Activity 1

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Name: Ryan Lipay Subject: Visual Art (GE 20)

Instructor: Alona Mae Albite Code: 3566


1.) How does visual art affect your day to day life?

Answer: When I am lonely, I watched different paintings and other forms of visual arts
and I tried to understand its deep meaning. By doing such, It affects my mood in a
positive way and make me feel calm and happier. For some people, visual art plays an
important part of their lives because the form of arts especially painting could be the
mode of expressing their feelings in life. For me, visual arts has contributed a very
important factors to me because through that I am able to understand the history of the
Philippines and finally I am able to comprehend the culture and tradition that come up
today. Visual arts are indeed part of our lives and it has significant impact on us.

2.) Why is visual literacy important in your chosen course?

Answer: I can say that visual literacy is important in accountancy because the reporting
of financial statement needs a best mode to where it could be more understandable to
the audience. The CPA must think of the best way to present the data to the intended
users. The data could be presented through powerpoint presentation with amazing
transition of slides or through different kind of graphs. By that scenario I can say that
accounting students like me needs to have visual literacy.

3.) How has visual technology shaped our way of seeing visual arts?

Answer: Through visual technology we can see different forms of visual arts
conveniently. Shall we say, we can just type the word in google and the painting will
eventually be shown. Visual technology has made visual arts accessible to everyone. We
don't need to visit different museum anymore just to see different paintings but
browsing in the internet like youtube, facebook and instagram is more convenient.


1.) What do you see? I see two girls talking to each other and the background looks like a
snakes. The two snakes correspond to each of them.

2.) What is the artist trying to say? I think that the artist want to say to the reader that
regardless of how deep the friendship will be, betrayal is still exist.

3.) What is happening in the picture? I think that each of them betrayed each other. So
they are just making friendship fake.

4.) What is the message? Don't easily trust people because they may be good in front
but will betray you at your back.

4.) What do you think of this art work? I think this art work is intended to give advice to
someone who gives so much trust to their friends.

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