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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / semester : VIII/2
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu :

1. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban pada hurup a, b, c
dan d pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
1. The book is thick. It... Many pages.
a. Has b. Had c. Have d. Having
2. The students... Happy. They smile alot.
a. Look b. Looks c. Looked d. Looking
3. Tea is popular. Many people in the world... it.
a. Drink b. Frank c. Drinks D. Drinking
4. Listen! Somebody... Us.
a. Is calling b. Calling c. Calls d. Call
5. My father and I... Now. We are rehearsing for the next week festival.
a. Are dancing b. Is dancing c. Dancing d. Dance
6. The room is very dirty. We... Hard to clean it right now.
a. Is working b. Working is c. Are working d. Working are
7. Give the book to... Please. I want to read it.
a. I b. Me c. My d. Mine
8. I hope tomorrow will be... Than they.
a. Well b. Best c. Good d. Better
9. The test is not as... as you think.
a. Hard b. Harder c. Hardly d. Hardest
10. A puma can run as... as a car.
a. Fast b. Faster c. Fastest d. Slower
11. When she... younger, she played with teddy bears.
a Is b. Am c. Was d. Were
12. Mun was angry when she... the broken vase
a. See b. Saw c. Seeing d. Seen
13. We... Away on vacation last month.
a. Is b. Am c. Was d. Were
14. WWe were al enjoying the film when the power.. Out
a. GO b. Goes c. Went d. Going
The text in the following is for questions 15-19!
Rina went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She wanted to cook fried
rice. She arrived at eight and directly prepared for the competition. At first, she tought she had brought
everything, but suddenly, she realised that she had left the rice in the kitchen at her house. She couldn't
cook fried rice and lost the competition. She felt very disappointed.
15. Why did Rina go to the cooking festival?
a. To watch her friend competing. c. To check the rice
b. To join a cooking competition. d. To eat fried rice
16. What was the first thing Rina did when she arrived at the cooking festival?
a. Preparing for the competition c. Losing the competition
b. Starting the competition d. Leaving the rice
17. Why did Rina lose the competition?
a. She left the rice c. She cooked fried rice
b. She left the festival d. She was disappointed
18. How did Rina feel?
a. Cheerful b. Excited c. Happy d. Upset
19. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?
a. To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival
b. To inform the readers about Rina's hobby
c. To describe past events that happened to Rina
d. To describe the cooking festival
20. My cousin... Is last summer.
a. Visit b. Visits c. Visited d. Visiting
21. Who... All the windows last night?
a. Close b. Closed c. Closing d. Was closing
22. I... at the cinema yesterday. The film.. Exciting.
a. Was-Were b. were-was c. Was-was d. Were-were
23. Jakarta is.. Than Bandung
a. Big b. Bigger c. Biggest d. Is big
24. The old Man feels lonely, nobody comes to see...
a. He b. His c. Him d. Her
25. My favorite dolla is Hello Kitty. I'm playing with... at the moment.
a. It b. Me c. Him d. Them
The following text is for questions 26-29!
The mayor is going to visit us on Saturday, 15 August. All students must wear their uniform neatly and
stay presentable. The mayor will be accompanied by some of his staff. They will interview some of you.
Please answer their questions politely. Be good and helpful. Thank you.

Head teacher.
26. Who will visit the school?
a. The head teacher c. The reporter
b. The students d. The mayor
27. What will thr mayor and his staff do?
a. Answer the students' questions c. Help the students
b. Interview the students d. Be presentable
28. What should the students do?
a. They should keep silent c. They should interview the Mayor's staff
b. They should be presentable d. They should wear their favourite uniforms
29. Who gives the announcement?

a. The mayor b. The head teacher c. The students d. The Mayor's staff

30. Lia and I are best friend. I like... and she likes...

a. Her - me b. Her - my c. She - me d. She - I

II. Answer the questions in the following

Change the following sentence from the positive to the negative in the simple present tense!

1. (+) I go to school everyday

2. (+) We read newspapers in the morning

Complete the following sentences using forms of comparison

3. Who is thethe. . . Students in your school? (Tall)

4. Siti is the... girl I have ever met.

5. Chairul and I... On our project. (Work)


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