2023, Grade 9 Unit 1 To Review 2 Grammar

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Aung Pyae Hlyan Education Center

Test for Unit 1 to Review 2 (Grammar Test)

(2023, December)
Grade-9 English Time allowed (1 Hour)
Section (A) Listening

I. Read the passage.

In modern kitchens, an air fryer has become a popular appliance that is used to cook meat, fish, and
vegetables such as potatoes. It works by circulating hot air around the food to make it crunchy outside and
soft inside.
To cook food in an air fryer, take the following steps. First, remove the pan with a basket from the
appliance by pulling the handle and put the ingredients in the basket. Then, put the pan with the basket back
into the air fryer; set the required temperature; set the timer to the required cooking time; and switch on the
appliance. After that, shake, turn or stir as needed during the cooking time. When you hear the timer bell, the
cooking time is over. When the food is ready, pull out the pan, lift the basket out of the pan by sliding the lid
first, and then by pressing the basket release button. Finally, empty the contents into a bowl or onto a plate.
According to a medical review, air-fried foods are better for health than deep-fried foods. The former
foods require less oil, and thus have a significantly lower fat content, which may help reduce calorie intake,
leading to weight loss. Compared to deep-frying, air-frying can reduce the formation of acrylamide.
Acrylamide is a chemical substance which is thought to cause cancer. So, air-fried foods are healthier than
deep-fried foods. Nevertheless, they are still fried foods and harmful chemicals are present at lower levels in
air-fried foods. Air fryers take more time to cook food and produce a slightly different taste and texture. In
addition, they can be expensive depending on their brands and models. Although using air fryers has some
disadvantages, they will be of great interest to many housewives

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (10 marks)

1. How does an air fryer work?
2. What do you do first to put the ingredients into the air fryer?
3. How do you know that the cooking time is over?
4. How do you take the basket away from the pan?
5. Why are air-fried foods better for health than deep-fried foods?
6. What will happen to you if you take low-calorie foods?
7. What is acrylamide?
8. Mention one disadvantage of using air fryers.
9. If you have an air fryer, what food will you prepare?
II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences that is given.
(15 marks)
1. Can I switch on the radio? (Ask for a permission using “Would you mind”)
2. You want your brother not to leave his clothes lying around the room. (Make a request using “Do you
3. Yuya wishes her father to buy her a pizza. (Make a request using “Would you mind”)
4. When I (get up) this morning, my mother (cook) breakfast. (Rewrite the sentence with the correct
5. They (decide) to close the shop early because there (be) a storm warning. (Rewrite the sentence with
the correct tense)
6. “You’ll be a failure in your life if you don’t accept my suggestions,” Sabal said to Yatu. (Rewrite the
sentence in indirect speech)
7. She said to me, “I can write an essay at one sitting.” (Rewrite the sentence in indirect speech)
8. We arrived late due to the traffic jam. (Make question to the underlined words)
9. Moe Moe won the first prize in the essay competition. (Make question to the underlined words)
10. Ruth wants to buy the brown jacket for his trip. (Make question to the underlined words)
11. The puppies are clean now. (My sister / just / wash / them, rewrite the sentence using the present
perfect and the prompts given)
12. She (write) nine books since she became a travel agent. (Rewrite the sentence with the correct tense)
13. Neither you nor your friend can do the sum. What do you say? (Ask your friend to agree with you,
beginning the sentence with “The sum” / difficult)
14. It’s already six in the morning. It’s time he woke up. He (sleep) for about nine hours. (Rewrite the
sentence with the correct tense)
15. As the children (play) noisily near me, I (not start) my study this morning. (Rewrite the sentence with
the correct tense)

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