good)

8. That was _______ meal I've had in a long time. ( delicious)

9. My _______ brother has been working here for 4 years now. (old)

10. Of all the people who work here, Adam has _______ experience. (little)

'. � '

· Exercise
FIii In the blanks with the correct form of the words In parentheses.
went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was (1)
_____ (small) than the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was (2)
(small) room in the hotel. The weather was terrible, too. It was (3)
_____ (cold) than in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty-it was
(4) _____ (dirty) of all the beaches on the island. The food was (5) ____
(expensive) than I expected and I didn't have enough money. One day I went shopping
in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was (6) _____ (expensive)
vase in the whole shop. But (7) _____ (bad) thing of all was that I lost my
passport and I couldn't go back home. It was (8) (horrible) holiday in my

Exercise 3·
Complete the sentences using the Information given.
Age 25 30 35
Weight 70 kgs 72 kgs 75 kgs
Height 1.68 1.72 1.80
Salary $800/month $1000/month $1500/month
House 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms

-------------· --·----·-·
�, __
-I �
(young) David is Tom and George.

(old) George and Tom are David.

3. (heavy) George is the of all.

4. (light) Tom is George.

5. (tall) George is of all.

6. (old) George is Tom.

7. (little) David gets money Tom.

8. (much) George gets money Tom.

9. (small) David's house is Tom's.

10. (big) George's house is of all.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. Bangkok is the biggest and ___ city in Thailand.

a. more crowded b.. the most crowd
c. the most crowded d. crowded

2; Of the three of us, I seem to have the ___ money.

a. less b. least
c. little d. most little
3. I study ___ when there is nobody to disturb me.
a. good b. very good
c. better d. the better
4. This is a nice cat. It's much ___ than my friend's cat.
a. nice b. nicer
c. nicely d. more nicely
5. We go fast by car. We go ___ faster by plane.
a. very b. more
c. much d. most
6. Non-smokers usually live ___ than smokers.
a. long b. longer
c. very long d. more long
7. The teacher said that my assignment was ___ in the class.
a. good b. well
c. better d. the best

1o1::�1:1tr.v11tl' BASIC GRAMMAR

8. Mike was the member of his family.
a. success b. more successful
c. successful d. most successful

9. John does not speak his brother.

a. softly as b. as softly as
c. more soft d. as soft as

10. We read the newspapers ___ than we used to.

a. often b. very often
c. more often d. most often

11. This term's results were --- than last term's.

a. bad b. badly
c. more worse d. worse

12. That car is the same kind --- this one.

a. of b. with
c. as d. that

13. The lecture on economics was --- I had ever heard.

a. interesting b. interested
c. the most interesting d. the most interested

14. Which is the --- animal in the world?

a. danger b. dangerous
c. the most danger d. the most dangerous

15. Peter didn't win ___ number of prizes ___ Tom did.
a. as... as b. the
c. so...that d.

16. A holiday by the sea is ___ 1han a holiday in the mountains.

a. good b. better
c. well d. the best

17. Being healthy is far than being wealthy.

a. important b. importantly
C. more important d. more importantly

18. Jack's father is much than his mother.

a. old b. oldest
c. older d. elder

19. My brother wanted ___ shirt in the shop.

a. expensive b. the most expensive
c. more expensive d. the more expensive
.--------- - ·-· ··-
o. Her pen is ___ color ___ mine.
a. b.
c. the same...with d. the

21. He is one of ___ football players in the world.

a. famous b. more famous
c. the most famous d. the more famous

22. I exercise ___ now because I have stopped smoking.

a. regular b. regularly
c. more regular d. more regularly

23. We should realize that old people are than young people.
a. wise b. wiser
c. wisely d. more wisely

24. This book isn't interesting that one.

a. b. the
c. so...that d. such an

25. There are ten houses on our street. Our house is one.
a. big b. bigger
c. the biggest d. biggest

26. The weather this summer is even than last summer.

a. bad b. worse
c. badly d. more worse

27. The IBM is used computer in that country.

a. more common b. more commonly
c. the most common d. the most commonly

28. Paul won prizes James.

a. so...that b. little... as
c. fewer...than d. less...than

29. I carried bag and my little brother carried the other two.
a. heavy b. heavier
c. more heavy d. the heaviest

30. These sofas are than ours.

a. comfortable b. comfortably
c. more comfortable d. more comfortably

1ot::611:1h'l1i BASIC GRAMMAR

, . . ' � ' ._ " .

Pre:nosiiti·e-ri. ·�:
,., ,. �
" .u�..
! ......,..."'-•..,:.,._

CONCEPT · Preposi'l'ion A8 A1'1J'W'li°r1 ��1'tlb�'elil-lA1H1ll'fl�8A1f;it-r'W'l-J,1a.Jb'll1fl'l1A1�'l-li"l1'H,'ll1�tt,A ·

· b�8�'Jmbg4A{lR'J1aJ/3-1<vfui'Pl�arh1�R'J13-l'Pla.J11:l'llm'll-r:Tr1Ati3-1\jtci'�u (Pl{l'lu rn:i1ti
' r.i1 ..
� 'lJ'W'll'Yl�8{l\.11aJ3�1�'Jl:JA1'1-1,13-lba3-18 �b�tl'J.l,fol'J':i'�A�1'll'J:bdl'Yl 'll8{]A1'lJ'W'U'Yl'Yh·.J'U'll ell:! 1�u,n
' ' '
: A1'U'W'll'Ylribb�A{lbalil1
' bb8:A1'U'W'll'Ylribb�mam'H
' ri
11;;,: �-t !'i!Jllll'IQ�•"'· 1 ""' -- .,, it, 'fflll\l'! ,... !'I! ,,. >1 ,.. n•�,

Fl'l'J'W'U't1 .' at • at 10 0
clock I at night / at noon

1JSflb'.la'1 tt
: at sunrise / ai' sunset
.. ..., t ,. ,;, ' ;;. ..; " I., $au t, it!� 1'I

. on ;, +. 1''H1ua'llmi I 1''H� I on Monday / on September 14 /

I' " 1'uli11AqJ / 1'1-rn��A on Songkran Day
UGen• .. �� -�- anN �-- �" ft � • ·"•�•MN� �""���� ���"�

: In � + br.18'1-1, / q� / 1l / -a-:1:1: : in June / in summer

0 •
I in 2009 /
: In five minutes / in the evening
" �. ·
are•�� v

�Mb p ��.:b��-C�W�U�E" -� ��·��o� m•�� '

.•. since : + �Ab�3- l�'H'll8{lb'J�1 • since 2012 / since 9 clock /

' 0
�: (= \.]{lbb\91)

,. � since noon / since May 15

: for
: + '.i':1:1::rnn
; (= btl'Hbam)
.;• for ten minutes / for two weeks /
for six months / for many years
�kn•••· R�M CN••••#••••••�M-�b� M•• �� •• ••••••aA••••••e�••�a�•••9•�•�o· �

• durlnA
; + -r:1:1::b11;:nri\.18b�8{lfl'l-b ; during our dinner / during the war /
: : (= '.i'::'Pl'J1{]) : during the summer holidays
�••••ansaQGa•m•a••• ••••••Pa�K� •mn• � ••�••••••••u•••••n••••�•••••••••·•o, ��

; by � + �r.i'Plit{l'll8.(lbam 9
; by 6 0 clock / by next week /

;-m•••• � ( = rn1:11'H) � by tomorrow

••••••••••••••••••c••••• �N-�4��•w•• ••••••••�aaa•• ••a•��a••eaN�� «�,

: until : + �r.i'Plit{l'IJ8{lb'Jlil1

: until 10 o'clock / until next week /
r.< •

: : ( = Q'H1l'.i'::rf{l) : until next year

�••••••M•�ga�•••••••••��•••••w• c"�Qft�OOP-••Naan•••m••••••••••••••••-••a•�••• ��-

: : + �(.lb�a-J�'H...�r.iiugJ'9J
111 a ,. 'I •
; from eight until midnight / from

: until/till : 'll8{lb'J�1 ( = �111... th ..) : 2009 to 2012

•••b••••Q••�•�a• .. •••••••� •••aZ••• •••••••�•"• "�••••a a • ••••••••••• •••••a•••••• •ea •

: at : + �0� / o/laj'lJTH / � at the door I at the Public Library /

'U8fla{l'l'Mif1 :�au : �m'Hrib�fl°7'P\�8bQ1�Q{l : at the airport / at the party

. .. on the third floor / on the wall /
• am•••���•�•J• u ••� �••�• �• �� �•n•••••�m•ft•••a•�•R•••••••••sP•�"•i-�h

: on
: + inm /
: on Sukhumwit Road
Ill i,;. .i G 1,1 .. V.. � � :i , •· , ;. 4 �•���. �=� ������a�«•� �••••••�• •••�••���M Jma••· · �

• in I f� I 'Yl1'll / � in Bangkok / in Texas / in Asia /

•� : in Thailand / in the country
•••••M•G•Paq�---·�·······�-ft a!<.la•ott- r, ,c •�unaa •1t•••1tt••t:t•11tliMl'Jt1u•••• · , 1�•r.• •
··· · '· · · · ·
:• between : + li18�A'H I l?l8��� : between John and Peter / b;;�;��

. .
• : (= 'J'::'1'111�) : the two countries
. among

.. .
: + li18�A'H / l?l8���9T'H1tJ : among scientists / among friend�"i"'

· ·· · ......... : ( = '1113-lfllin�'l'!::r81'H'l'laj) : among the books

� ..........••.•••......•.........•...•••••.•••.•••.•........•.••..•.•..........•. ·
'U8fl'nA't11� in (= m�1'H)
't1 � He is Jogging in the park.
into (= b�h1tJ1'H) : He drove the car into the park.
toward (= 1tJ't11�): I walked toward the park.
through (= �1'H) We drove through the wood.
across (= cif13-1) We ran straight across the road.
around (= 'a'el'U) The dog ran around the house.
� ......................................... ········································
: 'Ueln�n-r::crhibA18��8 � by + �n-r::crh � The picture was painted bt Jim.
� with+ bA1e1��e1 : We open the door with a key.

: 'Uelnm-r-i'J3-lf1'H : with : I walk to school with my friend.

: 'Ue1n1'1o1Q'l.Jt::l?l�A · : for : What is this money for?

.. f ����;;b��;�;;�� .. T �; .............. Th�-h��di�· �; �h� -���- �;·b��k�-�.- ·

: 'Uelnn1-r1'r.i : by + 'l'l'H'J�1'r.i : The materia_l is sold b¥ a meter.
: of + ��'\lel� I want two meters of this cloth.
·as· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · �:.:· Andrew

·.: 'U9fl\.11bb'l'l1-t�/mt1�
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ....:: ·like
: 'UelflA'J13-lb'l'l�el'l-Hl'li
� · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -· · -· -· · her
Sandra looks like
works as a teacher.
· · · · ·mother.

: 'U8nm-rn-r::'Yh
: by + 'W1'1'l'H::
She went to work on foot.
: on + nTni;\mrh
I come to school b¥ bus.

..: with + e1tJn-rci'

• Write your answer with a pen .
-·····················-················· ...........••.•.•......•••••.••.•.••.•..
:� 'Uelfl'a'1A1 : for + '<$1'!-t'J'Hb�'H : I got that book for 200 baht.
: 'Uelna'n<ctm:: : with + a'n<ctm:: : We know the girl with long hair.
........•••....•.� ••...•.•............. ,.................. �•.....•.......................•........

FIii In the blanks wlth "at", "'ort c,,- ..ln"'.
#, F ' ,,,. �·
•., .. .... � •

l ____ Saturday 6. summer 11. the 79 th cen11 Jry

2. __ July 7. Christmas 12. __ midnight
3. 2009 8. __ the evening 13. __ September 14
4. the weekend 9. __ half past two 14. noon
5. 9 o'clock 10. __ night 15. __ Monday morning

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. They got married _____ Boston ·twenty years ago.

2. My office is _____ the ground floor. The second door _____ the right.
3. I have a friend v,zho lives _____ a, small _village _____ the coast.
4. There were many cars parked _____ this street.
5. I had a strange feeling when I first arrived _____ this country.
6. We had a party _____ Frank's house last night.
7. Don't come to see me tomorrow. I won't be ---- hon1e. 1':l be ---- Joh i-1 's.
8. The plane arrived _____ the airport two hours late.
9. Mary and Diana are students Harvard University.
10. I haven't seen Jane for a long time. I last saw her _____ Mike's wedding.
11. What time are we expected to arrive _____ the hotel?
12. He speaks good Spanish. He studied _____ Madrid for a year.
13. There were a lot of young people _____ the concert.
14. When the two boys arrived _____ the cinema, they joined the queue.
15. In most countries people drive _____ the right.

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. You can see the stars _____ night if the sky is clear.
2. My younger sister lives _____ 810 Jackson Street.
3. The circus usually comes to our town _____ spring.

Tom isn't here _____ the moment. He'll be back _____ five minutes.

The sports results are _____ the back page of the newspaper.

My favorite TV program begins _____ 6:30 _____ the evening.

James works hard during the week, so he likes to relax _____ weekends.

My secretary wasn't _· ____ work today. She was ____ home.

Mike and his family go for a walk _____ the evenings.

It can be dangerous when children play football _____ the street.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. Quick! Get ___ the train. It's leaving.

a. on b. in
c. by d. off

2. We'll go to the train station ___ a taxi.

a. in b. at
c. on d. by
3. I usually visit my grandparents ___ Sunday afternoon.
a. on b. in
c. at d. for

4. After ___ his work, Peter took a rest.

a. to do b. he does
c. doing d. had done

5. Are the boys still swimming ___ the pool?

a. at b. to
c. in d. on
6. ___ the picture, I can see a family ___ a kitchen.
a. ln...on b. On ...on
c. d. ln... in
7. I always have dinner with my family ___ Christmas Day.
a. in b. on
c. for d. at

8. They haven't done any work ___ three days.

a. on b. since
c. during d. for

��m.1l'ol'l1i BASIC GRAMMAR

9. He often goes to work bicycle in summer.
a. in b. on
c. by d. from

10. Susan is holding a mug her hand.

a. at b. from
c. on d. in

11. People give chocolate eggs as presents Easter.

a. at b. for
C. on d. in

12. I have a friend who is a student ___ a university ___ England.

a. b.
c. at..Jn d. of...of

13. We ar·e going away ___ a week. We'll be back on September 9.

a. since b. for
c. from d. during

14. I don't like traveling ___ underground.

a. from b. on
c. in d. by

15. I have English lessons ___ Mondays and Wednesdays.

a. on b. since
c. in d. at

16. My brother was born ___ September 2010.

a. at b. on
C. in d. since

17. Your mother is coming back ___ the shops.

a. from b. to
c. by d. into

18. We met many people ___ our stay in London.

a. in b. since
c. for d. during

19. The Kingdom of Ayutthaya lasted ___ hundreds of years.

a. in b. at
c. on d. for
I have been working in this room ___ half an hour.
a. since b. for
c. ago d. until

always colder November than September.

21. It's
a. on b. at
c. for d. in

you been doing ___ nice o'clock this morning.

22. What have
a. at b. on
c. since d. for

23. The law was changed ___ the nineteenth century.

a. in b. for
c. at d. since

24. It's very cold. You should have your coat on before ___ out.
a. go b. going
c. went d. gone

25. The man is going to be sent prison.

a. from b. into
c. to d. in

26. My friend didn't feel well the examination.

a. in b. since
c. during d. for

27. He can run here --- the church in five minutes.

a. b. in...from
c. to...from d.

28. Ann was tired of to the same story.

a. listening b. listen
c. to listen d. to have listened

29. She waited for you ___ half an hour in the rain.
a. since b. for
c. during d. in

30. I haven't seen you ___ we met in Paris two years ago.
a. from b. since
c. during d. for
••••••••••••-••••••••,••••••••••�•••��•m•P•• � •••••�•�•RftN�••-m•�•�••••• w••o�OM•Dm�w•u�� -

CONCEPT Conjunction A8 rohiuIT1u ��b'llb�8d'!A1 n�d'!A1 'l'l�e1'll-a-::fo1o1bcif1�-mnu ��b�-��·

fub'U�88n1�btlu 3 'llt::bfl't1 1�bbfl Coordinate Conjunction, Correlative
Conjunction bba:: Subordinate Conjunction �b��um-a-�mi1m-a-1ifroi1b� e13-1
• bb\.la::roh ���A'J1d'!'l'\.11�nue1e1n1'll

Coordinate Ae 1o11iuIT1u�'ifb�8d'!loi1 n�d-!1o11 'l'l�e1'll-a-::t�1o1��'ll-a-::bfl't1b�m11u bb'U�btlu 4 ���-

\9113-IA'J13-l'l'ld-!1� 1�bbfl
1) I.Lfl�Hlfl'J1�fla0s�1�rl'ew, 1�bbfl and
His brother is tall and handsome.
They are going to a zoo and an aquarium.
2) I.Lfl��fl'J1�'1i�ui�rl'ew, 1�bbn but bba:: yet
The teacher was angry, but he kept quiet.
John plays tennis, yet his favorite sport is football.
3) I.Lfl��n1-:rt,;i.a0n 1�bbfl or 'l'l�el nor 1uA'J13-l'l'lmmb'U'U'llijb�,fa
We want to watch TV or listen to some music.
These people are not insane, nor are they fools.
4) I.Lfl��bfl�u.a::�u� 1�bbfl for ( + b'l'II-J) bba:: so (+ 1)-Ja)
I went to bed, for I was very tired.

. We felt hungry, so we took a lunch break.

····················•J••········································································ ..

Correlative A8 rohiuIT1U�'llb'l'l�e1un'U Coordinate Conjunction A8 b�83-IA1 n�3-1/oi1

Conjunction 'l'l�e'll-a-::t�A��'ll-a-::bfl't1b�mnu bb�Lif1o11b�83-lbllu�ui13-le 1�bbn

elther...or... C = 1� ... n...)
Either John or Tom will give us the money.
• nelther...nor... ( = 1�J�...bba::... )
She speaks neither loudly nor clearly.
both...and... ( = rr� ...bb6l::...)
Both rice and wheat are grown in our country.
not only...but also... ( = 1�b'W��bb\\.ltl'�...9n�1�)
He is not only a good dancer but also a famous singer.
.......•......••....• ····································································· ·······

-· - - -- -----
··· s�b��di��;�·. "f ·i;. �;i�-;���ib�-;�. 2 -�;�1��b�1·i�;�� • :b��������-�;;;�;;�����«n��;•
: '1'1�8fol';J13-1'1'13-111:l 1�bbf1
Conjunction •�···········,·······························�····························
b';lfl1 before (na'Hi�) as long as (i.1-a-1'Llb'Yl1�) •••• ,
after ('l'l�-3�111) as soon as / once ('Yl'Hiri�)
when (�a) since (J-3bb�)
while / as (bwum::�) until / till ('tf-3)
� ••••••••••• 1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .-. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
She will return home when her mother comes.

.•[ -��;�l · ··1.· �h�·;; · c�·)·· ·· ·· · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ···=-. �h�;��-;�·c����;-�) ·· ·· ·· ·· ·

•• He sat where he could see his mother.
�•••••••..••••.•....••...........•..•...• .••.•....••.•.•.•.•..•.•...•.•......
:• �81'1'1 :• if (t11) :• in case (b'Hi1l'a'ru�)
; ; unless (tl1.J�) ; suppose (that) (�a.ia.i�11)

They will help us lf we obey them.

: Fl'J'l3'ci�ui� though (bbir11) � while (bwum::�)
.: whereas (bwum::�)
although (bbir11) ..
........... •.....................•..........................................
even though (bbir11)
Although Mike is poor, he is very honest.

: because (bcw-a-1::11)
. : since (bcw-a-1::11)
.• : as (b'W':i'1::11) : for (bcw-a-1::11)
�. .........•. ,.............•..•••....•.•..•.• � ..•.•.....................•..•..
: This student was punished because he was late.
:• 8'1111-:t :• as (b'1'1�8'Hif1'L1�) :• as though (-a-1-;in'L111)
: as if (-a-1-;in'L111)
. ...•.......
� ,:....................•.•.........:
� ......••••.•..........••.•••••..
: He talked as though he had seen the accident.

.: ,�'l.1-r:a�f.f .: so that

: : in order that (b�a�11)
� ......•.•.. ,.•....•....•.................•.................••...•........... ,
: They got up early so that they might not be late.

: N8ft'W1t .
: so (+ adj. / adv.) that (... a.i1ma1:J�'Hi1l'a'::'tf-3.. ,)
:rl •
: such (+ n.) that (...3-111lba\:l�'H,17'a'::'tf-3 .. ,)

: She is such a kind woman that everyone admires her.

•••••••••••••••••••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

i.1::�1:1h't1tl° BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct coordinate conjunction.

1. Should I order soup _____ salad with dinner?

2. She went to the shops ____ couldn't find anything she liked.

3. Peter wants to be either a cowboy _____ a ghost for Halloween.

4. Everybody likes my brother because he is nice _____ helpful.

5. It rained heavily, _____ the tennis match was canceled.

6. Mike has a guitar, _____ he plays it very well.

7. Susan needed some money, _____ she took a part-time job.

8. You should write down the phone number, _____ you may forget it iater.

9. My sister tried to read a novel in French, _____ it was too difficult.

10. I bought a bottle of wine, _____ we drank it together.

11. The waiter was not very nice, _____ the food was delicious.

12. The concert was canceled, we went to a nightclub instead.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct correlative conjunction.

1. You will _____ have to take biology or physics next semester.

2. I don't know _____ I want to take German or Spanish.

3. If she has enough time, she will go to _____ London and Paris.

4. _____ your father nor your mother has heard you play the piano yet.

5. We should learn to accept _____ our weaknesses but also our strengths.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct one.

1. I need to work hard (so that / because) I can pass the exam.

2. (When / As if) you come back from your trip, we'll meet to discuss the problem.

3. (As soon as / Although) he was very ill, he didn't take any medicine.

4. (So that / Because) it is raining today, you should bring an umbrella along.

5. Andrew could not convince his father (although / as long as) he tried many times.

I will not talk to him (because / until) he apologizes for what he did.

Sandra spoke (as if I when) she knew what she was talking about, but she didn't.

8. You can come to the meeting (as long as I while) you don't say anything.

9. I can't buy that car (if / unless) my father lends me some money.

1 o. (If / Before) we can't find any tickets, we can watch the concert live on TV.

11. I'll call my mother (as soon as I as if) I get the news about my father.

12. I'm going shopping for food this evening (if / so that) I don't have to go at the

Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer.

1. This Job is badly paid ___ I'm looking for· another one.
a. although b. so
c. since d. · when

2. ___ he was not interested in music, he agreed to go to the concert.

a. Though b. While
c. For d. Since

3. I refuse to pay anything ___ you do the work properly.

a. so that b. while
c. until d. as long as

4. She couldn't find the book she wanted ___ she borrowed a magazine instead.
a. so b. and
C. but d. so that

5. The man was sleeping ___ the robbers came.

a. since b. for
c. and d. when
6. I came early ___ I could talk to you privately.
a. so that b. while
c. as long as . d. as if
7. I don't think he will remember the appointment ___ you remind him.
a. so b. unless
c. if d. as long as

8. The plane hasn't landed yet so I'll wait ___ it arrives.

a. when b. because
c. although d. until

\p]:;/il�b'-¥'t1i BASIC GRAMMAR

9. I don·t mind if you go out for lunch ___ you·re back for the meeting at two.
a. while b. until
c. so that d. as long as

10. Ifs not cold now but take your coat with you ___ it gets cold later.
a. in case b. even if
c. when d. as soon as

11. Please ask Jim ___ he wants to go to the Bird Park or the Zoo.
a. although b. whether
c. when d. because

12. The winters here are very cold the summers are very hot.
a. while b. because
c. as if d. until
13. His fans think that he is talented handsome.
a. either... or b. neither...nor
c. whether... or d. not only...but also

14. You won·t get a driving license easily you practice more.
a. if b. so that
c. unless d. while

15. It looks ___ the government has got a lot of problems.

a. when b. as if
c. as long as d. so that

16. ___ it is getting dark, we will not wait for him any longer.
a. While b. Unless
c. Although d. Since

17. We saw some boats ___ we were walking along the beach.
a. but b. so
c. as d. if
18. They'll go for a walk ___ the weather gets better.
a. unless b. as soon as
c. even though d. so that

19. I need to get to work early ___ I can finish the report before the meeting.
a. although b. when
c. so that d. since

I will not allow you to watch television ___ you clean your room first.
a. unless b. if
c. when d. as if

He did not join us for the movie ___ he had already seen it.
a. although b. because
c. but d. and

22. ___ he was the best qualified candidate, he didn't get the job.
a. Although b. When
c. Since d. So

23. The students were studying in the library ___ the teacher came in.
a. because b. so that
c. as if d. when

24. My brother won't play football ___ he feels better.

a. until b. while
c. because d. as soon as

25. We will not pay for the food ___ it was not what we ordered.
a. and b. although
c. because d. unless

26. He ___ listens to nor advises his friends when they have a problem.
a. either b. neither
c. whether d. not only

27. · ___ was he late for the interview but he was also inappropriately dressed for it.
a. Either b. Whether
c. Neither d. Not only

28. We are just about to go for a walk ___ it started to rain.

a. because b. so
c. when d. although

29. These rooms are very comfortable ___ they have a good view of the city.
a. and b. as
c. so that d. also

30. You will not reach the stadium in time ___ you drive faster.
a. when b. if
c. because d. unless

�::�1:1h'Yli BASIC GRAMMAR

-Question Tag
. � ..coNcEPr .. ·· ·a�;;;�;�· ·-r�-�. �-�.�;�1���;��-�;;;;�·;;i�. �����;;�-�b:��-�1� ·;;���;�· · · ·
1a-ibb'l-tb'ol 1'l-L!'Llbb'U'U'llel�A1ma-irf1�'ll'a'::foro1 bb6l::afrN::Fl1r.l'Pl-f�1��a'U Yes 'Pl1 el No
�b�fo'l-tFl'J'a''ol r.i'ol1'PI in�1rofqi-;i1�a �b'LI��'l-L'll'a'::'IT1'l-t'll ei�'ll'a'::t�Fl 1'Pl'H1 1�nmm� 'l-t
A1�'a''a''W'l-t1a-l (I, we, you, they, he, she, it) b�a1cil1'l-t Question Tag
-��;ii. a��;;���- T�� -i�-;��1-��·2· ���-1�b�� ........................ · ·· ·
··.a •. -�i�J;i� .. ..
1) �a'll'a'::t�ro1i1'Pl'H1bll'l-t 1JT::1P.Jfil'l.rnnta1 Question Tag 'ol::bllWt1J1Ji)l.fltt
It is cold today, iSn t it?

. : James came to see you yesterday, didn t he?


; 2) b�a'll'a'::t�ro1i1'Pl'H1bll'l-t 1JT::1P.Jfil1J;Ql.fftt Question Tag 'ol::bllWt1Jmmba'l

.: Your
sister can t swim, can she?

·· · · · �i��;�ii · · · ·: ·1)· ��·�;;1��-�� ·1i· v� ·;�· b� · ��-; · v.��; 1� · a��;; i·�� · r�� ·;;iii;J:�--··
. . . t come here two days ago, did he?
He didn

n'ffi'lb'H, Tag She is beautiful, isn t she?
They won t come back, will they?
2) �a'll'a'::b�Fl'H1 1if'Yl (l�a1 V. to be 'Pl1H V.�-;i�) b'l-t Question Tag
'ol::bif V. to do ( = do / does �mllmJ'ol�'U'l-t 'Pl�a did �abll'l-ta��)
He helped you, didn t he?
Ann loves Jim, doesn t she?
•�•••••••• •• •o�••••••�••••••N••••••••wm••a•••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

TIP : t'll�a�cil1'l-t Question Tag �Fl'J'a''olr.l'ol131t-1�ii'

.: were not
do not = don t
.. = weren't

9 9
does not = doesn t • : has not = hasn t
9 9
did not = didn t : have not = haven t
9 9
will not = won t had not = hadn t
9 9
shall not = shan t would not = wouldn t
9 9
should not = shouldn t cannot = can t
is not = isn t could not = couldn't
are not = aren 9 t must not = mustn t
9 9
was not = wasn t may not = mayn t
·····················'···················ft·················'······························�-- -�···
. !

···�;;t�����-y ... -��·�;�i;�·�;���-�;;{;�-���- :;�;;� ·;;���;��-1-�. �-'e)·�1¥;���;«.......... .

,lh'lf'J�/'ltee,.q'l� 'll1'::!t1FlA1d'�'t'l,sct10-rs� 1if will you 't'l1eJ won't you

Open the window, will you?
Come and see me tomorrow, will you?
'l11'::!t1Fl'lln1l'J4" 1'if shall we
Lefs go now, shall we?

Let's play football, shall we?
' tl1'::lt1Fl'll£1£l'l\tlJ1� 1ir wlll you
Let him come in, will you?
. Let us do it, will you?
...······ ············-············································································
I am .
; �e1'1.J'a'�t\!J1-11-i11if I am �eJ�b'tl aren·t I b'H,�'J'l-1,'llel� Question Tag
... I am very lazy, aren·t I?
. I am older than you, aren't I?
·····················-························································ ····················
.. used to .
: �eJ'l.J'a'�tm.,1-i:i1'if used to �eJ�1if did c\7m�f'H,�TH'lleJ� Question
..: Your friend used to work here, didn•t he?
: She used to get up very early, didn•t she?
.........•...........� ...................•.....•....•......•.•...•...........•.. , •................
there ts / are �eJ'l.J'a'�t�1-11-i11'if there is / there are / there... �ei�1i!' there �wrh�
1'1-1,lm'llei� Question Tag
There is a dictionary on the desk, isn't there?
There is nothing in that box, is there?
.......•.............� •........•.....•..•........................••••.......................•......
everyone... �eJ'l.J'a':b\!JA'l-i11'if'l.J'a':fl1'1-l, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody,
anyone, anybody, no one, nobody �'eJ�b'll they b'H,�'m Question Tag
Everybody knows the answer, don·t they?
Someone comes here now, don·t they?


Exercise 1
Match the question tag on the right with the sentence on the left.

1. You can·t answer all the questions, a. didn·t he?

2. You will help me to do the dishes, b. will you?

3. John believes you, c. can·t you?

4. The teacher should explain the lesson, d. doesn·t he?

5. The boy didn•t know the lesson, e. can you?

6. Bob frightened you, f. should he?

7. You can speak English well, g. could she?

8. She couldn·t arrange that, h. won·t you?

9. You won't tell him, i. did he?

10. He shouldn·t do it, j. shouldn·-i- he?

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with a question tag.
1. You don't like this music, ?

2. Robert isn't at work today, ?

3. You haven't seen the newspaper, ?

4. Tom speaks French and Spanish, ?

5. They didn't go to the concert, ?

6. You'd like to have something to eat, ?

7. We're leaving tomorrow, ?

8. Switch on the light for me, ?

9. Don't forget to lock the door, ?

10. Nobody was watching the TV, ?

11. Everyone will be here soon, ?

12. There are a lot of kids in your house, ?

13. Pass me that magazine, ?

14. Let's have a cup of tea, ?

15. You haven·t seen my keys, ?

E,cercise 3
tence with a question tag.
Write a sen

1. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror. It doesn·t look very nice.

What do you say? ________________?

You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices. Ifs very

What do you say? ----------------?

3. You·ve just come out of the cinema with your friend. You both thought the film was

What do you say? ----------------?

Exercise 4
· Choose the correct answer.

1. When she was a child, she ___ very bright, was she?
a. wasn·t b. weren't
c. didn't d. hadn•t

2. The young student is very ambitious, ?

a. is he b. does he
c. isn·t he d. doesn•t he

3. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?

a. do we b. don't we
C. should we d. shouldn·t we
4. She draws a beautiful picture, ?
a. is she b. isn·t she
c. does she d. doesn·t she
5. Harry wouldn•t make such a silly mistake, ___?
a. would he b. will he
c. wouldn•t he d. won•t he
6. I believe you are just fourteen years old, ___?
a. do you b. are you
c. don·t you d. aren•t you
7. We came home late last night, ___?
a. did we b. do we
c. didn·t we d. don·t we

1o1::�mh'l'li BASIC GRAMMAR

8. They will come and play with us again, ?
a. will they b. won't they
c. do they d. don't they
9. You must eat something before you take the medicine, ?
a. must you b. do you
C. mustn't you d. don't you
10. You ___ to cut the fish with a special knife, haven't you?
a. had b. have
c. having d. will have
11. He ___ as soon as he hears the news, won't he?
a. will come b. won't come
c. comes d. doesn't come
12. There aren't any cheap shirts in this shop, ___ ?
a. are they b. aren't they
c. are there d. aren't there
13. They are going to buy us some cold drinks, ___?
a. are they b. aren't they
c. do they d. don't they
14. You wouldn't want your children to behave like that, ?
a. will you b. won't you
C. would you d. wouldn't you
15. from New York, hasn't he?
a. Tim had returned b. Tim returned
c. Has Tim returned d. Tim has returned
16. Everyone should be ready to go now, ?
a. should they b. shouldn't they
C. do they d. don't they
17. We must go now before it is too late, ?
a. must we b. mustn't we
c. is it d. isn't it
18. Your uncle goes jogging every day, ?
a. does he b. is he
C. doesn't he d. isn't he
19. Our relatives ___ here an hour ago, weren't they?
a. is b. are
c. was d. were
Don't forget to bring your identity card along, ?
a. will you b. do you
c. should you d. could you
could find out what was wrong, ?
21. No one
a. can they b. can't they
c. could they d. couldn't they

22. Your brother like to talk much, does he?

a. does b. is
c. doesn't d. isn't

23. We won't let him bully the smaller children, ?

a. will we b. won't we
c. do we d. don't we

24. No one was present to help the old couple, ?

a. was they b. wasn't they
c. were they d. weren't they
25. She to sew dresses for children, doesn't she?
a. love b. loves
c. loving d. loved
26. You don't know when he'll arrive, ?
a. do you b. will he
c. don't you d. won't he
27. Anyone can come to the exhibition, ?
a. can they b. can't they
C. do they d. don't they
28. He might stop here on the way home, ?
a. might he b. does he
C. mightn't he d. doesn't he
29. There is a bus service in this small town, ?
a. is there b. is it
c. isn't there d. isn't it
30. Everyone is happy with their results, ?
a. are they b. aren't they
c. do they d. don't they

�::�tih't1tl' BASIC GRAMMAR

Final Test
Choose the correct answer.

1. A few best students ___ in my class, and Tom ___ one of them.
a. is, is b. is, are
c. are, are d. are, is

2. You haven't got ___ luggage, have you?

a. many b. much
c. a few d. few

3. Every night for the last two years Peter ___ in this restaurant.
a. is working b. works
c. .worked d. has worked

4. They all laughed because the film was very ___

a. amuse b. amused
c. amusement d. amusing

5. My friend passed the examination ___ his laziness.

a. because of b. in spite of
c. instead of d. in case of

6. was ___ to see the cat playing with the dog.

a. surprise b. to surprise
c. surprised d. surprising

7. This student cannot avoid --- mistakes.

a. makes b. made
c. to make d. making

8. Not only my son but also ___ tired from walking so far.
a. am b. are
c. is d. were

- - ---------------------
9. If you want me to help you, ___ me on the phone.
a. will call b. call
c. would call d. called

10. My teacher arrived after I ___ for him for ten minutes.
a. waiting b. was waiting
c. have waiting d. had waited

11. They could reach the house ___ the road was flooded.
a. although b. whether
c. because d. even

12. My daughter ___ here but she doesn't work here now.
a. has worked b. had worked
c. used to work d. used to working

13. Physics ___ my favorite subject when I was at school.

a. is b. was
c. will be d. were

14. I think this computer is not ___ that one.

a. as expensive as b. expensive like
c. more expensive d. so expensive like

15. You ___ from my postcard that I was in Canada last week if you had looked
a. had seen b. would see
c. would have seen d. will have seen

16. Please remember ___ this exercise first, John.

a. to do b. doing
c. do d. to be doing

17. Even though Jane has ___ classes, she has ___ time than last semester.
a. less, fewer b. fewer, fewer
c. less, less d. fewer, less

\.l::��h'l1rl° BASIC GRAMMAR

18. My brother ___ because he was absent yesterday.
a. punishes b. punished
c. will be punished d. would be punishing ·

19. You don't want another ice cream, ---?

a. won't you b. don't you
c. do you d. isn't it

20. We are looking forward ___ your new book.

a. read b. to read
c. reading d. to reading

21. What at ten o'clock yesterday?

a. were you doing b. you did
c. have you done d. had you done

22. These questions are very easy, but of us could answer them.
a. few b. little
c. a few d. a little

23. She couldn't go to school ___ the rain.

a. because b. because of
c. in spite of d. although

24. English is an ___ subject. I am ___ in it.

a. interest, interesting b. interesting, interest
c. interesting, interested d. interested, interested

25. Our family has known her ___ she was a young girl.
a. for b. before
c. when d. since

26. When the telephone rang, I ___ an email.

a. wrote b. was writing
c. was written d. am writing
"Let's go to talk to him now, ___?"
"Yes, let's go now."
a. shall we b. won't we
c. don't we d. may we

. Do you often hear from James?"

28 "
"No, I ___ from him since I ___ his last letter two months ago."
a. didn't hear, received b. didn't hear, have received
c . haven't heard, received d. haven't heard, have received

"___ did they arrive?"

"Ten minutes ago."
a. How long b. How much time
c. When d. How many minutes

30. Mic hael was born in this village, and he --- to everyone here as a famotJS
a. knows b. knew
c. known d. is known

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