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gk;j lsds.

Mjh gsrq&
dsoy vH;kl gsrq uewuk iz'u i=
Sample Question Paper for Practice only
gk;j lsds.Mjh ijh{kk& 2024
Higher Secondary Examination-2024
fo"k;%& lekt'kkL=
Subject- Sociology
(Hindi & English Versions)
Total Question Total Printed Time Maximum Marks
Pages Hours
23 08 03.00 80

le;& 03-00 ?kUVs iw.kkZad&80

¼1½ bl iz'u i= esa dqy&23 iz'u gSA lHkh iz'u i= vfuok;Z gSaA
¼2½ iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi iznku fd;k x;k gSA bl izdkj ds iz'uksa esa dsoy ,d gh
iz'u dk mRrj fyf[k,A
¼3½ iz'u Ø-01 ls 5 rd oLrqfu"B iz'u gSaA izR;sd iz'u ij 01 vad vkoafVr gSaA
¼4½ iz'u Ø- 06 ls 15 rd izR;sd iz'u ij 02 vad dk gSaA 'kCn lhek yxHkx 30 'kCn gSA
'kCnksa es fyf[k;sA
¼5½ iz'u Ø- 16 ls 19 rd izR;sd iz'u ij 03 vad vkoafVr gSaA 'kCn lhek yxHkx 75 'kCn gSA
'kCnksa es fyf[k;sA
¼6½ iz'u Ø- 20 ls 23 rd izR;sd iz'u ij 04 vad vkoafVr gSaA 'kCn lhek yxHkx 75 'kCn gSA
'kCnksa es fyf[k;sA
(i) This question paper contains 23 question. All question are compulsory.
(ii) Internel options have given in some question only of the alternatives needs to be attempted.
(iii) Question no. 1 to 5 are objective type questions. each question carries 1 marks.
(iv) Question no. 6 to 15 each question carries 02 marks word limit is about 30 words.
(v) Question no. 16 to 19 each question carries 03 marks word limit is about 75 words.
(vi) Question no. 20 to 23 each question carries 04 marks word limit is about 120 words.

1- lgh fodYi pqudj fyf[k;s & (1x6= 6)

¼1½ 'Essay on Population' iqLrd ds ys[kd dkSu gS+\

¼v½ fdaXlys Msfol ¼c½ jkscVZ ekY;l
¼l½ MMyh fddZ ¼n½ eSDl oscj
¼2½ ^?kksjkbZ* ,d vkfnoklh cktkj fdl jkT; ls lacaf/kr gS\
¼v½ e/;izns'k ¼c½ jktLFkku
¼l½ NRrhlx<+ ¼n½ mM+hlk

¼3½ f}rh; vU; fiNM+k oxZ vk;ksx ds v/;{k dkSu Fks\
¼v½ oh- ih- e.My ¼c½ dkdk dkysdj
¼l½ v'kksd egsrk ¼n½ cyoar jk; esgrk
¼4½ /kkfeZd igpku ij vk/kkfjr vkdzked mxzokn gSA
¼v½ /keZ fujis{krk ¼c½ jk"Vªh;rk
¼l½ ukxfjdrk ¼n½ lkEiznkf;drk
¼5½ vkS|ksxhdj.k ls xqtjus okyk igyk lekt gSA
¼v½ fczVsu ¼c½ vesfjdk
¼l½ Hkkjr ¼n½ phu
¼6½ fdls yksdra= dk igjsnkj dgk tkrk gSA
¼v½ yksdlHkk ¼c½ lsuk
¼l½ ekl ehfM;k ¼n½ LoLFk iz'kklu a
Choose and write the correct option of the following question.
(1) Who is the author of book 'Essay on Population'?
(a) Kingsley Davis (b) Robert Marthus
(c) Dudley Kirk (d) Max Weber
(2) 'Dhorai' An Adivasi Village Market is related to which State
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajesthan
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) odisha
(3) Who was the Chairman of second other Backward class Commission ?
(a) V.P. Mandal (b) Kaka Kalekar
(c) Ashok Mehta (d) Balwant Rai Mehta
(4) Aggressive Chaurinism based on eeligious identity is:
(a) Secularism (b) Nationality
(c) Citizenship (d) Communalism
(5) The first industrialized society is:
(a) Britain (b) America
(c) India (d) China
(6) Who is called the wathchman of Democracy?
(a) Loksabha (b) Army
(c) Mass Media (d) Sound Administration

2- fuEufyf[kr fjDr LFkku esa lgh 'kCn fyf[k,A (1x6= 6)
¼1½ laLd`frdj.k dh vo/kkj.kk--------------------------us nh gSA
¼2½ Caste 'kCn dh mRifRr----------------------Hkk"kk ds ewy 'kCn casta ls gqbZ gSA
¼3½ izFke vU; fiNM+k oxZ vk;ksx us lu~ -----------esa viuh fjiksZV izLrqr dhA
¼4½ ^vku fycVh* ys[k--------------}kjk fy[kk x;kA
¼5½ xzkeh.k lekt esa--------------------thfodk dk egRoiw.kZ lk/ku gSA
¼6½ Hkkjr dk loZizFke jkT; fueaf=r Vh-oh- pSuy-------- gSA

Fill the right word in the blank .

(1) The concept of Sanskritisation is given by.....................
(2) The word 'caste' is evolved from the original word of..............language.
(3) The first other Backward calss commision submitted its report in the year.......
(4) The article 'on Liberty' was written by.....................
(5) the main source of livelihood in rural socity.
(6) the first state controlled TV channel in india.

3- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls lR; vFkok vlR; dFku NkaVdj fyf[k,A (1x6= 6)
¼1½ laLd`frdj.k ls lajpukRed ifjorZu gksrk gSA
¼2½ 'kq)rk vkSj v'kq)rk tkfr O;oLFkk dk dsUnz fcUnq gSA
¼3½ lkekftd Lrjhdj.k O;fDr;ksa ds chp fofHkUurk dks ugha n'kkZrk gSA
¼4½ iznRr igpku vkSj lkeqnkf;d Hkkouk loZO;kih gksrh gSA
¼5½ lkeqnkf;d igpku ^vftZr* ;ksX;rk ;k miyfC/k ij gksrh gSA
¼6½ nfyr vkUnksyu tkfr vk/kkfjr vkUnksyu gSA

Write which of the following statements is true or false.

(1) Sanskritisation brings structural change.
(2) Purity and Pollution is at core of caste system.
(3) Social stratification does not reflect the inequalities among people.
(4) Ascribed identity and community feeling is universal.
(5) Communities identity is based on 'Ascribed quality' or achievement.
(6) Dalit movement is caste based movement.
4- fuEufyf[kr tksfM+;ksa dk lgh feyku dj fyf[k,%& (1x7= 7)

¼1½ lR;'kks/kd lekt ¼i½ ,Me fLeFk

¼2½ n osYFk vkWQ us'kUl ¼ii½ 1975
¼3½ vYkxko ¼iii½ T;ksfrjko Qqys
¼4½ gfjtu ¼iv½ 1982
¼5½ vkdk' vkSj fofo/k Hkkjrh dk foy; ¼v½ Karl Mark

¼6½ cEcbZ VSDlVkby fey gM+rky ¼vi½ M.N. Srinivas

¼7½ izcy tkfr ¼vii½ Mahatma Gandhi

¼viii½ 1957

Write the correct match of the following.

(1) Sotyasodhak Society (i) Adam Smith
(2) The Wealth of Nations ` (ii) 1975
(3) Alieration (iii) Jyotirao Phule
(4) Harijan (iv) 1982
(5) Merger of Vividh Bharti in Askasvani (v) Karl mars
(6) Bombay Textile mill strike (vi) M.N. Srinivas
(7) Dominant caste (vii) Mahatma Gandhi
(viii) 1957

5- fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mRrj ,d 'kCn@okD; esa fyf[k,A (1x7= 7)

¼1½ Hkkjr esa okf.kfT;d eksckbZy lsok,sa fdl o"kZ izkjaHk dh xbZ \
¼2½ ^vuDokbV oqMl* iqLrd ds ys[kd dk uke gSA
¼3½ Hkkjr esa baVjusV dk iz;ksx fdl n'kd ls vf/kd c<+k\
¼4½ lkoZtfud daifu;ksa ds vius fgLlksa dks futh daifu;ksa dks cspus dh izfdz;k D;k dgykrh gS\
¼5½ Lora= Hkkjr esa vkSipkfjd :i ls oS'ohdj.k dh 'kq:vkr fdl o"kZ gqbZ \
¼6½ fdl lafo/kku la'kks/ku ls iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk dh 'kq:vkr gqbZ\
¼7½ ^lks'ky pst
a bu ekMZu bf.M;k* iqLrd ds ys[kd gSA

Write the answer of the following in one word/ sentence.
(1) In which year the commerical moble services was started in India.
(2) The author of the book 'The unquiet woods' is.
(3) In which decade the use of internet was increased in India.
(4) What is the process of selling public companies to their subordinate companies called.
(5) In which year the process of globalisation was formallty started in India.
(6) From which constitutional amendment the panchayati raj system was started in India.
(7) The author of book 'Social change in modern india' is

6- L=h&iq#"k vuqikr dk vFkZ fyf[k,A 2

Write the meaning of Male- Femle Ratio
tUe ,oa eqR;q nj dk D;k vFkZ gSA
What is meant by Birth and Death rate?

7- izcy tkfr dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A 2

Write definition of dominate caste
lR;'kks/kd lekt dh LFkkiuk ds nks mn~ns'; fyf[k,A
Write two objectives of establishment of Satyasodhak Society.

8- laLd`frdj.k D;k gS\ fyf[k, 2

What is Sanskritisation? Write
ewy vkSj foLrkfjr ifjokj esa dksbZ nks varj fyf[k,A
Write any two differences between nudear and extended family.

9- lkekftd Lrjhdj.k ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ 2

What is meant by social stratificotion?
iwokZxzg ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\
What is meant by prejudice?

10- lkEiznkf;drk dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A 2

Write definition of Communalism
{ks=okn ls D;k vk'k; gS\
What does Regionalism mean.

11- lkaLd`frd ifjorZu D;k gS\ 2

What is cultural change?
iaFk fujis{khdj.k D;k gS\
What is Secularisation?

12- xBca/ku ljdkj ds dksbZ nks ykHk fyf[k,A 2

Write any two merits of Coalition government
Hkkjrh; yksdra= dh izeq[k nks fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k;sA
Write two main Characteristics of Indian Democracy.

13- Hkkjr esa Hkwfe lq/kkj ds dksbZ nks ldkjkRed ifj.kke fyf[k;sA 2
Write any two positive outcome of hand Reform in India.
xzkeh.k leqnk; dh dksbZ nks eq[; fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k;sA
Write any two main Characteristics of Rural Community.

14- izfrnkukRed vkUnksyu D;k gS\ 2

What is Redemptive movement?
ifjfLFkfrdh; vkUnksyu fdls dgrs gaS\
What is called Ecological movement?

15 lekpkj i= mRiknu esa izk|
S ksfxdh ds }kjk vk;s dksbZ nks ifjorZu fyf[k,A 2
Write any two changes in production of news paper due to technology.
lksi vksijs k D;k gS\
What is soap opera?

16- mifuos'kokn ls u, cktkjksa dk vfoHkkZo gqvk\ dksbZ rhu dkj.k fyf[k,A 3

Write any three reasons why colonisum led to the emargence of new market.
mnkjokn ls vFkZO;oLFkk esa vk;s ifjorZuksa dks fyf[k,A ¼dksbZ rhu½
Write any three changes in the Economy of Udharwad.

17- vkSifuosf'kd 'kklu ls Hkkjr esa vk;s lajpukRed ifjorZuksa dks fyf[k;sA ¼dksbZ rhu½ 3
Write the occusal charges due to colonial rule.
uxjhdj.k vkSj vkS|ksxhdj.k esa ijLij laca/kksa ij fyf[k,A
Write short notes on inter- relation of urbanization and industrialization.

18- Lora= Hkkjr esa xzkeh.k lekt esa dksbZ rhu ifjorZu fyf[k,A 3
Write any three changes in rural society in independent India.
Hkkjr esa fdlkuksa dh vkRegR;k ds fy, mRrjnk;h dkjd fy[ksA dksbZ rhuA
Write the responsible factors of farmer's suicide in India. Any three.

19- Hkwe.Myhd`r vFkZO;oLFkk ds dksbZ rhu y{k.k fyf[k;sA 3

Write any three features of globalised economy.
Hkwe.Myhdj.k fdl izdkj ls laLd`fr dks izHkkfor djrk gS\
How does globalisation effect cullture?

20- ekY;l ds tula[;k o`f) fl)kar ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k,A 4

Write an essay on malthus Populaion grouth theory.
Hkkjr esa tula[;k o`f) ds dksbZ pkj dkjdks ij foLrkj ls fyf[k,A
Write in details on any four responible factors of Population growth in India.

21- lkekftd lajpuk esa gksus okys ifjorZu ikfjokfjd lajpuk dks fdl izdkj izHkkfor djrs gS\ 4
O;k[;k dhft,A
How can changes in social structure impac family structure Describe.
Hkkjr esa lRrk ,oa oa'k ds vk/kkj ij ifjokjksa dk oxhZdj.k fyf[k, ,oa mudh O;k[;k dhft,A
Write and describe the types of family on authority and lineage basis in India.

22- lkekftd Lrjhdj.k dh dksbZ pkj eq[; fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k,A 4

Write any four important characteristices of social stratification.
tkrh; fo"kerk dks nwj djus ds dksbZ pkj mik; O;k[;k dj fyf[k,A
Write in details on any four suggestaions to remove caste discrimination.

23- lkekftd vkUnksyu fdl izdkj lkekftd ifjorZu ykrs gS\ mnkgj.k lfgr O;k[;k dhft,A 4
How does social movements bring social changes. Describe with examples.
fuEu ij fyf[k,
1- nfyr vkUnksyu 2- tutkrh; vkUnksyu
Write short nots on following:-
1. Dalit Movement 2. Tribal Movement

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