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power sharing 2024-04-26

Key Terms
Checks and balances

Checks and balances refer to the system where each branch of government can limit the powers
of the other branches to prevent any one from becoming too powerful.

They ensure no single entity has unchecked authority.

Serve as a safeguard against potential abuses of power.
Help maintain stability and prevent tyranny.
Promote accountability and transparency in governance.

Coalition government

A coalition government is when two or more political parties come together to form a governing
body, sharing power and responsibilities.

Coalition governments usually occur when no single party gains a majority in an election.
In a coalition government, parties must negotiate and compromise on policies to govern
Coalition governments can lead to more diverse representation but may also face challenges
in decision-making and maintaining unity.
Sometimes coalition governments have a coalition agreement that outlines how power will be
shared and policies implemented.

Community government

In community government, different groups within a society have the autonomy to govern
themselves according to their own laws and customs.

Community government allows for localized decision-making and representation of diverse

It promotes inclusivity by recognizing the unique needs and identities of various
This system can enhance social cohesion and foster a sense of belonging among members.
Community government can help prevent conflicts by addressing grievances at the local level
before they escalate.

In the context of representing different cultural groups within a state, 'Ethnic' refers to the
classification based on shared cultural characteristics and identity.

Ethnic groups can have distinct languages, traditions, and histories.

These groups often seek representation and recognition to ensure their interests are
Ethnic diversity can influence political, economic, and social dynamics within a society.
Ethnic tensions arising from unequal representation can lead to conflicts and challenges in

Federal division of power

The Federal division of power involves the distribution of authority between the central
government and regional governments to ensure a balance of power.

Federalism promotes decentralization and self-governance.

It allows each level of government to focus on specific issues within their jurisdiction.
Provides checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.
Creates a system of cooperation and competition between different levels of government.


Majoritarianism is a governing principle where the majority community rules without considering
the interests of minority groups.

Majoritarianism can lead to minority groups feeling marginalized and excluded from decision-
making processes.
It can result in monopolization of power by the dominant group, leading to potential
oppression of minority voices.
Minority rights may be disregarded or overridden in a majoritarian system.
In extreme cases, majoritarianism can pose a threat to social harmony and result in
intergroup conflicts.


In the context of moral values, it is essential for ensuring fairness, justice, and equality among all
individuals in a society.

Moral principles guide individuals and institutions in making ethical decisions.

Moral leadership involves setting a positive example and promoting integrity and honesty.
Respecting others' rights and dignity is a cornerstone of moral behavior.
Moral values help build trust, cooperation, and mutual respect in relationships.

Power-sharing involves the division and allocation of governmental power among different
groups to prevent the dominance of one group.

It is a mechanism to promote peace and stability in diverse societies.

It can be achieved through systems like federalism, coalition governments, or proportional
Helps in accommodating the interests and needs of various communities or regions.
Encourages cooperation and inclusivity among different groups.


Prudential refers to institutions or mechanisms that help in promoting harmony and stability in
societies by encouraging mutual respect and understanding among diverse groups.

It involves creating systems that cater to the interests of different communities.

Prudential measures aim to prevent conflict and promote cooperation in societies.
It focuses on ensuring fairness and justice for all members of a society.
It is essential for maintaining social cohesion and peaceful coexistence among various

System of reserved constituencies

Reserved constituencies ensure representation for disadvantaged groups such as minorities or

women, promoting inclusivity and equity in the political system.

Guarantees a certain number of seats for specified groups in the legislature.

Aims to address historical marginalization and underrepresentation.
Helps give a voice to minority viewpoints and interests.
Balances power dynamics by diversifying political representation.

Vertical division of power

Vertical division of power involves the allocation of authority between different levels of
government, such as national, state, and local, in a hierarchical manner.

This system ensures that each level has distinct powers and responsibilities.
Decentralization is a key feature where lower levels of government have autonomy in
It helps in better governance by allowing for tailored policies to local needs.
Vertical division of power can help prevent the concentration of power at a single level.

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