OEVTS User Manual

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User Mannual for using OEVTS Application

1. Download and Installation of the mobile application:

 Website URL: https://oevts.odisha.gov.in/

 Clicking on android option the following window will pop-up from where
user can download their app for Mobile based tracking.

 Click on OEVTS to download the app and install it in your mobile if it is

already installed and any updated version is available it will ask for update
instead of install.
 Provide the necessary permission to the app asked while first installation.
 After Download the OEVTS Mobile App it will ask send app for Security Check.
Please click Don’t Send.
 Allow Location Permissions as display on the screen location should be allow all
the time as shown in below.
 Enter your registered mobile number and press Request OTP.
 Then press Verify OTP to login into the app.

 In the next screen press Start Trip to start the tracking.

 At the end of the day user may press Stop
Trip to stop the strip and then press back key
again to logout.
Note on Do’s & Don’ts:
1. Keep track of your mobile battery.
2. This mobile app is only accessible to FST / SST / Sector Officers /
Polling Parties.
3. Polling Party have to show the installed app and start tracking
before collecting the EVM at the dispersal center.
1. Do not close mobile app.

2. Try to minimize the calls during the use of OEVTS Mobile app. If the
OEVTS Mobile app is minimized try to restart the Mobile app by
clicking the start trip again

Web Application:

Use your registered mobile number to login by entering the OTP. The web portal is only
accessible to the following user level:
 Department admin

The following options are available after login:

1. Dashboard
2. User Management
3. Map
4. Report

1. Dashboard
 Officer vehicle information there is a pie chart here showing an active officer and
an Inactive Officer.

 In an alert button at the top of the right side present it is the notification option
where we will get the information of tracking vehicle if GPS is not working.

 In a dashboard there is a total no. of districts, Total PC, Total AC, Total Sector,
Total Booth, and Dispersal Centre.

 In Officer Vehicle Information (Active/Inactive) We will Find How Many Sector

Officer, FST/SST Officer and Polling Parties are Active and Inactive.

 In Officer Alert Information (No Data/No Movement) We will Find How Many
Sector Officer, FST/SST Officer and Polling Parties Having No Data and No

 Showing the Dispersal Centre to Booth arrival and Booth to Receiving centre
report the no of officers arrival , departure and en-route
2. Master

2.1 Designation Master

 In a designation listing page here, we can type a designation and have
an Is active option (Yes/No).
 If anything is wrong input is done there is having reset option.
 Lastly the search detail will show in a page. It is only accessible to

User/Officer Master Management

 In a user listing we have to fill up a Name, Mobile, and Designation and

also have a Mobile track Access (Yes/No) option is there and is active
(Yes/No) option is also available for search filter. Lastly, if any wrong
fill-up done there is an option of reset is also present.

 Tabular view format will appear.

 At the top of the corner there is an icon of add new user option is there
only for Admin.

 In that add new user option, we have to fill up a Name, Mobile1,

Designation, and Role is a mandatory field.

 This is the provision of Is mobile track access, is all track access, Is alert
access, and Is active and all of these options have a Yes or No.
2.3 Dispersal Centre Master
 In a dispersal center we have to write a center name and search it. After that tabular
view format will be appear.
 In a tabular view format here view on map option is there.

2.4 Ac Master
 In assembly constituencies we have to add the district name and assembly constituency.
 Lastly tabular view format will appear.
2.5 Sector Master

2.6 Booth Master

2.7 Tracking Mobile Master

In tracking Mobile Master page is showing the Officer details those will be tracked.

2.8 Add Booth level User

Provision of Polling party details will be upload assembly constitution wise after
randomization data.
2. Reports
3.1 Alert Report

 In an alert listing report we can see the officer-wise alert report whether they are in
No Movement stage or No Data is polling.
 In action resolve button to resolve the alerts manually.
 User can see the officer’s last location information by clicking on a view on the map.
3.2 Idle Vehicle Report

In this reports Idle Officers for more than 15mins

 3.3 No Data Report

 3.4 Dc - > Booth report

 3.5 Booth -> Dc report

3. Map:
 Map is used to view details of the Officers Movement of travel during Election.
 4.1. Home:
 Home Icon Used For Return To Dashboard Screen From Map Screen.

Home Icon Used

for Return to

 4.2. Search:
 Search Icon Used to search the data of the Officers.

Search Icon Used

to search the
data of officers.
 4.3. Search Data:
 Data can be searched by providing data of concerned district, AC, Sector, Booth, Officers
Name. 

 4.4. Data Details:

 After Giving Details Press Search Icon Then, Vehicle Symbol Will Pop-Up of Concerned
Officer, After Click on That Officers Symbol Details we can find details of the officer.

Select this
icon first
The details
will pop-up
 4.5. Live Location:
 When We start Trip on Mobile App, here we can see the live movement of the concerned
officers route.

Click on this Icon

for Live Location

 4.6. Officer’s Location History:

 Here We Can See the past travel History of the officer’s travel route by selecting date and
time duration.

Second Select the Third Select the

start date and time end date and time

Then Press on
Search icon for
Click on this icon first to result
know location history

 4.6.1. Officer’s Location History Route:

 After Selecting Required date and time like this red line route we can find the route of
concerned officer travel route.

 3.7. Reset:
 Reset is used for clear the data what were selected before and return to home page of Map.

Click on this Icon

for Reset Map
4. Layer Panel:
 Layer Panel used to select the District Boundary, Booth Locations, AC Boundary, PC Boundary,
Dispersal Center, Officers. We can see individually or multiple things by selecting those field.

5. Base Map View:

 Here We Can See the Map in different type of views like Blank Map, Google Satellite, Google
Road. We can’t select multiple view here have to view one at a time.

 6. Zoom In:
 Zoom in Icon Used being appear the map larger or closer.
Click on this Icon for
Zoom in on Map

 7. Zoom Out:
 Zoom Out Icon Used so that the map seems to be smaller and farther away.

Click on this Icon for

Zoom Out on Map
 9. Legends:
Legend displays the meaning of the symbols, colors, and style used to represent geographic data on
the map. Here in this Map District Boundary, AC Boundary, PC Boundary, Dispersal Center, Booth
Locations, FST, SST, Sector Officers, Presiding Officer, Polling Officer, Officer Alert are mentioned by
some symbols on the Map.

 10. Area Measurement Tools:

 To get the correct and good result, we should zoom in the map and click along the points to
make an area. Remember to get the result in area, we need to connect the last point with the
first point on Map otherwise the measured unit will always be length and not area.

Click on this Icon for

Area Measurement

 11. Distance Tool:

 Distance is measure in space between one place and another. We have to select one position
where we have to start the measurement then draw the line to another position. We can find
the distance between them.

Booth Location Officers:

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