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To our Dearest principal, Mrs. Gemma V. Manlavi, to our loving teachers and non-teaching personnel,
to our forever supportive parents and to my fellow graduates, a pleasant and blessed day to all of us.

I send my warmest greetings and gratitude to the graduates of Batch 2020—2021 for completing high
school. It had not been an easy journey. We experienced countless adversities and a rollercoaster of
emotions in our journey. Today, we are Officially signing off in our senior High school journey, and it is
about the time to walk down the road towards a new chapter. It is the tough time that we are living in
right now, the pandemic brought us into this situation but in today's event truly marks history in our
lives. Because it marks the climax of peers and year's of shaping of growing up and now the most
awaited moment has come— Graduation. This pandemic give us challenging life is tormented the
dreams of most students the transition from the traditional way of schooling to the new modality of
learning caused major changes.

The last two years in Senior High flew by and seemed like a century ago, simply because we are learning
and growing as individuals, Both inside and outside the academic field: from strangers to seatmates,
from seatmates to groupmates, but most especially from classmates to Family. The empty classrooms
once filled with great moments and achievements, and the hallway where we found Friendship and
Laughter they are now precious memories that we will be reminiscing from our Senior High Years.
Pursuing our Educational goal is one of the things that will help us to secure brighter future. We carried
big responsibilities on our shoulders that trained us to be strong and independent young individuals who
are ready to take on bigger tasks. Most importantly, we deemed ourselves ready as we will be moving on
towards the next stage of our academic career— getting a College Education. After all, Senior High
School has not only imparted in us knowledge from our lessons, but also made us realize the importance
of values and virtues that we must live by.

My fellow Graduates today, Let us thank our parents, teachers and to our friends who support us starting
from the beginning of our Journey from Senior High. To my family, Thank you so much for the laughter,
tears, comfort, patience, care, and love. I cannot express any further how thankful I am to have you as
my example in Everything. Above all, I Would like to Thank God for Guiding me all throughout
everything, For hearing and answering my prayers and most especially for blessing me with Superb
people who continue to provide the guidance to do what is just and right. It was always have the life
lessons from our teachers that made us wise. Their wisdom taught us that with faith and hardwork,
everything is possible. But faith and hardwork should come together, because faith alone cannot sustain
a goal. And another lifetime lesson was about the ultimate human goal—none other than HAPPINESS.
The Satisfaction of the mind to learn will Always be different from the heart that wants to feel. And
therefore, whatever we choose for our future I sincerely hope for the happiness it might bring into our
lives. No matter how hard life is you should never stop dreaming. Let us continue to reach our own star.
Let us be the best that we can be so that we may fill our lives and the lives of those closest to us with
happiness and with pride. We’ve already taken the first step by making it to this ceremony today—now,
it’s time to take the next steps in the journey that is our lives and begin to build our futures. My
fellow graduates, I only have two things that I want you all to remember. Soar high and savor the
sweetness of our success. As we move on, we will not just soar high but soar higher towards the greater
heights of our dreams, our wings spread out achieving our goals with flying colors. This is the start of our
story. This is the time to grab that pen of opportunities and write the book of our life.

I am Jomar V. Bacani from G12 ABM. Thank you for watching. "Godspeed for a new beginning.”

Again Congratulations everyone!

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