Australia and Myanmar Economic Factors

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Australia Economic Factors

Australia GDP per capita rate

2017 = $53,934
2018 = $57,181
2019 = $54,875
2020 = $51,680
2021 = $59,934
Australia employment rate
2017 = 72.95%
2018 = 73.75%
2019 = 74.28%
2020 = 72.65%
2021 = 75.2%
Australia Unemployment rate
2017 = 5.59%
2018 = 5.30%
2019 = 5.16 %
2020 = 6.46%
2021 = 5.11%
Australia Indication of Index rate in cost of commodities
2017 Yearly average rate = - 0.5%
2018(January) = 7.1% (increase)
2018(February) = 1.8% (increase)
2018(March) = 0.6% (decrease)
2018(April) = 3.8% (decrease)
2018(May) = 0.3% (increase)
2018(June) = 0.2% (decrease)
2018(July) = 0.8% (decrease)
2018(August) = 1.5% (increase)
2018 (September) = 0.1% (decrease)
2018(October) = 3.0% (increase)
2018(November) = 1.2% (increase)
2018(December) = 0.4% (decrease)
2018 Yearly average rate = + 0.75%
2019(January) = 1.2% (increase)
2019(February) = 4.8% (increase)
2019(March) = 0.9% (decrease)
2019(April) = 0.9% (increase)
2019(May) = 0.5% (increase)
2019(June) = 2.1% (increase)
2019(July) = 3.1% (increase)
2019(August) = 6.5% (decrease)
2019 (September) = 2.7% (decrease)
2019(October) = 2.4% (decrease)
2019(November) = 3.5% (decrease)
2019(December) = 0.6% (increase)
2019 Yearly average rate = -0.23%
2020(January) = 0.7% (increase)
2020(February) = 0.7% (decrease)
2020(March) = 3.7% (decrease)
2020(April) = 1.4% (increase)
2020(May) = 1.8% (increase)
2020(June) = 1.5% (increase)
2020(July) = 0.9% (increase)
2020(August) = 0.5% (increase)
2020 (September) = 1.5% (increase)
2020(October) = 1.2% (increase)
2020(November) = 1.9% (increase)
2020(December) = 8.6% (increase)
2020 Yearly average rate = +1.3%
2021(January) = 7.3% (increase)
2021(February) = 3.6% (increase)
2021(March) = 1.6% (increase)
2021(April) = 3.1% (increase)
2021(May) = 5.9% (increase)
2021(June) = 5.6% (increase)
2021(July) = 5.5% (increase)
2021(August) = 6.0% (decrease)
2021 (September) = 7.0% (decrease)
2021(October) = 4.2% (increase)
2021(November) = 1.1% (decrease)
2021(December) = 1.5% (increase)
2021 Yearly average rate = +2.0%
Australia inflation rate
2017= 1.95%
2018= 1.91%
2019= 1.61%
2020= 0.85%
Australia interest rate
2019= 3.1%
2020= 2.64%
2021= 2.24%
Australia FDI rate
2016= 3,56%
2017= 3.63%
2018= 4.29%
2019= 2.81%
2020= 1.48%
Australia Economic growth rate
2015= 2.3%
2016= 2.8%
2017= 2.5%
2018= 2.8%
2019= 1.8%

Myanmar Economic Factors

Myanmar GPD Growth rate(annual)

2021- -18%

Myanmar Unemployment rate

2015- 0.8%

Myanmar inflation rate

Myanmar GDP per Captia


Myanmar Interest Rate


Myanmar Cost of Coffee Per Kg($) per export

2016-2017=25.7% (increase)
2017-2018=29.5% (increase)
2018-2019=22.6% (decrease)

Myanmar FDI rate

Myanmar foreign direct investment for 2020 was $1.83B, a 5.68% increase from 2019.
Myanmar foreign direct investment for 2019 was $1.74B, a 1.84% decline from 2018.
Myanmar foreign direct investment for 2018 was $1.77B, a 63.2% decline from 2017.
Myanmar foreign direct investment for 2017 was $4.80B, a 46.56% increase from 2016.

Myanmar Personal Income tax rates

Salaries (Resident Foreigners)- Progressive rates from 1% to 25%

Salaries (Non-resident foreigners)- Progressive rates from 1% to 25%

Other income (Resident nationals and foreigners)-Progressive rates from 1% to 25%

Other income (Non-resident foreigners)-25%

Other Income (Non-resident nationals)-10%

Capital gain tax (Resident nationals and foreigners)-10%

Capitals gain tax (Non-resident foreigners)-10%

Rental income-10% on gross

Note: No tax is payable if total income under salaries does not exceed MMK 4.8 million a year.
Myanmar Corporate level taxes

Commercial tax
- Rates ranging from 0% to 8%

-Imposed at the rate of 5%

-There Are 43 types of goods exempted from commercial tax

-All services are subject to 5% Commercial tax expect for 33 types of services that are specifically exempt
from commercial tax (e.g., life insurance, banking and financial services that are operated with the
permission of the Central Bank of Myanmar, microfinance, public transportation, publishing services).

-No commercial tax is imposed if the proceeds from production and sales of goods, receipts from
services, or proceeds from trading for a financial year are not more than 50 million Myanmar kyats

-Commercial tax is zero-rated on all exports, except for electricity (8%) and crude oil (5%).

-Companies registered under the MIC/SEZ may, at the discretion of the MIC/SEZ Committee, be granted
exemption from commercial tax during certain stipulated periods

Specific Goods Tax

- Rates range from 5% to 60%

-Exempted on all exports, except for wood logs and wood cuttings which are subject to tax 10%

-On top of specific goods tax, commercial tax of 5% will also be imposed.

Gems Tax

-Tax rate ranging from 5% to 11%

Property Taxes

-Immovable property (land and buildings) in Myanmar is subject to property tax.

Capital gain Taxes

-Resident companies tax rate- 10%

-Non-resident companies tax rate-10%

Transfer of shares in companies engaged in upstream oil and gas activities relating to exploration,
drilling, and extraction or interest in production sharing contracts (tax rate)-40% to 50%

Tax returns for capital gains must be filed within 30 days from the date of disposal of the capital assets.
Capital gains tax payments are required to be made within 30 days from the date of disposal of the
capital assets. The date of disposal refers to the date of execution of the deed of disposal or the date of
delivery of the capital assets, whichever is earlier.

Registration Taxes
-There is a registration fee of MMK 150,000 payable to the Directorate of Investment and Company
Administration for setting up a private company or a branch in Myanmar. In addition to the registration
fee, there may be other administrative expenses or stamp duty payable on the company’s constitution.

Payroll Taxes

- Salaries must be deduced for income tax and the amount must be paid within 15 days from the
date of deduction.
- Employer is responsible for filling the statement of annual salary within three months after the
end of the income year.
- A failed to file by the stipulated deadline may result in a penalty of 10% of the amount of tax to
be deducted on annual salaries.

Myanmar Political Factor

Myanmar fiscal policy

- Myanmar fiscal year calendar was changed from previous system on September 7, 2017 per
Union Government Meeting 17/2017 ran from April 1 to March 31 to a new system which runs
from October 1 to September 30. The aim of this is to change the optimize national budgetary
management and revenue collection.
- MIC issued Notification 84/2017: By providing added benefits to investment businesses
currently operating at that time in Myanmar.
- On September 7 2021 an issued letter from The Central Bank of Myanmar notifying all banks,
financial services companies, and mobile financial service providers about a change to
Myanmar’s Financial Year calendar from 2022-2023.
- Following the CBM’s Letter, the financial year for business of this type in Myanmar will run from
April 1 to March 31, from 2022-2023 financial year onward, the six-month period from October
2021 to March 2022 is specified as an interim budget period.

Myanmar Trade policies from Customs Department of Myanmar

Description Unit MCT Rate %

Coffee, not roasted
Not Decaffeinated
Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB Kg 15
Other Kg 15
Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB Kg 15
Other: Kg 15
Coffee, roasted
Not decaffeinated
Unground Kg 15
Ground Kg 15
Unground Kg 15
Ground Kg 15
Coffee Husks and skins Kg 15
Coffee substitutes containing Kg 15
Tea whether or not flavored
Green tea (not fermented) in
immediate packings of a content
not exceeding 3 kg
Leaves Kg 20
Other Kg 20
Other Green tea (not fermented) Kg
Leaves Kg 20
Other Kg 20
Black tea (fermented) and partly
fermented tea, in immediate
packings of a content not
exceeding 3 kg:
Leaves Kg 20
Other Kg 20
Other black tea (fermented) and
other partly fermented tea:
Leaves Kg 20
Other Kg 20

Australia Political Factors

Company tax rates

Companies-Base rate entities 25%

Otherwise 30%

Not-for-profit companies-Taxable income: $0-$416(Nil%)

Taxable income: $417-$915 (55%)

Taxable income: $916 and above (30%)

Not-for-profit companies that are base rate entities-Taxable income: $0-$416 (Nil%)

Taxable income: $417-$726 (55%)

Taxable income: $763 and above (25%)

Company tax rate applies to entities which include:

- Companies
- Corporate unit trusts
- Public trading trusts

Full company tax rate of 30% applies to all companies that are not eligible for the lower company tax

Eligibility for the lower company tax rate depends on whether you are a:

base rate entity from the 2017–18 income year and onwards

small business entity for the 2015–16 and 2016–17 income years.

Base rate entity company tax rate

From the 2021–22 income year, companies that are base rate entities must apply the 25% company tax
rate. The rate was previously 27.5% from the 2017–18 to 2019–20 income years and 26% in the 2020–21
income year.

A company is a base rate entity for an income year if:

the company’s aggregated turnover for that income year is less than the aggregated turnover threshold
for that income year, and

it has 80% or less of their assessable income in that income year that is base rate entity passive income –
this replaces the requirement to be carrying on a business from the 2017–18 income year onwards.

The aggregated turnover threshold is $25 million for the 2017–18 income year and $50 million from the
2018–19 income year.

The aggregated turnover from any prior income year is irrelevant when working out if a company is a
base rate entity for any particular income year.

Base rate entity passive income is:

corporate distributions and franking credits on these distributions

royalties and rent

interest income (some exceptions apply)

gains on qualifying securities

a net capital gain

an amount included in the assessable income of a partner in a partnership or a beneficiary of a trust, to

the extent it is traceable (either directly or indirectly) to an amount that is otherwise base rate entity
passive income.

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