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Created by:

Muhammad Royhan

Hilmi Ridwan Rafi

Hadnah Syahidatur Rohmah

Ega Kurnia

Najiyah Fitriyah Nada




The islamic religion was preached by Muhammad for 23 years. He invited us to believe in
alloh and to obey him. We have to live in obifience to him alone. We know Allah, the cerator,
from the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad is the greatest benefactor for all mankind. He
taught love and brotherhood. He asked his followers to be polite and to be kind to others. He
asked us to love children and to respect elders. He taught us to help one another. He stopped
people from doing harm to ohters. He asked muslims to be always truthful. He practiced what
the preached. He is a good example for our life. The message brought by him is the final
message.there is no prophet after Muhammad. We have to folloiw his teaching.

Nabi Muhammad SAW

Agama islam diajarkeun oleh Muhammad selama 23 tahun. Beliau mengajak kita untuk
beriman kepada allah dan menaatinya. Kita harus hidup dalam ketaan kepada-Nya saja. Kita
mengenal Allah sang pencipta dari Nabi Muhammad SAW Muhammad adalah dermawan
terbesar bagi seluruh umat manusia. Dia mengajarkan cinta dan persaudaraan.ia meminta
para pengikutnya untuk bersikap sopan dan berbuat baik kepada orang lain. Dia meminta
kami untuk mencintai anak anak dan menghormati orang yang lebih tua. Dia mengajari kami
untuk saling membantu. Dia menghentikan orang untuk menyakiti orang lain. Beliau
meminta ummat islam untuk selalu jujur. Dia mempraktekan apa yang diberitakan. Beliau
adalah teladan yang baik bagi kehidupan kita. Pesan yang dibawanya adalah pesan terakhir.
Tidak ada nabi setelah Muhammad kita haru mengikuti ajarannya.

 EXPLANATION (Penjelasan)

Actually, many things about the prophet Muhammad SAW adjectly in his life.
But we can’t explain more about it we just explain until here because so much a
good things in his life we can’t count it. Many education we can take from his
life, the contained wisdom therein teaches us to become better individuals. And
yaa! we must imitate the prophet Muhammad in this behavior.

 VOCAB (Kota Kata)

 Preached: berkhutbah
 Invited: mengajak
 Asked: meminta
 Respect: menghargai
 Practiced: memperaktikan
 Follow: mengikuti
 Stopped: berhenti
 Help: membantu
 Taught: mengajari

 QUESTION PRESENTER (Penyampai pertanyaan)

 What prophet Muhammad teach to ummat muslim?
( apa yang nabi Muhammad ajarakan kepada ummat muslim? )
 How was the personality of the prophet Muhammad?
(bagaimana kepribadian nabi Muhammad? )
 What was the last message of the prophet Muhammad?
(Apa pesan terakhir nabi Muhammad? )

 GRAMMAR (Tata Bahasa)

1. Noun
 Prophet Muhammad 3. Adjective
 Muslim  Polite
 Islam  Kind
 Religion  Love
 People  Truthful
 Children  Good

2. Pronoun 4. Verb
 He  Respect
 Us  Invited
 Him  Follow
 brought

5. Preposition
 preached by Muhammad
 He invited us to believe

6. Conjuction
 Taught love and brotherhood
 Good example for our life

7. Interjection
 yaa! we must imitate the prophet Muhammad in this behavior.

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