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Department of Research and Technology

Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414



Solehudin 1) , Desriantomy 2) , Desi Riani 3)

University Palangka Raya


Road is a means of connecting access from one place to another. In order to obtain
good road access, from the design and construction of roads, the quality of the work must
be considered, especially in the work of road pavements. Study this use laboratory test
methods , namely for analyze use Aggregate ex . Hammer and Sand ex . Tankling on layers
Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC). In research in the laboratory held
observation and inspection to proportion mixture Lataston Lapis Aus ( Hot Rolled Sheet-
Wearing Course) that meets specifications . Generated data used for planning mix , next
made test object ( briquette ) for Marshall test was carried out so that is known
characteristics mixture that . View from the value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO)
obtained Marshall parameter values on each composition , as following : Optimum Asphalt
Content (KAO) of 7,3 % earned score stability 936.547 kg, VMA 2 0 , 582%, cavity in
mixed (VIM) 3.663%, cavity filled asphalt (VFB) 8 2,222 % and yield for Marshall
291,716 kg/mm.

Keywords : _ Ex . Palu , Ex . Tankling , Hot Rolled Sheet Wearing Course (HRS-WC) ,

Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO).
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

The road is means access liaison from one the place to the place another . In order to
get access good way , then _ from design and development Street must noticed
quality work , especially at work pavement road . Pavement profession Street faced
with the quality and quantity that must be utilise source power by efficient ,
effective , and friendly environment . Indonesia is a country that has high temperature
_ Thing this be one _ factor reason damage to coating pavement bending that uses
asphalt as ingredient fastener .
one _ solution prevent damage early on pavement Street consequence temperature
temperature height , load load , and influence of rainwater that is with add ingredient
additive . one _ type mixture pavement flexible i.e. Thin Layer of Asphalt Concrete
( Lataston ), graded gap with rate relative asphalt _ high . This thing aim for produce
Street with sufficient flexibility and durability _ good not to cause damage cracked or
release item as often _ happens on asphalt concrete (Bina Marga Department Work
General , 2018). Lataston as wear layer , known with Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing
Course ( HRS-WC) working as layer waterproof , resistant to formation groove , have
subtlety surface , able channel load , and has prisoner slip .
U for increase quality pavement way , can be done in several ways, one of method the
is with addition ingredient substitution asphalt when the material mixing process in
the Asphalt Mixing Plant ( AMP) also known as designation asphalt modification .
Asphalt modification (Polymer Modified Asphalt/PMA, Polymer Modified
Bitumen/PMB, Asphalt Modification ) is asphalt oil added with ingredient add /
additive for increase its performance . Ingredient additives to asphalt modification
that is plastomers , elastomers, polymers , asphaltenes , fibers cellulose and reused
tire rubber ( Suhartono , 2015).

Formulation of Problem
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Based on background behind the problem is there , then problem under study in study
this is as following :
1. Knowing nature physique Aggregate Rough ex . Hammer and Sand ex . Tankling .
2. How many score rate optimum asphalt (KAO) and value characteristics the
resulting marshall from mixture Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC)
uses aggregate ex Peacock and sand ex Tankling ?

Research purposes
1. Test traits physical material used in mixture Hot Rolled Sheet Wearing Course
2. Determine proportion composition best from mix used _ Hot Rolled Sheet
Wearing Course (HRS-WC) .

Scope of problem
1. Inspection traits aggregate based on Bina Marga methods and standards .
2. Asphalt used _ is asphalt hard with penetration 60/70.
3. Test carried out at the Highway Laboratory , Faculty of Engineering , University
Palangka Raya.

Benefit Study
Benefit study this is for knowing how far is the benefit use stone ex.hammer and sand
ex.Tangkiling on the mix asphalt heat meant _ for increase quality feelings flexible
Street Raya and also one of the step for increase benefit stone ex.hammer and sand
ex.Tangkiling , especially Sand ex.Tangkiling located in the district of Bukit Batu
Ward Tangling Central Kalimantan is expected could increase economy for Public
local special area Tankling .

Sukirman (2003), Feelings Street including part from structural the road that lies in
the cross-section transverse road . Pavement Street have the most important position
on the road because pavement Street touch direct with vehicle . In order for feelings
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

the right way with expected quality _ so knowledge about nature , procurement and
processing from ingredient composer pavement Street very required .
Sukirman (2003), A thin layer of asphalt concrete ( lataston ) is layer cover consisting
of from mixture aggregate graded gap , material add (filler) and asphalt hard with
comparison certain , which are mixed and compacted in state hot ( in temperature
certain , minimum 124ºC), with thickness solid 2.5 cm or 3 cm.
Based on Directorate General Bina Marga (2018), Making a thin layer of asphalt
concrete ( Lataston ) aims for get something layer surface or layer deliver on
pavement Street able highway _ give donation power support as well as working as
layer waterproof that can protect construction underneath . Hot Rolled Sheet (HRS) is
flexible and has high durability , p _ this caused HRS mix with gradation gap have
cavity in enough mix _ big , so capable absorb amount asphalt in amount a lot (7-8%)
without occur advantages asphalt (bleeding). Besides that , HRS is also easy
compacted so that resulting layer _ have impermeability against water and air high .
regarding with Thing this , properties required special _ from aggregate is corner
surface , roughness surface clean and not ingredient organic . In construction Hot
Rolled Sheet (HRS) composition aggregate fine is the biggest part so that very
influence performance during construction _ _ as well as during service .

Aggregate Rough that is aggregate whose diameter is more big from 4.75 mm
according to ASTM or more big than 2 mm according to AASHTO. Aggregate
Rough is the material retained on the no. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve when sifting . Aggregate
Rough must consist from stone clean , strong , dry , durable , angled , free _ _ from
dirt clay and foreign materials others to be able bound with good on mix asphalt .
Aggregate rude in general must Fulfill requirements that have been established (Bina
Marga Revision 2, 2018)

Table Provision Aggregate Rough

Test Standard Score
Eternity Form Aggregate to Sodium Sulfate SNI 3407:2008 Max . 12%
Solution Magnesium Sulfate Max 18%
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

100 rounds Max . 6%

Abrasion with Modified AC Mix

500 rounds 30% max
Los Angeles SNI 2417:2008
100 rounds 8% max
All type mixture asphalt
graded other
500 rounds Max . 40%
SNI 2439:2011
Attachment Aggregate to Asphalt Min. 95%

SNI 7619:2012
Item Break in Aggregate Rough 95/90 *)

Particle Flat and Oval ASTM D4791

Max . 10%
1:5 . Ratio

Source : Specifications General 2018 Revision 2 (2020)

Aggregate Fine is sand natural as results disintegration by experience from rock big
Becomes details rock size _ small . Aggregate fine defined as details rocks that have
size largest 5.0 mm or stuck in filter no. 4. Disintegration result experience this
produce details aggregate smooth shaped _ tend rounded and textured rough .
Table Provision Aggregate Fine
Test Standard Score

Equivalent Value Sand SNI 03-4428-1997 Min. 60%

SNI 03-6877-2002
Angularity with Cavity Test Min. 45

SNI 03-4141-1996
Blob Clay and Grains Easy Broken in Aggregate 1% max

Aggregate Passing Sieve No. 200 SNI ASTM C117:2012 Max . 10%

Source : Specifications General Highways _ 2018 Edition ( Revision 2)

Fillers or ingredient filler is a filling material room Among aggregate fine and
aggregate rough will _ increase density . Filler is a dry and free material from the
lumps that escape sieve No. 200 and not not enough from 75% against weight except
for mineral Asbuton . Deep filler mixture working together asphalt as lubricating and
binding aggregate smooth . Besides that partial filler too absorbed by asphalt so that
could increase volume and density . Fillers that can be added consist on dust stone
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

lime ( limestone dust, Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3 ), or dust chalk suitable quench (
hydrate lime ) with AASHTO M303-89 (2006), cement or mineral derived from
Asbuton ( Asphalt Buton ) whose source approved by the Board of Directors work . If
used asphalt modification from type Processed Asbuton _ so ingredient filler added (
filler added ) already take into account rate the filler contained in Asbuton ( Bina
Marga Revision 3, 2010).

According to module Maintenance Pavement Asphalt (2007), type damage road on

pavement could grouped into 2 types , namely :
1) Damage functional is surface damage _ possible path _ cause the disturbance
function Street that . Damage this could relate or no with damage structural . On
damage functional , pavement Street still capable withhold working load _ however
no give level comfort and safety as desired . _
2) Damage Structural Damage structural is damage to structure road , part or all that
causes pavement Street no again capable withhold working load _ above it .
According to Ristianingsih et al (2015), Charcoal is something solid porous
containing 85-95 % carbon generated from ingredients that contain carbon with
heating at temperature high . When warming up take place , try not to occur leakage
air inside _ room warming up so that ingredients that contain carbon the only
carbonized and not oxidized . Charcoal more good compared with wood burn because
score burn from charcoal as well as density charcoal more tall when compared with
wood burn .

Zainal Abidin (2011), Obtained that temperature temperature on heating take effect to
pores charcoal . The more tall temperature carbonization so the pores formed and the
number of The carbon produced is also increasing ok , where a lot pores in carbon the
have ability in absorb .
Krik and Othmer (1964), Surface more charcoal _ large impact on more height power
absorb to gas or _ liquid .
Highways Method _ Specification General Division 6 Department Work General
(2018) Revision 2 , aggregate used must Fulfill gradation aggregate in mixture (HRS-
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Table Specification Gradation HRS-WC Aggregate

Size Sieve (mm) Escaped Weight (%)
” 100
” 90-100
3/8” 75-85
No.8 50-72
No.30 35-60
No.200 6-10
Source : Specifications General Division 6 (2018)

According to Directorate General Highways _ Year 2018, Marshall Testing intended

for determine resistance ( stability ) to fatigue plastic (flow) of mixture asphalt and
aggregate . Fatigue plastic is state change form something mix that happens
consequence something burden until limit declared collapse _ in mm or 0.01 inches .
The stability value and the minimum flow value are 800 kg. For asphalt modification
score stability and a minimum flow value of 1000 kg Properties mixture concrete
asphalt could seen of the test parameters Marshall characteristics include : _
1) Marshall Stability .
2) Melting ( Flow ).
3) Density ( Density ).
4) Weight Type Maximum Mixture Theoretical .
5) Weight Bulk Asphalt Type Concrete Solid ( Fig ).
6) Inner Air Cavity Mixture (Voids in Mix, VIM).
7) Marshall Quotient ( Marshall Quotient ).
8) Cavity Between Aggregate (Void in the Minerl Aggregates , VMA).
9) Cavity Filled Asphalt (Void Filled With Bitumen, VFB).

Study this use laboratory test methods , namely for analyze usage charcoal wood
mash as ingredient plus filler in mix (HRS-WC). In study this held observation and
inspection to proportion planning suitable mix _ specifications . Generated data used
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

for planning mix , next made test object for Marshall test was carried out so that got
characteristics mixture studied pavement . _
Location Material Retrieval
1. Aggregate Rough ex . Hammer taken from one _ Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP)
in Central Kalimantan to be exact Trans Kalimantan Palangka Raya-Kuala
Kurun Road Palawan Pahu Village Regency Go home knife .
2. Aggregate Rough ex . Hammer taken from one _ Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP)
in Central Kalimantan to be exact Trans Kalimantan Palangka Raya-Kuala
Kurun Road Palawan Pahu Village Regency Go home knife .
3. Aggregate Fine Sand ex.Tangkiling taken from Bukit Batu District coincides
in Km. 25 Tjilik Street messy . Central Kalimantan.

Data Retrieval
Data collection is done with analyze results filter at the moment Research in the
Laboratory Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department University
Palangka Raya and make test objects ( briquettes ) as many as 15 pieces in the
experiment first consisting of of 1 kind composition best approaching _ specification
with 5 variations rate asphalt . Each variation rate asphalt made 3 pieces later test
object result averaged for then obtained value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO).

Results and Discussion

Table Analysis Filter Stone ex.hammer
Sample 1000 grams
No. Filter
Amount Heavy Percentage
Heavy stuck
inch mm stuck Get away
#3/4 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
#1/2 12.7 227.03 227.03 22.70 77.30
#3/8 9.5 461.04 688.07 68.81 31.19
No.8 2.38 266.03 954.10 95.41 4.59
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

No.30 0.595 24.75 978.85 97.89 2.11

No.200 0.074 14.15 993.00 99.30 0.70
Pan - 7.00 1000000 100.00 0.00

Table Analysis Stone Ash Sieve ex.hammer

Sample 1000 grams
No. Filter
Amount Heavy Percentage
Heavy stuck
inch mm stuck Get away
#3/4 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
#1/2 12.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
#3/8 9.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
No.8 2.38 148.15 148.15 14.82 85.19
No.30 0.595 273.15 421.30 42.13 57.87
No.200 0.074 450,40 871.70 87.17 12.83
Pan - 128.30 1000000 100.00 0.00

Table Analysis Filter Sand ex.Tangkiling .

Sample 1000 grams
No. Filter
Amount Heavy Percentage
Heavy stuck
inch mm stuck stuck Get away
#3/4 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
#1/2 12.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
#3/8 9.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
No.8 2.38 47,00 47,00 4.70 95.30
No.30 0.595 394.02 441.02 44.10 55,90
No.200 0.074 454.30 895.32 89.54 10.46
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Pan - 104.64 999.96 100.00 0.00

Making test object , Manufacture test object follow procedures on SNI 06-2489-1991.
Marshall Characteristic Parameter Test Results Table .
Marshall Characteristic Parameters
Content MQ(kg/ Information
(%) Stability (kg) VMA (%) VIM (%) VFB (%)

6.5 869.05 20.27 5.89 70.96 276.57 VIM No Fulfill

7.0 926.60 20.23 4.55 77.51 303.40 Fulfill

7.5 936.55 20.58 3.66 82.22 291.72 Fulfill

8.0 912.08 20.46 2.17 89.40 302.00 VIM No Fulfill

8.5 873.69 21.59 2.20 89.82 275.97 VIM No Fulfill
> 600 > 17 3-5 > 68 > 250

Evaluation results nature Marshall characteristics show that range rate asphalt 6.95%
to 7.65% mix Fulfill all specified requirements . _ Based on range the taken score
middle range i.e. 7.30% as value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO). From result
testing so got results Marshall KAO parameter value is 7.30%.

The following is a graph of the results of the study :

Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Chart Connection Stability to Asphalt Content Variations

Chart Connection Cavity between Aggregate ( VMA) against Asphalt Content


Chart Connection Inner Air Cavity Mixed (VIM) against Asphalt Content Variations
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Chart Connection Cavity Filled Asphalt (VFB) against Variation Asphalt Level

Chart The relationship between Marshall quotient value and Asphalt Content

Chart Marshall Parameter Value Relationship to Level

Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Optimum Asphalt (KAO)

Full results could seen on the graph connection rate asphalt with nature Marshall
characteristics of rate asphalt like the following in the picture above the Optimum
Asphalt Content , namely score Lowest added rated highest in division 2.
6 , 95+7 , 65
=7 , 30 %
= 2

Evaluation results nature Marshall characteristics show that range rate asphalt 6.95%
to 7.65% mix Fulfill all specified requirements . _ Based on range the taken score
middle range i.e. 7.30% as value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO). From result
testing so got results Marshall KAO parameter value of 7.30% can be seen in the
table under this .

Table of Marshall Characteristic Parameter Values at Optimum Asphalt Content

Marshall Characteristic Parameters
Compositi Cavity
KAO quotient _
on Stability VMA Cavity in Filled
(%) Marshall
Mixture (kg) (%) Mixed (%) Asphalt
I 7.30 936.55 20.58 3.66 82.22 291.72
- >600 >17 3-5 >68 >250
Source : Calculation Results (2022)

Could seen from table above _ that Marshall characteristic parameter value of Optimum
Asphalt Content (KAO) has stability of 936.55 kg, VMA of 20.58%, cavity in mixture (
VIM ) of 3.66%, cavity filled asphalt ( VFB ) of 82.22% and the yield for Marshall ( MQ
) of 291.72 kg/mm.

1. Traits Physique include :
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

 Analysis filter Stone ex. Palu , Abu Batu ex.Hammer and Sand
ex.Tangkiling Fulfill Specifications of Highways 2018 ( Revision 2) Year
 Examination results Abrasion for Aggregate Rough Stone ex.hammer
obtained 23.81% Bina Marga Specifications 2018 ( Revision 2) in 2020
of <30%
 Test results Heavy type :
Aggregate Rough ex.hammer ; Heavy Type (Bulk) 2,660, Weight Type Dry
Surface Saturated 2,696, Weight Type Apparent 2,760 , Absorption 1,365 .
Aggregate Smooth Ash stone ex.hammer ; Heavy Type (Bulk) 2,525, Weight
Type Dry Surface Saturated 2,576, Weight Type Apparent 2,661 , Absorption 2,044 .
Aggregate Fine ex . Tankling ; Heavy Type (Bulk) 2,528, Weight Type Dry Surface
Saturated 2,579, Weight Type Apparent (Apparent) 2.664, Absorption ( Absorbtion )
 Sand Equivalent Test Results ex.Tangkiling got 65.89 meet Specifications of
Highways 2018 ( Revision 2) Year 2020.

2. Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) produced 7, 3 %, it has met the specifications

in the mixture of Hot Rolled Sheet Wearing Coures (HRS-WC) that has been
determined. View from the value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) obtained
Marshall parameter values on each composition , as following : In composition I
with Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) of 7,3 % earned score stability 936.547
kg, VMA 2 0 , 582 %, cavity in mixed (VIM) 3,663 %, cavity filled asphalt
(VFB) 8 2,222 % and yield for Marshall 291,716 kg/mm.

Christady , H., 2011, Design Road Pavement and Soil Investigation , Gadjah Mada
University , Yogyakarta.
Department Work General (2020), Specifications General 2018 Revision 2, Jakarta.
Rahmadini , S. (2018), Influence Variation Temperature Compression Mixture
Asphalt Concrete for Taxiway Surface Course Tjilik . Airport Riwut
Department of Research and Technology
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute (STIPRAM)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. East Ring Road, Bantul , Yogyakarta 55584
Email : _ _ research@stipram.ac.id
Phone: +6281 229881414

Palangka Raya, Task End University Faculty of Engineering Palangka Raya,

Palangka Raya.
Rahmattullah (2018), Analysis Comparison Tabalong River Sand and Barito River
Sand for Mixture Hot Rolled Sheet – Wearing Course (HRS-WC), Task End
University Faculty of Engineering Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya.
Suhartono (2015), Technology Asphalt and its Use in Construction Road Pavement ,
Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

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