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Agency Builders

A few Instructions before you start

1. This is not a one-time watch course, I want you to refer back to this whenever you
are stuck in your journey. I can assure you this course will every time teach you
something new.

2. Check the bottom of all modules to collect your resources.

3. To make the best use of this course, I want you to watch this with a positive, open
mindset, this way you will learn the most, so you promising me right?

4. This course is the start of your journey, not the last stop so be happy and excited!

5. Action is always greater than planning, thinking, learning or anything! So please take
action don’t just learn. Because most of us are trapped in a mental dilemma. We
learn something new and we feel we have achieved something, but that’s never the
case. I want you to take action, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just give 1-2 hours nothing

6. There is one more reason, I made this course free. So, you get to know everything
about an agency and at least get a genuine starting point, and not get confused or
overwhelmed on the internet.

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