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Workshop Exam Revision Focus

The Historical Context Historical models (e.g., disease model of alcoholism, early
pharmacological model)
Theories of Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Biopsychosocial theories that conceptualise why people use drugs
(tension reduction, negative affect model,
personality/temperament model)
Type I and Type II alcoholics
The Zinberg’s DIE model
Social Learning Theory The social learning theory principles and assumptions
Positive and negative expectancies (or outcome expectancy)
Positive and Negative reinforcement
Robins’ (2001) study involving Vietnam Vets
Major psychological effects of Alcohol Balanced placebo design study
and Other Drugs Bechara et al. (2002)
McCann et al. (1999)
Neuropsychological theories that predict neurological impairments
from alcohol (e.g., frontal lobe hypothesis, Wernicke-Korsakoff
Major limitations of studies that examined effects of alcohol on
Neurobiology of AOD Domi et al. (2020) (neurobiology underpinning alcohol addiction
and alcohol seeking behaviour)
Volkow et al. (2017) (prefrontal cortex and modulating food and
drug addiction)
Spanagel (2017) (animal model and relapse behaviour, drug
craving and behavioural animal paradigm)
Loss of Control and Craving Characteristics of craving
Loss of control and expectancy
Recovering from AOD Dependencies Stages of change model
Decisional balanced sheet (pros and cons of change)
McNally and Palfai (2001)- link between readiness to change and
Treatment of AOD Disorders Classical conditioning/ Operant conditioning
Treatment based on Conditioning Aversive conditioning (Antabuse/disulfiram)
theories) Cue extinction
Siegel’s (2001) findings
Treatment of AOD Disorders Soyka and Mutschler (2016) (treatment for cocaine addiction,
rTMS, treatment for alcoholism)
Treatment based on Pharmacotherapy
Yardley and Ray (2017) (clinical trial medication, medication for
alcoholism treatment, preclinical)
Treatment of AOD Disorders Reasons why addicts did not seek treatment for drug problems
Motivational Interviewing and Other CBT principles (e.g., core belief, cognitive distortions)
Psychological Interventions Les’ negative belief- cocaine dependent individual
MI or MET principles
Relapse after Treatment of AOD Abstinence violation effect (AVE)
Disorders High risk situations
Hendershot et al. (2011) (Cognitive behavioural model of relapse,
Marlatt’s Model of relapse)
Cognitive Processes, Self-Management Miller & Brown (1993)
and Self-Regulation Miller et al. (2000) – self-regulation

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