Tmhm10-Module 3

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Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for the Tourism Professional Module (TMHM 9 )


 Cultural diversity is defined as any significant difference in an individual's

behavior within a culture.
 On a social level, the cultural milieu in the workplace reflects contemporary
demographics, socioeconomic diversity, and cultural diversity.
 Cultural diversity refers to the variety of human groups, civilizations, and
cultures found in a certain region or throughout the world.
 Cultural variety is made up of individuals and groups with diverse origins,
beliefs, characteristics, habits, traditions, and values.
 It divides individuals of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and
languages into different groups within a community, organization, or country.

Concept of Cultural Diversity

Any business that wishes to thrive must have a global vision and an unrelenting
commitment to ensuring that cultural diversit is incorporated into its daily operations.
Several views on cultural dimensions are as follows:

1. Cultural diversity is a specific and contextual concept. Many contemporary academics

see cultural diversity as an important difference that differentiates one individual from
another, a phrase that covers a wide range of apparent and hidden traits.

2. Cultural diversity is a person's distinctive set of values beliefs, attitudes, and

expectations, as well as language symbols, customs, and behaviors that they share wit

3. Cultural diversity is identities arising from membership in socio-culturally distinct

groups, that is, they collectively share norms, beliefs, or practices that vary from those
of other groups.

Characteristic of Cultural Diversity

1. Cultural diversity is a two-edged sword that can be both a source of conflict and
discontent in an organization if managed correctly and a source of conflict and
dissatisfaction if neglected by mistake.

2. Affirmative action and equal opportunity aren't enough when it comes to cultural

Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for the Tourism Professional Module (TMHM 9 )

3. Cultural diversity encompasses not only basic characteristics (gender, age, race,
ethnicity, and so on), but also secondary aspects (such as religion, personality
differences, education etc.).

4. Cultural diversity is not only the duty of senior executives or HR managers; it is also
the responsibility of everyone in the company.

5. Cultural diversity is a continuous process that must be carried out in accordance with
the changing requirements and expectations of a diverse workforce.

 Thus, cultural diversity can be summarized as "workforce diversity," which

includes all visible and non-visible factors that cause differences among people,
such as gender, religion, physical disability, family status, age, race, hierarchical
status, language, education, profession, and way of life, among others.
 Cultural diversity is important for companies in the long run. It is especially
important for hospitality businesses to understand cultural diversity ahead of time
when growing internationally. Unfortunately, many companies expand globally
without a strategic plan and are surprised by the cultural difficulties that their
overseas operations confront.
 Recruiting, educating, and promoting culturally diverse employees is
becoming more important for today's companies.

Human Resource Management is increasingly recognizing the link between culturally

diverse people and the business. The basic foundation for this approach may be

a. Organizations exist to fulfill human needs.

b. Organizations and people need each other.

C.When the fit between the individual and the organization is poor, either one of
them or both of them will suffer.

d. When the fit between the individual and the organization is good, both will

 As a consequence, cultural diversity has become more of a desire than a

necessity. When managers respect their employees' cultural beliefs and values,
they create a supportive environment.
 As a consequence, the company is able to create an acceptable environment of
mutual trust and collaboration.

Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for the Tourism Professional Module (TMHM 9 )

Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Challenges and rewards are inextricably linked. If a company wish do reap the benefis
of cultural diversity. itemustalso confron was dificulties. The following are some of the
most significant challenges:

1. Communication: To make the diversity initiatives a success the company will have
to overcome the continuous cultural and linguistic hurdles that result in poor
communication lack of teamwork, and so on.

2. Employee Resistance to Change: Employees oppose change since it is human

nature; nevertheless, it takes time to comprehend and comply with the change.
Employees must be free of the mindset of "I used to do it this way." and only then would
they be ready to accept the change.

3. Workplace Diversity Implementation: The business must execute diversity policy at

all costs. It goes without saying that the workers may not like or agree to the changes at
first. This, however, is what is referred to as a challenge.

4. Diversity in the Workplace Policy Implementation: This may be the most difficult
issue for any diversity promoters/ advocates. Making diversity training obligatory for
workers does not work; rather, diversity must be integrated, that is, it must become a
part of every policy and practice of the company.

Research shows that in all industries face a number of common business challenges in
which cultural diversity already is or could be a significant factor.

1. Complying with equal opportunity, safety and anti-discrimination regulations

2. Competing for talent and overcoming skills shortages

3. Adapting to the realities of increased workforce and labor market diversity

4. Managing and developing knowledge and innovativeness

5. Managing workplace and customer relationships

6. Developing and maintaining good community relations

7. Meeting increased workforce expectations of conditions and opportunities

8. Marketing to and serving culturally diverse domestic and overseas customers

Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for the Tourism Professional Module (TMHM 9 )

9. Competing in a culturally diverse international business environment

10. Ensuring ethical conduct, due diligence and social responsibility

Benefits of Cultural Diversity

A company's ability to embrace diversity and capitalize on its benefits is essential to its
success and competitiveness. There are many benefits for businesses that actively
assess their workplace diversity management and develop and implement diversity
plans. Cultural diversity, in essence, promotes corporate cultural competence. In a
number of ways, it may offer a competitive edge and increased productivity in the hotel

Some of the advantages or benefits that a culturally varied workforce may offer to a
company are as follows:

1. Improved customer service

Because most companies serve a large number of customers, they must offer
better customer service. A diverse staff is better able to comprehend and engage with
different types of customers, enabling them to be better serviced.

2. More information, richer ideas/view points, and a greater number of

approaches to problem solving

A diverse team benefits the organization by providing more information, richer

ideas/view points, and a greater number of approaches to problem solving than a team
comprised of the same type of members. Finally, diversity may be a source of problem-
solving knowledge.

3. Greater tolerance for different views

A diverse workforce contains a broad variety of ideas representing a wide range

of points of view and values. To successfully utilize these varied perspectives,
organizations must adopt a tolerant attitude toward workers who have different

4. Improved adaptability

The business must be able to respond quickly to changing customer needs and
competition activity.

5. Valuing justice and individual contributions

Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for the Tourism Professional Module (TMHM 9 )

In order to enjoy the advantages of more knowledge and wider, more varied
perspectives, the business must create a climate in which workers feel they are working
in a fair and appreciative environment.

6. More inventive

A diverse staff helps a business since people from different backgrounds have
different views on the same problem and are therefore more likely to come up with
innovative and novel solutions to difficulties and options.

7. Enhances a company's image

Businesses are concerned about their public image, or what the general public
thinks of them and what emotions arise when their names are spoken. A positive or
excellent public image helps to attract investors, customers, and employees to the
business. Being known as a company that values diversity may help you build a good
brand image.

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