Assignment 3 CLO 4-SP24

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Assignment 3 CLO 4

10 Marks
Ontologies and Epistemology in Intelligent Medical Diagnosis Systems
Imagine you're tasked with designing a reasoning-based AI system to assist
healthcare professionals in medical diagnosis. This system will utilize extensive
medical knowledge and employ sophisticated reasoning techniques to analyze
patient data and suggest potential diagnoses.
Your assignment is to investigate the role of ontologies and epistemology in this
endeavor. Consider the following questions:
1. Ontology-based Reasoning:
 How can a well-developed medical ontology facilitate accurate diagnosis,
particularly in cases with ambiguous symptoms?
 Discuss how the ontology can help with differential diagnosis and reasoning
with uncertainty.
 What are some potential challenges or limitations of relying on an ontology for
medical diagnosis?
2. Epistemological Considerations:
 Beyond the evidence supporting a diagnosis, what are some key
epistemological factors the system should consider when determining its
confidence level?
 How can the system effectively explain its reasoning process and justify its
conclusions to healthcare professionals?
 Discuss the trade-offs between transparency and efficiency in explaining the
system's decisions.
3. Knowledge Evolution and Updating:
 How can the system's ontology and epistemological framework adapt to
incorporate new medical knowledge and maintain its reasoning accuracy over
 What mechanisms can be implemented for ontology maintenance and
 Consider the challenges of balancing trust in existing knowledge with
openness to new discoveries.

Read the provided book “Building Knowledge Graphs: A Practitioner’s Guide.” and download
the neo4j tool and submit a concept graph.

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