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LIT ART : 524 Notes

Paragraph 4: The Birth of Cubism

Cubism, co-founded by Picasso and Georges Braque around 1907, revolutionized modern art.
This innovative movement deconstructed objects into geometric shapes and presented them
from multiple perspectives within a single plane. Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is a
seminal work in this style, breaking away from traditional representation and emphasizing
abstract form. Cubism challenged conventional notions of perspective and representation,
influencing countless artists and leading to new ways of seeing and interpreting the world.
Picasso's role in developing Cubism cemented his status as a pioneer in avant-garde art.
1. When and where was Pablo Picasso born?
2. How did Picasso's early education influence his art?
3. What role did Picasso's father play in his early artistic development?
4. Where did Picasso move to continue his art education, and which institution did he
The Birth of Cubism
Cubism, co-founded by Picasso and Georges Braque around 1907, revolutionized modern art.
This innovative movement deconstructed objects into geometric shapes and presented them
from multiple perspectives within a single plane. Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is a
seminal work in this style, breaking away from traditional representation and emphasizing
abstract form. Cubism challenged conventional notions of perspective and representation,
influencing countless artists and leading to new ways of seeing and interpreting the world.
Picasso's role in developing Cubism cemented his status as a pioneer in avant-garde art.

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