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To Kill A Mockingbird comprehension questions

What is the mockingbird best known for?

The mockingbird is best known for their unique ability as songbirds to mimic other birds,
insects and amphibians.

What other birds does Harper Lee refer to in her novel?

Harper Lee named the main protagonists in her book “To Kill A Mockingbird” Finch after a
song bird, much like a Mockingbird. Harper Lee also used Blue Jays in her novel to convey
the disparity between the people in Maycomb. Blue Jays represented the aggressive and
unkind people of Maycomb while the Mockingbirds represented innocence and kindness.

Comment on the representations of these different species of birds. Do you think this motif
was an intentional choice from Harper Lee?

The representation of the Mockingbird in the novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ conveyed
innocence and depicted the people who were wronged by humanity. This is shown
consistently throughout the novel however it is more explicitly shown towards the end of
the novel. When Tom Robinson is shot Mr Underwood notes that his death could be
accurately compared to “the slaughter of senseless songbirds”. This is also shown when
Scout expresses that hurting Boo Radley would be like “shooting a mockingbird”. This idea is
all brought back to chapter 10 of the novel when Miss Maudie said that “Mockingbirds don’t
do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”.

Harper Lee chose to name the main protagonists in her novel Finch after a kind of small
song bird that is quite similar to a Mockingbird. By using bird imagery to represent them
Harper Lee instantly placed the importance of the Finch family at the centre of the story and
the fictional town of Maycomb. It also indicates that the Finch family will face the same
prejudice and vulnerability that the ‘Mockingbirds’ of the story are subject to.

Metaphorically, are there any characters that are conveyed as “mockingbirds”?

Explain your answer.

Throughout the novel there are many characters that can be considered as ‘Mockingbirds’
the most obvious ones being, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. Tom Robinson can be
considered as a ‘Mockingbird’ as he has not harmed anyone and rather is an admirable
character, however he has been charged with the rape of a white woman. Miss Maudie
expressed Mockingbirds do no harm to anyone and make music for people to enjoy, hence
why “it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird”. As Tom has been wrongfully accused he can be seen as
a ‘Mockingbird’.

Boo Radley can be considered as a ‘Mockingbird’ as he is a victim of society and humanity.

While Boo Radley is recluse we later learn that he is a gentle and caring person who has
been severity misjudged by society, Maycomb. He was abused by his father who can be
seen as a blue jay and hence he suffered from the evilness of humanity. Due to his traumatic
past Boo Radley choose to stay in the comfort of his own home. The people of Maycomb
assumed that he was a horrible person who is to blame for all the town’s crimes. Boo Radley
is a victim of society’s overbearing opinions and judgment. As both the Mockingbird and
Boo Radley are victims of humanity Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird.

Originally, Harper Lee wanted to title the book Atticus. Do you think To Kill A Mockingbird
was a better choice? Explain why/why not.

The significance of the title To Kill A Mockingbird holds a lot of literal connection to the plot
while also carrying a lot of symbolic meaning. While the title Atticus would have established
the characters it would have also been confusing for the reader as Scout is the narrator. The
title ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ immediately begs the question “what is so significant about
killing a mockingbird?”. This establishes the main themes of the story as the plot evolves.

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