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Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Article in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems · January 2010


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2 authors:

Madad Khan Tauseef Asif

COMSATS University Islamabad University of Haripur, Pakistan


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Journal of Advanced Research in Vol. 2, Issue. 2, 2010, pp. 59-75
Dynamical and Control Systems Online ISSN: 1943-023X

Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups

by their fuzzy ideals
Madad Khan∗ , Tauseef Asif
Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Abstract. In this paper, we have characterized regular, completely regular, left

(right) regular and left (right) quasi-regular LA-semigroups by the properties of their
fuzzy left (right, two-sided) ideals, fuzzy (generalized) bi-ideals and fuzzy interior

Keywords: Fuzzy LA-semigroups; Regular LA-semigroups; Fuzzy two-sided ideals.

Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 20M10, 20N99.

1 Introduction
The fundamental concept of a fuzzy set was first introduced by Zadeh [16] in 1965, pro-
vide a natural frame-work for generalizing several basic notion of algebra. Fuzzy set
theory has been developed in many directions by many researchers and has evoked great
interest among mathematicians working in different fields of mathematics, such as infor-
mation sciences, computer sciences, topological spaces, loop, functional analysis, group,
ring, near ring, vector space, automation. Since then many researchers have been in-
volved extending the concepts and results of abstract algebra to the broader frame work
of the fuzzy setting. Rosenfeld [14] was first who study fuzzy groupoids and fuzzy groups.
Kuroki [6, 7] introduced and study fuzzy (left, right) ideals and fuzzy bi-ideals in semi-
groups. In this paper, we have characterized different classes of regular LA-semigroup
by the properties of their fuzzy left (right, two-sided) ideals, fuzzy (generalized) bi-ideals
and fuzzy interior ideals. The fundamentals about this new structure are given below.
A left almost semigroup [13], abbreviated as LA-semigroup, is an algebraic structure
midway between a groupoid and a commutative semigroup with wide applications in

Correspondence to: Madad Khan, Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Email:,

Received: 21 July 2010, revised: 13 October 2010, accepted: 24 November 2010. 59 ⃝2010
c Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
60 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

the theory of flocks. An LA-semigroup is basically the generalization of a semigroup.

Although the structure is non-associative and non-commutative, nevertheless, it posses
many interesting properties which we usually find in associative and commutative alge-
braic structure. Here in this paper we have generalized the concept of fuzzy semigroups
and characterized the non-associative structure.
A groupoid (G, .) is called LA-semigroup, if its elements satisfied left invertive law:
(ab)c = (cb)a. In an LA-semigroup medial law [1], (ab)(cd) = (ac)(bd), holds for every a,
b, c, d ∈ G. It is also known that in an LA-semigroup with left identity, the paramedial
law: (ab)(cd) = (db)(ca), holds for every a, b, c, d ∈ G. An LA-semigroup has close
connections with commutative semigroups. If an LA-semigroup contains left identity,
the following law holds,

a(bc) = b(ac), for all a, b, c ∈ G. (1.1)

Let G be an LA-semigroup. By LA-subsemigroup of G we means a non-empty subset

A of G such that A2 ⊆ A, and by a left (right) ideal of G we mean a non-empty subset A
of G such that GA ⊆ A (AG ⊆ A). By two-sided ideals or simply ideal, we mean a non-
empty subset A of G which is both a left and a right ideal of G. An LA-subsemigroup
A of G is called bi-ideal of G if (AG)A ⊆ A. A subset A of G is called generalized
bi-ideal of G if (AG)A ⊆ A. An LA-subsemigroup A of G is called interior ideal of G if
(GA)G ⊆ A. An LA-subsemigroup A of G is called bi-ideal of G if (AG)A2 ⊆ A.
Here we begin with an example of an LA-semigroup.
Example 1.1. Let G = {1, 2, 3}. The following multiplication table shows that G is
an LA-semigroup.

· 1 2 3
1 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
3 2 1 2
Clearly G is a non-commutative and non-associative because 2·3 ̸= 3·2 and (3·2)·2 ̸=
3 · (2 · 2).
A fuzzy subset f of a given set G is described as an arbitrary function f : G −→ [0,
1], where [0, 1] is the usual closed interval of real numbers.
Let us define an a fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup S in Example 1.1 as follows:
f (1) = 0.3, f (2) = 0.4, f (3) = 0.2, then clearly f is a fuzzy two-sided ideal and also a
fuzzy LA-subsemigroup of S.
For any two fuzzy subsets f and g of G, f ≤ g means that, f (x) ≤ g(x) for all x in
G. The symbols f ∩ g and f ∪ g will means that the following fuzzy subsets of G

(f ∩ g)(x) = min{f (x), g(x)} = f (x) ∧ g(x)

(f ∪ g)(x) = max{f (x), g(x)} = f (x) ∨ g(x)
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 61

for all x in G.
It is interesting to note that if G is an LA-semigroup with left identity then a ∈ Ga
Ga2 = a2 G = (Ga2 )G = {ga2 : g ∈ G}.
It is easy to show that Ga2 , a2 G and (Ga2 )G are principal left, right and two-sided
ideals of an LA-semigroup G with left identity generated by a2 .
Let f and g be any fuzzy subsets of an LA-semigroup G, then the product f ◦ g is
defined by

{ ∨
{f (b) ∧ g(c)} , if there exist a, b ∈ G, such that a = bc
(f ◦ g) (a) = a=bc
0, otherwise.

Definition 1.1. A fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup G is called a fuzzy LA-subsemigroup

of G if f (xy) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (y) for all x, y ∈ G.

Definition 1.2. A fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy left (right) ideal
of G if f (xy) ≥ f (y) (f (xy) ≥ f (x)) for all x, y ∈ G.

Definition 1.3. A fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy two-sided ideal

of G if it is both fuzzy left and fuzzy right ideal of G.

Definition 1.4. A fuzzy LA-subsemigroup f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy

bi-ideal of G if f ((xy)z) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (z), for all x, y and z ∈ G.

Definition 1.5. A fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy generalized

bi-ideal of G if f ((xy)z) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (z), for all x, y and z ∈ G.

Definition 1.6. A fuzzy LA-subsemigroup f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy

interior ideal if f ((xa)y) ≥ f (a), for all x, a and y ∈ G.

Definition 1.7. A fuzzy LA-subsemigroup f of an LA-semigroup S is called (1, 2)-ideal

of S if f ((xw)(yz)) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (y) ∧ f (z).

Let F (G) denote the collection of all fuzzy subsets of an LA-semigroup G with left
identity, then (F (G), ◦) becomes an LA-semigroup with left identity G, that is (F (G), ◦)
satisfies left invertive law, medial law, paramedial law and property (1).
The characteristic function CA for a subset A of an LA-semigroup G is defined by
1, if x ∈ A,
CA (x) =
0, if x ∈
/ A.
The proof of the following two lemma’s are same as in [11].

Lemma 1.8. Let f be a fuzzy subset of an LA-semigroup G. Then the following

properties hold.
62 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

(i) f is a fuzzy LA-subsemigroup of G if and only if f ◦ f ⊆ f .

(ii) f is a fuzzy left (right) ideal of G if and only if CG ◦ f ⊆ f (f ◦ CG ⊆ f ).
(iii) f is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of G if and only if CG ◦ f ⊆ f and f ◦ CG ⊆ f .
Lemma 1.9. For non-empty sets A and B of an LA-semigroup G, the following condi-
tions true.
(i) CA ∩ CB = CA∩B .
(ii) CA ◦ CB = CAB .
Note that an LA-semigroup G with left identity can be considered as a fuzzy subset
of G itself, then we can write G ◦ G = G and G = CG , that is, G(x) = 1 for all x ∈ G.
The proof of the following two lemma’s are same as in [5].
Lemma 1.10. Let A be a non-empty subset of an LA-semigroup G. Then the following
properties holds.
(i) A is an LA-subsemigroup if and only if CA is a fuzzy LA-subsemigroup of G.
(ii) A is a left (right, two-sided) ideal of G if and only if CA is a fuzzy left(right,
two-sided) of G.
Lemma 1.11. Let f be a fuzzy LA-subsemigroup of an LA-semigroup G. Then f is a
fuzzy bi-ideal of G if and only if (f ◦ CG ) ◦ f ⊆ f.
Lemma 1.12. Let f be a fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G with left identity then
CG ◦ f = f .
Lemma 1.13. Let f and g be any fuzzy interior ideals of an LA-semigroup G, then
f ∩ g is also a fuzzy interior ideal of G.
Proof. Let f and g be any fuzzy interior ideals of an LA-semigroup G and x, a y ∈ G,

(f ∩ g)(xy) = f (xy) ∧ g(xy) ≥ (f (x) ∧ f (y)) ∧ (g(x) ∧ g(y))

= (f (x) ∧ g(x)) ∧ (f (y) ∧ g(y))
= (f ∩ g)(x) ∧ (f ∩ g)(y),


(f ∩ g)((xa)y) = f ((xa)y) ∧ g((xa)y) ≥ f (a) ∧ g(a) = (f ∩ g)(a).

Hence f ∩ g is a fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G.

Definition 1.14. An LA-semigroup G is called left (right) simple, if it contains no

proper left (right) ideal and is called simple, if it contains no proper two-sided ideal.
Definition 1.15. An LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy left (right) simple, if every fuzzy
left (right) ideal of G is a constant function and is called fuzzy simple, if every fuzzy
two-sided ideal of G is a constant function.
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 63

Theorem 1.16. [2]An LA-semigroup G is simple if and only if G = a2 G = Ga2 =

(Ga2 )G, for all a in G.

Lemma 1.17. For an LA-semigroup G, the following are equivalent.

(i) G is simple.
(ii) G is fuzzy simple.

Proof. (i) =⇒ (ii)

Let G is simple and f be any fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G. By
theorem 1.16, for any element a and b in G there exist element x and y in G such that
a = b2 y, b = a2 x, we have

f (a) = f (b2 y) ≥ f (b2 ) = f (bb) ≥ f (b) = f (a2 x) ≥ f (a2 ) = f (aa) ≥ f (a),

and so f (a) = f (a2 ). Hence G is fuzzy simple.

(ii) =⇒ (i)
Assume that G is fuzzy simple and A be any two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup
G, then by lemma 1.10(ii), CA is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of LA-semigroup G. Since
G is fuzzy simple, so CA is a constant function. Let x ∈ G, since A is non-empty, so
CA (x) = 1, which implies that x ∈ A, therefore G ⊆ A, that is A = G. Hence G is

Lemma 1.18. For an LA-semigroup G with left identity, the following are equivalent.

(i) G is simple.
(ii) G is fuzzy simple.
(iii) Every fuzzy interior ideal of G is a constant function.

Proof. (i) and (ii) are equivalent by lemma 1.17.

(ii) =⇒ (iii)
Assume that f be any fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Let a and b be
any elements of G. Since G is simple, so by theorem 1.16, there exist elements x and y
in G such that a = (xb2 )y, then by using medial law and property (1), we have

f (a) = f ((xb2 )y) ≥ f (b2 ) = f (bb) ≥ f (b) ∧ f (b) = f (b).

Similarly f (b) ≥ f (a). Hence f is a constant function.

As every fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G is a fuzzy interior ideal of an
LA-semigroup G. Then it is clear that (iii) ⇒ (ii).

Definition 1.19. An LA-semigroup G is called regular if for every element a in G,

there exists an element x in G such that a = (ax)a or, equivalently a ∈ (aG)a for every
element a in G and A ⊆ (AG)A for every A ⊆ G.

Note that for a regular LA-semigroup G, we can write G ◦ G = G.

64 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Example 1.2. Let G = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} be an LA-semigroup with the following mul-

tiplication table.

· 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 4 6 1 3 5 7
2 5 7 2 4 6 1 3
3 1 3 5 7 2 4 6
4 4 6 1 3 5 7 2
5 7 2 4 6 1 3 5
6 3 5 7 2 4 6 1
7 6 1 3 5 7 2 4
Clearly G is a regular LA-semigroup because 1 = (1 · 5) · 1, 2 = (2 · 1) · 2, 3 = (3 · 4) · 3,
4 = (4 · 7) · 4,5 = (5 · 3) · 5, 6 = (6 · 6) · 6, 7 = (7 · 2) · 7.
Definition 1.20. An LA-semigroup G is called left (right) duo if every left (right) ideal
of G is a two-sided ideal of G and is called duo if it both left and right duo.
Definition 1.21. An LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy left (right) duo if every fuzzy left
(right) ideal of G is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of G and is called fuzzy duo if it both fuzzy
left and fuzzy right duo.
Theorem 1.22. A regular LA-semigroup G is left duo if and only if it is fuzzy left duo.
Proof. Assume that G is left duo and f be any fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G.
Let a and b be any elements of G, then since Ga is a left ideal of G, so Ga is a two-sided
ideal of G, also G is regular, we have

ab = ((ax)a)b ∈ ((aG)a)b ⊆ ((GG)a)b ⊆ (Ga)G ⊆ Ga.

Therefore there exists an element y ∈ G such that ab = ya for some y ∈ G, since f is a

fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G, so we have

f (ab) = f (ya) ≥ f (a),

which implies that f is a fuzzy right ideal of an LA-semigroup G, and so f is a fuzzy

two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G. This implies that G is fuzzy duo.
Conversely, assume that f is fuzzy left duo. Let A be any left ideal of an LA-
semigroup G, then by lemma 1.10(ii) that the characteristic function CA is a fuzzy left
ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Then by assumption CA is a fuzzy two sided ideal of an
LA-semigroup G, since A is non-empty, so by lemma 1.10(ii), A is a two-sided ideal of
an LA-semigroup G. Therefore G is left duo.

Lemma 1.23. Every fuzzy right ideal of a regular LA-semigroup G with left identity is
a fuzzy left ideal of G.
Proof. It is simple.
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 65

To consider the converse of Lemma 1.23, we have to strengthen the conditions of a

regular LA-semigroup G which is given in the following.

Lemma 1.24. Let G be a regular LA-semigroup such that G is a left duo, then every
fuzzy left ideal of G is a fuzzy right ideal of G.

Proof. Let G be a left duo regular LA-semigroup and let f be a fuzzy left ideal of G.
Let x, y ∈ S then the left ideal Gx of G is a two sided ideal of G and since G is regular
therefore by using (1), we have

xy ∈ ((xG)x)y ⊆ ((xG)((xG)x))G ⊆ ((((xG)x)G)x)G ⊆ (Gx)G ⊆ G.

It follows that there exists w ∈ S such that xy = wx. As f is a fuzzy left ideal of G,
therefore we get f (xy) = f (wx) ≥ f (x) and thus f is a fuzzy right ideal of S.

Theorem 1.25. Let G be a regular LA-semigroup with left identity, then f is a fuzzy
left ideal of G if and only if f is a fuzzy bi-(generalized bi-) ideal of G.

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy left ideal of a regular LA-semigroup G and let w, x, y ∈ G, then
by using (1),we have

f ((xw)y) = f (((yw)x)) ≥ f (x) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (y).

Thus f is a fuzzy bi-ideal of G.

Conversely, let f be a fuzzy bi-ideal of G and let x, y ∈ G, then there exists z ∈ G
such that y = (yz)y. Now by using (4), (3) and (1), we have

f (xy) = f (x((yz)y)) = f ((yz)(xy)) = f ((yx)(zy)) = f (((zy)x)y)

= f (((zy)(ex))y) = f (((xe)(yz))y) = f ((y((xe)z))y) ≥ f (y).

Which shows that f is a fuzzy left ideal of G.

Theorem 1.26. Let G be a regular LA-semigroup with left identity such that G is a
left duo, then f is a fuzzy right ideal of G if and only if f is a fuzzy bi-ideal of G.

Proof. The direct part can be proved in analogous way as for the fuzzy left ideal in
Theorem 1.25. The converse can be followed by Theorem 1.25 and Lemma 1.24.

Theorem 1.27. Let G be a regular LA-semigroup with left identity, then f is a fuzzy
left ideal of G if and only if f is a fuzzy (1, 2)-ideal of G.

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy left ideal of a regular LA-semigroup G and let w, x, y, z ∈ G,

then there exists a, b ∈ G such that x = (xa)x and y = (yb)y. Now by using (1) and (4),
we have

f ((xw)(yz)) = f ((((xa)x)w)(yz)) = f (((wx)(xa))(yz))

= f ((x((wx)a))(yz)) = f (((yz)((wx)a))x) ≥ f (x).
66 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Now by using (4), (2), (1) and (3), we have

f ((xw)(yz)) = f (y((wx)z)) = f (((yb)y)((wx)z)) = f (((yb)(wx))(yz))

= f (((((yb)y)b)(wx))(yz)) = f ((((by)(yb))(wx))(yz))
= f (((y((by)b))(wx))(yz)) = f ((((wx)((by)b))y)(yz))
= f ((((by)((wx)b))y)(yz)) = f (((y((wx)b))(yb))(yz))
= f ((y((y((wx)b))b))(yz)) = f (((yz)(y(((wx)b)b)))y) ≥ f (y).

Now by using (3) and (1), we have

f ((xw)(yz)) = f ((zy)(wx)) = f (((wx)y)z) ≥ f (z).

Thus we get, f ((xw)(yz)) ≥ f (x) ∧ f (y) ∧ f (z). Thus f is a fuzzy (1, 2)-ideal of G.
Conversely, assume that f be a fuzzy (1, 2)-ideal of G. Now by using (4), (2), (1) and
(3), we have

f (xy) = µA (x((yb)y)) = f ((yb)(xy)) = f (((yb)y)(x((yb)y)))

= f (((yb)y)((yb)(xy))) = f (((yb)(yb))(y(xy)))
= f (((yy)(bb))(y(xy))) = f (((y(xy))(bb))(yy))
= f (((yb)((xy)b))(yy)) = f (((xy)((yb)b))(yy))
= f (((xy)((bb)y))(yy)) = f (((y(bb))(yx))(yy))
= f ((y((y(bb))x))(yy)) ≥ f (y) ∧ f (y) ∧ f (y) = f (y).

Which shows that f is a fuzzy left ideal of S.

Theorem 1.28. Let S be a regular LA-semigroup with left identity such that G is a
left duo, then f is a fuzzy right ideal of G if and only if f is a fuzzy (1, 2)-ideal of G.
Proof. It is an easy consequence of Theorem 1.27, Lemma 1.23 and Lemma 1.24.

Lemma 1.29. In a regular LA-semigroup G, every fuzzy right ideal is idempotent.

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy right ideal of an LA-semigroup G, then obviously f ◦ f ⊆ f .
Since G is regular, so for each element a in G there exists an element x in G such that
a = (ax)a, we have

(f ◦ f )(a) = {f (ax) ∧ f (a)} ≥ {f (ax) ∧ f (a)} ≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a),

which implies that f ◦ f ⊇ f . Hence f ◦ f = f .

Corollary 1.30. In a regular LA-semigroup G, every fuzzy two-sided ideal is idempo-

Lemma 1.31. In a regular LA-semigroup G with left identity, every fuzzy interior ideal
is idempotent.
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 67

Proof. Assume that f is a fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G with left identity,
then obviously f ◦ f ⊆ f . Let a and b be an arbitrary elements of G. Since G is regular
so for each a in G there exists an element x in G such that a = (ax)a, we have

(f ◦ f )(a) = {f (ax) ∧ f (a)} ≥ f (ax) ∧ f (a)
= f ((ea)x) ∧ f (a) ≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a).

Hence f ◦ f = f .

Lemma 1.32. In a regular LA-semigroup G, for every fuzzy (generalized ) bi-ideal f of

G, we have (f ◦ CG ) ◦ f = f .

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy bi-ideal of an LA-semigroup G, then by lemma 1.11, we have

(f ◦ G) ◦ f ⊆ f.

Let a be an arbitrary element of G. Since G is regular so there exists an element x

in G such that a = (ax)a, we have

((f ◦ G) ◦ f )(a) = {(f ◦ G)(ax) ∧ f (a)} ≥ (f ◦ G)(ax) ∧ f (a)
( )

= {f (a) ∧ G(x)} ∧ f (a) ≥ ({f (a) ∧ G(x)}) ∧ f (a)
= (f (a) ∧ 1) ∧ f (a) = f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a),

which implies that (f ◦ G) ◦ f ⊇ f . Hence (f ◦ G) ◦ f = f .

Lemma 1.33. If f and g are any fuzzy two-sided ideals of a regular LA-semigroup G,
then f ◦ g = f ∩ g.

Proof. Let f and g be any fuzzy two-sided ideals of an LA-semigroupG, then obviously
f ◦ g ⊆ f ∩ g. Since G is regular so for each element a in G there exists an element x in
G such that a = (ax)a, we have

(f ◦ g)(a) = {f (ax) ∧ g(a)} ≥ f (ax) ∧ g(a)
≥ f (a) ∧ g(a) = (f ∩ g)(a).

which implies that f ◦ g ⊇ f ∩ g. Hence f ◦ g = f ∩ g.

Theorem 1.34. A fuzzy subset f of a regular LA-semigroup G with left identity is

fuzzy two-sided ideal if and only if it is interior ideal.
68 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy two sided ideal of G, then obviously f is a fuzzy interior ideal
of an LA-semigroup G.
Conversely, assume that f is a fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Let a and
b be arbitrary elements of G. Since G is regular, so there exist elements x and y in G
such that a = (ax) a and b = (bx) b, we have

f (ab) = f (((ax)a)b) ≥ f (a).

Now by using medial law, we have

f (ab) = f (a((by)b)) = f ((ea)((by)b)) = f ((e(by))(ab))

≥ f (by) = f (((by)b)y) ≥ f (b).

Hence f is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G.

Theorem 1.35. The set of fuzzy two-sided ideals of a regular LA-semigroup G forms a
semilattice structure with identity G.

Proof. Assume that IG is the set of fuzzy two-sided ideals of a regular LA-semigroup
G. Let f , g and h ∈ IG , then clearly IG is closed and by lemma 1.29 and lemma 1.33,
we have f = f ◦ f and f ◦ g = f ∩ g, where f and g are fuzzy two-sided ideals of
G, then clearly f ◦ g = g ◦ f . Now by using left invertive law, we get (f ◦ g) ◦ h =
(h ◦ g) ◦ f = f ◦ (g ◦ h), again by using left invertive law and lemma 1.12, we have
f ◦ G = (f ◦ f ) ◦ G = (G ◦ f ) ◦ f = f ◦ f = f .

Definition 1.36. A fuzzy two-sided ideal f of an LA-semigroup G is said to be strongly

irreducible if and only if for fuzzy two-sided ideals g and h of G, g ∩ h ⊆ f implies that
g ⊆ f or h ⊆ f .

Definition 1.37. The set of fuzzy two-sided ideals of an LA-semigroup G is called

totally ordered under inclusion if for any fuzzy two-sided ideals f and g of G either
f ⊆ g or g ⊆ f .

Definition 1.38. A fuzzy two-sided ideal h of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy prime

ideal of G, if for any fuzzy two-sided ideals f and g of G, f ◦ g ⊆ h, implies that f ⊆ h
or g ⊆ h.

Theorem 1.39. In a regular LA-semigroup G, a fuzzy two-sided ideal is strongly irre-

ducible if and only if it is fuzzy prime.

Proof. It follows from lemma 1.33.

Theorem 1.40. Every fuzzy two-sided ideal of a regular LA-semigroup G is fuzzy prime
if and only if the set of fuzzy two-sided ideals of G is totally ordered under inclusion.

Proof. It follows from lemma 1.33.

Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 69

Definition 1.41. An LA-semigroup G is called left (right) regular if for each element
a of G, there exist an element x in G such that a = xa2 (a = a2 x) or, equivalently
A ⊆ GA2 (A ⊆ A2 G) for all A ⊆ G.
Lemma 1.42. A fuzzy subset f of left (right) regular LA-semigroup G with left identity,
is a fuzzy two-sided ideal if and only if it is a fuzzy interior ideal.
Proof. Let f be a fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G, then obviously f is a
fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G.
Conversely, let f be a fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G, since G is a left
regular so for each elements a and b in G there exist elements x and y in G such that
a = (xa2 ) and b = (yb2 ), we have

f (ab) = f (((xa2 )b)) ≥ f (a2 ) = f (aa) ≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a).

Now by using paramedial law and left invertive law, we have

f (ab) = f (a(yb2 )) = f ((ea)(yb2 )) = f ((b2 a)(ye))

= f (((bb)a)(ye)) = f (((ab)b)(ye)) ≥ f (b).

Hence f is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G.

Theorem 1.43. In a left regular LA-semigroup G with left identity, every left ideal of
G is a two-sided ideal of G if and only if every fuzzy left ideal of G is a fuzzy two-sided
ideal of G.
Proof. Assume that every left ideal of an LA-semigroup G is a two-sided ideal of G. Let
f be any fuzzy left ideal of G. Then, since the left ideal Ga of G is a two-sided ideal
of G. Since G is left regular, so for each element a in G there exists an element x in G
such that a = xa2 . Now by using property (1),we have

ab = (xa2 )b = (x(aa))b = (a(xa))b ∈ (G(Ga))G ⊆ Ga,

which implies that there exists an element x in G such that ab = xa. Since f is a
fuzzy left ideal of G, we have

f (ab) = f (xa) ≥ f (a),

therefore f is a fuzzy right ideal of G. Hence f is a two-sided ideal of G.

Conversely, assume that every fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G is a fuzzy two-
sided ideal of G. Let A be any left ideal of G, so by lemma 1.10(ii), the characteristic
function CA is a fuzzy left ideal of G. Then by assumption CA is a fuzzy two-sided ideal
of G, so by lemma 1.10(ii), A is a two-sided ideal of G.

Definition 1.44. A subset P of an LA-semigroup G is called semiprime if for all a ∈ G,

a2 ∈ P implies a ∈ P . A fuzzy subset f of an LA-semigroup G is called fuzzy semiprime
if f (a) ≥ f (a2 ) for all a in G.
70 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Theorem 1.45. For an LA-semigroup G with left identity, the following conditions are

(i) G is left (right) regular.

(ii) Every fuzzy two-sided ideal of G is fuzzy semiprime.
(iii) Every fuzzy interior ideal of G is fuzzy semiprime.
(iv) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy two sided ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.
(v) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy interior ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.

Proof. (i) ⇒ (v)

Assume that f is any fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Let a be any element
of G. Since G is left regular LA-semigroup, so there exists an element x in G, such that
a = (xa2 ). So by using lemma 1.42, we have

f (a) = f (xa2 ) ≥ f (a2 ) = f (aa) ≥ f (a),

and so f (a) = f (a2 ), for all element a in G. It is clear that (v) ⇒ (iv).
(iv) ⇒[ (i)]
Let J a2 be the principal two sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G generated[ by] a2 .
Then by lemma 1.10(ii), CJ[a2 ] is a fuzzy two sided ideal of G. Since a2 ∈ J a2 , so
( )
by assumption (iv), we have CJ[a2 ] (a) = CJ[a2 ] a2 = 1. Therefore by using medial law,
property (1) and paramedial law, we have
[ ]
a ∈ J a2 = (Ga2 )G = (Ga2 )(GG) = (GG)(a2 G) = G(a2 G)
= a2 (GG) = (aa)(GG) = (GG)(aa) = Ga2 ,

Thus G is left regular. It is clear that (ii) and (iv) are equivalent and (iii) and (v)
are equivalent.

Theorem 1.46. For an LA-semigroup G with left identity, the following are equivalent.

(i) G is right-regular.
(ii) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy right ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.
(iii) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy two sided ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.
(iv) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy interior ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.

Proof. (i) ⇒ (iv)

Let f be any fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Since G is right-regular, so
for an element a in G, there exists an element x in G, such that a = a2 x. Now by using
left invertive law, we have
( )
f (a) = f a2 x = f ((ea2 )x) ≥ f (a2 )
= f (aa) ≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a).

It is clear that (iv) ⇒ (iii) and (iii) =⇒ (ii).

Now (ii) =⇒ (i)
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 71

[ ]
Let R a2 be the principal right ideal of an LA-semigroup generated
[ 2] by a2 , then by
lemma 1.10(ii), CR[a2 ] is a fuzzy right ideal of G. Since a ∈ R a , so by assumption
( ) [ ]
(ii), we have CR[a2 ] (a) = CR[a2 ] a2 = 1, which implies that a ∈ R a2 = a2 G. Hence
G is right regular.

Theorem 1.47. An LA-semigroup G is left (right) regular if and only if for each fuzzy
left (right) ideal f of G, f (a) = f (a2 ) for all a in G.
Proof. Assume that G is left regular. Let f be any fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup
G and a be any element of G, then since G is left regular, so there exists an element x
in G such that a = xa2 , we have

f (a) = f (xa2 ) ≥ f (a2 ) = f (aa) ≥ f (a).

Conversely, assume that for any fuzzy left ideal f of an LA-semigroup G, f (a) =
f (a2 ), for all a in G. Let L[a2 ] be the principal left ideal of an LA-semigroup G,
then by lemma 1.10(ii), CL[a2 ] is a fuzzy left ideal of G, since a2 ∈ L[a2 ], we have
CL[a2 ] (a) = CL[a2 ] (a2 ) = 1, which implies that a ∈ L[a2 ] = Ga2 . Hence G is left

Definition 1.48. An LA-semigroup G is called completely regular if it is regular, left

regular and right regular or, equivalently a ∈ (aG)a and aG = Ga for every a in G.
Note that in a completely LA-semigroup G, we can write G ◦ G = G.
Theorem 1.49. For an LA-semigroup G with left identity, the following conditions are
(i) G is completely regular.
(ii) Every bi-ideal of G is semiprime.
(iii) Every generalized bi-ideal of G is semiprime.
(iv) f (a) = f (a2 ) for every fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f of G and for all a in G.

Proof. (i) ⇒ (iv)

Assume that G is completely regular. Let f be any fuzzy generalized bi-ideal of an
LA-semigroup G and a be any element of G, then since G is completely regular, so there
exists an element x in G such that a = (ax)a and ax = xa, so by using medial law, left
invertive law and property (1), we have

a = (ax)a = (ax)((ax)a) = (xa)((ax)a) = (x(ax))(aa)

= (x(((ax)a)x))a2 = (x((xa)(ax)))a2 = (x((ax)(ax)))a2
= (x((aa)(xx)))a2 = (x(a2 x2 ))a2 = (a2 (xx2 ))a2 .

Therefore, by using property (1), we have

f (a) = f ((a2 (xx2 ))a2 ) ≥ f (a2 ) ∧ f (a2 ) = f (a2 ) = f (aa) = f (((a2 (x2 x))a2 )a)
= f (((a2 (x2 x))(aa))a) = f ((a((a2 (x2 x))a))a) ≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a),
72 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

and so f (a) = f (a2 ).

It is clear that (iv) ⇒ (iii) ⇒ (ii).
Now (ii) ⇒ (i)
Assume that every bi-ideal of an LA-semigroup G is semiprime. Let a be any element
of G. Since the principal bi-ideal generated by a2 is semiprime and because a2 ∈ B[a2 ],
we have a ∈ B[a2 ] = (a2 G)a2 . Hence G is completely regular.

Definition 1.50. An LA-semigroup G is called left(right) quasi-regular, if every left

(right) ideal of G is idempotent and G is called quasi-regular if every left ideal and right
ideal of G are idempotent.

It is easy to prove that G is left quasi-regular if and only if a ∈ (Ga)(Ga), this implies
that there exist elements x, y ∈ G such that a = (xa)(ya).

Theorem 1.51. An LA-semigroup G is left quasi-regular if and only if every fuzzy left
ideal of G is idempotent.

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G, then obviously f ◦ f ⊆ f . Let

a be any element of G, then since G left quasi-regular, so there exist elements x and y
in G such that a = (xa)(ya), we have

(f ◦ f ) (a) = {f (xa) ∧ f (ya)} ≥ {f (xa) ∧ f (ya)}
≥ f (a) ∧ f (a) = f (a),

which implies that f ◦ f ⊇ f . Hence f is idempotent.

Conversely, assume that every fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G is idempotent.
Let a be any element of G, then since L[a] is a principal left ideal of G generated by a,
so by lemma 1.10(ii), CL[a] is a fuzzy left ideal of G, therefore by lemma 1.9, we have

CL[a]L[a] (a) = (CL[a] ◦ CL[a] )(a) = CL[a] (a) = 1,

which implies that a ∈ L[a]L[a] = (Ga)(Ga), so there exist elements x and y in G

such that a = (xa)(ya). Hence G is left quasi-regular.

Lemma 1.52. A fuzzy subset f of a left quasi-regular LA-semigroup G is a fuzzy left

ideal if and only if it is a fuzzy right ideal.

Proof. Let f be a fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Let a and b be arbitrary

elements of G. Since G is left quasi-regular so for each element a in G there exist
elements x and y in G such that a = (xa)(ya), now by using left invertive law, we have

f (ab) = f (((xa)(ya))b) = f ((b(ya))(xa)) ≥ f (a).

Thus f is a fuzzy right ideal of G.

Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 73

Conversely, let f be a fuzzy right ideal of an LA-semigroup G, so by using left

invertive law, we have

f (ab) = f (((xa)(ya))b) = f ((b(ya))(xa)) ≥ f (b).

Thus f is a fuzzy left ideal of an LA-semigroup G.

Theorem 1.53. An LA-semigroup G with left identity is left quasi-regular if and only
if for each fuzzy left ideal f of G, f (a) = f (a2 ) for all a in G.
Proof. Assume that G is left quasi-regular. Let f be any fuzzy left ideal of an LA-
semigroup G and a be any element of G, then since G is left quasi-regular, so there exist
elements x and y in G such that a = (xa)(ya), so by using medial law, we have

f (a) = f ((xa)(ya)) = f ((xy)(aa)) ≥ f (aa) ≥ f (a),

and so f (a) = f (a2 ) for all a in G.

Conversely, assume that for any fuzzy left ideal f of an LA-semigroup G, f (a) =
f (a ), for all a in G. Let L[a2 ] be the principal left ideal of G, then by lemma 1.10(ii),

CL[a2 ] is a fuzzy left ideal of G, since a2 ∈ L[a2 ], we have CL[a2 ] (a) = CL[a2 ] (a2 ) = 1,
which implies that a ∈ L[a2 ] = Ga2 = (GG)(aa) = (Ga)(Ga). Hence G is left quasi-

Lemma 1.54. A fuzzy subset f of a left quasi-regular LA-semigroup G with left identity
is a fuzzy two-sided ideal if and only if it is a fuzzy interior ideal.
Proof. Let f be a fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G, then obviously f is a
fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G.
Conversely, let f be a fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G, since G is a left
quasi-regular so for each elements a and b in G there exist elements x, y and u, v in G
such that a = (xa)(ya) and b = (ub)(vb), now by using paramedial law and left invertive
law, we have

f (ab) = f (((xa)(ya))b) = f (((aa)(yx))b) = f ((((yx)a)a)b) ≥ f (a).

Now by using property (1), we have

f (ab) = f (a((ub)(vb))) = f ((ub)(a(vb))) ≥ f (b).

Hence f is a fuzzy two-sided ideal of an LA-semigroup G.

Theorem 1.55. For an LA-semigroup G with left identity, the following conditions are
(i) G is left quasi-regular.
(ii) Every fuzzy two-sided ideal of G is fuzzy semiprime.
(iii) Every fuzzy interior ideal of G is fuzzy semiprime.
(iv) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy two sided ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.
(v) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy interior ideal f of G, for all a ∈ G.
74 Characterizations of regular left almost semigroups by their fuzzy ideals

Proof. (i) ⇒ (v)

Assume that f is any fuzzy interior ideal of an LA-semigroup G. Let a be any
element of G. Since G is left quasi-regular, so there exist elements x and y in G, such
that a = (xa)(ya), now by using lemma 1.54 and medial law, we have
f (a) = f ((xa) (ya)) = f ((xy) (aa)) ≥ f (aa) = f (a ((xa) (ya)))
= f ((ea) ((xa) (ya))) = f ((e (xa)) (a(ya)))
= f (xa) (a(ya))) ≥ f (a),
and so f (a) = f (a2 ) for all a in G. Clearly (v) ⇒ (iv).
(iv) ⇒[ (i)]
Let J a2 be the principal two sided ideal generated[ by] a2 . Then by lemma 1.10(ii),
CJ[a2 ] is a fuzzy two sided ideal of G. Since a2 ∈ J a2 , so by assumption (iv), we
( )
have CJ[a2 ] (a) = CJ[a2 ] a2 = 1. Therefore, by using medial law, property (1) and
paramedial law, we have
[ ]
a ∈ J a2 = (Ga2 )G = (Ga2 )(GG) = (GG)(a2 G)
= G(a2 G) = a2 (GG) = (aa)(GG) = (Ga)(Ga),
which implies that there exist elements x and y in G such that a = (xa)(ya). It is
clear that (ii) and (iv) equivalent and (iii) and (v) are equivalent.
Theorem 1.56. For an LA-semigroup G, the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) G is left quasi regular.
(ii) f = (CG ◦ f )2 , for every fuzzy left ideal f of G.
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii)
Let f be any fuzzy left ideal of a left quasi-regular LA-semigroup G. Now by theorem
1.51, every fuzzy left ideal G ◦ f of G is idempotent. Hence (G ◦ f )2 = G ◦ f ⊆ f . Since
G is left quasi regular, so for a ∈ G there exist x, y ∈ G, such that a = (xa)(ya), we

(G ◦ f )2 (a) = {(G ◦ f )(xa) ∧ (G ◦ f )(ya)}
≥ (G ◦ f )(xa) ∧ (G ◦ f )(ya)
( ) ( )
∨ ∨
= {G(x) ∧ f (a)} ∧ {G(y) ∧ f (a)}
xa=xa ya=ya
≥ (G(x) ∧ f (a)) ∧ (G(y) ∧ f (a)) ≥ f (a),
which implies that (G ◦ f )2 ⊇ f . Hence (G ◦ f )2 = f.
Now (ii) ⇒ (i)
Let f be a fuzzy left ideal f of an LA-semigroup G, we have
f = (G ◦ f )2 ⊆ f 2 = f ◦ f ⊆ G ◦ f ⊆ f,
and so f = f 2 . Hence by theorem 1.51, G is a left quasi-regular.
Madad Khan and Tauseef Asif 75


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