Soal Latihan Multi Media (HTML) - Quiz, Trivia & Questions

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Soal Latihan Multi Media (HTML)

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Questions and Answers

1. Kepanjangan dari HTML adalah ...

A. Hyper text mail language

B. HyperText Markup Language

C. Hyper team master language

D. Hyper team mode language

E. Hyper tuts mark up language

Correct Answer
B. HyperText Markup Language

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup
language used for creating web pages and applications. HTML uses tags to
structure the content and deQne the layout of a web page. It allows for the
inclusion of various elements such as text, images, links, and multimedia. By
using HTML, web developers can create interactive and dynamic websites
that can be accessed and viewed on different devices and browsers.

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2. Di bawah ini yang merupakan dokumen web adalah ....

A. *.doc

B. *.xls

C. *.swf

D. *.html

E. *.gif

Correct Answer
D. *.html

The correct answer is *.html because HTML is a Qle format used for creating
web pages. It stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is the standard
markup language for creating web documents. HTML Qles can be viewed in
web browsers and are used to structure and present content on the internet.
The other Qle extensions mentioned (.doc, .xls, .swf, .gif) are not speciQcally
associated with web documents and have different purposes.

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3. Mentautkan url pada webblog di wordpress atau blogspot disebut



C. Domain

D. Hosting

E. Blogroll

Correct Answer
E. Blogroll

The correct answer is "Blogroll" because it refers to the feature in WordPress
or Blogspot that allows users to display a list of links to other websites on
their blog. This feature is commonly used to promote and share links to other
blogs or websites that the blogger recommends or Qnds interesting.

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4. Kumpulan menu semacam kontrol panel yang berfungsi untuk
memanajemen dan mengkonMgurasi web blog pada blogspot atau
wordpress disebut ....

A. Panel

B. Control Panel

C. Dasbor

D. Sistem Panel

E. Central Penel

Correct Answer
C. Dasbor

The correct answer is "Dasbor". Dasbor is the Indonesian term for
"Dashboard". In the context of managing and conQguring a web blog on
platforms like Blogspot or WordPress, the dashboard is a collection of
menus and controls that allow users to manage their blog. It provides access
to various features such as creating and editing posts, managing comments,
customizing the blog's appearance, and monitoring site statistics. The term
"Dasbor" is commonly used in Indonesian language to refer to this control

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5. Dalam penulisan Mle HTML, teks yang akan muncul pada title bar
dideMnisikan di antara tag ....

A. <head> dan </head>

B. <bar> dan </bar>

C. <title bar> dan </title bar>

D. <body> dan </body>

E. <title> dan </title>

Correct Answer
E. <title> dan </title>

The correct answer is " dan ". In HTML, the text that appears on the title bar
of a web page is deQned between the and tags. The and tags are used to
deQne the head section of the HTML document, which includes meta
information about the page. The and tags do not exist in HTML, and and tags
are used to deQne the body section of the HTML document, which contains
the visible content of the web page.

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6. Ciri-ciri tim yang berfokus pada tujuan adalah...

A. Masing-masing anggota tim menonjolkan keunikan masing-


B. Keseluruhan anggota tim memiliki tujuan yang sama

C. Anggota tim mengedepankan keragaman tujuan

D. Keunikan anggota tim yang muncul dibiarkan saja

E. Masing-masing anggota tim mempunyai tujuan yang

kemungkinan bertentangan dengan tujuan tim.

Correct Answer
B. Keseluruhan anggota tim memiliki tujuan yang sama

The correct answer is "keseluruhan anggota tim memiliki tujuan yang sama."
This means that all team members have the same goal. This is an important
characteristic of a goal-oriented team because it ensures that everyone is
working towards a common objective. When team members have different
goals or conaicting objectives, it can lead to confusion, lack of coordination,
and ultimately hinder the team's progress. Having a shared goal helps to
align the efforts of the team members, promote collaboration, and increase
the likelihood of achieving success.

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7. Aplikasi Webserver yang di dalamnya tidak memiliki Apache
adalah ...

A. Adobe Reader

B. Dreamweaver

C. Xampp


E. Ms O7ce

Correct Answer
E. Ms O7ce

The correct answer is Ms O7ce because Ms O7ce is a software suite that
includes applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for creating
documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It is not a web server
application like Apache, Xampp, or IIS, which are speciQcally designed to
host and serve websites. Adobe Reader is a PDF reader, Dreamweaver is a
web development tool, and Xampp and IIS are web server applications that
support hosting websites. Therefore, the only option that does not have
Apache is Ms O7ce.

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8. Perintah untuk mengganti baris pada HTML adalah ...

A. Tr

B. Insert

C. P

D. Br

E. Frame

Correct Answer
D. Br

The correct answer is "br". The tag in HTML is used to insert a line break or
create a new line within a paragraph. It is a self-closing tag, meaning it does
not require a closing tag. This tag is commonly used to add spacing or
create a line break between different elements or paragraphs on a webpage.

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9. Fungsi dari Joomla adalah ....

A. Pengolah database

B. Pengolah angka

C. Web Publisher

D. Web Downloader

E. Web Editor

Correct Answer
E. Web Editor

Joomla is a content management system (CMS) that is primarily used for
creating and managing websites. It provides a user-friendly interface and a
range of features that allow users to easily create and edit web content. As a
web editor, Joomla enables users to create and edit web pages, add and
format text, insert images and videos, and customize the design and layout
of their website. It also allows users to manage and organize their website's
content, making it an ideal tool for web publishing.

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10. Menginstal aplikasi CMS seperti jommla atau word wordpress
yang perlu diperhatikan adalah ... kecuali ..

A. Nama atau alamat hos

B. Nama database

C. User database

D. Password Database

E. Password Sistem Operasai

Correct Answer
B. Nama database

When installing CMS applications like Joomla or WordPress, the important
things to consider are the name or address of the host, the name of the
database, the user database, and the password for the database. The
password for the operating system is not relevant in this context.

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11. Kepanjangan dari HTML adalah ...

A. Hyper texk mail language

B. Hyper text mark up language

C. Hyper team master language

D. Hyper team mode language

E. Hyper tuts mark up language

Correct Answer
B. Hyper text mark up language

The correct answer is "Hyper text mark up language". HTML stands for Hyper
Text Markup Language, which is a standard markup language used for
creating web pages and applications. It is the language used to structure
content on the internet and deQne the layout and appearance of web pages.

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12. Perintah untuk membuat teks menjadi berwarna yaitu ...

A. <font color="color">

B. <bgcolor="color">

C. <img src="url">

D. <td bacground="url">

E. <p align="center">

Correct Answer
A. <font color="color">

The correct answer is "". This is because the "" command is used to change
the color of the text.

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13. Untuk membuat halaman HTML secara sederhana kita dapat
menggunakan ...

A. Excel

B. Winamp

C. Notepad

D. Frame

E. Messenger

Correct Answer
C. Notepad

Notepad is a simple text editor that allows users to create and edit HTML
Qles. It does not have any advanced features or formatting options like Excel
or Frame. Winamp is a media player and Messenger is a messaging app,
which are not suitable for creating HTML pages. Therefore, Notepad is the
correct answer for creating simple HTML pages.

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14. Tag ini digunakan untuk memberikan judul pada title bar window
. Tag ini berada pada tag head. Tag ini adalah ...

A. Head

B. Title

C. Body

D. Frame

E. Table

Correct Answer
B. Title

The correct answer is "Title" because the given information states that this
tag is used to provide a title for the title bar window. It is also mentioned that
this tag is located within the head tag. Therefore, the most appropriate tag
for this purpose would be the "Title" tag.

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15. Untuk memasukkan suara sebagai background dalam sebuah
halaman web kita gunakan ..

A. Backcurtain

B. Background

C. Backround

D. Backsong

E. Backsound

Correct Answer
D. Backsong

The correct answer is "Backsound". In order to incorporate sound as a
background in a web page, we use "backsound". This term refers to the audio
track that plays in the background of a webpage, enhancing the user
experience and adding an auditory element to the overall design.

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16. Tag ini ditulis setelah tag HTML. Tag ini berfungsi untuk
menuliskan keterangan tentang dokumen web yang ditampilkan.
Tag tersebut adalah ..

A. Head

B. Frame

C. Title

D. Body

E. Table

Correct Answer
D. Body

The correct answer is "Body". The body tag is used to deQne the main
content of an HTML document. It contains all the visible content such as
text, images, links, etc. The body tag is always placed after the head tag and
before the closing HTML tag. It is responsible for displaying the actual
content that users see on the web page.

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17. Perintah untuk mengatur huruf agar menjadi miring pada HTML
adalah ...

A. <u>

B. <b>

C. <r>

D. <b>

E. <i>

Correct Answer
E. <i>

The correct answer is <i>. This tag is used in HTML to make the text italic or

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18. Perintah untuk mengatur huruf tebal pada HTML adalah ...

A. <i>

B. <u>

C. <b>

D. <r>

E. <c>

Correct Answer
C. <b>

The correct answer is "<b>". The <b> tag is used to make the text bold in

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19. File gambar yang akan disisipkan ke dalam HTML menggunakan
tag ...

A. <BR>

B. <img aec="...">

C. <embed arc="...">

D. <doc src="...">

E. <html src="...">

Correct Answer
B. <img aec="...">

The correct answer is "" because the tag is used to insert an image into an
HTML document. The "aec" attribute is not a standard attribute for the tag,
so it may be a custom attribute speciQc to the system or framework being

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20. Pengertian tag <BR> adalah ....

A. Membuat halaman baru

B. Memberi warna

C. Ganti baris

D. Membuat halaman

E. Membuat garis

Correct Answer
C. Ganti baris

The correct answer is "Ganti baris" which means "Line break" in English. The
tag in HTML is used to create a line break or a new line within a paragraph or
a block of text. It is commonly used to separate different elements or
sections of a webpage and to create spaces between lines of text.

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21. Ekstensi dari halaman web yaitu ....

A. Doc

B. Exe

C. Ppt

D. Hml

E. Html

Correct Answer
E. Html

The correct answer is "html" because it is the Qle extension commonly used
for web pages. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is the
standard language used to create and structure web pages. It is responsible
for deQning the content and layout of a webpage, including text, images,
links, and other elements. Therefore, "html" is the correct choice for the
extension of a web page.

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22. Tag yang digunakan untuk membuat garis adalah ....

A. <hr>

B. <br>

C. <dr>

D. <gr>

E. <a href>

Correct Answer
A. <hr>

The correct answer is . The tag is used to create a horizontal line on a
webpage. It is often used to separate sections or content on a page.

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23. Untuk menjalankan HTML kita dapat menggunakan aplikasi....

A. Internet explorer

B. Macromedia

C. Mozilla Firefox

D. Google chrome

E. Netscape

Correct Answer
B. Macromedia

Macromedia is not an application that can be used to run HTML.
Macromedia was a software company that developed various multimedia
and web development tools, but it does not have a speciQc application for
running HTML Qles. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and
Netscape are web browsers that can be used to run HTML Qles.

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24. Tag <STRIKE> ....<STRIKE> digunakan untuk ...

A. Menebalkan teks

B. Memiringkan teks

C. Mencoret teks

D. Menghapus teks

E. Menggeser teks

Correct Answer
C. Mencoret teks

The tag is used to strike through or cross out text. It is commonly used to
indicate that the text has been deleted or is no longer valid.

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25. Tag pasangan sebagai penutup suatu elemen dari HTML
biasanya diawali dengan tanda ,,,

A. "

B. :

C. &

D. /

E. ?

Correct Answer
D. /

The correct answer is "/". In HTML, tags are used to enclose and deQne
elements. The closing tag is used to indicate the end of an element. It is
represented by a forward slash ("/") followed by the tag name. So, in this
case, the closing tag for an HTML element would typically start with a
forward slash ("/").

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26. Domain .uk merupakan domain negara ...

A. Amerika

B. Indonesia

C. Inggris

D. Singapura

E. Ukraina

Correct Answer
E. Ukraina

The correct answer is "Ukraina" because the given question asks about the
country domain for .uk, and "Ukraina" is the only option that corresponds to a
country. The other options are incorrect as they either do not have a .uk
domain or are not countries.

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27. Tag HTML untuk melakukan link adalah

A. <A ref> ……</A>

B. <A href>

C. <A href> …. </A>

D. <A rHef> ….. </A>

E. <A> … </A>

Correct Answer
C. <A href> …. </A>

The correct answer is because the correct HTML tag for creating a link is and
the href attribute is used to specify the URL of the page that the link goes to.

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28. Kode #000000 merupakan kode warna ..

A. Putih

B. Merah

C. Abu-abu

D. Hitam

E. Kuning

Correct Answer
D. Hitam

The correct answer is "Hitam" because the given statement "Kode #000000"
refers to the hexadecimal color code for black. In hexadecimal color codes,
#000000 represents black, as all the color channels (red, green, and blue) are
set to their minimum value of 0. Therefore, the color associated with the
code #000000 is black.

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29. Atribut FACE digunakan untuk ....

A. Menentukan warna teks

B. Menentukan ukuran huruf

C. Menentukan ketebalan teks

D. Menentukan posisi teks

E. Menentukan jenis huruf

Correct Answer
E. Menentukan jenis huruf

The attribute FACE is used to specify the font family or typeface for the text.
It allows the web designer to choose a speciQc font style for the text content
on a webpage.

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30. Atribun colspan digunakan untuk .....

A. Melebarkan baris

B. Melebarkan kolom

C. Melebarkan kolom dan baris

D. Membuat border kolom

E. Membuat border baris

Correct Answer
B. Melebarkan kolom

The correct answer is "Melebarkan kolom." The 'colspan' attribute is used in
HTML tables to specify the number of columns a table cell should span. By
using 'colspan', we can make a cell wider and occupy multiple columns in a
table. This attribute is used to adjust the width of columns in a table, not to
expand rows or create borders.

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31. WWW merupakan singkatan dari

A. Word web wide

B. Web world wide

C. Wide world web

D. Word wide web

E. World wide web

Correct Answer
E. World wide web

The correct answer is "world wide web". WWW is an abbreviation for World
Wide Web, which refers to the system of interconnected documents and
resources accessed through the internet.

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32. Agar baris atau kolom dalam tabel sebuah halaman web menjadi
kosong digunakan berintah html ...

A. ®

B. &

C. &empty


E. &none

Correct Answer

The correct answer is . This is because the HTML entity is used to insert a
non-breaking space in HTML. It is often used to create space between
elements or to prevent text from wrapping to the next line. In the context of
the question, if a row or column in a table on a web page becomes empty,
using the entity can help maintain the structure and spacing of the table.

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33. Tag HTML yang digunakan untuk menampilkan sebuah gambar
dalam halaman web adalah ....

A. <img>

B. <image>

C. <jpg>

D. <bmp>

E. <gambar>

Correct Answer
A. <img>

The correct answer is . This is the correct HTML tag used to display an
image on a web page. The tag is a self-closing tag that requires the "src"
attribute to specify the image Qle location. Other tags mentioned in the
options, such as , , , and , are not valid HTML tags for displaying images.

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34. Secara default, tipe ordered list yang keluar dalam halaman web
adalah ....

A. 1

B. I

C. Il

D. Li

E. B

Correct Answer
A. 1

The given correct answer is "1" because the default type of ordered list that
appears in a web page is numerical numbering, where each item is
represented by a number.

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35. Penggunaan tag html <ul> ....<.ul> adalah ....

A. Membuat daftar berurut

B. Membuat daftar tanpa nomor urut

C. Membuat image

D. Membuat tabel

E. Membuat link

Correct Answer
B. Membuat daftar tanpa nomor urut

The correct answer is "Membuat daftar tanpa nomor urut" because the
HTML tag is used to create an unordered list, which is a list without any
speciQc order or numbering.

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36. Apa pengertian TYPE A dalam pengurutan / ordered list ...

A. Dimulai dengan huruf A

B. Membuat daftar berurut dengan huruf kapital

C. Dimulai dengan angka satu

D. Membuat daftar berurut dengan huruf kecil

E. Membuat daftar berurutan dengan angka romawi

Correct Answer
A. Dimulai dengan huruf A

The correct answer is "Dimulai dengan huruf A". This option states that TYPE
A in ordered list starts with the letter A. This means that when creating an
ordered list, the items will be listed in alphabetical order, starting with the
letter A.

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37. Tag heading yang terkecil dalam HTML adalah ...

A. Heading

B. Heading

C. Heading

D. Heading

E. Heading

Correct Answer
E. Heading

The smallest heading tag in HTML is the tag. It is used to deQne the least
important heading on a webpage.

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38. Elemen yang berfungsi untuk menerima masukan dari pengguna
adalah ...






Correct Answer

The correct answer is INPUT. This element is used to receive input from the
user. It can be used in various forms such as text Qelds, checkboxes, radio
buttons, etc. The INPUT element allows users to enter data or make
selections, which can then be processed or used by the system.

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39. Tombol yang berfungsi untuk membatalkan pengisian dalam
form adalah ....






Correct Answer

The correct answer is "RESET". The reset button is used to cancel or undo
any input that has been entered into a form. Clicking on the reset button will
clear all the Qelds in the form and restore them to their default values. This
allows the user to start over and re-enter the information if needed.

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40. Perintah membuat teks menjadi berwarna yaitu ...

A. <font color><"color">

B. <font color>"color">

C. <font color="color">

D. <p align="left">

E. <p align="center">

Correct Answer
C. <font color="color">

The correct answer is "". This is because the "" tag is used to change the
color of the text. The "color" attribute is used to specify the desired color,
which should be enclosed in double quotation marks.

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