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C++ Lab File

BBA (CAM) - 116
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement of
BBA(CAM) (Bachelor of Business Administration in
Computer Aided Management)

Batch (2023–2026)

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Jeevan Kumar Name: Prince singh
Assistant Professor Enrol. No.: 00121501923

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute (Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
Affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi & Approved by Bar Council of India
SNo. Program Name Date Page No. Signature

Write a program to print Hello World.

1. 06/02/24 1

Write a program to check whether number

2 13/02/24 2
is even or odd.

Write a program to find greater number

3 22/02/24 3-4
between two numbers.

4 Write a program to find simple interest. 26/02/24 5

Write a program to print counting from 1-

5 05/03/24 6

Write a program to find average of N

6 07/03/24 7

Write a program to find factorial of a

7 12/03/24 8

Write a program to check whether number

8 15/03/24 9-10
is prime or not.

Write a menu driven program to make a 11-12

9 18/03/24

Write a program to find sum of elements

10 20/03/24 13-14
of an array.

Write a program to search an element in

11 26/03/24 15-16
array using linear search.

Write a program to find average of

12 01/04/24 17-18
elements of an array.
Write a program to take input in 2D array
13 of n*n size and display those elements. 03/04/24 19-20
Write a program to addition and
14 subtraction of two matrices of 3*3 size. 08/04/24 21-24

Write a program to swap two numbers

15 12/04/24 2-26
using call by reference.

Write a program to implement ‘Inline

16 15/04/24 27

Write a program to implement ‘Function

17 15/04/24 28

Write a program to implement ‘Default

18 15/04/24 29

Create a class employee which have name,

age and address of employee, include
19 functions getdata() and showdata(), 18/04/24 30-31
getdata() takes the input from the user,
showdata() display the data in following
format: Name: Age: Address:
Write a program to implement
20 Parameterized Constructor, Copy 19/04/24 32-34
Constructor and Default Constructor.

Write a program to add and subtract two

21 22/04/24 35-38
complex numbers using classes
Write a program to add and subtract two
22 complex numbers using operator 22/04/24 39-41

Implement the following hierarchy

23 considering appropriate data members and 25/04/24 42-45
member functions (use Virtual functions).

Write a program to read and write values

24 26/04/24 46-467
through object using file handling
Write a program to implement ‘Exception
25 29/04/24 48-49

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