Advantages of Book Clubs

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Advantages of Book Clubs

Why am I such an advocate for BOOK CLUB reading? When students read novels
with similarities, they are able to discuss their reading with other readers, resulting in
building a Reading Community. In Book Clubs commonalities encourage not only
small-group collaborative discussions but Inter-Book Club comparison

BOOK CLUBS offer countless advantages:

 social
 supportive—readers can read more complex text with support of peers
 deeper discussions—with more participation and multiple perspectives and a
safe space for those important conversations
 collaboration—to learn and practice social skills necessary in the real world
 increased reading and employment of skills–-reading required to participate
 motivation to read—to participate in club discussions and activities; peer
 a way to meet listening and speaking standards
 differentiation—class can read at multiple reading levels; students can read at
individual reading and interest levels
 choice—students can choose books of interest = motivation
 a small safe community to discuss sensitive issues
 A class can read multiple formats at the same time: prose, verse novels,
graphic novels, or multiple topics/titles within a genre or format
 Readers learn about 4-5 other novels; after-reading Book Club presentations
introduce books to entire class
 Book Clubs also provide a bridge between whole-class reading and
independent reading.

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