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Fundamentals of Product Development 2.

Provides the entrepreneur a window to test

- This is the overall framework and essential the performance and specifications of
knowledge required to take an idea for a various materials and service processes.
product or service from conception to 3. Helps the entrepreneur effectively describe
successful launch in the market. It the product or service to the product
encompasses the entire process, including team.
market research, ideation, prototyping, testing, 4. Elicits respect from key stakeholders and
and market validation. customers.
1. Developing a product or service ● Testing the Product Prototype
2. Creating a prototype - This stage involves presenting the prototype
3. Testing the prototype to potential customers, stakeholders, or a wider
4. Validating the market audience to gather their reactions, feedback,
● Product or Service Development and suggestions for improvement. Different
- Refers to the specific activities and steps testing methods like user interviews, focus
involved in bringing a particular product or groups, or pilot launches can be used
service to life. It includes defining the value depending
proposition, designing features, creating on the nature of the product or service.
prototypes,conducting user testing, and Testing Methods:
refining the offering based on feedback. 1. Focus Group Discussion - The participants
A. Idea Generation: will provide relevant insights about the new
- Identifying customer needs and problems. product or service.
- Brainstorming solutions and product/service 2. Legality and Ethical Test - The
concepts. entrepreneur must ensure that the product or
- Evaluating and selecting the most promising service
ideas. complies with all relevant laws and regulations
B. Market Research: and has a necessary license or permit to
- Analyzing target market demographics and operate.
psychographics. 3. Safety Test - the entrepreneur must ensure
- Assessing competitor landscape and existing that the product is safe to use, safe to be
product/service offerings. consumed (food and beverages), and safe to
- Validating the market potential for your idea. be applied (cosmetic products). The product
C. Product/Service Definition: should not in any way harm the customers or
- Developing a clear value proposition and put the customer in peculiar situations.
unique selling proposition (USP). 4. Product Costing Test - the entrepreneur
- Defining product/service features and must examine every stage of the
functionalities. manufacturing process of the service blueprint
- Specifying technical specifications and design to evaluate and finalize the costs involved.
requirements. 5. Component Test - Each component of the
● Creating a Prototype of the Product or product or service must be tested
Service independently to identify component failures for
- This involves building a tangible or intangible services.
representation of the product or service 6. Competitors' Product/Service Test - the
concept. It can be a rough sketch, a mock-up, entrepreneur must test a similar line of
a basic functional model, or a minimum products or the competitors' product or service
viable product. The purpose is to test the itself to compare and get the best practices to
concept, gather feedback, and iterate before be applied to the new product or service.
investing in full-scale development. ● Validating the Market
Advantages: - This crucial step assesses whether there is
1. Enables the entrepreneur to engage in trial- sufficient demand and market potential for the
and-error, provides room for product or service to be commercially
improvements, and refines the functionality of successful. Market research, surveys, pilot
the product design or service process. programs,
and pre-orders can help validate if the target or she can opt to have any of the following
market is willing to pay for the proposed manufacturing sites:
offering. Manufacturing sites:
1. Gathering Feedback - Use market research
1 Home-based - Most startups do not have financial
to gauge customer interest, willingness to pay,
and potential market size. capacity to establish a manuracturing site Thus,
2. Refine and Iterate - Based on market their only option is to manufacture goods at home.
feedback, refine your product/service and This option is the cheapest and highly flexible.
prototype 2. Commercial space - For rent this is advisable if
before full launch. the business really requires a commercial space for
3. Developing a Go-to-Market Strategy - processing of goods and if the home option is not
Plan your product/service launch, including
viable anymore. A commercial space gives the
marketing, distribution, and pricing strategies.
entrepreneur a more specialized and suited
manufacturing site than manufacturing at home
4Ms 3. Commercial space Purchase- this option
requires the biggest amount of capital expenditure,
METHOD: but it also provides the entrepreneur substantial
freedom and flexibility to design and run the
● The methods aspect of a business involves
commercial space
day-to-day operations, including TYPE OF PAYMENT
manufacturing, service delivery, distribution,
1. Cash on deliver
logistics, and inventory management.
Entrepreneurs must be detailed in
2. Credit and debit card
formulating these processes, ensuring a 3. Online banking
pleasant and seamless customer experience, 4.Paypal
and adhering to industry standards and 5. Mybank installment
policies, such as ISO certification. 6. Credit card of delivery
I. Manufacturing of Goods (Schaper and Volery,
7. Hello play
The entrepreneur who will engage in producing his
or her own products will have to consider the basic MACHINES :
guidelines and principles in manufacturing Machines are essential for business operations,
Manufacturing is the process of translating raw enhancing efficiency and productivity They are
materials into finished goods that are acceptable to mechanical structures that control movement to
the customer's standards. It consists of three perform specific actions. Automation of work can
elements: make machines more efficient, saving time and
3 elements: resources while avoiding costly quuck fixes.
1.) Input Machine equipment can improve processess and
2.) Process innovation.
3.) Output
MANUFACTURING The following are the right equipment to
purchase in starting a business:
The entrepreneur must also consider the efficient
1. Assess your business reality. It is important
manufacturing site in which the manufacturing to understand your objectives why you need to
process will take place. Depending on the purchase machinery
entrepreneur s objective and financial capacity, he
2. Get an extemal point of view. Depending on services and other relevant information is called a
the scale of your investment, it may be worth market. Both these parties can meet
working with an external consultant who can in a city, state, province, country and region. The
ensure you make the most of your purchase by market may be a physical or virtual.
helping you assess your needs Market Definition
3. Invest in digital technologies. This ‘’The set of all actual and potential buyers of
technological advantage may monitor a product and services.’’
realtime production and quality control to There are different terms used to understand these
reduce waste and rework levels.
4. Create a technology roadmap. A technology Potential Market. It is the total population in the
roadmap is a planning tool that aligns your market that is interested to buy a product and
business objectives to long and short-term service
technology solutions Available market. Within the potential market all
5. Shop around for suppliers. You may browne those people with enough money to buy products
the intermet to access different website that and services.
offers specialized machinery equipment. Qualified Available Market. People in the
6 Keep training in mind. All too often, available market who are permitted to buy the
entrepreneurs don't consider the time, money available products and services.
and resources required to train employees on Target Market. It is the segment of the available
new equipment. market that a company ready to serve it.
7. Think Safety First. A healthy and safe work Penetrated Market. those customers in the target
environment means your employees and your marketing purchased the products and services.
company can be more productive, and this rule Types of Markets
applies to your equipment and technology Physical Markets. Any physical market is a
purchases as well. place where buyers and sellers physically meet
8. Keep it green. When purchasing equipment, that involve both parties in a transaction in
be sure that it's energy efficient. Not only to exchange for money
save money, but also by contributing to the Virtual Markets / Internet Markets. Todays’
health of the planet. business environment such type of markets are
increasing on a fast track. It is a place where
MATERIAL the seller offers goods and services via online
In manufacturing industry, companies platform i.e. internet.
are involved in turning raw materials into Auction Market. An auction market is a place
physical products which are then sold to where sellers and buyers indicate the lowest
consumers. One of the things that a and highest prices, they are willing to
manufacturing company can do to achieve exchange.
efficiency is to source quality raw materials Consumer Markets. This market type means
from credible suppliers. For perishable and the marketing of consumer goods and services
edible products the business should investigate for personal and family consumption.
how raw materials are stored, process, and Industrial Markets. The industrial market
shipped to consumers. involves business to business sales of goods
Materials - sourcing raw materials is critical in and services. These marketers do not target
any business endeavor as the businessman consumer markets.
would want to have the cheapest possible at Black Market. Just like black money, black
the highest quality. market deals in illegal drugs and weapons.
Market for Intermediate Goods. These markets
dealing in selling raw materials that need
BUSINESS PLAN VS. BUSINESS MODEL processing to produce finish goods.
WHAT IS MARKET? Financial Market. This is a broad market
▪ A market can be defined as a place where buyers known as a financial market. This is a place for
and sellers meet to exchange goods,
dealing with liquid assets for example shares,
Market size refers to the total number of A business model is a company’s core
people in a specific market who has the framework for operating profitably and providing
potential to buy and sell products and services. value to customers. They usually include the
Whenever companies launch a new product, customer value proposition and pricing strategy. A
they are very interested to know the market business plan outlines your business goals and your
size. strategies for achieving them.
POTENTIAL MARKET These are the basic Financial projections
foundation that the entrepreneur must have in • How they’re similar: Both business models
seeking opportunities: and business plans provide an in-depth
Entrepreneurial mind frame. This allows the description
entrepreneur to see things in a very positive for how a company will generate profits.
and optimistic way in the midst of difficult • How they’re different: A business plan
situation. Being a risk-taker. an entrepreneur includes financial performance details relevant
can find solution when problems arise. to both
Entrepreneurial heart flame. Entrepreneur's internal and external stakeholders, such as
driven passion, they are attracted to discover investors, lenders, or potential business
satisfaction in the act and process of discovery. partners. Alternatively, a business model
Passion is the great desire of an entrepreneur describes your value proposition—what
to achieve his/her goals. product or service a business will offer and why
Entrepreneurial gut game. This refers to the customers should buy it—as well as the target
ability of the entrepreneur of being intuitive. market.
This also known as intuition. The gut game Operational details
also means confidence in one's self and the • How they’re similar: Both business models
firm believes that everything you aspire can be and business plans include overarching
reached. information
Sources of Opportunities about how a company plans to operate,
1. Changes in the environment including components such as distribution
2. Technological discovery and advancement channels and management structure.
3. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies • How they’re different: Business models
4. People’s interest explain the fundamental structure of a
5. Past experiences company, such
Forces of Competition Model as how it plans to create and deliver value to
It is also known as the “five forces of customers, while business plans get into the
competition,” An industry environment is a actionable details of how to achieve a
competitive environment. Regardless of what company’s operational goals.
product or services you have, competition is always Purpose
present. • How they’re similar: Business models and
Competition – it is the act or process of trying business plans are used to outline the goals,
to get or win something. strategies, and operations of a business.
1. Buyers -The buyers are the one that pays • How they’re different: A business plan
cash in exchange to your goods and services. generally incorporates a business model,
2. Potential New Entrants - A new entrant is explaining
defined as the one who enters something how the model should be implemented and
3. Rivalry - is a state or situation in which executed to achieve the business's goals
people or groups are competing with each
4. Substitute - means anything that takes the What is Market Analysis?
place or function of another. A market Analysis is the best way to get
5. Suppliers- are the one that provide a third-party perspective of all of the best
something that is needed or wanted. options for your marketing campaign, and to
ensure that your marketing dollars are spent in •Psychographics
the most effective way possible. Psychographics is the qualitative methodology
What is Market Analysis Tools? of studying consumers based on psychological
A comprehensive market analysis tool consist characteristics and traits such as values,
of several individual and analysis and answer desires, goals, interests, and lifestyle choices.
questions such as: What does my target group Psychographics in marketing focus on
looks like and where can I find them? understanding the consumer’s emotions and
Customer Analysis values, so you can market more accurately.
is a combination of qualitative and •Behaviors
quantitative research collected on your Behavioral marketing is a set of actions aimed
customers with the purpose of better at promoting and selling products based on
understanding them in order to draw users’ interactions with your brand’s ads,
meaningful conclusions that will aid you in your website, emails, social media pages, chatbots,
marketing and outreach efforts. It allows you to etc. These digital marketing channels offer
determine the needs of your customers, the different tools to use people’s behavior patterns
types of messaging they respond well to, and to your company’s advantage.
why they are or aren’t purchasing your product. •Trends
Armed with this information, you can make the Market trends are tendencies in markets,
changes necessary to increase growth. analyzed by companies, to better inform their
• Market Size business practices. Explore examples of
Market size refers to the maximum total market trend analysis through customer needs,
number of sales or customers your business technology advancements, and market
can see, often measured over the course of a demographics.
year. It’s helpful to know the potential market Competitors Analysis
size before launching a new product line or line Competitive analysis or Competitor
of business, since that can help you analysis involves identifying your direct and
understand if it’s a worthwhile investment of indirect competitors using research to reveal
your time and money. A related concept is their strengths and weaknesses in relation to
market share, which refers to the total part of your own. In this guide, we’ll outline how to do
the market a business has as its sales or a competitive analysis and explain how you
customers. can use this marketing strategy to improve
•Demographics your business.
Marketing demographics are used in customer •Direct Competition
segmentation to find specific groups in your Direct competitors market the same product as
target audience. This knowledge is then used you
to market to each segment more specifically for •Indirect Competition
more effective marketing strategies. Indirect competitors market the same product
Markets may be segmented in several ways, to a different audience
including demographics, geographics, •Uniqueness
psychographics, and behaviors. Marketing Understanding your uniqueness is a process
demographics include characteristics such as that requires your effort. However, being
age, geographic location, education level, unique in a specific niche will provide your
occupation, income, etc. that are used to business with a strong advantage in a
create groups and segment a market competitive world. It’s time to find your niche,
•Location be unique and make your business stand out.
A location analysis is a process of evaluating •Entry Barriers
and comparing different potential sites based Barriers to entry are the obstacles or
on various criteria, such as market demand, hindrances that make it difficult for new
accessibility, competition, labor availability, companies to enter a given market. These may
infrastructure, taxes, and regulations. include technology challenges, government
regulations, patents, start-up costs, or
education and licensing requirements.
BUSINESS FORECASTING 6. Revenue is the value of all
sales of goods and services
Anything you plan is generally based on
recognized by a company in a
assumption of something that might
happen in your business in the future.
7. Profit is the positive gain
The more accurate these assumptions
remaining for a business after all
will be, the better the plan it is. If an
costs and expenses have been
entrepreneur knows what happened in the
deducted from total sales.
past and why, or have insight into what
8. Cost-effective is something that
may occur next, he can then predict what
is a good value, where the
is likely to happen in the future. That is
benefits and usage are worth at
what we call business forecasting
least what is paid for them.
9. Repayment plan is a way to
Understanding the key terms:
pay back a loan over an
1. Strategic Planning is the extended period of time,
process of documenting and generally by making fixed
establishing a direction of monthly payments.
your small business—by 10. Cash flow statement (CFS)
assessing both where you measures how well a company
are and where you’re going. manages its cash position,
The top three reasons meaning how well the company
strategy implementation fails: generates cash to pay its debt
Poor Communication, Lack obligations and fund its
of Leadership, Using wrong operating expenses.
2. Decision-making is What exactly is business forecasting?
choosing between two Business Forecasting is the
possible course of action process of using analytics, data,
and it involves choosing insights, and experience to make
between possible solutions predictions and respond to various
business needs. The insight gained by
to a problem.
Business Forecasting enables
3. Finance is defined as the
companies to automate and optimize
management of money and
their business processes.
includes activities such as
investing, borrowing, Business forecasting is an act of
predicting the future economic
lending, budgeting, saving,
conditions on the basis of past and
and forecasting.
present information. It refers to the
4. Accounting is how your
technique of taking a prospective
business records, view of things likely to shape the
organizes, and understands turn of things in foreseeable future.
its financial information. As future is always uncertain, there
5. Expected cost is the cost in is a need of organize system of
cost accounting estimated in forecasting in a business.
advance of production or
construction. Goal of business forecasting:
- go beyond knowing what has happened concerned with data.
and provide the best assessment of what will Businesses that have been
happen in the future to drive better decision established use primarily
making. historical data of their own
performance, combined with
Many people think of a Business Forecast as market and other macroeconomic
how many of something we will sell next week. factors.
That is part of it but Business Forecasting can .2. Qualitative business forecasting models
encompass anything that identifies the are generally used for short-term
likelihood of a future outcome, provides predictions, or for when data is scarce – for
comparative information using analytics, or example, when a new product is first
introduced to market.
drives data-driven business decision.
Importance of Business Forecasting 4. Keep it simple where possible
Business Forecasting can be used for: Constructed forecast should be simple
1. Strategic planning and decision-making to understand and provide information relevant
(long-term planning) to the strategy of the business. They should
2. Finance and accounting (budgets and also be easy to adjust. The simpler the
cost controls) methodology used, the easier it is to
3. Marketing (consumer behavior, life cycle understand, analyze, and figure out why,
management, pricing) should anything go wrong. If a method is too
4. Operations and supply chain (resource complex, it can obscure key assumptions and
planning, production, logistics, inventory) reasons for failure.

Five (5) Fundamentals of Business


1.Forecasting is essential to sustainable

To run a successful business, you need
to match demand and supply. In order to
understand and prepare for future demand,
businesses must create forecasts.
Demand forecasting – the process of
estimating the future demand of a product in
terms of a unit or monetary value – is a
fundamental part of supply chain management.

2.Your business forecast should mirror Steps or elements of Forecasting:

your business plan 1. Developing the Basis:
Business forecasting is concerned with
understanding what could realistically happen The first step involved in forecasting is
based upon your historical performance. developing the basis of systematic
3.Business forecasting methods and investigation of economic situation, position of
processes industry and products. The future estimates of
There are two main methods of sales and general business operations had to
forecasting: qualitative and be based on the results of such investigation.
quantitative. The general economic forecast marks as the
primary step in the forecasting process.
1. Quantitative forecasting is
2. Estimating Future Business PRODUCT VS. SERVICE
A product is a tangible item that is put on the
The second step involves the estimation of market for acquisition, attention, or consumption,
conditions and course of future events within
the industry. Base on the information/data while a service is an intangible item, which arises
collected through investigation, future business from the output of one Or more individuals
operations are estimated. The quantitative
estimates for future scale of operations are
made base on certain assumptions. PRODUCTS
• New prints of motion picture film
3. Regulating Forecasts:
The forecasts are compared with actual results • Prints for exhibit purposes.
to determine any deviations. The reasons for • Reference copies on DVD/CDs, books,
his variations are ascertained so that corrective magazines for the reading rooms or other
action is taken in future. Clients
4. Reviewing the Forecasting Process: • Cars, tables and chairs, etc.
Once the deviations in forecast and actual SERVICES
performance are found the improvements can • Consulting with clients on appropriate
be made in the process of forecasting. The products for specific purposes
refining of the forecasting process will improve • Providing advice on risk assessment
the forecast in the future. and priority setting
• Working on standards committees
 Concepts about Product and Service • Conducting training and other
Product educational outreach
•Can be defined as anything that we can offer
to a market for attention, Acquisition, use or
consumption that could satisfy a need or want.
However, the Definition of product does not
only involve tangible goods such as a car, a
fridge or a Phone. The definition is extended to
include intangible objects as well, because
they can Be offered to a market. Therefore, the
broad definition of product includes services,
Events, persons, places, organizations or even
ideas (Clacssens, M., 2015).
•Are special form of product which consists of
activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for 3S of Opportunity Spotting and
sale that are intangible and do not result in the Assessment
ownership of anything. A service can thus • is the framework that most of the
include banking, airline travel, communication promising entrepreneurs use to finally come up
services, hotel services and so on (Claessens, with the ultimate product or service suited for
M., 2015). specific opportunity.

Seeking the Opportunity

Opportunity Seeking
• is the first step and is the most computer and information technology that have
difficult process of all due to the number of impact on business.
options that the entrepreneur will have to
choose from. a5. Environmental/Ecological Factors -
should be given much importance especially
• it involves the development of when the world has already suffered severely
new ideas from various sources as follows: from human- induced calamities.

A. Changes in the environment a6. Legal Factors - are the elements

and bodies that are directly involved in the
A1 - External/Macroenvironment legislation and interpretation of laws and
ordinances directly affecting the business.
A2 - Internal/Microenvironment
B. Technological discovery and Government, Suppliers, Customers,
advancement Competitors, Employees, Creditors

C. Government's thrust, programs, b1. Government - refers to the system

and policies or institution that handles the affairs of a
particular country.
D. People's interests
b2. Suppliers - refer to individual
E. Past experiences persons or companies that provide the required
materials, parts, or services to the business.

 External/Macroenvironment - it
involves the larger societal forces that b3. Customers - are the buyers of goods
influence the microenvironment. or services produced or rendered by the
business. It must constantly evaluate and study
a. PESTEL - Political, Economic, Socio- the behavior, tastes, preferences, inclinations,
cultural, Technological, Ecological, Legal and even future activities of the customers.

PESTEL b4. Competitors - are the forces existing

in the industry environment that produce, sell,
a1. Political Factors - are mostly or render products or services which are
induced by government policies and similar to those of the business.
administrations, which can have a strong effect
in the entrepreneur's business. b5. Employees - are the workers of the
business who are highly responsible for the
a2. Economic Factors - are factors production of goods or delivery or services to
which are primarily caused by changes or the customers. They help ensure the quality
movements in the Philippine economy that and quantity of products or services provided
have direct or indirect effects on the to the customers. They are the backbone of the
entrepreneurial venture. business

a3. Socio-cultural Factors - represent a b6. Creditors - refer to banks, financial

general view of a locality's traditions, customs, institutions, and financial intermediaries
beliefs, norms, and perceptions. engaged in the lending of money to the
borrower usually for a fee or charge in the form
a4. Technological Factors - basically of interest.
refer to the trends and developments in
Internal/Microenvironment 2. Brainstorming
• is an activity similar to an FGD,
 refers to the environment within that allows the participants to share creative
the business. ideas using the following rules: (a) no
destructive criticism or judgement is allowed;
a. Business Resources - are assets (b) wider ideas are accepted; (c) more ideas
or properties owned or controlled by the are preferred; and (d) improvement of others'
business. Can either be tangible or intangible. ideas is allowed. In short, brainstorming is a
fun discussion with lenient rules.
Tangible Resources - are assets of the
business that have physical appearance and 3. Brainwriting or Internet brainstorming
form. • is exactly the same as
brainstorming except that the channel used is
Current Resources - are used, applied, not face-to-face, but in writing or online.
or consumed within a short period or one year.
4. Problem inventory analysis
Noncurrent or fixed Resources - are • is similar to the FGD except that
properties whose usefulness or benefits extend the participants are already given an inventory
beyond one year. of product or service problems. Participants will
just identify from the list given the compelling
Intangible Resources - are assets of the problem(s) of a potential product or service
business that do not have physical appearance instead of generating the ideas from them.
of form.
Screening The Opportunity
b. Business Culture - is a collection of Opportunity Screening
values, beliefs, principles, and expectations • is the process of cautiously
learned and shared by employees, founders, selecting the best opportunity. The selection
stakeholders, and members of the will depend on the entrepreneur's internal
management. Reflects the overall image of the intent and the external intent which will address
business to the community. Reflects the the compelling needs of the target market.
identity of the employees but not dependent on
the culture of dominant employees in the Risk Appetite - refers to the
business. entrepreneur's tolerance of business risks. The
crafting of a business plan starts only when
c. Business Structure - refers to the entrepreneurs already said no to many
formal organizational arrangement of the opportunities and said yes to one forceful
business in terms of hierarchy of positions, flow opportunity, to which they will devote their time
of communication, relationship of functional and resources.
areas, and production and marketing
processes. The complexity of the business The 12 Rs of Opportunity Screening:
structure depends on the type of business,
nature of operation, capital base requirement, 1. Relevance to vision, mission, and
leadership style, and scope of operation. objectives of the entrepreneur.
2. Resonance to values.
METHODS OF GENERATING IDEAS 3. Reinforcement of Entrepreneurial
1. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) 4. Revenues - determine the sales
• is conducted by an entrepreneur potential of the products or services you want
with the assistance of a moderator to gather to offer.
the views of selected consumers on certain 5. Responsiveness to customer
issues related to their buying behavior. needs and wants.
6. Reach attainment of rapid growth
7. Range - potentially lead to a wide - Examples: unlimited Internet
range of possible product or service offerings plans of telecommunications companies, a
8. Revolutionary Impact - "next big wireless mouse, and airbus for economical
thing" or a game-changer that will revolutionize travellers.
the industry • The last process, called the
9. Returns-high returns on seizing process, involves refining and
investment developing this opportunity. The refining
10. Relative Ease of Implementation process is called product or service planning
- easy to implement and development process.
11. Resources Required - fewer Four (4) stages:
resources is better than those requiring more 1. IDEA STAGE - in this stage, the
resources entrepreneur determines what are the feasible
12. Risks products and/or services that will perfectly suit
Seizing The Opportunity the opportunity.
Opportunity Seizing 2. CONCEPT STAGE - the
• is the last step in opportunity developed idea will undergo a consumer
spotting and assessment. The "pushing acceptance test. This test includes getting the
through" with the chosen opportunity. initial reactions of the primary target market
Innovation and the distribution channel.
• is the process of positively 3. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
improving an existing product or service. STAGE - in this stage, the entrepreneur
• it is a key driver for economic leverages on the information generated from
growth. the prospective customers via the concept
Three (3) types of Innovations according stage.
to the degree of distinctiveness: 4. TEST MARKETING STAGE - this
1. Breakthrough innovation stage validates the work done from the first
- may also include inventions, three stages to measure success in the
occur infrequently as these establish the commercialization of the product or service.
platform on which future innovations in an area • Once the 35 of opportunity
are developed. spotting and assessment have been diligently
- must be protected by patent, a done, the entrepreneur should now be ready to
trade secret, or a copyright. prepare a comprehensive business plan that
- Examples: Internet, computer, or covers marketing, operations, and financial
airplane plans.
2. Technological innovation
- occur more frequently than
breakthrough innovations.
- are technological advancements
of an existing product or service. These
innovations need to be protected too.
- Examples: wireless fidelity or Wi-
Fi, laptop, and jet airplane.
3. Ordinary innovations
- occur ordinarily as the name
- are commonly originating from
market analysis and technology pull instead of
a technology push.
- This means that the market has a
strong influence in the implementation of an

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