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How to Handle an Emergency

In many emergency situations, timing could be the key to saving someone's
life. But it is extremely important to know what to do in these situations, and to
do it quickly.


1 Take deep breaths. Your brain can't function properly without oxygen.

Take long, deep breaths, not short ones. If you begin panting, you will increase
the rush of adrenaline. Continue taking deep breaths until you agree to yourself
that you can take care of the situation. If you don't think you can handle it,
even after one minute of deep breathing, get help. If you don't think you can
handle the situation, there's no point in trying, because you'll probably do
something wrong. Call your local emergency number if you aren't calm enough
to take care of the situation after one minute of deep breathing. Don't continue
deep breaths to calm down after one minute, because waiting too long could
affect the situation dramatically. In these situations, it's either you can do it, or
you can't. Choose carefully.

2 Figure out what you need to do, and do it. Make sure you do it right while

still being timely. Run in your head each choice you make, and determine the
affects of it.Be fast. Don't rush things to the point you can't remain calm, but
don't take your time either. Rushing can lead to pointless decisions that will
only waste more time. Before going through with any choice, make sure it's
worth the while. And as soon as you start, go through with it.
3 Call your local emergency number [such as 999, 994 or 991.] After you've

gone through your choice, call your local emergency number immediately. Your
choice could help stall the situation, but no matter how good you think it was,
call your emergency number. If you're with other people in the situation, while
you're making your decision, yell at someone to call the emergency number.
Don't yell generally, yell at one specific person, preferably the first one you see.
If you yell at one person, they'll do it. If you yell at everyone, they will all
assume someone else will do it.
4 Follow the instructions of the emergency dispatcher on the phone and

don't hang up. Help any injured people and imagine what you would need in
their situation. If there are multiple injured people, help the most critically
injured first. If you need a cloth or water ask a bystander to get it. Don't leave
someone unattended unless absolutely necessary.
5 Relax. Wait for the emergency specialists to come. There's basically

nothing you can do after you've made your choice and have called the
emergency number. Don't go completely numb, but don't freak out either.
Continue taking deep breaths, and constantly remind yourself that you've done
all you can. Don't feel you need to make another decision to make things right,
because the specialists will know exactly what to do once they arrive.

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