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APAC Actions and Incidents


Welcome to CMO which is used to manage our various audits, incident reporting and site based risk registers across


Should you require any support in navigating this page, speak to your respective EOS lead or click here to visit our CMO
page on Connect to access our various user guides and video tutorials. If you are having issues with your access please
send an email to


For CMO support and training, kindly navigate to PDS HSE home page APAC or speak to your respective PDS HSE


When logging an incident report, if you do not see your account list in the drop down menu then simply type it into the
'Account' field and it will narrow down the selection for you.

IFM & PAM New Incident Report

IFM & PAM Incident Report Creation

Project & Development Services (PDS) New Incident Report

My Open Actions

Action Action Status Due Date


11 Oct 2019
need to have all the master key at the admin office. 2. Medium Overdue

There are no PTO for mechanical equipment from OBO Attached 11 Oct 2019
2. Medium Overdue
scanned certificate

11 Oct 2019
Need to have training on TEAM SAFETY MANUAL for all staff 3. Low Overdue

My Incident Reports

ID Site Event Form Auditor Actual Start Status ↑

My Completed Actions

Action Action Category Responsible Status Due Date ↑

Employee Risk review

should be done by all 1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 11 Oct 2019
JLL Staff on site

Low - Contractor
Generic & Site Specific
Induction must provide 3. Low Gerald Laspinas Completed 27 May 2019
evidence of the
induction done on site

Low - Meeting Minutes

Improved the minutes
3. Low Gerald Laspinas Completed 27 May 2019
being done during

Low - Plant/System
3. Low Gerald Laspinas Completed 27 May 2019
Registration must
provide evidenc of the
hazardous waste ID

Medium -
Inspections Must
Provide: 1.
Housekeeping Plan-
include it on 52 weeks 2. Medium Gerald Laspinas Completed 26 Feb 2019
calendar 2. Improve all
housekeeping checklist
and must include
housekeeping checklist
for the CEM rooms

Medium - Risk Register

Must submit RMR 2. Medium Gerald Laspinas Completed 26 Feb 2019

High - Employee Risk

Review must
1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
accomplish the
employee risk review

Submitted to June 17,

1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019

High - MyDevelopment
Training Need to
1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
accomplish all basic

Daily inspection
checklist is being
implemented and 1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
weekly function testing
is being conducted

Action Action Category Responsible Status Due Date ↑

High - Team Safety

Manual The Team
safety manual was
downloaded at connect.1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
must provide training of
the safety manual for
all the PMO staff

Daily inspection is
implemented, all PMS is
implemented and being 1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
monitored and 52 week
calendar is updated.

Implementing SWM for

1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
every contractor worksI

updated the existing

1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
the old list

Created a MSDS folder

one located at the
admin office and one at 1. High Gerald Laspinas Completed 09 Jan 2019
the Chemical storage

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