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Raw Data Extract Pay Report

Employee ID Last Name First Name Employee ID Pay First Name

110608 Doe John 990678 $84,289
253072 Cline Andy 830385 $137,670
352711 Smith John 795574 $190,024
391006 Pan Peter 580622 $122,604
392128 Favre Bret 549457 $111,709
549457 Elway John 392128 $85,931
580622 Manning Eli 391006 $168,114
602693 Vick Micheal 352711 $89,627
611810 Woods Tiger 253072 $149,946
612235 Jordan Micheal 612235 $145,893
795574 Stark Tony 611810 $64,757
830385 Williams Prince 602693 $71,478
990678 Pitt Brad 110608 $131,505

Use VLOOKUP formulas to bring

first and last names of employe
Raw Data Extract section
Last Name

Use VLOOKUP formulas to bring in the

first and last names of employees in the
Raw Data Extract section
Raw Data Extract Pay Report
Employee ID Last Name First Name Employee ID Pay First Name
110608 Doe John 990678 $84,289 Brad
253072 Cline Andy 830385 $137,670 Prince
352711 Smith John 795574 $190,024 Tony
391006 Pan Peter 580622 $122,604 Eli
392128 Favre Bret 549457 $111,709 John
549457 Elway John 392128 $85,931 Bret
580622 Manning Eli 391006 $168,114 Peter
602693 Vick Micheal 352711 $89,627 John
611810 Woods Tiger 253072 $149,946 Andy
612235 Jordan Micheal 612235 $145,893 Micheal
795574 Stark Tony 611810 $64,757 Tiger
830385 Williams Prince 602693 $71,478 Micheal
990678 Pitt Brad 110608 $131,505 John
Last Name
Raw Data Extract #1 Pay Report
Employee ID Last Name First Name Employee ID Pay Last Name
110608 Doe John 990678 $84,289
253072 Cline Andy 830385 $137,670
352711 Smith John 795574 $190,024
391006 Pan Peter 580622 $122,604
392128 Favre Bret 549457 $111,709
549457 Elway John 392128 $85,931
580622 Manning Eli 391006 $168,114
602693 Vick Micheal 352711 $89,627
611810 Woods Tiger 253072 $149,946
612235 Jordan Micheal 612235 $145,893
795574 Stark Tony 611810 $64,757
830385 Williams Prince 602693 $71,478
990678 Pitt Brad 110608 $131,505

Use VLOOKUP formulas to brin

last name and city of employee
Raw Data Extract sections
Raw Data Extract #2
Employee ID City State
110608 Columbus Ohio
253072 Chicago Illnois
352711 Tampa Bay Florida
391006 Chicago Illnois
392128 Chicago Illnois
549457 Tampa Bay Florida
580622 Columbus Ohio
602693 Tampa Bay Florida
611810 Austin Texas
612235 Tampa Bay Florida
795574 Austin Texas
830385 Chicago Illnois
990678 Austin Texas

Use VLOOKUP formulas to bring in the

last name and city of employees in the
Raw Data Extract sections
Raw Data Extract #1 Pay Report
Employee ID Last Name First Name Employee ID Pay Last Name
110608 Doe John 990678 $84,289 Pitt
253072 Cline Andy 830385 $137,670 Williams
352711 Smith John 795574 $190,024 Stark
391006 Pan Peter 580622 $122,604 Manning
392128 Favre Bret 549457 $111,709 Elway
549457 Elway John 392128 $85,931 Favre
580622 Manning Eli 391006 $168,114 Pan
602693 Vick Micheal 352711 $89,627 Smith
611810 Woods Tiger 253072 $149,946 Cline
612235 Jordan Micheal 612235 $145,893 Jordan
795574 Stark Tony 611810 $64,757 Woods
830385 Williams Prince 602693 $71,478 Vick
990678 Pitt Brad 110608 $131,505 Doe

Use VLOOKUP formulas to brin

last name and city of employee
Raw Data Extract sections
Raw Data Extract #2
Employee ID City State
110608 Columbus Ohio
253072 Chicago Illnois
352711 Tampa Bay Florida
391006 Chicago Illnois
392128 Chicago Illnois
549457 Tampa Bay Florida
580622 Columbus Ohio
602693 Tampa Bay Florida
611810 Austin Texas
612235 Tampa Bay Florida
795574 Austin Texas
830385 Chicago Illnois
990678 Austin Texas
Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay

Use VLOOKUP formulas to bring in the

last name and city of employees in the
Raw Data Extract sections
Pay Band Table Pay Report
Pay Min Pay Band Employee ID Pay Pay Band
$25,000 Level A 990678 $84,289
$50,000 Level B 830385 $137,670
$75,000 Level C 795574 $190,024
$100,000 Level D 580622 $122,604
$150,000 Level E 549457 $111,709
392128 $85,931
391006 $168,114
352711 $89,627
253072 $149,946
612235 $145,893
611810 $64,757
602693 $71,478
110608 $131,505

Use VLOOKUP's approximate match to bring in

the pay band label for the Pay range
roximate match to bring in
or the Pay range
Pay Band Table Pay Report
Pay Min Pay Band Employee ID Pay Pay Band
$25,000 Level A 990678 $84,289 Level C
$50,000 Level B 830385 $137,670 Level D
$75,000 Level C 795574 $190,024 Level E
$100,000 Level D 580622 $122,604 Level D
$150,000 Level E 549457 $111,709 Level D
392128 $85,931 Level C
391006 $168,114 Level E
352711 $89,627 Level C
253072 $149,946 Level D
612235 $145,893 Level D
611810 $64,757 Level B
602693 $71,478 Level B
110608 $131,505 Level D

Use VLOOKUP's approximate match to bring in

the pay band label for the Pay range
roximate match to bring in
or the Pay range

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