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Trapped in the mangled wreckage where the Crimson Phoenix had fused with the Leviathan’s hull, Zara

surveyed the scene with a grimace. Smoke swirled around the twisted metal, the acrid stench stinging her
nostrils. Disoriented and battered, she forced herself to a sitting position, ignoring the dull throb in her

"Kai, any sign of the Eurozone soldiers?" she rasped into the comms, her voice hoarse.

Static crackled for a moment before Kai’s voice came through, laced with worry. "Negative, Captain.
Seems the impact knocked them out too. But that won’t last long. We gotta get out of here before they
come crawling."

Zara winced, glancing at the mangled escape hatch. It was a one-way trip, leading directly into the bowels
of the enemy warship. "There’s gotta be another way," she muttered, her mind racing.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught her eye. A small access panel, half-hidden by debris, gleamed
faintly in the gloom. "Kai," she said, a spark of hope igniting in her chest, "Any chance that leads
somewhere we can use?"

A tense silence followed, then Kai’s voice came through, laced with surprise. "Hold on, Captain. This
panel… it leads to a maintenance conduit network. Tight spaces, but it could theoretically take you to the
lower decks, near the hangar bay."

Zara’s heart hammered with a mix of trepidation and determination. It was a risky gamble, but their only
shot. "Patch me into Lynx," she ordered.

A moment later, Lynx’s voice, young but resolute, filled the comms. "Captain?"

"Listen closely, Lynx," Zara said, her voice firm. "We’re stuck. But there’s a chance I can get to the hangar
bay and hotwire a ship. You need to stay put and guard the Nova Cannon. If anyone tries to get near it,
don’t hesitate."

"Understood, Captain," Lynx replied without a tremor of fear. A flicker of pride warmed Zara despite the
dire situation.

Taking a deep breath, Zara steeled herself. "Alright, Kai, guide me through that maintenance crawl. We’ve
got a ship to steal."

With a grimace, Zara squeezed through the access panel, the cramped space scraping against her
battered body. The air grew thick and stale, the only light coming from the faint glow of her helmet lamp.
Kai’s voice, a disembodied guide in her ear, directed her through the labyrinthine tunnels.

Claustrophobia threatened to overwhelm her, but Zara pushed forward, fueled by the weight of their
mission. Every creak of metal, every hiss of escaping steam, sent shivers down her spine. They could be
walking into a trap, but there was no turning back.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the cramped tunnel opened into a wider service corridor. The air
thrummed with the low hum of the Leviathan’s engines. "Alright, Captain," Kai whispered, "According to
the schematics, the hangar bay should be just up ahead."

Zara crept forward, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The flickering lights revealed rows of gleaming
Eurozone fighters, silent predators poised for attack. But her target wasn’t one of those sleek machines.
In the corner, partially obscured by crates, sat a battered but functional freighter. It wasn’t much, but it
was their ticket out of this metal tomb.

Just as Zara reached for the freighter’s hatch, a metallic clang echoed down the corridor. Her heart
lurched. They weren’t alone.

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