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1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A tiger in the Zoo
4. How to Tell Wild Animals
5. The Ball Poem
6. Amanda!
7. The Trees
8. Fog
9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon
10. For Anne Gregory


1. A triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief's Story
3. The Midnight Visitor
4. A Question of Trust
5. Footprints Without Feet
6. The making of a Scientist
7. The necklace
8. Bholi
9. The Book That Saved the Earth
Grammar Tenses
 Modals
 Subject – verb concord
 Reported speech
o Commands and requests
o Statements
o Questions
o Determiners Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage
20 Marks
I. Discursive passage of 400-450 words. (10 marks)
II. Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of
200-250 words. Creative Writing Skills 10
This section will have short as well as long writing tasks including
I. Formal Letter based on a given situation in 100-120 words. One out
of two questions is to be
answered. 5 marks
II. Writing an Analytical Paragraph (100-120 words) on a g i ven Map
/ Char t / Graph /
Cue/ s . One out of two questions is to be answered
Ch-1 Number system, Ch-2 Polynomial, Ch-3 Pair Of Linear
Equations in two varables, Ch-4 Quadratic Equation, Ch-5
Arithmetic Progressions, Ch-6 Triangles, Ch-7 Coordinate
Maths Geometry, Ch-8 Introduction to Trigonometry, Ch-9 Applications
of Trigonometry, Ch-10 Circles, Ch-12 Area Related To Circles,Ch-
13 Surface Area and Volume, Ch-14 Statistics, Ch-15 Probability

Ch-10 light
Physics Ch-11 The human eye and colourful world , Ch-12 Electricity, Ch-13
Magnetic effects of electric current

Ch-6 Life processes, Ch-7 Control and Coordination, Ch-8 How do

Biology organisms reproduce,Ch-9 Heredity and Introduction of evolution and
Ch-15 Our
Ch-1 The Rise Of Nationalism inenvironment.
Ch-2 Nationalism in India
Ch-3The MakingCh1:of Global world
Chemical Reaction and Equations
Ch-4 The age of Industrialization
Ch2: Acid base and salt
Chemistry Ch-5 Print Culture and the Modern
Ch 3: Metals andwCh-1
Non metals
Resources and Development
Ch4: Carbon and it's Compounds
Ch-2 Forest and Wildlife
Ch-3 Water Resources
Ch-4 Agriculture
Ch-5Minerals and Energy Resources
Ch-6 Manufacturing Industries
Social Science Ch-7 Life Line of National Economy
orld Ch-1 Development
Ch-2 Sectors of the Indian Economy
Ch-3 Money
1. ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮੰਦਾ and
ਆਖੀਐ Credit
,2. ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਿ ਕੈ ਬਖਸਿ ਲੈਹੁ ,3. ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰਾ ਪਿਤਾ ਤੂੰ ਹੈ
ਮੇਰਾ ਮਾਤਾ ,4. ਸਤਿਗੁਰ and
Globalization ਨਾਨਕthe Indian5.Economy
ਪ੍ਰਗਟਿਆ, ਜੰਗ ਦਾ ਹਾਲ.
Ch-1 Power Sharing 1. ਘਰ ਦਾ ਪਿਆਰ, 2. ਬੋਲੀ ,3.
Ch-2 Federalism
ਪ੍ਰਾਰਥਨਾ, 4. ਮੇਰੇ ਵੱਡੇ-Ch-4
ਵਡੇਰੇ,Gender, Religion
5. ਤੁਰਨ ਦਾ ਹੁਨਰ, and
Punjabi Caste (doing)
Ch-61.Political Parties
ਕੁਲਫੀ,2. ਅੰਗ- ਸੰਗ, 3. ਧਰਤੀ ਹੇਠਲਾ ਬਲ਼ਦ .
Ch-7 Outcome of Democracy Done
1. ਜਫਰਨਾਮਾ, 2. ਦੂਜਾ ਵਿਆਹ,
के आधार पर वाक्य, समास, अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शोधन, मुहावरों का प्रयोग,
पत्र, अनुच्छेद, सूचना, विज्ञापन, ईमेल लेखन, लघु कथा


Employability skills Ch - 1 Communication skills ,2 Self

Management Skills , 3 ICT skills ,4 Entrepreneurial skills and 5
Green skills Subject - Specific skills.
Artificial Intelligence
Green skills Subject - Specific skills.
Artificial Intelligence Ch - 1 Introduction to AI, Ch - 2
Understanding AI Project Cycle,
Ch - 6 NLP,
Ch - 7 Evaluation

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