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(Approved by AICTE New Delhi ,Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad
II-Mid Examination, MAY -2022

Course:2-2(semester) B.Tech Branch : Branch : cse/csd Date: _/_0/2023

Subject Name : oops Max.Marks :10

1 . which keyword is used to explicitly throw exception? ( )

a)try b) catch c) throws d)throw

2 an instance of ________are unchecked exceptions? ( )

a)runtime exception b)error c)throwable d)object

3an error which can be handled by the system it self belongs to__________ ( )

a) exception c)throwable d)object b)error

4which interface does not allow duplicate elements? ( )

a)set b)list c)map d)all

5.hash map allows .

a) null values b)null key c)none d)all are true ( )

6._____________method return true it stack is empty ( )

a)empty() b)peeks() c)push() d)pop()

7.hashtable() creaate a hashtable with default size of____ ( )

a)10 b)11) c)13 d)12

8 java collection frame work can be used to manipulate ( )

a)class b)interface c)object d)collections

9.which pakage provides many event classand lilistener interfaces for event handling?

a)java.awt B) c)java.awt.event d)none ( )

10. .which of the following package exception class exist

a)java.lang b) c)java.awt.event d)none ( )

11.the error divide-by-zero throws an exception of___________________________________

12__________keyword is used to execute code even expeption occurred

13.differnt types of exceptions in java_______

14_____________statement can throw exceptions manually .

15an applet can be executed using _____________

16.the method used for re-painting an applet is ______________

17)the subclasses of collection interface are called as _________________

18)AWT stands for _______________________________

19)a small program that can run over internet called ____________

20)exceptions are present in_______________package and ______________class

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