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1. WRITING and SPEAKING: Pair-work.

With a partner, complete the three following

short stories (add at least 8 sentences to each story). You need to use past tenses and at
least one conditional type 3 sentence in each paragraph.
 Yesterday was the premier of a movie I really wanted to see, but the movie started
at 11 pm! The next day, I had an important exam at 8 am so…
- If he doesn’t have the exam he would be watching the movie.
- He watched the movie after the exam.
- If my exam was on Monday, I will be in the first line of the movie.
- I was crying when I discover that the exam was near the movie.
- I had been thinking of going to watch the movie at 11pm.
- The avenger’s movie is the movie that I was more excited but the exam ruined
like Thanos.
- If I had got the tickets, I would have given to one of my friends.
- I think I would take all my class to the movie so the teacher can’t put the exam

 I had been saving money for two years because I wanted to buy a car. However,
this year is my graduation and my friends want to go on a trip. I don’t know what
to do because…
I was saving and now I think I will lose all my money or at least the one
I need for my car.
I had been thinking of saving more money doing jobs so I can use some for the trip.
I think I would not go to the trip this time I hope they understand.
I think I would go to the trip and live my car when I return because is my last time with
my friends.
If I had got the money, I would have paid the two things.
He decided to work at the mornings to pay the trip.
I love my friends and I want to be with them until the end.
I only have some money so I hope they understand If I don’t go.
I made a mistake and lied to my parents. Now…
- I have to pay my lies and take the punishment.
- I had been thinking if those lies really were necessary.
- If I had got the responsibility, I would have forgiven of my mistake.
- He need to paid like the heroes down Thanos and think about he done.
- I was saying my apologize to my parents for what I did.
- I will become a super villain and destroy the planet.
- I had been playing music for my works I need to do of the punishment.
- I had been making this mistake more bigger than a whale.

2. WRITING. Watch the video “A short film about shopping,

 Write 5 countable nouns you find
- Tomatoes
- Strawberry’s
- Apple
- Potatoes
 Write 5 uncountable nouns you find
- Milk
- Rice
- Fruit
- Meat
- Bread
 Of the items that were chosen, what are the three that you always buy?
- Bread
- Milk
- Meat
3. SPEAKING: Record a 2- 3 minute video where you talk about a typical shopping day.
What items do you usually buy? Do you have a certain routine when going to the
supermarket? Do you buy things in a specific order? Why? Use quantifiers.
Well, when I used to accompany my grandparents to the errand shopping because we only went to
Soriana since it seems that HEB was more expensive or something they said, so the pure way to Soriana
was very short since it is very close to the house, upon arrival we went to the left side of Soriana and
took a cart with tires for the electric stairs so as not to struggle when climbing it, we had an order was
from left to right starting with meats and ending with vegetables, what we normally bought was some:
sausages, ham, cheeses, bread, milk, spices, mustard, mayonnaise, rice, pasta, meats, soaps for both
hands and clothes, juices, cereals, sometimes cookies for me, eggs, fruits, vegetables and sometimes at
the end we went to the toys, something like that was our journey. Although I would not say that this was
the final order to buy since when I was older it was my turn that they started with other things but that
was the most common.

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