WKCD-2024 Factsheet GB STAEDTLER.1707829929

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Factsheet - Fantastic Forests

The motto:
Fantastic Forests
The forest is an important habitat for humans and animals alike.
The dense trees provide good air and regulate the climate. Wood is also
essential for our pencils and coloured pencils. That’s why STAEDTLER places
great importance on the protection and long-term safeguarding of this
raw material.

Climate Diverse
protection Depending on the climate and loca-
tion, there are very different types of
Today we know: forests and oceans
ancient forest on Earth. From mixed
are our most important allies against
climate change. They absorb cli- Forests forests to coniferous forests and rain-
forests, each forest offers a different
mate-damaging carbon dioxide from worldwide habitat and thus ensures biodiversity.
the atmosphere and convert it into
In tropical rainforests, for example,
oxygen. The more “untidy” a forest is, Around one third of the entire land
around 280 tree species can be iden-
the more wood mass and thick trees area of the Earth is covered by forest.
tified on an area the size of a football
it has, the more CO2 it can store. The countries with the largest forest
areas are: Canada, USA, Russia,
China and Brazil.

For the pencils Plantation

of the future habitat
Since 2017, STAEDTLER has had In addition to wood, foodstuffs such
its own plantation in Ecuador. On as the Yuca (cassava) crop are also
around 1,200 hectares of former grown on the STAEDTLER plantation.
pastureland, trees are planted for the They provide habitat for endemic an-
pencils of the future, with strict envi- imal species such as the golden-olive
ronmental standards being observed. woodpecker. Annual animal counts
Since 2022, the plantation has been document the local biodiversity.
FSCTM-certified (FSCTM C172764).
Factsheet - Fantastic Forests

Global jungle deforestation

Every two seconds, forests the size of a football field disappear around the
world. This has serious consequences for biodiversity and the climate. Since
2017, almost 26,000 endangered animal and plant species have been on the
International Red List of the World Nature Conservation Organisation, which
corresponds to almost a third of all species studied.

Security through Pencils made from How fast does

certificates upcycled wood a forest grow?
The sustainability certificates PEFC In addition to traditional wood-cased After grubbing up, it takes around 25
(PEFC/04-31-1227 Programme for pencils made from wooden boards, years for the regrown plants to fulfil
the Endorsement of Forest Certifi- STAEDTLER also manufactures high- the many functions of a forest, such
cation) and FSCTM (FSCTM C007132 quality pencils from wood chips. as nitrogen production to 90%. Re-
Forest Stewardship CouncilTM) guar- These chips are produced as residual storing the diversity of the new for-
antee sustainable forestry and thus and waste products in sawing and est takes the longest, namely around
long-term safeguarding of resourc- planingprocesses in the wood proces- 120 years!
es. STAEDTLER only uses PEFC and sing industry. The raw material wood
FSC-certified wood for the produc- is thus used even more efficiently and
tion of all wood-cased pencils. in an environmentally friendly manner.

and giants
deforestation Herb pastures are considered the
smallest trees in the world. They grow
In order to counteract the destruction to around 10 centimetres tall in the
of forests, the new EU deforestation Alps. Meanwhile, the largest trees in
regulation will apply from the end of the world are found in North America:
2024: products will only be able to be Sequoia trees can reach a height of over
legally marketed in Europe if they have 100 metres.
been produced without deforestation
and the laws of the country of origin
have been complied with. STAEDTLER
already ensures deforestation-free
supply chains for its products today.

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